Tenchi Muyo Ryoko's Precious Secret Chapter 1: Ryoko's Memories Ryoko was once again on the roof staring into the stary night. She was dressed in her usual blue an yellow striped robe with the black tail. She could only think and wait. She stared and waited until she made sure everyone was asleep. She teleported to the lake. Ryoko liked the lake especially at night. Standing and staring at the lake Ryoko rubbed her stomach as the cyan haired girl knew it was time to move on. She has been here too long. The evil force that was Kagato's was coming for her. She knew it wasn't Kagato, but it was there when Kagato kidnapped Washu and her. Ryoko fell to her knees as nausea rushed through her. She was getting weaker. It was time to move on. Ryoko then fell to the ground unconscious. "Where am I?" Ryoko asked in worry. She knew the answer, but why does it always haunt her. "This is where it all began." Ryoko said to herself; she was hoping that the sound of her own voice would bring her comfort, but it didn't. "No." Ryoko whispered to herself in terror. She saw it happen right before her eyes. "Come Ryoko." Kagato spoke in a happy, yet caring tone of voice. "She can't help us. Your mom has to be imprisoned like this. She is dangerous to us all. "No. She is not. She is my mommy. She has always been good to me and to you. I want my mommy." The little Ryoko, who was at the age of four when her mom was imprisoned, said in anger and confusion. She ran to the crystal capsule, and put her arms around it and began to cry. "Mommy, don't go. Come back. I know you can hear me. You said we would always be together." The little cyan haired girl cried. "She is dead Ryoko. Forget about her. Now come. I want to teach you the reasons why you were created." Kagato said in a more stern voice. He grabbed her by the arm and left the capsule standing in it's own tomb, never to be seen by Ryoko for a long time. Ryoko watched and wished she was strong to take down that bastard. She hated him so much. He did awful things to her. She stopped thinking and followed where her little self and Kagato went. She felt a chill down her spine when she saw herself. She has aged from four to the age of ten. Ryoko watched as Kagato trained her younger self. She couldn't stand losing to him because when she did he would punish her by almost beating her to death. The little Ryoko watched as the black robed Kagato jumped for her with his sword slashing for her left side. She jumped back and blocked his next attack, which was striking for her head. Ryoko fell backwards as the strength of Kagato's surpassed her own. Kagato laughed in victory. Then, he walked up to Ryoko and took her hand. He helped her to her feet, then.... Ryoko tried not to look, because what was next was one of the worst beatings she has ever received from him. All she could do was watch and cry. Kagato threw Ryoko into the wall to his left. He was so much faster than her. He kicked her in the stomach. The little one began to scream in pain. She couldn't breathe. Kagato just would not stop kicking her. He finally quit and walked away not saying a word. The only thing the little girl could do was cough out blood. The scene faded and Ryoko began to cry again. That was one of her worst memories. She was so ill, she could not heal herself. Then, Ryoko opened her eyes and let the last of her tears out. She looked around. This was her old room on the Soja. She saw herself again, now the age of fifteen. This is the worst of her memories as she heard the door unlatch. The heavy metal door slowly opened to shine light in the dark room. The shadow of a man walked in. It was Kagato. Ryoko was certain of that. She watched as he pulled back the sheets slowly. The girl in the bed was so terrified she could hardly speak. "No. Not again. Daddy don't. Mom...mm...my." That was all the little girl could mumble before she passed out. That is when Ryoko felt the power of the other force. It was dark and cold. The power began to even surround her. She began to have trouble breathing, and fell to her knees as the scenery faded to a new one again. Ryoko looked as she watched herself scream in pain. This was one of the most happiest moments of her life. Ryoko watched as tears of happiness ran down her face. The scream stopped and it became silent. The room was dark. The only light was shining on the cyan haired girl she watched. The silence was broken by a baby's scream of life as it entered the new world. "There my little one. Mommy is here and I am never going to leave you. I promise to let no one touch or harm you. I love you so much, my little Ryshu" said the mother of the new born. Ryoko was so proud of that name. She named him after Washu, her mother, and herself. Those were the only things that mattered to her. She was so lucky that she was not an average mortal. She was able to hide the shape of her belly. Ryoko still could not believe that she looked liker her normal self. Kagato could not tell that she was pregnant. She was very lucky that he didn't want to train for seven months. Ryoko looked at her child closely. It took all of her energy to format the baby to look more like her and not Kagato. The child could have Kagato's evil, if it was born with his features. She was glad of her abilities now. She finally had a reason to live. The scene faded. Ryoko watched as the new scene came to view. It was when she stopped aging. That was one year after the baby's birth. She had just turned seventeen. It was amazing. She has been alive for almost one thousand years, but she slowly aged. So in reality, she looked like she was seventeen. Ryoko looked around herself to notice she was on Earth. It was at night and the sky was yet bright with fire. With a sudden fear she looked into the sky knowing what she was going to see. Yosho's sword was in her throat. She didn't even scream. She wanted him to do it. Ryoko needed to die. She had no choice; this could have been her last chance to escape Kagato. Yosho sealed her in a cave. It was dark, but Ryoko wasn't alone. Her son was with her. Ryoko healed herself without using the gems, but out of pure will. She could not leave her son alone. It took days to heal, but she still took care of her child. The warmth in her heart felt so good, that she could only smile. The scene disappeared again and reappeared as a different scene. 'What is going on now?' Ryoko thought to herself. Then, Ryoko watched Tenchi when he was a little boy. Ryoko smiled as her love for him was great. She watched him instantly grow to a young man. The scene faded again. Then Ryoko opened her eyes to see Tenchi and her fighting at the school. If Tenchi only knew that I wasn't dead. That mummy was just to scare him away from my son. Ryoko watched as Tenchi sliced her hand off. Ryoko couldn't believe that he was so stupid. Honestly thinking he beat her. Ryoko smiled as she remembered splitting herself into two forms. The real her stayed with the child, while the other one, which was her wild side, stayed with Tenchi. The only difficulty was turning into three forms at the carnival. That used a lot of her energy. The scene faded again, but this time the void of darkness began to spin and spin. It would not stop spinning. Ryoko shivered as the familiar cold wind swept around her. It was him the mysterious figure. He was watching her spin around and around. He was laughing at her, but Ryoko could not figure out his identity for his voice was not of a man or a woman. "I am coming for him Ryoko. You are quite clever to hide him from me, but I know where you are." The cold voice of the shadowy figure spoke. "No!" Ryoko screamed and kept on screaming. She awoke to see Tenchi and everyone standing above her. Tenchi was wearing blue jeans and a white shirt. Ayeka was in her normal Jurian clothing, as well was Sasami. Washu was dressed in her academy uniform. "Where am I?" Ryoko asked weakly. She needs to get back to the cave. But how can she and not let them notice her secret. "Tenchi, everyone, her life signs are weak. We need to get her into my lab." Washu said her voice in worry. Ryoko felt energy pulse through her. She knew it was all of her strength, but she didn't care she had to get back to the cave. Back to her son. Her energy was weakened as Washu tried to find Ryoko's problem, but Ryoko used everything she had to fly away from everyone and block Washu's communication link. "I won't let you take me." She screamed in terror of the danger that was near. The dream and memories were a warning of his arrival. She could not let him take the only joy in her life away. Tenchi and the others watched in shock as Ryoko disappeared into the night. "She is putting on another show to get to Tenchi." Ayeka said in anger of the woman who was always trying to get her man. "No. She is not, Ayeka. I was trying to link to her mind. She was hiding something from my link. But, I did get the picture of what she was running from." Washu replied. "What is that, Washu?" Tenchi asked in concern. "She is afraid." Washu said in a cold voice. "Afraid? Afraid of what?" Tenchi asked as the mystery started to unravel. "I don't know of who, but I do know that it is after something Ryoko cares for." Washu replied as her own mind could not figure out the identity of the hunter or the person Ryoko is trying to protect. "Is it me that she is trying to protect." Tenchi asked. "No it is not. That is what is so strange. It is none of us, but someone else." Washu spoke as she too was wondering the answer to the unknown of Ryoko's secret. "Who is it then?" Tenchi yelled as he was getting tired of waiting. He wanted to go find her. He knew where she was going. 'But why there?' he thought. "I don't know. Only that who or whatever it is that she loves it more than anyone here." Washu said. This was just hard for her not to help her daughter when Ryoko would not even let her know of any of these mysteries in the first place. "What are you hiding Ryoko?" Washu spoke out loud, but was really lost in thought. 'I better go to the cave.' Tenchi thought. "I am going to find her. I need you, Ayeka, and everyone else to stay here. If she won't talk to Washu, maybe she will talk to me." Tenchi said. He actually wanted to be alone with her. He just knew that it would be easier to talk to her. He couldn't even remember when Ryoko started to act this way. She has never tried to harm anybody when she wanted to be alone until now. "But Tenchi, she is trying to seduce." Ayeka screamed as her anger grew. "No she is not, Ayeka. She has never tried to hurt me, so she can be alone. This is very serious. And I need everyone's help. Ayeka, please understand. We all thought we knew everything about Ryoko's history until now. Something has come back from the past. Something so terrible that she would even be willing to kill me to get away. Do you understand, Ayeka?" Tenchi asked as he pour his heart out to tell her his feelings of the matter. "Ye...ye...yes. I understand, but be careful. If she is willing to kill you, then she might actually succeed." Ayeka spoke trying not to cry at her humiliating actions. She is a Jurian Princess. She is suppose to care for everyone's feelings not just a man she loves. "Good. Then, I am on my way." Tenchi said in bitterness. He was afraid of what he might find. The thought made him shiver as he waved goodbye to his friends. Ryoko willing to kill him. He never thought that would be possible until now. The group watched as Tenchi disappeared into the darkness. "Good Luck, Lord Tenchi." Ayeka spoke to herself. "Bring her back to me. Bring her back to us all." Washu said to herself. For the first time she was afraid. She was afraid of something that could make Ryoko try to kill everyone to get away. She hoped her daughter will be okay. Washu felt a tear drop down her face and wiped it off. "Ryoko." She whispered to herself. Disclaimer: The characters in the story are property of Pioneer and AIC. Only two characters are mine. The setting and ideas are also of Pioneer and AIC. The only thing that is mine is the plot of the story. Enjoy my fan fic.