Ryo-ohki : Ground Zero
written by: Tiger Claw (canyonairo@aol.com) <AKA Sam Roed>

This story is for all the impossible loves in the world.
	Disclaimer:  I don't own any of the characters in this story, 
I just use them for my
own slightly off-the-wall sense of humor.  Blah blah blah.... 
don't sue me... blah blah
blah.... all characters are property of Viz and/or Pioneer.  
Anyway, on to my first fanfic
(Washu puppets appear on author's shoulders)   "You are the 
greatest Sam!"  "The best
writer in the universe!"  (I know, that was an uncalled for lie, 
but hey I got low
self-esteem)  I appreciate comments and criticism.  I wrote this 
out of emotion, even
though I'm a firm Ryoko + Tenchi = love, but like Ryo-ohki as much 
as Ryoko. so I put
all my feelings about her into this story. (note: unless said so, 
Ryo-ohki is in her adult


	As Tenchi walked down the path with Ryo-ohki in her adult 
form, still wearing the
over shirt he had given her, they talked about how to break the 
news without breaking too
many hearts too fast.  "Should we tell them one by one or all at 
once?" he asked his lover.

"All at once would be better." she stated sadly.  Her speech had 
improve dramatically just
from practicing while walking back to the house.  As they 
approached the onsen area they
made sure to stay out of sight, and dashed past any areas that 
they could be seen from. 
After they cleared the onsen, they came upon the house, 'this 
should be a whole lot easier
then the outside.'

	Everyone was taking their pre-lunch bath except for Sasami, 
who was in the
kitchen, and Nobuyuki was in the library "studying."  They hurried 
up to his room without
drawing any attention.  Tenchi closed his door behind them, and 
let out a sigh.  Ryo-ohki
sat down on his bed and winked at him.  For the first time today 
he blushed, not very
much, but just a light redness.

	"Oh-no, we can't do that," as he said it, she looked a little 
hurt, "not yet at least"
he said while opening a drawer that held some of his old clothes.  
After emptying the
entire drawer, he found what he was looking for, his grandmother's 
kimono.  He had fixed
it as good as new after Ryoko ripped the sleeves off.  "Here," he 
said as he handed her the
dress, "it belong to a women I loved in the past, now it should be 
given to the women that
I'll love for the rest of my life.  Grandma would want it that 

	She tenderly took the dress from his hands, "Thank you" she 
choked out,
obviously moved.  She started to take of the shirt he had given 
her, Tenchi quickly turned
around as he realized he was starting to stare.  "What's wrong my 
Tenchi?" she purred.

"Nothing's wrong, I just wanted to respect your privacy." he 
stammered.  Before she
could say any more he hurried out of his room.  After a minuet of 
standing outside the
door, Ryo-ohki popped her head out the door, "Okay" she said and 
pulled her head back
into his room, with Tenchi close behind.  She was perfect!   
Tenchi's jaw hit the floor and
kept on going, his heart nearly exploded from beating too fast.  
"I would ask how I look,
but your eyes say more then your mouth ever could." she said 

	"I don't know about that," he said, walking over to her, 
taking her in his arms, and
kissing her deeply.  She hadn't expected this boldness from him, 
but she loved every
moment of it.  After a few minutes of the loving kiss, they both 
separated at the same
time.  "Now then lets figure out how to break the news without 
Akea and Ryoko breaking
our bones." he said worried.  By lunch they had figured out the 
plan of attack, or so they

	Tenchi sat at the dinner table, hearing the regular lunch 
time talk, but not listening
to it.  He was thinking about what he would say, planning it, 
perfecting it, but it still didn't
make it any easier. He slowly stood up, "Everyone, I have an 
announcement......"  All
conversation stopped.

	"What is is it Tenchi?" Ryoko asked concerned, Tenchi never 
spoke up at a meal.

	"Yes, tell us Lord Tenchi."  Aeka chimed in

	"Have you finally chosen my boy?" Nobuyuki happily asked, 
always jumping to

	"For the first time, you're right dad, I have"  Seven pairs 
of chopsticks fell unto
the table. Tenchi took a deep breath before continuing, "Before 
any of you jump to
conclusions, I want you to know you all we be my closest friends, 
no matter what." 
Tenchi was stunned that neither Aeka or Ryoko said a word, they 
both just sat there
waiting for the news.

	"The one I love is....."  "Me" said an unseen person, Tenchi 
was happy to know
that her timing was perfect, just as planned.  Everybody looked in 
every direction for the
unknown person.  Tenchi walked over to the door and grabbed the 
handle, "Everybody, I
want you to meet the love of my life."

	He slide the door open, and seven jaws hit the floor.  Ryo-
ohki stood in the
blue-ish kimono that he had given her, looking at the table, her 
arms folded at her waist.
"Hello everybody," she said bowing deeply.  Sasami was the first 
to recover, "Wow
Ryo-ohki, you look great!" she said giggling.  Washu was the next 
one to great over the
shock, even she hadn't expected this turn of events.  Mihoshi 
finally came back to reality,
"Hi, I'm Mihoshi," she said in her normal bubble-headed self.  
Everybody let her go on
with the introductions, knowing it would be more trouble trying to 
explain that it was just

	Nobuyuki still sat there jaw hanging open, jumped to his 
feet, and dashed over to
the two of them.  "My boy has done it, he's finally chosen!  Did 
you hear that Achika? 
He's finally chosen his true love!" he cried looking at the 
ceiling while crushing Ryo-ohki
and Tenchi in a bear hug with more power then five Ryokos. Tenchi 
and Ryo-ohki were
released from the crushing hug, when Sasami hit Nobuyuki over the 
head with a spoon. 
"Don't kill them, you numskull." she muttered.

	"Thanks to you I have a numb skull." he said playfully.  
Tenchi became scared stiff
when he realized Aeka and Ryoko hadn't said a word.  They both 
were starring at the
floor shadows covering their eyes, but they had tears running down 
their cheeks.  They
both stood and bowed to Tenchi, then to Ryo-ohki.

	"I wish you two perpetual happiness" said Aeka said with a 
cracking voice.

	"Yeah you two, don't do anything I wouldn't" Ryoko sobbed

	"That doesn't limit them very much."  Aeka trying to insult 
her to keep the regular
mood, but her heart wasn't in it.  Once again they bowed to the 
lovers, and left the room
with their heads still hanging low.  Tenchi was relived that they 
hadn't exploded at either
him or Ryo-ohki, but it disturbed him deeply that they had not 
even questioned his
decision.  'I can't think about that now, or I'll depress everyone 
else.' he thought.

	Ryo-ohki could see the confused and pained look on his face, 
she could also see
that he didn't want to sadden them with his troubles.  She leaned 
over and hugged her
Tenchi.  He looked down at her smiling face, a face filled with 
hope and life, and it gave
him strength.  He smiled back and hugged her tightly, feeling much 
better then he had two
seconds ago.

	A chorus of "Awwwww's" filled the room. They both looked up 
to see everybody
looking at them with their most kawaii looks.

	"Their so cute together!" Sasami giggled

	"They make the perfect couple!" Washu added

	"So who is that again?" asked the blonde.

	Tenchi and Ryo-ohki both blushed, not because it wasn't true, 
but from all the
extra attention.  Then they both had the same idea, just to show 
off, and because they
wanted to badly, they kissed.  Ryo-ohki raised up her left foot 
like she had seen in some
American romance movie.  Tenchi, who had seen the same movie(with 
the little cabbit on
his head in fact!), wrapped his arms around her back and picked 
her up.  Everybody was in
shock, but laughed at the couple, except Sasami who's eyes had 
been blocked from seeing
that part of the movie by Aeka's hand.

	The rest of the day went about the same, no sign of Aeka or 
Ryoko, and the lovers
always at each others side.  Nobody worried too much about Ryoko 
or Aeka, neither of
them where crazy enough to do anything rash, like go on a killing 
spree or commit suicide,
at least they hoped so.  They figured they where off in the woods 
either sorting out what
to do now, or venting their anger at the trees.  They hadn't 
spoken much that day except
for the occasional "I love you.", they didn't need words.  That 
much was obvious, their
emotions said it better then any words could.  At dinner Tenchi 
and Ryo-ohki sat
together(of course), feeding each other the meal Sasami had made 
especially for the two
of them.  Everybody looked happy and calm.

	Sasami sighed, "I wonder if I'll ever fall in love like 
that." she said dreaming of her
with a prince charming, just like those two.  "Of course you 
will!" Tenchi and Nobuyuki
said at the same time.  "There's someone for everyone," Nobuyuki 
said with a jolly laugh,
it was the first thing he had said in hours that was actually 
helpful, "it's just a matter of
time before you find your Mr. Perfect."  Her face lit up at the 
helpful little speech,
"Thanks, that makes me feel a lot better." she beamed.  The rest 
of dinner went by
uneventfully, everybody looking happy and envious of the young 
lovers, feeding each
other mouthfuls of rice. 'It's not as good as a carrot, but I like 
it' she thought.

	After dinner Nobuyuki ran out to rent a couple of movies, 
since this was the first
time since Ryoko came to their little house that they had a quiet 
night at home.  While the
waited for his return, they helped Sasami with the chores, 
cleaning the dishes, putting
everything back where it belonged.  Ryo-ohki found that she could 
do a lot more in this
form then she could in her other forms, she was taller, better 
balanced, and less clumsy. 
She enjoyed helping her friends do chores, and they enjoyed her 
company and help.

	Soon Nobuyuki came home with a bag of movies, half of them 
blank for his
camcorder or for his privet "study."  the other half was a mix of 
romance or comic
movies.  Everybody except Washu sat around the TV, Tenchi with his 
arm around his
love, and holding her tightly, as she rubbed her hand on top of 
his left thigh.  While Sasami
and Mihoshi sat on the other couch.

	"The first movie of the night is..." he said like a game show 
host, "a romance!!" 
Sasami and Mihoshi let out a disappointed sigh.  Tenchi and Ryo-
ohki looked at the two
on the couch, "Let's watch a comedy first."  said Tenchi, making 
Sasami and Mihoshi's
faces light up. "Thank you Tenchi!" they both cheered, he didn't 
care for romances much
anyway.  Ryo-ohki looked over at him with a sad look, "Don't you 
like romance?" she

	"You're all the romance I'll ever want," he whispered back 
and put their foreheads
together,  "and I'd rather have the real the thing then watch a 
movie about it."

	She smiled at the man she loved, and kissed his cheek, "I'll 
let it slide this once,
only because you're cute." she whispered giggling.

"And you're perfect." he stated with a broad smile on his face.  
They leaned into kiss,
when they noticed everybody staring at them smiling to themselves, 
and his dad pointing
his ever-present camera at the two.  "Go on pretend were not even 
here!" his dad wanting
to capture the moment.

	"DAD!" Tenchi said exasperated.  Ryo-ohki placed her finger 
on his lips and
seductively whispered, "Let's give the man a show, my love."  He 
smiled a little, 'it's
amazing how much we think alike!' he marveled.  They leaned 
together, and started to
kiss very deeply, their tongues touching, exploring.  Though they 
were loving every
second of it, it was all a show to mess with his dad's head.  They 
started to grab the back
of each other's clothes.

	"Um.... I think we better get going Sasami," said Mihoshi, 
even she could tell it
was all staged.  Only Nobuyuki, who was too caught up in their 
display, couldn't tell that they where acting, more or less.  
After Tenchi and Ryo-ohki knew the two were out of earshot, they 
took it up a notch.  Almost as if had been planned in advance, 
Ryo-ohki began to moan as Tenchi's lips moved from hers and to her 
jaw line, toward her neck.  Down her neck, to her shoulder, Ryo-
ohki moaned louder and louder.

	Nobuyuki was so focused on their show, he could barely hold 
the camera steady. 
Ryo-ohki clung to Tenchi's shirt, while he started to pull the 
kimono off her shoulders,
leaving little to be imagined.  For the first time since Achika 
had passed away, Nobuyuki
got a nosebleed.  Suddenly Tenchi pick his lover up in his arms, 
and hurried to his room,
with Ryo-ohki kissing his neck and ,of course, had Nobuyuki in hot 
pursut.  When they
reached the door, Tenchi flung it open and slowly walked in.  As 
the door was closing,
Nobuyuki saw Ryo-ohki smiling at the camera, waving goodbye to it.


Preview of next chapter: Fallout

	By morning everybody had started to worry about Aeka and 
Ryoko.  They hadn't come home last night, not that he would have 
heard them.  They all sat down at the table, ready to eat another 
one of Sasami's gourmet meals, the front door slid open.  A pair 
of fools walked into the kitchen.


	So, there you go.  How was the second chapter of my first 
fanfic?  Once again, send flames, comments, and/or criticism to 
Canyonairo@aol.com.  Thanks for you time.  'til next time, happy 