Disclaimer: These characters belong to AIC and Pioneer -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Red Waters Ayeka's Action I didn't want to do this. But it has to be done. I am not concerned whether it is right or wrong, because there was nothing else that could be done. What difference does right and wrong make anyway? They don't seem to be as clear as they used to be. The begining events of the day are a blur, so similar to the ones of the day before, and the day before that, and the week before that. My life had become quite redundant, quite monotonous. Quite wonderful. But this day was different than the others. For while I was eating breakfast, I heard Father speak to me. "Come!" Was all he said. Hastily I exited to my Ryu-oh. I reached out to it, and bent my thoughts into it. I floated in the rainbow voids. Father stood before me. A wordless conversation passed between us, in this world of mere thought. I begged him to reconsider, but he would not be swayed. Father's image faded, and I was thrown back to reality. Still I did not move, still danced with Ryu-oh's fading lights, as I thought about what I could do. If I told Tenchi, he would defend me. But Father would not be stopped so easily, and not even Tenchi, even with the help of Ryoko and the others, could stand against his fleets. All that would accomplish would be to have my friends cut down in front of me. It was impossible to hide. Father would find me, trace me through my ties to Ryu-oh. The only option left was to submit. It would be horrible, but only I would suffer. I and everyone after me. I never thought about how horrid our culture was. Everything was built on honor. No, not honor. A twisted form of obedience, disguised as honor. It was "honorable" to obey the Emperor. It was "honorable" to live and die for Jurai. It was "honorable" not to think. Yosho knew true honor, and that is why he fled. If I submitted, I would strengthen the system, adding my voice to it. But if I resisted, I would become a symbol of what happens if one fights the system, everything, everyone, destroyed in front of me, and I would be forced to submit regardlessly. There was one more choice. I could not save myself, but I could reveal the false honor, and save others from the fate I would have faced. I sighed as Ryu-oh's last light fell silent. "Ayeka?" Tenchi asked from behind me. I had not realized he was there. Sasami was there as well, as was Ryo-oki. Oh, what could I tell them? "Are you alright? You look...lost." "On the contrary, Lord Tenchi, where I am has never been more clear." I had thought I stood alone, with Tenchi, on Earth. That I was free to do what I wished. But that is not where I was. I was in Azusa's hand. Under his thumb. My dreams and feelings were treated like a stray dog; humored until no longer convienient, then cast aside, thrown into the pouring rain. But not for long. Lost? No, I knew exactly where I was, and where I must go. "What was that all about?" He asked. "Nothing that you should worry about, Lord Tenchi. Just a Jurian thing. Something that had to happen." Something that HAS to happen is what I wanted to say, but I did not. I wanted to tell Tenchi everything, but I did not. I wanted to jump into his warm arms, which would protect me from anything, but I did not. Because there was nothing Tenchi could have done, but get in the way. He would not understand why this had to be done, and would have tried to prevent it. Of course he believed me. I had years of training and my whole life of exeprience in politics, the art of lying. I walked back into the house. I had to prepare. Things must be perfect. I started out with the most important thing: my official Princess robes. I washed them most thouroughly, running them through multiple times, making sure they were as white as could be. Ryo-oki watched me with curiousity, her carrot forgotten, clutched tightly between her little hands. Tenchi walked by on his way to the shrine. "Um, Ayeka? Isn't it Mihoshi's turn to do laundry? You're chore is washing the floors, remember?" "Yes, I know, but I must make sure this is clean." If only you could understand the reasons, Tenchi. Will you ever understand? How much pain will I make you suffer? I was tempted to forget this mission and submit, to spare those I knew, and to damn those I did not know. But Sasami...I can not let Sasami, or others like her, go through that. I must do what I must do. "Are those your official robes? The ones you were wearing when you first came to Earth?" "Yes they are." Their significance will not be lost on you, Tenchi. Perhaps, you will understand, a little bit, at least. "But you haven't worn those since you got here. Why do you need them to be so clean now?" "It is important that they are the purest white." "Um, why?" I wanted to tell him everything, but I had already said too much. "Do not trouble yourself, Lord Tenchi. It is a private matter. Something I must do as the First Princess of Jurai." "Um, alright, but you still need to wash the floors." He said as he left as he left "I will." Of course I would. That was important, too. "You know, if you don't stop that soon, you'll be the first person ever to bleach white." Ryoko said as she teleported behind me. I froze for a second, then continued my work. "I must make sure. It is important that they are spotless for what is to come." Oh, yes. What is to come...It is for the good of everybody. It must come! "And that is?" "Just some Jurian diplomacy. I must deliver a message. Do not trouble yourself, Miss Ryoko." An image of Ryoko and me fighting Kagato floated into my head. She had failed because she did not use her ultimate attack, could not, for I would be vaporized. If only I had known the truth then...nothing would have held her back. I turned my head as a single tear rolled down my cheek, splashing into the bucket of soapy water. I sighed as Ryoko teleported away to torment Tenchi. A loud plunk brought me back. Ryo-oki was crying, suds covering her face. Her carrot floated in the bucket of water with my robes. "There there, little one." I smiled, as I dabbed at the soap that had gotten in Ryo-oki's eye with a damp towel. Still she cried. I smiled as I pulled out a carrot from my kimono. It's funny that I do not think it odd that I carry carrots with me. Ryo-oki let out a happy "Miya." and everything seemed to be alright. I began washing the floors. I washed them carefully, making sure that they were as clean as possible. Especially the floor in the room that I slept in with Sasami. I also took that time to clean the room properly, making sure everything was in it's place, and everything clean of dust and dirt. That room must be flawless. Ryoko floated above me, pointing out "missed spots" and other things that usually got me upset. Ryoko was really worried about me. I could tell. It hurts so much to think about the fact that I will hurt Ryoko as well. It would be so much easier if she really didn't care about me. Sasami and Ryo-oki also popped in, asking me to play with them. But I couldn't. I must make sure everything was ready. "Everything must be perfect." Is what I told them. Everything WAS perfect is what I really meant. But now things must change. Sasami...you are the child here. I fear for you the most. The chores were finished. Everything was ready. The rest of the day, was mine, to enjoy, to savor, to remember. I finished my chores just in time. The soap opera that we all watch together, even Little Washu, was about to be on. But I did not pay attention. The characters mocked me, their problems seemed so small, so insignificant, compared to mine. Instead, I watched the others. Most did not notice. Ryoko noticed, but she thought I was just bugging her. I think Tenchi realized it. A part of me begged for Tenchi to figure it out, to stop me, but that would only make things worse. After the show was over, it was time for lunch. I ate very slowly, savoring the taste of each mouthfull. Sasami's cooking had never tasted better. I ate three servings, memorizing the tastes and textures as much as possible. "With that kind of appetite, it's no wonder that Tenchi likes me better than you. What, did Tenchi knock you up or something?" Ryoko was trying her hardest to get a response from me. Her claim that Tenchi liked her better than me hurt, even though I knew she was just saying it for a reaction. Her accusing me of being "knocked up" had the opposite effect. Why should I be embarassed by such a statement. Because she insulted my honor? Ha! Honor meant little to me now. I wish I hadn't been so reserved now. It would be so great to lie with Tenchi, to be one with him, be close to him like no other. Perhaps it is for the best. All it could have done is hurt Tenchi even more. I continued eating, letting the flavor of each bite fill my mouth before moving on to the next one. After lunch I played with Ryo-oki and Sasami. I let them find me, soaking in the excitement on their faces. I tackled Ryo-oki, taking in the smell of the grass. I absorbed the wind against my face as we raced back and forth between Azake and Kamidake. I cherished Sasami's giggling and Ryo-oki's cheerful "Miya" as she reached for the carrot that Sasami and I tossed back and forth. Then I took a walk. The sun had never been brighter, the sky clearer, the trees more beautiful. The world could not be more perfect. This did not make me sad, for it was because of what was to come that made it so grand to my eyes. I spent a long time on my walk. I visited Funaho, the carrot fields, the forests. Ryo-oki's lake, Ryoko's cave, the tool shed where Tenchi and I hid from the rain, and I fell in love. So many memories here. I have more memories in the year I spent here, than all the time I spent on Jurai, happier ones too. So much more seemed to happen here, a single day worth an entire year on Jurai. Now I cried, for there would be no new memories of the wonders that took place here on this overlooked little world. It was dark before I came back. Everyone was watching the news. I entered slowly, deliberately drawing attention to me. I studied each of them, one by one, memorizing the details of each of them, how the looked the last time I would see them. It saddened me that I would not get to see Katsuhito, my brother, again, but I could not face him, because he would stop me. Washu hardly even acknowledged me, busy solving advanced equations in her head. Her brow creased, her eyes sparkling, she was a perfect balance between a genius and a child. Mihoshi smiled at me, oblivious to my analyzing stare. Her eyes spoke of a child-like innocence and of the kind-heart and good intentions that went with it. Nobuyuki sweatdropped under my eyes. He was a kind and friendly man, who had welcomed the storm of chaos into his house with open arms. Although often a bit lecharous, he was quite charming, and never meant anything by it. Ryoko squirmed under my gaze, trying to figure out a way to stare back. Our bickering added a sense of adventure to every day, as well as keeping our fighting skills honed. Although neither of us would have admitted it, we were very close, like sisters. My eyes lingered on Tenchi. His eyes were filled with an unknown worry. He tried to look away, but his eyes kept returning. His eyes told me that he knew, but his body told me that he had yet to admit it to himself. Finally, I came to Sasami. She trembled, her eyes filled with a fear that she did not understand. It nearly broke my heart, and once again, I had to fight my resolve. But in the long run, this would spare Sasami. It must! "If anybody needs me, I shall be in my room. Please, do not interrupt me unless it is important, I do not wish to be disturbed." Slowly, I climbed the stairs, my eyes shut, their faces lingering on my eyelids. My other senses reached out, as I felt the soft wood of the handrail and listened to the quiet creaks of the floorboards. It's so hard to explain what I felt. I was both happy, yet sad, eager, yet terrified. The joy that I had spent at least some time in this wonderful place mingled with the sorrow that it would end so soon. The excitement of my careful planning and the immense result it would have, blended with the horrors of death and of the pain that I would cause Tenchi and the others. I undressed quickly, forcing myself to go on, and I slipped on my Princess robes. I redid my ponytails, making sure they were smooth, and draped them in front of my shoulders. A quick inspection of my crown revealed some dust and mud, which I carefully washed off, before adjusting it to make sure it was perfectly straight. The perfect Princess stared back at me from the mirror. Not who I was, at least not anymore, but who they saw me as, and who I needed to be for this. It is time. It will not be long before Tenchi finds an excuse to check on me. He knows... I open the drawer and take out the old wooden box. Inside are a sheet of paper, and an intricate silver dagger, it's hilt carved to resemble Tenchi-ken. My awareness of the world peeked, I stagger at the mere prick of my finger with the dagger. Anger, rage, hatred. These dark emotions fill my mind as I trace letters with my finger, the dark red ink seeping into the paper. Although I have not planned what I will write, I move with confidence, the words forming in my head moments before my finger gets to them: To Lord Azusa Jurai, of the Jurain Empire: Since the language of blood seems to be the only one you understand, I use it to leave you this message. It sickens me to think that a culture can be so concerned about blood, yet completely ignores the heart. I am disgusted that you place your dignity and pride, so labeled "honor," above the happiness of your daughter, for I loved Tenchi, yet you still took him away. I am ashamed that, in life, I willingly accepted this culture. And now that I have been shown it's flaws, I am punished for this knowledge. I once called you Father, but now you are only Lord Azusa Jurai to me. I loathe you. Your stubborness and arrogance have left me with no choice, but to do what I have done. Know this. I have done this not for myself, but for those who will fill my place. -Ayeka Jurai, First Princess of Jurai. Deceased My head is swimming, not from lack of blood, but because I signed the paper "Deceased." I have declared myself dead. There is only one step left. My death will not be a random thing, a moment of decisiveness, no. It is carefully planned out. Everything shall symbolize something. I, of course, am myself, or rather, who I'm supposed to be, the First Princess. This pristine room is the Jurian Empire, and my robes are the "honor" and "dignity" of the Royal House of Jurai. The dagger, made of silver, the holy metal, is the blade of truth, which will reveal what Jurai really is, without it's illusions. I rest on my futon, the letter resting by my head. I spin the blade in my hands for a second, admiring it's bright polish, and it's razor sharp edge. There is no time for this. Tenchi will be here to stop me. I must act now. "Good-bye." I whisper, my eyes shut. I force myself not to cry. It is hard, I want to cry so much, but I must not ruin the image, the message. "Be strong...Sasami. Please understand...Tenchi. Good-bye." I'm surprised at how easily I plunged the dagger into my own flesh. I had expected it to be harder. But then, I don't have anything to lose, really. I died this morning. This is just the finishing touches. Searing pain bursts through my breast, as the blade burrows between my ribs. Almost immediately the pain vanishes as the numness of death overpowers it, the blade of truth piercing my heart. My vision is fading as I watch, with detached interest, the blood seeping from my chest, staining the robes, and flowing out onto the floor. Go, red waters. Wash away the lies and reveal the truth. I close my eyes as the black waters overtakes me. I didn't want to do this. But it has to be done. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That ends Red Waters. Next will be Black Waters, which will have Katsuhito, Mihoshi, and Washu sections as well. C&C goes to lighthawkwings@masakishrine.com