Disclaimer: These characters belong to AIC and Pioneer -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Red Waters Tenchi's Duty Damn it all! This is totally unfair! Why the hell did this have to happen? There is no reason for it, other than stupidity and stubborness. Damn me! Why didn't I see it coming? In a way I did, but a lot of good that did me. The signs were there, but I refused to believe it. Damn it all! I came down to breakfast, Ryoko refusing to let go of my arm. Ayeka and Ryoko began to fight, while they ate. I just focused on my food. It was good, but it wasn't up to Sasami's normal level. But everybody has some bad luck now and then. Not like mine though. My luck comes in tidal waves. First the good, now came the bad. Ayeka froze in the middle of eating. Hastily she excused herself from the table and ran out the back door. I hurried after her, a voice in my head yelling that I should not leave her alone. Sasami followed right behind me. Ayeka stood in front of her sapling, Ryu-oh. The rainbow voice of the Ryu-oh bounced into the sky. One beam of Ryu-oh's voice was connected to Ayeka's crown. Ayeka did not move, she just stood there, the beams of light rippling and shifting colors. We just stood there watching her, afraid to speak, afraid to do anything. After what seemed like forever, the rainbow lights disappeared, and Ayeka sighed. "Ayeka?" I called out. She turned around and paused when she saw us. I did not like the look on her face. It was as if...as if she was heading towards a light, only to find out that there was glass in the way, and no way around it. "Are you all right?" Tenchi asked. "You look...lost." "On the contrary, Lord Tenchi, where I am has never been more clear." If only I had realized what she had meant. "What was that all about?" "Nothing that you should worry about, Lord Tenchi. Just a Jurian thing. Something that had to happen." She sounded as if it was over, even though she actually spoke of events to come. But I did not realize that then, because her voice betrayed nothing. The event was over, and had no lasting results. Damn you Ayeka! Damn your political skills! Why did you have to be so good at hiding what you felt? Why did your training have to be so complete? If you were just a little bit worse, if I was just a little bit better, then I could've seen through your lies. And then I could've stopped you. Damn you! Damn me! Damn it all! As I walked towards the shrine, I passed Ayeka, working quietly at some laundry. "Um, Ayeka? Isn't it Mihoshi's turn to do laundry? You're chore is washing the floor, remember?" "Yes, I know, but I must make sure this is clean." "Are those your official robes? The ones you were wearing when you first came to Earth?" "Yes they are." "But you haven't worn those since you got here. Why do you need them to be so clean now?" "It is important that they are the purest white." Again the voice in my head screamed at me. The way she said that reminded me of angels, pure souls which danced in the heavens. Strangely, that sent shivers down my spine. "Um, why?" "Do not trouble yourself, Lord Tenchi. It is a private matter. Something I must do as the First Princess of Jurai." "Um, alright, but you still need to wash the floors." "I will." She washed the floor alright. With red water. With her own damn blood! After working all morning at the shrine, I took my lunch break. I raced back to watch that intergalactic soap that we always watch together. I thought I was crazy at the time, but I could've sworn that Ayeka was watching us, more than she was watching the show. And still I did nothing! God, I am such a fool! I showcased my stupidity again at lunch. "With that kind of appetite, it's no wonder that Tenchi likes me better than you. What, did Tenchi knock you up or something?" Ryoko threw the biggest barb she could, a direct reference to me prefering Ryoko over her, and an insult to Ayeka's honor. And Ayeka didn't react. How stupid could I be! It's what happened next that threw me off. That must be it. Ayeka playing with Ryo-oki and Sasami. They ran and hid and laughed. Surely nothing could be wrong. That's what threw me off. If that hadn't happened, I would've been more worried... Who am I kidding? I'm a complete moron. Ayeka could've come right out and said it, and I probably still wouldn't figure it out! Damn my naivity! Damn my blindness! Damn my stubbornness! Damn me! Ayeka left for a walk. A long walk. She didn't come back until late that night, when we were watching the news. Everybody turned to look at her. One by one, she looked at each of our faces. Her eyes locked with mine, and my heart refused to listen to the silent message. "Good-bye." Her eyes whispered. Her gaze lingered longer on me than any of the others. No, that's not true. It lingered longest on Sasami. Sasami looked so scared. "If anybody needs me, I shall be in our room. Please, do not interrupt me unless it is important, I do not wish to be disturbed." She walked with a strange expression on her face, one of pain and pleasure somehow mixed together. Why did I listen to her? It was idiocy! I knew what was happening but I did nothing! A question that will always haunt me is if she wanted me to listen to her. Was her last breath a sigh of relief or disappointment, that I did not stop her? "Miya?" Ryo-oki asked. "I don't know, Ryo-oki." Ryoko smiled. "Maybe she's creating a secret carrot stash." That was all Ryo-oki needed. Dropping into her cabbit form, she darted up the stairs. "Shh!" I hushed, everyone. I looked for comedy at a time of sorrow. What a jerk! We listened, and, sure enough, a soft thud was heard, as Ryo-oki forgot to phase through the door. Everybody burst out laughing. "Wait!" I said through my laughs. We listened for it again, when Ayeka chased her out. Time passed with no sound. Fear ran through my heart as my mind replayed all the events of today. NOW I noticed! Why couldn't I have noticed before. I didn't realize that the loud crack was not my heart until Ryo-oki came bolting down the stairs. "Ryo-oki!" Ryoko gasped. "Slow down!" She clutched her head. "Ayeka!" I screamed. All the signals, all the clues, rushed through my head. I ran towards the stairs and leapt over the banister, landing about half-way up the stairs, and taking the rest in a single bound. The loud crack had come from Ryo-oki literally leaping through the wall, sending chips of wood and paper across the floor. I slid the door open, already knowing Ayeka's fate. The scene still surprised me. Ayeka was so serene. Her blood stained the white dress into a gentle pink. She looked so beautiful, so peaceful. If it were not for the silver dagger thrust into her, I would think she was just asleep. But she would never wake. She lay on her futon, a death raft, floating in a sea of red water. Ayeka's death was a work of art. A grusome, horrible, beautiful work of goddamn art! "Tenchi? Ayeka? What happened?" Sasami! She must not see this. I knew Sasami must be spared. I twisted around, hitting her with as much force as I could, enough force to send her away, to lift her off the ground, to knock her into the other room so I could lock her in there, so she couldn't see the horror. Damn you Ayeka! You made me strike Sasami! Now I stand, alone, in the Ryo-oki, flying towards Jurai. In my hand I clutch the letter which rested by Ayeka's head. A letter written in Ayeka's own blood! I do not even remember what it says, and my tears prevent me from reading it again. But it is Azusa's fault. That much I remember. I do not know what Azusa did to make his daughter take her own life, but I will see him dead for it! We will see him dead for it! Ryo-oki and I! Damn you, Azusa! Damn you, Ayeka! Damn you, Tenchi! Damn it all! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Send C&C to lighthawkwings@masakishrine.com