As always I make no claim to the Tenchi Muyo characters and am not making a dime off this. I'm just bored and like the show so I spend my free time writing fan fics. Stay tuned after the story for the author's notes and my appologies for making you read my oppinion. Prom Night by, Clayton Overstreet ( Part one Tenchi had come home from school for the last time. He had finally graduated and now was going to learn how to take over his grandfather's shrine. His dad hadn't been too happy about it. He was hoping that his son would get a job working with his as an architect, but he was alright with it. He understood that Tenchi felt like getting into a nice, quiet life after all the adventure he had. Plus the fact that he might need to leave the planet at any moment to fight aliens realy didn't leave time for a full time job. Tenchi himself however hadn't even thought of it like that. He had just decided that he wanted to be like his grandfather. As he topped the steps leading to his house, Tenchi instinctively ducked as a streak of light blue hair flew overhead yelling, "Tenchi, you're home!" He smiled as Ryoko looked at him a little disapointed that she had missed, "Whats the matter Tenchi? Aren't I pretty enough to hug when you get home?" Ryoko stuck out her bottom lip and pouted. Tenchi just couldn't stand to see her like that and sighed, "Ok, one hug. But just a quick o..." He was cut off as Ryoko tackled him to the ground. Finaly she let him go, allowing him to breath again. As he lay there catching his breath, Tenchi stared up at the sky, watching a passing cloud. Ryoko sat next to him smiling gently as she reached out to rub his face. As always she leaned down and whispered in his ear, "Tenchi, why don't we run away together? Just you and me? We could see the stars." Tenchi felt himself begin to panic, just like he always did when confronted by the beutiful space pirate. He almost got up and ran away when a thought struck him. If this worked Ryoko might tone it down a bit, if not... well he realy did want to see the stars. "Ok Ryoko, let's go." He turned and smiled at her stunned expression. "Wha...what?" Tenchi grinned from ear to ear, "Why not? Schools over, what else have I got to do? I'll just pop into the house, leave a note and grab Ryo-oki. Then we can go on our trip and be back in afew years." Ryoko looked at him shocked. "But Tenchi... what about the others. They'd miss us, and Sasami would hate it if we took Ryo-oki away and..." Suddenly understanding dawned on her and she smacked her forhead, "I walked right into that didn't I?" Tenchi started to laugh at her expression. At first she was a bit mad but then she quickly joined in. "Ok...ok, the jokes on me. But seriously Tenchi, one day do you think we could take that trip?" Tenchi smiled and looked into her eyes, "Well Ryoko, maybe when..." Suddenly he was cut off at Ayeaka appeared next to them. Seeing Tenchi on the ground she automatically looked at Ryoko. "What did you do to him you monster?" Ryoko looked between her and Tenchi, suddenly giving her best evil grin. She latched onto Tenchi and said, "We were just discussing our honeymoon princess." Ayeaka's face turned red and she reached out to grab Tenchi away from her. "You lieing harlot. Tenchi would never go anywhere with you!" Ryoko growled, "Yeah, well I think he'd rather go with me than with a stuck up snop like you. Right Tenchi?" Tenchi, about to be torn in half just groaned. Ryoko saw that she was hurting him and let him go. He fell into Ayeaka's arms, "Don't worry Tenchi, I'll protect you from that demon." Gasping for air Tenchi couldn't realy respond. He glanced back at Ryoko and saw a tear trickle down the side of her face. Durring dinner that night, after everyone had congradulated Sasami on her cooking, Nobiyuki turned to Tenchi, "Isn't tonight supposed to be that end of school dance at your highschool Tenchi?" Tenchi nodded, "Yeah, but they canceled it because somebody toilet papered the principle's car." Ayeaka looked at Tenchi, "Well I wish you had told us about it Tenchi. I am an excelent dancer and when you took me there, we would have made everyone else look clumsy." Suddenly Ryoko stood up, and walked out. "Where are you going Ryoko?" Sasami asked. She turned back and looked directly at Tenchi, "I'm just...going out for some fresh air. I'll be back later." With that she turned and left. Nobiyuki looked at the rest of them, "I wonder what's bothering her." As she sat out by the shrine Ryoko looked up at the stars. Tears fell from her eyes and hit the cold stone benether her. "I wish I could have gone with him to his dance." She smiled and thought of how it would be. Him walking into the dance, her holding his arm. The look in his eyes as he took her in his arms... and suddenly her fantasy took on a darker tione. She tried to dance with him, but didn't know how. She tripped over his feet and suddenly everyone was laughing at them. Ayeaka would then show up and dance with Tenchi, and he would forget all about her. More tears followed the first. She knew she would never get the chance to dance with a boy like him. She was a space pirate, what could he possibly see in her? As she lay there Ryoko's gaze was drawn to the moon. She sat back and watched it. If only Tenchi could hear her sing. But no, she couldn't sing, not with him watching. Alone she sat and began to hum. Suddenly a sad, sweet melody, unlike anything else, began to flow. She lay there, singing quietly staring at the moon. Suddenly she could picture Tenchi standing there. He would smile and say something like, "That was beutiful." Suddenly Ryoko jumped up. She hadn't been immagining it. Tenchi was actually there and had heard all of it. Ryoko couldn't ace it. He face turned red and she turned to leave. "Wait Ryoko, don't go." She turned back. "Why are you so sad Ryoko? Why are you crying?" Tenchi looked into her eyes and waited for an answer. "I don't want to talk about it Tenchi." He looked at her, her eyes reflecting the moon. "Is it because of that dance?" She stopped breathing for a second, trying to hold her tears in. "I... I'll never get the chance to..." Suddenly she buckled forward, falling towards the rocks. Tenchi ran to her and caught her, "Are you alright Ryoko?" She looked up at him, staring into eyes that reflected hers right back. "Tenchi, who would you have taken to the dance?" He looked at her, totaly caught off guard. Then suddenly he knew. Instead of answering her he leaned forward and gently kissed her lips. Ryoko's ters continued to flow as she pulled him closer and kissed back. When they finaly parted she looked at him, trying to figure out what had just happened. "Tenchi... I... I love you so much." He held her close and ran his finger's through her hair. "I love you too Ryoko." She looked up at him and ran a hand across his cheek, "Tenchi will you... would you dance with me? I know I'm probably not as good as Ayeaka would be but..." Tenchi smiled and helped her up. "I would love to dance with you Ryoko." They walked hand in hand over to the dock by the lake. Tenchi bowed to Ryoko and she curtseied back. Taking eachothers hands they stepped forward. Tenchi put his free hand around her waist, while Ryoko put hers behind his neck. With him leading they twirled and spun, each hoping this moment would never end. Ryoko began singing, the same song she had when Tenchi had found her. None of the words made any sence to him, but Tenchi was lost in them all the same. Suddenly he got an idea. Using his Jurai power, formed a small forse field under their feet and stepped off the dock. Ryokp's voice faltered for a second, but she quickly regained her composure when she saw Tenchi smiling at her. Floating out over the lake, the moonlight sining in eachother's eyes, everything was perfect. Back at the house Sasami was sitting on the porch with Ryo-oki, listening quietly to the song Ryoko was singing. Ayeaka had agreed to do the dishes so was at the other end of the house. The others though, had heard Ryoko singing and one by one had come out on the porch to watch them. Suddenly Ayeaka came out too, "I finished the dishes Sasami. What is going on out..." She looked out on the lake, "Why that monster!" She started to run out after them, when she felt hands holding her back. "Ayeaka, wait a minute will you. Just wait a minute and actually look at them!" Sasami pleaded. Ayeaka Stopped, "What do you mean Sasami?" Sasami shook her head, "Just look Ayeaka." She turned back to the two on the lake. Ryoko's song finaly drifting to her ears. The look on Tenchi's face. Nodding Ayeaka slumped her shoulders. "I see Sasami. But I'd be lieing if I were to say I wasn't still jealouse of her." Sasami nodded. Suddenly she felt Ryo-oki in human form tugging on her leg. "Myah!" Sasami smiled at her, "You think so?" She turned to look at the rest of the group, "Ryo-oki thinks we should dance too." Everyone smiled and nodded. Sasami took Ryo-oki's hand, Washu grabbed Nobiyuki, and Mihoshi and Kyonei smiled and took eachother's hands. Ayeaka sighed and looked out at the lake. Suddenly she felt a tap on her shoulder, "I don't believe I have a partner yet Ayeaka." She turned and saw Yosho the man she had once decided to marry. Smiling gently at the old man she took his hand and they too began to dance to Ryoko's song. The end Author's note This wasn't the longest fic i've ever done, but I didn;t realy intend it to be. I just had this vision of Ryoko and Tenchi, together on the lake, and things built up from there. I actually wrote alot more to it, but I started complicating things and drcided to stop while I was ahead. All in all I think you will agree that there is nothing more romantic than two people dancing together. Feel free to continue this fic as you see fit. I don't have the balls to write a lemon, but I am sure some of you might. There are only two things I insist upon. A: Ryoko and Tenchi are together and so are Mohoshi and Kyonei. B: It is to be done tastefully and with as much romance as possible. Anything you wish to add must be emailed to me at