Disclaimer: Tenchi Muyo and its characters are property of AIC and Pioneer. The proceeding story, though based on pre-existing characters, is the property of the author and may not be reprinted without permission. All original characters found herein are also the property of the author and may not be used without permission. (Did that sound official? I hope so.) Note to Reader: I have omitted a few minor characters, because their appearances would not have contributed further to content. This saga is meant to be read after “The Masato Saga.” If you haven’t read it you won’t be totally lost, but it helps. I certainly hope this saga is going well thus far. To be truthful, I’m kind of looking past it to some other projects. If you have any comments you’d like to make regarding this or any of my stories, please e-mail me. I always clear out my account regularly to make sure there’s plenty of room for fan mail. (Incidentally, there’s still LOTS of room...) No Hard Feelings Chapter 1: Full Disclosure “Do you know why Washu wants us here?” Kiyone asked to Tenchi. “I have no idea,” Tenchi replied. After dinner had concluded that evening, Washu had requested that everyone meet in the living room. All she had said was that she wanted to tell them all something. She had adjourned to her lab a few minutes ago, and had not emerged since. “Well, from the way she’s feeling right now, I think it’s pretty important,” Arcese said. “I wouldn’t be too sure about that, if I were you,” Ryoko said. “You’d be surprised what she thinks is important.” “Do you think it has something to do with you, Arcese?” Sasami asked. “Why do you think that?” Arcese inquired. “Well, the last time she had us all meet here,” Sasami remembered, “it was to tell us about you.” Washu emerged from the lab before Arcese could respond. She carried a folder under her arm, and wore a very dour look on her face. “Washu, what’s all this about?” Kiyone asked. Washu didn’t answer, or even seem to acknowledge Kiyone’s question. She merely plopped the folder on the coffee table and sat in the last available seat on the sofa. Her eyes were cast down for several moments. “Washu?” Arcese asked. He didn’t like the feel of her emotions at that point. They were full of worry. Washu sighed. “I’ve got some good news and some bad news,” she said. “Well, spit it out!” Ryoko said impatiently. Washu brought her eyes up from the floor. “The good news,” she began, “is that I have finally and definitively figured out Arcese’s past.” Arcese’s eyes lit up. “You have?” he asked, bearing his teeth in a smile. “That’s great!” Washu held up her hand, preempting any celebration that might have ensued. “The bad news,” she continued, “is that you won’t like it.” The smile vanished from Arcese’s face. “Why not?” he asked. Washu took the file from the table and opened it. She decided to skip pleasantries and be blunt; there was no way she could sugarcoat this news. “Do you all remember Dr. Weisz?” she asked. Understandably, everyone’s face adapted a look of shock and surprise. Except for Arcese, who was not familiar with that name. Ryoko winced in anger at the remembrance of what Dr. Weisz had put her through. His creation, Cage, had almost destroyed her. It made sense now, considering the source of the synthetic being, why Arcese was originally programmed to kill her. Arcese was Dr. Weisz’s latest tool to fulfill his desire to gain fame and recognition by killing Ryoko. “Are you saying that Arcese was created by Dr. Weisz?” Ayeka asked. “Yes,” Washu confirmed. “According to some of the dates from the files in Arcese’s database, construction on him began very soon after Tenchi killed Cage.” “Persistent little bastard, isn’t he?” Ryoko sneered. “Unfortunately, that’s not all,” Washu said sullenly. “Arcese’s files are not secure, meaning that they can be copied. I think we have to assume that they have been.” “Why is that?” Arcese asked. “Because, according to your original prime directive,” Washu said, “you were supposed to have killed Ryoko by now. Since she’s still alive, Dr. Weisz has to assume that you have failed. My guess is that he has copied your files and placed them into another android of similar design.” “But how could Dr. Weisz know that Ryoko is still alive?” Tenchi asked. “Yeah, it’s not like I’d call this guy up and tell him anything,” Arcese said. Washu nodded. “I found something else in Arcese’s programming that is very interesting,” she elaborated. “Apparently, Arcese’s empathic abilities were originally designed to only seek out Ryoko’s emotional signature. Whatever accident that caused the deleting of his files must have also expanded that ability to include everyone. As it turns out, Ryoko’s emotions act as a kind of trigger to Arcese’s programming. If Ryoko’s signature is turned off, then Arcese is, too.” “Turned off?” Ryoko asked. “You mean death.” “Yes,” Washu answered. “Arcese was programmed to deactivate once he completed his mission. And, as I said, his files are not secure, which means that Dr. Weisz is probably tracking his movements through some remote censor.” “So, he knows where I am?” Arcese asked. “More than likely,” Washu said. “My guess is that he will send another android to try and kill Ryoko.” Tenchi pursed his lips. “This is not good,” he said. “Well, I’m not too worried about it,” Ryoko said. “That last reject he sent didn’t turn out to be too much. I’m sure we’ll be able to handle another one he sends.” Washu looked her square in the eye. “No,” she said, “we won’t.” “Are you sure?” Ayeka asked. “From what I’ve seen of Arcese, it’s quite obvious that he has special abilities, but he doesn’t seem to be particularly powerful. If this new android is based on him, I fail to see how he could pose a problem for us.” “I know,” Ryoko cut in. “I mean, I’ve blown Arcese to kingdom- come.” “And he’s still standing, isn’t he?” Washu asked. “The simple fact of the matter is that Arcese has the potential to generate immense power, the likes of which I have never seen before.” “Oh, come on,” Ryoko said flippantly. “How much stronger can he be than me?” Washu once again bit her eyes into Ryoko. “Let me put it this way,” she said. “I developed an arbitrary scale to rate power levels, using the average human power level as one. Compared to that, Ayeka’s full power level is about three hundred and twenty. Ryoko, your power level is in the neighborhood of seven hundred. Tenchi’s Jurai power can just about break a thousand. From the data I’ve gathered, I’ve found Arcese’s power level, at full potential, to be within the range of about five to ten thousand.” Just about every jaw in the living room hung open. “How?” Ayeka asked. “How can someone be that powerful?” “Washu, are you sure your numbers are right?” Arcese asked. “I’ve never fought a day in my life. I wouldn’t even begin to know how to get that kind of power.” “All the information on how to gain your power was erased.” Washu said. “I managed to recover the file, but it was so damaged that it can no longer integrate with your system.” “Well, who says I want it to?” Arcese asked a little indignantly. “I don’t want to fight.” “Arcese wouldn’t hurt anybody,” Sasami said. “As much as I respect Arcese’s choice to be nonviolent,” Washu said, “I don’t think we have much choice in the matter. If this new android that Dr. Weisz sends is anything like Arcese, then Arcese is the only one who stands a chance against him.” “But you said that his fighting files were deleted,” Ryoko reminded her. “Yeah, I’d have no idea what I’m doing when it comes to fighting,” Arcese confessed. “You’re going to have to learn,” Washu responded. “Do you think I can?” Arcese asked. “I mean, how much time do we have before this other android shows up?” “I don’t know,” Washu said. “I think we’ll have to assume the worst. We’ll begin your training tomorrow.” “Training?” Arcese asked. “With who?” “Well, considering that Ryoko is the most capable fighter here when unprovoked, I guess it will be her,” Washu answered. “Me!?” Ryoko snapped back. “You want me to teach the person who was sent here to kill me how to fight? Why don’t I just cover myself in ketchup and visit the lion cage at the zoo?” “Ryoko, I’m not going to kill you!” Arcese insisted. “I still don’t trust you,” Ryoko said to him. “Not after that stunt you pulled when Tenchi was in town.” “Oh, don’t blame him for that again,” Tenchi pleaded. “That was as much my fault as it was his.” Ryoko continued to leer at Arcese. “I still say you were trying to get in my pants,” she said. “For the last time, Ryoko, I would never dream of sleeping with you,” Arcese returned. “What’s that supposed to mean?” Ryoko asked. “You think I’m ugly, don’t you?” “I didn’t say that!” Arcese said, waving his hands in front of him defensively. “I’m only saying that, as our relationship stands right now, I don’t want to sleep with you. That’s all.” “As our relationship stands right now,” Ryoko replied, “I want to give you a punch in the gut!” “All the more reason you should train with him,” Washu cut in. “You both start tomorrow. And I won’t take ‘no’ for an answer, Ryoko.” “Then don’t expect me to go easy on him,” Ryoko said icily. She turned to Arcese again. “Don’t come crying to me when Washu is picking bits of you up off the forest floor again.” “Washu, are you absolutely sure this is necessary?” Arcese asked, displeasure evident in his voice. Washu looked at Arcese with considering eyes. “Arcese, I gave you the ability to think and feel for yourself,” she said. “I fully intended to allow you to use those abilities to live your own life. However, in this case, you have no choice. If you don’t fight, Ryoko will die.” Washu’s words rang in Arcese’s ears. All this time he had denied his original destiny, hoping that it would dissolve into his past. Now, it had once again come back to haunt him. It seemed that, merely because of the abilities he had, he had no other alternative than to fight. “Alright,” he sighed, “I’ll do it.” “Good,” Washu said as she got up. “I’ll be observing you while you train, and I’ll help you as much as possible. But, to tell you the truth, even I’m not completely sure of what you’re capable of.” Arcese looked down at the floor dejectedly. Washu noticed as his normally blue-gray eyes changed to a lighter, more vacant gray. She walked over and put a hand on his shoulder. “I’m so sorry to have to ask you to do this,” she told him. “But, like I said, we really have no other choice.” Arcese nodded. “I guess I understand,” he said. “We’ll start early tomorrow,” Washu said as she adjourned to her lab. The group in the living room dispersed. As the two made their way upstairs, Mihoshi asked Kiyone, “So, if this new robot is just like Arcese, then why is Washu so worried? I mean, Arcese is really friendly.” “But he didn’t start out that way,” Kiyone said. “Washu made Arcese the way he is. He started out as Ryoko’s assassin.” Arcese overheard the two talking, and winced at Kiyone’s statement. It was hard for him to believe that, at one point in his life, he had wanted to kill someone. The more he thought about it, the more he realized that he owed Washu much more than his life. He felt a tug on his sleeve, and looked down to see Sasami standing beside him. “Are you really going to fight?” she asked with concern. “I have to,” Arcese said. “It doesn’t look like there’s any way around it. Besides, it’s to help all of us, so it won’t be so bad.” Sasami hugged him around the waist. “Promise me you’ll be okay,” she said. Arcese put an arm around the pigtailed princess. “Sasami, I don’t know what’s going to happen,” he said. “All I can say is that I will do everything that I can to help protect all of you. That I do promise.” He gently pushed her back and knelt down to her eye level. “Hey, don’t worry about it, now. Things may turn out completely differently than Washu thinks.” Sasami turned her face away. “Washu’s never been wrong before,” she said. Arcese put a hand to her face and turned her eyes back to his. Arcese’s eyes had turned pink. “Hey, cheer up, kiddo,” he said with a smile. “You heard what Washu was saying about my power level. I can take care of myself. Don’t worry about a thing.” Sasami forced a smile in response. “I guess you’re right,” she said. “Just be careful, okay?” “I will,” Arcese assured her. He watched as Sasami went up the stairs. He hated the fact that anyone was in danger, but he was very glad that it was not Sasami whose life hung in the balance. Chapter 2: Training Begins The sun was barely peeking over the horizon the next morning when Arcese and Ryoko faced each other on the lawn, Washu standing off to the side observing. Ryoko shivered as she wrapped her heavy coat around her more tightly. “You would have to pick the coldest day of the year for me to train him, wouldn’t you?” she asked angrily. “It’s winter,” Washu said. “What do you expect? Just fire up some energy blasts. That’ll warm you up.” “I wish Tenchi was here,” Ryoko said, clasping her hands. “I never get cold when he’s near me.” “Hey, can we just get this over with?” Arcese asked impatiently. “I’m not too keen about doing this, either.” “Yes, let’s get started right away,” Washu insisted. “Now, Arcese, you do know how to gather some energy, right?” “Yeah, I can gather enough to fly,” he said. “Okay, go ahead and do that,” Washu said. Arcese tensed and shut his eyes. He began to glow faintly, a pallid, ghostly blue enveloping him as he absorbed energy. After several moments, he opened his eyes again. His feet lifted off the ground and he began to hover in the air. “This is the strongest that I’ve been able to get so far,” he said. Washu summoned her computer. The day before she had created a program to measure power levels remotely according to the arbitrary scale she devised. According to the program, Arcese had raised his power level to two hundred and seven; not nearly strong enough to match up against Ryoko. In fact, it was not as strong as Arcese was able to get; from what she had seen of him clearing the rainstorm away the day Sasami got sick, he was capable of much more. However, she did not want to push him too hard. “I guess that will have to do for now,” Washu said. She hoped that, as Arcese fought, he would learn to gather more energy. “Now try and attack Ryoko.” With his heart not really in it, Arcese flew towards Ryoko in an effort to mount some kind of attack. Ryoko made no effort to move as she watched patiently. Arcese sped up, his fist cocked back to strike. He brought it forward with as much strength as he could muster. Ryoko brought her hand up and caught the punch with minimal effort, stopping its progress cold. She smiled smugly. “You’ll have to do better than that,” she said. “Let me show you how it’s done, rookie.” With her free hand she slapped Arcese hard across the face, sending him flying several meters. “Don’t get discouraged, Arcese,” Washu said. “Just keep on attacking. I know you can take a shot better than that.” In the back of her mind, Ryoko knew this statement to be quite true. After Arcese’s masquerade as Tenchi she had hit him with one of her most powerful energy blasts, and it only served to slow him down a little. Arcese got back up and again flew at Ryoko. He began punching wildly with both fists, but hit nothing but air as Ryoko effortlessly dodged. Arcese moved nimbly, but again was no match for Ryoko. Tired of such childish games, Ryoko finally swung her own fist and slammed it into Arcese’s stomach. She grabbed Arcese’s arm and spun him around once before heaving him up into the air. The momentum generated by Ryoko’s throw was too much for Arcese to overcome, and he continued to slice through the troposphere. Suddenly, Ryoko materialized in his path and brought her elbow down heavily into the middle of his back, causing the direction of Arcese’s flight to completely reverse. Again, Arcese found himself unable to gain control of his own direction, and plummeted to the earth. He watched in horror as the ground beneath him got closer and closer. Just before impact, Ryoko materialized underneath him, and Arcese’s chest plowed into Ryoko’s knee. With a final swat of her hand, Arcese was cast into the ground, a flurry of rocks and soil erupting from the earth as he crashed noisily, creating a deep hole that nearly caved in on him as he lay prostrate. “Arcese, I know you’re stronger than this!” Washu said firmly. “You know it, too!” Pausing a moment to collect himself, Arcese emerged from the crater his body had made in the ground. Not wasting any time, Ryoko was immediately upon him punching him furiously. As she attacked she spoke, each word punctuated by another blow landed. “Let’s... see... what... you’re... really... made... of!” she yelled as she hit him mercilessly, using almost all of her power. To cap off the barrage, Ryoko spun around and gave Arcese a hard kick to the head, sending him again sprawling to the earth. Sensing that she had successfully shown Arcese what true power is, she ground her heel into his head in triumph. “Ryoko, why are you being so rough?” Arcese asked from underneath her foot. “If Washu says you can take it, then I guess I have to believe her,” Ryoko said snidely, pressing her foot harder into the back of his head. “Arcese, stop screwing around!” Washu shouted. “Get up and fight!” “I can’t!” Arcese said desperately. “I’m not strong enough!” “Too bad for you,” Ryoko said. She picked Arcese up by his neck and slammed him into the trunk of a nearby tree. “Royko, I know you’re supposed to fight me,” Arcese said, lifting his face from the splinters, “but at least don’t act like you’re enjoying this!” “Who says I’m acting?” Ryoko said angrily. While pinning Arcese against the tree she powered up an energy blast in her free hand. “Get ready to eat it, you deceitful son of a bitch!” Arcese was stupefied. Upon searching her emotions, he found that Ryoko did harbor some ill feelings towards him for pretending to be Tenchi, but nothing that would warrant this kind of aggression. There was no reason for her to be this angry. “Ryoko, stop it!” Arcese pleaded. “I decide when this fight is over!” she snapped. She prepared to slam the energy into Arcese. As she brought the hand forward, she was blinded as Arcese flashed in a brilliant iridescent blue. A tremendous unseen force catapulted Ryoko from her feet and sent her sprawling several meters. Arcese’s glow dissipated, and he turned to face Ryoko, a surprised look on his face. He had no more idea about how to explain what had just happened than Ryoko did. Ryoko got back up to her feet, staring a hole through Arcese as she righted herself. She clenched her fist, which Arcese noticed was trembling. “I knew you were hiding something from me,” Ryoko said through gnashed teeth. “Maybe now you won’t be such a wuss!” “I don’t know what’s gotten into you, Ryoko,” Arcese said in a serious tone, “but I want you to stop this right now. Someone is going to get hurt!” “Yeah, you!” Ryoko shouted. She dashed towards him again and began another assault. This time, however, Arcese noticed her attacks were more reserved, more cautious. As well, he could sense a fear growing within her. He truly had no clue what this was all about. Were his empathic abilities malfunctioning? “Arcese, try an energy attack!” Washu said, continuing to observe the battle eagerly. “I’m not sure I know how,” Arcese said as he tried to stave of Ryoko’s attack. “Remember what you did during the rainstorm,” Washu told him. “You can do it again. Just concentrate!” “This stupid robot can’t do anything!” Ryoko shouted. “We should make him do housework! All he’d be good for is mopping and dusting. He’s so weak, he’s not worth my time!” Arcese was amazed at Ryoko’s audacity. What on earth was she doing? It didn’t even seem like she believed what she was saying, and yet she continued to goad him on verbally. “Ryoko, what are you doing?” Arcese asked, trying to shed some light on her behavior. “I’m trying to kick your ass!” she yelled. “And I’m going to do it, too!” “Ryoko, this is training, not a deathmatch!” Arcese said. “Speak for yourself!” Ryoko snapped. Her energy sword then extended from her hand. Her initial swipe went cleanly through Arcese’s side. Arcese screamed. The external blows that she had given him before did not serve to inflict any damage, but the sword slicing into his side caused him intense pain. The unfamiliar sensation caused him to recall flashes of the only other time he had felt something so terrible, the crash of his ship when his past was taken from him. Equating this pain with having something so important taken from him momentarily caused his rage to take hold. Before Ryoko could slash with her sword again, Arcese made a tight fist and plowed it into Ryoko’s stomach. Upon the blow, Ryoko stopped dead in her tracks as a spray of saliva escaped from her mouth, which gaped in shock and pain. Her energy sword disappeared, and her arms went to wrap around her stomach as she sank to her knees, coughing and gagging. As a thin trickle of blood made its way from the corner of her mouth, she collapsed completely, breathing heavily and laboriously. Arcese knelt beside her. “Oh, God,” he blurted, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hit you that hard. I just... I... I didn’t know...” Washu rushed up to the two. She grabbed Ryoko’s arm and bent down to hook it around her shoulder. She stood up and supported Ryoko as she led her back to the house. “Good job, Arcese,” she said. “My computer shows that your power level jumped up to over one thousand.” “Washu, you have to believe me,” Arcese said desperately, following behind her, “I never meant to hurt Ryoko. Honest!” “I know you didn’t” Washu said. “But don’t worry about her; she’ll be fine. After all, she expected this to happen.” Arcese was confused. “She... expected this?” he asked. “Yes,” Washu said. “We both discussed this last night. I told her to try and provoke you so your power level would go up.” “Provoke me?” Arcese asked. “What does that have to do with anything?” “I had a suspicion that your ability to absorb power was somehow connected to your emotions,” Washu said. “That might have been a result of whatever erased your memory. The incident might have caused not only your empathic powers to expand, but also your emotions to become connected to your entire programming. I thought that, if the right emotions manifested themselves, your power might automatically shoot up. Which it did.” “So, Ryoko was just acting?” he queried. “For the most part,” Ryoko said weakly, her free arm still clutched tightly against her stomach. “I still think you’re a total perverted jerk.” “Just so long as you didn’t mean all the stuff you said,” Arcese said. “Why couldn’t you have told me what you were up to to begin with?” “If I did that,” Washu said, “then it wouldn’t have worked. You would have known Ryoko was acting and you wouldn’t have powered up. I had to see if we could strike that chord in you to trigger your power. Ryoko, as she is so adept at doing, managed to push all the right buttons.” “I could have killed her!” Arcese said angrily. “You wouldn’t have killed her,” Washu said nonchalantly. “You can’t. You like her too much. But think: if you could do this to someone you like, what could you do to someone you hate?” Arcese was even more confused. He had no idea what Washu was getting at. Washu continued, “The android that’s coming here is going to try and kill Ryoko. I know that makes you angry. Let that anger be your power.” Arcese finally understood what Washu had intended to do. She knew that his ability to fight was on more than a physical level, so she told Ryoko to attack him both physically and mentally. Once attacked on both fronts, he had no choice but to defend himself. Tenchi had just woken up and was coming down the stairs when Washu entered with Ryoko staggering at her elbow. He rushed to them in a panic. “Ryoko, what happened?” he asked with overt concern. “Are you alright? Say something!” “I’m okay, Tenchi, really,” Ryoko responded, discomfort evident in her voice. “Just let me catch my breath, okay?” Tenchi took her by the arm and led her to the couch. “Lie down,” he told her. “I’ll get you some water.” Ryoko laid on the couch and watched as Tenchi galloped off to the kitchen, a tremendous hope stirring within her. It was very rare that Tenchi treated her with such concern. She smiled as he returned with a glass of water. Tenchi sat next to her and propped her head up on his shoulder. “Here, drink,” he said, holding the glass to her lips. Ryoko swallowed the water gratefully. “Thank you, Tenchi,” she whispered. “What happened?” Tenchi repeated. “Don’t tell me Arcese did this to you...” “Yes, I did,” Arcese said. Being preoccupied with tending to Ryoko, Tenchi had not noticed him enter. Arcese cast his eyes to the ground. “I’m very sorry,” he said solemnly. “Arcese, there’s nothing to apologize about,” Washu told him. “We both had this planned out well in advance. Ryoko knew the risks, and she accepted them. After all, whether she likes it or not, you’re her guardian angel, as it were. So, she has to do everything possible to help prepare you for the coming battle. And, if that means taking a sucker punch to the gut, then so be it.” “You make it sound so simple,” Ryoko groaned. “It feels like he turned my stomach inside-out.” “Oh, stop being so melodramatic,” Washu said with a dismissive flip of her hand. “You know as well as I do that you’ll be up and around again in about a half hour.” “Ryoko, does it really hurt?” Tenchi asked. Ryoko looked up at Tenchi and smiled. “Lying here, with you,” she said, “makes me feel better. Thank you, Tenchi.” Tenchi blushed as he suddenly realized what he was doing. Ryoko was leaning on his shoulder. He was... touching her! He suddenly felt a tightness rising in his throat. Any second, he expected Ryoko’s arms to surreptitiously coil around him and squeeze him in the mother of all bear hugs. He felt sweat beading on his forehead as he stared nervously into the eyes of the space pirate. Ryoko could not help but snicker as she saw the familiar nervousness take hold of Tenchi. It was the cutest thing she had ever seen. That was where she received the majority of her enjoyment from trying to seduce him. Of course, she more than secretly hoped that her come-ons would lure Tenchi into bed with her, but for the most part she merely delighted in watching Tenchi completely freeze up like a cornered puppy. She found it delightfully ironic that Tenchi could go toe to toe with the fiercest beings in the universe, but turn to jelly when threatened with a kiss. Tenchi grew a bit more nervous as Ryoko’s expression changed. He had never seen that smile on her face before. He began to shake a little as he wondered what new and devious tactic Ryoko was going to try next. Understandably, he was greatly surprised when Ryoko merely sighed and shut her eyes as she sank her head farther back on Tenchi’s shoulder. Tenchi tensed a little. Was this a trick? Was she just waiting for him to relax before surprising him with some cleverly and overzealously-planned seduction. He waited for several moments in a state of catlike readiness. “Jeez, Tenchi, I could hang a coat on you!” Washu said, noticing the rigidity of his body. “Relax.” Tenchi looked questioningly at Arcese, in hopes that his insights would guide him. Arcese gave him a knowing smile. “She’s not going to try anything,” he said softly. “She just wants to rest on your shoulder, that’s all. Let her rest.” The three then turned their attention to the stairs, where footfalls could be heard. Ayeka and Sasami had emerged from their rooms. “What’s going on?” Ayeka asked drowsily. “I heard talking. Is everything--” her words were cut off as she noticed Ryoko propped up on Tenchi’s shoulder. “Oh!” she started. “Is this... you mean... Tenchi?” Arcese walked over and put a hand on Ayeka’s shoulder. “Don’t worry,” he assured her. “We just had an incident during training, that’s all. Ryoko’s a little hurt, and she wants to rest. Just rest, that’s all.” “Oh,” Ayeka said with a sigh of relief. “How silly of me. Of course.” “Hey, Washu,” Sasami asked, “don’t you want to take Ryoko into your lab and help her get better?” Washu watched as Tenchi continued to look concernedly at Ryoko. He gently stroked his hand over her hair. Ryoko moaned quietly in response. “No,” Washu said, “I think Ryoko is in the very best of hands.” Chapter 3: Change of Opinion “Well, Arcese, you’re progressing quite nicely,” Washu said from her place of observation on the sidelines. It was the fifth morning of training. “According to my program, you can raise your power level to over fifteen hundred at will.” “It is getting easier,” Arcese confessed. “I hope it’s enough.” “It has to be enough,” Ryoko said, panting heavily after the morning’s exertions. “I can’t even keep up with you anymore.” “I won’t lie to you, Arcese,” Washu said gravely. “The android that Dr. Weisz sends will be able to gather much more energy. If we hope to stand a chance, you’re going to have to do better.” “I don’t know if I can,” Arcese said. “Dammit! I wish I could do more.” “You can do more, Arcese,” Washu assured him. “A part of you still knows how to do this. It’s just a matter of finding a way to wake it up.” “Hey,” Ryoko called. She was hunched over, hands braced on her knees. “I hate to be a party pooper, but I’m feeling kind of dizzy. Can we stop?” “If you want,” Washu said. “In fact, let’s call it a day. I want you well rested for tomorrow morning, Ryoko.” “I can’t wait,” Ryoko said with dark sarcasm. Washu returned her computer to subspace and made her way back to the house. Arcese stayed behind and ambled over to where Ryoko hunched on the ground, breathing heavily. “Sorry I wore you out,” he said, extending a hand down to her. “Need a hand?” “No!” Ryoko snapped at him. “I don’t want your help.” Arcese withdrew his hand. He could feel that Ryoko was very irritated. She had felt similarly every day that they trained. “Ryoko, you can’t still be mad about me being Tenchi that day, can you?” he queried anxiously. “None of your business,” Ryoko replied icily. “Just leave me alone.” “Ryoko, tell me what’s wrong,” Arcese said. “I said leave me alone!” Ryoko screeched. “I don’t want your damn help!” Her anger was becoming more and more apparent to Arcese. He decided he couldn’t leave her in such a state. He also wanted to know what was eating at her. He sat down next to her. “Ryoko, I don’t know what’s on your mind,” Arcese began, “but I think I deserve to know. If you give me a reason why you’re mad at me, maybe I’ll understand better. At the very least I’ll know never to do whatever it was I did again. If you’re not mad at me for pretending to be Tenchi, then what?” Ryoko hugged her knees and stared down at the ground. “I don’t want your help,” she said thinly. Arcese was about to give up; it was obvious to him that Ryoko was not in a talkative mood, and he got up to leave her to her skulking. Then, it hit him. ‘I don’t want your help.’ That was her problem. She didn’t want Arcese’s help. She was too proud to admit that she needed someone else to fight for her. Arcese understood, now. He resumed his seat next to Ryoko. “I know how you feel,” Arcese began. “You’ve been self- sufficient your whole life. There’s never been anything you couldn’t handle by yourself, has there? And here you are, angry at your own helplessness. And I, the symbol of that helplessness, understandably bear the brunt of your aggression.” “I am not helpless!” Ryoko shouted back angrily. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it that way,” Arcese said, trying to calm her. “Ryoko, you’re probably one of the toughest people I will ever meet, both physically and mentally. Your pride is what gives you your veneer of invincibility. I can only imagine how angry it must have made you to hear Washu tell you that you weren’t strong enough.” “Yes, you can only imagine,” Ryoko confirmed with venom in her voice. “Mister perfect-fighting-machine.” Arcese sighed, sensing the jealousy behind her vitriolic sarcasm. “Hey, if it was up to me,” he said, “I would have been just as content being no more powerful than, say, Mihoshi. But this power that I have comes with responsibilities, and that means I must fight for those that cannot fight for themselves. And, as much as you don’t want to admit it, you are one of those people.” “Quit rubbing it in!” Ryoko said with immense frustration. “I’m just trying to justify myself,” Arcese replied. “Considering the situation, no one will think any less of you if you call for backup. I certainly won’t.” “You think I give a damn about what you think?” Ryoko asked through clenched teeth. “How do you think I feel when I have to put my life in the hands of someone I don’t even like?” “Why are you so hell-bent about refusing my help?” Arcese asked defensively. “Like it or not, I’m the only one that can protect you right now. And I’m actually willing to do it. Personally, I feel that I have to tell you that the way you’ve been treating me doesn’t exactly warrant my kindness.” “Don’t act like you’re doing me any favors!” Ryoko yelled. “I want to fight alone.” “And I want you to fight alone, too!” Arcese insisted, to Ryoko’s great surprise. “You think I like the fact that I’m forced to fight? I don’t want to do this. But I have to because I’m the only one who can. Neither of us has a choice here. I’m in the same boat you are. If I could somehow give you my power to let you fight, then I’d do it in a heartbeat. I have no desire at all to do this. I’ve done so much to try to deny the purpose I was originally created for: to fight. And now I’m doing just that. Do you know how easy it would be to turn my back on you and let you get killed? Do you want to know why I don’t? It’s because I want to help you, even if it means fighting. Why can’t you let me do that? It’s one thing to be proud, Ryoko, but it’s another thing to be stupid!” Ryoko turned away. She couldn’t think of anything to say. She never liked the idea of someone fighting her battles for her, like she was some helpless child. And now, sitting next to her, was someone she couldn’t stand, who was openly putting his life on the line for her. It made her feel so useless. “I’ll bet you wouldn’t feel this way if Tenchi was fighting for you,” Arcese said. “How can you even think about making that comparison?” Ryoko asked coldly. “Tenchi and I fight alongside one another because we care about each other.” “Oh, and why do you think I’m going to fight alongside you?” Arcese asked. “Because I have nothing better to do? Ryoko, if I didn’t think you were worth saving, I never would have agreed to this.” Ryoko was shocked. “Are you saying that you really want to do this?” she asked. “Just because of me?” “Yes,” Arcese said simply. “I want to fight for you. Is that really so hard to believe?” Suddenly, Ryoko felt horrible. “That’s really nice of you,” she said, “but I don’t want to have to owe you anything.” “And you won’t,” Arcese said with a smile. “Consider this my way of saying I’m sorry for fooling you into kissing me.” “That’s right, you did, didn’t you?” Ryoko realized. “You do owe me one. Hey, wait a minute, you’ve kissed me twice! Even if you do fight, you’ll still owe me one!” “Well, I certainly hope I won’t have to fight again,” Arcese said with levity, sensing the dark cloud over Ryoko dissipating. “Maybe I can think of some more reasonable way to make it up to you.” “How about I put a clamp on those lips of yours?” Ryoko asked with a wry smile. “That would make me feel much safer.” Arcese chuckled. “I’m sure we’ll work something out,” he said. Ryoko stood up and stretched. “I need breakfast,” she said. “I think my hunger is making me too friendly with you.” “Well then, for my sake, maybe you should go on a diet,” Arcese said as he followed her back to the house. “Not a chance, pal,” Ryoko said. “I still think you’re a letch.” “I am not a letch!” Arcese said sharply. “I was doing Tenchi a favor.” “You were doing yourself a favor,” Ryoko said. “You just wanted me to come on to you because you think I’m so sexy.” “That’s the last thing I wanted!” Arcese revealed. “Do you have any idea how nervous you made me?” “So you don’t think I’m sexy, huh?” Ryoko said. By now they had entered the house, and their seemingly heated argument was attracting the attention of every other ear in the house. “You think I’m a hideous hag?” “Did I say that?” Arcese asked with outrage. “Did those words come out of my mouth? Do you have wax buildup in your ears that prevents you from hearing correctly? All I said was that I didn’t want you coming on to me!” “Because you think I’m unattractive,” Ryoko reasoned aloud. “For God’s sake, Ryoko, I didn’t say that!” Arcese returned. “So you do think I’m attractive,” Ryoko said. She smiled, knowing she had him cornered. “Well, I... I mean...” Arcese stammered, trying to find something, anything to say that would qualify himself. “So, what is it, Arcese?” Ryoko asked shrewdly. “Do you think I’m sexy or not?” Everybody’s ears perked up a little bit more as this conversation took a very interesting turn. “I... I... I suppose... in... in a purely physical sense...” Arcese stammered. “Ah, so you did want me coming on to you!” Ryoko said triumphantly. “You were hoping you’d get to see me naked, you naughty boy!” “Thinking you’re attractive and wanting to see you naked are two different things entirely!” Arcese said with authority. “Are they?” Ryoko asked slyly. Arcese knew that Ryoko was playing with him, and he was a bit uncomfortable with the idea. He decided to bite the bullet and come back over the top so he could get her off his case. “You want validation?” he asked. “You want me to admit it? Fine! ATTENTION EVERYONE! I THINK RYOKO IS SEXY, AND I WOULD BEG HER ON HANDS AND KNEES TO SEE HER NAKED!” At Arcese’s declaration, everyone stopped what they were doing and rushed into the living room, just staring at him. Was it really Arcese, the reserved synthetic being, who just said that he wanted to see Ryoko naked? It seemed unusual, if not completely implausible. “Yes, everyone, you heard me right,” Arcese said as he placed his hands on his hips. “Are you happy now, Ryoko?” “Yes, I am,” Ryoko said with a snicker. “But you still owe me one.” Arcese watched as Ryoko walked into the kitchen to wait for her breakfast. He sat down on the couch, utterly defeated. Sasami sat down beside him, giving him an eager glance. “You like Ryoko?” she asked. “Yes. I mean, no. I mean, not like that,” Arcese said with effort. His face turned red. “You can tell me,” Sasami said. “I won’t tell anyone.” “Sasami, I know it’s not my place to say,” Arcese began with forced dignity, “but shouldn’t you be making breakfast now?” “Okay, no problem,” Sasami said as she got up to leave. “I’ll make sure Ryoko gets her breakfast.” She gave Arcese a wink. Arcese drooped his head between his knees. <Great,> he thought, <now even Sasami thinks I’m a letch.>