-=^=- MAGARU: In case any of you are looking for lawsuits, we have a disclaimer. It's in the first chapter. Okay, fine, if you're not happy, we'll put one in this chapter, too. RAYANI: We--we don't own these--these characters, except for the ones--the ones with English nick-nicknames and Rayani... MAGARU: Happy now? RAYANI: So...here's chapter...chapter four. MAGARU: What's the matter with you? RAYANI: Washu again...another exp--experi--experiment... MAGARU: Ha ha, she fell asleep. You readers read while I go raid the refrigerator for the last of her chocolate cake... -=^=- Chapter Four: Family Reunion Kiyone Makibi turned Yagami's siren on as a ship came hurtling past. Nearly knocking her coffee off the control board, Kiyone activated the ventral thrusters and cut it off neatly, forcing the ship to stop. Another ship slowly moved around the one Yagami caught. It was Hinase. "You, in that Juraian ship, you're speeding!" blared Yagami's inter-speakers. A screen appeared in front of Kiyone. "I'm speeding?" the middle-aged boy on the screen groaned, breathless. "But I'm being pursued by a space pirate!" He bit his lip. A girl with black hair was behind him, peering at Kiyone with an anxious look. Kiyone nodded officiously. "You went way over the speed limit for this sector. You could have crashed into an asteroid or something!" Kiyone turned to the screen that had just emerged. "Minagi, do you have him covered?" The Ryoko-look-alike nodded and grinned. "Check!" "Now," Kiyone continued, turning back to the boy. "Who is chasing you?" The boy looked as if he felt he was being ignored. "A space pirate! Space pirate Ryoko! Aren't you after her?" Kiyone gave a hollow laugh. "Ryoko's been cleared from our criminal records for at least five years already." Kiyone faltered as a familiar cabbit spaceship bulled right into the Juraian ship. Metal shards floated about outside the Yagami as the cabbit ship pulled away, undamaged. Another screen materialized next to the other two in Kiyone's cockpit. "Kiyone!" Tenchi gasped, grinning at once. "It's you!" Kiyone smirked ever so slightly. "Tenchi! How nice it is to see-" Kiyone stopped abruptly and backed off as Mihoshi slid into view. "Mihoshi!" Kiyone yelled, as if seeing a ghost. "Kiyone, you're not still mad are you about the little accident twenty years ago, are you?" Mihoshi sobbed joyfully in the ingenuous way she always seemed to pull off. Kiyone clenched her fist in frustrated rage. "My left arm broken in two places, seven rib bones shattered, my knee cap smashed, a nerve in my right arm broken, both my legs fractured, and two molars out! You call that a LITTLE accident?" Kiyone roared. "I was in a rehabilitation center for five years!" Tenchi gawked at Mihoshi. "You did all that?" he muttered dubiously. Mihoshi looked at the ground as tears welled up in her blue eyes. "I-I'm sorry, Kiyone! I di-didn't mean to..." Mihoshi sobbed and started crying. Kiyone sighed as Tenchi tried comforting the crestfallen policewoman. Ryoko laughed as she poked her head into view. Kiyone smiled. "Hey, Kiyone," Ryoko said, shoving Ayeka out of sight. "Ryoko! You're still living with Tenchi?" asked Kiyone, moving away from the wall she backed up against. Ryoko laughed and put her hands on her hips. "You mean you haven't heard? I got married to Tenchi! So, Ayeka," Ryoko glared at Ayeka triumphantly, "that means I can be the queen of Jurai!" Ayeka punched Ryoko in the face and bumped her out of the way. "Hmph. Imagine RYOKO as the queen of Jurai! The empire would collapse within a year!" Ayeka snorted contemptuously. An enormous mallet hit Ayeka and Ryoko away from the screen. Washu appeared, grinning, with Rayani behind her. "Hiya! Kiyone, the greatest genius in the universe now has a grandson!" Washu cried happily. Rayani laughed and twitched her tail enthusiastically. "He looks just like Tenchi, only with golden eyes, like Ryoko," Rayani explained, prodding Ryoko with her tail as the pirate slid back into sight, clenching her fists. Kiyone shuddered and fell to her knees; it was all too much for her to accept at one time and she, like Kenny, passed out. -=^=- Kiyone woke up and found everyone sitting more or less around her. The boy on the screen, along with the girl, was present, bound and gagged. Minagi was talking to Tenchi and Sasami. Washu was standing over Kiyone, looking worried. She looked down and smiled in relief. "Finally. Honestly, I don't see what's so hard to believe, Kiyone." Kiyone didn't answer as she allowed her eyes to dart about her living quarters. They stopped on a young boy who looked like a yellow-eyed Tenchi. "Who's that?" Kiyone whispered to Washu, pointing at the boy. Washu grinned. "Him?" Washu asked slowly. Kiyone nodded. "That's my grandson, Kenuru." "Oh, I see. Tenchi and Ryoko's--WHAT?" Kiyone burst as if it were impossible. Ayeka snorted in amusement and gave Kiyone a pathetic glance. "Is it really so hard to believe?" Ayeka laughed, watching Sasami run about, chasing Ryo-ohki. Kiyone smiled. "No, not really. It's just been twenty years...but none of you have changed at all. It's just like one big family reunion!" Washu clapped her hands and nodded. "That's right! Look! Sasami even made us a meal! Come, let's eat!" Washu chuckled, pulling Kiyone upright and leading her to a table laden with a feast. Sasami had persuaded Ryoko to let Jakato and Magaru eat something, so Ryoko untied and removed the gags on them, and then chained them to the wall with a shiny chain Kiyone had lying around. Jakato and Magaru took turns feeding each other with their hands; Ryoko had conveniently forgotten to give them chopsticks. Kiyone listened intently to the others' stories and caught up with what was going on. She couldn't help noticing that Washu wasn't eating as much as she usually did. "Washu, what's the matter?" Kiyone asked quietly. Washu smiled and put her bowl of rice down as she got up. "Yume is here," Washu muttered. The genius pointed outside, where a familiar spaceship was floating next to Yagami. The door slid open as a cat-like humanoid woman walked in, followed by a robed figure. "Well, well, Washu, we meet again...and again...and again..." The woman stopped at a nudge from the robed one. Washu grinned innocently. "Yume," Washu said simply, nodding her head once. Yume's smile faded a bit. "You should say more to the greatest supergenius in the universe!" Yume cried, laughing triumphantly. It seemed that she had touched a nerve. "WHAT?" Washu burst suddenly. "I'm the greatest, and you know it!" Everyone sighed and picked up the table, moving as far away from the two geniuses as possible. "Do you think they'll fight?" Minagi whispered to Tenchi. He sighed and put a shrimp in his mouth. "If they don't, they'll do something else. I'm sure of it." Minagi laughed and watched excitedly. Washu and Yume were staring each other down. "Give me that boy," Yume finally demanded, pointing to Kenny. Washu clenched her fist and held up one hand in a sacred fighter stance. "What do you want with my grandson?" Washu retorted, preparing her muscles to move at lightning speed. Yume put up an equally capable stance. "Kagato is paying me to bring that boy to him." Yume smiled. "And I need the money, too. I need a new console for my ship." She noted the look on Washu's face and laughed. "Fine. Let's make a deal. If you win, you keep the boy and I leave. However, if I win, I take you and the boy to Kagato." "Deal." Yume was about to leap in the air when a green circle appeared between them. Kagato floated out, smirking. "Kagato, what are you doing here? I was taking the boy to you today!" Yume said indignantly. Kagato glanced at Yume. "I realized that I don't need someone to go and get what I need for me, so I just decided to come down and get him myself." He smiled and looked at Yume's ship. "Just leave. You have served your purpose." Yume was about to say something when Hishima pulled his hood down and whispered something to his master. She smirked and nodded. "Very well, then. I'll be seeing you very soon..." Yume wheeled around and strode out the door, Hishima following her. Kagato gazed after her in slight disbelief. "I was expecting her to put up a fight. Oh well," Kagato turned to Washu, "no matter. I need you, professor." He put a hand on Washu's shoulder as she tried walking away. Washu went rigid and scowled in fury. "Don't touch me!" Washu yelled, wrenching Kagato's hand from her shoulder and slapping him. Kagato laughed indifferently. "I see. I think you--" Kagato caught sight of Jakato and Magaru, who were still feeding each other and completely oblivious to what was happening. "Jakato!" Kagato said sharply, causing Jakato to drop his bowl of rice in alarm; Kagato had never used his first name to address him before. "What are you doing?" "Well--uh--Ryoko didn't--er--give us any chopsticks," Jakato sputtered. Kagato sighed. "Yes, that's all very well, but you don't have to feed each other," he moaned in despair. Magaru turned red and hastily wiped her greasy hands on her pants. Kiyone suddenly remembered that she was a Galaxy Policewoman and stood up, pointing her gun at Kagato. She kicked Mihoshi, who was pouring Minagi a cup of tea. Mihoshi leapt to attention and pulled her blaster out of her pocket. "Space Pirate Kagato, you are under charges of kidnap. Remove your weapons immediately!" Kiyone ordered, her eyes glinting. Kagato smiled. "Oh my, oh my, you really frighten me. I've heard about your heroic efforts in the past, but now that you've got Mihoshi as a partner, I hear that you've been demoted AT LEAST four times." Kiyone repeated her order. "I said, put your weapons down!" Kiyone bellowed, shooting her blaster several times. The beams of energy were deflected from Kagato and sent into the walls of her living quarters. Kagato laughed maliciously. "What weapons?" he asked, cocking his head arrogantly. Kagato floated over to Jakato and Magaru, taking their chains in his gloved hand and crushing them. Ryoko was about to stop him when Washu shook her head sharply. "Now, give me that boy." He made a motion to grab Kenny, but Minagi deflected it. Kagato smiled, mildly impressed. "Why, hello. You look like Ryoko, but I don't remember the professor creating two of her." Minagi turned red. "Master Yakage created me," she said quietly. Kagato snorted scornfully. "That fool, Yakage?" Minagi scowled angrily. "Master is NOT a fool! He was more polite and kind than you!" Kagato sneered, then shook his head and smiled. "So you say. Where is he now, your Master Yakage?" Kagato asked, still smiling. Minagi turned red and looked at the floor. "Master has passed away," she muttered. "Did he really? What a pity. Juraians, such short life spans if they are not of Royal blood," Kagato said spitefully. Minagi growled in rage. "Please stop insulting my master!" Minagi roared, producing her sword. Kagato was still smiling. "I have no need to kill you. Why don't you just give me the boy?" Kagato asked, producing his green sword. Nobody seemed to have noticed that Jakato was gone from the wall. Minagi lunged at the pirate, bringing her sword down with all the force she could muster. Kagato dodged it easily and looked towards the table. "Now!" Jakato seized Kenny and leapt clear over the table and into the green circle of light that appeared behind his father. Kagato grabbed Magaru and tossed her in before floating in himself. "I'll be back soon to show you something!" he called, laughing cruelly. Ryoko pounded the floor in anger. "What's with him and wanting Kenny?" she roared. Ryoko turned to Minagi. "Minagi, go, just go. I don't want you around when he comes back." Minagi knew that if she disagreed, Ryoko would start a fight with her, so she nodded and teleported to Hinase. Ayeka and Sasami looked at each other with equal expressions of deep concern for the safety of their friends. Tenchi gave Ryoko a hug and looked puzzled. "Why did you ask Minagi to do that?" Tenchi murmured. Ryoko smiled. "Well, say that Kagato did something bad, I mean really bad. Well, I don't want her to get hurt for something she's not even a part of." Tenchi marveled at the amount of concern in his wife and hugged her tighter. Rayani wasn't listening to any of whatever was going on. For some reason, she remembered the way Kagato's eyes twinkled whenever he was saying something true. After going to school with Washu and being her roommate for a very long time, she knew how Washu's eyes glinted whenever she was telling the truth. Rayani also recalled how Ryoko's eyes became dull and flat when she told Kenny false stories of her past. Somehow, Rayani had a feeling that Kagato was telling the truth back on his ship when he was talking with her. Washu noted Rayani's odd mood and called over to her. "Something wrong, Rayani?" Rayani was jerked from her little reverie. She burst out laughing and grinned. "I'm sorry, was I just staring?" Rayani asked, flying over to Washu. Washu nodded and smiled. "Yes, you were. Something wrong?" Rayani looked out the window thoughtfully. "Well, I think Kagato has something to show us. I have a feeling it'll be something unexpected," explained Rayani. Washu laughed. "I think so, too. Well, we'll be ready for him!"