Tenchi Muyo Fanfiction Piece of Mind: Part 3: “And Then there was Cuchulainn.” The Story so far: A mysterious Irish boy appeared at the Mazaki household. Washu and Sasami took care of him, while trying to solve the mystery of his pass. They travelled to Ireland to answer some questions. Meanwhile the boy sparred with Yosho, but Tenchi mistook it for a real attack. Washu ended up explaining to everyone what has happened and that the boy has no memory previous to that day. It’s a quiet country road; a boy sits at a bus stop. He holds a single rose and a small box of chocolates. A bus appears from down the road and starts the slow journey up the hill. Near the front of the bus a young girl of about sixteen is looking out the window with a smile. The boy see’s her and smiles back, he stands as the bus comes nearer. A mutual feeling is made between the two; they care for each other. The Girl is already at the door. She is very beautiful with long straight brown hair, clear blue eyes and a gentle smile. The boy cares for her, she moves to step off the bus; he prepares to clear his throat. A flash explodes the peaceful scene, fire is all around the boy, the bus is in ruins. The girl lies dead on the ground holding the rose. A spaceship flies high above them, it’s a Jurian ship and the boy looks at it with the greatest of hatred. A shot is fired in his direction it comes closer and closer until its right in front of his eyes. A scream is heard across Washu’s lab, Sasami who was playing with Ryo-ooki, ran to the source of the scream, It was in a corner of the lab which Washu had given to the boy because of the lack of space in the house itself. A first for the Mazaki family, Washu actually letting someone else stay in her lab. He hadn’t really made it into a homey place, just a bed and a desk with some paper to write on. Right now he sat on his bed, sweating, with tears in his eyes. He has been at the Mazaki residence for a week now. The last three days were spent introducing him to everyone and helping him to fit in. He was now experiencing one of the problems of his memory loss, reoccurring nightmares, it was the third time he has had one and as usual Sasami always came to help him after it. She stood there now beside his bed watching him. “Cuchulainn are you all right?” She asked. The boy looked at her confused. “What did you call me?” “Cuchulainn! You don’t know your own name so I think you should be Cuchulainn like in the story, you’re so much like him, is it okay with you?” Sasami had given him a little smile as she handed the book to the boy, he took it and looked at the drawing on the front, he then smiled brushed his hair back and looked at Sasami. “I like it, thank you.” Sasami smiled back. “Breakfast is ready if you like to join us.” “That would be great, just let me get changed first.” He replied getting out of the bed and picking up his clothes. Sasami left him and went back out to the Kitchen. He watched her go, such a nice kid, always being helpful. She picked a nice name; hopefully I won’t have to keep it for long. At Breakfast everyone was there except for Cuchulainn, the topic had been the same one for the last three days, Cuchulainn himself. Tenchi didn’t mind him too much; he actually enjoyed the fact he kept Ryoko and Ayeka off his back. Washu and Sasami got on with him the best of the lot. Yet Ryoko and Ayeka had problems with him as usual, Ayeka found him rude and stubborn and not very gentlemanly. Ryoko on the other hand just found him moody when in a crowd, and wasn’t keen on irritating him like she did to Ayeka. They both agreed that he was the only one who breaks them up in fights, most of the time with just looking at the two. It was what worried most of them about him, his eyes gave a different impression on everyone, Sasami said he had peaceful and calm eyes, Ryoko said they looked completely the opposite and Ayeka thought he was a rogue like Ryoko. This lead to a fight between the two. Which was broken up with Cuchulainn’s arrival. “Good morning!” Was the first hint of his arrival, the second was the look he gave to the two girls who had each other by the throat. They let go gave weak smiles and waved back. He sat, and began eating breakfast. Tenchi watched still curious to why he appeared here. Sasami came in from the kitchen collecting the dishes from everyone else. “Cuchulainn when your finish I’ll like to wash your dishes.” She asked as she passed him. “Sasami, don’t be calling him that, its not his name and it could be offensive.” Interrupted Ayeka, trying to be her polite self. Cuchulainn shot her a glance, which was neither threatening or supportive, more like confused. “I rather have a name, then just be called “boy” like from the rest of you, and thank you Sasami but I’ll wash my own dishes.” “Such a gentleman our Cuchulainn, eh? And after that can I see in the lab I need to make another scan maybe we could find some more clues to your dilemma.” Washu who had stayed quiet in the previous conversation had now begun talking to Cuchulainn. She liked him best out of everyone apart from Sasami, he was very responsible and despite everyone else being worried about who he was, she just saw him as a lost boy who needed a family. “Sure, but I got training with Tenchi and Yosho at twelve.” Tenchi was alarmed at this comment, “We do?” “Yes, Tenchi of course we do.” He replied in a sort of mocking tone. Tenchi hang his head down and nodded in agreement. He had nothing against Cuchulainn, but training with him was a pain, he was more vicious then grandpa and grandpa always had them spar with each other. It didn’t mean no one wanted Cuchulainn, he was a welcome addition to the Mazaki household and a peaceful one for a change. Mihoshi was quiet at the breakfast table, that was until her GP watch started buzzing, she first screamed and knocked her food all over the floor, then when she did answer it, started crying with joy. “Kiyone is coming back!” She cried out, Cuchulainn gave a confused look to Tenchi. “She’s the other Galaxy police officer.” Tenchi answered guessing the question, Cuchulainn looked worried. He didn’t get along with Mihoshi, more then Ayeka and Ryoko, at least those two he could talk to, Mihoshi keeps forgetting who he was and it was impossible to talk about anything apart from Kiyone or soaps. He preferred to avoid her most of the time. After Breakfast, Cuchulainn helped Sasami clean up, and then went to Washu. Unlike normal Washu couldn’t find an answer to his problems, and when she asked if the dreams were a clue he would prefer not to talk about them. Leaving the laboratory he ran into Ryoko, one thing the two of them shared was the habit of staying on the beams along the roof, Cuchulainn would spend most of his time at night up there, he kept his weapons there as well. He was collecting his sword from there when she faded in; he gave her a warm smile as she waved. Of course he knew what the topic was. “Cuchulainn… are you going to train with Tenchi?” “Yes, Ryoko, and yes I’ll tell him you were looking for him and that if he needs anything just ask you and so on…” Cuchulainn already had a system made up from the last two days, everyone in the family were predictable. Ryoko gave him a stern look. “I wasn’t going to ask you that” she growled “I was just going to warn you that if you hurt Tenchi as much as you did yesterday you’ll have to face me!” Cuchulainn nodded an agreement and didn’t bother to give an excuse, he knew he was rough in training with Tenchi, but he was only playing. Cuchulainn’s feelings towards the Mazaki weren’t much different from theirs to him. He liked Sasami, Washu and Tenchi. Ryoko wasn’t bad if you got her off the topic of Tenchi. Same with Ayeka even if she was a bit stuck up. He respected Yosho and Nobiyuki. And Mihoshi he simply avoided. He arrived at training first, so he took the time to sharpen the blade of his sword. Tenchi soon followed, giving him a wave as he reached the end of the steps, when he had caught his breathe he came over to Cuchulainn and sat beside him. “What are we doing today?” “Sparring as usual” Tenchi looked down. “Don’t worry I have been warned by Ryoko not to go too hard on you this time. Tenchi gave him a look. “You don’t need to worry about Ryoko, she’s as rough.” “I know. Now do you want to use wooden swords or Tenchi-kan and my own sword?” Cuchulainn asked getting up from the rock he was sitting on. “I think the two of you should use wooden ones, because I have warned you already that Tenchi with his sword is too dangerous for you boy.” Came the voice of Yosho from behind. “Grandpa” Tenchi said bowing. Cuchulainn turned to him; he didn’t like it when they called him “boy” and even more when Yosho boasted about the Jurian power. “I have a name now Yosho.” He murmured plainly. “Yes I heard, so you rather go by any name then none?” Asked Yosho motioning the two to take positions for their duel. “I rather like the name Sasami gave me, and this Jurian power? When can I see it?” Cuchulainn asked as he took position opposite Tenchi. “You’re facing it right now, even though Tenchi here hasn’t mastered it, he has defeated a few foes in his time with it.” With those words the two bounded towards each other. Their styles very different, Tenchi would use skills thought by Yosho and would keep himself straight holding the sword in both hands and using his feet to give him push as he avoided Cuchulainn’s attacks. Cuchulainn on the other hand would hold his sword in one hand, using his body to give his swings strength, he would twist and turn like a snake on a spring, avoiding every move of Tenchi and trying to exploit positions hard to defend. Of course Yosho to make thing fairer would restrict the two’s are of fighting to a small ring. This meant Cuchulainn didn’t have much space to exploit and that Tenchi could corner him easily. The battle didn’t end properly, one would always make a mistake and the two would trip up. Today it was Cuchulainn, who thought to himself, so much for being a trained killer. Tenchi helped him up and the two laughed. Cuchulainn felt at peace here, and it seemed like the first time in a long blank history. After their second round a ship appeared over the horizon and headed for the lake. Tenchi told Cuchulainn it was Kiyone. Cuchulainn didn’t respond he just watched the GP ship fly in over the house and land. They ended early that day, because of the appearance of Kiyone’s ship. As they all had gathered on the deck to welcome Kiyone back, Cuchulainn made himself scarce. Ryoko was probably the only one to notice him slip up onto the roof out of view. She wondered why. Was it because Kiyone was a Galaxy police officer and a smarter one then Mihoshi? What was that boy hiding? Kiyone had her own problems, Mihoshi didn’t wait for her to come out of the ship and was latched to Kiyone’s feet before she had even reached the airlock, continually crying Mihoshi expressed her joy for seeing Kiyone again. When they reached the actual deck, Kiyone had unlatched Mihoshi and greeted everyone. “Kiyone welcome back, how was your holiday!” asked Sasami excited to have everyone together again. “Exhausting.” Sighed Kiyone everyone looked confused. “When you go on Holiday don’t you usually relax Kiyone?” Asked Washu, who already had a bad feeling. “Well, yes normally, but I had my hotel blown up by a lunatic and ended up chasing him across the planet. Kiyone rested her head on her palm, exhausted from reports and the trip. “Poor Kiyone, nothing ever goes right for you?” Tenchi commented “Oh yeah we have a new guest… ugh? Where is Cuchulainn?” Tenchi looked around trying to see where his new friend had run off to. A whistle from above made everyone look up to see him sitting there on the roof. He waved at Kiyone, sort of greeting her, but the reply he got was not what he expected. Her gun was pulled out at him and she was screaming “Freeze! Galaxy Police!” He had to jump to the other side of the house as Kiyone fired about seven shots after him. He made a run for it through the forest as more shots came after him. Now what the hell did I do he asked himself, that women exploded when she saw me, why? Back at the house, Tenchi, Sasami and Washu all had jumped on Kiyone to stop her giving chase. “Kiyone!” exclaimed Tenchi. Ryoko and Ayeka just watched the boy run off into the distance. “Oh my he runs almost as fast as lord Tenchi.” Commented Ayeka, she remembered her first encounter with Tenchi and his flee from Azaka and Kamidake. “That guy is the lunatic who blew up my hotel four days ago!” Screamed Kiyone as she tried to pull herself free. “Kiyone!” Washu grabbed her by the shirt. “He has been here for the last week!” Kiyone looked at her for a second. “That Cant be, I saw him! He tried to kill me. He even had that sword!” Kiyone didn’t want to be proven wrong. “Kiyone! Washu and Sasami have been taking care of him for the last week, he spent half the time unconscious!” Tenchi was now also coming to Cuchulainn’s defence. “Oh… But he looked exactly the same…I don’t feel so good.” Kiyone fainted. “Washu… We might have a problem.” Tenchi said as he lifted Kiyone’s body. “Tenchi we need to find Cuchulainn!” interrupted Sasami. The two looked at her; she had tears in her eyes. She really did care for everyone here and didn’t like I when they started shooting each other. “Don’t worry Sasami, we’ll find him.” Tenchi reassured her. Inside Ryoko found that Cuchulainn had taken all his stuff with him, this could be a problem she thought. Yosho watched the scene from the Mazaki shrine, also confused to why Kiyone mistaken the boy for someone else. Sasami had set off to look for Cuchulainn while the others helped Kiyone. Tenchi then followed Sasami to make sure she will be okay. Meanwhile Kiyone had awoken and was receiving a quick lesson from Washu to the whole situation. The best reply she could do was a Mihoshi style confused look. Which wasn’t good for Washu. Outside Sasami was looking for Cuchulainn when Tenchi caught up; they spent the next three hours scanning the forests. Of course they never found him, he was trained to avoid patrols and this was no different. Cuchulainn watched from above as the two passed below him, he then jumped from tree to tree, trying to figure out his next move. Should he run away? Or maybe give himself up? He passed over Sasami again and saw her tears. I can’t leave her like that; I’ll go back when things have calmed down. I don’t have to fear that women, I did no crime, maybe it was all a mistake. It was dusk when he left his hiding place, moving slowly towards the house. Even though he was giving himself in he didn’t feel safe walking out into the open. Habits he doesn’t remember learning. The house came into view, nothing seemed to be out of place, he could just walk up to the door, ring the bell and apologies for whatever he has done. It was such a childish thing to do, but he has forgotten all he has learned in growing up. It was when he reached the door that he became aware that he was being followed. He quickly turn, hand on his sword ready to face anything. He faced two beautiful women. One with long blue hair tied into two pigtails, the other long straight black hair or was it brown, he couldn’t tell in the light. The blue haired one approached him. He prepared for an attack. She came closer until her face was inches from his; she looked straight at him. Her eyes looked so gentle. Suddenly they sparkled and opened wide as she screamed and grabbed him in a bear hug. “Tenchi! Your hair you’ve let it grow, Oh we’ve missed you so much!” She was strangling Cuchulainn, he gasped for air. He never expected that he would die in a bear hug, he never even thought of death, so new in life you never think it would be taken away too soon. Inside the Mazaki house nobody was in the mood to talk, Kiyone was trying to apologies to everyone especially Sasami. The rest were worried about Cuchulainn. Except Ayeka who was watching her watch and seemed to be expecting something. Ryoko not one to let it go started at her about it. “Princess, what are you waiting for? It’s not as if he said he’ll be back for tea or anything,” “I am not waiting for Cuchulainn!” Ayeka replied firmly, that was until she saw everyone’s expressions. “Who are you waiting for?” Asked Ryoko getting the hint of whats coming. “Uhmm well, you see its….” She hung her head “Aunt Funaho’s birthday tomorrow, they arranged with me to have it here with her family, Mazaki and the rest are coming.” Ayeka looked up expecting stunned faces instead she saw that everyone had made a runner. The sound of locks locking came from Washu’s laboratory, Tenchi’s room and Nobiyuki’s study. Only Yosho, Kiyone and Mihoshi were left in the room. “Oh dear.” Breathed Ayeka. The doorbell rang. Ayeka assuming no one else would dare get it, got up to answer it. It started ringing harder, until the person on the other side was banging the door. When Ayeka opened the door Cuchulainn dived in Mazaki attached to his legs. “Please help me! I don’t wanna die like this!” begged Cuchulainn as Mazaki continued to give him a bear hug. “Mother! That is not Tenchi!” Announced Ayeka, with these words Mazaki launched Cuchulainn against a wall and turned and hugged her daughter. Cuchulainn slowly picked himself off the ground and watched the family reunion. “So much for apologies, I guess I’m forgiven.” He told himself, he turned to climb back to his spot on the beams when he saw Kiyone’s stare. He didn’t even want to return it; he quickly pulled himself out of her view. Meanwhile in Washu’s lab the sounds of the family reunion between Sasami, Ayeka and their mother was heard. Ryoko was panicking; Washu wasn’t exactly calm either. “Washu! What are we going to do? You know what Mazaki will do to me!” Ryoko was actually scared. “Ryoko…”Started Washu. “If she is here for Funaho’s birthday, then giving Funaho a present would probably save your skin.” Ryoko looked at Washu, eyeing her trying to tell her something without saying it. Washu totally understood and out of a portal she pulled a box of chocolates. Ryoko smiled took them and went out to face the parents. When she reached outside Washu quickly locked the door again. It was now that Ryoko became aware that the chocolates wouldn’t do a thing to stop Mazaki, she turned to get back into the lab but the door was locked. Cuchulainn watched as Ryoko suffered as he did, and then Tenchi and Nobiyuki, finally Washu and the two GP officers who stayed quiet until Mazaki saw them. After the round of hugs, everyone settled down. Ayeka explained to Washu she wanted to have dinner outside today so that they all can be on the same table. Ayeka also quietly added that the Jurian king would be here too. This caused a stir, but soon everyone was back to normal preparing for the meal. Everyone except Cuchulainn who was worried about the fact his life was attacked twice tonight and was hoping it wouldn’t again. He stayed up on the beam until Sasami got Ryoko to pull him down and place him on the table. When the meal was ready, and everyone was seated Ayeka asked for them to wait for her father. It was during this period that Yosho appeared, after quickly disappearing when they mentioned Funaho’s birthday. He had a bunch of roses. “Here mother, I picked them from my own garden.” Funaho accepted them happily but then stared at her great grandson for his present. Tenchi grinned and added, “No one told me when your birthday was on…” Tenchi knew he was in trouble, but strangely Funaho dropped the topic for exchange of who the boy opposite Mazaki was. Cuchulainn listened as Tenchi and Washu explained who he was to Mazaki and Funaho, after the story Mazaki looked at him with the sparkly eyes and he knew what was next. Mazaki quickly jumped him and began squeezing him a second time, while expressing her sympathy for the loss of his memory. “Mazaki!” Boomed a voice “Please leave that boy alone!” The hugging stopped for a second then Mazaki complied by launching Cuchulainn into the nearest wall again. He had a feeling he wasn’t the only one ever to receive this punishment. The King of Jurai had appeared on the deck when Mazaki jumped Cuchulainn, he was the one who asked her to stop, after greetings around again, He placed himself at the head of the table and was also told of Cuchulainn’s story. He still didn’t seem to have lightened up since the last visit. Tenchi had a feeling that he still didn’t like him. By the time nightfall was fully over them, the lights of the deck had come on and they were busy cutting the cake and telling stories. Cuchulainn felt out of place. He had no stories and was no connection to this family or its friends. He kept quiet for the most of the night. It was at this point that Yosho stood up and announced “My dear mother, Tenchi would like to present his present for you.” Tenchi looked surprised at this and mouthed “I do?” “Yes, Tenchi has arranged for a Jurian style duel between himself and our new friend Cuchulainn. Who I might add is an excellent fighter. I will also take part in on of the duels as will Nobiyuki.” This really shocked Nobiyuki who suddenly felt sick. “I would like to ask for my father to also fight with us, so that we may have a show for my darling mother and the other ladies of the audience.” Yosho sat after this proud of his speech, unaware of the stares he was getting from his son and grandson. Cuchulainn thought about this a bit could be fun and it will keep my mind of other problems. As Cuchulainn stood up to face Tenchi, The Jurian king looked at him and said. “I do not know why you’re here or am I in any way in sympathy of your situation but hope you can show me a fight to earn my respect. I am not impressed by my great grand son, if I have to call him that… Maybe you might have some noble honour in you.” He already felt as if this man didn’t like Tenchi, maybe the same would happen to him. The mini tournament was organised; first to fight was Tenchi and Cuchulainn, then Yosho and Nobiyuki, the winners would then fight then the final winner would in turn fight the emperor. The audience would choose the best fighter. A Man watched the events with interest, he held a rifle in his hands and watched though its scope the King of Jurai stand and takes a wooden sword. They seem to be preparing for a tournament, excellent I will wait until the end then they will see a real fight. The man stood signalled some masked men by his side to get into the van, he himself turned and walked off into the woods. The men watched him go and one whispers to the other “The boss is beginning to scare me.” “He isn’t really one of us, some Hitman they hired to help us, but he believes in the cause his payment isn’t money its revenge.” The first man looked at him. “So he’s Irish, but he isn’t IRA, well then who is he looking for out here, they are all Japanese or aliens down there…” The men looked down towards the house as Cuchulainn stood to face Tenchi. END OF PART 3 Coming in part 4: The tournament kicks off with a big bang as all the fighter prove their worth, even Nobiyuki proves to have some fight in him. But will this fighting spirit the men have be enough for what crashes the party as a finale. Time to meet Conn-La.