Disclaimer: The characters of Tenchi Muyo are the property of their respective copyright holders. Tenchi Muyo: The People's Prince Part 3: Gatherings... Funaho had a headache. After recovering from her lapse of decorum at the press conference, a meeting of the Jurai Royal Council was hastily called to discuss the possible breech of security and the compromise of the situation on Earth. Or at least that was the reason she and her sister were there. "I , for one, do not see what all the concern is about. So what if this Tenchi Masaki becomes public knowledge. It won't be the first instance of a member of the Royal House's 'indiscretions'. Let the chips fall where they may." Misaki looked over to Funaho, who was sitting across from her, and made a show of rolling her eyes. She was rewarded with a smile. The Emperor was sitting between them at the head of the table, eyes closed with a mild look of annoyance on his face. "I must say, Lord Nephrus, just when I begin to respect you, your ineptitude and short-sightedness reassert themselves. What happened today was nothing short of disaster!" Funaho looked to the speaker. He was a graying stout man, looking to be about fifty earth-years old. He tended to be one of the traditionalists, one of the more vocal opponents of Yosho assuming the throne. He had also been outspoken concerning her arrival on Jurai, or so Funaho had heard. He spoke very little about her directly since then. Funaho paid him little mind. "You are paranoid, my dear Lord Leeber. How does public knowledge of that boy threaten anything?" In contrast to Leeber, Lord Nephrus was an athletic looking man twenty-five years old in appearance. Greatly admired by younger Jurians, Nephrus was more liberal in thinking and gave the impression of being carefree and without ambition. "What? How?! Did you not read the report?! Can you not grasp the seriousness of the situation, the precariousness of our position? We can not allow any further information to get out! What if our detractors were to learn that not only have we lost the 1st generation tree Funaho and the 2nd generation tree Ryou-oh, but have not had contact with the Tsunami for over seven hundred years! What if they learn the true natures of Ryoko and Ryo-Ohki and their ability to circumvent our defenses? Do not forget what those two did to Jurai seven hundred years ago, despite the best efforts of our defense forces under your command. What of Washu? If she created those gems, her knowledge and understanding of the Light Hawk Wings far exceed our own. If she decides to share that knowledge with an empire other than Jurai, she could tip the balance of power. And speaking of power, what of that boy and his Light Hawk Wings??? Do you think we can just leave someone like that walking around unsupervised!?" Leeber said wheezing slightly. He, and those on the council for whom he spoke, saw nothing but trouble brewing on Earth. "Calm yourself, I read the report, I just don't take it as the 'Gospel of Jurai'. As detailed as it is, it is still a single account of events, from a single source, a very questionable source. This detective Mihoshi's record is less than stellar." "You think it a lie??" "I think that... there is a core of truth to it, Lord Remus," Nephrus said calmly. Lord Remus was the regional governor of one of the larger protectorates of Jurai. A close ally to the Emperor, his dominion included colonized planet 0315 (Earth) and most territories bordering Galaxy Police patrolled space, as such, he was the Chief Liaison to the GP. "But..." Lord Remus said looking toward the Emperor and avoiding Funaho's gaze. As Chief Liaison to the GP, all information gathering concerning them and that sector of space, clandestine or not, fell under his supervision. If somehow the information had been leaked from one of his sources, Queen Funaho would be none to pleased. "I find myself in agreement with Lord Nephrus, as difficult as that is to believe. This child, Mihoshi, must have been beguiled by the demon Ryoko. AS IF we are to believe, that the Devil of Jurai is or was, in actuality, an unwilling slave of the wraith Kagato," the priest paused for effect, shaking his head solemnly, before standing to better address the sheep. "That the malevolent smile, which she wore on that black day, when thousands of the faithful died protecting her glory, Tsunami, was a pained smile." He slammed his hands down on the table. "That in truth, she is but a beautiful human chimera created by the all knowing Washu," he said, his voice quieting, arms outstretched as if imploring the Heavens. "Such nonsense. By the divine law of the sacred tree, Tsunami, the beast Ryoko's trickery will not fool me or slow my crusade to vanquish her. Evil can be dealt with in only one way." "High Priest Bodan, are you calling their majesties, dupes? Queen Misaki herself has freed Ryoko from all liabilities concerning her attack on Jurai," Lord Nephrus pointed out, a smirk on his face. Misaki, who seemingly hadn't been paying much attention to his pontification, gave the priest a look that would put the fear of God in any man's soul. "Of course I do not fault their majesties, only one who has undergone the training of a Jurian High Priest can block the demon's subversive powers. The very fact that they met the Devil in person, and returned with their souls intact, speaks highly of them," he finished, hoping no one saw the large beads of perspiration on his brow. Both Queens rolled their eyes; there was one in every government. Jurai had several. <><><><><><><><>><><><><><><><> "Alright Washu, what's going on? What is it you wanted me to see?" Ryoko asked, stepping into Washu's lab as the portal behind her disappeared. Washu ignored her daughter's request and walked over to her floating pillow, her arms rocking back and forth. Glaring at Washu's back, Ryoko asked again, and again she received silence in reply. Raising her voice, Ryoko asked a final time, "Why did you ask me in here? And what were you doing with Tenchi?!" Sparks began to dance about her and her eyes bore into Washu. Finally, Washu turned around to face Ryoko, her expression, a disapproving one. With one hand she pressed a single finger to her lips, and with the other arm, she cradled the sleeping Mayuka to her chest. "Shhhhhh." Seeing the sleeping infant instantly mollified Ryoko. She didn't make a sound; even her heart stopped beating. She remained that way, watching her mother gently rocking the sleeping child, humming a lullaby. All manners of emotion played themselves out on Ryoko's face, as she watched the scene before her. Joy for the blissful, innocent, and slumbering child she had once wished dead, but would now die to protect. Envy for a childhood that was denied her. Jealously for the affection her mother was freely giving, oblivious to all else around her. But mostly... mostly there was a longing. A longing to be the one holding Tenchi's child, cradling her to her breast. Their child. Ryoko sighed. A sound reminded Washu, that she and Mayuka were not the only ones in the lab. Carefully, she outstretched an arm and her keyboard manifested itself before her. Typing in a few commands, a bassinet silently appeared floating freely in the air. She gently put Mayuka inside. Just as gently, Ryoko placed a hand on her mother's shoulder and bent down to kiss Mayuka on the forehead. Washu smiled at this, but then frowned, remembering the events of the morning. ' Things just get more and more complicated for us, don't they Ryoko-chan,' Washu thought to herself, not sure if she meant the news conference, Tenchi, or both. She poked Ryoko in the side to gain her attention. "Okay, okay, enough mush. Remember, I wanted to show you something." Ryoko walked over to where Washu was now sitting on her cushion. When Washu saw Ryoko leave the side of the bassinet, she typed several commands into her terminal. A small field formed around the small basket that no noise would penetrate. She then turned to face Ryoko. "Okay, what is it you wanted to show me?" Ryoko asked. "This," Washu said snapping her fingers. A large metal orb suddenly appeared behind Ryoko, an orb Ryoko was all too familiar with. She teleported behind one of the large specimen tanks in the deep recesses of the lab. She knew she couldn't teleport out of the lab directly, but there were still plenty of places she could hide. "I've seen THIS before," Ryoko shouted out somewhere in the lab, just before metal tentacles grabbed her arms and legs from behind and placed a circlet about her head. No, there was no place to hide from Washu in her own lab. "No Ryoko-chan, I am positive you have not seen this and be quiet, you'll wake Mayuka," Washu replied as her daughter was hauled before her. "What in Hell do you want Washu!" Ryoko glared at Washu. Washu pointed to the sleeping Mayuka," Quiet." Ryoko tried to reign in her temper, which was difficult with Washu sneering at her. "That's a good girl, my little Ryoko!" she said, beaming up at her daughter. She hit a button on her keyboard and a large blank screen appeared. "IF YOU THINK...." "Shhhhhhh." Ryoko glanced at Mayuka. She hadn't awakened from the outburst. "If you think you're going to record me again...." Washu paused, 'Good idea. She could gauge Ryoko's reaction to the press conference against known benchmarks and determine her level of stress. Perhaps, she even could form a mathematical model and predict Ryoko's reaction to future traumas, say... losing someone, someone she loved...' "It's a good thing Aeka's never seen me like this," Ryoko muttered to herself, but not quite quietly enough. 'Even BETTER idea! I'll get all the girls in here, and expose them all to it at the same time. I doubt Aeka knows. I wonder if she'll find the idea of Ryoko being Tenchi's mother, amusing or nauseating.' Ryoko watched Washu stand and head towards the exit. "HEY, WHERE DO YOU...." Washu pointed towards Mayuka. "Where do you think you're going? Let me down, Washu." "Be a good girl and watch Mayuka. I'll be right back." <><><><><><><><><><><><> It was early evening on Jurai. Receiving no support at work, Sue called her life long friend and the only person she trusted. Miyo was a short woman, about five feet three inches tall, with light lavender hair. She and Sue had known each for as long as either could remember. Growing up, they attended the same schools and chose identical careers. Miyo, however, had better luck than Sue (considerably better, when you figure in where Sue ended up) finding work, despite the fact graduating below Sue in their class. Miyo knew well the forces driving Susan Graham. "You can read this!?" "Shhh, someone might hear you," Sue said looking all about the little café. She thought it best to be out in the open, a place with lots of people around. She realized that she had become some what paranoid of late, but that didn't mean they weren't out to get her. "You're the only person I've showed this to, Miyo." Miyo's face took on a look of concern, as she followed her friend's furtive glances. Miyo, like the rest of the Jurian Empire, had watched the news conference in hopes of getting some information on the wayward princesses (being a Sasami-file), but Miyo had an additional reason as well. For the past two weeks, Miyo had watched her friend become increasingly possessed with trying to prove her worth. She spoke constantly of finding the key to her cage, and of the expose, that would shed light on all of the Royal House of Jurai's darkest secrets. As her obsession with Jurai grew, so did her paranoia. Everyone was out to get her. The conspiracies spun by the Jurai government were immense. When the press conference was announced, Susan nearly exploded with excitement. Finally, she would have her face off. Who knew it would turn into a farce. With a sigh, Miyo took a sip from her drink, a sort of combination of coffee and alcohol, and again picked up the notebook thin monitor. With her thumb, she quickly scanned through the pages of the report. Her features left no doubt to her frame of mind: total confusion. "I can't make heads or tails out of it, Susan. There are all these blocks missing... and the parts that are here... Really, you can understand what it says? I mean, you've always been smart, but SUSAN? This thing reads like the tax code... 'At x:xx hours, standard Terran time, or y:y:y.y:y converted standard Galactic time...' Terran? What or where is that? Is it a planet? Do you know Susan?" "I have a very good idea, but I'm not one hundred percent certain yet. Anyway, it's not a Jurai world, I can tell you that. I looked it up in the archives of the Royal Science Academy. There is no mention of the word 'Terran' in it. Not surprising when you consider who the Academy is in bed with." "Susan..." "It's the truth!" Sue stated matter-of-factly, crossing her arms in front of her chest. "You said that this is a Galaxy Police report, right?" Miyo said getting back on topic. "Shhh, quiet Miyo!" Sue whispered, "Not so loud." Sue quickly looked to her right and left. The small café was relatively quiet for the time of day. Save for Miyo and Susan, there were only five other patrons. Two couples, one sitting in a secluded corner oblivious to all else around them and two men sitting two tables away from Miyo and Sue, gave them appreciative glances now and then. Finally, a young man sat at the café's large picture window, watching the world go by. Feeling secure, Sue continued, "Yes, it's Galaxy Police, I know that for a fact," Sue said under her breath. Miyo eyed her friend skeptically, "How can you be so sure, Susan? If this report is as top secret as you seemed to think, how is it that you have it?" Sue took a deep drink to steel herself, "Well, you probably won't believe me, but it really did happen this way!" "Don't worry Susan, I'll listen. I always do." At that, Sue smiled, that was the reason she called Miyo. Everyone was laughing at her or so it appeared. She wanted someone on her side, needed someone. From experience, Susan knew Miyo would not prejudge her. "Um, excuse us ladies," said one of the two men who had been sitting near by, but who were now putting forth their best smiles for the two newswomen. "Me and my friend here were wondering if you would like a little company." Miyo, currently involved, politely declined. The two men therefore turned their combined attention on Susan. Both men were reasonably handsome, as most Jurian men are. Sue gave each a good once over, and ran a hand through her long hair. "Well then, can my friend and I offer you a drink? My name is Yoichi, and this is Yasuhito," Yoichi said sliding up a chair along side Susan. "Sure, I'll always appreciate the attention of fine young men such as yourselves. My name is Akiko," Sue said with a faux grin. Miyo raised an eyebrow at the name, but Sue just smiled at her too. "You probably hear this a lot, but I've never met someone with your color hair. Its so rare on Jurai," Yasuhito was not quite staring, but he was close. "A gift from my father," there was a barely perceptible bit of sadness when she spoke. "So Akiko, what're you having?" Yoichi said gesturing at her drink. Sue swirled the contents of drink a bit, but said nothing. "You know Akiko, I've got two tickets to the concert their giving tonight at the stadium near the palace,' Yasuhito said hoping to cut his friend off before he could get started. Yoichi frowned, but countered quickly, "Hey! That's great 'Hito, I tried to get tickets, but couldn't. All my lousy brother, *the palace guard*, could manage was a *private tour of the palace gardens*." Sue took a mental note of the last proposal, an inside to the palace would always be useful, but right now, she didn't have the time. "Both offers sound tempting..." Sue said giving them appraising glances. Both men pumped up their chests, and tried to look manly. "Tell you what. See those two columns over there..." Both men nodded. "I want both of you to pick one and place your backs against it like you would if you were sitting in a chair. I'll go out with the one who can stay up the longest. I like a little stamina in my men," Sue finished with a sinister smile. The two smiled eager to prove themselves to an obviously well raised and cultured woman of Jurai. They nearly knocked each other over getting into place. "Now that that's over with..." "Akiko?" Miyo asked, a grin on her face. Sue looked seriously at her friend, "Do you think they would have been nearly as eager or as respectful, if I told them my name was Susan? Or do you think they would have acted like those jerks I have to work with?" This point, Miyo regretfully had to concede. "Have you considered coloring your hair? Besides your name..." "Why don't I just walk around with a bag over my head." Miyo apologized. "Okay then, back to business. They should be awhile, or at least it better be a while if they want a date with me." "Such a harsh mistress," chided Miyo, glad that the mood was lightening. "Oh, that's nothing. Besides, they love it. Now remember, you said you'd listen." "I said that I would." "You won't laugh?" "What?" "Promise not to laugh." "Come on Susan, what kind of story are you going to tell me?" "Just promise." "Okay, okay, I promise not to laugh..." "Alright," Sue nodded her head. "...much." "MIYO!" Sue exclaimed exasperated. Sue, for the third time, checked to see if anyone was watching them. When she felt no one was listening, she drew herself across the small table and leaned towards Miyo. Seeing this, Miyo did likewise, her expression mirroring Sue's serious one. Sue motioned Miyo to lean even closer, so that she could whisper into her ear. "Hahahaha, you're hearing voices now?? You've got to be kidding me. You embarrassed yourself in front of the Queen and all of Jurai, because some voice told you too???" "It's not as crazy as it sounds." "Red rum, red rum." "Miyo!" "If you report it, they will come." "Knock it off Miyo. This is important!" "Okay, I'm sorry." "Alright." "Go into the light." "Are you finished?" Sue asked annoyed. "Yes." "Are you sure?" "Um... Yeah, I'm sure. So, what did this prophetic voice tell you?" Miyo inquired skeptically, trying very hard to keep a straight face, and failing. "Shut up and let me explain! You'll understand if you listen!" Behind them, a young man was losing his resolve, a washed in sweat. He would not hold out. His legs quaked and began to buckle. Until something changed that. Hearing Sue's harsh voice galvanized Yasuhito. What fire! He'd be damned if he lost her to Yoichi. He stiffened his knees, and grunted. "O.k., O.k." Miyo acquiesced, raising her hands in surrender. "I had this dream, and in it, this woman merely suggests something I would normally do anyway," Sue said pouting. Yoichi, who had begun to tire caught a glimpse of it and redoubled his efforts. "So, I don't see it as strange." "What did the woman look like?" Miyo asked genuinely curious. "I don't remember exactly, but she kind of reminded me of Queen Misaki," Sue said with a puzzled expression. "Hmmm, weird. So what was it she suggested... that you normally do anyway?" Miyo added sarcastically. Sue turned her head slightly and narrowed her eyes at Miyo. "She merely suggested that a certain time would be a good time to monitor the Galaxy Police Class III channel. I normally listen to it when I have a chance anyway," Sue finished matter-a-factly. Miyo nearly dropped her glass. "Class III?! That's a priority burst channel. How could you possibly understand a word they say on it?" Miyo was stunned to say the least. "Well, a few weeks ago, I sorta went to the Ros sector and I sorta 'acquired' a decoder," Sue finished sheepishly. Miyo gave her friend a disapproving glare. "How else could I find out about all of Jurai's dealings with the GP? I have to be able to listen in on the decoded freqs!" Sue pleaded for understanding. "Susan! Those things are illegal!" "Shhh, I know," Sue said waving her friend to be quieter. "They are incredibly expensive!" Wiping some sweat off her forehead, Sue continued, "I know it! I practically would have had to sell everything I own to buy it." "That still wouldn't have been enough!" Miyo said looking away from Sue, amazed. "Wait! What do you mean, 'would have'?" "Those space pirate types aren't too bright. It wasn't very difficult to put one over on them," Sue deadpanned. "SUSAN!" "A good reporter takes risks, Miyo! And I am a GOOD REPORTER!" Sue fired back. "What happens when they find out you swindled them? They'll come looking for you, Susan." Miyo looked worriedly at her friend. In her opinion, Sue was starting to take far too many risks to achieve her ends. "They'll never find me, Miyo. I was careful. Anyway, if I played it safe, I would never have gotten a hold of this report. This is my big break!" If the two women hadn't been so involved in their conversation, they might have heard the labored breathing going on behind them. But they didn't, so it continued. "But those decoders almost never work," Miyo interjected. Susan shrugged. "True, usually I can only get bits and pieces. This is the most I've ever gotten. Maybe the spirit of the Great Mother Tree, Tsunami, was with me," Sue joked. "Still, there are blocks of text missing here and there." Miyo picked up the text again and attempted to make some sense out of it. "I still can't believe you can understand this... 'The a fore mentioned Tenchi, heretofore will be referred to as xxxxxx xxxxxxx prince xxxxxxxxxxx of Crown Prince Yosho. It is also noted here that Ryoko xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx in relation to xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx Tenchi.' And it doesn't get any easier," huffed Miyo as she read further. "I am beginning to see where you are coming from though." Sue's expression took on one of satisfaction. Glad finally to have an ally. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> The First Princess of planet Jurai would say that, in her life, she has suffered a great number of indignities. Endlessly searching system after system for her love, having that first love be unrequited, fearing that her second love would also be unreturned, and finally having to compete for that love. All this however paled in contrast to her current distressed of being hung in the air, like fish. "Mrs. Washu! I demand that you release me at once! How dare you handle my royal person in this manner!" Aeka screamed, though it was difficult to sound imperious with a crown of flashing light bulbs on your head. Washu snickered at her captive, "Quiet, you'll wake Mayuka." Hitting a few keys, the orb holding Princess Aeka came into position besides Ryoko's. "HA! Welcome to the club, your Highness." Ryoko was feeling much better about her situation now. Misery loves company, and Ryoko now had three others to pass the time with here in Hell's Laboratory. "Hey, I think its kind of fun!" Sasami giggled, glad to be included in things for a change. She had insisted on equal treatment, and floated next to her sister, all smiles. Washu's good humor slowly began to fade, as she looked at her consoles in disbelief. She was furiously attacking the keys, but the results were always the same. "I... I... I don't understand why it won't work?!" She began to pull at her long strands of red hair. No matter what Washu tried, she just couldn't get her machines to hold Mihoshi for very long. The manacles kept releasing. "Back to basics then!" Washu said reaching into a subspace hole. "Umm, Washu. Why are you tying me to this chair with a rope? Are we gone play some sort of game?" Mihoshi's eyes blinked with curiosity. " I can't play to long, I have to go into town." "Yeah, Washu! What is this all about? I've been locked up since this morning. Tenchi will be home from school soon!" Ryoko said, finding her anger again. She swung out a foot to kick Washu, but missed considerably. "Keep your voices down. I don't want you to disturb Mayuka," Washu indicated the still slumbering child. Not that they could wake her, with the field surrounding her still in place, but the rouse would keep the girls under control. "And Ryoko, don't kick your mother." Ryoko stuck out her tongue in response. "Okay, now that everyone is comfortable, there is something I would like all of you to see," Washu began, pressing a key or two. The large metal orbs holding Ryoko, Aeka, and Sasami turned to face a large black screen. Washu grabbed the back of the chair Mihoshi was tied to, and spun her round to face the screen also. She pressed 'play'. "This had better be good, Washu!" Ryoko said turning her head from the screen to address Washu. "For once, Ryoko and I are in agreement. This had best explain your actions!" trumpeted Aeka. "You two had better be quiet. If you wake Mayuka, you won't be released anytime soon. Now watch," Washu said activating the thought monitors on her captives and starting the recording. After a moment of static, the screen cleared to show a huge hall. Hundreds of chairs filled the vast room, and not one was empty. In front of the assembly of chairs was a podium, which itself was in front of the Royal Crest of the Jurai Empire. After a moment, the First Queen entered and stood stoically behind the podium. "Oh, I had no idea Aunt Funaho had granted the press such an audience. The Royal Family rarely permits such things," Aeka said somewhat surprised. \\"What do you mean Princess Aeka will not marry Lord Seiryo?!" a reporter on the screen shouted out to the Queen.// Ryoko saw her opening and pounced on it. "Yeah Princess, are you sure you won't change your mind? You made a perfect couple in my opinion. Hahahaah," Ryoko said, bursting into laughter. Aeka just glared at Ryoko, but didn't speak. \\"So... the marriage is only delayed?" another reporter asked following up. // "Yes, it's been delayed. Delayed until Jurai's star goes nova!" Aeka was just barely containing her anger. 'What is happening on Jurai these days,' she wondered to herself. \\"Whose decision was it to call off the marriage?"// \\"Is it true, that both Princess Aeka and Prince Yosho were killed by the space pirate Ryoko, some 700 years ago, and the Royal Family is just reluctant to tell the people?"// Sasami did not hide her dismay at that statement. She turned to her sister, her face troubled. "How could they think Ryoko could do something like that, Aeka?" Aeka didn't answer her sister's question, but instead looked sternly at Ryoko. Ryoko didn't meet Sasami's gaze either. Lowering her head towards the floor, she answered in a regret filled voice," I was a different person back then Sasami. I was capable of many things that I could not conceive of doing now." "She was also under the control of that bastard, Kagato," Washu spat, not bothering to turn away from the readings on her console to address them. \\"Is it true, that Lord Seiryo took one look at how... um, hmm, heavy, Princess Aeka has become..."// "WHAT???" Aeka said straining against her bonds. "Be quiet. You'll wake Mayuka!" Washu chided. "Hahahahahahaha, This is GREAT!" Ryoko exclaimed. The monitor then zoomed in on a picture of a rather plump princess for all the galaxy to see. "Aeka is that really you?" Mihoshi asked, standing up a brushing herself off. "Wahahahahah, this is great! Just great!" Ryoko sides were nearly bursting. Aeka began to glow with power and rage. "That's not FAIR! Aeka lost that weight years ago," Sasami put in with a pout on her face. "SASAMI!!!" Aeka shouted. "MAYUKA," Washu reminded, maybe her ploy wasn't working. Ryoko didn't know if she could take much more. "Y... You mean... aha...you mean she actually looked like that?" "Well... After Yosho left, she got kind of depressed and ate a lot to forget. But... but she lost the weight really, really quick," the younger princess added. Aeka just lowered her head, mortified. Ryoko just couldn't stop laughing, ecstatic. "Is this what you wanted to show me, Washu? Thanks Mom, I needed this. Hahahaha" Ryoko had tears in her eyes from the hard laughter. 'Mom,' Washu thought to herself. She paused from analyzing the responses of her machines to look at her daughter. A smile greeted her, and she seriously considered turning off the play back. On the monitor, a montage of family photos of the Royal Family, taken during their last visit to the Masaki home, was ending. Both Washu and Ryoko watched with blank expressions. Their faces like mirrors. Then a young woman with long brown hair stood up and addressed the Queen. \\"...incident with Kagato, and the destruction of Souja?"// Ryoko perked up at the name, "Hey, they're talking about Tenchi waxing Kagato. Turn it up Washu!" Washu paused for a moment, then increased the volume. "Perhaps the press conference was called to officially announce Tenchi as a member of the Royal House to the Jurian people!" Aeka put in. This possible turn of events went a long way in helping her forget the embarrassment of a moment ago. "Dream on, Princess. Your Jurian people didn't except Yosho, who's half Jurian. How do you think they're gonna react to someone, who's barely and eighth," Ryoko eyes looked directly into Aeka's, who soon turned away. Aeka didn't know how to respond to her greatest fear. "Yeah, that's what *I* think too." "I... I am sure that Tenchi's nature will impress upon them, that he is more than a worthy successor to the throne," Aeka said aloud but continued to herself, 'and the fact he can summon the Light Hawk Wings gives Father little choice but to deal with him.' Aeka paled at how she thought her father would choose to 'deal' with Tenchi. "I am sure Tenchi will be welcomed on Jurai soon," Sasami added in a voice not entirely her own. No one noticed however, as they were wrestling with thoughts of their own. \\"Who is Washu?"// The young female reporter was asking on the screen. "A pain in the ass," Ryoko answered back. "That is no way to refer to your mother," Washu frowned, but the smiled a second later. "Sorry, Mother," Ryoko bowed her headed playfully and smiled. She hadn't been in this good a 'non-Tenchi-related' mood in a very long time. Aeka had been publicly humiliated on her home planet. She couldn't wait to show Tenchi the picture. Best of all, the First Queen hadn't mentioned Tenchi once. With Jurians being the xenophobic, racist, bastards that they are, Tenchi would never be excepted there without divine intervention. \\"She was a student at the Royal Science Academy..."// "A STUDENT! How do facts get distorted like that?" It was the third time Washu had watched the broadcast, but this part still goaded her. "Try looking in a mirror," Aeka whispered to Sasami, who giggled. "The insult, I was one of the best...no THE BEST professors that academy has ever had!" \\"...one more question."// \\"What is your question, Mrs... Graham?"// \\"Who..."// is all she got out before the monitor went blank. "Mom, what happened?" Ryoko asked her mother. "I almost made a mistake," Washu answered quietly. "What? I didn't hear what you said." "I must have made a mistake when I was recording it. Sorry." She lied. "What! The Great Washu isn't perfect???" Ryoko laughed as she was released from the orb. "No, I guess I am not," came a flat reply. Washu released Aeka and was about to release Sasami, but the little princess was already free. Washu gave her a curious glance, and Sasami returned it, just as curious. "Ah, I see," Washu nodded. "Wait! Where's the bubble head?" "She left awhile ago," answered Sasami, walking over to the bassinet where Mayuka was just now waking up. "But how did she... aw forget it," Washu said, avoiding a headache. Dusting herself off, and straightening her clothes, Aeka walked towards the door, glad for the afternoon to be over. "Who did the reporter ask about when the recorder failed, Washu?" She shot over her shoulder. "She wanted to know who did the Queen's hair, you know Jurians and hair." "Hmmpf" and Aeka was gone. "Tenchi should be home any minute!" Ryoko exclaimed with glee, teleporting near the door. "Ryoko!" Washu shouted to her. "WHAT???" "Maybe we could take some family photos sometime," Washu asked in a disinterested voice, not facing her daughter. The lab was silent for a time and Washu feared she had step too far again. "Maybe," and Ryoko was gone. Washu smiled, and then got to the business of analyzing the various readings she had gotten from the girls. No doubt, they would all learn the truth eventually, but it would not come from her. She just couldn't do it. "Well done, I was wondering what you would do." "Did you say something Sasami?" "No, no, I didn't Washu," Sasami replied as she carried Mayuka out of the lab. Washu blinked twice, shrugged and returned to her work, playing particular attention to Sasami's readings. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> So, where do you plan to go from here, Susan?" A curious Miyo asked her friend. Sue finished the last of her drink and wiped the corner of her mouth before answering. "Well, I thought I'd try and find out what section of space, Officer Mihoshi is assigned, and go from there. I have a hunch, and if I am right, I can blow this whole story open!" Miyo emptied the last of her drink also. "Good luck then, and be careful. If you're right, that planet the Princes and Princesses are on must be heavily guarded. Heck, two generations of the House of Masaki are there. And I doubt those space pirates you tricked, have forgotten about you either!" "Don't worry. I'll be careful. No way am I going to die until all of Jurai respects the Graham name!" Sue declared. Miyo smiled sadly, but Sue either didn't notice or ignored the look. "If anyone comes looking for me or anything, tell them I went to visit with mom," Sue yelled over her shoulder as she headed out the door. Miyo spent a moment watching her friend rush out the door and decided to sit in the small café a bit longer. Ordering a stronger brew this time, she made a silent toast to her friend, not noticing the young man who had followed Sue out the door. 'I wish you all the luck, Susan Graham, and I hope someday you come to realize, that worth comes from within,' Miyo downed the rest of her drink in a gulp. 'And I hope someday soon, Jurai can accept those not of pure blood.' Miyo paid the bill and left. WHAM.... THUD... "I WIN... huff huff.. huh.... Where did... NOOOO!" <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> It was late. "Lord Remus," Funaho said rubbing her brow, eyes closed. "Y... yes my Queen?" Lord Remus immediately came to attention in his chair. The moment he had been dreading had arrived. The Queen opened her eyes and stared directly into those of Lord Remus. He was as if a deer caught in a pair of headlights. "It is quite obvious to me, that Mrs. Sue Graham has somehow come into contact with elements of Detective Mihoshi's report. Wouldn't you say?" He took a breath. "As her questions centered around the Kagato incident, her having been exposed to the Mihoshi Report would be the most logical explanation. The fact that her information concerning the boy's lineage was erroneous indicates that she is unaware of the dynamics of what is happening on Earth. This too supports the hypothesis that her information stems from the report, and not a contact on Earth," he paused waiting for some sign from the Queen, that his analysis was agreeable to her. The Queen nodded. Remus let out and audible breath, perhaps too soon. "Then you admit that someone in your network at the Galaxy Police leaked the information to her? Other than the members of the council, they are the only ones who had initial access to the data." Both Queens were staring at him now. He wasn't quite bathing in sweat, but he was close. Even the normally divided council was united in their sympathy for Lord Remus and their joy in not being in the hot seat. "Uh, no, my Queen. What I can surmise from my initial investigation, is that the data was most likely intercepted during transmission from Detective Mihoshi's GP cruiser to Galaxy Police Headquarters. We have had reports of space pirates intercepting GP broadcasts in order to ascertain deployments, routes, and work schedules. The reporter could have purchased the information or she herself may have links in the pirate guilds." "How likely is that?" inquired Queen Misaki, always interested in what the guilds were doing. Yakage, Head of the Royal Science Academy spoke for the first time. "It is extremely likely. The communication equipment standard to the type GP cruiser that Detective Mihoshi is assigned is rudimentary when compared to that of our standard cruiser. It would be quite simple for one of the better-financed guilds to intercept and decode the transmission, that is, if it were even coded in the first place. It is unlikely that Detective Mihoshi realized the sensitivity of the information she was passing and therefore took no great step to secure it. As far as she was concerned, it was merely an accounting of the events leading to the destruction of Souja." "Thank you, Yakage. That was well thought out. I think I can accept that explanation. I still would like a review of procedures from your intelligence network at the Galaxy Police, Lord Remus." "Yes, Queen Funaho," Lord Remus replied, relief evident on his face. Yakage had blushed extremely lightly at the First Queens praise, a fact that was not missed by the Second Queen, who was kicking Funaho under the table. "What?" Funaho mouthed to Misaki. "I tell you later," Misaki mouthed back. Lord Nephrus clapped his hands, and rubbed them together. "So that takes care of the how, which leaves us with the 'who'. What is to be done with the fair Mrs. Graham?" "Well it is obvious that she knows too much, and will spill what information she has at a drop of a hat. She needs to be contained," said Lord Leeber, the group of the council loyal to him quickly agreeing. "Is that what we are calling it nowadays, 'containment'? I think I liked 'taken care of' better," mused Nephrus. "That wouldn't be wise on several counts," Yakage asserted "Oh! Such as!?" Leeber said beginning to let his frustrations show. "For one, Mrs. Graham is somewhat of a celebrity now. Her disappearance would be noticed and bring unwanted attention." "So, celebrities have accidents too, you know." Yakage ignored Leeber's 'logic' and continued. "Second, my speculation on how the report was obtained, was just that, speculation. It would be foolish not to confirm my theories. There may just be a serious security breech somewhere. Third, we should determine just what else, Mrs. Graham knows of Tenchi Masaki and the on going affairs of Earth. We, ourselves, have learned little since the Queens' visit, other than the occasional friendly call from Princess Aeka." "Are you suggesting we do nothing?" "No, I suggest we keep her under surveillance. Find out what she knows and how she knows it. Perhaps we can turn her sources into our sources," Yakage finished. "Again, well spoken Director Yakage." Yakage nodded his head, looking away from Funaho. "Thank you." Again, Misaki kicked Funaho under the table. This time Funaho kicked her back causing Misaki to giggle slightly. "I do hope that covers everything. Some of us have lives beyond the council," Nephrus sighed, a bored expression on his face. "WAIT! What of that boy?!" Lord Seiryo jumped to his feet, entering the conversation for the first time. "My Gosh! It speaks! I would have thought you would remain quiet. Indeed! I'm surprised that you attended this meeting at all, after that little face saving attempt of yours," Nephrus laughed. "I... I have no idea to what you are referring to," Seiryo said turning slightly red. "Oh, of course you do. It is quite obvious you were the one behind that plump princess question. Still feeling a bit steamed about being spurned, are we?" Seiryo became indignant, a state he was well familiar with, but he tried to retain some calm as he spoke. "I assure you, that we have not heard the last on that matter. It was not as if I had my heart set on marrying Princess Aeka," Seiryo lied, "I was merely giving the Emperor, the opportunity for his house to retain *some* control over the throne. It has become clear that Prince Yosho has no intention of succeeding his father. It is equally clear who follows in the right of succession," Seiryo finished with a grin. All eyes on the council turned toward their Emperor, who had been ominously quite through out the whole proceedings, in order to gauge his reaction to what Seiryo was alluding to. His response was more silence, which brought veiled grins to a number of faces sitting around the conference table. 'What can you say *Emperor* Azusa? A first and a second-generation tree lost, Jurai proper itself attacked, no contact from the Tsunami, and we were all but useless against Kagato, as he raped one system after another, all this on your watch, my friend. It speaks ill of your house's chances of retaining the throne. Even your own children fail to heed you!' Nephrus didn't even try to contain his smirk. Even Funaho's nerves began to wear thin. "My son has not yet decided his position relative to the throne. It is premature to discuss such matters," she said in defense of her son. 'Why don't you say something AZUSA,' she thought angrily turning to look at her husband. Under the table, he put a reassuring hand on her thigh. Misaki wasn't nearly as detached. "Even if by some wild chance Yosho didn't assume the throne, my Aeka is more than capable of becoming Empress!" "With all due respect my Queen Funaho, Prince Yosho has returned to his home world, his ship is permanently grounded, and he has shown little interest in Jurai or its people in seven hundred years. He has made his choice," Lord Leeber said, meeting Funaho's stare. No half-breed Jurian would take the throne as long as his house stood. "As for the Princess..." one of Lord Seiryo's supports chimed in. Funaho raised an eyebrow. 'They're feeling strangely bold today. Why?' She thought questioningly. "...she too has lost her ship and her interest in Jurai as well. While both the strength of Lord Seiryo's tree ship and his unwavering loyalty to Jurai are well known to the Jurian people." "Indeed, indeed, Lord Seiryo's strength and loyalty *are well known*," Seiryo puffed out his chest at the unexpected praise. "In fact, he is second only to Lord Nephrus in the people's eyes." Lord Nephrus said nothing. He didn't have to. He let his supporters do the posturing for him. "As head of the Jurian military for the past eight hundred and fifty years...." Several more hours were spent with the supporters of Seiryo and Nephrus expounding on the abundant attributes of their leaders before the meeting began to break up. The three distinct groups quickly left the council chambers, leaving just the two Queens, the Emperor, and Yakage. "By your leave, your Majesties," Yakage bowed. "A moment Yakage, I would speak with you alone," Azusa ordered. Both Queens gave their husband a puzzled look before leaving the room. As they left, Misaki pulled at Funaho's arm. Turning around to face Misaki, Funaho placed a finger to her lips and indicated they should go into the gardens. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> "Yakage, how is it doing?" the Emperor asked sternly. "All is well my Lord. She is taking to her training and will be ready soon," Yakage bowed. "I would like to inspect it. From the talk of the Lords this afternoon, I do not have long to secure my position. Have it ready for my audience tomorrow," the Emperor said rising. Obviously, the Lords must think him a fool to be so blatantly disrespectful, but the Emperor too had his plans. He laughed maniacally as he left the chamber. Yakage slowly rose from his bowed position on the floor and looked towards the closed door and the departed Emperor. "Yes, my Lord. *SHE* will be ready to greet you the morrow." <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Outside in the gardens. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Funaho and Misaki turned towards the palace, large sweat drops on their heads. "He is up to something," Funaho said sitting down on a bench, near a large rosebush of purple flowers. She let the warm night breeze calm her stressed nerves. "They are all up to something," Misaki added joining Funaho on the bench. She removed the binding from her hair and shaking her head, allowed it to flow freely down her back. Letting out a deep breath, she spoke, "There right about Yosho and Aeka, you know. Without their ships and being gone for so long, it will be difficult to get them on the throne." "Yosho does not want the throne. I know my son well enough to know that. I will not force him. I can not speak for the Emperor on that though." "Yes, his heart is set on Yosho, the poor dear. He is going to be so disappointed," Misaki said with a sigh. Standing up, she looked out into Jurai's star filled sky. "I doubt my Aeka will want the throne either now. Not without Tenchi." "Tenchi." Funaho looked up from her perch on the bench at her sister. "Tenchi," Misaki agreed with a smile. Not that it would be easy, but what choice did they have. "A visit to Earth it is then,' she said clapping her hands, happy at the prospect. "By the way, why did you kick me in there," Funaho asked standing up. "You are so dense! For some high and mighty Minister of Information, you're blinder than I don't know what!" Misaki exclaimed walking towards the garden's exit. "What?" "Yakage has a crush on you!" "He does not." "Does to." "Does not!" "How would you know? You are so observant with everything else, but clueless when it comes to love." "That's absurd!" "No it isn't, Azusa dear had to practically kidnap you from Earth!" "..." "Lord Remus, fantasizes about you too!" "Misaki!" "and the Chef, and that guy who holds the door open to the throne room, and ..." "Well! What about the all those guards who make eyes at you?! Or do you think we have all those men volunteering for the guard out of loyalty to the King." Misaki put one hand on her hip, the other in her hair, and struck a pose. "Can you blame them?" Both entered the palace laughing and in much better spirits then when they left it. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Tenchi Masaki was late. Actually, he was very late. You could tell by the two females plastered to the windows, searching the walk for any sign of him. All they saw however was his father Noboyuki. Ryoko and Aeka completely ignored him as he entered the house. That is until he said... "Wow, what smells so delicious Sasami? I'm starved. Oh yeah! Sasami! No need to make a plate for Tenchi. With any luck, he won't be home tonight!" He probably shouldn't have added that last part. They were on him faster than he could blink. "What do you mean, Lord Tenchi will not be returning this evening? Where is he?" Aeka asked losing all semblance to a Jurian princess. Noboyuki shook his head and feigned ignorance, but they didn't buy it. "Where is he?" Ryoko asked baring fangs. "You can strip me, beat me, and cover me in syrup... really you can, but I will not betray my son. He has sworn me to secrecy, for tonight, he becomes a man!" He really shouldn't have added that last part. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> If Ryoko and Aeka hadn't been so busy watching out for Tenchi and then interrogating his father, they might have walked into the kitchen. If they had walked into the kitchen, they would have noticed Sasami slumped against the side of the refrigerator, asleep. If they had investigated further, they just might have seen the ethereal glow coming from the forest, but probably not since they didn't see it from their perches at the window. If they had however, they might have witnessed a ghostly woman with long blue ponytails waving gently behind her as she approached a lone tree in the middle of a small lake. Tsunami slowly floated towards the tree. When she arrived next to it, she placed both hands on its ancient trunk and rested her head on her hands. The wind and the noise of the forest seemed to die down as she spoke. "Soon my child, very soon." The leaves of the tree rustled with anticipation. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>