Tenchi Muyo is copyrighted by AIC * Pioneer LDC. "The Raven" cruised through space, a marauder class vessel for the darkness. It is eight hundred feet of destruction, its' cargo of 500 hunter-killers have returned from an extermination mission. Having wiped out a small planet of would be enemies, they now look forward to some rest before their next mission. "Sir, we're receiving an extremely urgent message from HQ." Replied the ship's communications officer. "Bring it to me" the words coming out of the shadows. The commander grew angry as he read: "The order of light has picked up two beacons of hope. Princess Ayeka has been uncovered as an agent of ours. Pay a visit to Planet 2,834,759. These may be the ones. Failure is not an option." Of course failure was not an option, Sin did not allow it. There was no place to hide because he lives in the darkness in one's heart. The punishment would be great, even in death. "What our Destination Commander?" asked the ships navigator with fear that he would be reprimanded. "Earth" was all that was said, seemingly from no one, until a figure moved forward, revealing a large broad faced warrior with a scar over his left eye, the eye having gone white from the wound. "We have another extermination mission." Ryoko and Tenchi both tensed a moment in their battle stance, each gripping two bokken practice swords in their hands. Training with Eric for the past week has been both incredible and tiresome. They dedicate their lives to the training and each other. They are both warrior, it is in their blood. They feed off of it and off their love. They triple in skill and strength each passing day. And now they have sparring matches for hours at a time. Their improvement began after Eric freed them of their guilt. Tenchi no longer felt a burden on him because of his mom or his indeciveness with Ryoko. Ryoko has learned that what Kagato did was not her fault and the many killed in the violence do not hold her responsible. They have learned that it is the way things are and have learned to accept the good with the bad. With the guidance of Eric Ryoko has learned to use her three gems to full power, ingniting her own light hawk sword. Now that both Tenchi and Ryoko have not only mastered the two-sword style but have mastered the art of teamwork, Eric has decided it too dangerous to practice with their real weapons. "Begin" was all Eric said and the battle began. Not another word was spoken, verbally anyway. With their love growing Tenchi and Ryoko found they could communicate telepathically. Unlike Washu's, which was scientifically made, theirs was one built on trust and love. *So you want to go out to dinner tonight or would you rather stay in?* *Tenchi, shouldn't we concentrate on the match? You've picked up some bad habits from me.* *And you've picked up some good ones from me. Don't worry we can take him.* Just then Eric pulled out a new trip technique, knocking Tenchi on his back and placing his bokken on his chest. Tenchi released his bokken. "What's wrong why did you give up?" "You just killed me, I'm dead" "Would you let Death cheat you of victory, or would you let Ryoko meet the same fate?" Eric asked with sincerity, "After an enemy kills you, you know he'll go after your love. The same goes for you Ryoko. To die defending Love is the greatest thing in the universe. Remember that." "Yes, Sensei" They spoke in unison. After training Eric allowed them to spend time together alone. He called it an important part of their training. Eric would then visit Yosho and Washu in the shrine for tea. "How are they coming along?" Asked Yosho while sipping his tea. "Have they improved enough to handle the task?" added Washu. "They have made considerable improvement. I have never seen such devotion. But I cannot say if they are ready. They both have managed to get the two-sword style faster than I ever did. " "Who was your trainer?" asked Washu out of curiosity. "Even after all these years I still remember my first day of training. Raphael drilled me for twenty years until he said he had shown me all he knew. I've spent the other 19, 980 years as a guardian for the order of light." "So what of you past? Your family?" asked Yosho on purpose to drive Washu's curiosity. "I don't know anything of my mother except that she was pure of heart. My father wasn't and was easily turned toward the darkness. Shortly after I was born he took me and was about to throw me into an incinerator when Raphael saved me. Would you like a hair sample now little-Washu?" "Would I ever" stated Washu nearly mad to know who Eric really was. After Eric gave her the sample, she teleported to her lab for analysis. "That was not nice Yosho." "True but it was necessary. Knowing you you'd have left without telling her. Not through coward ness, but of loyalty to the cause. Now tell me truly are they ready?" "They are about 75-80 % done. Perhaps if they had sent Michael or Gabriel, even Raphael as their trainer they'd be ready." "What's wrong? Why are you depressed?" "I got word that Radivir and his hunter-killers are on their way." "Then they must know the threat Tenchi and Ryoko pose." "Yes. Yosho call Kyone and Mihoshi back from patrol. Together take your family into hiding. Tenchi and Ryoko would feel better knowing their family is safe." "But can't we help?" "I'm afraid not this time old friend. Please do as your told and make preparations." As Yosho left the shrine Washu teleported back. "Why didn't you tell me?" "Their Training had to come first." "Are you really…my son" Washu asked with tears in her eyes. "Yes mom" with that said they hugged each other for the first time. "What's going on here" yelled Kyone "we're gone a week and we come back to find angels popping out of the sky. Not only that but he's Washu's son. Explanations are in order." "Something like that, but I'm not an angel. I'm human just like the rest of you, sort of." "Wow I find that kind of neat. Can I see your wings?" asked mihoshi "Maybe later." "Okay" said the blonde with the heart and mind of a child. "Yes explanation are in order, but there is no time for that. As we speak Hunter-killers are on the way bent on destroying the beacons of hope I have found. They won't stop there. When they attack they always wipe out the planet. It is their joy in life. We cannot let that happen. Ryoko, Tenchi and myself plan on taking the fight to them. What we ask is that you follow Yosho to a safe house on a planet where only good can survive." "Is there any other choice?" "No, you'll have to leave for your own protection." "Please be careful, I just found you, my son, I don't want to lose you again." "Yeah please, remember you said I could look at you wings" "Before you go we want you to witness our marriage." stated Tenchi "Yeah and after this is all done with we'll do things right and have a grand ceremony." "A quickie marriage huh guys" said Kyone near tears As kyone pointed out it was a quick marriage, but bound by love for life. Yosho being a priest presided over the wedding. Washu nudged Eric and asked "When are you going to get married? You know Kyone and Mihoshi are single. Take your pick." This caused Eric to go beet red. "Mom not now." After they left Tenchi and Ryoko were fidgeting, anxious in more ways than one. "How long 'til we go meet them?" asked Ryoko while Eric made preparation to the silver Eagle. "About two hours" "So can Tenchi and I go consummate our marriage?" Ryoko's reply made Tenchi turn red and speechless. "Sure. I'll let you know when we have to go." Eric's nonchalant manner before an upcoming battle amazed them. "Sir we've detected an unknown ship leave Earth atmosphere. Advise course of action" "Scan and report" "Nothing the energy signals are still on station" "Leave them, they are of no consequence. Stay on target." ---two hours later. The silver Eagle began its liftoff. Ryoko was surprised at the speed it could manage. Ryo-ki would have broken up at that speed. "Ryoko come sit in the co-pilots chair. It's important you learn to fly it. I may not be with you upon exiting " "Don't talk that way." The controls were not as those on board Ryo-ki. These obeyed brainwaves. All you had to do was think of the direction or speed you wanted and off it would go. It was truly a work of art and a joy to fly. "Tenchi take aim at the main cargo bay and put a hole in it." Eric asked as he showed hi how to use the main cannon. The shot fired was made of pure Heaven Uranium. Ten thousand times stronger than any nuclear warhead on earth yet it was one of the weaker weapons in Heaven's arsenal. "Sir, the silver Eagle is headed right for us. Energy indicators show they about to…" just then they are rocketed by a blast. "Sound the alarm. I want those bastards dead." "Sir, fires have broken out in sections 4-7 and the main cargo bay has been destroyed." "We've lost half the crew. They were there doing repairs to the landing ships all pursuit ships have been destroyed." Reported another officer. "What about the Hunter-killers?" asked Radivir angrily. "Fine sir they are still in stasis. Shall I release them?" "Do it" "How many?" "ALL OF THEM!" yelled Radivir angrily as he watched the screen at the damage a little ship as the Silver eagle could inflict on the mighty Raven. "Stay close and watch your backs." As they boarded the ship they met little resistance. The few crewmembers alive were quickly taken care of. Then they heard the sound of an army marching toward them. At the lead they saw a warrior dressed all in black with very little decorations. As he got closer they could see the mark of commander on his chest. So this was Radivir the leader of the feared Hunter killer unit 731. The Hunter killers themselves looked more like machines than human. Their helmets covered their head and the red visor made them look fierce and intimidating. Their armor was thick, capable of stopping an energy blast at close range. The array of weapons varied from small throwing knifes to fully loaded multi round blaster cannons. Each Hunter-Killer was capable of killing a hundred men single handedly. Together as a team, they were unstoppable. "Eric nice to see you again. Time hasn't been kind to you." "I see your men have improved weaponry. How many do you have?" "500 professional hunter-killer class soldiers." "Is that all, your out numbered. Surrender and save yourselves." "Never!" "It doesn't have to be this way. Come rejoin the order." "DEATH FIRST!" "As you wish" The battle waged on for days. When Eric had said that they were outnumbered he had been bluffing. They were at a standstill. Tenchi and Ryoko had managed to kill 150 of the HKs but many were left. "This isn't working. Tenchi! Ryoko! We'll have to switch. Attack Radivir. Kill the head of the snake and the body loses function." It worked, the key was Tenchi and Ryoko's teamwork. Eric had said that they would be unbeatable. Radivir was growing weary. He had been force to get another sword, but was obviously no good with the two-sword style. Just as they were about to finish him off he feigned right and moved left and managed to stab Tenchi in the stomach. "Don't worry about Ryoko, she'll soon be joining you." "Will you let Death cheat you of victory?" Eric's word rang in his head as he felt his life slipping into the void that is death. Thought of his life flashed before him. Without a doubt, Ryoko had given his life meaning. He knew no other joy as when he was with her. He could not let her meet the same fate as he had. With the last ounce of energy he had, he pulled tenchi-ken and the light hawk sword down on Radivir's neck, completely severing his head. It happened so fast that Ryoko had no time to interfere. "Tenchi my love don't leave me." "Ryoko!" yelled Eric holding off the HKs with all seven of his energy sabers. "Listen to me take Tenchi and follow the instruction I left in the ships main frame. It'll obey your voice. You must get tenchi to the destination within seven hours. You can do it. Go! And tell mom I'll be a little late." Ryoko carried the lifeless body and teleported to the ship. "Computer retrieve instructions." Ryoko was awestruck as she stared at the ships screen. Destination: Heaven's Headquarters ETA: 3hrs Warning: Must pass through Sin's encampment to enter Heaven. Heavy resistance expected. Next chapter: The Eye of the Storm