(You're just doing this to torture yourself you know) This is the 'end' of this tale. Tenchi Muyo! is owned by AIC and pioneer. Chapter 4: Point...Point and Game It all was silent again. Tengai stopped crying and looked up from Hokushin's warm chest. Why was no one speaking...what had happened? Her gaze scanned over each of the familiar faces. Wait, where was Grandpa Yosho? She caught a glimpse of Grandma Kyokki's face and she realized what she had missed. Grandpa was gone. She made a choking sound and Hokushin placed his arms around her. She watched her family, her eyes flowing free tears. He had come to help rescue her...and now he was gone. "Oh, Grandpa!" She wailed. Kyokki turned to look at her and Tengai gasped as Hokushin's arms tightened around her. Her eyes! Staring out from Grandma Kyokki's face were eyes the color of purple storm clouds...grandpa's eyes. ... 'D3 was controlling the block.' Yosho's voice whispered in Kyokki's mind. "Yosho" She sighed, so this is what it meant when the Tokoshie legend said... 'Before the end, the minds will merge.' She thought back. 'Yes,' her beloved's voice whispered, 'and now you will know what I discovered the moment her beam hit me. The game is not yet over...and she placed herself in check with her mistake.' 'You always _ did _ love chess.' She knelt on the floor as the knowledge Yosho had obtained in the moment of his death filled her mind, her head bowed. 'Now, my love...open your mind to the others and share with them what they must do.' 'I will, beloved.' Kyokki thought back, then felt the loss as Yosho's spirit fled to the back of her mind, minimizing the amount of energy he took from her. Kyokki had never before attempted to communicate with the others telepathically. She gently reached out with her awareness, and touched the minds of those surrounding her. * Can you hear me? * She asked. * Yes, * they all answered, a chorus of voices filling her mind. Kyokki sighed, that had been easier than she thought it would be. * Now listen, and I will tell you what I know. * * Lady Kyokki...I... * Prince Tenchi started to say, his eyes glistening with tears. His wives stood closely around him, trying to offer what comfort they could at the death of his grandfather. Kyokki smiled slightly, * I know Tenchi. But we have other things to worry about just now. All right then. * She thought in a business like manner. * When Yosho's spirit entered me, he gave me what he knew. Tokimi did not expect this, or that her beam would kill the wrong person, just as D3 did not expect that she would actually destroy him. * *Kill the wrong person? * Ayeka asked. Kyokki touched her hand, * Yes, Ayeka. The beam was actually meant for me and for my father. * Washu gasped and clutched at Tentousama's arm as he stood looking gravely at his daughter. * When Tokimi's power touched him, Yosho was provided with a glimpse into the goddess's mind. He saw that father and I were not supposed to be here, not as a part of her plans. * * But she told us her plans! * Ryoko protested. * She was lying, dear Ryoko...well not entirely. It is true that this had happened before, in another dimension. They confronted her and destroyed her, but that was not her own Dimension and they only destroyed that manifestation of her spirit. Nonetheless, the consequences were the same as those she described. For one moment everything was pure light, then all was destroyed. * Washu's face brightened with illumination. * If all that was true, then what she is lying about must be her submission to us. * Sasami nodded in agreement, as did Kyokki. * Yes, * she slumped a little lower as more power drained out of her. * She cannot be destroyed without destroying the Universe, and as this is her home dimension, all other dimensions would cease to be as well. In addition to her intention of killing father and I, she planned that little 'scene' with D3 in order to show her trustworthiness. * * Well obviously she has failed. * Tengai supplied. * So what is her goal, Grandma? * Kyokki winced at the title. * She wanted to destroy us all. * Ayeka protested, * But, wouldn't that have the same consequences? * * The only difference would be that everything would become darkness, instead of light. * Mihoshi looked very, very confused. * But then why...* * Arrogance. * Sasami commented in disgust as Washu nodded, * She always wanted to prove she was the best. * Ryoko growled along with Ayeka, * Idiocy! * Ayeka said. Kyokki felt herself falling backwards. She felt Tentousama catch her and knew they could delay no longer. * Now, listen, I do not have much time left. What you must do is imprison her. * * But how, * Tenchi protested, * She is more powerful than any of us. * Kyokki pointed a trembling hand at the two outlines that backed the goddess, who looked to be growing irate with their silence. * When Tsunami, and then Washu left, Tokimi took the some of their powers, using those shadow wings. She formed those two outlines as both a reminder of their betrayal and as vessels to contain the power they had given up. Now it is impossible to get those powers back. * She smiled weakly at Washu. * With your scientific knowledge you should be able to figure out how she did it, and how to bind her in the same way, once trapped thus, she would still exist, but would be forever trapped and impotent. * * But won't she try to stop us? * Ayeka protested. Kyokki smiled at her and then looked at Sasami. * Of course she will...but Tsunami prepared for this eventual conflict. Most of Tokimi's powers are bound into her shadow wings, and as you can see, she has ten...the same number as those her Sister has. But what Tokimi didn't know was that through careful manipulation, Tsunami was able to procreate the wings, and each has as much power as the originals. Tenchi can form three that we know of. * She looked at Tengai, * And how many do you have, dear? * Tengai looked down sheepishly as everyone turned to stare at her, * Eight. * She thought finally. Kyokki smiled at her encouragingly. * But they are not the only ones with wings of the lighthawk; Ryoko also has the ability to form them. * Ryoko started to protest, but Kyokki cut her off, * When Washu left, she gave up her wings, keeping instead her genius, but the ability still remained in her blood, and in her gems. * She nodded at the red jewels adorning Ryoko's wrists and throat. * And when she created you of herself, that ability was passed on, though it has lain dormant. * Kyokki started breathing laboriously. * Rest yourself, Kyokki, * Washu thought, * we can take it from here. * Kyokki nodded in agreement and slumped against her father, who held her gently. "You can still break it." He whispered to her. She shook her head determinedly, "No father, forty years is not enough." ... Tokimi watched them through narrow eyes; this was not going to plan. But perhaps...without the one wing that Yosho produced, she could still defeat them. She hesitated to interrupt their conversation, or what little conversation they were having. She feared that if she did not give them the time to vent their grief at her 'unintentional' homicide they would distrust her again. She could not know of course, that the knowledge that Yosho had received was transferred into Kyokki upon his death. She could not comprehend that a person could make a sacrifice such as that. Dying for one another. So she waited, and those who were 'comforting' one another were glad for the delay. * Now listen, * Washu instructed, * those of us who cannot make the wings of the lighthawk will have to distract her. * Sasami jumped in, * When you are summoning the wings... there is a moment, an instant really, when you are vulnerable to attack. But this is only if you are unprepared for that moment. Undoubtedly she will strike then, when she thinks we do not expect it. * Washu nodded in agreement. * Now this is what we are going to do. * The others listened intently as she laid out their plans in excruciating detail. While they were doing this they hugged each other and wept. For more than just the sake of appearances, they all had loved the wise man who had given up his life. However, they did not let this distract them from the task at hand. Nothing would keep them from their chance at avenging the one who had fallen; a few who knew the consequences of the Tokoshie ring glanced at Kyokki, and the one who would. When they finally had their plans all set; the moves they were to make, they looked back up at the looming goddess. Tokimi had glittering tears trickling down her face. The companions knew they were contrived and were angered even more at the sight. "Sisters, I swear to you...I never meant..." She said huskily. Washu cut her off with a flash of her hand. "No more delays Tokimi...we are ready." The goddess nodded and bowed her head. Washu walked over to stand beside Tentousama, who was still gently supporting his daughter; taking Mihoshi with her. Ryo-Ohki and Kokuten were there as well. Hokushin stood behind Tengai, his hands resting upon her shoulders. Before leaving them to join Washu, Ayeka walked down the line of those who would be the most vulnerable, wishing them luck, and distributing admonitions. She was almost like a general preparing her troops before battle. Tengai was the first, and she hugged the girl gently. "Be careful," she murmured, "We didn't come this far to lose you again." Tengai returned the embrace with tears running down her pale face. Ayeka nodded to Hokushin and briefly clasped his hand, "Take care of her," She instructed. The knight bowed deeply in response, his red hair shimmering in the flickering light. Ayeka moved on to Sasami, "Dear little Sasami," She said. "Do not worry sister, I think we have this all under control." Sasami told her as they hugged. "It's the sound of that 'think' that I don't like." Ayeka said huskily. She moved on to Tenchi. To him she said nothing, as he was a part of her own soul, and he knew what she was thinking. All they did was exchange a long and passionate kiss, which Tengai watched with interest. Mother Ayeka never was very demonstrative in public. 'Hmm,' she mused, 'I should try that one with Hokushin.' She cast an arch look back over her shoulder at the young knight. Finally, the first princess came to Ryoko, who was looking quite nervous. "I don't know if I can do this," She muttered as Ayeka stood in front of her. "Of course you can, Ryoko, do it for Yosho, and do it for him," she glanced at their husband, "I have faith in you Ryoko." Ryoko could do nothing but gape in open-mouthed astonishment as Ayeka, whom had never had a very open friendship with the ex-pirate, embraced her. After a moment she hesitantly hugged her back. "But remember," Ayeka said firmly, as she disengaged with her sister wife, "That you had better not let anything happen to them...Monster woman." She tacked on as an afterthought. "Spoiled brat princess." Ryoko rejoined jokingly. They exchanged one last hug before Ayeka went over to stand with the others. Her back was very straight and her face very pale. She clutched at Kyokki's hand reassuringly; saddened by the weakened grip she received in return. They watched tensely as those who had remained at the front of the pavilion began to prepare for the oncoming struggle. Washu made sure to keep a close eye on Mihoshi, making sure she would do as instructed. Tokimi waited, there would only be an instant...she must be ready. Suddenly her head snapped up once again, as Washu screamed "Mihoshi!" For a moment she glanced up, distracted by the sight of Mihoshi balanced at the back edge of the platform on her tiptoes, her arms flailing wildly. The only thing keeping her from going over the edge was Ayeka's grip on the back of her uniform. Watching the police detective's antics, for the first time in her infinite life, Tokimi was amused. In the same instant that Tokimi's attention wavered, ten flashes of light emerged at the front of the pavilion, then three more, then eight. Ryoko concentrated as her wings flashed into existence, three, the same number that Tenchi had. Twenty-four wings of the lighthawk formed a barrier of pure white light at the front of the pavilion. A shimmering wall, like a cresting wave, swept up to the stars. Tokimi looked back at those who created this power, for the first time, she felt fear. The light threw everything into sharp relief. Tokimi could see Ayeka hauling the smiling Mihoshi back onto firm ground, laughingly embracing her as Washu pounded her on the back in congratulations of a job well done. She could see the faces of Ryoko, Tenchi, Tsunami, and Tengai; see their determination and concentration. The goddess could see the face of Hokushin behind Tengai, the fierce pride in his beloved's power glowing in his eyes. And finally, she could see the faces of Kyokki and Tentousama, unreadable. Their eyes...Kyokki's eyes, the unknown factor had succeeded in throwing of her equations, the game was over. The goddess cursed as she saw the deep purple of the woman's irises, Yosho's eyes; glaring back at her in satisfaction. In a last ditch effort, the goddess tried to bring her shadow wings in to bear. She gaped as, for the first time, the goddess felt astonishment. The wings, curling down, came into contact with the shining wall of light. Then they recoiled as their tips started to glow, and the light they had touched fled down, filling them, until what were now ten more lighthawk wings joined the approaching wall, curving like a shell around the defeated goddess. "Wait..."she cried, as the wall closed in. On the platform, the fighters were surprised at how easy this was, tapping in on their own power and the power of the cosmos, the power of the light. Ryoko found that, after her initial struggle with their creation, her wings became like a part of her, like a hand or foot. She used them almost without thinking. She reached out and clasped her hand with Tenchi's. He took it without looking, and joined his other hand with Sasami's, who, in turn, clasped her daughter's slender fingers. The many wings become one great one, and it rang with the clarity of crystal as it encased Tokimi, trapping the goddess. Tokimi tried furiously to batter the inside of her prison, aware that it had not yet finished the job. At the back of the platform Washu clutched Tentousama's shoulder, 'Please, let this go right,' She thought. The wing encasing Tokimi grew tighter, and as it closed in it began to give off an infinite number of glowing motes of light, which cascaded down over those on the pavilion. Nothing can be destroyed utterly, and instead of merely trapping the goddess, which would be impermanent if Tokimi still maintained her power, the wings instead rendered it pure with their own purity and spread it out. So the more they drew out of Tokimi, the more powerful those involved became. The lighthawk wings grew brighter and brighter, almost searing the retinas of those present. "Not too much...not too much..." Washu murmured. As though hearing her desperate pleas, the light diminished, each wing returning to their owners. She blinked as she counted them, Ryoko now had five wings in her possession, Tenchi had five as well, Tsunami twelve, and Tengai had ten. But what most surprised her were the three that retreated to the knight Kyokki and Yosho had brought to this place. The wings hovered there for a moment, then they vanished as quickly as they had come. In the space that Tokimi had occupied, glowed three outlines. Two were facing away from each other, in profile, Washu on the left and Tsunami on the right. But now, in the middle, there was another outline formed of stars, this one was from a frontal view, showing only the outline of the former goddess's hair and the lower part of her face. It glowed there serenely for a moment, and then what was Tokimi faded out of view, joined by her sister outlines. ... Tengai sighed tiredly, then turned and leaped on the surprised Hokushin, "You did it!" She cried, "I'm so proud of you." The knight grinned as he kissed her gently, "Well, I would do anything for my star." He said softly. "And it was only one." "It's still wonderful," Tengai admonished him. "Grandpa Yosho can only make one, and he is...Oh," She said bringing one hand up to cover her mouth as tears filled her eyes. Tenchi, Ryoko, Ayeka, and Sasami looked up suddenly from where they were exchanging a group hug. They looked over at the spot where Tentousama and Washu were kneeling over the prostate form of Kyokki. Kokuten and Ryo-Ohki were in their humanoid forms, holding each other in their arms and looking on. Mihoshi was sitting on the ground crying quietly. They quickly hurried over, "Mom, is she..." Ryoko asked quietly. Washu looked up at her daughter and her eyes held all that needed to be said. Kyokki was lying on the ground, her hair spread out around her head like a glowing, coppery halo. Her eyes were closed. When everyone had gathered around, her eyes fluttered open and she looked at them all with an unfocused, purple stare. "You did well," She whispered. "Miss Kyokki..." Tenchi said sadly. "No Tenchi, it is all right, this is the path I have chosen. And now that Tokimi is gone, you all can choose your own paths." Her eyes fluttered closed again, and then opened one more time. "Father, Kokuten, everyone...good bye. And may we all meet again someday." She sighed as her eyes drifted closed, her black lashes brushing against her cheeks. Her chest rose one more time, and then stopped. As she drifted away the light that had been Yosho emerged from her body, hovering like purple fireflies above her. Kyokki's form shimmered, then she became another cluster of fireflies, though hers were blue. Her form rose to join Yosho's. They merged, shimmering blue and stormy purple, swirling together in one mass. They hovered there another minute, and those present swore they could hear the two lover's laughter as the sparks streaked skyward. Then they were gone. Kokuten took his wolf form and howled out his grief at the departing couple. Words were not enough. "Where did they go?" Tengai asked, tears running down her cheeks. "Earth, I suppose." Tentousama said, his voice a little hoarse, "They loved the planet." They came together, comforting each other in their loss. Victory was bittersweet. "Great-Grandma!" Mihoshi wailed as she glomped upon the goddess. Washu rolled her eyes as the blond cried on her ample bosom. Bittersweet indeed. ... Victories cannot be won without losses, and games cannot be bested without sacrifices. But there was victory and the universe always rewards her champions. Perhaps the game is over, but there were still winnings to be collected. ... The sun rises...the sun sets. ... Author's notes: Hi everyone. I'm sure you really weren't expecting me to do that. I can't believe that I did that. I'm ashamed of myself. It just happened that this is the way it had to be. I couldn't let everything be sugar and honey. 'Oh, Tenchi! Let's go have some scones after we finish beating Tokimi.' 'Sure Ryoko!' It just doesn't work. But will they remain dead? Well, if you stop reading here they will. There is still an epilogue to write you know. Till then, Patricia 'Kyokki' Lucky Questions, comments I WANT YOUR FEEDBACK! E-mail me at kyokki21@yahoo.com