This is the third chapter of my tale. (I don't want to do this!) I hope you have enjoyed reading my work, (Please, isn't there any other way?) , -sound of author weeping helplessly- and I also hope it has only gotten better through the chapters. Tenchi Muyo! is owned by AIC Pioneer. On the Horizon Chapter 4: Parallel Lines Meet The darkness was relentless, the silence crushing. She fought back with the only weapons she could muster. Her own determination and the thoughts of the man she had left behind. She sat with her arms clasped about her knees, rocking slowly back and forth. "Hokushin, please be all right." Her head shot up as she suddenly felt a familiar presence, several in fact. 'They're coming,' she thought. Hope flared in the darkness. She could feel him; he was getting closer. ... The ships darted through the tear in space as it slowly collapsed inward. Once reaching the relative safety of the place where it had deposited them, they paused a moment to get their bearings. But as all communication was still blocked, all they could do was follow after Mihoshi, who was heading off to where the landscape dwindled into the distance. ... Washu and Tentousama sat on the bridge of Asagao, peering around at their surroundings. Washu looked distinctly unnerved, she shivered and her lover put his arm around her shoulders. She snuggled against him. "I feel...I feel like I've been here before," she murmured in a voice so low as to be nearly intelligible. Tentousama watched her as she peered out the window, looking at the water rushing below them and the cubic structures lining the path. He could almost see a flicker of recognition pass behind her eyes, and then it was gone. ... Aboard Ryo-Ohki, Sasami clutched at her husband's hand desperately. She knew that she had been there before, at least when her incarnation was wholly Tsunami. But what had happened that had driven her away was shadowy; like a memory suppressed for so long that it was hardly there. The goddess only knew for sure that she had never intended to come back, but she had not been given a choice. Her daughter was here. Tenchi felt Sasami's grip on his hand, nearly crushing it with its intensity. He watched her perpetually youthful face as it flickered from emotion to emotion. Memory, confusion, fear, and anger flashed across her features, until her expression finally settled into an unearthly resolve. Tenchi felt that same expression on his own face, and knew what his youngest wife must be thinking, for he was thinking it himself. He looked back over his shoulder to see his other two wives, standing side by side. Their faces were a reflection of each other, staining different, though equally beautiful, features. Ryoko was absentmindedly forming and extinguishing an energy sword in her hand. Ayeka had a stance of extreme concentration, and he knew she was fighting to keep her emotions under control, something she usually did when she felt they would overwhelm her. They all were arrayed in their battle suits, with the exception of Sasami who was wearing her formal robes. They were the same ones, Tenchi noted, that she had been wearing the first time he had seen her goddess form. Tengai's features reflected hers so closely, even to the far away look he saw now. He sighed as her fingers tightened again. ... On the Kokuten, Kyokki was enjoying a hot cup of tea, trying to steel her nerves for the upcoming confrontation. Yosho sat across from her, his marvelous purple eyes glued to hers. Neither spoke, it was enough just to sit there and look at each other, two halves of the same soul. Kyokki set down her teacup and reached for Yosho's hand, he took it and kissed her fingers, then held it so it cupped his cheek. They did not break eye contact. No, words were not necessary. Across the bridge, Hokushin stood, his palms pressed against the windows as he peered at the spot where parallel lines met. "I can feel her," he said, in a joyous whisper, "I can feel her." He leaned forward and kissed the glass. "My love, I am coming." ... Mihoshi sat dumbfounded in her comfortable pilot's chair. How in the world did this happen? Her cup of coffee, which she had finally materialized, lay on its side on the ground. It caused yet another stain on the tapestry that was Mihoshi's floor. Mihoshi shook off her distraction, reminding herself that she had a mission to complete. She headed in the only direction she knew to take, the place that this path seemed to lead. She was nearly thrown out of her chair as she reached the end of this fabulous gateway, and was hurtled into hyperspace at an unheard of speed. Mihoshi was unaware that the ship was being guided by some unknown source. The others trailed after her as they also were zipped along to the place where the goddess awaited them. ... Tokimi sat in her temple. She was waiting, for so many years she had waited, nudging this, changing that, until the conditions were just right. Now her plans had almost come to fruition. Things would be different in this time, in this dimension. What she had wrought before would not have the same consequences, this time she had her plan. The goddess was a patient one, and now all her patience would be paid. This time would she triumph. Her usually unemotional eyes began to glow with fervor, their rainbow coloration swirling around her pitch-black pupils. They were coming, passing through the gateway into the realm that was her domain. It was all under her control now. Suddenly her head snapped back, her eyes locked upon the insubstantial wall that was opposite her. Something was not right. Somehow the factor, the one she had remarked upon so many years before to her servant, D3, had managed to join those that she had summoned. An unknown entered into the equation. She summoned D3, this would have to be taken care of, or else all her plans would come to naught. ... The blurring of light and sound ended with a jolt as the crusaders came to their destination. Just as abruptly, they were deposited on a platform in what appeared to be a large temple. The Yukinojo disappeared, and Kokuten was thrust back into wolf form, and Ryo-Ohki into her cabbit form. The Asagao, surprisingly, turned into a small bell-shaped flower, which Tentousama quickly picked up and carefully tucked into his robes. "Where are we?" Hokushin asked, his voice echoing strangely in the temple- like room. Tenchi looked at the young man curiously, he seemed familiar, one of Ryoko's guards probably. He shrugged it off; it really wasn't worth being curious about. Particularly in this place and time. "Your guess is as good as mine," he answered finally. "It is the Temple." Sasami stated suddenly from the back of the platform. "This is where the physical form of Tokimi resides." "Then where is she?" Ryoko asked harshly, her energy sword held at ready. Sasami looked angry as she shook her head, "She is right here." They all looked about wildly, searching the crevices and shadowy corners for a glimpse of another presence. "Are you sure, sister?" Ayeka asked gently. Sasami nodded and walked to the edge of the platform, her face tight. "Sister, we have come. Now give us back what you have taken." Kyokki looked at Yosho questioningly, "sister?" she mouthed. He shrugged to show his confusion. The temple shook, knocking Mihoshi over, though everyone else managed to keep their feet. "Look!" She cried, from her vantage point on the yellow tiles. The walls trembled and disappeared, leaving behind only the central structures, and a view of the starry expanse beyond. Ten shadowy pillars emerged, trusting up from the surrounding space, forming as though they were the antithesis of the lighthawk wings that Tsunami produced. They lined two of the walls, drawing the eyes up to the main altar. There, two silhouettes began to glow, their outlines appearing woven in starlight. The two faced away from each other, and there was something disturbingly familiar about their countenances. While the travelers were taking this all in, shock after shock, another figure came into view. Her visual form was gigantic, breathtaking... impossible. Her face was hard and cold, with two stripes, like battle markings, streaking each of her cheeks. Her silvery hair jutted out at perfectly symmetrical angles away from that frosty face, surmounted by an interesting headdress. On her chest was a large red jewel, from which flowed two streamers of snowy white fabric, providing the only movement of her statuesque figure. She spoke, her lilting voice as emotionless as a computer. "Sisters, you have come." "I am here Tokimi." Sasami answered, "How could I not have come when you have stolen something so precious to me." The sister-goddess ignored her, "Washu..." she continued, "It has been too long, sister." Washu stared at her with a blank look on her face. Tokimi lowered her gaze upon the striking redhead. "I see you do not remember," She smiled coldly, "Then permit me to restore that which you have forgotten." Her gaze intensified upon the transfixed Washu. Washu's face grew startled as she clasped her hands to her temples. Three circular red markings began to glow in a downward pointing triangle in the middle of her forehead. She collapsed to her knees as an infinite number of years and memories came crashing down upon her. She screamed, ", I don't want to remember." "Mom!" Ryoko shouted as at the same time Tentousama cried, "Washu!" and they both tried to rush to her. They stopped as an unseen force blocked their ways. "I cannot permit you to interfere in the process." Sasami whispered, "It has begun and there is no way to stop it." She stared sadly at her sister as the unwelcome memories came flooding back. When the deluge ended, Washu stood slowly. She lifted her face as she strode to confront her sister, it was wiser, full of all the knowledge of the cosmos, they saw the goddess in all her strength, and she didn't look too happy about it. "And now you remember," Tokimi commented in a self-congratulatory manner. Washu tossed back her wild hair, "But what is the use of already knowing everything? I gave this up so I could learn, discover, so I could experience life and surprises." She gave Tokimi a piercing stare, " Where is Tengai?" "Why, she is right here, sister." Her tone was smug, "I am surprised you did not know that." Washu's fists clenched in anger, and Tsunami laid a calming hand on her arm. A platform adjoining the one on which they were standing emerged from the shadows, and on it they could discern the form of the young woman they had so avidly sought. She was sitting with her arms clasped about her knees, her face turned down upon them. She looked up, and blinked as her eyes adjusted from being so long in darkness. The light glinted in her long blue-black hair. She turned her gaze to her family. "Mother," she exclaimed, "Father! Everyone, oh, I knew you would come." She rose to her feet and darted towards them, laughing, her pink eyes shimmering with relief. Sasami opened her arms to embrace her daughter, and then was surprised as Tengai ran past her. "Oh...Hokushin!" She cried as she flung herself into the knight's waiting arms. Sasami swung about, startled from her daughter's actions, and the laughter she heard coming from Washu. "She is her mother's daughter, all right." She grinned. Then she straightened her shoulders and faced Tokimi once again. "Now, sister, why did you go to such extreme lengths to bring us here," She smiled tightly. "I'm sure it wasn't for a family get together." Tokimi was not amused. "I brought you all here for a purpose, of course. I did not have any success with bringing you here directly so I decided to use a lure, unfortunately, that lure was my niece...and I regret I had to use her in such a manner." Washu snorted, echoing her daughter. "I highly doubt you regret anything Tokimi." The goddess frowned, "Oh, but I regret much. For I brought you here for the purpose of my destruction, or rather, for the prevention of it." "What do you mean?" Tenchi asked, "Why should we not destroy you, considering all you have done to us?" Tokimi smiled coldly, "For in my destruction, the universe shall cease to be." Her gaze turned to the stars that looked down upon her temple. "In another dimension, your counterparts and I, we came together much like this...though under rather different circumstances. We fought and I was vanquished, destroyed." Her eyes glistened as she looked down at those gathered below her. "And in that instant, everything vanished. You see, there is a balance between us. You are the light, and I am the darkness, as much as I hate to admit it. When I ceased to be, all the darkness fled, everything burned with pure light for an instant, and then it all burned away." "So we should not destroy you?" Sasami said doubtfully, "You brought us here to tell us that?" "Yes. I know I must be defeated, and that it is inevitable. So I brought you here to get it done with." She bowed her head and closed her eyes. "I submit to you Washu... you and your daughter Ryoko and your great-granddaughter and your children." The companions on the platform exchanged incredulous glances. Washu stared hard at Mihoshi, this explained quite a bit. That is, all except for Tengai, who was sobbing into Hokushin's uniform front as he stroked her back reassuringly, his own face streaked with tears. "You..." Washu started to say when someone else entered the huge cathedral. The huge presence of D3 materialized in front of the submissive goddess, his gigantic blue eyes desperate in his white-bearded face. "My Lady! I cannot allow you to do this!" Tokimi's head shot up, "D3! Do not interfere." "No, My Lady! You will have to destroy me first." "You leave me little choice D3." Tokimi said sadly. A glow began to emanate from the jewel on the goddess's chest. It burned with an unearthly fire, then the fire coalesced into one point and the light, in beam form, shot out and through the form of D3. D3 exploded into a tapestry of shimmering lights and then dissipated into the darkness. But the beam kept going. Yosho stood next to his wife, watching in disbelief as the goddess destroyed her servant, as the light sliced through the darkness, he could see its inevitable course. The way the beam was traveling it would cut through the space that Kyokki and her father, who stood behind her, occupied. Without thinking, the man swung into action. "No!" he shouted as he ran into Kyokki and Tentousama, shoving them out of the way. "Yosho!" Kyokki screamed as she was hurled into a tumbled heap with her father. She struggled up. She saw it happen as though it were in slow motion, every moment stretching out to the point of breaking. She saw the beam come in, saw the surprised look on her husband's face as the beam entered his chest and exited out his back. She saw the way his hair flew forward, covering his face as he fell to the floor. She was thrown back as if this were happening to her own body, felt the pain, the despair. She felt his relief that he had pushed his wife away in time. His last thoughts were of her. "Yosho!" she screamed again as his body dissolved into flickering specks of light, lights the color of his eyes, his beautiful eyes, the ones she would never see again. Kyokki rose slowly to her feet, feeling the strain of her muscles, and looked at the form that was her husband. She felt a tickle on her hand, and lifted it to bring her eyes upon the Tokoshie ring, which shone in the same light as her husband's essence. She understood and nodded her head once is assent. Yosho's spirit fled to her and gently merged into her body. She slumped to the floor as the spirit of her husband filled her, his soul using her power to sustain it. But she was very powerful; there would be enough time to end this before she was drained of her life, and would join her husband into eternity. The bond and promise of the Tokoshie ring would be fulfilled. Questions, comments, all (except flames) are welcome. E-mail me at