Tenchi Muyo "Onnakeikan" "Tenchi Masaki?" Tenchi looked up from the carrot he was about to pull up. "Yes?" He asked, looking up at the young woman. She smiled down at him, her face pale but not sickly, her hair falling around her face in a chestnut brown mop that looked rather familiar to him. "Who am I?" "Um... I don't know." Tenchi replied. "You look familiar but..." he suddenly recalled where he'd seen her hair and blinked. It couldn't be... then again.. and if it was he was very sure she wouldn't want to be reminded of... that. "Ah ha." he laughed nervously. "Never mind." "You know something, don't you?" "I was going to say you look like a movie star I saw once on TV... but ..." "You say the sweetest things!" She said, glomping him. She was about to give him a big kiss when a hand grabbed her by the hair and pulled her away. "Hey! Don't you lay a finger on my Tenchi!" Ryoko commanded. The chestnut haired girl spun around and faced her. Ryoko almost fainted with shock when she realized, as Tenchi had, who the girl was, or rather, who she'd been. "YOU!" "Ryoko!" the girl returned. "But how do I know you?" "She has amnesia, Ryoko." Tenchi explained, gently. "Good." Ryoko replied. "We met at a concert a few years ago." She lied to the girl. Tenchi normally didn't approve of lying, but he knew the truth would be far too traumatic for the girl to handle, so he said nothing. Tenchi finished pulling up the carrots, with help from the girl, while Ryoko stood by and watched. "Whew!" he brushed the sweat from his brow. "That was hard work." "At least the foreman is cute." The girl replied. "You know," Tenchi suggested. "We'd better come up with a name for you. Calling you "Miss" is just going to be too confusing." "Onnakeikan." Ryoko suggested. Tenchi winced, but as he couldn't think of anything else, he turned to the girl. Fortunately, the name hadn't restored her memory. At least not yet. "I like it." The new guest decided. Over the next few days, Onnakeikan grew to accept her new life and identity. She left her lost past behind her and got on with things. During that time, Tenchi introduced her to the other members of his 'family', the Princesses Ayeka and Sasami, Ryo-Ohki, Little Washu, Kiyone and Mihoshi, and Yosho and Nobuyuki, the last of whom she met accidentally when he fell into the women's bath while peeping at her. Although things started off okay, they quickly deteriorated. Onnakeikan's fights with Ryoko became more frequent, she began to withdraw from the group as it became clear to her that they were withholding her past from her on purpose, and she began to feel more like a prisoner than a guest. Then, Mihoshi had learned the truth somehow and had, in the course of duty, reported it to the Galaxy Police. The Commander, a rather handsome leonid, was rather excited when he'd learned that his best Operative had been reincarnated somehow and went to see the girl. As the two spoke, Onnakeikan noticed that she felt more at home with this strange being than she had felt with any of the others. She wondered why this was and after several moments of consideration, she came up with the reason. "I love you." She told the Commander. The Commander was rather stunned by this. "I..." he stammered. He quickly composed himself. "Young lady," he told her. "I am at least twice your age. And furthermore, as your superior officer it would not be appropriate for us to become involved. A Commander does not make love with an Operative." Onnakeikan grabbed her head as all sorts of memories flooded back into her. "NO!!!!" she screamed as she reached out and grabbed the Commander's gun. Before he could stop her, she fired a round into herself and collapsed at his feet. "Onnakeikan!" The Commander shouted as he lifted her into his arms and teleported back to his ship. Without hesitation, he raced back to GPHQ, taking the young woman with him. The Galaxy Police Emergency Medical Team met the Commander's ship in the docking bay. They got the young woman onto the gurney and rushed her down to the infirmiry. During the next several hours, they treated her wounds while the Commander waited for the outcome in the waiting room. The Commander looked up as the doctor walked out of the operating room. "How is she?" he asked. "She's going to be okay." The doctor replied. "We were able to save the baby, too." "What baby?" the Commander was stunned by this news. "She's five months pregnant." The doctor explained. "Sir?" "How can she be...?" "She appears to acting as a surrogate, sir. The child in her womb is a Draalthi." "What's wrong?" the Commander asked. "You seem concerned. "We found a black mass in her womb." "Cancer?" "We don't know." The doctor admitted. "It seems almost alive somehow. At any rate, she's very adamant about having the baby so we can't do anything about it until after it's born." The Commander sat beside the bed, holding Onnakeikan's hand, gazing at her sleeping form as he pondered what to do about the odd situation he was now in. He could no longer deny he loved this girl. But she was so young. ... and so beautiful. There was nothing for it. He was in love with her. He brought her flowers every day while she was in the infirmiry and was always there to comfort her and reassure her. Rumors about the Commander and the girl were many and various. Some said they were lovers, others claimed she'd been a favored Operative who the Commander was attempting to console. One even claimed that she'd been Lt. Trakal's secret lover and that the Commander had fallen in love with her while consoling her over his death. Not a single one of them suspected the truth, however, that she had once *been* Lt. Trakal. When Onnakeikan was finally well enough to leave sickbay, the Commander proposed to her. She was rather startled by this, but given her condition and the fact that she loved him, there was nothing for her to do but accept. And she did. The wedding was a small, private ceremony with only the neccessary four witnesses and the couple. The Commander was dressed in his best uniform and Onnakeikan was dressed in a beautiful Galaxy Police issue wedding gown with a tight bodice and flowerpetal skirt The chaplain made certain that this was the ceremony they both wanted, surprised at the idea that the Commander would have such a small wedding, then performed the ceremony. The Commander wanted to make love to the young girl, but feared doing so would endanger her child, so he held back, but never once failed, in their marriage bed, to assure her that his not having sex with her was out of concern and not out of distaste. Finally, four months after her marriage to the Commander, Onnakeikan went into labor. They raced her to the infirmiry. Labor lasted for thirty seven hours, and when it was over, she gave birth to a male Draalthi, a perfect clone of Lt. Trakal right down to the color of his hair. But something was terribly wrong. The baby, though apparently perfect physically, was barely alive. They put the infant on a respirator, then noticed that Onnakeikan was still in labor. And she was in horrible pain. They consoled her as the second child was born. The nurse who caught the second child nearly dropped the baby in her horror. "Oh my god." She gasped looking up at the doctors in alarm. "What is it?" They asked. The nurse just looked at them with a horrified expression so they went to what was wrong. Lying on the birthing table, drenched in his mother's blood, was a tiny infant version of Kain. Lt. Trakal Operative of the Galaxy Police SIU