Pioneer doesn't own my characters, and I have no rights to theirs. "Old Foe, New Foe" Chapter 2:Escape to the Stars OPENING THEME: ORGY, Pantomime As the cars ripped along on highway, a queer dread filled most of the riders. Mike was shaking in Ryoko's arms, they were sitting in the back of Drew's hearse. Mike was carrying on, having undergone a serious shock to his system, seeing his best friend brutaly murdered really blew his mind. Ryoko had a genuine look of concern in her eyes, almost to the point of tears, as she held the weeping Mike to her body. Drew, wasn't dealing with this well either. Every so often he'd throw a punch into his steering wheel and swear, Ryoko couldn't really say, but she thought Drew was crying if not outside than definitely within. In Cass's truck thier was loud music blarring. Real nerve racking, emotion killing 100% metal. Which is what Cass and Kim needed at the moment. They we're completely overloaded over what they'd seen, emotionaly drained, and not thinking one bit. Kim had her forehead against the passenger side window, eyes cold and unfeeling, as if she was dead. Cass was paled several shades, and trying her best to keep from running the vehicle off the road. In Gravey's car, the boys were up to their usual activity for killing brain cells. It was all they could think of to do to override the horrific murder they had just witnessed. Kitty had Sasami, Tenchi and Ayeka in her car. Ayeka sat next to her, shaking and wimpering. Her purple hair a mess, with a few blood stains from the unfortunate Goat clinging to the ends. Sasami was clutching onto Tenchi like a leach. Her head burried in his chest, sobbing loudly. She'd honestly liked Goat, as a friend of course, and was saddened by his premature passing. It did't help any that she had witnessed such a thing at 12 years of age either. Tenchi was doing his best to comfort Sasami, while trying not to lose it himself. Kitty was exrtemely quiet, as if she'd lost something. Patrik, 8:08, Mel and Kris took the van since no one else wanted it. 8:08 was in a fetal position in the back. He wasn't moving, wasn't breathing, Patrik wasn't even sure he was breathing. Mel sat in back with 8:08, her face burried in her hands. She was crying loudly, droning on and on about how it should have happened to Mike, not Goat. She had an EXTREME distaste for Mike, she never revealed her reasons to anyone, but she just didn't like him. Kris stared out the side window, she was nervously wringing her hands, but the rest of her body remained still. Patrik swore the girl was in shock, but he wasn't entirely sure. Patrik himself was dealing with some deep mental issues. He'd only seen people die on the news or in movies. Seeig that first hand had really messed his head up. In the lead of the solemn caravan was Raven. He was extremely quiet, as was the whole car. The stereo, for once, was off. And Raven himself seemed preoccupied. He had good reason to be so, being run out of his home and seeing a friend killed, but this was weird even for Raven. He wouldn't even hold Mihoshi's hand to comfort her, which he knew she needed, he just chose not to. Mihoshi had her hands in her lap and her head down, as if praying for Goat. Kiyone and Washu sat in the back. Washu was working on an analasys on the bio-mech tissue that had been all over the house. Kiyone, just sat and tried to push the horrid sight out of her mind. She didn't want to hear Goat's skull spitting, or his weak cries for them to leave. She didn't wan to see him in THAT THING'S clutches. She didn't want to remember him like that. But her mind wouldn't cooperate. As they tore down the backroad it began raining. Not just raining, but sheets of water poured from the sky. Wave's of rain passed over the cars as Raven came to a stop at a dead end not far from a forested area. "Why are we here? Shouldn't we be heading for town?", Kiyone snapped, she didn't mean to, but it came out like that. It was understandable though, why drive out into the woods when theirs an impending alien invasion in the works? "This is where I hid it. Besides, theres no time look.", Raven said pointing out the windshield. Kiyone looked out the miniscule back side window, and saw a veritable fleet of flaming objects hurling twords Earth. "There are more of them comming now, by the time we got to town it would be too late. Now, out of the car. Signal for the others to follow.", he said as he opened his car door and stepped into the squall. The rain ran down his black trenchcoat, making it look to be made of something other than leather. The girls sat for a moment, than piled into the clearing. Kiyone saw the rest of the group, grudgingly getting out of the various vehicles that had brought them here. Raven climbed up on his cars roof, and spoke. "It's clear that that those things in the house are not of this planet. And from what I've seen, if we went to town it'd be too late. So we're leaving Earth behind. Theirs one problem, my patroler can only cary half the group. Unless we have another ship, half of you will be left behind.", upon hearing this Ryo-Ohki leaped into the air with a "miya!" and assumed the form of her bio-ship self. Ryoko said, "You heard him. Half of you to my ship, the rest follow Raven." With a wave of her hand, a teleporter enveloped half the kids standing there and pulled them aboard Ryo-Ohki. With a very loud "MIYA!" the ship was off and running for the stars. "Ok, follow...", Raven began but he was cut off by a droning whine. The group didn't have time to see it comming. One of the "bio-asteroids" slammed into the van, cutting through it like a hot knife through butter. The van, in turn, exploded flipping several neighboring cars into the air as if they were nothing more that cardboard. A tremendous shock wave ripped through the air and ground shaking the general area, Kiyone who was still a bit weak fell to her knee's as she watched the cars fly and scatter. Kittys car was tossed sideways, and Gravey's car flew up in an arc, slamming nose first just feet from Ayeka. Ayeka screamed with panic as the mud flew up onto her as the car dug its nose into the forest floor. She didn't stop until Patrick grabbed her and pulled her away. She just held onto him and cryed, scared senseless. But the cars were the least of their problems, as the pod opened with a hiss, a form emerged.... The creature, like the one they had encountered in the house, lurched forward with amazing speed. It's heavy clawed feet digging into the earth. It stopped a few feet from the group. Its lips curled back in a hideous sneer, and it spoke. Not english, or any Earthen language. This was vile, inhuman, and full of coruption. "Ouy rea deda. Ew lure sith taplne wno. Rethe si on pescae mofr su......", with the last word spoken it began to laugh. A growling sound, like an enraged animal combined with a chimplike howl filled the air as the beast lifted its arms to the sky and charged at the fallen Kiyone. As it neared, Kiyone began to scream. She shut her eyes, turning away from the hideous beast. She awaited the first strike of its claws. But the blow never landed. As Kiyone opened her eyes, she gasped in shock. There was her brother, standing toe to toe with this creature, defendng himself with what apeared to be a long pole made of bone. The pole bore a long curving blade at one end. Raven had this thing thrust up against the blades on the creatures extra arms. The beast growled, and used one of its hands to push her brother aside. It prepared to attack again, but Drew leaped in front of it. "You wanna go bitch?" he said pulling a small Tenchi-Ken like handle out of his pocket. The creature laughed and raised its arms to kill. As it swung, Drew's "handle" roared to life, a battle axe taking form in his hands. He brought it up to defend himself, defering one of the creatures blades. As the creature swung again, Drew ducked, and lashed out at the beasts legs. The monstosity fell on its back, but rolled to a standing position. Raven came flying into the fray with a wild yell, swinging his weapon with the accuracy of a master. It implanted itself in his enemy's back quite nicely. It let out an enraged scream and lashed backwards with its claws. Drew took this time to bring his axe up and bury it in the head of the alien. The thing spasamed once more, and popped Drew in the face knocking him to the ground then lay dead. Raven deactivated his weapon, and helped his sister to her feet. As the group began to make their way to the actual forest, they could hear more and more of the creatures comming from the woods. "There surrounding us...." said 8:08, "What do we do now? I'm scared...." Mihoshi whined clutching onto Raven. "That, that's easy. We run!" Drew said sarcasticly. Just as they put his words into action, a new trio of creatures burst from the woods around him. Raven grabbed his sister and his fiances hands and dragged them along. Drew kept yelling "Move! MOVE! MOVE!!!!", waving the rest into the woods. As they ran into the woods, they could hear Drew yelling and serval gunshots combined with screaming of the creatures. Melissa kept shouting, "Shouldn't we be waitng for Drew?", Raven looked back "He can handle himself. So I'm sure we'll be seeing him shortly.". They began to run, straight back into the woods. Following a shallow path carved in the floor amonst the trees. All they way they could hear the savage creatures smashing through the timbers behind. Raven guided them to a small opening in a hill side. "Quick, go in there.....NOW!!!", "What?? We'll be trapped...You can't honestly ex-" 8:08 yelled. "Yes eight, I expect you to trust me on this. If you don't want to, fine...Stay here and play with the little beasties....", Raven yelled getting in his face. 8:08, flinched and looked as if he was going to try to fight Raven on the issue. But instead, he nodded and obediantly climbed down. He was followed by Kiyone, who needed a little aid getting down, so he helped her with that. As Kiyone reached the floor of the cave, she took a look around an gasped. Inside was a GP patrol ship. But, it looked somewhat differenet from those she typicaly saw. In most respects, it was identical to the one Mihoshi used when away from the Yagami. But there were some drastic differences. For one, the usual greyish coloration was gone, instead the hull was made out of a smooth silver metal. This metal was almost mirror-like, and it gave the ship a supernatural look. Next difference was that there appeared to be a few weapons added to the ship's arsenal. One by one the group descended into the cave. As the last of them entered, Raven opened a small hatch in the ships side. "Get in!!!" he said waving them in franticly. They wasted no time boarding. Within seconds of the doors closing they could see the creatures dash in through the mouth of the cave. As they slammed into the door a loud metalic "THUD" could be heard. Raven ran past the others, and into a VERY modified control room. Their was but one chair, and it was in the center of the room. It was in the center of a large circualar raised section. He laped into it, and a shoulder harness came down over him. This was followed by a metal strip, from which a bright green visor dropped from. A semicircular keyboard flipped out of holes on the floor by the side of the chair. Kiyone stood in the doorway, watching as Raven seemed to be prepping the ship for flight. "Hold onto your ass......" he shouted into the intercom as the ship roared to life. The engines kicked on with a start, the whole cave was filled with a firey hellish glow. The ground shook as the ship began to lift off the ground. As soon as the ship had pulled free of the ground it gave a mighty kick forward. The cockpit burst through the wall, sending rocks and debris flying back over the body of the ship. Within minutes of takeoff they began to streak twords the other side of the sun. why they were going there Kiyone had no idea, but she knew she was alive. That was the impotrant thing..... CLOSING THEME:Metallica, Unfogiven II 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888