"Tenchi Muyo!" and "Ah! My Goddess" are the property of Pioneer and AIC. This isa fanfic and is not for profit. Tenchi Muyo! Odyssey Chapter Twenty-nine It All Comes Together by William Nichols He was heard long before he was ever seen. Usually a courtesan would herald the arrival of the emperor of Jurai, but today the emperor needed no herald. "Where is she?!" Azusa bellowed as he threw open the doors to the palace infirmary. The irate monarch was greeted by a cacophony of agitated stares and fearful glances. "I demand to know where my wife is!" he roared. "Calm down dear," Misaki begged, trying to hide the embarrassment on her face. For all of his good traits her husband could fly off the handle at a moments notice and become the most obstinate fool in the empire. Azusa frantically waved his hands in the air. "Calm? Be calm? How in the sacred names of Tsunami can I BE CALM!" By now the majority of the medical staff had cleared out of their sovereign's path as he made a beeline with a Misaki in tow to the med station where Funaho was laying. "Please..." Funaho pleaded barely above a whisper. "Be quiet for the others." Azusa opened his mouth, but promptly closed it once he remembered he was in the palace infirmary. A slight blush crossed his cheeks as he saw the looks he was receiving by his somewhat alarmed subjects. So that's where Tenchi gets it from, Funaho thought. "I'm fine dear," she added to calm her excitable husbands nerves. "What happened," Azusa said as he sat down on the edge of the medical table and cradled his wife's hand, his former rant replaced with hushed concern. "All they told me was that you had blacked out in the Ministry of Intelligence." For all his bluster and bullheadedness her husband did have a soft side, especially when it came to the well being of his family. The raven-haired queen smiled and squeezed her concerned husbands hand. "I just got light headed, that's all dear." "Must have been more bad news," Misaki said as she sat down on the other side of the bed. Azusa's face reddened again and his brow creased. "If it was that boy of Yosho's-if he did anything to my darling Ayeka, I swear..." "That boy of Yosho's," Funaho began with a sigh, "has done nothing to Ayeka." Although she hid her emotion well from everyone present, Funaho could tell that her sister-wife was relieved by this news. Misaki had not taken it too well when she found out the true reason her daughter was gallivanting across the universe, and popping up on the evening news. "I am glad to hear that," the emperor said curtly. "I still do not like this whole 'champion' and 'Elder' bit. They are just a legend. A fairytale, and no more." "I would not speak so badly of Tenchi right now," Funaho said, wondering how her husband could be so obtuse at times. He rules over half-of the known universe, has personally, albeit brief conversations with Tsunami, and has seen more unexplainable events than most people see in ten lifetimes. And yet he cannot see what is happening right before his eyes. How do I break this to him? "The simple truth of the matter is that I do not like the boy," Azusa added in his defense. "Like him or not," Funaho said as she laid her head back onto her pillow and closed her eyes, "he is our only hope." Azusa frowned. "And what do you mean by that?" "The reason he is has been chosen as champion is to save the universe, put simply. This wave," Funaho paused to make sure everyone was on the same page as she was. After a nod from her husband, she continued. "This wave will destroy everything it touches. And only Tenchi can turn it back." All the color drained from Funaho's spouses face. "E-e-e-everything?" Azusa fumbled as the reality of the situation sank in on him. "Yes. And if Tenchi cannot turn it back, everything will be destroyed in a matter of days. A week at the most. The high priest predicted this and the Intel division have confirmed it. Tenchi is our only hope, whether you like it or not dear. " It was a good thing that Azusa and Misaki were in the infirmary, because they promptly fainted after hearing Funaho's revelation. "Oh dear," she said quietly as the doctors moved the rest of the royal family to adjoining med tables. *** Urd quietly paced the floor in Washu's lab. It had been over two and a half days since she had opened the gate to the eternal realm for the Ladies Washu and Tsunami. In those two days Urd had stayed with the remaining members of the Masaki family at her Fathers behest. The platinum haired goddess knew the dire straits that they were in, and she knew that their hopes were thin. As much as she had wanted to run back to Bell and Keiichi she saw the wisdom in her father's request. This family had been broken enough by recent events, and they needed an understanding soul to be with them. The white haired goddess of the past looked up from her study of the lab floor at the sound of the chibi-crab shaped chime clinking at the lab door. "What's the news?" she asked as Kiyone offered her an opened bottle of Orion. "Here on earth they are blaming 'atmospheric distortion' for the loss of starlight, but elsewhere it's not good," the levelheaded GP stated before she took a sip of her beer. "IGNN is reporting that mass hysteria has begun to set in on some the frontier systems, and that the Tyran's are mobilizing a battle fleet to attack the wave." "Lot's of good that'll do," Urd quipped before she nursed her bottle again. "When will those militaristic hotheads learn?" "If Tenchi doesn't make it back none of it will matter," Kiyone said as she glanced up towards the chronometer above Ryoko's bed. 00:03:11:54 "He'll make it," Urd assured her newfound friend. "But I'm worried about Washu and the others though." "How so?" Kiyone asked. "Father said a dark army had gathered in the eternal realm, and He was not certain that it could be driven back." Urd paused for a second and shook her head. "I fear the worst." "When a goddess says that, I worry," Kiyone deadpanned. "What's a goddess supposed to do?" Urd asked, not trying to hide the fear in her voice. "I mean, who do you turn to for comfort when your supposed to be the one others turn to?" Kiyone had no answers to Urd's line of questioning. She had never put much faith in religion or mysticism in her life, but after living with a couple goddess' she was beginning to reevaluate her view on things. "I don't know," Kiyone said softly as another minute ticked off their doomsday clock. "Neither do I," Urd said barely above a whisper. "Neither do I." The two of them stood there in shared silence, prisoners to what little time they had left in this existence. *** The pall of battle hung heavy in the air in the eternal realm. Its brave defenders had driven back the dark tides and momentarily staved off the dark one, but it was a hollow victory. As many of the victors attended to the wounded and dying, a group has gathered around one of the fallen in particular. "You...will...have a fine...son-in-law..." Tokimi whispered as tears slipped from the corners of her tightly clenched eyes. Washu's mind was racing at the speed of light as her sister passed from consciousness in her arms. In all the long years of their separation, she had never dreamt that their reunion would be cut so brutally short. It was not fair. They had turned back the darkness that threatened her ancestral home only to have this bittersweet victory. The others stood in mute witness to what was transpiring. All of this was impossible. A goddess cannot die. Can she? And if she does, what of the realm, and of all hope? The rugged group of defenders that had circled the somber scene shared the tears that streaked Washu and Tsunami's face. Tears streaked even the face of the gruff captain of the guards. Narrow silver trails had washed the grime of battle from his sullen face. "Sisters..." the mortally wounded goddess breathed as her chest rose and fell for the final time. Tsunami turned her back to Washu and the fallen Tokimi. She could not bear to witness this. "No..." was all she could articulate. Washu held her sisters body and cried. At first she tears of sorrow, but tears of anger quickly replaced them. "No," Washu commanded. This cold not, no, this would not end like this. Washu laid Tokimi back on the stained ground and began to pound her fists into Tokimi's chest. "I will not allow this! You will not die on me!" she cried as Tsunami gasped at Washu's appeared brutality. The others were as shocked as Tsunami at first, but it soon dawned on them what Washu was doing when she pinched Tokimi's nose and breathed into her mouth. "I will not let you go!" she thundered as she desperately tried to revive her sister. Tsunami held her hands to her mouth and hoped that some vestige of life remained in her sister, and if it did, that Washu could find it. After what felt like an eternity to Tsunami, Tokimi's body lurched and a raspy breath was sucked down her throat. "Milady!" D3 exclaimed as Washu cradled the barely alive megami in her arms. Washu looked the white-bearded vizier. "Can you get us to my lab?" "That I can," D3 said solemnly. "Then let's go!" Washu exclaimed as Tsunami took her place with her two sisters. "We don't have much time!" Tsunami clasped Tokimi's hand while D3 began the guttural sounding incantation that would return them to the physical plain. A ring of multi-spectral light began to form at the three megami's feet, its rainbow fingers reaching heavenwards. By the time D3 had finished his rite the ring and risen into a cylinder that engulfed the goddesses and sped them away from the shattered eternal realm. "Be well, Miladies," D3 muttered as he turned his gaze back the ruins of his homeland. *** Urd had joined Sasami in her silent vigil by Ryoko's bedside. The goddess-to-be and the goddess second-class, limited license, both felt the air of apprehension that seemed to be permeating the universe. Even though the true nature of what lay at hand was known only be a select few, and even fewer of those truly understood what was transpiring, the general feeling of dread could not be avoided. Sasami sighed as another minute ticked off of the chronometer above Ryoko's head. It plainly stated that there was just under two hours left before Tenchi had complete the Odyssey, and therefore only two hours before Ryoko was lost forever. "I've brought some snacks," Mihoshi said cheerfully bringing Urd and Sasami back from their respective deep thoughts. Neither of them had heard the door chime announcing her entrance, but Washu always said that Mihoshi had an uncanny knack for evading her sensors. "Thank you," Urd said as she took a steaming cup of tea from the serving tray. "You're welcome," Mihoshi smiled. It had amazed Urd that while everyone else in the house had become steadily more and depressed Mihoshi had seemingly not lost her chipper demeanor. At first she thought that maybe Mihoshi was as oblivious as Kiyone insisted at times, but that just did not seem right. What confirmed her suspicions was when she caught the blonde GP in tears the night before. Mihoshi was just as heartbroken as everyone else in the house, maybe more so. This ditsy fa‡ade was just her way of dealing with the pressure of the situation. An act she put on for others. Mihoshi sighed as the timer clicked off another minute. "How's she doing?" she asked as she sat down across from Sasami and Urd. Before either goddess could reply a deafening roar tore through the lab. Mihoshi had just enough time to glance over her shoulder before the force of the opening dimensional gateway knocked her on top of Ryoko. As the roar grew louder and the first spikes of untamed energies began to jab out from the vortex Sasami wrapped her arms around Ryoko's shoulders to protect her friend. By now the commotion caused by the erupting gateway had drawn the remaining family members to the lab. "What's going on?!" Kiyone demanded, blaster drawn. "It's a portal!" Urd exclaimed as she held her arm up to block the intense strobes of light that was flashing from the trans-dimensional orifice. As she strained to look directly at the blinding light the dark mass of a silhouette began to emerge. "Tenchi?" Kiyone asked cautiously as the mass drew closer to the event horizon. "No," Katsuhito announced as a second figure emerged beside the first. As the silhouettes crossed the dimensional threshold the gate collapsed back in on itself, vacuuming all the energies it had loosed back into the void. Everyone's silence was replaced with concerned gasps as the figures stepped out of the shadows. "Father," Urd whispered as her eyes focused on what lay before her. Kiyone spoke for everyone else. "Holy shit." "And it's going to get really deep if ya'll don't give me a hand hear," Washu said as a medical bed similar to Ryoko's materialized in front of her. "Urd, Kiyone, I need your help," Washu said as a bar of green light scanned up and down the barely breathing Tokimi's body. "Is this who I think it is?" Urd asked while she helped Washu remove the raven-haired goddesses torn tunic. "That it is," Tsunami said as she placed a hand on Tokimi's shoulder. "And if she passes all hope is lost." "I'm not letting that happen," Washu announced forming her holo-computer. The black keypad glowed in varied hues as she entered commands and parameters. "We have all come so far..." Nothing else needed to be said about the situation. All knew that if Tokimi died, there would be no hope to turn back the darkness. "Kiyone, check the oxygen flow," Washu said never looking up from her keypad. Kiyone nodded. "I'm on it." She dutifully checked the flow meter and adjusted the mask she had slipped over the goddess mouth and nose. Kiyone brushed the locks of raven hair from the goddess face as Urd finished cutting her bloodied tunic away. "Bingo," Washu announced as a small hypo-spray device materialized in front of her. Everyone watched tentatively as Washu pressed the device to Tokimi's neck. The goddess flinched as a hiss emitted from the device and its contents entered her blood stream. "What was that little Washu," Kiyone asked eliciting a sly grin from Washu. Such an aphorism seemed a little odd seeing that Washu now stood a good ten centimeters over the emerald tressed GP. "Maybe my greatest creation ever!" Washu cackled. "I programmed a type of nanite to repair the interior visceral damage and vascular dermal injuries." Washu's smile turned to a frown as everyone had the 'What the hell are you talking about?' look on their faces. "I created microscopic robots to go in an do microsurgery." "Oh," was the universal response as Washu shook her head. "Will it work?" Mihoshi asked as Washu intently studied the gash on Tokimi's side. "Look," the red headed goddess said with a smile as the wound began to close. "I think it will." Tokimi moaned as the nanites closed the wound and finished restoring her injury, mending flesh and nerve alike. After a tense few minutes her magenta eyes opened and she blinked a few times, trying to ascertain her whereabouts. "Sisters?" Tokimi asked warily as she tried to set up in her bed. "Where...am I?" she asked reaching for the spot where her wound had been. It took every fiber in Washu's being to keep her from glomping her sister. "Did we do it?" "Yes." Tsunami answered. "We did it." "Then the champion is safe?" Tokimi added looking at Ryoko still lying in her stasis field. "We don't know," Katsuhito said glumly. "Time is short and I fear that Tenchi and Ayeka may be lost." Washu deadpanned. "You haven't heard from them?" All the color drained from the once jubilant genius/goddess face. Frantically her eyes darted up to the chronometer fixed above her daughter's stasis field. 00:01:23:19 "Steady there," Kiyone said as she grabbed hold of the wobbly Washu's shoulders. "They'll make it." "I certainly hope so," came a baritone voice from behind them. Everyone spun around as the iron heel of Ignatius Baltus boots clanked across the lab floor. "They left me at the temple of light some time ago." "Then what are you doing here!" Washu spat. If looks could kill the collective glares Baltus was receiving right now would have him decomposed to dust in seconds. "Quiet witch," Baltus shot back. "You of all people should know that time is of no meaning to the Elder. The champion should arrive and claim his sacrifice any second now." A wicked grin crept across Washu's face. "Are you finished now?" "Yes." "Good." Washu smiled as she stroked a few keys on her keypad. Instantly a blue glow engulfed Baltus before he morphed into a meter tall creature with a turtle's shell and a ducks bill. "Stay a water sprite for a while then," Washu said as the others tried to contain their laughter. An angry "Quack! Quack! Quack!" was all the resistance Baltus could offer as he jumped up and down and shook his little fists at Washu. "He's so cute!" Mihoshi squealed as she ran and grabbed the Baltus-sprite. The little creature started to turn blue in the face as Mihoshi laid a bone crushing bear hug onto the hapless emissary. A strained 'Quack!' was all the resistance Baltus-sprite could muster before it passed out from lack of oxygen. "Did I kill it?" Mihoshi asked as the first monsoon of tears began roll down her cheeks. "No," Washu laughed. "Although he would deserve it." Washu reluctantly hit a button on her keypad restoring Baltus to his normal form. "Wake up big boy," she added hitting another key. Baltus groaned and rubbed the side of his head as he got back to his feet. "Quack! Quack- I mean you shall pay for that witch," Baltus said eliciting a hushed giggle from everyone present. "Listen," Washu warned, "you are not on anyone's favorite list around here. It would be in your best interests to sit down and shut up until Tenchi gets back. Or I could turn you into a water sprite again." Baltus was about to open his mouth but he flash of hellfire that shot across the goddess emerald eyes told him that now was not the time to argue. Respectfully he bowed his head and stepped back into the shadows. "What now?" Kiyone asked as she helped Tokimi down from the med table. "I mean what can we do till Tenchi gets back?" Tsunami shrugged. "I guess we wait and worry. What else can we do?" "Good point," Urd added to nods from everyone. Katsuhito stepped forward. "If they do not make it back in the next hour, Ryoko will not be the only who perishes." "I wouldn't worry about that," came Tenchi's voice as a point of light coalesced in the midst of them. The speck enlarged until it took the outline of Tenchi, Ayeka, and another person, whom arms Ayeka's seemed intertwined around. The outlines' iridescence continued until they became solid. A cheer rose up as Tenchi, Ayeka, and Marnot stepped out from the portal. "We did it!" Tenchi announced holding up the completed medallion. "And you did not miss the landing," Ayeka said as she stooped down to give the running Sasami a hug. "Ayeka!" the little princess cried as she buried her face into her sister's shoulder. "We've been so worried!" "That we have," Katsuhito added as he examined the completed medallion. "You have done well." "Thanks," Tenchi said as his gaze cut through his assembled family. He had two things he had to do first. Part one was confirmed when he saw that Ryoko was still relatively safe in her stasis field, just as he left her two weeks ago. The chronometer at its head was precariously low, but she was safe. The next person he was searching for had not been present when these events were set into motion. A slight glint off a square spectacle lens caught his eye from the far corner of the lab. "Excuse me," Tenchi said as he pushed his way past Kiyone, a white haired lady he had never seen before, and a woman who resembled the statues of the goddess Tokimi he had seen during this Odyssey. "He's even better looking in person," Urd commented to Kiyone who nodded in agreement. Tenchi stopped a few feet away from the person at the edge of the shadows. A exhale of cigarette smoke rolled across the small divide as Nobuyuki stepped forward. The father and son exchanged quiet glances before Tenchi fell into his father's arms. "I'm proud of you son," Nobuyuki said as he patted his sons back. "And your mother in heaven is too." "I know dad," Tenchi added, meaning the words. "And she loves the both of us." Nobuyuki pulled back from his son and looked into Tenchi's eyes. His eyes mirrored the silver trails that had streaked his sons face. "Mom loves the both of us." Nobuyuki pulled Tenchi back into him and squeezed him one more time. Baltus was about to make a comment when he noticed Washu's finger hovering ominously close to a button on her keypad. Wisely he chose discretion. "Go to Ryoko," Nobuyuki said as he pulled a well-worn handkerchief from his pocket and wiped his glasses. Tenchi recognized the clothe in a new light now and nodded in acknowledgement of his fathers request. "I am afraid that she cannot be awakened until you have been judged by the Elder," Baltus said stepping forward from the shadows. Tenchi's eyes darted between Ryoko, Baltus, and Marnot. Seeing the champions angst Marnot stepped forward. "As much as it pains me to agree with Ignatius here," Marnot began as he started walking towards Tenchi, "he is correct. The Elder must judge you before Ryoko can revived." "Then lets go," Tenchi said as he gently scooped Ryoko from her stasis bed. "That will not be necessary," Baltus announced. "The Elder have taken it upon themselves to come here." "W-w-w-what do you mean?" Washu stammered. "Here?" Even though there were four goddesses, two guardians, a champion, and a host of the universes most powerful being assembled in her lab, the thought of The Elder revealing themselves here was nearly incomprehensible. "Not here, witch," Baltus spat. "The Elder have chosen the holy place atop the mountain to descend upon this plain." "Holy place..." Tenchi muttered as the location dawned upon him. "The shrine!" everyone exclaimed in unison. "Hold still everyone," Washu commanded as she closed her eyes and wrinkled her nose. The grays and blues of the lab faded away and were replaced by the crisp night air of the shrine courtyard. A thin blanket of snow hugged the ground. Nearly all of the stars in the night sky had been blanked out by the approaching darkness, leaving the nearly full moon as the only source of nocturnal light. The silver disk shown brightly, its pale light casting shadows on those gathered. "Nice," Marnot commented as he studied the ancient architecture of the shrine. "See," Ayeka said playfully, jabbing him the ribs with her elbow, "that is how you teleport." Marnot chuckled and returned the princess playful poking. "It would seem that someone has made a new friend," Tsunami commented to a smiling Washu. Reluctantly Tenchi laid Ryoko back on to her stasis bed which Washu had teleported as well. He had traversed the cosmos and fought demons from within and without in his effort to save her. And even though the greatest challenge still lay ahead, Tenchi knew that she would be by his side. She had been that glimmer of hope to him, the same glimmer that everyone saw in him. All that was lefty now was to wait. *** A divine being casts his gaze across the nine realms onto the realm of Midgard. Through the flames he sees the small band that has congregated on a mountainside in the physical plain. All hope rides on the lad who has been chosen as Champion, a mantle few can bear. His hand strokes his white beard as his raven Hescamar caws from his shoulder. His daughter is amongst that small band, and he hopes for her safety. But in his heart he knows that the twilight of this universe is at hand. "G”tterdammerung," he says in a voice full of dread. Hescamar caws in agreement. *** "The Elder descend," Baltus announced as if divine beings entering the physical realm was an everyday occurrence. But considering his company at the present, it was an everyday occurrence. Tenchi looked up as a ring of clouds began to form over the shrine yard. The wind grew silent and a deafening hush fell over the surrounding countryside as eddies of otherworldly energies blossomed from the gate. All eyes present were trained on the silent vortex raging overhead. No one dared to speak, much less move. From the center of the swirling clouds a speck emerged. Slowly the speck descended until Tenchi was able to make out the features of the being descending to his realm. The figure was clad in a full-length hooded black robe, with scarlet accents on the sleeves and up the front where the garment fastened. A scarlet sash was tied around the beings mid-section, and his hands were clasped, hidden within the folds of the robe. Without making the slightest sound the being stepped down to the snow covered courtyard. No one dared to speak as the descended Elder strode forward. After surveying the surroundings the being lifted his hands to the edge of his hood and slid it back, revealing his face to those gathered. Where Mihoshi had expected a devils face and Sasami had expected elfish features, the Elder looked liked any other human in the universe. His features were chiseled and resolute. Locks of obsidian hair that escaped the topknot he wore framed a square jaw and high cheeks. The only thing that distinguished this being from any other present were the black wings tattooed around his piercing, crimson eyes. "Baltus, Marnot," he calmly spoke. The two guardians stepped forward and took a knee before their lord. "Do you still deem this boy worthy of the fellowship?" "Yes Milord," they spoke as one. "Masaki Tenchi," The Elder spoke, looking up from Baltus and Marnot. "Come forward." Tenchi nodded and stepped forward. His collected family moved aside, clearing a path to the Elder. Washu nodded as Tenchi tread past, as did Katsuhito and the other Megami. "Masaki Tenchi," The Elder spoke again as Tenchi stood next to the kneeling Baltus and Marnot. "The Guardians of the Five Temples have deemed you worthy of this fellowship as well. You have found the spirit of the champion that hid within your soul. You have become the light that shall turn back the darkness, and bring hope to the hopeless." The Elder paused as a sword materialized in front of him. The blade of the sword was engraved with glyphs whose meanings have long been forgotten. The hilt was styled as intertwined vines that branched out to form sweeping guards in the shapes of dragonheads. "Kneel," The Elder spoke as Tenchi sank to one knee. "You are the chosen son of the Earth and of Jurai. Your heart is pure and strong; your courage is endless," he began as he touched the blade to Tenchi's right shoulder. "Under the rose of heaven," he said touching the blade to Tenchi's left shoulder, "I give thee the name of Champion." As the blade touched him this time Tenchi felt a spark jump between the blade and him. Tenchi inhaled sharply as he felt the spark spread throughout his being. With a new clarity he saw what had been granted to him. "Arise and claim your sacrifice," The Elder spoke as the sword returned to the immaterium from whence it came. "She is restored." Tenchi looked over to Ryoko who still lay motionless in her bed. "Ryoko?" Tenchi asked hopingly, but she remained still. "She has been restored," The Elder said quietly to Marnot. "So why does she not rise?" "I have an idea Milord," the guardian said with a wolfish grin. Slowly Tenchi walked over to Ryoko, hoping each step of the way that she would move, but she laid just as before. Washu's eyes went wide as her link with her daughter was restored. "Oh!" she said as Tenchi stopped a few meters away from where Ryoko lay. "Excuse me," Washu said as she pushed past Tsunami and Tokimi as grabbed Tenchi by the arm. "Huh?" he questioned as Washu began to whisper something into his ear. "What is that witch up to?" Baltus asked the Elder, who was beginning to see what was going on. Tenchi's eyes went wide as Washu pulled her lips away from his ear. He understood. A smile crept across Nobuyuki's face as he pulled his mini-camcorder from his jacket pocket. He was not going to miss this. Tenchi gently slid his hands behind Ryoko's shoulders and raised her head ever so slightly. With the lightest touch he pressed his lips to hers. After a moment that seemed all too short, Tenchi pulled back slightly to see Ryoko's tear filled eyes. "I promised," he whispered as his mouth met hers again. This time the kiss was full of the fires of passion. At Ryoko's beckoning Tenchi deepened the kiss as she ran her hand through his plait of black hair. "I would say she is just fine," Marnot whispered to Ayeka who had once again taken her place by his side. Ayeka nodded. Even though she had found a love of her own, a small part of her ached to see Tenchi kiss Ryoko the way she had wanted to be kissed for so long. "I'm so moved! I'm so moved!" Mihoshi cried, garnering a laugh from the assembled Megami and a forlorn shake of the head from her partner. "I love you," Tenchi whispered, finally breaking the embrace. "I know," Ryoko said as she swung her feet off of the bed. After two weeks of being inanimate, it felt good to be able to move again. "Whoa," Tenchi said as her first steps were made on wobbly legs. "I'm fine," she said regaining her balance, but not refusing the arm Tenchi had slid behind her back. "You have been most brave," The Elder said as he clasped Ryoko's hand. "Please accept our humblest apologies for the methods we employ." "You are forgiven," Ryoko said. "I've always said that I would go to hell and back for you Tenchi," she added looking into his chocolate yes. 'God I love those eyes,' she thought. "Now miss Ryoko," Ayeka said feigning annoyance. She had been planning this for several days now, and she relished the thought of being able to get a rise out of her former rival once more. Before Ayeka could finish her feigned chide, a cold, callous laugh echoed across the shrine yard. "He is come," The Elder said, fear etched across his face. Those present spun around as a lithe figure clad in purple and gold appeared on the opposite side of the yard. His cold laughter was joined by his slow, methodical applause as he approached them. Once again all had fallen silent, leaving only the beings applause and the crunch of snow under heel to be heard. A sneer twisted across the beings lips. "Bravo," Aescheron spoke. "Bravo." The Odyssey shall continue... Notes: I hope this chapter will hold its own compared to the last one, and I hope that it has been worth the wait. Now we go into the void. Thanks again. William Nichols.