Introduction: Hi. This is my second fanfic, so please bear with me. What I am trying to do is slowly merge the Tenchi TV series with the OAV series. This is a series, so if you didn't read Return to Jurai, read that first! Special thanks to all those who noticed that my margins were all screwed up. I promise that it'll never happen again. By the way send all comments and criticisms to Such a busy life... Notes: This fan fiction takes place after the movie Tenchi Muyo! in Love. Tenchi Muyo: in Return to Jurai is the first part of this series. Details are sparse to allow you to use your imagination. Legal Disclaimer: Tenchi Muyo OAV and TV belong to Pioneer and AIC, please don't sue me. I'm very poor and can't afford any lawsuits. Please do not post my work without my permission. And finally, if Pioneer or AIC wants to change my work into actual shows, write me!! (I'll laugh if that ever happens!) The characters Admiral Watara, Admiral Yasunori, Admiral Hitoshi, Cadet Naoko, Cadet Takeshi, Cadet Togawa, the Alderman, Councilman Konichi, General Hiroki, Admiral Atsushi, Lord Yomi, General Tanto, Admiral Miyamoto, Tsuki Oni, Kusari, Fundo, Doctor Seiku Oniro and the Hanbatsu Empire all belong to me. If you plan to use any of these characters, ask me for permission first! Special thanks to Literary Eagle for proofreading. An original work by: AleeN 1998. Actual Fan Fic starts here! The scene is in black and white. Several screens fill a large circular room. Washu, Doctor Clay and several others are sitting in chairs along the side. The doors open to reveal Doctor Seiku entering with two guards. His wrists are in handcuffs. Man (on screen): Doctor Seiku Oniro, do you know why you're here today? Doctor Seiku (looks towards screen): I do. Woman (on another screen): You are charged with the destruction of Universal Science Academy property. Is there anything you'd like to say before we begin? Doctor Seiku (looks up): I gave my life to my students. The greatest sorrow I have now is not seeing them complete their work. Man: Very well. (shuffles papers) In the act of destroying Universal Science Academy property, how do you plead? Doctor Seiku (pauses): I plead (looks around the room) guilty. Tenchi Muyo: in No Need for Gems. Return to present, a Juraian ship is in deep space beside planet Alpha. On the bridge are councilman Konichi and his staff. Konichi: What's this planet? Soldier: Planet Alpha. Konichi: Well, nothing interesting here. Let's return to Jurai. Deck officer (in background): Recharge the engines. Konichi: Nothing on the planet Alpha, so there's no point in hanging... Wait! Deck officer: What? Konichi: Wait! (runs to screen) Prepare my shuttle, we're going to make a search of the planet. Soldier: But I thought you said... Konichi: I know what I said! Send a message to dispatch! Priority one, we may find somebody important here. Send assistance. Deck officer: Yes, sir! (runs off) The planet Hanbatsu, it is night as a meeting continues in the Imperial Palace. General Tanto (sitting): What is the status on Jurai? Admiral (sitting, checks papers): The Juraian forces have pushed our forces back to our borders. General Tanto: No further advances? Admiral: No. General Tanto: The Juraian command is falling apart. Admiral Miyamoto: We still have to find a new leader... Councilman: Is it possible that Lady Tokimi saved him? General Tanto: I've sent Doctor Clay to check. Soldier: Is that wise? General Tanto: The doctor is the only other one who knows the location. Admiral Miyamoto: What about Doctor Seiku? Surely he will be annoyed. General Tanto: Oh, yes. Send him my regards, that Doctor Clay cannot see him today. Anyway, we must design this month's war budget. Since I am in charge, I will not propose anything... The sun shines brightly on the planet Alpha. It is a wooded section of the planet. Trees wave in the breeze as several birds chirp in the distance. A small hut is found deep inside the woods. A woman with light blue hair is pacing inside. She walks up to a picture of herself, Ayeka and Sasami. The sound of a teakettle can be heard in the background. Woman (tear running down cheek): Don't worry girls, I'll be home soon... (she walks over to pour herself a cup of tea) Something to calm my nerves. (creaking outside) Who's there? Konichi (walking inside): Just a visitor from the planet... (notices the woman) Oh my! Empress Misaki! (bows) Misaki (runs up to Konichi): You're just in time! (hugs him) Konichi (sweatdrop): I'm glad to see you too. It is a bright and sunny autumn day at the Masaki household; Ayeka and Sasami are washing dishes. Ayeka (scrubbing): Ah, this is the life. Sasami (drying dishes): Calm and peaceful everyday. Ayeka: You could say that again. Ryoko (entering, drying hair): That was a nice bath. Ayeka (notices Ryoko): Oh, you. (continues drying dishes) Do you always find a way to avoid chores? Ryoko: Only when you're doing them. Spark of lightning between both of them. Sasami (placing dishes in cupboard): Ayeka, Ryoko please stop. Ayeka: Humph. Ryoko: Humph. (she leaves) The leaves fall gently as Tenchi exits school Tenchi (to self): Ah, what a peaceful day. Friend (running to join Tenchi): Tenchi, wait up! Tenchi (stops): Oh, hi! Friend (catching breath): You left awfully quickly today. You know Tsuki has been absent for a while, you didn't even welcome her back. Tenchi: Well, I've been preoccupied as well... Friend: Well, the least you could do is say hi to Tsuki. I heard her folks are coming from Tokyo. Tenchi (stunned): Gotta go! (runs off) Friend: How rude. A downtown ice cream shop Kiyone (handing cone to child): Here you go. (the kid thanks her and walks off) You know, Mihoshi, I could get used to this job. Mihoshi (wiping counter): So could I. (looking outside) Say, isn't that Tenchi's dad? Kiyone: Don't be silly! (looks out the window) It is Tenchi's dad. And look, it's Kamidake as well. Nobiyuki and Kamidake are walking down the street. They appear depressed. Mihoshi: What do you think happened to them? Kiyone: I don't know. Woman: Ahem. Mihoshi: I'm sorry. What would you like today? Late that evening at the Masaki household, Nobiyuki has called Tenchi, Ryoko, Ayeka, Washu, Sasami and Katsuhito to a family meeting. Nobiyuki: Do you know why I called you here now? Tenchi: No, dad. Why? Nobiyuki: My company was bought out today. Ayeka: Oh dear. Were you laid off? Nobiyuki: No. It's just that the company is reorganizing and I can't go to work for the next two weeks. Ryoko: How does this affect us? Nobiyuki: My company credit is placed on hold. And I don't want to dip into our savings. Ryoko: So? Nobiyuki: You might have to get a job. Washu: Oh, dear. Do we all have to? Nobiyuki: Well, I don't see why I have to earn all the money for the household. Ayeka (laughing): Oh hohohohohoho. I'm sure you'll make a great waitress, Ryoko! Ryoko: So what? You'll make a good janitor. Katsuhito: Girls, please. We're all in a situation here. We'll all try our best to help out. Tenchi: Speaking of situations, Tsuki is back in school. Everyone else: What? Tenchi: I didn't believe it myself. But I saw her today in class. And her parents are coming here! Washu: What? That can't be possible! She's a spy! She has no parents! Her past is a cover story! Puppet A: Impossible! Puppet B: She's a spy! Ayeka: Well, if Lord Tenchi says she's returned, I suppose she did return. Ryoko: That monster! When I see her... Tenchi: Calm down, Ryoko! Tsuki hasn't done anything yet. She still acts normally in school. Washu: So, there's nothing we can do. Katsuhito: Just... Tenchi (interested): Yes grandpa? Katsuhito: ... make sure she doesn't try to kill anybody inside the house. Tenchi falls over. Several shuttles are arriving at Jurai. Below, the Alderman and several other officials are waiting. Admiral Hitoshi is with them. They are all standing on the platform of the Royal Palace. The leaves flutter in the wind created by the shuttles. Alderman (to Admiral Hitoshi): Weren't you supposed to leave yet? Admiral Hitoshi: The Galaxy Police have reassigned me to defend the system. General Hiroki: We can defend Jurai by ourselves. Admiral Hitoshi: My, how your attitude changes so quickly. General Hiroki: I only accept help (pauses) when I need it. Alderman (covering eyes): Well, be quiet, the shuttles are landing. The Juraian shuttles land, raising a cloud of dust. As the dust settles, Councilman Konichi is standing on the platform. Konichi (bows): My most honorable Alderman, I have returned from my journey to the Beta system. Alderman: I know about your trip. Tell me, did you find anyone on the planet Alpha? Misaki (exiting shuttle): You tell me. All the officials bow, and applaud Misaki's return to Jurai. Alderman: Lady Misaki! How are you? Misaki (excited): The more I think about it, Jurai hasn't changed that much. Alderman (relieved): But Lady Misaki, Jurai has changed. Why you should have seen your daughter... Misaki (interested): Oh, my little Ayeka. My little Sasami... (looks around) Where are they? Alderman: Well, they kinda... Misaki (annoyed): Go on... Alderman: They've returned to their vacation. Misaki (normal attitude): Well, that can't be helped. Let's go inside. The crowd of officials begins to return to the palace. Alderman (sigh): I'm glad that's over. It is late afternoon at the Masaki home. Washu is napping on the couch; Nobiyuki is reading the paper. Ryoko (opening door): Are you done yet? Nobiyuki (places finger over mouth): Shhhh. (whispering) Washu is sleeping. Ryoko (whispering): She really wore herself out last night. Nobiyuki: Well, at least she's trying to get a job. You and Ayeka haven't even tried yet. Ryoko: I would if you'd give me the paper. Nobiyuki: Oh. (hands her the paper) Let's go. Washu's dream, Doctor Seiku, Washu, Doctor Clay and several others are in a classroom of the Universal Science Academy. Doctor Seiku (clears throat): You know why you're here. Student: We wish you very good luck, Doctor. Student2: Try and keep busy, OK? Doctor Seiku (holds up book): Well, I do plan to do some reading... Class laughs. Student: Oh, Doctor you're such a kidder. Doctor Seiku: I'll soon be off. I leave you with these words, remember to follow your dreams. No matter what happens, you'll treasure these days the most. The class applauds. After a few more handshakes, the other students leave. Washu, Doctor Clay and another student are left. Washu: Doctor? Doctor Seiku (back to them): I have nothing more to say... Doctor Clay: We wish you good luck. Doctor Seiku (turns around): Ah, Clay. I know you and Washu are competing for control of the class. Doctor Clay: So? Doctor Seiku: You are both excellent students. It is hard for me to choose. Unfortunately, I've chosen Washu. For you see, Washu has passed the course with the requirement I was looking for. You (points to Doctor Clay), have not. Washu: Thank you, Doctor. Doctor Clay: I see. Door opens, a soldier is standing there. Soldier: It's time to go. Washu wakes up, it is later in the afternoon. Ryoko and Ayeka are looking through the classified ads in the newspaper. Washu (yawns): What's up? Ryoko (reading ad): How about this one? Opening available at Pioneer entertainment... Ayeka: No. (picks up another section) What about... (notices Washu is awake) Ah, miss Washu, how was your nap? Washu (getting up): Well, I think I rested enough. (begins folding blanket) How's your job hunt going? Ryoko: Not so well. The best jobs we've found are for chefs. Washu: There are plenty of jobs out there, just keep looking. (walks off) Ayeka (reading): New store, CD Vision, needs... Late night, planet Jurai, the main throne room is alive with activity as Misaki is briefed on the current events in the galaxy. Misaki (yawning): So, General Hiroki saved Jurai. General Hiroki (standing): Well, I had help. Misaki (yawning even more): Go on. General Hiroki: Admiral Atsushi, several Galaxy Police admirals, Ayeka... Misaki (stops yawning): Ayeka? General Hiroki: Yes, Ayeka. Misaki (stands up): You mean my little Ayeka? General Hiroki (worried): Yes, your little Ayeka. Misaki (walks up the general): Tell me, what did she do? General Hiroki (nervous): She c-c-commanded the fleet. Misaki (hugs General Hiroki): My little Ayeka is growing up. General Hiroki (slowly): I... can't... feel... my... feet. Alderman (changing subject): Well, we could always go see her. Misaki (releases general Hiroki, he starts gasping): Do you really mean it? Alderman: Well, not now. However, after you're caught up... Misaki (sits in throne): Why didn't you say so? Hurry up and tell me what happened. Man: Councilman Konichi wishes to thank you for the promotion to governor. Conversation continues... Alderman (to assistant): I see. I'll get on it right away. (to Misaki) Lady Misaki, we must get our priorities straight. First, you must take control of the throne. Then... Misaki (gets up): You organize everything, Alderman. I have my priorities as well. Juraian special operations division headquarters Soldier (looking at footage): Play it again. A screen appears, on it is the energy of Tsunami racing towards the Kodo-ha's energy. Soldier: Pause it. (the footage stops) Zoom in. The image zooms closer to the energy of Tsunami. A very faint image can be seen. Soldier2: What's that, Admiral Atsushi? Admiral Atsushi: Let's find out. The image zooms in, until the image is within the frame, it is distorted, though. Soldier: I'll clear that up. (pushes button) Soldier2: It can't be. Within the light is the outline of Sasami. A larger outline of another can be seen over her. Admiral Atsushi: Interesting. (pauses) What we have seen today is not to leave this room. It is to be placed under priority 1 defensive regulations. And... Soldier2: And? Admiral Atsushi: All copies of this footage must be destroyed. Deep space, Doctor Clay is standing on the bridge of his Hanbatsu command ship. Doctor Clay (talking to screen): I did not get a proper response from Lady Tokimi. General Tanto (on screen): Well, I have several leads here. (pauses) You should go see the Doctor. I hear he is very depressed. Doctor Clay: Why didn't you tell me? General Tanto: Lord Yomi felt you would have been insulted if he told you who adapted the gun technology. Doctor Clay: I live by my work, however, if the Doctor Seiku is involved... I'll be on my way shortly. General Tanto: Very well. Don't forget to drop by Jurai. Doctor Clay: I won't. It is a cloudy day as Tenchi gets up from bed. He looks around his room to make sure Ryoko isn't hiding in the laundry or something, then heads to the bathroom. Afterwards he goes downstairs and notices all kinds of boxes on the floor. Tenchi (looks around): Dad? Nobiyuki (appears from huge pile): Hi, Tenchi. Ah, you've noticed my new hobby. Tenchi: New hobby? Nobiyuki: Yes, I've decided to take up model airplane building. Tenchi: That's just ... great. (walks around boxes) Where are Ryoko and Ayeka? Nobiyuki: I think they went to town. (shuffles some boxes) Ah, my glue. Tenchi enters the kitchen, Sasami is sitting reading a newspaper. Washu is sipping some tea. Washu (notices Tenchi): Is your father always this strange? Tenchi: What do you mean? Washu (takes another sip): Well, he was building planes all night. Tenchi (opens refrigerator): Well, he is trying to keep busy. Washu: Denial, anger, spirituality, sadness and acceptance. Tenchi (looks up): What? Washu: Nothing. The planet Todain, a Hanbatsu fleet flies overhead. Below, the Universal Science Academy campus is busy with activity. However, one room is empty. Inside stands Doctor Seiku. He is pacing... Doctor Seiku (to self): It's so good to be back. (looks around) The memories... Flashback, Doctor Seiku is in front of a class filled with students. Washu and Doctor Clay are both sitting in the front row. Doctor Seiku: Welcome to Gemology 101. This is an easy course. However, no matter what you do, I'll only give 80's. Student (raises hand, stands up): I heard you gave others 100's. Doctor Seiku (as the student sits): Only if you pass the most important test of all... Any other questions? Doctor Clay (standing): Do we learn anything in gemology? Doctor Seiku (as Clay sits): Well, we learn about these. (raises hand, a small circular sphere is seen in his wrist) This is a gem. Gems are somewhat hard to obtain. I received this one as a gift from a tribe on my journey across the galaxy. (lowers wrist) Washu (to self): Interesting. Doctor Seiku (continues): Gemology is a finishing course, most of you are already doctors or scientists. You came here for help with your work. I won't disappoint you... Return to present, Doctor Seiku is sitting in a chair looking at the empty classroom. Doctor Seiku (whispering): My... how my students disappointed me... It is late night on the planet Jurai, Misaki is walking up and down the long hallways of the palace. Misaki (to self): The palace is so empty... Misaki stops and looks at the doors to Sasami's room. Sasami (voice over): Mommy! Mommy! Look at what I've done today! Misaki continues down the hall, she stops in front of Ayeka's room. Ayeka (voice over): Oh, mom! I'll be fine! Misaki (to self): My little Ayeka... Ayeka (voice over, she sounds younger): Mommy, what's her name? Misaki looks depressed. Sasami (voice over): Mommy, daddy's home! Ayeka (voice over, normal age): My mommy! How are you? Misaki stops thinking. She pauses. A tear runs down her cheek as she runs down another hallway... Another room in the Royal Palace, a light can be seen from underneath a door. Inside are Admiral Hitoshi, two GP officers and a member of the Royal Council of Jurai... Interrogation officer1 (pacing): Do you know why you're here, councilman Kajishima? Councilman Kajishima (sitting in chair): No. Interrogation officer2 (standing in corner): I'll give you a hint. It's big and involves you! Admiral Hitoshi: Please, save yourself some trouble and tell us. Councilman Kajishima: Tell you what? Interrogation officer2 (moves light into the councilman's eyes): We have eyewitness, a paper trail, and recordings of your transmissions. We also have numerous other documents! (slams fist on desk) We want answers! Councilman Kajishima (breaks down into tears): I admit it! I took the battleship Azusa out for a joy ride! (crying even harder) I didn't mean it! Interrogation officer1 (sweatdrop): We meant the rumors of the republic. Councilman Kajishima (stops crying): What? Admiral Hitoshi: It's funnier this way... Councilman Kajishima (sighs): I've heard the republic is gaining in popularity. While no one is openly admitting ties to the republic, I think several important officials are involved. Interrogation officer1 (points light away): Now that wasn't so hard, was it? Councilman Kajishima: I guess you're right. Interrogation officer2: What's this about the Azusa? Jurai the next day, it is sunny as Misaki and several others are boarding a shuttle. The Alderman and General Hiroki are standing on the platform. Alderman: I must protest. You are an adult! We need someone to represent the Royal family on Jurai! Misaki (turns around): I am going to visit my children. (glares at the Alderman) Any objections, Alderman? Alderman (nervous): No... no, ma'am. High orbit over Jurai at that moment, Juraian ships are on heavy patrol due to the heavily damaged shield systems. However, they fail to notice Doctor Clay's ship. Clay is standing on the bridge. Doctor Clay (smirks): My cloaking technology has worked! Launch the fighter squadrons! Out of nowhere, a Hanbatsu ship appears and several squadrons race to the surface. Squadron leader: Let's show them what the 639th are made of! Kensuke, and Yuko follow me! Kensuke: Entering formation as requested. Yuko: Let's make this strike as quick as possible. On platform General Hiroki: What's that? (he points to distant specks of light) Messenger (running to platform): We are under attack! Alderman: What? The specks get larger as they approach the platform, several mines are launched from the surface. They are dodged easily by the Hanbatsu fighters. Squadron leader (aboard fighter): Is that their best? (over intercom) Split up and attack assigned targets. The Hanbatsu fighters split up, several begin to attack the platform. Kensuke (looking out fighter window): Look at them run! Yuko (over intercom): Shut up! You're ruining my concentrartion! General Hiroki (diving): Damn! (to messenger) Alert the orbital fleet! The messenger runs off, explosions rock the platform. Alderman (pushing Misaki out of the way): Watch out! (an explosion rocks the platform) Misaki (on ground): Alderman! High orbit over Jurai Doctor Clay: Recall the ships! (a deckhand runs off) Well, Zero, look how Jurai is in a state of panic. Zero: Well played, Doctor. Lord Yomi would be proud. Galaxy Police battleship Freedom, Admiral Hitoshi is at a communications station. Admiral Hitoshi (into intercom): What? Controller (on intercom): General Hiroki has denied you permission to take off! Admiral Hitoshi: That idiot! General Hiroki (on intercom): That what? (pauses) Listen Admiral, I'm in charge of defense here; we'll handle this! The Hanbatsu fighters weave in and out of laser fire from Jurai. Squadron leader (to squadron): Regroup! We're leaving! Yuko: Fighter five here, severe damage to my left wing! Kensuke: We're leaving already? Squadron leader: Guess so, Doctor Clay is in charge you know. The Hanbatsu fighters fly off the surface and rejoin Doctor Clay's command ship. Konichi (aboard command ship): Damn! Block off their exit vectors! Governor Konichi's ship moves to a new position, in front is Doctor Clay's ship. Several Juraian fighters are in close pursuit of the fleeing vessel. The Juraian ships desperately fire upon Doctor Clay's ship. Doctor Clay (yelling): Let's go! Charge the sublight engine! Konichi: Stop them! Fire the guns! Just as the blasts of Governor Konichi's ship are about to hit Doctor Clay's ship, Clay's ship enters sublight speed, so the lasers hit the pursuing Juraian fighters instead. Doctor Clay (smirks): Remind me to send my thanks to that Juraian. Governor Konichi's bridge is bustling with activity as reports are being transmitted. Konichi: Damn! (turns around) I'm leaving. (walks off the bridge) Admiral Hitoshi (to bridge crew): Look at what they've done! Prepare my shuttle, I'm going to the surface! On the platform General Hiroki (wiping off dirt): Is everyone OK? Misaki: I am. (looks around) Where is the Alderman? Soldier (shifting through rubble): He's over here! (turns around) We're going to need a medic here! Earth, it rains on the Masaki household. Inside, Tenchi is helping his dad pack up his model airplanes. Nobiyuki (taping box shut): That was a silly idea! Tenchi (lifting several boxes): So what are you going to do, dad? Nobiyuki (puts tape away): I don't know... Maybe I'll take up the bokken. Katsuhito (entering room): Did I hear bokken? Nobiyuki: Oh, I was only kidding. (lifts up the other boxes) I should value this free time. I could spend more time getting to know the girls... Tenchi (off screen): Dad! Ice cream shop downtown. Washu, Ryoko and Ayeka are all having some ice cream. Mihoshi is mopping the floor, Kiyone is cleaning the counter. Washu (licking ice cream): Strange, the flavors never tasted like this. Ayeka (picking up spoonful of sundae): Ice cream is one of the things these Earthlings perfected. Ryoko (taking big bite out of cone): Well it beats staying with Tenchi's dad all day. All three start laughing. Tsuki opens the door, dead silence follows. Tsuki (hasn't looked up yet): My, how wet it is... (looks up) Oh, hello. Ryoko (holding back anger): Hello. Kiyone (behind counter): May I help you? Tsuki: Yes, I'll have a scoop of strawberry, please. (Kiyone starts preparing her order) Ah, Ayeka where's Sasami? Ayeka (places spoon on table): She's at home. Washu (whispering to Ryoko): Maybe Tenchi was right, we can't do anything until she tries something. Ryoko (whispering back): The second she does, I'll pound her face in. Tsuki (picking up cup of strawberry ice cream): Well, I'll see you later. (reopens umbrella and heads outside) Mihoshi (placing mop in bucket): She seems nice. I wonder why we don't invite her to see Tenchi more often. Everyone falls over. The Masaki household several days later... DING-DONG Ding-Dong Nobiyuki (walking to door): I'll get it. (opens door) May I help you? Mitsuki: Yes, is Tenchi in? Nobiyuki (turns around): Tenchi, someone here for you! (faces Mitsuki) So are you his girlfriend? Mitsuki (blushes): No. (Tenchi appears) Ah, there you are, I have a notice for you. Uh, sir could you leave a minute? Nobiyuki: Fine, leave the old man out of it. (he leaves) Tenchi: So, what do you want? Mitsuki: You are ordered to attend the hearings into the escape of the A1 class criminal KAIN... Jurai, a bright and sunny day ruins the occasion, the alderman in a stretcher is lying in a field of flowers. General Hiroki, Misaki, Governor Konichi, Councilman Kajishima and Admiral Hitoshi, along with several others are gathered around him. Alderman (weakly): This is the place I've chosen to die. General Hiroki: You can't die, Tsunami will protect you. Alderman (weakly): Tsunami cannot intervene if I choose to die. Before then (sighs) I have something to say. Everyone gathers closer to the Alderman. Alderman (weaker): I've lived my life serving the people of Jurai. I've completed my duty to the people. Now it is your turn to take over my work. My work... (gasps) Jurai wasn't built in a day, and it will not fall in a day. We have survived so much, to lose now will be the greatest disaster of all. (pauses) I do not want my funeral covered up. The universe must know the truth about this war. (smirks) War... no matter what happens, cities and planets are lost. Empires are born, others destroyed. Bravery is shown and honor is defended. People die... (gasps) die... just like me. (pauses) I'm sorry I'll never get to see the end of this war. (gasps) Just... (very weak) ... just... (gasps) ... give them one for me. I move on to a better place... (a raindrop lands in his mouth) so long... (slumps over) Everyone is shocked. It starts to rain. Misaki is the first to start crying and others soon follow. The raining continues, as several officials take the stretcher away. Misaki (crying): They say Tsunami cries a thousand tears when an important figure dies. He deserved every one of them. Author's notes Lord Yomi: I thought you'd be happy, since I borrowed from your example. Using trees to power spaceships, what a novel idea. Novel indeed. Well, this is just a prologue to part 2 of my series. In part 2 I'll place more things into detail and place in the rest of the elements I mentioned in part 1. For everyone who liked the Alderman he he is dead! Sorry to inform you. New Characters and the rest. Juraians General Hiroki: General of Planetary defense. He tends to hate non-Juraians, though. Alderman: Head of Jurai in the Empress's absence. In charge of the Holy Council of Jurai. Old, he has a white beard and wears glasses. Admiral Atsushi: He is in charge of the Juraian fleet for home defense. Councilman Konichi: Not very important in this story, he will be later. He is a member of the Holy Council of Jurai. Kagato: Deceased fake Emperor of Jurai. Pretended to be Yosho to gain access to the throne. Banished all other members of the Royal families to distant planets. (TV 24, 25) Sagami: Helped Tenchi reach Jurai during the Kagato Incident. Promoted to fighter pilot afterwards. (TV 22) Uncle: Sasami's Uncle. Was in charge of defensive platform at the first line of defense. Now works on Jurai. (TV 22) The Galaxy Police Admiral Watara: Temporary chief of operations of Galaxy Police. He is calm and confident. Admiral Hitoshi: The trigger-happy admiral, as he is referred to by his friends. Recently returned from restoring order to a star system in civil war. Admiral Yasunori: The female admiral, she is intelligent and level headed. Has green eyes and blond hair. Cadet Naoko: Trainee sent under Galaxy Police emergency pilots act. She is a fair pilot. However, appearances can be deceiving. She looks like an older version of Kiyone except with blue hair. Cadet Takeshi: Ambitious cadet, he is trying to aim for squadron leader. Has black hair. Cadet Togawa: Overconfident pilot. Has brown hair. He recently had a breakup with his girlfriend of 2 years, who looked like Washu. Grand Marshal: Head of all spaceship operations. (OAV 4) Mitsuki: Kiyone's friend from the Galaxy Police Academy. (TV 15) The Hanbatsu Lord Yomi: Leader of the Hanbatsu Empire, knows many things. He has already had a border disagreement with Jurai. General Tanto: 1st general in Hanbatsu army. Very traditional, he is next in line to become leader of the Hanbatsu combined fleet. Admiral Miyamoto: General Tanto's best friend since the previous war with Jurai. Kusari: Secret agent. Classified. Looks to be several years older than Tenchi. Fundo: Secret agent. Classified. Looks similar to Kusari. Doctor Clay: Head researcher of Hanbatsu armaments wing. Invented Wakizashi gun technology. Also invented his assistant Zero. (OAV 11, 12) Cadet Yura: Was girlfriend of Amarubei. Helped him steal the Yagami. Joined military to get a career in life. (TV 19) The rest Nagi: Bounty hunter who chased Ryoko for a while. She is currently trying other jobs. Ken-Oh-Ki is her spaceship/cabbit. (TV 10 and several others) Tsuki: The new student, not trying to go for Tenchi's love. She is very intelligent and excels in math. But nobody's that perfect... Amarubei: Punk who stole the Yagami. He is now doing odd jobs. (TV 19) Doctor Seiku: Former Doctor/Professor at the Universal Science Academy. Was banished for currently unknown reasons. He is thin and wears glasses. He has blue eyes. Friend: Tenchi's friend from school. Made friends with Tenchi after his return to Earth from Jurai. Kazuhiko Amagasaki: Tenchi's friend from school. (OAV 1) Yagami: Kiyone's spaceship. Main ship assigned to the Miho/Kiyo duo. (TV 5) Yukinojo: Mihoshi's spaceship. Fighter/shuttle component to Yagami. (OAV 4) KAIN: A1 class criminal. Currently recaptured in sub space net. (Tenchi Muyo! in Love) I will leave the descriptions vague so you can use your imagination when reading about these characters. (Translation: I'm too lazy to write proper descriptions) Send all comments and criticisms to: . This story belongs to AleeN, do not use it without permission. Copyright 1998. The other stuff belongs to Pioneer and AIC, don't sue.