Disclaimer: Tenchi Muyo! is the property of Pioneer LDC, AIC, and the creator of Tenchi Muyo! (who I've found to be many different people, as so many people have their different opinions), and this fanfic is the property of Space Pirate Ryoko-chan, who put a lot of her valuable time IRL to create this fanfic, so don't hate it too much. Koshiyuki steps onto the stage, holding a piece of paper--which she seems very confused about--and takes her place in the middle, her furry, greyish tail flicking about. She then clears the throat, and takes her attention off the paper and faces you. "We now introduce the fanfic..." she begins, then stops and peers at the paper she was holding, and once again brings her attention to you. "The fanfic 'No Need for Another Demoness', by Space Pirate Ryoko-chan. No, the Ryoko who wrote this fic and the one in the fic are not the same person and the author would appreciate it if you did not think so." "I DID NOT TELL YOU TO SAY THAT!" yells a voice off-stage. "Whatever," Koshiyuki snorts, and walks off stage, yelling the words, "Let the fanfic begin!" Washuu jumped for joy, well, almost. Her newest invention was complete--the InterDimensional Gateway. It was given such a name simply because such a...a simple piece of work like it didn't need a fancy name. This Gateway enabled her to peek into other dimensions, and pick out the people she desired to bring to her dimension, and at this point, she was looking for a particular person. Someone to aggravate her daughter, Ryoko, and someone else to get Tenchi closer to her. Her so-called "guinea pig" had been avoiding her as much as possible, and now was the time for revenge. Washuu cackled and began pushing and flipping the controls, the huge machine humming to the life, a blue energy forming in the middle of the empty circular gateway. "Now," Washuu spoke, her voice echoing with the hum of the machine, "the time has come to call the required people!" She cackled after, and instantly, the machine brought up the profiles of two people, one was classified as a Jakarian demoness, the other as a Shakadurian prophetess. Perfect, Washuu thought. The demoness--who was named Koshiyuki--would aggravate Ryoko to the point of total insanity, forcing her to turn to her mother! Washuu giggled. And the prophetess would win Tenchi's heart, blocking Aeka totally out of his mind, and Ryoko would be too busy fighting Koshiyuki to seduce Tenchi. How wonderful! The gateway flashed, and instantly the two depicted profiles dissipated into pure energy, floating in front of Washuu and materializing into people: the first one was Koshiyuki, the other was the prophetess Miakoda Sakura. "Huh? Now where the hell am I?!" Koshiyuki shouted, resting her hands on her hips, the bikini top she was wearing stretching out, showing off her cleavage perfectly. Washuu grinned, this was too perfect. A body like that would make even Ryoko jealous! "Yes, I do recall being in the council room," Sakura spoke next, examining her surroundings. "Um, let me explain," Washuu spoke up, clearing her throat to talk. "My name is Washuu--but you can call me Washuu-chan--and I brought you here to this dimension through my greatest invention yet, the InterDimensional Gateway...thing...and I have somethings to ask of you." "If it pays well, yeah sure," Koshiyuki snorted, jerking her head back to brush the locks of her dark lavender hair that were resting on her shoulders. "Oh, a favor. Well, as a prophetess, yes, I must comply." "Good. Now, Koshiyuki," Washuu began. "There is someone I'd like you to meet. And same goes for you Sakura. I won't tell you every detail of the tasks I have for you, but very soon it will all be clear." "Who are we meeting?" Sakura questioned, both her and Koshiyuki wearing perplexed looks. "Come with me," Washuu instructed, and escorted them out of the lab. =^_^= "Tenchi!" Ryoko shouted. She hadn't seen Tenchi all day, and she knew that he wasn't off flirting with Aeka, she had just seen her in the kitchen with Sasami-chan. "Tenchi!" she yelled, again, and this time, got a response, but not from who she wanted one from. "Ryoko-chan!" Washuu shouted, smiling, two strange people following her closely. "I'd like you to meet someone." "Oh yeah? Who?" "This is Koshiyuki, Ryoko, a Jakarian demoness from an alternate dimension." "Another one of your dumb experiments, eh? Well, hi Koshi- whatever." "Koshiyuki," Koshiyuki snapped, glaring at Ryoko. Ryoko glared right back, and Washuu smiled. The two already were getting a grudge against one another. "And Sakura, you'll follow me," Washuu interrupted, and led Sakura off. "So, you're Ryoko Masaki, hmm? I've gotten some background info on you." Koshiyuki said with an uncaring tone, floating up to eye level with Ryoko. "Then it's time for me to learn about you, Koshi...yuki. Damn, your name is difficult!" "It's Jakarian for 'Dishonorable One'." "Figures. You look more dishonorable than I do." "Listen, you little bitch, I didn't get transferred all the way from my home--against my will at that--to hear your screeching voice insult me like the drop-dead slut you are!" "What did you just call me?!" "I may be a lesbian, but hell, I wouldn't fuck you for all the Jakarian bakars in the world!" "Would you like to prove that, you little whore?!" "Wait just a minute!" Washuu yelled, stopping the two. Her plan had worked out better than she thought. "Ryouko, Koshiyuki, calm down! You two just met, for Tsunami's sake!" "Washuu, did you bring me here to get killed or something? Ryoko here has a better chance of killing me than I do killing her!" "I do?" "Yes! I'm still in training, and I don't intend on killing anyone until I graduate!" "Washuu, what's the meaning of this?!" interrupted another voice. Washuu looked over her shoulder, and saw a really angry Aeka storming towards her, Sakura following her, an angry look on her face as well. Washuu's plan was failing. "What is the meaning of all this?!" Sakura shouted, and then Aeka spotted Koshiyuki, and Sakura spotted Ryoko. "And who is that?!" Sakura and Aeka shouted in chorus. "I am Koshiyuki, demoness-in-training the planet Jakar. And you are?" Koshiyuki questioned, turning to Aeka. "I am Aeka, First Princess of Jurai Royal Family." "And I am Sakura Miakoda, Prophetess of the planet Shakaduras," Sakura introduced herself, turning to Ryoko. "I am Ryoko Masaki, bethrothed to Tenchi Masaki." "You are not!" Aeka snapped, furiously red in the face. "Am so, you little snob! You're just jealous." "Grrr..." "Umm, what's going on?" interrupted someone else, and everyone turned to find Tenchi--Sakura and Koshiyuki staring with the biggest confused looks. "And you are?" Sakura questioned, addressing the young man before her. "Are you new here? My name's Tenchi Masaki, I live here." "We figured that," Koshiyuki snorted. "And it's because of your little friend Washuu here that Sakura and I are here." Washuu blushed, and took the moment to back out and run away, locking herself in her lab before anyone could get her. "Washuu!" Ryoko shouted, angry as Aeka was a few seconds ago, and started pounding away on the lab door. "All right, all right!" yelled Washuu from inside. "I'll send them back where they came from! The door's unlocked!" Ryoko had already found that out, however, for she was trying to break the door down, and went flying into the lab. Aeka giggled, Tenchi held his laughter in--for he knew the consequences--and Koshiyuki and Sakura burst out laughing. Washuu was busy working on the gateway, the machine humming over the laughter, the familiar blue energy breaking through again. Koshiyuki and Sakura stopped laughing and took their places in front of the gateway, and Washuu pushed the large blinking red button before her, the gateway's energy expanding and spreading over the two strangers, and in a blinding flash of light, then energy dissipated-- and there stood Koshiyuki! "What the-?!" Washuu shouted, and began examining every detail of the teleportation sequence. Then, without warning, the entire machine began humming wildly, the pitch of the hum growing higher and higher, until finally, the gateway collapsed and the computer controlling it exploded in a fury of sparks and flames. "I guess that means I'm not going back to Jakar," Koshiyuki mumbled. "But what about Sakura?" "I looked her up just before the machine exploded. She's gone, for real, never to return anywhere." Koshiyuki winced. Of all the deaths she'd seen her clan perform, that had to be the worst. It also had to be the second most painful death she'd witnessed, other than her own parents' death. "Koshiyuki?" Ryoko interrupted, breaking the silence. "Koshiyuki, are you okay?" "Yes, Ryoko, I'm fine. I'm just...thinking." "Of what?" "Things, Ryoko. Things." "Well," Washuu spoke up with a sigh, "I guess that means Koshiyuki is staying with us until I can get another gateway up." "And how long will this take?" Koshiyuki asked. "I don't know, Koshiyuki. I don't know." Koshiyuki sighed. This could be the longest trip away from home she would ever have. But then again, it could turn out to be a really fun vacation. So, was the story okay? It's not my first fanfic, but it's my first fanfic hosted online! If you liked it, send some suggestions and comments and stuff to SpacePirateRyoko@eudoramail.com but don't spam the hell outta me.