"No need for Tenchi" Ronin: Part IV "The Count Down To Destruction" "Is that the response you were looking for Captain?" asked Tenchi with a demanding tone. "To see Kiyone faint by finally understanding the truth about you with her?" "No!" said Ron. " I know she is strong in spirit, but this `Link' is something even to me at times is overwhelming. I mean come on kid! When all this shit about you being a half-breed from a completely different race, and all that has followed aren't you just a bit damn amazed how your life has been turned up side down?" "Well yeah.." "This `Guardianship' is very important to her and to her people's culture! Inorder to show that the next generation is coming of age and that their children are no longer should be treated as children!" explained Ron. "She has never told you much about her origins has she? How her people still stride for `Arite'* (Pursuit of excellence) toward becoming the Utopia they once were! By the way now that I think about it, does this ring any bells about a famous `ancient culture' that once was on this planet?" "I think I should do the explaining... `Guardian'"! said Kiyone as she looked up at Ron. Ron looked down and could see she is not happy at what just happen. Kiyone stands up and looks the others. "He's right." she said. "The `Guardians' are people who are chosen to protect the `new born' in-case the true parents can no longer protect or raise their off-spring or a threat arises! The `chosen ones' are usually selected by a these reasons; One: They are friends of the family and not a relative! Two: They have to be the opposite sex of the `new-born'! Three: They have to belong to a `clan' or class that is tightly together. Four: They must be about twenty years older than the child itself! Five: They are not allowed to tell the off-spring at all that they are the `Guardian' until they know it is time or at the `Ceremony of Youthhood'. Between that time...he can give `hints' about himself at who he is what he does..." Ron holds up a United States half dollar coin, Kiyone makes at light smile at him! "...and where he is from!" she completed her sentence. She touched her orange head-band, then she looked at Ron's and touched her family's symbol on it. "Six: They wear the `mark' of the mother's `clan' color at the ceremony of the `First Day Of Life' and the day they expose themselves. My mother's clan colors are orange and my father's are red! The `white' one you see me wear once in awhile is for holidays on my world, and `black' is when I'm in battle for my own family, my own people, or morning a death of someone!" "And the symbol in the middle of the head-band?" asked Ryouko. "The symbol that you see are two intertwined symbols. One from my father's side and one from my mother's. I wear one as well! This signifies that I'm their true daughter!" Kiyone takes off her head-band and turns it inside-out! It reveilles the same symbol on Ron's band! "Cool!" said Tenchi. As she turns to Ron she puts the head-band back on. "So absolutely you have a good reason for all this?" she said as she pulls out the small blue sphere. "If I may?" said Yosho. "I for one think it was very fortunate the way things worked out as they did for the last few days even though some old wounds were picked at! After all Kiyone do you think you would have so acquiescent to Ron even after he explained and shown everything that he is and still believe him at all? Most likely not the way your personally is and that is not to be an insult! I know I would have a hard time as well! Just look at him, he has hardy aged scene the first day I saw him over fifty years ago!" "Yes I can...understand that." said Kiyone she holds up the small blue sphere again. "Wait!" She kneels down to open the leather box, she pulls out the large blue sphere, which is the about size of a bowling ball and places it by her, then pulls out the `blue and yellow' cloth again. This time she unties a piece of string and unrolls the cloth. Inside were a number of small objects. The coin describe earlier, an acorn from a red oak tree with the words Quercus rubra scribe in it, seeds from a pomegranate, a small four-leaf clover encased in a glass cube, and an old Galaxy Police badge! "Now let's see if I can understand from this `gathering of information' I have from you!" said Kiyone to Ron. "The police badge was easy to understand, you work for the Galaxy Police of course, the seeds I found out about two years ago were from a fruit tree on this world which were the equivalent of a one on mine!" "Your mother told me that you liked the fruit from this tree which is of course call a `Palgate' on your planet!" said Ron. "Here it is called a `Pomegranate'!" She then picks up the glass cube containing the clover! "This was a challenge!" she answer holding it up. "I had no idea where this was from until Washu showed me a picture a field full of them in...Ir..Ierland?" "Ireland." said Ron correcting her in her own language. "I know, it is not an easily word to speak in this tongue!" At last she holds up the acorn! "This is form your land of birth as well?" she asked. "Well that is not really why it is there. " said Ron. "Sarah McPherson's (Number Six) idea, she called you the `Little Leprechaun' referring to your dark green hair, she gave you that `nickname' at the `Ceremony of Life' back when you were a baby because she believed that you were the `luckily one' to her. The acorn was for something else. For some reason Kiyone quickly thinks about all the `bad luck' she's had with Mihoshi! "Some `nickname' Sarah! If you were still alive I would questioned you on this!" says Kiyone to herself. She brings her eyes back up to Ron's and looks right into the sharp gaze that his warrior eyes made when he is being serious with her! "So she was there at the ceremony too?" she questioned. "Your family was there!" said Ron. "And Team Fifteen was my only real family I had left. My `real' family...most of them were dead by the year 1845 due to a `potato famine', only a few made it to the States, via Quebec Canada! I'm not allowed to see any them today! Too risky!" "All of Team Fifteen?" asked Mihoshi. "Yes." said Ron. "The cloth?" asked Kiyone. "My family colours!" said Ron with pride. "MY clan colours!" "Wow." said Kiyone softy. "You really are a member of a clan then." "What about the nut?" asked Sasami. "That was to be just a lead." said Ron. "Actually it is suppose to be two things. The this kind of acorn only grows on a tree in this world and it's name Quercus Rubra which is written on it as a scientific name, So that it would help Kiyone look around for word long enough so that it would lead her to this planet. Then hopefully she would find it and understand it, so that she could make sense of strange name Canis lupus or `Wolf' that is written on her box here, so that she could do enough research where it would lead her to maybe finding out that her `Guardian's' secret name was called, `Wolf'. I thought it was pretty hard for the puzzle that they told me to put together for her to figure out." "It was suppose to be that hard?" asked Tenchi. "Yes." said Kiyone. "The council which is in charge of the `Guardianships' order the `Protectors' to make it difficult so that the secret is not so easily found out! If they the `child' made the discovery too easily then the `Guardian' failed in this part of the task. I did find out what the words meant not too long ago however, I never even thought about you the `Lone Wolf' even with the `Link' we have because of two things: Your are not from my home world and...you may look like your in your twenties, but your about three hundred years old!" How?" "That is a very tall order right there young one!" said Ron. "For starters I think we need that large sphere of yours!" Kiyone picks up the blue sphere which was the size of a small bowling ball, and brings it over to Ron! He looks at carefully and smiles. "It has been a while sense I held this!" he said as he looks at the others some who show puzzlement in their faces. "Think you better explain to them what this is." Kiyone turns to the others with the sphere in hand. "This is called a `photosphere'! It is a recording device that is used to show why the person who is the `Guardian' is chosen." It records the events that happen leading up to the `Day of Life'!" Kiyone turns to Ron and whispers in his ear. "I'm not sure if I'm ready for this. But this better answer some burning questions!" "I'm too sure either!" he replied. The both of them sit down near the fire. Kiyone holds on to the sphere and looks right at Ron. He carefully puts his hands on the sphere as well. "Before we begin I want to say something." said Ron. "This is going be a little different than the average! The first section were going to see is a copy of a police `report' about the night where you almost died by a man who wanted to take vengeance on your father because he kill his son!" "What?" cried out Kiyone as she held the sphere back from him. "I was told `somebody' saved me from death, but not like that!" "I know!" said Ron. "But this case involved certain events that to this day are still classified ` top secret'!" Ron looks at the others. "Remember what I said earlier to all of you. This `confession' is not going to go no further than here!" "But..?" question Kiyone with a puzzled face that can be best describe as `Why?' "Are you saying that the only reason that I'm still alive today is to cover up a case for the alliance?!" Like some kind of living `effigy' or something?!" "No of course not! Let me explain please your way off!" pleaded Ron. "Kiyone, you have been involved with the `Galaxy Police' since your were just into your third day of life!" You were about to become a victim to man who wanted to kill you because your father had to kill this man's own son in self-defense!" "What?" question Kiyone. "This man was about to kill a lot of innocent people in a terrorist act on your world! The terrorist's own father found out what really happen and also found out who the man who was responsible for his son's death! Your mother Kiyone had just given birth to you a day after! The day your father found out that your mother was going into labor with you, he rushed back to be by her side. He ordered Team Fifteen who was under his command at the time to stay on the planet, to take a few days off for some well devised R & R, and to help clean up this operation that we were working with him on. "Why was your team with him anyway?" she demanded. "You see Kiyone, your father is a Commissioner now of `Unit Three' but before that he was the Team's Lesion Officer for the Galaxy Police!" "He never told me that!" she replied back with a surprised face. "He never was allowed to do so for this very reason I'm about to show you!" explained Ron as he put his hands on the sphere again. "I should say this, only reason that I showed up there that night was that I was still playing the part of a `space-truck driver' for your father's case on `contraband items' coming to your world and I was only a few blocks away! How I found out was by bumping into an old `snitch' that night who owed me a favor!" "What are you taking about?" asked Kiyone. The sphere began to glow slowly until the light was brighter than the fire itself. The light then quickly engulfed Kiyone and by reflex she closed her eyes! **************************************************************************** When she opened them she opened them she found herself standing in a hospital passage way near the main lobby. She was dressed in a elegant yet casual white dress with strapped sandals on her feet. Her head-band was now the colour of gold! As she begins to walk around she can tell by seeing and reading messages that this place is on her home-world! In fact she now realizes that this the place where she was born. As she continues her walk-about she almost runs into old woman in a `ant-grav' wheel chair! "Sorry!" she cries out as she expects an impact, but the old woman goes right through her like a ghost and never reacted. "I really inside the sphere's `aura'!" she said. "Just like the teachers said, `You will see why your `Guardian was chosen!'" As she walks down the main passage-way again she walks by a man in a long dark over-coat! As her eyes locked on to his she can see that they look like glass! Cold and smooth with no life in them it gave Kiyone a chill up her spine! As a few minutes pass by she wonders where Ron is suppose to come in on this! No sooner did she get her wish! She turns to hear the electrical doors that lead to the emergency section open with a hiss to see Ron standing there! He was dressed the way he described to Kiyone earlier. He was wearing the outfit to a space-trucking company on the back of the coat it was written in English saying "Keep on Trucking". His appearance was a little rugged as walked down the passage way! As he walks his boots make a light sound and he moves he head back and fourth as if he is scanning for something or someone! He comes toward Kiyone. Just as he was about to walk by her she sticks her arm out and as before with the old woman he walks through it without notice. "Now this is `cool'!" she said as she followed behind him by a couple feet. He then stops dead in his track, quickly dives around courier and turns on his police radio that rests in his left ear. "Five to Thirteen?" "Thirteen!" "E.T.A.?" "I just got the message!" said Thirteen. "About three minutes, sir! "The city's police commissioner has four teams standing by, but he does not want to alert the terrorist that we are on to him or scare the people in the hospital. So take this as quietly as possible, sir! Don't just intervene him!" "With a avenging terrorist that is sometimes a little difficult, out!" Kiyone does not say a word as she follows Ron toward an elevator when a voice comes over the radio again. "Nine to Five?" "Go ahead!" Bzzt! "Sir! I now have a lock on of the subject's room that we are suppose to look out for, however she is still safe and asleep! Bzzt! `One' does not detect anything with his infrared scope looking in the room ether!" "Team leader!" said other female voice with alarm! "Six here, the lab just broke the rest of the electronic code! It is `An eye for an eye! A child for a child!' This nut case is not after Mrs. Makabi, he's going after the daughter! The baby!!" Kiyone lets out `gasp' in horror as she hears the words on the radio in her head as well! She never knew her known mother was actually in danger that night as well! "Affirmative!" says Ron as he bolts down the passageway in the other direction! Kiyone is right behind him! He looks at a electronic map on a G.P.S. unit showing where the infirmity ward was! He runs until he is at the doors going into the ward, then carefully opens the door and quickly looks in the ward and sees a roomful of crying children, a pair of swinging doors at the end of the room! Then he looks down to see a small pool of blood coming from a body laying across the floor! Ron comes in with his laser gun drawn and scopes the room out, he then checks out the body of a young man in his twenties just hardly alive! "Take easy!" he says to the man as he also spots the nurse who was dead as well!" "Help is on the way kid!" "No too late!" he moans out then he gives Ron a amulet with Kiyone's family symbol on it." Your it now! He took her!" He dies. Ron looks at the amulet for a second, puts it in his coat's pocket then he looks at the crib which the man was laying next to! There was no baby in it! On the crib was the name `Makabi Kiyone'! All this time Kiyone was just watching. Ron runs out the other doors and down another passage way! He soon comes across a the same old woman that Kiyone passed through earlier! "Some brute with a baby just knocked me down and took the elevator going up!" He quickly helps her out and jumps into next elevator! Kiyone looks at Ron from the outside the elevator then she is shocked at what happen next the old woman spoke up to her as if she was really there! "You better get going child!" said the old woman with rose coloured eyes! Without giving a second thought she jumps on just as the doors close behind her! She is now so baffled at what just happen she put her hand in front of Ron's face to make sure he is not seeing her! He doesn't! He turns radio back on. "Five to Thirteen?" "Thirteen." "Meet me on the roof." "Roger." Then the doors open up to the roof where it filled with `med-vac-air-cars' and a low breeze! Ron zigzag's around with again Kiyone behind him! Then he stops as he hears the sound of laser fire! "Get out of here!" yells the voice. People run by on to the evaluator. Then all is quiet expect for the sound of a baby crying and the wind blowing! As the two make their way to the other end of the roof landing pad. They come across the same man that Kiyone saw with the cold eyes and he was holding Kiyone when she as a baby! Ron saw the man and quickly dove behind a med-car before the man saw him! Ron looked up at a med-car's bubble shaped windshield to see the man pull out a laser gun with one hand and with the other hand he holds on to baby Kiyone. The man looks around then steps out on to the ledge of the building! Both grown up Kiyone and Ron is shocked at this! Then man speaks out! "Come on out!" he said. "I know you are there!" Ron did not understand at how the guy knew where he was, but never the less he came out with his hands up, but still holding on to the laser pistol! "Loose the gun!" said the man. "Or...." The man simply takes the baby in his hand, turns her until she is facing downward and hold her over the ledge of the building facing the street ten stories down! "Whoa man!" cried out Ron. "Don't be so... "Loose the damn gun!!" the man screamed. "Now!" Ron dropped the gun on to the floor! "And the jacket!" said the man. Ron does! "Well I didn't expect a truck driver, no matter!" He man dons his gun and pulls out a `dead man' switch! He pushes it and it arms a bomb wrapped around his chest! "Now as you can see you have the honor to be the witness for the wrongful death of my son!" Ron doesn't say a thing except give a hard look at the man. "Well?" said the man with aggression. "Well what?" said Ron as he was buying time. "There is no honor at killing one so small!" "This child!" said the man holding baby Kiyone infront of him! "Is from the man who took my son's life! She will die for it!" Just the then the elevator's bell rings and the doors open up, but no body there! The man looks, while Ron watches baby Kiyone who is so scared at what is happen around her, she is hollowing her young lungs out! "The kid has strong lungs I`ll give her that!" said Ron quietly as he examines the newborn wrapped in snug bundle of cloth with symbol writing over it. The grown up Kiyone doesn't even hear him as she watches her whole drama before her! "You are a coward!" yells Ron. "You hide behind the most innocent and not face the real warriors who would kill you for your dammed deeds!" "What?!" yells the man as he still holds the baby infront of him. "Where do you..." Just then a blurred figure zips by the grown up Kiyone with a swoosh of wind, and within a blink of an eye, the same blurred figure runs by the man snatches the baby so fast from his hands so quickly that he does not have the time to react! Then the blur stops several feet away from Ron to reveal a 5'2" woman with short brunet hair, brown eyes dressed in casual clothes and holding on to baby Kiyone in her hands! Grown up Kiyone is amazed at what she just saw! Ron is full relief that the baby and his teammate is all right, but he knew it was not over yet! The man was now full of anger at what just happen and how his prize has been just robbed! "You bastards!!" he yells as he is about to `pull up' on the `dead man's-switch' to let it go! Ron had one trick left! The man never knew that Ron had a spare weapon tucked behind him in a holster on his belt! Within a heart-beat, Ron quickly pulls out another gun, only this one was a .357 magnum revolver! He quickly aims at the man's head, fires a round that `smacks' hard into the skull! Thus causing him to `jerk back' from the kinetic energy made by the round, falls off the building, goes through the hospital's `protection shield' that protects it against terrorist threats from the outside, and exposes with the force of 100 pounds of high- explosive! Ron covers his face and the woman shield's the baby with her own body! When the smoke cleared Ron looked around to see the shields held well, no major damage to the building! "Crazy!" he says with saavy as he turns to his teammate. " `Kita' ( Number Thirteen), the baby!" cried Ron. "How is she?" "What did you say, sir?" said Kita as she stood up and took her fingers out of the baby's ears. "My ears are ringing like mad!" Ron walked over with the grown up Kiyone right behind him. "Aye, so are mine!" said Ron as he down at the baby who was still crying away. "So she looks okay?" "Poor little thing." said Kita in her Swedish tongue as she pet's the baby's head. "What a hell of away to come into the world!" She then sniffs the baby! "OOOO" she said with a sour face. "Diaper change needed A.S.A.P.!" Kiyone finds it very strange to be seeing herself like this as a baby, even through she has seen herself on video disk! However, the world she is now standing in is gone as it dissolves away and is replaced with a new one! ***************************************************************************** This time she is standing next to Ron and Kita dressed in there combat police uniforms in the commissioner's off at Galaxy Police's Headquarters station on her planet! The other members of Team Fifteen were standing behind them at attention with their masks on. "Nice work all of you!" said the commissioner with a proud voice. " I saw the video from the roof cameras and this guy was going do it on matter what we did! His group is known for that!" Except for Five and Thirteen, dismissed!" Soon after the others left! "We have a small problem you two!" said the commissioner with worried tone. "Five, that amulet you gave me did belong to that man alright. He was chosen to be the child's `Guardian', a very important thing on this world, however the ceremony has not happen yet, and your division officer, the girl's father is asking me for you to become the child's new `Guardian' because you saved her!" "Sir!" said Ron (Five). "I did not actually save this child! Thirteen (Kita) did!" "You accepted the amulet?" said the commissioner. "Yes?" "Yes sir, I did..." said Ron "Then you accepted to take over the role of the `Guardianship'! It is a highly honored mission!" "Pays to know the culture your in Ron!" he said to himself. "Sir!" said Ron. I know nothing of this....'Guardianship'!" "You will starting now!" said the commissioner. "Because at next daylight you will take charge of the `mission'!" Kiyone begins to fully understand now why Ron was chosen to be her `Guardian'! Even though he was really unorthodox for this task! ************************************************************************* Once again the blue light engulfed her and the next thing she knows she is standing outside the building that was where the ceremony of the Guardianship was to take place! The building's huge structure was similar like to the Parthenon that stood in Athens, Greece! The old style building was surrounded by many tall modern day skyscrapers with air-cars flying overhead! Kiyone's finds her long dark green hair blows freely in the wind in the early morning hours! She turns around to see the yellow sun rise into the pink-blue sky! As she begins to walk about the building she then turns around completely as if some one told her to do so! Looking down the long staircase that leads to the city's street! Then seeing nearby another structure called, `The Tower of Winds', she spots Ron and the others of Team Fifteen walking toward the building in a group march in pride under escort of the soldiers of the `Guardianship'. Team Fifteen was dressed in their Galaxy Police Unit Three uniforms. As they walked by her and into the building she followed behind them. Inside the huge room saw full of art work, statues, and symbols telling of her world and the life her people have lead over the years, even to the point where they left for the stars. Then she saw her whole family and Team Fifteen sitting down in pews as well as Mishoshi's grandfather only this time he was her father's commissioner. She walked down the aisle up to the main alter where her father, mother and herself as a baby were! Behind them was a huge statue of their king God! Ron was standing at attention outside the alter! Then a high priest wearing a white cowl came out of another room holding a box in his hands, he summons Ron and the young family to come to him! The priest looks over Ron carefully! "My young man." said the priest with a kind voice. "You have accepted this task? Good!" He then turns to Kiyone's parents. "And you have accepted this warrior here as your daughter's Guardian?" Both of her parents nod in agreement! The baby makes a happy sound as if she understands what is going on. "Very well." said the priest as he turns to Ron again. "Remember my son, you must go by the rules at hand! Be whether for good or ill, the rules stand! It is for this family's honor and yours! The rules stand!" Ron nods back. The high priest then turns to the parents once again and gives Kiyone's father the leather box, then he looks at Kiyone's mother. "I believe he will do well." he said to her as he looked at her daughter. He then open's the box which contained the same large blue sphere and four headbands, each in a different colour. Orange, red, white, and black with Kiyone's family symbol on each of them! He picks up the orange one, makes Ron knee before him and he places it around Ron's forehead. "Give me your hand." said the priest to Ron. Do so he takes Ron's left hand and places it a top of the sphere. Then he does the same with baby Kiyone's dimpled right hand. The sphere glows bright! "The `Guardianship' has accepted this man as guardian of the child's life!" yells the priest! For the last time the glow from the sphere's light engulfs grown up Kiyone as she shield's her eyes from it and with she opens them again she finds herself back in the present time with Ron and the others at the campfire! She looks at Ron, then the others and finally herself to see she is still dressed in her casual clothes that she has be wearing all day! "Well." said Ron as he takes his hands off the sphere. "Now do you understand?" "Yes." said Kiyone with a pause. "I do now. I never seen or heard anyone with a tale like that!" "No one has." he replied back. "The `Link' is gone now." "That was wild!" said Tenchi. "You saw this?" asked Ron. "Everything." said Ryouko. "Yes I guess we all did." added Ayeka looking at Sasami Ron turned back to Kiyone. "I did my best to keep myself a mystery in your life! Always did I go by the rules. I kept myself at a distance from you and when I did go by you I was incognito! Over the years I watched you grow up before my eyes, from childhood to womanhood. On a personal note, I think you were the best thing that ever happen to me in this long life I've had! Instead of being a destroyer of life! I had real chance now to protect it other than from my `search and rescue' missions! "You do know about one of the reasons why I became a cop, other than my father right?" said Kiyone as she held up the small blue sphere again. " Yes, I'm sorry that your best friend died like that." said Ron with a sad tone. "No one deserves to die like that!" "What is that thing anyway?" asked Ryouko. Kiyone simply tosses the small sphere to Ryouko. She looks into it and sees a 3-D hologram inside of it. It was an image of Kiyone and the girl named Hiwa both at the age of ten, embracing each other. "Who is this blonde girl with you?" asked Ryouko. "Say, she has a blue headband!" "She was my best childhood friend!" said Kiyone as she can feel her eyes get watery. "That photo image was taken a few weeks before she was murdered in cold blood!" "How?" said Ayeka. "She was going to see her aunt on the other side of the world!" explained Kiyone. "So she had to take a space-shuttle along with two-hundred other people that day...they never made it." "Did it crash?" asked Tenchi. Kiyone was quite for sometime. Ron was about to answer Tenchi's question as delicately as possible, however, Kiyone sees this and comes right out! "The shuttle that she was on was hit by a terrorist group for hire!" she said quickly. "They put a bomb on abroad that released a air-borne virus called `CON-66'!" Washu gasps outloud. "That evil thing?" "What is that?" asked Tenchi. "You have heard of VX type virus?" asked Ron. Tenchi nods a little. "This one is worse than anything that this planet of ours has made yet!" said Ron. "It basically turns your white blood cells into a type of pH one acid that eats you alive...very slowly." said Kiyone as she choked in her breath. "And it stays dormant in the host's bone's cells until somebody else comes too close. It is very hard to kill! All you can do is keep in contained!" "The only good thing was it happened in space, but the out of control shuttle was in a low orbit around the planet. There was a risk!" said Ron once again Kiyone jumped in with demand! "So the Galaxy Police sent a squad of fighters to destroy the shuttle so that there was no way that the virus would survive when the shuttle came back into the atmosphere and crashed into the planet's surface!" said Kiyone with an upset tone. "If anybody was still left alive on the shuttle at that time there pain was quickly gone!" I never had a chance to say good bye! That day after the funeral I swore that I would find away to get those people responsible and bring them in for justice! But, so far I have failed on this." Ron looked at Kiyone and tried to comforted her. "You have not failed." he said. "You are still alive. And you will still have your chance someday." "Your right!" said Kiyone as a smile came back to her face. "I have found my true `Guardian' so..." Kiyone holds out her right hand with her palm open. "So my protector shall we complete the task?" she asked. "For in my eyes and the others before us I believe you have done your duty well!" Kiyone has no idea that those words that she has said has been tearing Ron apart better than the sharpness of any blades known! He is hesitant at first, but as he holds up his left hand with the palm open, however before they make contact he makes a fist and pulls back! "What's matter?" asked Kiyone with a puzzled face. "I'm sorry Kiyone!" said Ron. "But the truth must be known first before you accept me, I have deceived you the last few years. I have failed in my task of your protecting your life!" "I don't understand." said Kiyone with the emotions of wild feelings of the curious that is brought on by Ron's words . "What sort of trickery are you saying? The only way that I can think of that you have failed in this task is that I died!" She looks over herself and giving back an unusual look with her emotions to Ron then to the others. "I feel pretty alive!" "That's just it!" said Ron showing emotions back to her telling her that he was upset at what he was going to say to her. "You died in your first years of your career as a Galaxy Police officer!" "WHAT???!" everyone shouted at once except Yosho and Washu. "Have you been taking some earth contraband drugs or something!" shouted Kiyone as she stood up. "Because I sure don't remember getting shot!" Ron looks up at her with a surprised face! "I never said that you were shot!" he said. "But your right, you were!" The emotional pain that Kiyone has had before in her chest returns as she grabs her right side! She feels weak in her legs! Everyone can see this. "Kiyone what's wrong?" said Tenchi with concern. Ron helps her down to sit on a log. "You feel that?" said Ron with compassion. "That's where the bullet entered!" "When did this happen?" asked Mihoshi. "You where there too." said Ron. "I was?" said Mihoshi as she scratched her, then said mindlessly. " I must have forgot!" "How could you forget something like that?" said Ryouko. " Yes how?" questioned Kiyone as she breathed harder. "Because I sure don't fucken remember it!" "Of all the things that I have been through that last few days I can actually say this is going to hurt the most!" Ron walks over to his backpack and pulls out the 3-D hologram that was used earlier and slips in a memory card. "As the priest said to me all those years ago; "For good or ill, the rules stand! The truth must be told no matter what!' This is a copy of a record from the F.G.P. Only a few know about it!" He turns it on. As a screen appears into the air. It makes sentience out of fonts: FEDERAL GALAXY POLICE UNIT THREE REPORT ON "OPERATION CROSSHAIRS". THIS REPORT IS ON THE CONTRABAND ITEMS OF EARTH TYPE WEAPONS SOLD UNDERNEATH IN THE BLACK-MARKET. WHY? MOST EARTH GUNS ARE MECHANICAL TYPE WEAPONS. THEY ARE NOT EFFECTED BY SCANNERS THAT LOOK FOR ELECTRONIC PARTS THAT GO TO LASER TYPE GUNS. ALSO NOT EFFECTED BY E.M.P. BOMBS, UNLIKE LASERS. TEAM FIFTEEN IS UNDER THE COMMAND OF FEDERAL MARSHALS OF UNIT THREE AS WOULD-BE BUYERS TO GET THE WEAPONS INTO POLICE HANDS. OPERATION WAS SECRET. OPERATION WAS ACCIDENTALLY DISCOVERED BY OTHER GALAXY POLICE OFFICERS FROM DIFFERENT UNITS. HOW? EXPLAINED. The letters faded away. The next thing to appear was a image that showed a huge space station near Alpha Centaur. Next was inside the station itself, where by video camera they see into a large hanger bay a space pirate ship was resting with its cargo bay doors open and at the bottom of the ramp were five pirates standing behind a table that had assortment of earth type guns. AK-47's, M-16's, MAC-10's and high power sniper rifles just name a few! In the back ground a tall object was covered by a cloak. Then a voice comes over. It belongs to one of the pirates as he talks to another one. "Well were are they?" "They will be here." said the other. "Once they get in they can't leave unless the pay us." Then the sound of a heavy door that is opening up is heard and several people walk into view of the camera. They are dressed like business people! "Who are those guys?" asked Tenchi. "Team `Omega' of Fifteen." said Ron. Kiyone just stares at the screen as mixed emotions run through her head like fire. Then one of the people in the group speaks up to the pirates. "Okay, I see what you have is what we want." said a man with sliver hair. "Yep." replied the pirate. A hold shipfull. This stuff is real easy to get now that the cold war is over on that planet!" "Good!" said the man as he looks up at the tall cloaked object. "What is that?" "That is for another buyer!" said the pirate. "We have the credits!" said the man. "Let's close the deal!" "Allright!" said the pirate. Just then the door is heard opening up again and the next two voices that are heard just made everyone in the hanger bay jump into the air! And around the camp fire eyes are opened up real wide especially Kiyone who sees herself! Ron just kept his head down. ****************************************************************************** "Alright everyone freeze!" yells Kiyone as she now comes into the comes into camera view with Mihoshi right behind her! "See!" said Mihoshi. "I told you these guys looked funny!" Everyone around the table put there hands up and looked at each other. "I thought you said that this place was safe from the cops!" yelled the man at the pirate. "It...It was! I don't know how they found out about us!" "Oh just being at the right place at the right time helps!" said Kiyone with a proud voice. "Actually we were looking for the lady's room! The one on our ship got clogged!" said Mihoshi. "Do you know where that is? This place is huge!" Kiyone wants to say something, but she doesn't dare take her eyes of these people until help is called for has arrived! However, the leader of the space pirates had other ideas! "Sure my pretty dumb one. Right here!" He pulls out a laser gun and takes a shot at her! Thanks to her "dumb luck" the blast just misses her face by inches, but not until it burns off a bit of her blonde hair! Mihoshi lets out a scream of pain as her hair gets cooked! The man with silver hair grabs the gun! "What the hell to you think your doing you fool?!" The pirate pushes the man away a shoots him as well! As Kiyone, Mihoshi and the others in business suits take cover behind cargo and pull out their guns, so do the pirates s well and a laser shoot out begins! Then one of the women calls for help on a ear radio. "Sir!" she says. "This whole thing is blown! `The pooch has been screwed!' We need help!" "Stand by! `Team Alpha' is on the way!" said a voice at the other end. Then from the ceiling panels are blown away which expose holes and ends of ropes come falling down! Kiyone looks up to see seven people dressed in heavy combat tactual gear come sliding down the ropes and take cover behind cargo as well! Mihoshi is no where to be seen as Kiyone looks for her and also takes notice that the people in tactual gear belong to a Galaxy Police Emergency Response Team unit or `G.P.E.R.T.' due to the symbol that was on the back their suits! However, what really alarmed her was the roman numbers on the front right side of their tactual suits that signified that is was Team Fifteen! Her combat teachers from the academy! All the police officers were able to quickly make a counterattack and pin the pirates down in this now bangaihen fight! Thanks to combined effort of Kiyone and both teams the fight was over in just a few minutes and the last pirate left alive gave up! The area was not secured by the captains of both teams as they called in for reserves because Mihoshi was missing, however they couldn't get in the bay yet due to the fact that bombs were placed around by the pirates. So everyone had to wait! Doing so they continued to look for Mihoshi! ****************************************************************************** "Well that was entertaining!" said Ryouko who showed that she was not impressed by this. "So what's your point in all this?" Ron doesn't say a word and Kiyone along with everyone else just watches with awe! ****************************************************************************** As Kiyone walks around looking for Mihoshi, she spots the body of the man with silver hair! As she looks closer, Number Six walks up behind her and puts her hand on her shoulder! "Aye! What a fool you are!" said Six to the corpse as she kicks it. "Come on get up you lazy bastard! Your scaring the child!" The man's eyes open up and where his wound of brunt flesh was healed right before Kiyone's eyes! He gets up and looks at Kiyone with very sore eyes! "Three years of hard work! growled the man. "Three years gone thanks to you!" Kiyone got a heavy sinking feeling that she and Mihoshi just majority screwed up a big operation within the force! "Captain Eight!" yelled out a demanding voice. Everyone turned to see Number Five (Ron), Captain of `Team Alpha' walking up to them. "Go to Number Seven and get checked out!" he ordered. "Six stand your ground!" Number Five looked down at Kiyone. She could see with just his eyes through his mask he was not happy to see her this time! "Second Class Kiyone!" grumbles Number Five. "What the hell are you doing here?!" "Sir!" said Kiyone with a nervous tone in her voice. "Third Class Mihoshi and I saw these people and we thought they where...acting out of place!" Kiyone did not want to put it just like that, but she was so worried that she couldn't find the just words to say what Mihoshi said as well even though on her part it was true! "From what I heard, you two were looking for the `powered room'!" said Six. " Leut. Six !" said Five as he looked at her with coldness. "Okay, okay. I think it's just best that we wait until later so that we can find out what really happen." Number Six looks around. "It looks like we haven't found your partner yet!" Number Five calls over Number Four and orders him to help Kiyone find Mihoshi. As the two walk away Six turns to Five. "I'm very surprised that such as smart girl like that got such a scatterbrain for a partner, Captain!" "The day I found out that those two became partners, I wasn't to sure at first if Kiyone got promoted or court-martialed!" As Five and Six go look over the earth guns that where on were still on the table and the casualties! Two and Thirteen joined Kiyone and Four at finding Mihoshi! Even though she is worried about her partner she is not happy right now with her thanks to the mess she has gotten them into! "I think this time I will kill her if she is not dead already!" she thought to herself. Their search lead them to the huge pirate ship itself. The group splits up, Two and Thirteen go inside the ship and Kiyone and Four walk around the outside they are about to come around to the ship's huge rocket systems. Inside the hull Two and Thirteen come to a part of the ship where there is no working lights. Number Two creates a small green ball of energy with his hand which acts like a torch and lights up the cargo bay area. Then they hear a sound of water! ******************************************************************************* Kiyone and Four both look into the ship's `exhaust' system and they spot Mihoshi huddle in the back courier as if she was hiding from someone or thing! Kiyone goes in to get her out of there! ******************************************************************************* Back inside the ship Two and Thirteen follow the source of the sound of water to a restroom! The sound was a flushing toilet! Two and Thirteen got in a safe ready position with their laser guns drawn at the bathroom door! The door opens slowly, Two and Thirteen focus their aim! Two increases the power of the plasma ball in his hand! Mihoshi comes out of the restroom! She sees the glow and the two people point their guns at her and lets out a light yell! " Third Class Mihoshi?!" cried out Thirteen. "It's her all right." said Two assuring Thirteen. "I know that scream from anywhere!" ******************************************************************************* At that same moment! "Mihoshi are you all right?" asked Kiyone with concern. "Yeah I'm fine." said Mihoshi. "Why were you hiding like that?" said Four with demand. "We could have used you!" Mihoshi just looked at Number Four with cold eyes which made him feel uneasy. Then he quickly decided to call Two and Thirteen to tell them the news! ******************************************************************************* "....so after all that I just came here!" explained Mihoshi. "I had to go real bad." "Too much tea, eh?" said Two as his ear radio came on as well as Thirteen's! "Uh-huh." said Mihoshi. "Four to Two?" said Four's voice. "Two!" he replied back. "We found Third Class Mihoshi!" said Four. Both Two and Thirteen look at Mihoshi with puzzled looks. " Four? Surely you jest!" said Thirteen. "No I do not!" replied Four with a serious tone in his voice. Both Two and Thirteen's hearts begin to race! "That can't be!" said Two. "We have Mihoshi right here in-front of us!" "What?!" cried Four back with alarm! ******************************************************************************** "What?!" cried out Four as Kiyone and Mihoshi turned to him. Four turns to Mihoshi and pulls out his blaster gun and points it at Mihiosh. "Don't you move!" he yells out. "What are you doing?" demanded Kiyone as she shielded her partner then looks at her with contempt! "Mihoshi?" Mihoshi's eyes glow an eree' green, as a frown on her forehead appeared! She shoots out a energy blast from them at Four! "Aw, Merde!" he had just enough time to say before the blast strikes him in the chest hard and blows him over the ship to the other side of it and he slam's hard with his charred body on to a steel create! Everyone sees this! "Mihoshi?!!!" screams Kiyone as she turns back to her partner only to meet and huge gray skin hand round her throat and starts to slowly squeezes her air off! Five, Six and Eleven come to the aid while the others covered them! Seven goes to check on Four! Kiyone tries to look at Mihoshi as she struggles to breath! Only she is to see Mihoshi look back at her with her deformed right arm and a pair of inhuman eyes! "So you wanted to kill me when this was over?" said Mihoshi with a deeper voice now. "Well then...." Mihoshi's body begin to twist and grow until Kiyone realizes with horror that she is now face to face with the most wanted of all the class-one criminals! Kagato! "...so start killing me!" said Kagato with a small chuckle as he begin to elevate himself off the ground taking Kiyone with him! Five, Six and Eleven coming around and all stop dead in their tracks at what they saw in front of them! Kagato turns to them with a evil looking smile and holds up Kiyone still with a tight grip around her throat! Kiyone struggles to open Katato's hand as well as swinging her legs to try to break free from him! In a ironic since she is thinking about the time Five told her to never give up at anything! Keep fighting no matter what! Kagato looks down at the whole team. "Well, well, well!" he says with again a smile. "If it isn't the `prototypes' for my wonderful Ryouko! What a sorry bunch of living human weapons you all turned out to be! I could use though since my own precious living weapon has been missing for sometime now. Then again maybe not, I have Washu to be my fool jester!" Nobody says a thing except training their weapons on him! Mihoshi, Two and Thriteen watch from a distance inside the ship! "Kiy*!" says Mihoshi, but is quickly cut off by Two by covering her month! "Just put her down." said Five carefully. "She is just a cop who got in the way that's all." Kagato looks at Number Five, then he looks at Kiyone. "`Just got in the way'!" said Kagato as she spoke to Kiyone. "You got in her way shortly after she was born!" For the first time Kiyone stopped struggling and looked at Kagato. "Yes my dear." said Kagato as he pointed to Five."This joke of a warrior is your...little 'Guardian'!" "Hey!" shouts Five as he pleaded. "Don't this do this! It's not the time!" "Time?" replied Kagato holding Kiyone in front of Five's face which was still covered by his tactual hood. Kiyone just look's into Five's blue eyes which showed that he was very worried! The whole Team did not dare to take any false moves because Kagato could snap Kiyone's neck like a dry stick! "His real name is Rodman Masterson or A.K.A `The Lone Wolf' !" said Kagato with a evil smile. "Don't recognize the type of name? Well no wonder, he wasn't born on your world! No, he is from that little nothing of a planet called...Earth! He is old enough to be your great-grandfather! In fact all of them can be!" Kagato lets out a loud laugh which echoes in the whole hanger bay area! Doing so he loosen his grip a little on Kiyone's throat! **************************************************************************** At that same moment in another part of the station. "Come on how much longer!" yells the Head Marshal. "Kagato will kill them all if we don't get in there now!" "We almost got the code to disarm the bombs, sir!" said a officer. "We just need more time, a few minutes at best!" "We are out of such time! This could be over in ten seconds!" roared the Marshal back. "Hurry the hell up! We got to get in there!" **************************************************************************** "Is it true!" said Kiyone coughing within her words. "Are you him?" Five just looked at Kiyone with eyes that are full of regret! He knows that there is no way that the Team can take Kagato like this! And he will kill her if he doesn't do what Katgato's wants! "Yes!" he said with shame. "I'am he! I'm sorry." Kiyone just stares at Number Five! She can now tell when he is telling the truth! As she takes in some air a tear runs down her right cheek! Ron is cut up inside by this! Kagato looks at them all and sees the agony! "How pathetic you humans are!" he said. "No matter what breed you are or from you still all act the same!" Kagato returns his grip to Kiyone's throat. With a flick of his wrist, he makes all of the Team's guns that they were holding in their hands and holsters fall to the deck in pieces! "I came here for one thing!" he said. "I will take it and I will leave!" He looks at Kiyone again. "Amazing!" he said. "This is almost the same way Ron here saved your little life not so long ago! I think I will take you with me and make you into something that I can amusing to have around with!" All this time Four who was still trying to graft his flesh back together on his body was slowing moving around the cargo with a loaded earth rifle he found! Just as Kagato was just done taking with Kiyone he was able to slip the rifle behind Ron's left leg and tap with it! Ron looks down with his left eye quickly to see this. "Master!" cried out a voice in the back of the bay. It belong to the one pirate that was alive. He stumble his way to the group by sound because his eyes where blinded folded to protect the members of the Team who where in still dressed causal clothes and not combat gear and he was handcuff as well. "Master I swear I did not know that this was a police bust, but look it should be still right by the ship! The Obelisk!" Kagato just looks at the pirate with disgust! "I thank you for finding the Obelisk for me, yes!" said Kagato with a grunt. "But, your services are no longer need!" Kagato lift's up his other hand and makes a palm! Then as he slowly makes a fist. The pirate cries out in pain as his body caves inward and the sound of bones being crushed many times over, then without warning the ball of flesh, bone and blood explodes with a sickening boom! Pieces of body parts blow all over the place! Members of the Team dodge the items! Kagato makes a force shield bubble around himself and Kiyone! "Not only are pathetic!" said Kagato to Kiyone. "But your messy too!" Kiyone wanted to just scream to the horror before her, but alas she could not! After Five ducks before a large piece of skull, with his cat-like reflexes he picks up the loaded Weather Mark V bolt action rifle and point's it at Kagato's head! Kagato just looks at Five with hateful eyes! "It seems you have more guts than I have notice!" said Kagato. "At least more than that pirate did! So why don't you be a hu-MAN and take that hood off of yours so that this little girl can see the face of her Guardian! Or...I will squeeze her so hard that the last thing she will see before her eyeballs pop out of her skull is the fact that her Guardian is faceless!" Five turns to the others and nods to Six! She returns the nod! Five pulls off his hood with one hand while holding the rifle in the other at Kagato, then for the first time Kiyone sees the man who saved her life. Only he looked like he was in the same age as she was! It's not possible what Kagato has said, but the "link" she and this man share now is telling her it is true! "So I now hold all the cards." said Kagato. Then without warring a small hole opens up on Kagato's shield between him and Kiyone! "What?" said Kagato as he saw the shield's hole, then he's sees Six focusing her sixth sense power to make the small hole! Five sees this and quickly pans and reaims the rifle at Kagato's arm which is holding Kiyone through the hole! "Sorry!" said Five. "But you loose at this one!" Before Kagato could react to seal up the hole, Five fires the rifle with a loud bang, at the scientist's arm which blows it off and Kiyone falls down! The rush of pain was so strong that Kagato's shield disappears and Kiyone's fall countues on! Thirteen sees the chance and using her ability at full force, she runs out of the ship and with a great blur and rush of wind catches Kiyone before she strikes the deck! Then she keeps gone on with Kiyone on her shoulder to safety at a distance! She puts Kiyone down on her feet! "Whoooo!" said Thirteen as she looked up at Kiyone. "You've gotten heavier since the last time I did that with you!" "Huh?" said Kiyone as she tries catch her breath. "Never mind!" said Thirteen. "Just stay here and out of sight!" Thirteen zooms back to her teammates to a very angry Kagato! "You think your a bunch of heroes?" said Kagato as his arm grew back. "Eat this!" In a assault of plasma beams Kagato tries to pick off the Team as they scattered about, but with out warning he disappears! "Where did that son-of-bitch go!" said One. "And don't mean a dog ether!" "What a Limely" said Ten. "Grab some of those guns and arm yourselves!" order Eight. "But, those things are no good against him!" said Fifteen. "Five just got lucky!" "Better to have something than nothing!" replied Eight. "He's not done yet!" said Five. "I just know it! Mihoshi?" Kagato never left at all he was in another dimension and was looking right down at them all! "I can't fool around with these children anymore!" he says to himself. Then looking through the cross-sections in the bay area around a corner his spots Kiyone! "You will still do! Let's see how you like this?" Kagato spots on the table the same kind of gun Number Five used to save Kiyone back when she was a baby, but this time it was to be different! Again with his power he makes the .357 Colt "Peacekeeper" lift off the table fly through into the air over everyone's head so that they don't see, and come down right down in-front of Kiyone at chest level with her back turned from it! As Kiyone gets her act together she can "feel" as if something was behind her! She turns to face the gun! In her mind is screaming at her to "MOVE"! However, before she can act the gun fires at her! The bullet buzzes through the air and strikes into her at the right side of the chest! The force slams her hard against the hull of the station as she see her own blood splatter on it from wound made by! Instantly a hot and roaring pain fills her whole body unlike anything she has felt before! Her mind is racing as she tries to hold herself up by griping on the smooth painted bulkhead with her white knuckled fingers, however, she still falls down! At that same moment when the loud crack of the gun is heard, Five drops to the floor as if he himself was shot! Simultaneously both Five and Kiyone act the sameway as Kiyone was dying! Number Six runs over to Five while the others are looking around for where the shot came from! "What's wrong?" as she takes off her hood, brushes her red hair away from her face and looks over Five's body. "Where were you shot?" Five looks at Six as he struggles for the words to come! "It's...it's not..me!" said Five. "It's Kiyone! She has been shot by Kagato! She has a `sucking chest wound' and more!" "But why are you..." asked Six, then she and the others hear Kiyone's cries as well as a cruel laugh which again echo's the bay! Number Six sees Kagato standing by the twelve foot object that was still covered up! " Now you see the `Link' working full term on him!" So what's going to be little `redhead'?" asked Kagato. "Stop me or save your `brother' and his `guard-daughter'?" Kagato still laugh's on as he forms a shield then his transpiration `bubble' around him and the tall `Obelisk'! "I would love to stay and see you all suffer!" said Kagato as his voice and the `bubble' start to fade away. "But, I do have to find the `ultimate power' still and this thing is only a start!" As the last of Kagato's bubble leaves, Six using her E.S.P. ability make's a `block' to the `Link' that Kiyone and Five share! At that same time Eight and Ten find Kiyone in a small pool of her blood and struggling to breath! Eight calls Seven by ear-radio! "Sister!" he says. "Get over here! I need you for this! Were loosing her!" Seven and Mihoshi run to the others while Five gets up and with Six and Thirteen join the others with Kiyone! Mihoshi begins to get very upset. "This wound is bad!" said Seven as she pulled off her med-bag, then she puts her hands above Kiyone's body and slowly moves them up and down. Kiyone to say the least is very puzzled at this. "Medical personal?" she gasped and coughed! "Not quite child." said Seven as she counted to do her examination. "A little different!" "Pl..ease I...I don't want to...die!" said Kiyone with a struggle as her own blood fills her mouth almost completely! Seven pulls off her hood off because it was bothering her thinking and her short silver hair which was the same as Eight was reviled. She looked like Number Eight because they were really true brother and sister! Twins! "Bullet enter through the chest, bounce around and came through the back somehow!" "I co...*" Kiyone stops talking and her eyes close! Five looks at Kiyone with a blank stare of disbelief! "Aw shit no!" says Five with anger and fear. "NO! Not like this! Please!" Seven and Eight look at each other! Then Seven grabs Kiyone's shoulders while Eight grabs Kiyone's legs! "Have you've got the strength now sister?" asked Eight. His sister just nods her head. The both of them build up a light power within them which makes it's way down their arms and goes into Kiyone's body then disappears into the Galaxy Police officer! Just in the same way of the members of the Team's healing factors, Kiyone's wounds heal right up inside of her and then the entrance wound made by the bullet closes up on her chest to the point as if it was never there to began with! Both brother and sister fall back from exhaustion! The whole bay area is quite for a few seconds as full attention is on Kiyone still body! Then with a gasping sound with her month, Kiyone takes a deep breath like a new-born baby as she raises her arms half-way up with her hands open and her fingers stand-out! Then behaves normal as she is sound asleep! Everyone in the group including the ones standing watch over in the bay get a great sigh of relief! Mihoshi is happier than a young kitten with a new cat-nip toy! "You did it!" she cries out and jumps around like wild! "You did it, you did it!" She hugs both Seven and Eight! Five knells down at Kiyone who was still unconscious, but breathing just fine! He looks at the brother and sister team with a face that is full of gratitude! "Thanks you two!" "Yes, nice work all of you!" said a voice on all of the team's the ear-radios. It was the Head Marshal himself. "If you didn't do that, she would sees her god's home by now!" Five talks on the radio as he picks up the gun that shot Kiyone and puts it in his tactual backpack! "Sir, nice to hear you!" he said. "How much longer?" "Just a few minutes!" replied the Marshal back. "Captain, you know what must be done! I'll explain to Mihoshi's grandfather later!" Just then Kiyone wakes up and sees everyone looking down at her. She gets up slowly, puts her right hand on her head, then turns to Five! "Sir?" said Kiyone with puzzlement. "Wasn't I shot?" "KIYONE!" cried out Mihoshi as she hugged Kiyone tight! Kiyone grabbed the part of her chest that felt tender! "Happy Birthday...again!" "Happy Birthday?" Kiyone looks at Mihoshi with a very confused face, then it lights up and looks up at Five who was worried! "Who?" says Kiyone as she points at Five with a small shock of fright! "Godfather?" Before Kiyone could get Five to answer her, Eight made Kiyone pass out by touching her on the back of the forehead with a glowing finger! She lands in his arms! "I'm sorry." said Five. "I have failed you." "Kiyone?!" cried Mihoshi as Seven did the same thing to her! Five turns to Six. "You know what to do!" said Five. "They must not remember this at all because of us!" Six looks at Five with compassion. "She may forget by mind, Ron." said Six in her Scottish accent as she down looked at Kiyone. "But, she will always remember you in her heart! That's what it is to be human! Kagato will never understand that! Power or not!" "I know." said Five now in his Irish accent as he walked away. "Just do it and be done with!" As Five goes to get the Team ready with the new orders now called to him. Six hands begin to glow as she is about to put them on Kiyone's face to clean her mind of this! "Twice have you been lucky `Little Leprechaun' with your `Guardian Angle'!" said Six. But, now twice have you been denied of knowing of who he is! Someday this will come to pass." Just as Six place her hands on Kiyone's face and the image dies. ***************************************************************************** Back at the dying campfire on the Masaki land. The 3-D imagery shuts down and Ron takes out the memory card! Everyone in the group, Kiyone, Tenchi, Ryouko, Ayeka, Sasami, Washu, Mihoshi, Ryoohki and Yosho, were very quiet at what they saw and just know that this it not a fake! "I remember that day, sort of!" said Kiyone breaking the silence at last with a cold sweat on her face. "But when Mihoshi and I woke up at H.Q., she and I were credited for helping with that `bust' of just the weapons! Not Kagato!" "That fight with Kagato is still classified!" said Ron. "As you can see now Six erased of the memories that needed to be gone! She like me were under high orders to do so for securities reasons!" Kiyone doesn't say anything. "What happen that day has hunted me almost everyday in my life!" said Ron. "I beg for you to forgive me, but I don't have the right to ask for that! I'm sorry." Ron takes off the headband and gives it to Kiyone who takes it from him. As Ron walks away, he stops infront of Little Washu and gives her the other part of the Key that see needed for the map! "As I said Doctor!" he said with somewhat pride. "I do keep my word no matter what!" As Ron walks down the stares and out of sight. Tenchi gets up and walks over to Kiyone who was looking down at Ron's headband. "I don't get it what just happen?" said Tenchi. "Ron failed in his task of being my `Guardian'!" said Kiyone still looking down at the headband with a soft voice that was sad. "I died and he wasn't there to protect me from the shot. It's as simple as that." "But, they saved you from death!" said Ayeka. "We saw it all!" "It doesn't matter!" said Kiyone with a stronger voice now. "One of the parts of the laws of the `Guardianship' says that "If the Guardian fails to protect the `one' that they are suppose to keep safe from a another one's harm of true propose, is close by and the chosen one does die, then the Guardian is no longer allowed to be the `Protector'! We can't talk about it anymore! He did this to save me and my family's name from harm! Good or bad, it was for the honor!" "Even if the person is still saved later?" said Ryouko. Kiyone just couldn't talk anymore. She gets up, walks away and down the same stairs. "Damn these rules!" said Kiyone to herself holding her grief back. "There has to be away! This is so different!" **************************************************************************** A few days later the order for " Level Omega" was called off for reasons unknown. Ron was ordered back to the United States! He was glad of this because he was doing his best to now avoid Kiyone as the rules say, unless something came up! That morning before the sun was up he and Two-fifty were trying to leave without waking anybody up. Yosho greeted him by the opened gate. Ron was not surprised at this. "I hate to see you leave like this." said Yosho. "I know you better than all of them! This is not you!" "You do know that this is the best." said Ron as he climbed into the truck. "Now that I have been the one to tell her the whole truth, her family's name is safe from disgrace! She will still be able to make herself a great cop for the honor of her family's stake in their society!" "Yes you had to do it for honor's sake, I can't argue with that" said Yosho. "But, I think if I may dare say so, she looks at you sometimes as a big brother!" Ron can't find the words for that! Instead he hands Yosho the whip that Kiyone used earlier! Yosho looks at the whip funny! "Tell her she uses better than I do!" says Ron as he starts up the cold-fusion engine and turns on the off-road lights. "You have my phone number, so `buzz' me sometime!" Two-fifty will be there if I'm not! Tell your grandson I wish him luck! He's going to need it when he is king! For these are dangerous times for us all! Even Earth is not save anymore!" Ron drives the truck off Yosho waves. From the house Kiyone's watches Ron drive Two-fifty down the dirt road until the red tail lights disappear into the dust and dark! As she wipes a tear off her face she and looks at a set of orders in her hand that just came to her from the Galaxy Police by space fax. She walks into the room where Mihoshi was still sleeping. "Mihoshi! Mihoshi!" said Kiyone shaking the girl. "Get up!" "What is it?" said a sleepily eye Mihoshi. "Why are you in your uniform?" "Get up and get your uniform on!" "Why?" "Your taking me home!" said Kiyone. "There is something I have to do!" ***************************************************************************** Chapter Two "After the War" ***************************************************************************** A few weeks later in Key West, Florida. It is a Friday in the late afternoon Ron was sitting in a outside bar with a couple of other guys that sat facing toward the beach as the tides crashed along. `Jimmy Buffett' was playing on the sound system. "So Ron!" said one man wearing a Buffalo Bills T-shirt and petting his pet python on his shoulders. "You never told us about your trip to Nippon!" "Huh?" said Ron coming out of his trance, then taking a sip of his ale. "Japan, man!" the man replied. "Did you get the job at the U.S. Navy's base shipyard over there?" "I don't know yet!" said Ron. "I not sure if I still want it." "Dude!" said the man. "I would take it! That country full of surprises!" "Tell me about it!" replied Ron. Then a Navy Chief that was sitting with them spoke up. "Hey,is that your landlord?" said the Chief. Ron turned to see that it is his landlord and he was waving at him in the street to come outside! "Ron you better get to back to your pad!" said the little man with sun bleached hair! "You have not just one, but two I say two knock-out ladies who are waiting for you! They say they are from the police, but they sure don't look like they from around here!" Ron grabs his motorcycle parked near by, and races back to his apartment thinking about `two ladies from the police'! "Gee I wonder who that could be!" he says to himself even though he has a good idea. "Duhhhhh!" Ron stops the cycle when he spots a silver Nissan `Fair lady' parked infront of the house. The same one from Japan he saw in the warehouse! Only in this case it had new Florida plates on it! Ron sneaks over to his truck which was still parked in the driveway, goes underneath it and pulled out a laser gun from a safety box. He walks up the outside stairwell carefully toward his front door which was open and hears music playing from his stereo Classical music! He recognizes it to be `Vivaldi's Four Seasons- 3rd Movement from "Autumn" Then he hears a voice. "You `see' Mihoshi?" said the voice. "Hear how the sound of the violins can make you `see' the leaves fall?' "Yes!" replied Mihoshi. "That voice!" thinks Ron to himself. "It can't be!" Ron comes in the room with the gun drawn. Mihoshi who sitting in one of his chairs was dressed in her Galaxy Police uniform for warmer temperatures, turns to greet him. While the other person who is also sitting in a larger chair that in fact Ron can't see them does not move! "Hiya, sir!" said Mihoshi. "Home from work? Great!" "What are you doing here First Class Mihoshi?" "Nice to hear your voice again too sir!" said the voice of the other woman sitting the other chair! "Ah let her in with me after all, ah too have key to this place as well!" The chair swings around to reveal a woman with long red hair, dark jade eyes and of good build. She was also wearing a Galaxy Police uniform similar to Mihoshi's only this one also told that she belonged to `Unit Three' just like Ron, but, now she was a liaison to the Jaran Empire! "SIX??!" cried out Ron with alarm. "Ah prefer Sarah McPherson!" said Six with her Scottish accent. "Aye, it is good to see you again `brother'!" "How?" said Ron with a pause and then looked at her with great suspicion. "`Sister'!" "Let's cut to the case Ron." said Sarah. "The day...that our shuttle `ARIA' was shot down over Jara, you where not the only one who got away! Ah got in one of the other escape capsules and shot out the last second before the explosion and landed way on the other side of the planet in the cold mountain region! I wasn't found until weeks later after you where put on Earth! Ah didn't know you that you were alive and on Earth until a year ago!" "So why didn't you contact me?" said Ron with serious eyes. "Lady Funao kept us apart because she didn't think to would be best for us to know that some of us did live on until they know who killed us!" "What about others?!" asked Ron. Sarah just looked down to the floor with sad eyes. "Ron... you and ah are it." "Skit!" said Ron as he slammed against the dinner table. "Ah hope they are in a better place now!" Sarah looks up to Ron with a now serious face! "Ron you must put that way for now as ah have!" she says as she stood up to her full 6'1" height. "An unfortunate event has just happen a little while ago! You are needed!" "What?" cried out Ron with Irish accent. "No way Ah've retired for good! Mihoshi! I gave you my papers before ah left Tenchi's place!" "I did as you asked me to do so sir!" said Mihoshi as she held out a long sheet of paper! "According to my grandfather's orders of standing..." Mihoshi runs down the paper very quickly until she reaches the end and reads it off! "`You `Captain Ronan Masterson' may retire from `active service', however, now that you are a `reserve', The Agency that is the Galaxy Police can call you back anytime they need you for the next fifty years in any jurisdiction as a member for a Emergency Response Team!" "I'll be dammed!" grumble with disbelief. "Ah forgot!" "So Mr. Five!" said Mihoshi with a big smile. "You have been called back to duty, and that's an order!" "Let's get one thing understood!" said Ron holding up a finger!" Don't you call me `Mr.Five'!" "Ron!" said Sarah. "Ah volunteered for mission only if I was aloud to come here and ask you for your help! Please `brother' we...Ah need your help! We have right now 31 children from different worlds from within the Alliance including Jarain that are being held hostage abroad a Galaxy Police's battleship-class that was stolen some time ago!" "Ah heard about the stolen ship on the `Galaxy Interpol Nets'!" said Ron. "Not the kids!" Mihoish looks at Ron. "Please sir! The Alliance is not just asking, so is the Galaxy Police!" "The `Alliance'!" Ron grumbles to himself. "The Galaxy Police's version of Earth's NATO! force!" "Ron!" said Sarah with a little stress and is also a little hesitant in her voice. "Kiyone is involved!" "Say that again?" said Ron smoothly with a raised eyebrow! "It's not what you think!" said Mihoshi as she held up her hands before her. "This just happen about two earth days ago that this band of goons took the children as hostages when they thought they were going to get a tour on another battle-cruiser! The ship is right now over Kiyone's home planet and as part of there demands they ask that the girl that was responsible for the death there founding leader come to them as the "Defender" of her world and for the exchange of the lives of the children!" "You didn't answer my question!" said Ron with demanded. "How the hell is Kiyone involved in this?!" "Kiyone took requested leave right after you left that morning!" continued Mihoshi. "Boy, was she very depressed! Anyway, she originally went home to see the `Council of the Elders' for an appeal about you! A pardon about her death! She still want's you to be her `Guardian' even after all that! But talk about rotten timing! Somehow these guys show up and ask just for her!" "As you know!" said Sarah. "The name `Defender' is a tradition that goes way back on her world! Almost 3,000 years in fact, and nobody has had this request in over 400 hundred years! She has to go and fight these assholes by herself in order to save the kids!" Ron gave her a glance of anger that could give some people a chill! "Wait a second!" said Ron. "Is this the kind of `Defender' where the avenger goes out to protect their people and/or avenge the death of someone?" "Yes." said Sarah. "According to the tradition she must fight with a weapon from the era that the last avenger used!" "They didn't have laser guns or anything like they have today from that time! What is she going to use?? A sword against a laser blaster?! Kiyone is a great fighter we all seen that, but let's be real here! This sounds like `suicide mission' to me! She can't win at this!" "This what they asked for so far!" said Sarah. "If she doesn't show up or we don't comply with anything else they asked for, they will start killing the children left and right! They somehow know how to fish out anything that is part of any law enforcement! They do however, still believe that all of Team Fifteen is dead! So, we might have a chance at pull this off to get in there and take them out fast!" "They are really going out to keep this under their control!" said Mihoshi. "The `avenge' part." said Ron. "Do think Kiyone is doing this because of her childhood friend's death? Does she still hunger for her friend's justice? Is this the same bunch?" "Well `Guh'!" said Mihoshi with satire. "Did you just figure that out? What do think? Yes, this is the same bunch! In fact this group had connections to the same guy you plugged with `lead poison' in the head to save Kiyone!" Ron admired Mihoshi for her boldness, but this he had to correct this now! "Mihoshi Kuramitsa?" said Ron with his `normal' accent. "It's `DUH'! Not Guh! DUH!" "Oh." said Mihoshi. "I have a plan." said Sarah. "Remember that time that we as a team snuck on abroad those five Jarani Royal War Ships during that wargame campaign, when the Empire challenged the Galaxy Police and we took control of them all by attaching those `Herbicide Bombs' to the royal trees, and forcing them to surrender or we would turn them into a ugly mulch?" "`Operation Clear-cut?'" asked Ron back in his Irish accent. "How could ah forget! That was the one of the few times I've actually seen a Juran `blue blood' wet his pants! To this day though I'm still lightly shocked that the Emperor allowed us to do that!" "Tsunami told him to allow us to it!" said Sarah as she touched her Jairan emblem on her uniform. "She said that some of her people were getting to cocky for their own good! Pays to be part of the royal guard now to get this info!" "So about your plan?" asked Mihoshi. "I think Ron here already knows what I'm talking about, eh?" said Sarah with a grin. Ron just stared at Sarah for a second then to decided to test her to make sure she was real! He spoke into her mind by the way he was taught by her! "36-25-35" he spoke to her in her mind. "Yeah." said Sarah back to him with her power. "My measurements. You know them well." "Remember that time that you and I where stuck on that crazy world called El-Hazard? You befriend that girl named `Shayla-Shayla' because she reminded of yourself?" "Yes." "Well, what was the name of that other little girl that was all over you and her like smell on poop?" Sarah's eyes got wide as her skin got pale, and she spoke out loud which startled Mihoshi! "Oh God!" she cried out holding up her fists with repulsive look. "Alielle?! Ugh! She was all over me always and called me `BIG SISTER SARAH'!" "I don't think I want to know this!" said Mihoshi. "Yep, that's her alright!" said Ron with a chuckle. "I was afraid to take a bath or something!" Sarah continued. "She wanted to suck my tits one time when I was asleep!" "Alright enough!" yelled Ron who was getting little aroused on this. "I will do this mission only because I do really care for Kiyone as my `chosen one'! He points to Sarah. "Not for Juran!" Then he points to Mihoshi. "And not for the Galaxy Police or the other agencies within the system! For Kiyone! Got it! By the way no hoods if can avoid them!" "No problem!" said Mihoshi. " Aye! I did ask for some friends to come along as well for help." said Sarah. "Who?" asked Ron. "There outside right now!" said Mihoshi. Ron goes back out the door. "YOU?!" he cries out as he walks down the stairs. "See I told you that he is a soft guy at heart who really cares for Kiyone and not just another profession!" "Could have fooled me!" said Mihoshi. "He can be real stubborn at times I've notice!" "Yeah." said Sarah. "But I love the big jerk anyhow!" ******************************************************************************* About two point five earth days later a Galaxy Police shuttle zips it way through space in orbit around Kiyone's homeworld as it approaches the stand off between the Galaxy Police and the terrorists in the stolen battleship! Ron looks out a window in the shuttle as the ships come into view! He spots his old ship, the huge command ship called `2112' as it kept it's main guns pointed at the rouge ship! Mihoshi joins him. She is in police battle armor gear "Big." she said about 2112 as they flew by it. " I heard that ship was built on Kiyone's world some time ago, and once it was called `ATLANTIS' before it was retired from their NAVY and sold to the police. "Your right. " said Ron. "With her and the other ships from the Alliance in cover. This death ship is going no where!" The commander in charge of the operation calls everyone together! "Alright you two!" he said as he talked to the two people in full combat gear with hoods! "While these guys are giving you the time that you need you get to the shield's ultra energy power plants we will have the teams ready to go the second the plant is down! We get the children out first after we get those poison collars off of them!" The two warriors just nod. "Captain?" asked commander. "I know Kiyone is unaware of your actions being here, but for more or less, make sure she is alright! What she is doing is very brave!" "I know, sir!" said Ron as Mihoshi hands him a package containing a thick cloth. "She was my student after all." **************************************************************************** The shuttle dock's with another ship. A Destroyer-class from the planet below and single person comes abroad! It was Kiyone! She was not dressed in her G.P. uniform this time. She was dressed in a outfit that is worn by the `Defender' when a woman takes up the arms. In this case, Kiyone is wearing a outfit that has the pattern of coveralls. It is made of black soft leather, however, it is strong enough for combat atmosphere. She is also wearing her black headband! She shows very little emotion as she walks up to four people dressed in ankle-length brown cowls with there hoods donned down over there faces completely! "So your my escort of `peaceful beings'?" she asks as she pulls out her sword out of it's shaft to look at it, then puts it back. "Just what they asked for." The four beings just nod in agreement. "Wow, Kiyone!" said Mihoshi as she comes round behind one of the beings. "You look like all you need is a `air-bike' to look like a tough gal!" Kiyone just smiles at Mihoshi. "Thanks!" as she looks over herself with a little body talk. "I'm...glad that you are here! Ready?" "Yep!" said Mihoshi. "Let's do it!" Ron notices that Kiyone has the whip that he gave her was attached to her belt! **************************************************************************** As the shuttle brakes away from the other ship it makes it's way to the battle-class ship! Inside the bridge of the ship 2112, the commander calls in to the commanding officer. "The party is under way! Stand-by!" *************************************************************************** As they get closer to the ship both Kiyone and Sarah think about the same thing: "Please, please Mihoshi! Follow the damn ship's beacon! Don't crash into it!" As the shuttle is about to dock with the battle-ship a pair of cannons pan with the shuttle as it `locks' into the `airlock' door! The moment that the shuttle makes the `bump', inside the shuttle in another part of it, the two fighters turn on their cloaking devices, disappear and wait! Kiyone and Mihoshi look at each other after they check the ship over! "Well." said Kiyone. "Here we go." Kiyone walks over to the four cloaked people who are now standing around a box shaped like a coffin. "Okay!" she said to the people in her language. "I do thank you for coming Priests, however I do ask not put yourselves in danger! Just do you job and come back to the ship!" "We hear you child!" said the second one to the right of the coffin. "Kiyone?" said Mihoishi with a worried voice and a face to match. "Come back okay?" Kiyone walks up to her partner, pulls out her Galaxy Police badge and gives it to Mihoshi. "I'm not on official business, so hold on to this to until I need it again." Tears begin to run down Mihoshi's face and the two women hug each other tight. Kiyone was stronger at this hug because in the back of her mind she does believe that this is the last time she will see her dimbo partner again. Kiyone then turns to the four hooded people again. Walks up to them with pride within her steps. "Let's go and save some young lives!" she says with pride in her voice. As Mohishi opens the outside door that goes to a long tunnel into the battle ship! Kiyone leads the group down the tunnel, Mihoshi waves the victory sign in front of them and while Kiyone was not looking, Mihoshi hands the same priest that spoke earlier, Kiyone's police badge and he quickly puts it inside his cowl! **************************************************************************** Kiyone stayed focused at her surroundings as she and her group walked down the passage-way in the battle-ship. It wasn't before long that she was greeted by several heavily-armed gunmen! Kiyone did nothing to provoke them as they quickly checked her out and her group lightly! They did not take her weapons as was part of the deal. Go figure. They escorted her and the group until they got to the battle-ships main hanger-bay area. There were only two small ships in the whole bay area! The one that the children originally came in and another one, but it was being worked on so pieces of it where around it. There were a number of crates and other types of cargo scattered about in the bay area. Kiyone turns her attention to the sound of a child crying. She sees every child in one cornier of the bay. All thirty-one of them, ages ten-thirteen. With the collars that she was explained about that would injected the deadly poison CON-66 in their necks via remote control! They all ready killed one of the adult teachers with one in front of them, so they the children were not going to do anything dumb! "Devils!" Kiyone grumbles to herself. "I couldn't agree with you more!" said Sarah to Ron by mind thought on Kiyone's own thoughts. "Look at this! As if it is some twisted way we did the trees back on Jarai! This is sick!" " Of all of the criminals I have seen and in conflict, terrorists are still the one group I abhor highest! How many did you count?" asked Ron to her in though! "Twenty!" said Sarah in thought. "That's right!" replied Ron in same. "But, don't forget about others hiding about!" "How long have you known me?" said Sarah in thought. Ron could not answer her question because the leader of the terrorists came up to Kiyone and the others when they were order to stop in the middle of the bay! The leader had black and silver hair, His left eye was blue while the right one had a patch over it, his face was scared, and he had a medium build to him. By the way Kiyone looked into his eyes, she could tell he is a few flakes short of a blizzard! She was right! "I don't believe it!" said the leader as he looked over her with a strange delight. "It is you after all this time!" Kiyone looked at the man with puzzlement at his behavior toward her. "My what a beautiful flower you have become!" continued the leader. "I have waited for sometime to see you in the...flesh!" He grabs her hard and sticks out his long tongue out, and licks deeply at Kiyone's left side of her face! Kiyone is just appalled at this action and takes a hard slap at the man's face for his action! The rest of the terrorists laugh out loud at this as well as the leader! "ONE....TWO......THREE...!" says Ron to himself as he tries to keep himself under control! "I swear I will cut off his balls with a salty cover blade, and shove them down..." "Cool it `brother'!" said Sarah. "Kiyone is a big girl she can take it!" "Ahhhhh!" said the leader reacting to Kiyone's slap with a sick smile! "Yes! Yes, you do have your father in you well!" "Cut the crap!" said Kyone with anger. "I'm here! Let them go!" "Oh no, no, no, no!" said the leader as he pointed to the children. "They will stay to see me peal you open like a piece of fruit and send you back in that box that came with you!" The leader walks around the group looking them over! "You may ask yourself why I made you, just you come here!" he explained. "You see your father killed my great teacher's son and then some clown came by to rescue you from a death you so rightfully deserved just when you were born into this cold life and killed my wonderful teacher!" "I know that story too well!" said Kiyone with disgust. "After that your group has been falling apart over the years until your nothing more than cheap mercenaries of death! You killed my best friend from childhood you bastards!" "ENOUGH!" shouted the leader and making a small laugh at Kiyone in a way that can almost be called as sadomasochistic! "Washu?" said Ron in thought to her. "Anytime now please!" "Hang on, I'm on way now!" said the small woman as she phased out of the coffin into the ships deck, then appear behind one of the children and stayed low! "Who are you?" said a small boy as he spotted the little woman. "Shhh!" she said softy. "Don't move and all of you look right ahead!" She begins to work on the children's collars. "You think we have forgotten about these actions cause by you?" said the leader. "Never! We have tried before to get you for years! First time: Our best man was stopped and taken to prison, the next time we tried our next best man, he came back to us or should I say `sent' back to us in six small sacks! Then I tried!" The leader pulls off his glove to reveal and robot hand! "When I tried to bomb your house one night, somebody in black tactical gear jumped me a few miles away before I could drop it off, knocked me out, and handcuffed me to it! You can see what happen after ward!" "Ron?!" said Washu to him in thought as she kept working on the collars. "Hey sorry!" replied Ron in same way. "These guys are pretty sloppy! It was easy to find out when they would strike at her! I told you no one would harm her as long as I can help it!" "You mean this is not..." said Kiyone. "What?" said the leader. "The first time? This `Defender' shit? No! We have been planing something like this for years now! We needed money for our cause, and when we found out that your `Guardian' (who we all believe was really responsible for killing our `brothers') was no longer protecting you somehow, so which means he is no longer around! By dumb luck we found out that you were back home...by the way, you were a cop and we have spies in the Galaxy Police systems who can get us just about anything, would you mind telling me where you have been the last few months? No body could find you on any of the normal planets!" "Ron!" said Washu in thought. "Yes!" replied Ron in thought. "Anytime!" "So, you won't answer me?" said the leader. "Well I will make you answer me in vain! I'll get the money one way or another!" The leader snaps his fingers and one of the other terrorists who just by `facial looks' shows that he is of `low intelligence'! "Yes master?" said the second terrorist. "Kill one of the kids." said the leader with a cold tone. "I don't care which one." "Okay." said the second terrorist plainly and he walks to the group of kids. "NO!" yells Kiyone as a third terrorist grabs her from behind her and locks on to her covering her mouth! They are now between the first two priests who next to the other two have not moved a muscle all this time! The leader then lets two more of his goons on to the priests themselves. One of them moves over to the second priestess on the right and another moved to the one up front on left! The terrorist whips off the first one's hood to reveal.... "Tenchi?!" said Kiyone in a muffle because one hand was over her mouth! The other terrorist looks over the tall priestess. "My your a big one." said the terrorist about the woman's height. "Your a priestess? With that heck of a body of yours that I can tell under that cloth?" "The gods did bless me with a fair body, but..." said the priestess, however the terrorist cut her off. "Really?" he said as he puts out a combat knife! The second terrorist looks over the children and tries to make a choice! Emee, Myknee, Moe! Nynuck! Nynuck!" say the terrorist. "Catch a little human by the...nose!" Then he spots Little Washu in the crowd, and recounts very quickly! 32 kids! Something is wrong! "Who are you?" he looks at Washu with a dumb look! (No big shock there!) "Who me?" said Washu with her child-like voice. "Yeah yous!" said the terrorist. "Your one too many! This is bad! Only 31 should be here! You should go!" "But, I'm soo cute and adorable!" said Wushu putting it on with her big eyes. "Oh brother." grumble Tenchi as he watched her. He couldn't hear, but by the way of body talk he could tell what she was doing. "Yeah you are?" said the terrorist. "But you should leave so we have the right number!" "You want me to leave?" said Wushu. As the leader continues to taunt Kiyone who is not letting him get the best of her! The second one was still searching in his mind about Washu's offer and the last one who with the priestess goes behind and grabs her! "Get your hands off my ass!" growled the priestess which took the terrorist off guard! "You said it `sister'!" said the other priestess up front. "Blasphemy!" said the one behind Tenchi who points a finger. "Blasphemy I say! To take your sorry vengeance on this girl in this way is blasphemy toward your own Gods! What happen to you was judge by the `Hand of Fate!'" Everyone of the terrorists stops at what they are doing to look at the bold Priest's words! "Oh man!" grumbles Kiyone to herself. "What a poor priest he is making!" "Hand?!" shouts the leader holding up his robot hand to Kiyone then to the Priest himself. "Let me show you what I can do with `hand'!" "Kill all the brats!" yells the leader making a tight fist with the metal hand! "NOW!" Just then on the ear radio's on the four people breaks the silence as a small explosion is heard and felt on the ship! Everyone stops! "Team Alpha to Force Ten!" said one of the warriors on radio from earlier on the shuttle! "The shield is down! I say again! The shield is down!" "About time!" said Ron. ****************************************************************************** Back on the bridge of 2112 at that same moment! "Sir!" said a radio operator to the Four Star Admiral of the ship. "The word is hot! We can use the transports now! "I know." said the Admiral of the `Alliance' as he and others stood up out of there chairs. Including the High Marshal of the Galaxy Police, other high officers from Kiyone's world, and Lady Funao! "Send in the assault and rescue teams now!" ordered the Admiral as the High Marshal nodded in agreement! "Have `Plan Beta' on stand-by! Power up main cannons!" "Are you sure you must do this?" asked Lady Funao with concern to the command leader of "Unit Three"! They have a very good chance!" "Yes I know!" replied the Admiral with a worried tone. "I'm well aware that your grandson is abroad that ship by volunteer! I'm really not worry about him because of your Goddess! However, so are two of my best people and the daughter one of my best leaders under my command! Those terrorists are carrying enough of that virus `CON-66' in the ship's tanks to wipe out all life on the planet below and right now in the low orbit they have! If they send that ship plumbing into the planet's atmosphere even if a quarter of it still lives after the heat of reentry ...then life is done down there forever! All of us will not allow this to happen!" "The lives of over 2 billion weighs heavier than those on abroad that death ship!" said the High Marshal. "I'am in command of this operation your majesty!" added the Admiral. "Your Emperor's hand has given me this power to do a job like this! I'am fully aware of my actions and it's aftermath and will take the full responsibility of this! We must take control of that ship first if not, blow that battle-ship with everything we got until nothing is left to burn!" **************************************************************************** "What is happening?!" yells the leader. "Check that out!" As his followers do as they are order. The second is still focused on Washu and the kids. "Want to see neat trick before I leave?" asked Washu to the terrorist. "Uhhh. Sure!" said the terrorist. "Alright everyone grab each others hands!" explained Washu and the children do so. "Hello there and farewell!" says Washu as her and all the kids disappear in a flash of light! The only thing that was left behind was the children's `death collars' as they fell down to the ship's deck with a `CLANG'! "I think I'm in deep shit now!" said the second terrorist as he was scratching his head! The leader sees this and a chill just went up his back! He then turns to the other one with the priestess! "Kill her!" he orders and the terrorists slashes his knife down on the woman, but with fast reflexes the woman is quick enough to miss the blow from cutting her in deep! The only thing that the man was able to do was to cut open the priestess's cowl right down the middle! Her cowl falls open to her attacker! The man just stands looking in at her open cloth and his left eye does that `funny' flicker with it as he looks at a woman's body who is dressed over in a combat emergency response tactual gear with light body armor and armed to the teeth with weapons along her sides! " Aye? "Wha'ssa problem?" said Sarah as she whips off her cowl to reveal her face and body! Does a quick sexual jest to him and the others. "Don't you like my `hard wear' asshole?!" In a heart beat, Sarah phases behind her `ruled' terrorist and before he could act she snaps his neck! Twice! "Not much fight in him now!" said Sarah before phased away. "As I have would expected!" Kiyone used the diversion well, broke free and kicked her holder in the groin! Tenchi and her run for cover while the last two people in cowls, one takes to the air and the other one jumps on the a huge crate with a flip! Ryouko `blows' her cowl off to reveal her in her own combat garb and powers up her energy sword and goes to work on the other terrorists as they fired upon her with there laser guns! The last one in the cowl looks down at the other terrorists left in the group including the leader! Somebody shoots the person in the back as a laser blast comes through his lower chest, but he does not seem to mind as looks down at the wound and seeing Kiyone and Tenchi (who is now in Jauran battle armor and has his light sword out!) in a safe place for the moment! He then looks at the leader with angry eyes as he pulled out his gun out and pointed at him! "In the words of Ozzy Osborne:!" said Ron as he tore off his cowl to reveal the same outfit like Sarah's! "`Let the madness begin!'" With lighting reflexes pulls out a pair of laser blasters and mows down the last terrorists left in the group except the leader who just got out of the way barely! Tenchi uses his shield power and sword to take out a group of attackers while Kiyone grabbed a dropped laser handgun to help return fire at another group that was coming from behind them! Sarah phases up on a catwalk and with Ryouko's help takes out the `snipers' with a combination of energy sword work and laser blasters! To save her `power' Sarah uses her acrobatic skills and jumps down into a middle of terrorists and smiles! "Can ya hit me boys?" she says with her now lighting moves as she jumps into the air and lands outside the group! All this time the terrorists tried to aim at her with their guns. When she was out side the group they opened fire on her! "Psyche!" she yells as she runs along on the side of the bulkhead with magnificent speed and grace! However she is not fast enough! One shot nails her in the leg and she takes a fall! She rolls to the ground and is face to face with the gunmen! "Awww skit!" she grumbles as she looks at them! "Drill her!" yells one as they are about to open fire, Ron flips over to where he lands between them and Sarah! He opens fire at them with the blasters in each hand and takes most of them down before only a before a couple shots hit him! When he was done, both he and Sarah let their wounds heal up until there gone! Then she turned to him! "Thanks!" said Sarah. "But go cover Kiyone! I will help with Ryouko's work! That's if she needs me!" Ron takes off and cuts his way through the same group that had Kiyone and Tenchi pined down! "Outta my, rookie ya bothering me! Big time!" exclaimed Ron as he fired away at the terrorists and knock down the last one so hard in the chest that the body flew fifty feet into the air! They both took out the group in a few seconds and sot cover elsewhere! "About time!" said Tenchi. "These dorks are now coming out of the wood work!" "Aww with that sword! You can take these guys all by yourself!" said Ron as he turned fire at another gunman behind a door! "You do know what I did to Kagato's ship right?!" said Tenchi with concern. "Your right!" said Ron after a quick thought. "Not a good idea until you get better at wielding it!" "Nice to see you again, Captain!" said Kiyone with a little coldness. "Same here!" replied Ron as he was looking over the side of a metal crate that they were using as cover! "Nice tights! The whip really helps it!" Kiyone looks herself over and quickly understood what Ron is getting at! "Hey!" protested Kiyone. "This is serious to my culture! Then again, I'm beginning to look like you guys! Black and all!" "I know! I know this is important to your people! Athena will be proud of you!" said Ron. "But, this was just really a farce that you were doing just to help us sneak abroad so we can take out these chumps because just any other planet within the `Alliance', yours does not negotiate with terrorists! Just make them think we do until they are taken out!" "Oh you got that right!" said Kiyone. "Would you two stop taking!" cried out Tenchi. "We got a problem!" Everyone turns to see four terrorists dress in heavy warfare combats suits loaded with ordnance coming down a huge passage way and firing wildly at everything! Tenchi's `Wings of the Light Hawk ` shields able were spread out far enough to cover Kiyone and Ron from the powerful laser blasts as the crates that they used shelter burn away! Tenchi has just has enough of this! He calls on more power to his sword and with a rage in his battle cry he charges at the `metal men' and with one good `blow' from his sword he makes his aggregators basically disintegrate in a bright flash of white light! The flash fills the huge hanger bay! "Tenchi!" cries out Ryouko as she fly's to him! "Whoa." says Ron softy as he gets up from shielding Kiyone with his body! "That was very impressive. What more can I say about it!" "Tell me something I don't know already!" said Kiyone. "Tenchi!" cries out Ryoko as she flies right on Tenchi and hugs him. "Are you all right?" "Yeah I'm fine!" said Tenchi he turns to Kiyone and Ron. "Are you two all right?" "I'm not hurt." said Kiyone as she walked up a lightly hugged Tenchi. "Thanks." "Yeah I'm fine too!" said Ron as he looked at his laser gun and takes note that's it's low on power! As puts one gun away to `charge up' and pulls out another as he thinks to himself! "Note to self: Never make `bad blood' with this Tenchi!" "Hey!" cried out a voice. "I could use a little help here! I'm also getting low on gun power!" Everyone sees Sarah taking on another group of goons! "I'll help her!" said Ryouko but before she flies off to the aid she turns to Ron! "Just don't forget our deal!" "What deal?" asked Kiyone. "I said to her I would help her get some of the warrants for her arrest looked over!....And I got a her copy of album from the rock group `The Police'!" "`The Police'?!" cried Kiyone. "She likes the song `Every breath you take'!" said Ron then looks at Tenchi with a grin. "She clams to me Tenchi that is `your' song to her! Ironic! `The Police'!" Tenchi looks Kiyone with a little sweat! "Ahhh...D'oh" said Tenchi with a little red in the face." Well...ahh..!" However, Tenchi get cut off as a laser fire goes between them! Tenchi goes to help Ryouko and Sarah. Kiyone and Ron once again take cover as a new but small group comes in to the fray! "This is getting ridiculous!" cried out Kiyone as she returned fire! "Where the hell is the back up!" "Late as usual!" said Ron aiming his blaster then firing! "You been a cop for awhile! You should be used to this by now!" "I'm not a cop now!" said Kiyone. Ron pulls out of a side pack on his belt inside was Kiyone's; police identification, her badge, gloves, a radio ear piece and her blaster gun! "Here!" said Ron as he handed them back to her. "Now your a cop again or should I say you never did leave it! Anyway, I figured you wanted these back!" "Speaking of back!" said Kiyone as she puts on the gloves and charges up her gun. "I need you to come back with me if we live through this that is!" "Why!" said Ron as he keeps on firing over the metal crate! "Is it the `Guardianship?" At that same moment a thug tries to sneak up behind them to take them out, instead without ever turning around to look, Kiyone and Ron just aim there guns in a `over the shoulder' move and blast the guy away at the same time! "What else!" said Kiyone on rejoining in the fight now up front! "I found out by the `Council of the Elders' that you may have not fail at all at the task!" "What?!" question as he stop firing because he gun was again getting low on power and pulls out a power pack for it. "What are you saying?" "There is that rule in the `Guardianship' that must be followed by the person of keeping the name of the person under their wing a close secret! Did you ever tell anybody outside other than Team Fifteen that you my `Guardian'?" "Your asking me this now??" yelled Ron as he just ducked a blast by inches and acting as if was nothing at all! "Just answer my frecken question!" demanded Kiyone. "Excuse me for a second please!" said Ron as his laser gun just runs out of power! Drops the gun pulls out the S&W .45 that he showed to Kiyone earlier which was still loaded with the ammo that `burned' Ryouko at the gun range back on Earth! He fires several shots into the other set of crates that the terrorists where hiding behind in some distance, and in a large blast the gunmen where finished off in a fire ball! "Toasty!" said Ron as he and Kiyone looked around making sure there was nobody else! "Now, to answer your question! No, not even Yosho knew about you and me until a few weeks ago! Why are asking me this?! You know the rule!" "Because after showing the `Counsel of Elders' a copy of what happen to me at my `death'! They realized that you were not truly at fault!" said Kiyone. Ron looked at Kiyone with puzzlement! "You see when you told them what happened, you where not allowed to tell them about Kagato due to the fact that it was `Black operation' that I and Mihoshi `accidentally' stumbled on!" explained Kiyone. So even though your teammates did save me, it was still considered that you `failed' to me when in fact you did everything that you were supposed to do in the name of honor to me, my family as well as to yourself! To sum it up best, if they knew that Kagato TOLD me that you were my `Guardian' before you did then the honor toward you and me is still intact no matter what happened next! Even a death!" "So the `one who claims to know everything' did us a favor?" asked Ron referring to Kagato himself. "Weather he knew it or not?" "Yes!" exclaims Kiyone as Ron could see she was happy about this information just by her eyes! "Who gave you a `copy' of that file?" asked Ron. "I know I didn't!" "Mihoshi is good for some things!" replied Kiyone! "We just have to..." Before the two could say another thing two terrorists armed with combat knifes come running at Kiyone and Ron in different directions! Kiyone just now sees her gun is too low on power as the big dumb, seven foot, four-hundred pound one who was with Washu earlier is right on top of her! Then I thought of something she always wanted to do to Mihoshi when she bungled up at something comes to mind! "Hey Moe!!" she yells as she jumps at the big goon, smacks her left foot hard into the groin of her attacker so she can `climb' up the guy, makes a `victory' sign with her fingers and pokes hard into the terrorist's eyes! She then jumps off of him as he falls back, lands hard on the deck and is knocked out cold! In less than a second, Ron was able to judge that using the gun he has now is too dangerous at this close range and without giving a second thought he pulls out the first thing he grabs on to out of his holsters on his weapon belt! It was the same type of gun that shot Kiyone a few years ago! The .357 "Peace Keeper"! He fires the gun at his attacker and falls dead in his charge! "Good thing these guys don't have good enough armor for this kind of assault!" said Ron outloud, then he just realized at what he just did! Talk about bad coincidence! Kiyone turns to the loud bang the gun has made! She sees the gun and a small flash back comes to her , but, now just brushes it off! She is not haunted by it anymore! Ron tries to change the subject anyway he can! Now recalls at Kiyone just did to her attacker! "Did I teach you that?" asked Ron with a surprised look to him. "No, I watch the shows when there on T.V. back in Japan!" said Kiyone as she pushes her hair back! "I think there great! Nynuck! Nynuck!" "I think you need some time off!" said Ron even though he watches the same show on T.V. back in the States! Kiyone walks up to him, pulls out his headband out of her outfit's pocket and gives him back to him! "Put this back on `Guardian' until we get this resolved!" order Kiyone with a serious face. "Together!" "You knew I was going to come here, didn't you?" asked Ron with a little shame in his voice. "Yosho and I had a little talk before I left that morning for home." replied Kiyone with a smile. Ron puts the headband with pride as he sees that Tenchi, Ryouko and Sarah are just done mopping up there attackers! Ryouko and Sarah are taking to a few who had the smarts to surrender! "See I told you to was her!" said the first terrorist to another one! "Who?" said the second one! "The redheaded one?" "No!" said the first one as she pointed to Ryouko. "She is that feared space pirate!" "Well now!" said Sarah to Ryouko. "Looks like your reputation is still well deserved!" "Yep! I'm still badest one of them all!" said Ryouko with pride. "I'll say!" said the first terrorist if we knew that this was the legendary `Space Pirate Minagi' we would have never taken you guys on at all!" Sarah turns to Ryouko with a puzzled look! "Who?" asked Sarah with suspicion and a raised eye brow! "Never mind!" said Ryouko with disgusted sound in her voice with a face to match! "I'll explained later!" said Tenchi with a caution in his voice. Ryouko's lightly growls at him with that remark! At last the long awaited reinforcements from the Galaxy police and the federal officers show up and begin to secure the last of the ship! ****************************************************************************** "Alright!" says Ron. "Now they come at last! Typical!" Ron looks around for Kiyone only to barely spot her running down the huge passage way! Ron turns on his ear radio. "Kiyone!" he calls to her. "Where are going?" "Those last guys where just a distraction!" she calls back to him! "The leader! I just saw him make a run for it!" Ron runs after her! "Damn!" he says outloud. "She wants this guy!" "Where's your head?" he called to her. "Wait for me!" Kiyone is already way ahead of him when she runs into more terrorists who were hiding in the bulkhead and exploded at her! The first one was able to knock Kiyone's gun out her hand, but she was quick enough to `drop-kick' the man down to the deck! She suddenly spots the other one pointing a gun at her! She jumps back about a few feet, pulls off her whip, quickly snaps it to it's full length behind her, and with a loud `crack' sends it's sharp pointed end at her attacker's throat! The metal point penetrates into the man's jugular with a great force, and when she pulls it out, tears the neck open! With a splash of blood and a low gurgle the man drops to the floor dead! Kiyone only stops to pick up her gun then moves on after the leader! Less than a couple of seconds, Ron is just coming around the bend when Kiyone's first attacker who just got up sees Ron! "That little bitch may have gotten me, but you won't!" says the man as he charges at Ron with a gun! Ron just grabs the man's arm, flips him into the air, catches him, then does and `brain-buster' with him on to the ship's deck and just like Kiyone, keeps moving until hears Kiyone's voice! "Freeze!" she shouts. "Get your hands up now!" Ron just makes it around the other corner to see Kiyone has cornered the leader by a `air-lock' door! "So you caught me after all!" said the leader with a grin. "Do you think this will bring your friend back? Your not even a cop anymore!" "Yes she is!" said Ron as he pointed his laser gun at the leader's head! "Go ahead `First Class Kiyone'! Show your I.D.! I have you covered!" Kiyone pulls out her identification and badge and shows it to the leader! "So I see." said the leader. "So I'm under arrested? To bad. I was hoping to kill you like your friend the same way! I think I would have gotten the same sublime organism just like with your friend as I watched her die into a gray lump of mush!" "Kiyone don't listen to this guy!" said Ron. "He's just fucken with you!" Kiyone heeds Ron's words as she reminds herself that she is still a cop! "`You have the right to remain silent anything you say'.." says Kiyone even though the man still talks on! "`Anything I say'?" said the man as he lowers his arms a little. Ron and Kiyone charge up there guns! "...'if you can't'...!" continued Kiyone. "I can!" said the leader. Suddenly Kiyone stops talking and with Ron freezes as the sound of the `air-lock' door begins open up slowly behind the man. The leader takes the chance, and from his robot arm and liquid metal comes out of it and forms a armor space suit around him! The air begins blow by the three as it is sucked into space! Horror grips Kiyone and Ron as the fact is they don't have any kind suits at all...yet! Kiyone grabs a wheel valve sticking out of the bulkhead and hangs on! Ron grabs one behind her as well! The leader laughs as he is suck into space with his suit protecting him from the cold vacuum! Ron pulls off a device about the size of a `pager' palaces it on Kiyone's belt on turns it on! A force field surrounds Kiyone like a membrane to a cell! So she can survive in space for a bit, a few seconds later she lost her grip! She tries to catch Ron's left leg, but instead grabs the .357 out of it's belt holster and flies out the door into space! Ron grabs another shield maker, turns it on, lets go, but was able to grab a small oxygen bottle hooked up to the bulkhead, before going the door! ************************************************************************** In space about a few hundred feet way from the ship! Ron looks for Kiyone and that madman! He sees other space-ships near by, but they can't see him! He uses the oxygen bottle to move around with short bursts! Then a laser blast just miss him! The leader comes right at him with his space suit's rocket system! He is only ten feet away now as he focus his aim with his arm cannon! At this range he can't miss! Ron could not get to his weapons because they where inside with him! If he did fire it would burst the `membrane'! "I don't know who you are!" said the leader. "But it's good bye for you!" Ron knows he's stuck! He can't get away! Then he notices that leader is distracted all of a sudden as he looked over Ron's shoulder! Ron turns to see Kiyone was fine! She had somehow been able to grabbed the battle-ship's port-side `wing' which was only hundred-feet away from them, and she had his .357 pointing right at the leader! The gun itself was OUTSIDE the `membrane' shield! In a blind rage the leader takes aim at her and fires a poor shot! The blast went way over Kiyone. She focused her aim and pulled the trigger! No was sound heard, but with a low flash! The bullet flies by Ron's head by inches, however, hit it's mark! The bullet strikes the upper corner of the leader's space helmet! The force knocks the leader by some distance! He regains ground and looks at Ron! "The little fool!" said the leader to Ron by via radio. "Does she really believe that toy would hurt this!" The leader hits his helmet `bubble' until he hears a sound. He looks up and sees a small crack form in the bubble! The crack grows to the point where it covers across the whole helmet's face! "NNNNNNNNOOOO*" he screams outloud until at last the glass shatters into many pieces! The vacuum of space rushes into the man's body and it implodes into bloody pulp mush! "Heh!" says Ron with a grunt in his Irish accent as he watched the space suit float away with a liquefied trail behind it. "`Sucks' to be you lad... no punt intended of coarse!" Ron did realized that Kiyone just fire a gun that is meant for someplace with gravity! He spots her just as she was tumbling out of control into space from the gun's recoil by the battle-ship's radio tower! He turn's open the valve to the oxygen bottle and pushes his way up to her! At the half way point the air in the bottle runs out, however he was able to grab her and stop her mad spin! Kiyone gets a grip on herself and looks at Ron with watery eyes and they both hug each other even though they can't actually `feel' each other! Kiyone could not communicate with Ron due to the fact her ear radio was gone. However, no words are needed to understand! "Yes, young one! said Ron. "Justice does cometh in strange ways as my grandfather said to me once long ago!" He then looks around seeing that they are now in the middle of nowhere with the exception Kiyone's planet below them. "Now how do I save you from this?!" asked Ron outloud! As if somebody really heard him and light was coming toward them over the planet's horizon! As the light got closer Kiyone and Ron could see it was a ship allright, but they were not expecting this `one' to come! "It can't be!" said Ron. "It...it is really her?!" said Kiyone. Then the light engulfs them both! ****************************************************************************** Both Kiyone and Ron open their eyes to see they are inside the ship and they can breath now. "Are you allright?" asked Ron. "Yeah, I think so." replied Kiyone as she looked over herself. "Is this the ship call..?" "Yes it is." said a soft pleasant voice. Both Ron and Kiyone turn to see a ghostly form of a beautiful young woman with long frosted light blue hair dressed in beautiful Jaran clothes come before them! "Tsunami?!" cried Ron with a little fear. "No! Sasami!" corrected Kiyone. "How can you tell?" asked Ron. "Check out the `emblem' on her forehead!" said Kiyone. "It looks like Sasami's only your all grown up now! How?" "You can call me what you like!" said Sasami/ Tsunami with a soft understanding voice. "Not that we are not grateful, but why did you saves us?" asked Kiyone. "I was told that you only look out for your own!" "Same here!" said Ron. "There are many reasons why I did this and one day you will understand it all!" said Sasami/Tsunami. "You both are very important to me, especially you...Kiyone!" "Me?!" replied Kiyone with shock. "How?" "Enough for now please." said Sasami/Tsunami. "In time you will understand!" Sasami/Tsunami raises her arms up as glowing dust particles surrounds the two humans! "Now I think you two have a very important date to be act right now!" said Sasami/Tsunami. "Ron please keep a respectful watch on her and Kiyone two things: "Please always be my friend and his true name is `Rodman'!" A bright blue light blinds both Ron and Kiyone as she replies the Goddess last word! "Rodman?!" ***************************************************************************** "Rodman?!" "That's right!" said a voice. Kiyone closes her eyes for a second, then looks to her right find herself and Ron standing next to each other dressed in ceremony togas and headbands! She then looks around to see that they were standing at attention within the main court of great temple which doubled for a Amphitheater inside! Outside it looked like the Pharthenon! She also looks to see that in the within the stands that surround the court she finds her mother and father sitting down looking at her with a little puzzlement! Then she spots Tenchi, Mihoshi, Ryouko, Washu, Sarah, Ayeka and Sasami with Ryoohki sitting on her shoulders looking at her with the same puzzled look! Then at last she looks at Ron who looks at her with surprise! She was going to ask him a question when a voice called to her! "KIYONE!" She turned quickly to the source which was in front of her! Before her behind a great marble table was sitting the members of the `Council of the Guardianship', members of the `Council of Elders' and sitting in their royal thrones, her King and Queen with their court! It was her king that called out her! "Kiyone!" he called out. "Ron! Is something the matter? You are both acting like you just woke up or something!" Kiyone was of course caught off guard a little at this! One moment she and Ron were on broad the flagship of the Juran empire speaking to the Goddess Tsunami! Now they are standing in front of her own king! She turned to Ron and whispers into his ear! "What just happen?" asked Kiyone with a puzzled voice. "I don't know!" replied Ron as he looked around as well. "I don't remember coming here at all!" "Kiyone!" said one of the elders. "You did get it right! His true name is Rodman not Ronan!" "When?" asked Kiyone as she recalls what Tsunami said to her last! "I changed my first name about 120 years ago when I started my work with the Galaxy Police just to prove my old life was dead! I was told to give the Council that name so it could be my `secret name' to them. This was just one the things I had to do to become your `Guardian'! But, I don't remember ever telling you that!" They both turn back to the Council. Everyone in the crowd, councils and royal court just looked at one another! Then the King spoke up! " Then we can continue with the ceremony!" He then points with his staff to Kiyone's large sphere which was sitting on marble stand not to far away from the two! They walk over to it and place their hands on it! Once again the blue glass-type ball glow, this time it floated gently into the air like a leaf in a clam breeze! It then when up to the ceiling of the temple where there were rows of thousands of the same type of spheres embedded in the thick white marble ceiling. As the sphere came closer to the others they all began to glow the same blue colour! Then a new hole opened up in the ceiling and the sphere slipped in perfectly! Then all the spheres above made a soft pleasant sound as they sung to the new comer with welcome! Suddenly collection of beams from the other spheres formed into a ball of light then next into a beam which shoots into the King's long staff! He then smiles and turns to his wife then to Kiyone and Ron. "Rodman Masterson of Earth!" spoke up the King. "You have done well in your task! Your honor is very solid! Thank you!" He then turns to Kiyone and walks up to her until he looks down at her! "My child!" said the King as stoked his dark beard! "You have done something that has not been asked to be done in many years and even though it was...different than traditionally asked for! You did help save the children, our world and your own Guardian from death! Even though you had the right to turn down any of them without harm to your honor! So, it gives me great pride at saying this:!" He puts his hand on her shoulder and turns to the crowd in the theater. "Kiyone Makibi, daughter of the clans `Demeter' and `Hephaistos'! cried out the king to her and the crowd. "I find you to be a true citizen of our world forever and a day! Welcome home to your birthright as you should be!" Everyone in the temple cheers out which can be heard outside the building! ****************************************************************************** At the festival outside the temple. Kiyone is with her parents as she gets congratulations from Tenchi and the others. Sasami comes up to Kiyone and gets a big hug from her. "Say where is Ron or Sarah?" asked Sasami. "I thought they would be with you!" Tenchi points them out as he sees them at the end of a colonnade. "So you say Tenchi and you found me and Kiyone passed out in another air-lock on the ship?" asked Ron. "Aye!" said Sarah. "You two were sleeping like young kittens, but deeply embrace with each other. After we got both of you to wake up, you where acting...well funny as if nothing has ever happened! Explain please!" "I can't!" replied Ron with a puzzled look as he just hears Sasami and Kiyone coming behind him. "Say can we join you?" asked Sasami as she embraced both Ron and Sarah. "Well now!" replied Sarah to Sasami's action in kind. "If it isn't the little `Blue Elfin Girl' and the `Little Leprechaun' here to see us!" "So I finally get to actually hear you say that!" said Kiyone as she ran her hand though her long dark green hair. "`The Little Leprechaun!' "Aye!" said Sarah in a proud voice. "You where cute when you was just a wee baby!" "What does `Leprechaun' mean?" asked Kiyone. "I'll tell you that later!" as she got the impression that it was time to go away for a bit. "I need a good drink!" "I'll come too!" said Sasami as she started to follow her. Kiyone then calls out. "Sasami!" she asked. "Yes?" said Sasami as she turned around to face her. "Is there anything...we have to know now?" asked Kiyone with a little nervousness in her voice. "No." replied Sasami with a puzzled look as she turned around. "Just be who you are!" Then Sasami's voice changed to where it would belong to a `older' person! "Just be who you are!" she said again in a woman's voice. Then she turned to them with eyes that just by looking right at them, it was Tsunami talking to them! "Don't be afraid! You will know when I will need both of you for the task I will ask for! You have the honor and strength that I will need in order to help my people and yours! Don't tell anyone yet! Just be my friend!" "Okay?" said Sasami in her voice as she returned to her own self in a bilk of an eye, runs off to catch up with Sarah and laughs happily along the way! Kiyone and Ron just stare blankly at the little girl! You could have knocked them both over with a feather, until Ron lets out a light moan! "I think I need a drink too!" he says. "A VERY strong one!" "I'll join you in a bit!" replied Kiyone. "Pour me one too!" Ron nods with a light grin and walks he way back to the temple. Half way he is greeted be the High Marshal himself who came to the ceremony as well. Both he and Ron talked for a bit. Before he departed he gave Ron back his Galaxy Police badge, identification wallet and a hand shake! Kiyone could just bearly hear the words: "Welcome back!" Kiyone turns around and looks up to the at the sky! The sun has just finished going down and the first stars are just coming out! She reaches into her pocket and pulls out the small blue glass- type sphere that held the image of her and her friend from childhood! She looks into to it and she can feel her eyes become watery! She puts the sphere against her chest near her heart! " Hiwa! Please be at peace my friend!" said Kiyone to herself with her eyes closed. "I did all that I can! I miss you so!" Off in the distance looking down from a great mountain at the valley that housed the city in it. The spirit of a young girl with blond hair, blue eyes and a blue headband, dressed in the same kind of ceremony toga like Kiyone's, looks right down at Kiyone without her knowing about and smiles back at her friend from the living long ago! "You have my friend!" she speaks outloud to herself, but no one hears her voice. "You will always be my friend, Kiyone! Always!" The next thing Kiyone feels is a light breeze blow by her as if it was talking to her in response to her words! She opens her eyes up and though she can't understand why, she smiles back to it! **************************************************************************** "`The most beautiful thing we can experience it is the mysterious! It is the source of all true science!'" Albert Einstein THE END **************************************************************************** *Thank you for reading this! C.D. Powers. Ronin: Part One, Two, Three and Four by C.D. Powers May 1999. Disclamer: The characters from the Tenchi Universe and El-Hazard are copyrighted by the Poineer and AIC companies. All rights reserved. The band "The Police" and song are copyrighted by A&M Records. All rights reserved. My Characters: Ronan (Rod) Masterson, Sarah Mc.Pherson, Kita, and the other members of Team Fifteen are copyrighted. Two-fifty is copyrighted. Any real names or likeness is purely coincidence! All rights reserved. 1999.