I've been convinced, I've received several emails from you Akina fans and I've decided to continue on with the story. Thank you everyone for your emails! Akina walked into Washu's laboratory. "Is it finished Washu?" She stared at Washu. "You bet!" Washu held up a little blue piece of cloth. "Thanks." Akina walked into another room and came out in a spandex like suit. "What's this?" Ryoko popped in out of nowhere. "I'm so glad you asked Ryoko!" Washu took this as her perfect opportunity to show off her latest invention. "This suit will allow Akina to move literally 100 times faster than before." Washu laughed victoriously. "Thank you Washu." Akina put her Universe Forces Shirt on as well and slid on her boots and belt. "So Akina, are you ready to train?" Washu grinned and pointed over to a chamber. "Yeah, I've been waiting for this." Akina walked inside. "Hey what's going on here?" Kiyone, Mihoshi, Sasami and Aeka came in the lab. "Washu, put the gravity on 1000 times Earth's normal gravity." Akina didn't have the slightest bit of worry on her face. "Coming right up!" Washu pressed a button and Akina felt the force all over her body. "Starting up Washu beams." laser beams started shooting out of no where and Akina managed to dodge them but with difficulty. "Hey maybe I should try that chamber out." Ryoko grinned. "Damn it, I don't know how much more of this I can take!" Akina continued to dodge the beams until one shot straight through her arm. "Aargh!" A blue liquid quickly shot out of her arm before she fainted from the extreme pain. "Akina!" Kiyone shut the chamber down and got Akina out of there. "Oh my god!" Aeka was disgusted. "Well at least the beam only got through her skin, I guess the suit allowed it to go through." Washu groaned as Kiyone laid Akina down on a medical table. "Would you shut up and help her!?" Ryoko growled. "Alright ." A doctor like uniform appeared on Washu. "Now get out of here I don't want you guys to cramp up my work!" A robot shoved everyone out of the room as Washu began to work on Akina's wound. "Nothing serious. Luckily it missed her bones." A machine took over the repairs from there. "Okay now." Washu took Akina's boots and belt off. "These things must be slowing the suit down." She sighed. "Nothing I can't handle." She put them on a table. "I'll start working on her new suit." She started to walk off until she saw the blue liquid on the floor. "What's this?" It got around Washu's neck and took over her mind. "Must make new body for Lord Yukio." Washu's eyes began to glow with a blue color and she locked the lab door. Kiyone sat on the sofa and sighed. "My sister finally got the vacation she disserved and look what happens!" She growled. "Yeah I know what you mean." Mihoshi sighed. "I hope Akina gets better." Sasami wiped the tears out of her eyes. "Don't worry, I'm sure Akina's had worse!" Ryoko grinned. "Hah, how would you know Ryoko!" Aeka growled. "Ah, Shut up!" Ryoko growled. "Enough!" Kiyone shouted. 5 hours later the liquid crawled over to Akina's work table. "She's almost finished." It tossed up part of itself into her wound. "Now to check my new body." it laughed as it crawled back over to a tube. "The body is almost complete master." Washu said lifelessly. "What are you doing?" Washu jumped and stared at Akina. "Uh, just working on my next experiment." Washu grinned. "Oh, well I'm going to add a few alterations to the suit so I'll be over here if you need me." Akina smiled and walked over to the far end of the lab and took the suit off. "This is strange, it wasn't harmed by the beam but it allowed it to go through. Maybe it's because the fabric is breathable?" she thought for a second. Meanwhile Tenchi was training again with his sword. "There must be a way for me to have better control over this thing." He stared at a tree. "KAAAAAAAAAA!" He sliced it in half and felt something hit him on the head. "Stupid boy!" Yosho growled. "Sorry Grandpa." Tenchi rubbed his head. "Well, as long as you chopped down the tree you can cut it into fire wood." Yosho handed him an ax. "Now get to work than you can go home." Yosho sighed and walked into the temple. Akina held up her suit up and put a piece of metal in the shoulder. "Yaa!" She fired a beam into the shoulder and checked the scrap of metal. "Yes!" She smiled at her success and put the suit back on. "Hey where's my boots and belt?" She saw them sitting on a table. "Washu must've put them there." She picked them up and slid them on. "I better get my spare t-shirt." She walked out of the lab but thought it was odd when she heard a man like voice laughing. "Hey Akina." Ryoko was resting on one of the beams. "Are you okay?" Sasami ran up to her. "Yup." Akina smiled. "Thank goodness." Aeka smiled. "Hey where's Kiyone and Mihoshi?" She looked around. "They had to go to the GP." Ryoko said carelessly. "Oh." Akina walked upstairs and looked in her closet. "Here we go." She pulled out her spare Universe Forces shirt and slipped it on. "I wonder what Washu was working on." Akina stretched her arms and looked out her window. "I guess I could go an help her out." She walked back downstairs. "Don't tell me you're going back in there." Aeka got in the way. "Washu was working on another experiment, I just wanted to see if she needed my help." Akina walked past Aeka and opened the door. "IT'S FINISHED!" Washu laughed victoriously. "I've gotta see this." Ryoko grinned as she jumped down from the beam and walked in with Akina. "What the hell!?" Ryoko's mouth dropped when she saw a man wearing a suit similar to Akina's. "Washu who is that?" Aeka was confused. "Heh, you honestly don't know do you." The man's hair was white like Akina's and he turned around and his eyes were blue. "Who are you?" Akina scratched her head. "I look that different?" He grinned. "My greatest invention, Master Yukio is complete." Washu said lifelessly. "YUKIO!?" Akina and the others jumped back. "Everyone get out of here now!" Yukio grabbed Akina and they both vanished. "Akina!" Ryoko shouted. Akina and Yukio appeared in his old ship. "Let me go!" She growled. "Fine!" He let her go. "Why are you........" Yukio interrupted her. "Let's make a deal Akina." He grinned. "What kind of deal?" She growled. "Let's have a match, if I win than we keep the promise we made along time ago and you stay with me forever." His grin grew wider. "And if I win?" She lowered her eyebrows. "If you win, than I'll let you go and I'll never see you again, do we have a deal?" He got in a fighting pose. "Right!" She fired a beam at him but he hit it back like it was nothing. "KAAAAA!" He fired a beam back at her and it hit her into a wall. "HIYAAA!" Tried to punch him but he caught her fist. "I win!" He disabled her energy and she fell to her knees. "If you harm my sister and my friends I swear I'll............." She noticed the look on his face. "Why the hell would I want them? The only purpose I needed them for was to get to you." Her eyes widened. To be continued..................................