Note: The only characters in this fanfiction that I created are Akina and Yukio. All the others are full property of the guy that created Tenchi Muyo, Universe, in Tokyo. Sorry if I might favoritize Ryoko and Kiyone because they are my favorite characters! =(^.^)= Tenchi slowly crawled down the stairs so he wouldn't wake up Ryoko or Ayeka. "I'm almost home free." He whispered under his breath as he neared the bottom but noticed someone was sitting in the living room. "Kiyone, Mihoshi?" They both looked back at Tenchi. Kiyone had a worried face "Tenchi? What are you doing up this early?" Tenchi walked into the living room " I was hoping I could have at least a peaceful morning" he sighed under his breath. "Well, we're kinda expecting someone at the moment." Mihoshi looked out the window. Tenchi's eye brows shot up and his mouth dropped. "Please tell me it isn't another permanent visitor!" Kiyone's head shot up as she heard an engine rumble. "She's here Mihoshi!" They both ran outside and Tenchi followed. He was shocked to see a girl at least 17 years old with white hair and blue eyes staring back at them from her spacecycle. " Hey everybody." She jumped off and adjusted her blue head band. "Hey Kiyone is this Tenchi?" She smiled over at Tenchi. Kiyone nodded. " Hello Tenchi, thank you for letting my older sister stay here, by the way my name's Akina." She shot her hand out for a hand shake. Tenchi had little hearts in his eyes as he shook her hand. " Wow, I'm so glad I get to meet your little sister Kiyone!" Mihoshi was jumping with joy. "Wait a minute, your Kiyone's sister?" Tenchi was confused. "Sure am, Akina Makibi of the Universe forces." She saluted. " Universe Forces?" Tenchi scratched his head. " We'll explain to you later Tenchi." Kiyone, Akina and Mihoshi headed for the house. Later as everyone woke up and saw the new visitor. "WHO IS THIS GIRL!?" Ryoko was furious when she noticed that Tenchi was staring at her all morning. "This is my little sister Akina Makibi of the Universe Forces." Kiyone sounded rather proud saying it. "Universe Forces? Never heard of it!" Ryoko hugged onto Tenchi. " Let's put it this way Space pirate Ryoko, the Universe Forces are more strict than the Galaxy Police." Akina was irritated by Ryoko's rude temper. "So? What is that supposed to mean to me?" Ryoko created and energy sword. "I wouldn't challenge her if I were you Ryoko!" Kiyone was panicked. " I've heard of the Universe Forces before! It's a force of super powered people all over the Universe!" Sasami was thrilled. "Alright, let's just see how strong you are!" Ryoko held the sword under Akina's neck. "I don't take requests from fools" She grabbed Ryoko's sword and absorbed it's energy. "WHY YOU!" Ryoko tried to punch her but Akina caught her fist with her eyes closed. " I won't make a mess of Tenchi's home after all of the hospitality he has shown me, Kiyone, Mihoshi, Sasami, Ayeka, Washu and you. Now sit down!" Ryoko felt some strong force pull her down. "Hah she showed you Ryoko! AHAHAHAHA.........." Ayeka noticed the look that Akina was giving her. "What is it?" Ayeka was frightened. "Ayeka, I believe the people of Jurai aren't to pleased with your *vacations*!" Ayeka shut herself up. "Sigh, Everyone I'm sorry I think I'm just grumpy after the long trip here." She walked outside following Sasami, Tenchi, Kiyone, Mihoshi and Ryo-ohki. "Did you sense her power level!? Sheesh it was amazing!!!" Washu noticed the jealous looks on Ayeka and Ryoko faces. "Tenchi couldn't keep his eyes off of that twit!" Ryoko's eyes were glowing red. "She will not get away for insulting the Princess of Jurai and trying to steal my Tenchi!" Ayeka shouted as they both popped up and busted through the door. Akina bent down to put her hand into the lake water. " Hey Akina what kind of powers do you have!?" Sasami was eager to find out. " Well, like Ryoko I can create an energy sword but I can also fly, teleport, fire beams, run faster than anyone else in the Universe, and I can breathe in outer space. I'm still not sure of my other powers hehe!" Akina scratched her head because she felt like she was bragging. " Hey Kiyone, how come you don't have any powers like hers?" Tenchi whispered. " Well, on our planet she is kind of a mutant compared to the rest of us, very few on our planet are born with this type of power and she is the first one in 234 years. However they say that there was one other that was born two years before her that was abandoned because everyone feared that it would destroy the Universe. Our mother wouldn't let any doctor near Akina after she was born because she was afraid that they would try to take her away and use her as a lab experiment." Kiyone looked over at her sister. "Poor girl." Tenchi whispered. "Alright Akina come on!!!" Akina looked up into the sky and saw Ryoko ready with her energy sword. " Come on Ryoko I don't want to fight you! Akina got to her feet and stepped back. "Come on Akina, let's see just how strong you really are!" Ayeka was right behind her. " Since you two don't give me any choice......" The next thing Ayeka knew she had a huge fist mark on her face and was wailing in pain. " NOW FACE ME!" She sensed Ryoko right behind her. " Ryoko, why do you want to fight me?" Akina prepared her energy sword. " Because Tenchi is mine!" She flung her sword out. " What are you talking about!?" Akina was confused. " You stay away from my Tenchi!" Ryoko flew full speed at Akina. " You need to cool off!" She blast Ryoko into the lake. " Ryoko, Ayeka what the heck is wrong with you two!?" Tenchi was extremely mad at the two. "Tenchi we were just......" Ryoko started but Tenchi ignored her. "Um, anyway Kiyone I need to tell you why exactly I came here." Akina motioned her to follow her into the house. As they both sat down Akina pulled out a viewing pen. "It has been reported around 3:43 a.m. two days ago that the criminal Yukio was heading for this planet." Akina pressed a button on her pen and a picture and status of him showed. " Has there been any evidence as to why he is heading here?" Kiyone stared at the holograph. " What else? Two Galaxy Police, one space pirate, two Juraian princesses, the most brilliant mind in the Universe, and the heir to the Jurai throne." Akina pressed the button on the pen and put it back in her pocket. " Good point, Yukio is well known for draining the power or energy from many organisms with high power or energy levels. Wait a minute, if your here with us then your at a high risk as well!" Kiyone became extremely worried. "Don't worry about me, I can handle a guy like this." She walked outside and got on her spacecycle. "Hey where the hell do you think you're going I'm not finished with you yet!" Everyone was trying to hold Ryoko back. " It's called work, you should try it some time." She teased as she flew off on the bike. " I'LL GET YOU FOR THAT AKINA!!!!" Ryoko tried to fly after her but still couldn't move with everyone on her. Later that night Mihoshi and Kiyone waited outside for a sign of Akina. " Kiyone I'm cold, can't we go back inside now!?" Mihoshi whined. " Shut up Mihoshi!" Kiyone barked. Tenchi looked out the window trying to see if she was returning. " She's caught Lord Tenchi's eyes!" Ayeka and Ryoko were both angered that they had a rival that was winning Tenchi. " Ooh as soon as she gets back I'll snap that melon of her shoulders!" Ryoko was pounding her right fist into her left hand. " I wish those two would lighten up." Sasami whispered to Ryo-Ohki. Meanwhile as Akina flew over Earth she saw a shimmer coming from an object. "What is that?" Her eyes grew stern and she saw the outline of a spaceship heading for Earth. "It's Yukio's ship." She quickly flew back down to Earth to warn everyone. " Look Kiyone I see her!" Akina jumped off her bike and landed on the dock. " Kiyone, get everyone into the forest!" Akina yelled at the top of her lungs. " What's going on?" Kiyone was puzzled. Akina pointed up into the sky "Yukio's ship is heading straight for Earth, everyone must hide and fast"! Kiyone and Mihoshi ran into the house and came back out with everyone following them into the woods except for Ryoko. " What are you doing!? Follow them now!" Akina shouted out at Ryoko. " I don't take orders from anyone!" Ryoko's battle suit appeared on her. " Fine, but if you die I'm not taking the blame." Akina stared up at the nearing space ship. " Yukio, you are charged for the deaths of 1,000 people across the Universe! Your penalty is death!" She fired a beam up at his ship. "Child's Play!" the beam hit his force field. A man with golden hair and devilish green eyes appeared before them. " So Akina, we meet again!" Ryoko's eyes widened when she heard this. " You've fought this guy before!?" Ryoko was a little panicked. "Well, not exactly." She blushed a little. " Explain it to me later." Ryoko prepared to attack. " Very amusing Akina, you got this pathetic mortal to help you out?" Yukio laughed out loud. " WHAT DID YOU CALL ME!?" Ryoko fired two energy blasts at him. " Just as I said, pathetic!" He punched the blasts back at Ryoko. "Ryoko look out!" Akina shoved Ryoko down to the ground to avoid the attack. " You leave Ryoko out of this you sick bastard!" She created an energy ball in her hands. " Hey, I came here for your friends energy." He created an energy ball as well. " I can't allow you to do that!" She flung the ball into his chest causing him to fall into the lake. "You haven't lost your edge!" She felt two hands reach up from the dock and pull her into the water. " Akina!" Ryoko looked down into the water and saw several energy blasts. " Is she still alive?" Ryoko thought to herself. Just then Akina and Yukio shot out from the water. " Why do you even bother to try!?" Yukio was confident that the battle was useless. "Because it's my job!" She punched him in the stomach and fired a beam at his head. " Is he dead?" Ryoko cautiously walked up to Akina. " I think it's going to take more than that." Akina got ready to fire again. Kiyone and the others hid in the old cave where Washu was trapped. " Do you think that they are okay?" Sasami whispered so that she wouldn't create an echo in the cave. " This man, his name is Yukio right Kiyone?" Washu pulled out her computer. "Yes." Kiyone looked out the entrance of the cave. " Well, let's just be thankful that Ryoko is with her because Akina's chances of defeating him are very slim." Washu closed her computer. " What!?" Kiyone jumped to her feet. " You mean that she doesn't stand a chance against him!? Kiyone was getting ready to go after her. " Wait a minute Kiyone, did you ever hear of that rumor of one child being born with this power before she was?" Washu noticed the frightened face on Kiyone. " Yukio, he must be the missing child." Kiyone couldn't stand it anymore and ran out of the cave. Meanwhile Ryoko and Akina were desperately trying to make him weak so they could finish him off. " You two are becoming annoyances!" He blast them out of the way and started to walk to the forest. " You're not going anywhere!" Akina jumped in his way. "Fool." He caught her by the neck. " Why did you leave!? We could have had everything but you were so confident that this Universe had a purpose!" He started to choke her. " Akina hang on!" Ryoko struggled to her feet. " I still have a purpose for you though!" He felt something cut into his back. "Let her go!" Tenchi was forcing his sword through Yukio's back. "AHAHAHAHA! Wonderful Jurian energy!" He hit Tenchi into the lake and his back healed. " Let Akina go!" Kiyone held her gun up against his head. " Pathetic!" He grabbed Kiyone's arm and started to drain her energy. " Kiyone!" Akina kicked Yukio in his ribs forcing him to release both of them. " Kiyone, are you alright!?" Akina held Kiyone up and noticed Kiyone's eyes were completely white. " Oh my god." She ran over to Tenchi and Ryoko. "Are you two alright?" Tenchi nodded as he helped Ryoko up. " We've got to get Kiyone to safety!" They ran into the woods. " YOU CANNOT ESCAPE ME AKINA!!! YOUR FRIENDS ENERGY ARE MINE!!!" Yukio shouted out at her. TO BE CONTINUED.......