Tenchi and crew belong to Pioneer and AIC.  I only own this story and the 
characters that I made up to make it work.

This story takes place in the future of the OAV universe but has elements of the 
TV series such as Kiyone and Kain.  And since the Kain from Tenchi in Love was 
from the Tenchi Universe, I can do whatever I want to this one.  So don't expect 
him to be exactly like in the movie.  So you won't get confused I will explain 
the family tree now.  Tenchi has married both Ayeka and Ryoko and is now the 
Emperor of Jurai.  He has a daughter with Ayeka named Achika and a son with 
Ryoko named Devon.  Devon then later married Sasami and they have a son they 
named after Tenchi, who goes by Hakubi so there is no confusion.  This is a 
revised version of my original story.  I fixed some grammar errors and changed a 
few things to make it flow better.  All in all, it's the same as before.

< thoughts >
'mental link'
"spoken or sounds"

Tenchi Muyo: No Need for the Past (part 1 of 4)

	< What a beautiful planet, > Hakubi thought to himself as he looked at the 
blue and green orb floating in space in front of him.  <No wonder Grandfather 
never wanted to leave.>
	"Your Highness, we will be entering the Earth's atmosphere in five 
minutes.  Estimated time of landing is ten minutes," a voice said behind Hakubi, 
who stood on the bridge of the Juraian transport.
	"Thank you for the lift Captain."
	"Think nothing of it, your Highness.  I am honored that you would choose 
this humble vessel instead of your own personal yacht."
	"Well mine was in for maintenance and Mother wanted to me to get here as 
soon as possible."
	"Understood.  We will be landing shortly.  Enjoy your vacation, your 
	"Thank you, I know I will."
	The Juraian ship landed in a well-known lake near a well-known shrine.  A 
blue ball of light landed on the dock and burst in a flash, leaving a young man 
with medium build, standing where the light touched down.  He had short black 
hair, but there was a patch of spiky cyan-blue hair in the front, and he wore 
the robes of a Juraian noble.  But unlike the other nobles, he had slightly cat-
like yellow eyes.  "Miya!"
	"Ryo-Ohki!  Are you here to greet me?" Hakubi said cheerfully as he saw 
Ryo-Ohki in her humanoid form, not as a child, but as a young woman.
	"Miya miya miya!" mewed Ryo-Ohki in return as she ran towards to Hakubi to 
give him a big hug.
	"I missed you too.  Now lets go find Grandfather and Grandmother," said 
Hakubi and he let go of Ryo-Ohki and took her hand.  
	"Miya!" replied Ryo-Ohki happily as they started to walk towards the 
house.  Together they walked to the familiar Masaki home.  But it is a lot 
larger now, with an extension in the back connected to a small hanger.  
	"Good morning Prince Masaki," said Kamidake at his post at the front gate.
	"It looks like it will be a beautiful spring day today, sir," said Azaka 
at the other post.
	"Good morning to the both of you," replayed Hakubi with a "Miya!" from 
Ryo-Ohki.  They walked through the front yard and to the front door to meet a 
guard who opened the door from them and announced, "Prince Tenchi Hakubi-Jurai 
Masaki the Second and Ryo-Ohki."
	Before he could manage two steps into the house a cry of "Ten-chan!" was 
heard and Ryoko materialized in front of Hakubi and gave him a bear hug.  If he 
were a normal Earthling, or Juraian for that matter, he would have been crushed 
to death.
	"I'm gland to see you too Grandma," Habuki managed to gasp out under the 
pressure of her embrace.  
	"Oh come on!  I know I didn't hug you that hard," replied Ryoko and she 
gave him a little kiss on the cheek.  "I haven't seen you in how long?" said 
Ryoko looking up and did some quick math in her head.  "Almost a year and a 
half.  You should come here more often.  I don't know how you can stand all that 
court stuff."
	"And thank you, Ryo-Ohki for getting him.  Now go to the kitchen and help 
yourself to a big bowl of carrots," Ryoko offered to Ryo-Ohki.
	"Miya, miya!" replied Ryo-Ohki happily, and with a "pop," turned back into 
her cabbit form and scampered off to the kitchen.
	"By the way, we got a message from Sasami and Devon.  They will be here in 
a couple of days."
	"Oh?  The trade agreements must have gone better than expected.  Mother 
told me that it might take a week or two."
	"Well it does help that your mom is also Tsunami.  I don't think many 
people would want to argue very long with her," Ryoko said with a little laugh 
and started to lead Habuki towards the back of the house.  "Are you still 
training?  You know I had to save your grandfather a few times before he learned 
how to control his light hawk wings."
	"Yes I am," said Hakubi.  And to prove it he grabbed her hand and 
teleported them to the back of the house where the new throne room was added.  
It was called the throne room, but it was not used as one, instead of a throne 
there was a big sofa and very large TV.  They landed on the sofa with a big 
"woof" and started to laugh.
	"That's nothing, I could do that in my sleep," said Ryoko trying to look 
serious but no doing a very good job at it.
	"Fine.  Then what about this?" said Hakubi as he pulled a bouquet of 
yellow flowers out of a subspace pocket that had materialized next to him and 
handed them to Ryoko.
	"They're beautiful.  I see that Washu has taught you a few tricks too." 
	"Where is Ms. Washu anyhow?"
	"Oh she is tinkering with a new invention in her lab, Junior," said a 
voice behind the pair.
	"Grandfather!" Hakubi cried as he leapt off the sofa and spun around to 
see Tenchi standing there with a big smile across his face.  "You know I don't 
like to be called Junior."
	"But that's the fun part when some one's named after you," said Tenchi as 
he and Hakubi hugged.  "It's good to see you."  Ryoko materialized next to 
Tenchi and gave him a kiss.  "And what about me?" said Ryoko putting on a 
pouting face.
	"It's always good to see you Ryoko," said Tenchi and gave her another 
	"Come on, not in front of the kids," chided Hakubi as he watched them 
	"Which reminds me, when are you going to get a girlfriend Jun...er Ten-
chan?" said Tenchi, letting go of his wife and holding her hand.
	"I'll get one when I find one.  It's not like I have beautiful women 
falling out of space to fight over me."  With that last comment all three of 
them broke out laughing.
	"That was a long time ago Ten-chan, and they have learned to live with 
each other, right Honey," said Tenchi once he stopped laughing and turned 
towards Ryoko.
	"That's right.  Once we realized that you love us both too much to choose, 
the fighting seemed to be pointless, it only seemed to hurt you more.  And now 
you have two wives like a good, little Emperor you are, who love you so much," 
said Ryoko as she embraced Tenchi once again and moved her head closer to his 
with every word till they where millimeters apart.
	"Uh, hello?  Earth to Grandpa, Jurai to Emperor Tenchi?" said Hakubi. 
trying to get their attention again.  <They're hopeless,> Hakubi thought to 
himself as he walked back to the sofa and turned on the television while Tenchi 
and Ryoko kissed again.
	In a far away region of space, more out of way than Earth, a lone GP guard 
station floated in space guarding what appears to be nothing.
	"Man!  Why did I have to get this assignment?  I signed up with the GP to 
chase space pirates or something, not guard an empty sector of space," said the 
GP officer to his partner.
	"Hey, I don't like it either.  It's not likely I'm going to get a 
promotion out babysitting the vacuum.  But orders are orders.  We are to stay 
here and report anything unusual back to headquarters.  In this case, anything 
will be unusual in this dead sector," grumbled his partner.
	"I know what ya mean.  I just wish something would happen out there," said 
the guard as he looked out at the stars.  And as if to answer his wish, a bright 
light filled the window.
	"What the hell is that?" 
	"I don't know, looks like an explosion of some kind."  The officer was 
right, in a way.  The light faded away to reveal what looked like a crack in 
space.  The crack grew larger and light could be seen behind it.  Suddenly the 
crack split open in a bright explosion that rocked the guard station.
	"What the hell is going on?  Computer, what is that?"
	"It appears to be a tear in subspace.  An unknown energy source is 
emanating from the tear and is getting stronger," the computer replied in a 
monotone voice.  The tear grew bigger and suddenly disappeared.
	"Computer what happened?"
	"The tear has been sealed by an unknown source.  There is an extremely 
high level the unknown energy previously detected."  The windows filled with 
light again, but this time when it faded with there was not a tear, but a face.  
More like a white mask with three black eyes.
	"Computer, do an analysis of that, that, thing in front of us."
	"It appears to be the source of the unknown energy.  Checking memory for 
an identification match," a second later, "Match found, A-1 class criminal Kain.  
Extremely dangerous, backup recommended."
	"That's right little man," Kain spoke, his voice echoing through the 
station.  "I am finally free.  Free after thousands of years of confinement.  
Free at last.  And now I want my revenge!"
	The GP officers looked at each other trying to think of what to do.  They 
raced through their minds, trying to find what the proper operating procedure 
was for such an occasion.  Simultaneously they smacked a big red button in the 
middle of the control panel labeled, "Need Help Gosh Darn NOW!!!"
	"Nothing can save you now.  The universe is mine," said Kain as he sent 
out a wave of energy towards the station completely obliterating it.  Absolutely 
nothing was left.  "Now for my revenge. BWAHAHAHAHA......"  Kain laughed as he 

	"Sir, guard post K-1 has disappeared after sending a partial distress 
signal."  Said a GP officer to the Grand Marshal
	"What do you mean disappeared?" replied the Grand Marshal
	"It is gone sir, we cannot detect it anymore.  The officers responding to 
the call said that it looks like someone just took the station away.  Not a 
trace remains.  We did receive the sensor readings from the station before we 
lost contact.  Our best analysts are sure that Kain has escaped."
	"Damn it.  Contact the Jurai immediately.  Tell them that Kain has 
escaped.  And contact Ambassador Kiyone and tell her to get the royal family off 
Earth and someplace safe.  And send an alert to all craft, 'A-1 class criminal 
Kain has escaped.  Do not try to apprehend.  If sighted, report location to 
headquarters immediately and await further instructions.'  Understood?"
	"Yes sir!" replied the officer who saluted, and then rushed out the door 
to communications."
	<I hope you can handle this one Kiyone.  I don't want Mihoshi to get 
killed because I let her stay on as your partner,> the Grand Marshal thought to 
himself as he stared out into space trying to think of a way to capture Kain 

	Meanwhile, back at the Masaki home...
	"So where is Auntie Ayeka?" said Hakubi to his grandparents as they 
watched TV together.
	"She, Achika, Kiyone, and Mihoshi went out shopping.  They should be back 
for lunch," replied Tenchi not taking his eyes off the television.
	"I didn't know cousin Achika was here."
	"You didn't?  She arrived with us a few weeks ago.  Once Devon and Sasami 
get here, it will be like old times again," said Ryoko, staring out the window, 
thinking of the past.
	"It sure is peaceful here," commented Hakubi, "No courtiers running 
around.  No ambassadors kissing your butt trying to get a favor.  No wonder you 
like this place as your vacation spot."
	"You're welcome to stay here as long as you want.  You don't have to go 
back to Jurai you know.  Heck, I'm the Emperor, I could order you to stay here 
if you want."
	"I'll think about it," said Hakubi as he turned his attention back to the 
television.  A few minutes later the show ended.
	"That was great." Tenchi commented to Hakubi, "I wonder if they're back 
yet, it's almost time for lunch?"
	Before anyone could answer, a courtier came into the room and announced, 
"The Empress Ayeka Jurai Masaki with her daughter Princess Achika Jurai Masaki 
and Galaxy Police Ambassador Kiyone Makibi."  There was a sound of some one 
clearing their throat, "And her bodyguard Major Mihoshi Kuramitsu," said the 
courtier in a deflated voice followed by a "Thank you," and a giggle from behind 
	"That guy gets really annoying sometimes," muttered Ryoko under her 
	"Hey now, it's how it's done in court, and you know that Ayeka likes it," 
said Tenchi to his wife, trying to lighten her mood.  
	"Tenchi darling, we're back from the city and I bought something special 
for you," said Ayeka as she walked up to Tenchi and gave him a kiss.
	"You shouldn't have," replied Tenchi, hugging her.
	"But I wanted to," said Ayeka, moving closer to Tenchi for another kiss.
	"Ah-hem, not in front of the kids please," said Achika with a giggle.  
"Ten-chan, when did you arrive?" Achika asked Hakubi as she walked up to him and 
gave him a hug.
	"Just a little while ago."
	"Where's Auntie Sasami and Uncle Devon?"
	"Oh they will be here in a couple of days.  They told me that I could 
leave ahead of them, so here I am."
	"Ten-chan!  I'm so glad you are here!" cried Mihoshi as she gave him a big 
hug.  "It has been so boring around here and now that you are here we can have 
some fun.  There's a new amusement park that opened in Tokyo and I think it 
would be fun if we all went, you know, just like old times when you where little 
and we took that trip to America and we went to that Diznie World or something 
like that, you know, that one with the mouse and stuff." 
	"Mihoshi!  Hakubi is not a little kid anymore.  He's grown up and I think 
you should treat him that way," said Kiyone to a now sad Mihoshi.  "It is good 
to see you as well Hakubi."
	"I'm sorry Kiyone.  I'm sorry Ten-chan," Mihoshi said in a sad voice.
	"It's all right Mihoshi, I would love to go to that park with you," Hakubi 
said, trying to comfort Mihoshi who was on the verge of crying.
	"You mean that?  Oh it will be so fun!  And Kiyone can come and we will 
have soooo much fun!" exclaimed a now happy Mihoshi and she gave Hakubi another 
hug, "And now that we are ambassadors, we get paid more than resident officers 
and we can afford to go and not have to worry about not having enough money to 
go to the bath or to buy food..."
	"Mihoshi!" cried Kiyone as she clamped her hand over Mihoshi's mouth, "You 
always say too much."
	"Ten-chan, it's good to see you again.  I hope everything is going well at 
court?" asked Ayeka, and she gave him a hug after he pried himself away from 
	"As well as to be expected.  Not much new has happened since you left."
	"That's good to hear."
	"Now that everyone is here, let's go eat," said Ryoko and she started to 
float towards the dining room hanging onto the right arm of Tenchi and Ayeka 
hanging on the left arm.
	"Is someone going to go get Ms. Washu?" asked Hakubi.
	"We don't need to.  I talked to Washu this morning and she said something 
about connecting her lab on Jurai to the one here and that it would be best not 
to go into her lab until it was done," answered Achika.
	"All right.  So Kiyone, how's the job treating you?" Hakubi asked.
	"It's not bad.  It's not as exciting as being resident officers though.  
No more chasing after the bad guys and flying around space keeping the peace," 
said Kiyone as she reflected on the past.  "But it is a higher position and I do 
get to stay with Tenchi and all of them."  
	The now large group of family and friends entered the dining room.  It has 
become a lot larger to accommodate more people but still has the family 
atmosphere to it.  "So how has your life been?  The last time I saw you, was 
when we last visited the palace on Jurai," said Kiyone to Hakubi as they sat 
down next to each other at the dining table.  Tenchi sat at the head of the 
table with Ryoko and Ayeka at his right and left.  Next to Ayeka sat Achika and 
Mihoshi, and next to Ryoko sat Hakubi and Kiyone.  And next to her sat Ryo-Ohki 
in her humanoid form.
	"Well court life is pretty boring.  I follow Mom and Dad around when they 
go meet with foreign dignitaries and pretty much sit and listen to them talk 
politics.  Besides training with Dad or Washu, I pretty much learn how Juraian 
politics work."  The food was served and the group started to eat.  The meal 
consisted of mostly Japanese food with some Juraian touches and a big bowl of 
carrot soup for Ryo-Ohki.  It was a feast in it's own right, but then again, 
there where a lot of people to feed.
	"I guess that's pretty much what Ayeka did when she was young, except you 
don't have to go to any marriage meetings or anything like that," said Kiyone as 
she started to eat.
	"No it don't have to go to any marriage meetings, even though Grandfather 
Azusa keeps introducing me to the daughters of the various royals," said Hakubi 
as he too started to eat with a chuckle.  Unseen by the others, Ryo-Ohki moved a 
little bit closer to Kiyone.
	"So no girlfriend then?"
	"Yeah, well I haven't found the right person yet.  How about you?  You 
meet anyone special?" asked Hakubi nervously between bites.
	"No, not yet.  You know how it is being an ambassador.  I follow Tenchi 
and his court wherever they go.  And you know that Earthlings are not really 
ready to be brought into the whole scheme of the universe yet," said Kiyone also 
getting nervous.  "It's not like I don't like my job or anything," Kiyone added 
	"Well, I just thought that you may have found someone around court.  You 
are a lot prettier than the last GP Ambassador."
	Hakubi thought he heard Ryo-Ohki and Ryoko giggle simultaneously.  Then he 
saw Ryoko lean over and whisper something in Tenchi's ear, causing him to look 
in his direction and smile.  < I wonder what's so funny.>  Hakubi looked over to 
Ryo-Ohki and she turned her head away trying to pretend that nothing had 
happened.  <Wait a sec; Ryoko has as mental link with Ryo-Ohki...>  It didn't 
take long for Hakubi to put one and one together and he blushed slightly.
	"See, I told you," said Ryoko to Tenchi triumphantly in a loud whisper 
that Hakubi could barely hear.  This caused Tenchi's grin to get even bigger.
	"Shush, or he will hear you," Tenchi whispered back to Ryoko, still 
smiling proudly.
	"Do you two have a joke you would like to tell or something?" Hakubi asked 
his grandparents; still slightly embarrassed that Ryoko was listening to his 
conversation with Kiyone.
	"No, no. Nothing to tell at all," said Tenchi as he tried to suppress his 
	"Don't worry.  I think it's cute that you're flirting with Kiyone," said 
Mihoshi, cheerfully unaware of the situation.  The rest of the table face 
faulted except for Hakubi and Kiyone, who both blushed a deep red.
	"Mihoshi!" yelled Kiyone angrily.
	"What?  What did I say?  You guys where flirting right?"  This time 
everyone face faulted.
	"No we were not!" said Hakubi still blushing.
	"Come on Mihoshi.  I'm older than his grandfather," said Kiyone, trying to 
keep the blood from flowing into her cheeks.
	"But you don't look much older than when I first met you Kiyone," said 
Tenchi, not doing a good job hiding his smile.  This caused Kiyone to blush even 
more and a large sweat bead formed on Hakubi's head.
	"Well I still think you two would make a cute couple," said Mihoshi and 
she turned her attention back to the food.
	"Miya!" cried Ryo-Ohki and nodded in agreement.
	Before anyone could respond, Kiyone's wrist communicator began to beep 
	"This is Ambassador Kiyone.  What's the matter?" Kiyone said into the 
	"A-1 class criminal Kain has escaped.  He is heading to the royal family 
right now.  Get them off that backwater mud hole and to some place safe 
immediately.  This is a direct order from the Grand Marshal," said a frantic 
voice from the watch.
	"Understood.  Out," and the communicator turned off.  "You heard the man, 
we have to leave now!" ordered Kiyone to the others who were more amused than 
	The family got up and started to head to the hanger in the back.  Hakubi 
looked at each of his family and noted that only he and Achika seemed to be 
worried.  Everyone else acted like it was a drill.  <Do they know something 
about this Kain character?> Hakubi wondered to himself.  He heard Ayeka mutter 
something about interrupting lunch and Ryoko grumbling about still being hungry.  
They entered the "Throne" room and started to make their way across to the 
hanger on the other end.  They got as far as the sofa when a large boom filled 
the room.
	"I found you at last!  The most powerful of all Jurai energy.  You will 
all die and then I will rule the universe!" Kain yelled as he entered the room 
with a flash of light.  He then let loose a huge blast of energy, hoping to wipe 
out the whole family with one shot.  The blast was so large that it blew the 
roof off the room and shattered all the windows, but when the smoke cleared, 
many sources a light appeared, to the shock of Kain.
	"You are Kain I presume," said Tenchi completely unafraid.  Everyone was 
in their respective battle armor.  Tenchi was in his light hawk armor with his 
light hawk wings in front of him shielding him from the blast.  Ryoko was beside 
him in her black and red battle suit with her own light hawk wings raised and 
the gems in her wrists and neck glowing brightly.
	"You can't get rid of us that easily," snarled Ryoko.  
	"You are in for one hell of a fight now!" Hakubi said angrily.  He was in 
his own light hawk armor and had five wings in front of him, shielding Kiyone 
and Mihoshi behind him.
	"My, my.  What a temper," taunted Ayeka next to Achika.  Both of them had 
their force fields up and overlapping to create a stronger shield.
	"There is no way you can win.  Surrender now!" commanded Tenchi.  But Kain 
was not afraid.  He sent another powerful blast directed at Tenchi alone.  
Another explosion rocked the house, this time blowing down the walls next to 
him.  "Still not good enough," shot back Tenchi, who didn't have a scratch on 
	"Hmm.  It appears that I'm out numbered.  I think I'll just even the odds 
a bit.  HA HA HA H..." Kain laughed again as he vanished once again.
	"What?  Where did he go?" asked a shocked Hakubi as he looked around 
trying to find Kain.
	"Don't worry.  He's gone," replied Tenchi in a calm voice.
	"How can you be sure?  He could be anywhere"
	"Trust me.  He's not here," said Tenchi, trying to calm his grandson down.  
"Five wings, impressive.  When I was your age, I could only handle four.  It 
looks like you are ready."
	"Well I train a lot," replied Hakubi, puzzled at the last statement.  
"Ready for what?"
	"You'll see.  I think you can take on Kain by yourself now.  And thanks or 
protecting us," said Kiyone gratefully as she stood up, having been knocked down 
by the sheer power of Kain's attacks.
	"Uh... No problem," said Hakubi who blushed slightly again.  "Are you guys 
all right?" he asked Mihoshi and Ryo-Ohki.  But he only saw Ryo-Ohki.  "Where 
did she go?"  Hakubi turned towards Kiyone but she was not there either.  "What 
the hell?  Where did they go?"
	"Where did who go, Junior?" asked Tenchi with a worried look.
	"Kiyone and Mihoshi.  They where here a second ago," said Hakubi, 
scratching his head.
	"Kiyone?  Mihoshi?" Tenchi, Ryoko, and Ayeka all said at once, their faces 
going pale.
	"You sure they where here?" asked Ryoko.
	"Yes I'm sure.  I was just talking to Kiyone and turned around to find 
Mihoshi and then they both vanished."
	"That's impossible," answered a grave Tenchi.  "They both died in a 
starship accident before you were born.  There is no way you could have seen 
	"What!  Died before I was born!?  No way!  I just saw them!"
	"Are you feeling OK?  Maybe Kain's attacks were too powerful for you," 
Ryoko said in a worried tone and floated towards Hakubi.
	"I'm fine!  Tell me you saw them too Achika.  They where right next to 
you...?" Hakubi turned to find Achika had also disappeared along with her mother 
Ayeka.  "Now Ayeka and Achika are gone.  What is happening around here?"
	"Achika?  Ayeka?" Tenchi gasped, this time he was so pale he was about to 
	"What are you talking about?  Achika's Tenchi's mother.  Why would she be 
here?  And Ayeka was assassinated years before you were born," said Ryoko, 
putting her hand on Hakubi's forehead to see if he had a fever.
	"Something is wrong.  Something is very wrong!" Hakubi cried out.  Without 
warning, his whole world went black and silent.

	The next thing he knew was that he was lying in a bed.  He could hear the 
clacking of a keyboard somewhere, which sounded like a machine gun firing 
through his throbbing head.
	"Ugh, cut that out.  I have a killer headache."  The typing stopped and he 
heard footsteps come towards him.
	"Hmm, your finally awake.  I was wondering when you would come to," said a 
familiar voice.
	Hakubi opened his eyes to see a red haired woman with green eyes standing 
over him.  "Ms. Washu!"  The past few minutes suddenly came back to him, 
"Where's everyone else?  What's going on?"
	"It's a long story.  Get up and I'll tell you all about it."  Hakubi got 
up, off the bed and tried to stand.  He never made it, and landed on the floor.  
"Let me help you.  You've been through a lot."  With that, Washu steadied Hakubi 
and led him towards her computer.  A floating cushion appeared and Washu 
deposited Hakubi onto it.  She then sat on her own cushion in front of her 
	"What happened?  How long have I been out?"
	"Only about two hours," replied Washu in a calm voice.
	"Two hours!  I have to get back," cried Hakubi as he tried to stand again.
	"Not so fast.  You aren't going anywhere," Washu said as she pushed a 
button on her computer, causing a large pillow to fall onto Hakubi, forcing him 
to sit back down.  "You're lucky that wasn't a statue, so settle down."  Washu 
turned to her computer and pressed another button and the screen got larger so 
Hakubi could see.  "I was working in my lab when my inter-space alarm went off 
alerting me of a subspace disturbance."  Washu pressed another button and a 
picture of Kain filled the screen.  "This is what caused it.  This is Kain.  
According to the Galaxy Police, he is an A-1 class criminal that was imprisoned 
in subspace after wiping out a few galaxies."
	"I know who that is, he attacked us.  Where are the others?"  Washu 
pressed a button and a statue of a white cat holding an emblem with one paw 
raised landed on Hakubi's head.
	"I said to settle down.  And it's impolite to interrupt someone."
	"Sorry Ms. Washu," said Hakubi, rubbing his head.
	"Anyways, Kain apparently escaped his prison in subspace which set of my 
alarm.  He thrives where there is no Juraian energy, so that is why he attacked 
you guys.  If he can get rid of the Royal Family of Jurai, he can effectively 
wipe out all Juraian energy.  He was defeated long ago, by a Juraian Emperor, 
but he died in the process.  With the help of the Galaxy Police, the Emperor was 
able to imprison Kain in subspace before he died.  Kain is extremely powerful 
and can travel trough time and space with ease if he could escape subspace.  
When he attacked you, I guess he was surprised at how powerful you guys were.  
The Emperor in his day did not have light hawk wings.  So like he said, he went 
to even the odds a bit and left.  It appears that he went back in time to kill 
the royal family before they could learn how to control their powers.  Any 
	"So he went back into time and tried to kill my grandparents.  What does 
that have to do with people disappearing?" asked Hakubi, still puzzled
	"Don't you get it?  He did kill your grandparents.  That's why people 
started to disappear," said a frustrated Washu.
	"But then how come the others didn't notice that people where missing?"
	"Only you noticed them missing because you are Tsunami's son.  To the 
others, they had really died.  Since you have a part of Tsunami in you, you 
noticed the change in the time line."
	"How come you remember?" asked Hakubi, starting to understand the 
	"Because my lab is shielded from any time or space anomalies.  I realized 
what was happening once Kiyone and Mihoshi disappeared.  I tried to transport 
the rest of you here and but I only managed to get you.  Probably because you 
where more firmly rooted in the real time stream.  When Kain did kill Tenchi in 
the past, you started the fade away and I got you out of there just before you 
were completely gone."
	"So what do we do now?" asked Hakubi with a defeated look.
	"We are going to set things right.  You are going after Kain and stop him 
before he kills anyone," said Washu.
	"You mean I have to go back in time to stop him from killing my 
	"Exactly!  Give the boy a prize!" said Washu, cheering his comprehension.  
"And I got just the prize."  Washu reached into a subspace pocket and pulled out 
a little box.  She handed it to Hakubi and said, "You win a new set of armor."  
Hakubi opened the box and found a ring.  He pulled off his old ring and put the 
new one on.  Just as he let go of the new ring, a bright light submerged his 
body to reveal a new set of Juraian battle armor.
	"It looks just like my old one.  What's new about it?" asked Hakubi as he 
patted his new armor looking for new pockets or gadgets.
	"I integrated a time distortion shield into the armor.  As long as you are 
wearing the ring, you will not be affected by changes in the time stream.  
Otherwise you will vanish the second you leave the lab.  And here's something 
every time traveling warrior shouldn't leave home without."  Washu pressed a 
button and a subspace hole opened in front of Hakubi dropping an egg in his 
	"What's this?" asked a Hakubi as he looked at he egg.
	"Wait and find out."  A second later, the egg started to crack.  And then 
the top popped off.
	"What the?"  Hakubi looked into the egg to only see a mass of black fur.  
Then two purple cat eyes opened, looking into his own.  Suddenly the egg burst 
apart and a small fuzzy creature latched onto his face with a cry of "Meow!"
	"Ah! Get it off! Get it off!" screamed Hakubi as he fell backwards onto 
his butt.
	'Hey, that's no way to treat your cousin,' the voice of a little boy said 
out of nowhere.
	"What?  Cousin?  Who said that?" asked Hakubi as he took the creature off 
his face and held it in front of him.  What he saw was a pitch-black cabbit 
whose belly, chest, and chin where bright white.  It had purple eyes and a blue 
gem in its forehead.
	'I said that, silly,' mewed the cabbit.  Hakubi heard the meows but in his 
mind, he heard a voice.
	"Hakubi meet Rye-Ohki, your cabbit," said Washu proudly, "He is a second 
generation hybrid of Juraian space trees and cute, little Ryo-Ohki.  So I guess 
that make you two cousins, since you are the second generation of the Juraian 
Tenchi and Ryoko."
	"What happened to the first generation?" asked Hakubi, not really sure if 
he wanted to know the answer.
	"Never got off the drawing board.  Something about trees that have a 
craving for carrots..." said Washu trailing off.  "Anyway, Rye-Ohki is your 
personal cabbit, so there's a mental link between you two like between Ryoko and 
Ryo-Ohki, but you don't need a gem like Ryoko does.  Rye-Ohki can pretty much do 
everything that Ryo-Ohki can.  He can change into a humanoid form if he wants 
to, but not until he gets a bit bigger at least.  He can also transform into a 
powerful spaceship.  I haven't testing him out yet, so I don't know how 
powerful, but I assume he has at least one light hawk wing.  How do you like 
	"He's great!  I can't believe I have my own cabbit.  Thank you so much Ms. 
Washu," said Hakubi as Rye-Ohki jumped onto his shoulder and rubbed his head 
against Hakubi's neck, purring.
	"I made him just for this type of situation.  Now that you're all set, 
time to save your grandparents."  Washu typed in a few commands into her 
computer and a black hole appeared.  It got larger until it was the size of a 
normal door.
	"Um Ms. Washu?  How do I get back?" asked Hakubi, looking at he black 
doorways nervously.
	"Oh that's easy," said Washu as she walked over to Hakubi and took one of 
the puffballs hanging on his armor.  She squeezed it between her hands and a 
remote control appeared.  "Use this when you are done.  Just press the button 
and the door will appear."  Washu then pressed her hands together again to 
remake the puffball and re-attached it to Hakubi's armor.
	"What do I do when I get there?" asked Hakubi, still a bit nervous.
	"That's simple.  Stop Kain," said Washu as if it was nothing at all.
	"How am I supposed to stop someone who can travel through time?" Hakubi 
asked, getting more worried every minute.
	"Either capture him or destroy him.  He was stopped before by a Juraian 
Emperor remember?  Don't worry.  I know you can do it," Washu replied and put 
her hand on his shoulder to reassure him.
	"How am I supposed to even find him?" asked Hakubi, a little less worried.
	"That's even more simple.  Find Tenchi and the others, and he'll be there 
for sure."  Washu patted his back and said, "Remember all your training and this 
should be a snap."
	"Alright.  Let's go," said Hakubi as he patted Rye-Ohki who was sitting on 
his shoulder.  "I'll see you later.  I hope."  He walked through the door and it 
closed behind him without a sound.
	Washu stared at the spot where the portal once was.  Out of nowhere she 
produced a tissue and wiped her eyes.  "Rye-Ohki, I'm counting on you to bring 
him back alive," Washu said with a sniffle.  She turned around and walked back 
into the depth of the lab.

I decided to try something different this time and break up my stories into 
smaller pieces.  So open the next part to see what happens next!