No Need for an Ominous Presence
Chapter 4: No Need for Reassignment
By: Misanthrope

All characters are property of AIC/Pioneer.

Across the far reaches of space, well beyond the scope
of even the most learned scholars of the small blue
planet called earth, a promising young Galaxy Police
detective sat within her ship, waiting behind the
dark side of a small moon.  The confident young
detective gazed down assiduously upon the monitor
mounted in the control panel in front of her.  This
had been the third week of the young detective's
stakeout of a nefarious intergalactic drug cartel.
despite the isolation and the monotony of constant
vigilance in anticipation of a moment that seemed
like it would never come, the young detective was
steadfast and committed.  Kiyone allowed her
vigilant gaze upon the monitor to relax for a moment
as she arched her back and raised her arms over her
head to stretch languidly.  Kiyone bent one arm
behind her head and beneath her long teal hair to
remove a few locks that had gotten caught in the
collar of her GP officer's uniform.  Once relaxed and
settled once more, Kiyone leaned back into her seat
and rubbed her eyes with a groan.  "How do these
tyrants stay in business, I've been staking out their
warehouse for three weeksnow and I haven't seen
so much as a passenger vessel, let alone a shipping barge."
Kiyone said with agitation.  In interruption of her musing,
the image of the drug cartel's warehouse on screen, was
replaced with the image of the Galaxy Police Commander
with a loud "blip."  Kiyone blinked several times as she
scrutinized the image before her, wondering if she wasn't
hallucinating as a result of her weeks of isolation.  "Detective
First Class Kiyone!?"  the commander barked stringently.
"Uh, yes sir!" Kiyone barked back in a militant, yet off guard
tone, as she assumed a respectful posture and regarded her
commander.  "Glad to see you're sharp and vigilant Detective
Kiyone, I would have expected nothing less from GP's finest
rookie on the force!"  The commander said flatteringly.  "I'm
doing my best out here sir." Kiyone said respectfully as she
tried to fight back a blush. "Have you had any luck in
witnessing criminal activity around the cartel's warehouse
Detective Kiyone?"  The commander asked in all seriousness.
"Uh. . .well. . .I've been keeping a sharp eye on all the expected
traffic areas and even a few of the unlikely spots, but I've seen
no activity of any kind commander." Kiyone responded nervously.
"Hmmmmm. . .that's a real shame Kiyone, we really need
something substantial to pin on that scum, I'm getting a lot of
heat from several planets in that system who are eager to have
something done about the organized crime element, it's
threatening a great deal of businesses in this sector."
The commander said in a disappointed voice.  "Yes sir,
I'm aware of that and I'm. . ." Kiyone began urgently
before being cut off.  "Don't you waist a shred of
you're energy explaining yourself to me Detective,
if there had been any activity in or around that warehouse
I'm confident that a member of the force of your caliber
would have picked up on it immediately.  "Well, sir, you
know that you can always count on me.  I'll wait here
as long as is necessary, it's only a matter of time before
they make a mistake, and I'll be here for it."  Kiyone
said confidently.  "I wouldn't doubt that for a second
Kiyone. . .were I not taking you off this case, you're
being reassigned."  "What!?!?" Kiyone yelled in
disbelief, losing all semblance of her dignified
composure.  "You can't do that commander, there is
not one other officer on the force better suited for this
case!  And I need this collar, I was counting on it, I've
invested so much time and energy already!  You can't
possibly believe that there is someone else better. . ."
Kiyone yelled with horrified indignation before being
cut off by her equable commander.  "Kiyone!"  the
commander stated with authority.  "Kiyone" forced
herself to desist her fervid argument, but remained
visibly shaken.  "I expect a more professional attitude
in response to unfavorable circumstances detective,
you're respected by many members of the force and
I expect you to set an example, understood?"  The
Commander said with a veneer of seriousness.
"Yes commander."  Kiyone responded dejectedly
as she slumped back in her chair.  "Now compose
yourself while I address you with your new
assignment, I won't allow any detective on my
force to show any sign of self pity." The commander
said in a scolding tone.  "Yes sir!" Kiyone stated
militantly as she sat up in her chair and regarded the
monitor.  "You're being reassigned Kiyone, not because
of you're performance on you're current case, we both
know that there is no other officer better suited." The
commander stated reassuringly.  Kiyone relaxed
somewhat in response to her chief's professed
confidence in her.  "You're being reassigned Detective
Kiyone, because there has been a major development
that needs to be attended to.  A new development that
will require the attention of my best and brightest."  The
commander said emphatically.  Kiyone sat up even
straighter as she swelled with pride in response to
the commander's flattery.  "Just give me the
assignment chief, I'm always ready!"  Kiyone
said confidently.  "Well brace yourself Detective,
because this is the kind of assignment that not
even the most seasoned GP officer could ever
prepare oneself for."  The commander said in
a grave tone.  "I've proven myself to you far
too many times for you to hold back like this
on me captain, just lay it on the line."  Kiyone
stated impatiently.  "Very well detective, I trust
that you hit the books just as hard as you hit your
training during your time in the academy, would
that be a fair assumption?"  The captain asked
presumptuously.  "You know it sir. . ." Kiyone
began confidently, ". . .despite  that bubblehead
for a roommate of mine constantly interrupting me
every five minutes while I was trying to read."
Kiyone finished under her breath.  "I think there
may be a problem with our connection detective,
I missed that last part."  "Oh, it's nothing of any
consequence sir, please continue with the briefing."
Kiyone responded nervously, a large sweat drop
forming on her brow.  "Very well detective, how
much do you know of the lost crown Prince of Jurai?"
"I understand that Prince Yosho left Jurai in pursuit
of the space pirate Ryoko seven-hundred years ago
after she had laid waist to much of Jurai."  Kiyone
responded without hesitation.  "Very well, are you
aware of what became of the Prince and the Pirate
after their confrontation, or of where it took place?"
"I understand that Yosho pursued the pirate to a primitive
planet called 'earth' and imprisoned her there.  The prince
was never heard from again after that."  "Very good Kiyone,
I'm glad you're so well informed regarding events of
historical importance to the GP."  The commander said in
a reassured tone.  "I'm glad my historical knowledge
pleases you commander, what does all of this have to do
with my new assignment?"  Kiyone asked in a puzzled voice.
"As it turns out Detective, these past events have everything
to do with your new assignment." The captain said evasively.
"It has recently come to GP's attention, that Yosho is alive
and well, and living on earth."  "That is quite a development."
Kiyone retorted, quite impressed at such unexpected news.
The commander continued to regard Kiyone with a serious
look, but remained silent.  Kiyone held her composure,
"Is the Prince doing well on earth?"  she asked to break
the silence.  "Quite well as it turns out," the captain began, "better
than anyone would have ever expected.  He lives on earth with
his grandson and son in law." The commander said with a chuckle.
"Really."  Kiyone said pensively, her eyes widening.  "Yes, it was
quite a shock to everyone at GP and in the academy who are
familiar with Yosho's history.  "I would imagine so."  Kiyone
stated earnestly.  "As it turns out, his grandson has a great deal
to do with this assignment."  "How so?" Kiyone asked
inquisitively.  "Yosho never strayed far from the cave where he
imprisoned the space pirate Ryoko, it's where he made his home."
The chief began.  "Evidently, he made it his life's work to insure
that Ryoko could never again become a threat to his home world
again.  But recently, Ryoko was freed from her prison."  The
captain finished gravely.  "What!?"  Kiyone began aghast, "How!?"
"Yosho's grandson, curious as all boys are, was responsible, I
shouldn't have to explain the specifics."  "No. . .no. . .of course not,
I can imagine."  Kiyone said, taken aback by the knowledge of the
space pirate's freedom and reeling from the possible doors an
assignment like this could open for her.  "As it turned out. . .at
first. . .the pirate's seven-hundred years of imprisonment within
the cave served to greatly soften her disposition, she has even
been living as a guest at Yosho's home on earth."  The captain
said, a grave look upon his face.  "You're kidding!?"  Kiyone
responded in shocked disbelief.  "You know very well that I don't
make it a habit to joke about matters this pressing Detective."
The commander said in a strict tone.  "Further developments that
you can review in the report that we are sending you now, lead
to Princess Ayeka's arrival on planet earth."  Kiyone's eyes
widened even further in response to such a bombshell.  Kiyone's
mind was spinning with all of the acclaim she would receive
for successfully completing an assignment that brought her into
contact with two reputable members of the Jurai royal family, not
to mention the most infamous space pirate in the universe.  "Since
Princess Ayeka's arrival on planet earth, she has been living as a
guest of Prince Yosho's."  The commander said in a matter of fact
tone.  "Princess Ayeka has been staying under the same roof with
the space pirate Ryoko!?!"  Kiyone cried in shock.  "Yes, that would
be correct, and as I understand it, a tenuous peace has existed
between them for some time now."  The commander responded.
Kiyone simply shook her head in disbelief, "How did GP manage
to acquire this information, that is if you don't mind me asking
sir."  Kiyone asked, still in state of shock.  "The report that I am
sending to you is a summarization of a much larger and in depth
report written by an old friend of yours."  "An old friend of mine?"
Kiyone stammered in confusion.  "That's right Detective, your
former roommate at the academy and your former partner, Detective
Mihoshi, has also been a resident at Yosho's home on earth for
quite some time, the report summarization being sent to you will
explain the circumstances that lead to her residency on the planet
earth."  The commander said happily.  Kiyone stared at the
monitor in front of her in dumb shock as her left eyebrow began
to twitch involuntarily, a nervous habit she had developed from
her time at the academy. . .living with Mihoshi.  "I'm sure you'll
be eager to catch up on old times with you're former roommate and
partner, but there will much more pressing matters to attend to
after your reunion as partners."  The commander said in all
seriousness.  "After our WHAT!?!?"  Kiyone exclaimed aghast, her
head nearly colliding with the monitor as she bent down to regard
the captain vengefully.  "At ease detective, I realize you're excited,
but I expect you to maintain your professional disposition." The
commander said with a chuckle.  "But. . .!"  Kiyone began before
being cut off by the commander.  "The report summary that I have
sent you will give you an idea of what to expect to find at Yosho's
residence when you arrive on earth.  Mihoshi will meet you outside
the earth's atmosphere and further brief you before you tackle this
assignment." "But sir, this is impossible. . .!"  "I know I can count
on you Kiyone, I expect you to make your way to the rendezvous
coordinates immediately, Mihoshi has expressed great enthusiasm
over having the chance to work with you once more."  "Sir!  This
simply can't be. . .!"  "That will be all Kiyone, make us proud!"
The commander's face disappeared with a "blip" and was replaced
with the image of the desolate drug cartel warehouse once more.
Kiyone slumped back in her chair in dumb shock, her left eyebrow
twitching sporadically as she mumbled over and over under her
breath, "can't be. . .just can't be. . . can't be. . ."

Hours earlier, across the far reaches of space on the small blue
planet called earth, it was dinner time at the Masaki household.
Carefully folded napkins sat aside immaculate place settings
at the Masaki dinner table.  A plate stacked high with vegetables
and seafood deep fried in Tempura batter sat steaming in the
middle of the table.  A large pot of hot rice sat aside the main
course along with a steaming pot of freshly brewed tea.  The
only thing missing from this typical Masaki family dinner, was
the Masaki family.  Sasami sat at the head of the table with her
chin resting in her hands and her elbows resting on the table.
"I wish they'd let me go downstairs and sit with Ryoko." Sasami
said glumly. "I hope she's ok."  Sasami finished with a long
sigh.  Ryo-ohki, perched in her usual spot atop Sasami's head
replied with a worried "Miya!"  It had only been thirty minutes
since Sasami had walked outside to gaze at the stars while the
oil for cooking the Tempura heated up.  Sasami had gone for
a slight walk, knowing that it would be a good ten-minutes before
the oil was fully heated.  On her way back towards the house,
Sasami heard a tremendous crash and ran the rest of the way
back toward the house.  When she arrived back inside, she saw
her sister standing over a huge hole in the living room floor with
a horrified look on her face.  As Sasami began to slowly make her way
towards her sister, Tenchi bound down the stairs and ran to the
door that lead to the basement stairs without even taking any
notice of her.  As she continued to tremulously step toward the hole,
terrified of what she would see at the bottom, Ayeka turned on
her heel and made her way toward Washu's lab in a huff.  Seeing
Sasami, Ayeka stopped to regard her younger sister, "Please
Sasami, just wait in the kitchen, you needn't see any of this."
Sasami just nodded dumbly as her sister made her way into Washu's
lab.  Disregarding her sister's wishes, Sasami continued to step
gingerly towards the hole in the floor.
By the time she reached the giant hole in the floor, Sasami
saw Tenchi on his knees with his legs bent and Ryoko's head
resting on his lap.  Ryoko's face was riddled with tiny bleeding
cuts and her clothes were all blood stains and tatters.  Sasami just
shook her head in terrified dismay.  Tenchi turned his head up to
regard Sasami with a defeated look upon his face.  "Go down to
Washu's lab and find your sister, I want you with her right now."
Tenchi said evenly.  "But Ryoko needs. . ." Sasami began with
concern.  "Ryoko needs Washu's help now, and she will get just
that, now go find your sister and stay with her." Tenchi ordered
sternly."  Sasami backed away from the hole slowly without taking
her wide eyes off of Tenchi, that was sternest manner in which
Sasami had ever heard Tenchi address her.  "Yes Tenchi."  Sasami
responded quietly as she spun around and ran for the door to Washu's
lab.  Just as Sasami was about to reach the door to the lab, it swung
open and a gurney with a body bag on top rolled out with Washu, dressed
in full nurses regalia, pushing it.  Right on Washu's heels was a vexed
princess Ayeka.  "Washu!  I insist that you take this matter seriously!
This is no time for playing games!  That witch tried to kill Tenchi and
I!  She must be detained!" Ayeka snapped indignantly.  "Hey!
You watch how you go talking about my flesh and blood little
missy!"  Washu retorted.  "Excuse me!"  Washu said pleasantly
as she wheeled the gurney around the curious younger princess.
Ayeka stopped in front of her bewildered little sister as Washu
continued rolling the gurney into the living room.  Ayeka stood
regarding her sister looking for the right words to explain the
chaos unfolding around them.  Before Ayeka could find the
words, her little sister spoke, "Tenchi told me to stay with you
Sasami said quietly as she looked into her older sister's eyes.
"Yes, I would prefer that you did just that." Ayeka said with an
affirming nod.  Ayeka took her little sister's hand and began to
walk toward the living room, but was stopped by her sister who
anchored her from moving any further.  Ayeka turned to regard
her sister cursiously, "What is it Sasami?" Ayeka asked with
concern.  "What happened to Ryoko?"  Sasami asked hesitantly.
"I'll explain that later, right now I would like for you to stay
quiet and remain by my side, now come."  Meanwhile, Washu
stood at the edge of the large hole that had been punched in
the living room floor by Ryoko.  Washu looked down at the
weary Tenchi.  "Hi!"  Washu chimed in her exuberant
childlike voice.  Tenchi snapped his head up in surprise
to see Washu standing above him in her nurses uniform
and holding what looked like an unrolled sleeping bag
over the edge of the hole.  "What's tha. . ." Tenchi
began, but was cut off as the body bag was dropped
over his head to cover him and Ryoko.  "Washu!"  Tenchi
snapped in annoyance as he pulled the body bag off his
head.  "What the heck is this thing for anyway!?"  Tenchi
asked as he regarded the body bag in puzzlement.  "It's a
body bag!"  Washu exclaimed enthusiastically. "Just stuff
her in there and bring her on up, I'll take it from there!"
Washu said confidently.  "Now wait justaminnit!!!!"
Tenchi cried with indignation.  "Ryoko isn't dead!!!"
"Oh. . ." Washu replied, her face drooping, ". . .well,
that isn't going to make my job any easier,
bring her on up then, and I'll see what I can do with
her."  Washu said with agitation.  "Go ahead and omit
the use of the body bag I suppose. . .if you're sure she's
still breathing that is."  "YES I'M SURE!!!"  Tenchi
yelled with consternation as he scooped Ryoko off of the
floor and headed for the stairs.  Ayeka and Sasami stood
shaking their heads with a mixture of shock and contempt
at Washu's complete lack of concern.  "What are the two
of you staring at huh?"  The two princesses of Jurai turned
their heads innocently, not wanting to incur any of the
diminutive mad professor's vengeful wrath.  Tenchi reached
the top of the stairs that lead down to the basement and
stood before Washu with a helpless look on his face as
Ryoko lay limp and bloody in his arms.  "What do you want
me to do?"  Tenchi asked tremulously as he regarded Washu.
"The doctor will see her now, just bring her on in."  Washu
said nonchalantly as she lead the way to her lab.

When they reached the med-bay in the heart of Washu's
Lab- that ironically looked more like a torture chamber
with it's myriads of strange contraptions, robots and
mechanical arms hanging above the table- than it did a
med-bay, Tenchi was instructed to lay her down on the
table.  "Just what do you think you're going to do to
her?"  Tenchi asked with skeptical concern.  "Come
on Tenchi, you know me better than that!"  Washu
said innocently, her childish green eyes beaming up
at him.  "Well. . ." Tenchi began skeptically.  "So Washu, you
must tell me. . ." Ayeka interjected, a still bewildered
Sasami at her side, ". . .how many unsuspecting saps
have you tricked into laying on this table, just to be
dissected and placed in a jar?"  Ayeka asked derisively.
Tenchi gave Washu an accusing glare and took a step
back as he pulled Ryoko close.  Washu spun around
and gave Ayeka a vengeful glare, and then looked
down thoughtfully at the worried younger princess
of Jurai.  "Don't let your sister scare you, she's just
kidding, come stand with you're little aunty Washu!"
Washu prompted with a reassuring smile and sparkling
green eyes.  "Now wait one minute. . ."  Ayeka began
before Sasami tore her hand loose from her older
sister's and ran over to embrace Washu.  "Sasami!"
Ayeka scolded in a surprised tone.  Washu grinned
at Ayeka childishly and raised her index finger up as
if about to punch a button, her holo-computer appeared
in front of her finger and Washu pressed a button, her
bright smile twisting into one of vengeance as a giant
dunce cap fell from pseudo space to entrap the
insubordinate princess.  Muffled cries and pounding
could be heard from inside the cap, but no intelligible
speech.  Sasami giggled as she regarded the giant dunce
cap and relinquished her tight grip on "aunty" Washu.  Washu
snapped her fingers, and her nurses uniform was replaced
with a doctor's lab coat, a white pair of pants, and to complete
the ensemble, a stethoscope.  Tenchi's expression softened
in response to Washu's seemingly genuine desire to help
her daughter and he placed her on the table.  "I'm surprised
with all these terrific inventions you have around this place
that you still have need for one of those Tenchi said, pointing
out the stethoscope.  "What, this?"  Washu asked disgustedly.
"I chose this ensemble because I thought it would be something
you could relate to, I don't know why the primates who try to
pass themselves off as doctors on this planet still use these
things."  Washu said as she yanked the stethoscope off her
neck and threw it behind her.  "Oh, I see" Tenchi responded
with an uneasy chuckle, a large sweat drop forming on his
head as he considered Washu's disdain for the competence
of earth's medical practitioners.  There was a conspicuous
lack of a clang from the stethoscope hitting the floor as a
result of a hole opening up to a pocket in pseudo-space
sucking it in  before it could land.  On the table, Ryoko's
eyes winced tight and she tensed, her body shaking.  Tenchi
reached forward to offer her some solace but was abruptly
smacked on the back of his hand by a switch held by one
of the robotic arms.  "Ah ah ah!"  Washu admonished,
wiggling her index finger at Tenchi as her green eyes
sparkled playfully.  "Nobody touches
the patient before the doctor."  Tenchi stared up at the
robotic arm with irritation and then cast his gaze back
down to regard Ryoko's affecting condition..
Ryoko lay tense and quivering atop the sterile metal table,
dried streams of blood originating from a multitude of tiny
cuts stained her ivory features.  Tenchi allowed his
eyes to wander down the rest of Ryoko's body, the explosion
had torn her blue kimono to nothing but tattered rags.  Most
of Ryoko's smooth and pale figure was visible through the
tears in her kimono.  Tenchi could see that there were
bloody abrasions covering her entire body, from head to
toe.  Tenchi cast his eyes down in embarrassment and shame
as a large piece of Ryoko's torn kimono shifted in response
to her stirring movements, exposing her breasts.  "No need
to be embarrassed Tenchi. . ." Washu began, a playful gleam in
her large green eyes, ". . .this is a clinical environment, seeing
Ryoko's body is nothing you should feel ashamed of."  "Unless
of course that is. . ." Washu began slyly, ". . .you're not mature
enough to handle yourself responsibly under these circumstances"
Tenchi jerked his head back up and steeled himself as he
regarded Ryoko in her helpless condition upon the table.
Tenchi looked to Washu with a look of indignation, "I'll be
fine." He responded, trying in vein to sound confident through
the nervous quiver in his voice.  "Good!"  Washu exclaimed
with an enthusiastic grin.  "Now, let's see what kind of trouble
my little girl has gotten herself into this time!"  Tenchi shook
his head and sighed in response to Washu's reference to the
powerful and unpredictable pirate as her "little girl."  Washu
summoned her holo-computer out of pseudo-space once more
and began tapping keys deftly with her small nimble fingers.
One of the robotic arms hanging above the table
holding a strange device, descended to within a foot above
Ryoko and began to scan back and forth over her body.
Washu yawned loudly, clicking one last key before raising her
arms over her head and stretching leisurely.  "Well?"  Tenchi
asked in eager anticipation, "What did you find?"  "Be patient
and I'll show you!"  Washu scolded.  Four large rods began
to rise from each corner of the med-table as Tenchi watched
with uneasy concern.  Tenchi flinched nervously as the four rods
began to buzz monotonously.  Tenchi could feel the hairs on
the back of his neck stand up in response to the activation of
the strange machine.  Tenchi watched with consternation as
Ryoko's skin seemed to crawl under the effects of the strange
device.  Ripples no different than those one would see on a still
pond after a pebble has been thrown in formed on the surface
of Ryoko's skin.  Tenchi stared in disbelief and dismay as
what must have been hundreds of tiny fragments of wood
dislodged themselves from Ryoko's wounds and floated up
to hover above Ryoko's body, trapped in a stasis field.  Washu
clicked another key on her holo-computer before dismissing
it and all the splinters of wood gathered in the middle of the
stasis field into a consolidated bunch.  Washu reached her
hand out and collected a small jar for holding specimens out
of a hole that spontaneously originated from pseudo-space.
Washu held the jar beneath the mass of wood splinters and
snapped her fingers with her free hand.  The monotonous
buzzing seized and the lump of wooden splinters dropped
into the jar.  With the cease of the buzz of Washu's machinery,
the only sound to be heard in the room was Ayeka's dogged
pounding and imperceptible hollering from beneath the giant
dunce cap.  "Can she breathe under there?"  Sasami asked with
concern as she regarded her sister's makeshift prison.  "Hmmm. . .
hadn't thought of that!"  Washu replied with a grin.  "Why don't
you ask her yourself!"  Washu said childishly as she once again
summoned her holo-computer and clicked a single key.  The
dunce cap dissipated to nothingness leaving a wheezing, gasping
and viciously scowling Ayeka on her knees upon the floor.
Ayeka's face was a light purple color as she struggled to
regain her breath.  "Were you having trouble breathing under
there?" Sasami asked curiously.  Without even acknowledging
the younger princess of Jurai with a glance, Ayeka jumped to
her feet and charged vengefully toward Washu.  "Ah, ah, ah!"
Washu scolded as she clicked a second key on her holo-computer.
Before Ayeka could get her hands on the little scientist, a robotic
arm descended from the ceiling, grabbing Ayeka by the collar
of her Kimono and lifting her off the floor.  Ayeka hung dejectedly
from her collar, without any intention of making any moves to
further provoke the seemingly perpetually prepared scientist.
"If I let you down, you gonna behave. . .hmmmmm?"  Washu
asked with childish enthusiasm.  "If I must. . ."  Ayeka muttered.
"Good!"  Washu chimed ebulliently, clicking yet another key on
her holo-computer.  The arm from which Ayeka was suspended
from lowered her down slowly until Ayeka was a foot from the
ground at which point the mechanical arm simply relinquished
it's grip, leaving Ayeka to fall the rest of the way down onto her
rump.  "WASHU!!!  I must express my disapproval of such
disrespectful. . ."   Ayeka began indignantly.  "Hey, can't you
see my little girl is trying to sleep, how would you like to spend
the rest of the evening as a water sprite?"  Washu asked with
a menacing grin as she extended her index finger and leveled
it at the keyboard of her holo-computer.  Understanding
all too well the power that Washu could summon with that
one finger, Ayeka held her tongue.  After a few moments
of silence, Ayeka spoke once more, "Sasami, go upstairs
and finish preparing dinner, we have private matters to
discuss."  Ayeka said firmly, not taking her eyes off
Washu.  "But I want to be here when Ryoko wakes up."
Sasami said with disappointment.  "No buts, do as you're
told"  Ayeka said sternly.  Sasami stared down at her feet
dejectedly.  "Nothing ever keeps Ryoko down for long
Sasami. . ." Tenchi began with reassuring smile, ". . .what
if she wakes up hungry and there's no dinner to eat?"  "Sasami
lifted her head excitedly in response to Tenchi's confidence
in Ryoko's full recovery, "Right!"  She chimed exuberantly,
spinning on her heel and running out the door of Washu's
lab.  "Washu! I must dissent your lack of regard for the
gravity of this situation, Ryoko nearly killed Tenchi and
I."  Tenchi winced at Ayeka's blunt way of phrasing their
earlier encounter with Ryoko, but knew he couldn't justifiably
disagree.  "So what, wouldn't be the first time."  Washu
responded, sounding unimpressed.  "She tried to steal the
gems!  She knows full well that she has no business wielding
such power.  Her actions were in blatant disregard to Tenchi's
role as custodian to those gems!"  Ayeka accused contemptuously.
"She's a naughty girl all right!"  Washu proclaimed proudly, her
chin resting on her clasped hands and her green eyes shining
brightly.  "Little Washu, I simply cannot allow you to disregard
this as a trite matter, Ryoko's reprehensible actions must be
punished."  "Alright, I'll tell you what Princess, since you called
me "Little" Washu, I'll have something done!"  "Very well Washu. . ."
Ayeka began, her demeanor softening, ". . .I appreciate your
willingness to compromise and handle this situation responsibly."
"I'll tell you what. . ." Washu began with an ear to ear grin as she
turned to Tenchi, ". . .how would you like to be in charge of
punishing Ryoko?"  "Uhhhh. . .well. . .I'm really not sure I'm in
any position to. . .well. . .that is"  Tenchi stammered nervously
under the pressure of Washu's scrutinizing gaze.  "Come on Tenchi!"
Washu goaded, "I'll even leave the two of you in private!"  Washu
offered enthusiastically.  "Uh. . .well. . ." Tenchi stuttered nervously.
Ayeka's brow furrowed with suspicion and irritation, "Just what kind
of punishment did you have in mind Little Washu?" Ayeka asked
skeptically.  "Not that it's any of your business. . .but I think a
thorough spanking from Tenchi would straighten Ryoko right out!
Whadda ya say Tenchi?"  Washu pleaded hopefully.  "WHAT!?"
Tenchi cried in shock and dismay.  Ayeka's expression twisted
into one of unchecked rage as she marched over to stand next
to Tenchi.  "Tenchi would never allow himself to be party to
such debauchery!" Ayeka spat with disgust.  "All right!
I've had enough of this clowning around!"  Tenchi yelled
with frustration.  Both Ayeka and Washu stopped their
bickering to regard Tenchi with wide eyes and jaws hanging
low.  For a moment, as tension hung heavy in the lab, the only
perceptible sound was a  bewildered and high
pitched "Huh!?"  From the wide eyed little scientist. .Rarely
did either of the two women hear Tenchi address
them so assertively.  "There's something wrong with Ryoko,
I don't know what it is, but we had better figure it out before
she tries to pull another stunt like the one from earlier!"  Tenchi
exclaimed with frustration.  "Tenchi, please. . ."  Ayeka
began.  "No I won't calm down!"  Tenchi yelled in defiance,
anticipating Ayeka's intentions.  "Ryoko didn't get herself
killed, this time, but she may well get herself, or someone
else killed the next time she tries to pull a stunt like this!  Now
Washu!  You're her mother, I expect you to. . ."  "Tenchi!
Don't you think you're being a little hard on the girls?"
Katsuhito grunted in a scolding tone.  "Wha-!?!?" Tenchi,
Washu, and Ayeka chimed in unison.  Katsuhito stepped out
from the shadows to regard Tenchi sternly.  "You clearly
didn't learn much from the lesson I taught you this morning,
did you?"  Katsuhito berated accusingly.  "Grandfather. . .I. . ."
Tenchi began.  "I don't want excuses Tenchi, I want you to
behave in a manner befitting the circumstances.  You're blaming
of everyone else around you and dumping responsibility for this
incident on everyone else is unacceptable.  "Yes Grandfather."
Tenchi conceded as he dropped his head in shame.  Washu and
Ayeka still stood in dumb shock as they regarded
the equable old man.  "If anyone is to blame for this Tenchi,
it's you!"  Katsuhito said evenly.  "Me!?!?" Tenchi cried with
indignation, "How am I to blame for any of this, Ryoko is the
one who caused all this!!"  "Hmmmm. . .Do you think I'm
blind boy!?"  Katsuhito asked cryptically.  "Wha-!?!? I don't
know what you're talking about grandpa."  Tenchi said in
agitation.  "Much has happened here in the past few months
Tenchi, and a true warrior is always prepared to defend his
family and his home, always."  Katsuhito said sternly, his
eyes bearing down on Tenchi accusingly.  "I don't see what
you're getting at. . ."  Tenchi began uneasily.  "Uhhhhh. . ."
Katsuhito groaned in frustration ". . .you can be so stubborn
boy."  Katsuhito sighed, clearly losing his patients.  "What did
I tell you shortly after entrusting the Tenchi-ken to your care?"
Katsuhito asked knowingly.  Tenchi's face seemed to droop
as the reason for his grandfather's anger dawned on him,
"Keep it with you always." Tenchi said in shame.  Tenchi's
glare twisted back into one of defiance, "I have no need for
that thing at school, or when I'm taking a bath!  I didn't ask
for any of these troubles, I'm not responsible. . ."  Tenchi
droned on before Katsuhito interjected.  "What you are
responsible for is the safety of your family and your guests
and the security of your home.  NONE of us asks for
responsibility boy, but it is something we are born with, do
you believe that simply because you did not ask for any of
these responsibilities that you are precluded from tending to
them?" Katsuhito grunted in anger.  "No." Tenchi admitted in
defeat, his head dropping in shame once more.  "Could not
this entire mess have been avoided had you kept the Tenchi-ken
with you like I instructed?"  "Have you become so insolent
in your adolescence that you feel you no longer have a
responsibility to the wishes of your elders?"  Katsuhito asked
accusingly.  "No grandfather."  Tenchi responded in shame,
his gaze still cast down towards his feet.  Tenchi's face lit up
as something dawned on him and he lifted his head to address
his grandfather once more, "Even if  I slept with that thing,
if Ryoko wanted it, she could have come in and taken it in my sleep."
Tenchi said in his defense.  "That may be so. . ." Katsuhito
began with equanimity, ". . .but if that had been the case, at
least we would have been sure that this was a circumstance
beyond your ability to prevent, I expect you to take your
responsibilities much more seriously in the future."  Katsuhito
said sternly.  "Yes grandfather."  Tenchi said with a resolute
nod and a quick bow.  "Now, all this senseless bickering is
getting us nowhere, I don't know about all of you, but I think
this is a problem best discussed on a full stomach.  Sasami has
prepared a wonderful meal, I'll see you all upstairs."  Katsuhito
said with a polite bow.  "Wait just one minute mister!"  Washu
said with agitation.  "Just how the heck did you get in here
without my sensors picking up on you, huh?  And just how
long have you been standing in here?"  Katsuhito let out one
of his pensive grunts as he nodded with his eyes closed,
"Perhaps Little Washu, it would be best if you were to give
your security system a full diagnostic check."  With that said,
Katsuhito began walking toward the door.  "Now waitaminnit!"
Washu called after Katsuhito, still clearly agitated, "You didn't
answer my second question!"  "Ohhhh. . .I suppose I was
standing around long enough to get a good understanding
of what your idea of proper "disciplinary procedures" are
Little Washu" Katsuhito said with profundity as he walked
out the door. Washu stood in place, a dumbfounded look on
her face and her jaw hanging open before suddenly bursting
into laughter.  Tenchi rubbed the back of his head nervously
as a large bead of sweat formed on his forehead.
Ayeka simply scowled, not finding any of it the least bit amusing.
Upstairs, Sasami sat alone at an immaculately set dinner
table, her chin resting in her hands and her elbows resting
on the table.  "I hope Ryoko's ok."  Sasami said with concern.
"Miya!" The cabbit sitting on her head replied.  Sasami
stared at the steaming plate of Tempura fried seafood and
vegetables, she had made a point to fry a lot of extra food
in case Ryoko woke up and needed to get her strength back.
Suddenly, she was roused from her thoughts as she heard the
door to Washu's lab open.  Katsuhito walked out and
addressed her with a pleasant smile, "The other's will be
up momentarily, we've all been looking forward to this
meal, we appreciate you waiting so patiently Sasami" Katsuhito
said thoughtfully.  Sasami's face brightened in response to
the presence of the wise old man, Sasami always felt secure
in his presence.  Sasami's face straightened once more as she
regarded the old man seriously, "Is Ryoko going to be okay?"
Sasami asked hesitantly.  "Miya!"  Ryo-ohki prompted.  "Ryoko
has not yet awaken, but she's in the best possible hands, there
is nothing to worry about where Ryoko's health is concerned.
Now, stop making yourself sick with worry, drink some of your
wonderful tea before it starts to get cold, it will help you
relax." Katsuhito said with a reassuring smile as he kneeled down at
the other end of the table."  "Right!" Sasami responded
enthusiastically as she grabbed a cup for both she and Katsuhito.

Back down in Washu's lab, Tenchi regarded Ryoko uneasily
as she lay atop the med-table.  "Lord Tenchi, you must not
allow yourself to lose time or sleep over this demon's
dishonorable behavior.  If there is anything Ryoko was seeking
to gain in pulling this stunt, other than her gems, it is undeserved
attention from you."  Tenchi gave a resigned sigh and turned to
regard Ayeka.  "Tenchi, I can't bear the idea of this demoness
getting any satisfaction from her careless misconduct, I know
you have better things to do with your time than baby-sit, now let
us join Yosho and Sasami upstairs.  Ayeka leveled a stern gaze
at Washu who had been listening intently as Ayeka addressed
Tenchi.  "Washu, I insist that you take strides to insure that
Ryoko is incapable of instigating anymore disasters after she
wakes up."  "Well, stirring up trouble is just a natural talent for
my little girl, so I won't make any promises, but I can insure
that she doesn't have the means to try and kill anyone or
level the house!"  Washu said with a grin.  "Very well then,
thank you Washu."  Ayeka said humbly.  Ayeka turned back
around to regard Tenchi who was still regarding Ryoko with
a look of grave concern.  "Please Tenchi, I hate to see you
this way,  leave Ryoko be, she has brought these circumstances
on herself." Ayeka said with understanding as she placed a
comforting hand on his shoulder.  Tenchi winced in frustration
as he struggled to sort through conflicting feelings.  Tenchi
was angry at Ryoko for her audacious actions and her reckless
endangerment of everyone in the house.  On the
other hand, Tenchi couldn't help but feel that there was something
terribly wrong with Ryoko that was causing her to act out so
recklessly.  And Tenchi was still horrified at how badly Ryoko
had managed to injure herself, even for the unpredictable pirate,
such carelessness was odd.  "Tell me what it is you are thinking
Tenchi."  Ayeka prompted.  "I just wish that there was
something that I could have done to prevent all of this." Tenchi
said with frustration.  "Tenchi, please do not do this to yourself,
you must understand, the only person with any control over the
way that Ryoko behaves, is Ryoko."  Tenchi nodded in agreement
as Ayeka squeezed his shoulder to bolster his confidence.
Tenchi looked up to regard Washu who was still watching
them thoughtfully.  "Washu, are you sure you can prevent her
from becoming a danger to us and herself when she wakes up?"
Tenchi asked with concern.  "Well Tenchi, it's like I said before,
no promises, but I can assure you that she won't level the house.
And it won't be within her means to kill anyone either, at least
not easily!"  Washu said with an innocent smile.  "Very well
then."  Ayeka replied.  "Come Tenchi, you've dealt with more
than your fair share of stress today, let us unwind at the dinner
table."  Ayeka offered thoughtfully as she took Tenchi's hand.
Tenchi nodded absently, his eyes not leaving Ryoko's
affecting form.  Ayeka gently tugged on Tenchi's hand and
they made their way out of Washu's lab.  After Tenchi and
Ayeka were safely out of the lab, Washu replaced her carefree
veneer with a look of uneasy concern.  "On any other day, I
would have been able to tell right away what was going
through Ryoko's mind, and I might have even been able to
prevent all of this, but something is very wrong here."  Washu
said with frustration.  Washu summoned her holo-computer
and began conducting a myriad of scans.  "Because of our
special maternal connection, I should be able to read my
little Ryoko's thoughts as easily as the data on this screen,
but when I reach out to her mind, I find nothing but darkness."
Washu shivered with malaise as she continued to run scans.
"For Ryoko to be reckless in pursuit of something she wants
is not so unusual at all, but to take any action that might
risk Tenchi's well-being is very uncharacteristic of her."
Washu said under her breath, trying to understand
her daughters erratic behavior.  Washu
ran one last scan to insure that Ryoko was still comatose,
and then walked over and grabbed Ryoko's wrist.  Washu
lifted Ryoko's hand up to regard her gem apprehensively.
Washu didn't like the idea of removing her daughter's
only source of power, but under such dire circumstances,
she had no choice.  Washu reached out with her free
hand to pluck the gem free with her thumb and forefinger.
As Washu's fingers came into contact with the gem, it
began to glow fiercely and Washu began to convulse
violently as searing energy surged from the gem into
her body.  Washu tried to scream in pain, put her entire
body was so tense that she couldn't even move her jaw.
After a series of violent convulsions, Washu collapsed
onto the floor in a smoking heap.
(help me out here folks)