Disclaimer: I don't own Tenchi Muyo, AIC and Pioneer does. 
I don't own Tenchi, Ryoko (they belong to each other), or 
anyone else. So don't sue me!

No Need for a Kidnapping: Chapter 5
By Chibi-C

Author's notes: Oh man! I'm sad!
Kyinia: Why?
Because I was just supposed to make this a simple Ryoko and 
Tenchi fic! Chapter 4 was going to be the last one! But 
nooooo...I had to get all inspired and make the plot all 
involved and stuff and now I'll probably have twenty 
chapters by the time I'm done!! Where did I get the 
inspiration though?
Kyinia: I have no idea.
(Little gears in Chibi-C's head start turning)
Wait a minute, you're a muse! This must be your fault!
Kyinia: Well, I-
Kyinia: Hey! Let me-ouch! My hair! LET GO!
Fine. (Lets go of Kyinia's royal green tresses.)
Kyinia: Itai-tai-tai-tai!
Kyinia, will you do the honors?
Kyinia: (Rubbing her sore scalp.) Huh? Oh yeah, sure. 
Anyway, here's the reluctant Chapter 5 of No Need for a 

It's not fair! It's just not fair! Ayeka had run up to her 
room after seeing Tenchi in the lab. As much as she tried 
to deny it, she knew what she heard. She left the lab as 
quickly and quietly as possible and ran up to her room 
crying. Tenchi had chosen, and he hadn't picked her.

Soon, her sorrow turned to anger. That devil woman stole 
Tenchi away from me! He doesn't love her, he was tricked! 
I'll.I'll show her! I'll make Tenchi fall back in love with 
me! I'll show him what a weak monster that Ryoko is! With 
every thought, she became more and more angry.

"So, you want Tenchi back?" a mysterious voice called to 

"Wh-who's there?" Ayeka asked.

"That's not important. What matters is that your Tenchi has 
been tricked into falling in love with that good-for-
nothing, bloodthirsty, monstrous space pirate! Are you 
going to stand for it? Are you, the crown princess of 
Jurai, going to lose to Ryoko of all people?" He emphasized 
"your" on purpose.

"I.Of course not. But what should I do?"

"Simple. You must prove to Tenchi that you deserve him, not 

"How do I do that?"

"You must trust me. You must not question my orders. Even 
if they sound harsh, you must understand that they are for 
your own safety, as well as the safety of your friends and 
your beloved Tenchi."


"Yes. A horrible new evil is almost upon us. You are much 
stronger than you may think. You must destroy this terrible 

"And in doing so, I shall prove to Tenchi that I am the one 
who deserves his love."


"What should I do?"

"Nothing, yet. I shall tell you my plan when the time is 
right. For now, pretend that I have not visited you and 
that you do not know of the being that threatens our very 

"Yes, I understand."

"Good. Goodbye for now."

Ayeka leaned back against her pillows and smiled. 

Soon, Tenchi, you will be mine.

Please, please don't die.

The words were starting to become comprehensible. The voice 
that was speaking them was comfortingly familiar, but she 
couldn't quite figure out who its owner was.

Ryoko started to open her eyes, but the faint light hurt 
them. In fact, her whole body hurt like hell. Why is it 
that I'm always waking up in such unpleasant situations? 
She tried once again to open her eyes, and this time got 
them half open. As everything started to get into focus, 
she could see what appeared to be a face in the dim light. 
Almost instantly, she recognized who it was.

"T-Tenchi." she said in a hoarse voice.

Tenchi looked down and wiped his eyes quickly. "Ryoko? 
You're.you're alright!" he exclaimed, visibly relieved.

"Yeah, except for the fact that I feel like I've been 
pummeled with a sledgehammer," she said, managing a weak 
smile. "Hey, what happ-" before she could finish, she was 
cut off when Tenchi's lips met her own. When she realized 
just what was going on, she began to kiss back.

Ryoko suddenly pulled away. "What was that for?"

Tenchi replied, "Sometimes, it takes a catastrophe to make 
someone realize their feelings."

Ryoko's heart began to race. Could he mean.?

"Ryoko, I love you."

Ryoko glomped him as tight as she could (which was pretty 
tight.) "Tenchi!" Then, she did a double take and fell back 
against the mattress. "Itai.man, guess I took more of a 
beating than I thought back there, huh?" she said weakly.

"You need to get some rest. I'll be back." He planted a 
soft kiss on her forehead before leaving.

Ryoko was asleep before Tenchi got out of the lab.

"You are a fool, Anatio." The silver haired woman looked at 
her servant in contempt. "You should have been able to 
defeat the Masaki boy easily. You were too arrogant."

"I'm sorry, Lady Cintrania. I will correct my mistakes 

"No need for that now. I've already sent Tikama on the job. 
He thought of a rather clever plan, so I left him in charge 
of our operation. He has already started putting his plan 
into action."

"Tikama!? Milady, I'm much more powerful than he is!"

"Don't argue with me, you insolent fool! You have already 
proven that you are too incompetent to handle this job."

"Incompetent!? Lady Cintrania."

"I've had enough of your insubordination, Anatio!" She 
began to gather energy in a disk in her right palm.

When Anatio realized what she was about to do, he panicked. 
"Lady Cint-"

Before he could finish, he was turned into a smoulering 
pile of ash.

"Ryoko's woken up," Tenchi said as he went back into the 
living room.

"I know," Washu said.


"My mental link, remember?"

"Oh." Then the significance of that statement sunk in. 
"Wait a minute! Does that mean you know."

Washu grinned her hugest possible grin and nodded.

"What's going on?" Mihoshi whined.

"Shut up Mihoshi," Kiyone said.

"Where's Ayeka?" Tenchi asked.

"Oh, I think she's in her room," Sasami said. She hadn't 
noticed the distraught look on her sister's face when she 
went upstairs.

"Oh. Okay." Tenchi was rather glad that he didn't have to 
see Ayeka just now. He wasn't quite sure that he could 
break the news to her. After all, she was still his friend, 
and he didn't want to hurt her.

"I'm going back into the lab to check on Ryoko. See ya 
later!" Washu left the group.

"So, do you think Anatio will be back?" Kiyone said.

"Most likely," Tenchi noted grimly. And next time, we might 
not be so lucky.

After only two days, Ryoko was back to her old self. In 
fact, the first thing she did as soon as she got out of the 
lab was play a "harmless little practical joke" on Ayeka 
involving spinach, glue, and a bucket. Needless to say, 
Ayeka was not a happy princess. Her exact words were "Why 
you demon! Get back here and face me! ARRGH! I'm never 
going to get this stuff out of my hair!"

Everything was back to normal, at least for the time being. 
Ryoko and Tenchi decided to keep their relationship a 
secret for a while.

One late night about a week after the Anatio incident, 
Ryoko and Tenchi were in his room together. Ryoko's head 
was resting on his chest. 



"What are we going to tell Ayeka? I mean, she's going to be 
pretty upset."

"Why Ryoko, the way you're talking, it's almost as if you 
care about Ayeka."

"Of course not! I.I just don't want to have to deal with 
that spoiled little princess when she's angry, that's all."

"Right. Whatever."

Ryoko sat up and pushed Tenchi lightly. "What? You don't 
believe me, koi?" she said, trying her best to sound angry 
but failing miserably. Tenchi started laughing softly, and 
Ryoko soon joined in. Just then, an explosion rocked the 
house. Everyone woke up and ran out of the house. They met 
up by the lake. But one of them was missing.

"Where's Ayeka?" Sasami asked.

"I don't know, Sasami. Wasn't she with you?" Tenchi said.

"I thought she was. It's like she disappeared into thin 

"Why is it that I can't go one week without dealing with 
some sort of kidnapping or disappearance or something?"

"Yeah, and I'll bet you have much better things to do, 
Tenchi," Washu said slyly. Tenchi began to blush, causing 
Washu to grin.

"Am I the only one who doesn't get it?" Mihoshi said.

"For once, Mihoshi, you aren't the only one who is totally 
clueless," Kiyone said.

A bright light flashed in the sky. Everyone (including 
Mihoshi) yelled "ANATIO!"

Ayeka suddenly appeared in front of them. "Ayeka, you had 
us really worried there for a minute.  Where were you and 
how did you get down here?" Tenchi asked.

"Tenchi, I am on a mission. A man named Tikama has come to 
me with a problem, and he has asked me to help him. I'm 
sorry, but that is all I can tell you for now. Goodbye, 
Lord Tenchi. I will return soon." With that, Ayeka 

After a few moments of silence, Ryoko spoke up. "Do you 
think this insanity is going to end soon?"

Washu replied, "Ryoko, dear, something tells me this is all 
just the beginning."

Author's notes: You like? Gimme feedback.
Kyinia: What? That'd it? No insanity? No nothing?
Kyinia: Whyyyyyyyyyyyy!? 
Because I don't want to give you the chance to insult me.
Kyinia: I hate you.
Tee-hee. Anyway, e-mail me C&C's at Carmel3309@aol.com.