Disclaimer: I don't own Tenchi Muyo, AIC and Pioneer does. I don't own Tenchi, Ryoko (they belong to each other), or anyone else. So don't sue me! No Need for a Kidnapping: Chapter 3 By Chibi-C Author's notes: Hey peeps! Chapter three is done! Kyinia: This is a good thing? You know, I still might write that lemon. Kyinia: . I thought so. So, let's get this show on the road. Why is he going after that demon woman? Ayeka thought sadly in her room. Is she more important to him than me? Baka! Ayeka's inner voice shouted at her. What? You heard me. If it were you up there, Tenchi would do the same thing in an instant and you know it. Ayeka sighed. You're right. But still. Somehow, I think that what you're feeling has nothing to do with this incident. Am I right? What do you mean? I mean, these feelings have been developing for a while. Ayeka gasped. Her inner voice was right. She had been noticing the way Tenchi had been acting lately. Ayeka thought about her last fight with Ryoko. **Flashback** "Girls, please stop!" "Uhh.sorry Tenchi. Guess we kinda got a little carried away back there." "Yes, Lord Tenchi. We're very sorry." (Sigh) "It's okay, girls. Just try not to do it again." "Anything for you, Tenchi-kun." "Ryoko.I can't.breathe." "Oops. Guess I don't know my own strength." **End Flashback** Ayeka had been watching Ryoko and Tenchi when she glomped him. She was just about to go outside and drag her off Tenchi when she saw Tenchi's face. Ryoko hadn't noticed, but when she hugged him, a smile started tugging at the corner of his lips. Ayeka was expecting him to get angry, not smile. It's not fair! She tried to kill him! He should pick me, not that pirate! I'm the crown princess of Jurai! Tenchi and I were meant to be together! Ayeka resigned herself to staring out her window into space. ***** Ooohhh.my head. Ryoko had finally regained consciousness and was trying to remember where she was and how she got there. Oh yeah. That Anatio guy took me here. Man, I gotta remember to kill him the second I get out of these damn ropes. Ryoko then remembered what Anatio's plan was. Tenchi, don't fall for it. ***** "YES!" Washu shouted. "I am definitely the universe's greatest scientific genius!" "A" popped up. "You are the greatest Washu!" "Go Washu! No one is as smart as you!" "B" said. "What is it, Washu-chan?" Tenchi asked. "I've traced the call and found the exact location of Anatio's ship. Now you can sneak up on him, get Ryoko, and leave without even having to fight." "That's great! Can you teleport me there?" "Of course! It's no problem at all for the greatest scientific mind in existence!" "YAY WASHU!" "A" and "B" both shouted. "When you want me to teleport you and Ryoko back, just contact me with this," she said, tossing Tenchi a wrist communicator. "Got it." A second later, Tenchi was gone. ***** Damn! Tenchi thought. Where the hell can she be? He'd been looking around for almost an hour and there was still no sign of Ryoko. He only had about half an hour left before Anatio would call Washu and realize that he was gone. Just as he was about to give up, find Anatio, and force him to tell him where Ryoko was, he saw a flash of bright cyan that could only be Ryoko's spiky locks. YES! Now all he had to do was get her out of there. Making sure no one was around, he snuck into the small room. "Ryoko? Are you alright?" Ryoko looked up at him. "Oh yeah, just peachy. I love being tied to this weird bench thingy." "You know, I could just leave you here," Tenchi said with a smirk and started to untie her. "Tenchi, you're my hero!" She said, glomping him. "Well, isn't this a lovely little reunion," a low, sinister voice said from behind them. They turned around to see Anatio leaning against the doorway. "I'm glad you made it, Mr. Masaki." "Anatio!" Tenchi shouted. "You remembered my name! I'm honored." He pulled out a sword that resembled Tenchi-ken and activated it. Tenchi took out his own sword, and Ryoko activated her beam saber. "Wait," Anatio said calmly, deactivating his sword. "Why should I bother getting my hands dirty?" He pulled out a device that resembled a remote and pressed the button, then stepped back. Seemingly out of nowhere, twenty androinds appeared and surrounded Tenchi and Ryoko. "Have fun!" Author's Notes: Another rediculously short chapter. Kyinia: WHAT!? You're just going to leave us hanging? (Facevault.) You mean you actually like my story? Kyinia: Of course not! I uh.I just. I'm touched! (Glomps Kyinia.) Kyinia: GET OFF ME! (Lets go) Kyinia: Don't get used to me being nice to you, got it? Okay okay, sheesh. Anyway, e-mail me at Carmel3309@aol.com.