You know what I have to say about copyright. I finally decided on a theme song 
for this story called: "A Love Song For Me". If you own this song, please don't 
sue me, my friend made a cd a put it on there for me.

No Need For Family

				Chapter 6: Miya's Advice

	"You mean to tell me that Mai is gone?" Miyu asked while flipping her 
	"Weren't you listening to me?" Miya asked sternly.
	"If she dissapeared, where is she exactly?" Maiaka questioned her older 
	"I guess she went back into you, which means you and her are combined 
again." Miya answered.
	"Don't worry so much, Miya. She's probably fine." Miyu added softly.
	"Are you sure?"
	"Yes, of course I'm sure. I'm always sure!" She laughed.
They headed towards the door, and when Miyu went inside Miya stopped Maiaka.
	"Maiaka, You know why we're here don't you?" She asked softly.
	"Yes Miya." Maiaka responded.
	"You have to do it tonight, before we all perish and the Jurai Royal 
Family falls."
	"I know..."
	"I think you should do Father first."
	"Yes Miya."
	"Don't worry. Worry kills the sweet soul of yours, and we couldn't have 
that now could we? C'mon, smile. You look pretty when you smile." She smiled at 
Miya turned and went inside, leaving Maiaka to herself. 
	"C'mon, San-ohki. We're going for a walk." She said a few minutes later.
	"Princess," San-ohki said when they got into the woods. "Are you ok?"
	"I don't know San-ohki." She stopped. "I don't know why this has to 
happen? I'm too young to do much damage to anything, or help it. I'm too 
worthless for anything." 
	"Don't say that Maiaka. It isn't true."
Something red caught Maiaka's eye. She bent over to inspect it, and found it was 
	"San-ohki, is it just me, or is this blood?"
San-ohki sniffed it, and looked up. "Yes," she said, her nose twitching.
	"C'mon, somebody could be hurt!" Maiaka said, jumping up and braking into 
a run.
	"Princess! Wait up!" San-ohki bounded into the forest after her.
	"Whoever it is, they went that way!" Maiaka made a sharp turn and started 
	"Princess!...Come back here!" San-ohki chased after her.
	"AHHHHH!!!!!!!!! Miya!!" Maiaka had stopped in front of a tree. Hanging 
from the tree was Miya. Her flesh was pale, and she looked as if she hadn't been 
there very long. She was bleeding where the rope around her neck was cutting 
into her.
	"Miya, can you hear me?" Maiaka choked back tears. "This can't be 
happening, no not to Miya!" She fell to her knees and started crying. (A nice 
song to play here if you have it is Night Fears. Yes, It is a Tenchi Muyo song.)
	"Princess..." San-ohki whined. "Oh my god, what happened to Miya?!"	
	"I don't know..." Maiaka sobbed.
It was too late. The murderer of Miya hit Maiaka with strong force, knocking the 
princess into a tree where she passed out, leaving San-ohki to fight and get 
hurt, or run and let Maiaka get killed. 


				Somewhere Far Away:
	Slowly Maiaka stood and got to her feet. Her head hurt, and she was 
	"What could be wrong with me...?" She thought. She closed her eyes and sat 
down. "Days and nights, Real life and dreams, Everything is all mixed up."