Author's Note: Most of the characters in the following story are not mine and in no way do I claim them to be. Nor do I claim that I created the universe that the characters are placed in. The characters and the universe remain the property of Hitoshi Okuda, Pioneer LDC, INC and Kadokawa Shoten Publishing CO. Please do not sue. This is a fanfic and is nothing more than a show of my appreciation to the creators of Tenchi Muyo. No Need for Dark Warriors Chapter 14 The elevator stopped with a sudden shaking and a whirring and grinding sound and then there was nothing, no movement and the only sounds were that of breathing. Then the doors opened with a whoosh and Tenchi stepped out first and Aeka, Ryoko, and Washuu followed cautiously. The four had entered a massive metal chamber with walls that extended upward until they were lost to the eye and a breadth that left the far walls as hazy visions. There was a massive machine of some kind placed in the center of the room, a tree-like pillar of wires and tubes that looked strangely alive and hummed with an unearthly energy that filtered out into the air like annoying insects. This machine extended upward and it too disappeared out of sight and it was so big that it made dots out of Tenchi, Washuu, Ryoko, and Aeka. There was nothing else in the room and this made it eerie, eerie that such a large room had so little in it. Washuu was studying the huge machine and nodded in approval. "Well, it seems we've found the core." "Good." Said Tenchi. "Now we have to destroy it." Washuu shook her head. "Not so fast. We just attack it and the resulting explosion generated by a ship this powerful would take out the galaxy not to mention us." "Well then how do we blow it?" Said Aeka hurriedly. "How are we supposed to stop it?" "We have to set off a chain reaction that takes the core out last." Said Washuu. "That way the explosion is directed inward and then generates enough force to phase out of this dimension and that would cause considerably less damage and the explosion would be limited to the belt of Sojin where there are no inhabited worlds." "Washuu," Began Tenchi in a confused manner. "How can an explosion cause the ship to phase out of this dimension?" "It's a very powerful ship Tenchi, far more then I could even calculate. The laws of physics don't factor in an explosion that big." Tenchi nodded. "I see. Well then, how do you blow it?" Washuu smiled. "Simple, I override the system and blow the ship section by section until at last the core goes." "Not to burst your bubble Washuu," Said Ryoko. "But where are we going to be when everything is blowing up?" "Far away. I'll set a timer to give us some time to get out." Washuu began walking toward the machine that loomed in the center of the room and Tenchi looked around and spoke. "Its very strange, we still haven't seen the crew. What do you make of it Washuu?" The scientist answered as she reached the machine. "I don't know. My guess is that the crew's dead, the ship is very old, maybe the crew died and its been running on auto the whole time." "But what about the voice that spoke to us from earth miss Washuu?" Said Aeka. "The computer's voice." Washuu answered. "Oh you couldn't be more right Washuu." A cry escaped Washuu's lips at the sound of the voice that said her name, the same voice that had spoke over earth and the same voice of the hidden tormentor in her dream. Washuu's eyes and the eyes of the others were riveted onto the strange machine from which the voice had come. The machine rumbled from within and then the sides split open and tentacles of wires danced around menacingly and then something moved from within and then was pushed outward. "What the hell?" Was all Tenchi could say under his breath when he saw it. It was a man, or it least it had once been a man, the wires of the machine were interlocked with his skin and his appendages were connected to the machine into which he was meshed. The man gazed down at the four with dispassion and smiled as he spoke. "Well, you've come a long way, are you pleased at what you see? Allow me to introduce myself, I am Koi and what you see before you is my visage, the ship is my body and so it bears my name. You look confused, oh well, that's natural after what you've been through." "How did you know my name Koi?" Said Washuu with reserve. Koi nodded. "I know much about you little Washuu, I know much about all of you. I know your fears, your pleasures, your greatest and worst assets and I know how to play off those assets to either raise or destroy you. I'm sure your asking many questions right now, such as why you're alive. I'm sure you know I could have destroyed you whilst you were still aboard Ryo-Ohki, well its all part of my test you see. I'm actually quite impressed that you were able to transport yourself back in time, even if your plan to rectify the future is pathetically futile." Tenchi was as shocked as the others but he managed to speak. "How did you know we came back in time?" "Oh come now, its simple to do, all one has to do is know some common science." Tenchi looked at Washuu and the little scientist was becoming visibly angry. "It is not simple science!" She roared. "Ah! Hit a pressure point did I?" Said Koi as the wires that wrapped around his body sparked. "I'm sorry little Washuu but I'm afraid your not half as smart as you make yourself out to be, in fact, your rather stupid, just like your friends." "What!" Washuu was turning as red as her hair. Koi smiled proudly. "Oh no, calm yourself Washuu, you don't want to get angry at me. Yes, you are a dumb one, sorry to say. First of all, the Lighthawk Wings, I'm sure that in the future you must have seen me decimate the Juraian fleet. Well, Lighthawk Wings are very simple to bypass if you know a thing or two. I absorbed a Juraian ship some time ago and when that ship was meshed with my body I learned all I needed to know." "But why?" Said Aeka. "Why do all this? Why are you seeking to destroy the galaxy?" "Not the galaxy Aeka, the universe." Koi corrected and was pleased to see how Aeka recoiled at his mention of her name. "I am a seeker of knowledge, I am a wolf. I consume to learn, I destroy to educate myself. Your galaxy, your empires, your worlds, they mean nothing to me, what I learn from their destruction does matter. When I absorb I learn everything from the experience, it is rather stimulating. I have eaten galaxies whole." Tenchi was having trouble keeping calm. "You can't just go around destroying things!" "And why not?" Said Koi. "It betters me. Come now, all life is truly meaningless, only knowledge is worthy of survival. I strive to be the archive of the universe and once the universe is devoid of life, of all substance, when it is so perfectly empty, them I shall breath life back into the void." "You can't do that!" Tenchi shouted as he pulled forth his sword and activated its blade. "You can't destroy the universe and then bring it back! You're not god!" "Yes I am." Said Koi as the ship rumbled. "I am more of a god than any other being you know. I existed long before this ship that is now my body, this limb to do my will, I was one of the eyes that witnessed the birth of the universe and even before that I saw the emptiness that was before existence. It is my right to do whatever I wish." Koi looked at Tenchi dryly and the wires around his body tightened and then unraveled and then tightened back up. "I see you've drawn your weapon, do put it away before I have to kill you, I don't want to do that just yet." "I will stop you!" Tenchi roared. "I can't let you destroy everything!" Koi smiled and nodded. "I know you can't allow that, that is what will cause me to have to end your life. Interesting, yes." Koi trailed off and seemed to be thinking to himself. "Hey jerk!" Ryoko shouted after a long moment of silence. "You gonna talk or do I have to make you!" Koi turned toward Ryoko. "Hmm? Oh, I apologize, I was just thinking to myself." "Oh I'll give you something to think about buster!" Ryoko growled taking a step forward. Koi's face fell as he saw Ryoko move forward. "You threaten me, I don't like that very much. Let me teach you some manners." Koi reached out with his hand and a door on the far side of the room opened and out stepped two figures. One was a bony man with a gaunt face and the other was a very beautiful woman with golden hair. "Hey! It's the bitch from my dream!" Ryoko said in her usual well- expressed manner. Ryoko turned and saw that Aeka recognized the woman as well. Tenchi eyed the man with the gaunt face and knew him as well. "You're the man from my dream! So you are real." "Yes," Said Koi, his voice booming above everything else. "They are real. These are my children Shinrin and Irai, wonderful aren't they? The perfect concoction of metal and flesh." "You mean their-" Washuu started but was interrupted by Koi. "Cyborgs my simple friend. Very advanced ones I might add. It took me millions of years to make the two of them; each year I perfected them more and more. They are now flawless, well, almost, both of them retain a small scrap of the personalities they had when they were human. Shrinin's quite mad, that's a shame, he's still effective though. And Irai, well, she has a strange way of showing emotion; she has the habit of falling in love with her victims before she kills them. But they are the perfect example of science; they are more than my children. They are my Adam and my Eve." Washuu looked at Koi. "But where do we fit in? You could have destroyed us long before we ever docked, why spare us?" Koi laughed, it was the most unnerving sound ever conceived. "I spared you because from you I can learn the most important thing of all, with you I can learn if I have truly perfected Shinrin and Irai, if they can kill you, especially your strong Tenchi, then I shall know that they are faultless. You see I most know if Shinrin and Irai are truly worthy to be my Dark Warriors." Ryoko formed an energy ball with her fist. "You won't kill Tenchi as long as I'm around!" Koi nodded. "I see, then I shall have to kill you first. Hmm, how shall the great space pirate Ryoko fair against my creations? How long shall you live Ryoko? It shall be most interesting to see how my experiments do against you, after all are you not like my children?" "What are you talking about?" Said Ryoko. Koi smiled. "Oh come now, you must know what I mean. Shinrin and Irai are my experiments but I, like Washuu, used my own genetic material. That in my mind makes my children the same as you, Ryoko, nothing more than an experiment, an unnatural and unholy conception." "Shut up!" Ryoko shouted angrily, but the cracking of her voice gave away her feelings. "A bit tender on that subject aren't we?" Said Koi. "I'm sorry to have upset you. Oh well, no use crying over things already said." He turned to where Irai and Shinrin still stood, waiting for a command. "You may kill them now, see to it that it takes a while, I want plenty of time to take data." Ryoko had formed her energy sword and her yellow eyes were flaming. "Oh bring 'em on! I'm gonna rip your kids apart!" Irai was looking at Ryoko keenly and slid a hand through her golden hair. "So you want to take us on hmm? I'd be glad to fight such a lovely creature as yourself, someone with such glorious curves." Aeka leaned over to Tenchi. "Her taste in women is a bit off." "I heard that Aeka!" Ryoko snapped and then turned and addressed Irai. "Alright lets fight, you and me! Lets see how well Koi made you!" Irai was grinning as she drew her sword from its place across her back. "Very well then, I shall take great joy in carving that wonderful body of yours apart piece by piece!" Ryoko was about to rush foreword when Washuu stopped her with her voice. "No Ryoko! Don't fight!" Ryoko turned to Washuu. "Huh?" "She'll kill you!" Washuu said desperately. "Don't fight this battle, you- you can't win!" Tears were now starting to form in Washuu's eyes. "What's wrong Washuu?" Said Tenchi as he rushed to her aid. Washuu pushed Tenchi away and dried her eyes and composed herself. "I just remembered a legend I read in my academy days, simple folklore from ancient Jurai, I never gave it much thought. The legend talks about a creature created to be the opposite of all goodness in the universe, a creature with an age immeasurable with time. It would be a creature that would seek to wipe out the universe, to bring about galactic Armageddon and destroy everything in existence." "What are you getting at Washuu?" Said Tenchi as he felt the bile well up into his throat. "Koi." Said Washuu. "The entity that the legend said would destroy the universe, its name is Koi." "Very good Washuu." Said Koi as if he were speaking to an ignorant child. "I was wondering when you would make that connection." Ryoko could hold back no longer. "Oh that's it, you're dead!" "Dead?" Said Koi with a smile. "Perhaps, but you shall fall first. Irai! Destroy this impudent feather." Irai rushed toward Ryoko and as she ran he speed was so great that she became a blur. Ryoko slashed her weapon downward at the blur but missed and then began desperately stabbing all around her while rambling a motley of phrases. "Stand still! What! How can you be that fast! I said stand still! Where the hell are you!" "Right here my pretty." Ryoko's eyes widened, Irai had stopped behind her. Before Ryoko could turn Irai viciously knocked her upon the head and Ryoko fell to the ground unconscious. Irai then raised her sword and made ready for the final blow. Washuu's hands clenched into fists and she threw her head back in rage. "Noooo! You're not going to kill her!" Washuu raised her hands and fired an energy blast and Irai was consumed with fire and thrown backward. But the robot flipped and landed on her feet and wagged a finger erotically at Washuu. "Oh no my dear goddess," Said Irai. "That's not the way you kill me." Irai raised her hand and looked at Koi. "Shall I kill her now?" Koi nodded. "Of course." "No! You're not going to hurt anyone else!" Tenchi roared as Juraian armor formed around his body. "If you want to fight you fight me, not my friends!" Koi looked at Tenchi as the wires wrapped round his body. "Very well Tenchi, you shall fight Irai and Shinrin alone and when they are done with you they shall strike down your friends." Tenchi did not see the nod that Koi gave Shinrin and Irai but he did see the results as the two androids rushed at him. Time seemed to stand still at that point; the only things that moved in the room were the three blurs that were Tenchi and the two robots. Tenchi had not fought long when he realized that he was going to lose. Shinrin and Irai were beyond his ability; they were perfect in their fighting, flawless. But then, just before he gave up all hope he caught sight of something. There was the little boy, the one Tenchi had seen before, standing beside the pillar that contained Koi. Then Tenchi heard a voice in his head, it was that of the boy's, clear as day. "You can't beat them with that sword Tenchi. Koi controls them with his mind and as long as that goes on they can't be stopped. I can't stand it any longer. I can't watch the death go on. I need to stop Koi, I need to stop my father." Tenchi managed to watch the boy out of the corner of one eye as he kept fighting Shinrin and Irai. The boy turned to the mechanical pillar that contained Koi's body and looked into one of the many pits that dotted its base, disappearing into darkness. Then, without hesitation, the boy leapt into the pit and was gone. A moment later there was a grinding noise and Koi let out a roar as sparks danced across his body. Tenchi turned to Shinrin and Irai and saw that they had paused for a moment, it was clear that for a brief moment Koi was distracted enough not to be controlling his two androids. Tenchi made his move and slammed his sword into Shinrin and then Irai and watched as the two robots fell to the floor, their eyes now very dull. Koi's roar once more and this time he caused the whole of the room to shake. "You! How dare you destroy my creations! The boy betrayed me; my own creation killed his siblings! I knew I should have destroyed that failed experiment long ago!" Koi looked at Tenchi and smiled. "You think this is over do you? Well you might have destroyed my perfect creations but my technology shall still prevail! Congratulations Tenchi, you've sealed the fate of this galaxy!" The robotic pillar that held Koi came alive with sparks and tentacles of steel shot forward and wrapped themselves around Shinrin and Irai and pulled the two androids into the pillar. Then the medal arms spread out over the rest of the room as the ship began to rock and vibrate. Koi laughed and nodded. "Now that I have pulled my children into myself I have augmented my power. Now this ship shall blow itself apart and with it the whole of the universe shall fall! I am the destroyer, I am the god of ungodliness!" Washuu looked at Tenchi with wide eyes of horror. "He's right! Why an explosion of the size this ship would create would rip the very fabric of space! The universe might not recover from the effects for millions of years!" Aeka swooned and began to panic. "What do we do! How do we stop it?" "We can't!" Washuu said in equal panic. "We have to get out of here now!" Tenchi nodded and rushed over to Ryoko who was still out cold. Picking her up into his arms he, Washuu and Aeka ran out of the room with all the speed they could muster as Koi's voice called out after them. "Where do you think you can run? When my ship goes nothing shall remain! You have failed even though you have succeeded!" The run back through the Koi was a short one somehow and soon Tenchi found himself looking at Ryo-Ohki. Soon the transport beam was enveloping him and then he was on the bridge. He set Ryoko down gently and then turned to Washuu who was already in the command chair. "What do we do?" He asked urgently. Washuu looked at Tenchi with tears in her eyes. "We try to outrun the blast." "And then?" Continued Tenchi. "And then we find another galaxy to live in. That's all we can hope for. All we can hope to do is to survive, nothing else in this galaxy will." "But there must be something we can do!" "Nothing Tenchi." Tenchi watched with a sick feeling as Washuu commanded Ryo-Ohki to get moving. Tenchi observed as the Koi became smaller and smaller yet it still loomed large enough to be scary. Tenchi waited for the explosion, waited for the end. But then a voice came into his thoughts, the voice of the nameless boy. "I'm glad you all lived. I'm so sick of the sadness, I'm sick of what I am. But I'm not crying anymore, I can't cry anymore. I'm inside the heart of Koi now; I'm inside my father. I'm going to take this ship far away, to a place where it can be destroyed without causing harm. This is my present to you, my first and last act in the name of good." Washuu's voice broke Tenchi's thoughts. "It's about to blow! We're not going to make it!" Tenchi's eyes watched the Koi, watched as the first explosions puffed around its massive surface and then it was gone. No explosion, the Koi was just gone. "Wha- what happened?" Aeka stammered. "I don't know. It's just gone. How is that possible?" Tenchi looked at the spot where the Koi had been and then after a long moment a smile spread across his face. The little boy had done his first and last act in the name of good. "Thank you." Tenchi whispered. To be continued...