(NOTE: It helps to see 'Tenchi TV episode 18: No need for Ghosts' to truly get this) PM Productions Presents A Phillip Masters Fanfic Neverending Dream A Ghost. A Spirit. Whatever you may call it, it all comes down to one thing. I am dead. Struck down at an early age by a foe I cannot recall anymore. Perhaps I once knew, or maybe I just pushed it from my mind. I don't really know, or particularly care. A long time ago, my life came to an end, and my dream began. I suppose the best way to describe me would be a Poltergeist, but it's so impersonal. I can create whatever I wish just by thinking of it. I can mold my environment to anything my heart desires. Yet, I am stuck here. In this pit of a starship, forever lost among the asteroids of the Sargasso Sea. The backwaters of the Universe. Where no one will ever know of me. I suppose somewhere there is a record of this flight.Somewhere I am included in a long list of those lost in the accident.However, that is all that remains of me outside my domain. Just a name in a, most likely, forgotten computer. Only once did a light shine for me. A supernova in an otherwise dreary existence. One like, but also unlike, me came to this place. Sasami. It is such a beautiful name. She was such a beautiful person. So carefree and compassionate, with a streak of youth that couldn't be denied. I can't help but love her. To worship her thoughts and her memory. Everything that she was is now part of me, and I love her for that. I hold a fond wish in my heart that someday we might meet again. I realize that it is probably futile. When she passes on, she will go to a much nicer place. While I will still be here. It saddens me, and I cling to her essence all the more to smother the pain. The loneliness and solitude. I hope someone else will come along and be my friend. Someone for me to play with, or just talk to. New places and new experiences to explore. New ideas and amazing new adventures though the mind of another. To go with them to a realm they can only recall in their dreams and fondest memories. It is all I want to do, and all I feel I am here for still. So, why doesn't it happen? Am I being punished, or tested? For what? Why must I be stuck here? Why can't I join the rest of my people? Whoever they are, or were? 'Why' is a very powerful query, not to be taken lightly. It is usually the hardest to answer, and the most difficult to comprehend. I suppose I should just stop asking, as it does no good anyway. Yes, I will stop asking. I shall just accept what hand fate has dealt me, and try not to fold. Someone very important to Sasami and her friends once said "Time is short, but we will live our lives to the fullest, I promise. That's all that really matters.". If such a simple concept can pertain to life, can it not pertain to death as well? Is there really any difference? For, all I know of life is in a dream. And death is the neverending dream. I guess there really isn't a difference after all. END NOTE: I realize the movie doesn't fall before this story in the continuum. Sue me.