Hello you read my 1st Fic heres part two of it i do not own any of these charicters blah blah blah oh and Washu is the greatest scientest of all time.Lets get on No need for Demensions (The morning broke at 6am when the Bathroom line got a bit long Bender has Awoken and is slowley but surley testing out his new saki) Bender:Yes its done now Ryoko (Bender searchs for Ryoko and Finds her on her beam ) Bender:Here you go my new improved one please dont be harsh Ryoko:Fine ill drink it (Ryoko takes a swig and preperes for the worst when nothing happens) Ryoko:This stuff is allright (Ryoko enjoys the Saki Bender is thriled not just the saki worked but for once no one had no say no thanks bender i had a big breakfest) Ryoko:Do you have more of this Stuff Bender:Yes down in the frezer Ryoko:Lets me at it (Ryoko Disapears Bender is now ready to tell Fry and Leela the news) Fry:Hay Bender why do you look so strageley happy Bender:Because fry oh buddy of mine some one appreciated my Drink Leela:Who Bender:Ryoko Tenchi:Are you shure she wasent drunk Bender:why does everybody have to do this Fry:I dunnno were a bit nervous since your cooking and Drink mixing in the past has ether killed us or Deflated are Stomachs Leela:Frys right for once Fry:I am woohhhh Bender:Come on gimme a chance guys so i screwed up back on trisol with the slug Leela:and.... Bender:Allmost killed you (Marge enters the room and cences something weird) Marge:Whats happend Tenchi:Bender made something Edible Bender:Come on ill show you (we are outside in the courtyard we see Ryoko filling up a glass of Benders saki realy fast) Tenchi:Ryoko go easy on the Saki (Leela walks bye gets a ladle from the barel and takes a small sip and looks suprised) Leela:wow Bender this is great Fry:let me try Tenchi ill get the cups Bender: Ive never been so happy in my life Fry:It was worth a day makeing (Mioshi and Twoflower walk into the yard) Mioshi:Whats going on Ryoko:You gota try this stuff Mioshi:I dont know Ryoko (Twoflower whispers in Mioshis ear they look at the hopefull Bender) Mioshi:All right we will try some (Mioshi and twoflower takes some Saki from the Large pot and take a sip) Mioshi:wow this tastes great Twoflower:yeah i havent had a drink like this since i left Agatia (Bender who now is getting realy happy is filled with Thoughts about the future) Washu:Hi evreay one hmm whats that smell Marge:Bender made some Saki evreaybody loves it Washu:Realy (Washu Trys some saki out and enjoys it) Washu:Hey im impressed Bender is one of my creations and he created this (Homer walks bye) Homer:mmm that smells nice what is it Leela Leela:Saki (Homer trys some out) Homer:wow my tastebuds have gone through the final frontere Bender:allmost everybody has tried it apart from Aiakia (Aiakia walks bye and looks at evreayone) Aiakia:why evreaybody out here (Ryoko shoves a cup under her nose) Ryoko:Try some Princess' Aiakia:No thank you Leela:Its not poisened Fry:we all tried it out Tenchi:Come on Aiakia the 1st time was a mestake Mioshi:come on try some (Aiakia gives up Drinks some saki and well she likes it) Aiakia:wow this is good Bender:I feel like im walking on air Fry:Woah Bender we dont want your emote chip to blow Note:I shoud be payed for doing this Ryoko:In Idea just hit me how mutch will people will pay to taste this suff Bender:People i dont know well......... (A idea hit bender in his thinking chip like a brick aghanst ice) Bender:ok Tenchi:we woud need the extra money as well to build more rooms Ryoko:The saki is being selled Leela:well Bender i never thought id say this but you made something to achive Washu:we better keep the rest of the pot full to make a rescipe Rincewind:Um whats with all the comotion Bender:id better go ask Sassami for cooking tips (The day started normaley Arfter breackfast the gang split up to do there chours) Bender:ummmm Washu were shoud we start selling i never sold something like this before washu:Easy we atract costermers bye startin small at the markit Bender:who is selling them Washu:Ryoko Bender:this is the bestday of my life Tenchi:hi hoh (Tenchi looks at the machine it is Big as big as the house) Tenchi:washu were not useing that till the Saki becomes more populer are we (The Bills for the Makasaki house were huge the biggest was electricty) Washu:dont worry Ryoko will sort that part out Tenchi:Oh yeah i remeber at the fair Sassami:Bender its time for your cooking lesson Bender:Bye Washu (We cut to the Fields Twoflower Mioshi Rincewind and Kyonie are working on the carrot fields) Rincewind:Phew this is hard work Mioshi:hey twoflower did i tell you the time when.... (Rincewind looked at Kyonie he knew he loved her she loved him they had alot in common he was trying to get used to his life for now he blushed at the thought of the Karioke contest) Twoflower:Rincewind does the ground swallow carrots up (Rincewind sighed he hoped he was not going to find a 6ft talking bunny to his releif he found Ryo-oki ) Rincewind:found the culprit (Mioshi takes the Cabbit from Rincewind and puts her on the ground,Rincewind allso knew that the same thing was happerning to Twoflower and Mioshi but those two were much happyer and less embarised he continued rakeing,cut to liveing room Fry is reading a Tv guide magazine Leela is stareing at the wall Fry:Leela do you notice some odd things today Leela;well the fact Bender made something good... Fry:No about the people Leela;Now you mention it Kyonie has been acting veary strange and Ditto For Rincewind Fry:Ohh look at program called the island of adventure is on at 6 Leela;Gimme that fry Fry:its all your Leela weela (We cut to the kitchen were Bender and Sassami are makeing some rice when we here a smack and an Ow from Fry Bender:SassamiIve allways wanted to be a good cook now i learn from a master Sassami:just keep it in your mind i can cook anything Bender:Mind gotya (Cut to lake Death is lazy fishing I.E he has the string tied to his toe bone ) Death:HMMM NO FISH NAHH ILL JUST LIE HERE AND SLEEP AGAIN WAIT ITS ALLMOST LUNCHTIME!!!! (Death dashes up the slope trips on the string and utters bugger) Tenchi:what a peceful day i wonder how Ryoko is doing (Cut to a busy markit place were Ryoko is in a stall selling the saki Ryoko:Get your Home made saki 2 yen for a bottle (Ryoko gets some small cups and puts them on a tray marked Free samples this doesent work so she goes for plan B) Ryoko:Hello there miss (Ryoko 2 comes from the croud exsept she is wereing a blue suit and glasses) Ryoko 2:yes young lady Ryoko:woud you like some saki heres a free sample (Ryoko 2 takes a small cut and sips it) Ryoko 2:man this stuff tastes good how mutch Ryoko:1 yen for a can 2 Yen for a bottle (A crowd starts building up around the stall) ,Cut to house then liveing room Fry is napping Leela is reading Death is humming and Mioshi and Twoflower are talking Rincewind and Kyonie are sitting in the corner blushing) Tenchi:Man its late i hope she issent lost Death:SHE IS A DEMON AND A SPACE PILOT MATE GETTING LOST WOUD BE THE LAST THING SHE WILL DO (A doorbell rings and evereyone jumps) Leela:Ill get it (Leela opens the door and sees Ryoko 1 and 2 carrying whellbarrows fall of cash Ryoko:One Word sell out (Cut to liveing Room Bender is now in looking at the money) Bender:wow over 12000 yen Tenchi:thats more than enough Fry:Oh Bender can i say it Plaseeee Bender:Fine onley because your my Bestfreind Ryoko:allso the Saki got us are own company smileing Dragon has given its deeds to us Washu:so this is dumb luck Fry:Washu start the machine Washu:Ok (Washu quickley goes into her lab secends later she pops out) Washu:Got the order Filled Tenchi:In a fec secends Sassami:Dinner time (Dinner scence same as before) Bender:this is the most happyest day of my life Sassami:oh Bender cooked this Fry:i coud of sworn....... Leela:That you said Twoflower:Bender cooked this this is fantastic Bender:see all i need was a few lessons Leela:ok (Leela takes a bite of food and finds it ok) Tenchi:well tommow were gonna build some new stuff onto the house Mioshi:we have enough money Aiakia:well this day has been extrodanerey Tenchi:Lets hope the building inspectere doesent find out about this (Night falls a karioki contest comes and pasts we see bender walk into his closet) Bender:ahhh what a day i feel a bit tired (Bender falls asleep) Death:IM A NIGHT WATCHMAN COLD VERILE......AND HUNGREY HANG ON I HERE SOME SOUNDS FROM THAT BUSH (Death Brushs the bush aside and Finds 2 Blackclab Pepole ) Death:WHAT DO WE HAVE HERE person 1:Stay out of this old man were here to steal the recipe of the saki Death:AS NIGHT WATCHMAN I ORDER YOU TO STOP person 2:and if i dont Death:I HAVE A SCYHTE person2:so what we have daggers Person1:Lets kill him before he alerts the peaple (Both the people draw knives and slash at Death one misses the other takes the hood of his Robe) Person2:Oh my god its its ..... Death:THE WORD YOUR LOOKING FOR IS DEATH JOHN CLANCEY AND NEENA VERSH NOW STAY STILL I GOTA DO MY JOB (cut to the house morning at Breakfast) Rincewind:I heard some noise last night Death:WHAT DO YOU MEAN Rincewind:you dont here a blood curdiling scream in the middle of the night Death:SO WHAT ARE YOU IMPLYING Kyone:I herd it to Death:YOU WERE IN THE SAME ROOM Kyone:err no Note:at this point Death woud have quirked an eyebrow if he had one he knew something unNormal sbout Rincewind but he had his own secrets like 2 dead bodys out there in the discworld by now the corpse ahve been stripped of all that was valuble and was sold to a stupid butcher Detch had to send the bodys in the lake) Aiakia:we start building the house today (There was some sounds of crashing and clonking Bender had fallen down the stairs ) Washu:Bender are you allright Bender:i wikll be soon Momi Fry:Bender lost his dighnity in forty secends Leela:This look serios Tenchi:well the stairs are made of the hardest wood in japan Rincewind:thats not good for Bender is it (Washu tries to pull Bender up she Gets him on his feet and Bender falls apart) Fry:Oh no Bender buddy can you hear me Washu:ill try to make this sentence little more serios grab a piece of bender and follow me to my lab (Zip to Washus lab this area has alot of machines and Robots) Washu:Bender has had a Robot cuncusion he will be all right but.... Leela:what Washu:A microchip has gone missing a Vital chip Fry:what does that mean Leela:think Fry woud you be alive with out your hart Fry:No Leela:This chip is like a human hart,Can you replace it Washu:Im afrain not the metel and silocon dont exist yet Tenchi:Meaning Fry:we got to find that chip Leela;Or Bender will be Dead Death:NO HE WONT Fry:No for real but in are memories Washu:We better go (Cut to hall way Miosh and Twoflower are searching hard when.) Mioshi:hay Washu i think i have found it Washu:Oh dear its split Tenchi:Youm mean there another half?? Washu:yes Leela;Hmmm hay fry Fry:what Leela Leela;You have a black speck on your shirt Fry:Ill flick it away ALL:No Fry!!!!!! Washu:At last now we need to atachthem and the rebuild Bender to his normal state Leela:will that be hard Washu:Not if you are the smartest purden in the galaxy 9Cut to waighting room area of Washus lab the whole Gang are there Fry looks scared and Leela a bit sad FrayBenders allmost human he is allso my best Freind if he goes all i got is Leela the same for Leela Bender was with us from the beginning and untill the end Death:LA L LA LA LA LA Rincewind:Stop it Death (Washu opens the door she has oil on her Apron wich is not a reasureing sight) Washu:He just made it Fry:Allright Washu:Visiting time is open (Cut to Benders room Bender is sitting on metel slab looking confused when suddemley the door opens and Babble voices broke out) Bender:Im okay im okay my minds a bit blank what time is it Fry:11:45 Bender:i feel down at 7am Leela:we all got you some get well cards Bender:Thanks guys (Bender opens a card at Random and reads it) Bender:Get well from your big sister Ryoko thanks Ryoko Note:What comeon if Bender is a creation of Washu and he is allmost human you gota consider Ryoko his Big sister in a way (Bender opens another card) Bender:Thanks Leela and fry Fry:no probs we woudent be a trio with out you (Time passes Bender has recovered a day has passed) Tenchi:ok todays the day we build part onto the house Bender:Im a built in cement Mixer (Bender demenstrates his Abilty buy grabbing a bag of cement from the corner and tipping it is followed bye a bottle of water we hear sounds clunking and that Tenchi:ok (The gang add on a new place in a day and decarate it in the evening cut to a no room were Fry and Leela and Bender decarateing) Fry:Bender stop spiting out the paste i am startin to find that a wee bit sick Bender il stop (The camra turn around to Leela and Fry as they watch BenderSpit out the Paste in a sick way) Leela:I think i lost my apatite Fry:Me to (Cut to Deaths room wich is black plain black so black you can onley see his blue eyes) Death:REMINDS ME OF HOME (Cut to the dinner scene the gang are happly despite some paste has been spilled or a building violation) Tenchi:Look like we did it Team Death:CAN YOU SEE THE PAINT SPILLED ON ME Mioshi:No Twoflower:Nah ah (The Meal continued silenty till Ryoko whispered something into Tenchis Ear that made him as red as a Beetroot blushing and a fammiler Triccle of Blood started pouring out of Tenchis nose than Aiakia started the rest crepped out the room in silence) Bender:Sassami said i shoud read this cook book in peace to cook Leela:Do it in are room Fry: yeah Bender:It woud be much Quieter (Bender slowley crepps up the Stairs to studdy he goes into the Room to studdy when he finds someone had stabbed him but failed with a knife) Bender:What the hell!!!! Person3:Stay still or your scrap Bender:I know your Arfter the deed forget it (Bender grabs this Person and hails him into the lake) Bender:now were was I (Cut to the liveing room were Death is sitiing) Death:HMMM Death:walked through the wall and looked at the body of the person on the ground Death:DELONNE VONSPIRE (Death swipes the Air with his Scythe and washed the Sprit glide away) Death:BACK TO RELAXING (Death walks throw wall and sits down in his chair and went back to long thoughtJust as a battered Tenchi folowed By Aiakia and Ryoko folowing him) Rincewind:Death were did you go Death:TO DO MY JOB Mioshi:Come quick theres someone dead one our lawn (Cut outside Twoflower is Conferting the upset Mioshi the others are clustered around the corpse including Bender) Ryoko:This is messy Tenchi:This is what you ment Death:HE DIED HE IS DEAD THERE IS NO POINT TRYING TO SAVE HIM HE LOOK SUSPICIUS ANYWAY Washu:Hmmmm Dressed in black sharp knives i say this is an Assassin Bender:This guy tried to kill me so i chucked him out the window Fry:I gues that was self defence Leela;Coud you have just brung him to us than be inhumain Bender:Inhume what Leela:Hmmm Rincewind :Lets see he is an Assasin from the guild in my time Washu:Thats imposeble the portal has been broken since Kyonie:so Bender:This guy planned to kill us and steal all this and the deed Twoflower:this man is hired by some one Leela:But who Fry:Help me Leela im scared (Leela holds Fry) Washu:well that means the Masaki secritey system is online tonight Bender:Hang on whats this (Bender grabs a gun from the dead Assasin) Bender:I though he was bluffing Death:WHAT SHOUD WE DO WITH THE CORPSE Marge:Homer Homer:what Marge Marge:you were a gravedigger for a brief piriod. Homer:Moans stuck with the dirty work (The gang despose with the corpse and go to bed) Death:IM BORED HELLOO RIO-OKI (Ryo-oki lept on Death in a freindly sort of way Death gives Ryo-oki a carrot) Death:WASHUS SYSTEMS SEEM TO KEEP THE HOUSE SAFE I NEED TO TAKE A NAP (It seem there is a dart inbedded in Deaths skull shadow is seen walking up stairs and darting towards a closet wich Bender seems to call abode.) Thief:I will just.... (The door opens well screechs anyway but in this house that coud not wake anybody up well Tenchi for not oiling the hinges but thats not importent right now,The Thief saw Bender sleeping and try to snatch away but the door slamed on his hand) Thief:YOOOOOOOWCCCHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! (Washu securty system went off and theThief found himself floting in the lake then the sirens and lights went off) Washu:we have a thief Bender:Hey who poen my door i got prints on it!!!!!! Leela:we must go down to the lake to see who its is Fry:Whats going on Twoflower:Thew!!!! i thought i had to use this (Twoflower holds up a small but sharp axe that made all the peaple in the room grimence at.) Twoflower:and my luggege woud of helped Tenchi:in what way Rincewind:Thief Gormae (At this moment the whole gang are in the room and they rither not think of what the box can do. Twoflower:ok go luggege fetch Rincewind Fe fe fetch the luggege fetching its-...... (at this moment luggege arives dragging a soaked thief behind it) Sassami:a Thief Thief:I was hired Hired Bender:Leave me in the room alone with him and he will be dead Dead!!! Tenchi:And a horrible mess Leela:umm yes dread ful Fry:umm what (Leela shoulders Fry ) Fry:Ow ,Oh yes veary messy Leela: Washu:Now its time to do an interrogation Bender:Goodie (we now see the clasic wornout Chair thinngie ,I shoud be payed) Washu:This is the Washu lie tester BUT it is much powerfuller it monters anything guilty even movements (Washu sets the thing up as the carrys it near the Thief she switches it on then as she passes the group the sound starts at Tenchi then Ryoko Leela and then Bender with a horble high picked bleeping) Bender:What!?!? Washu:Lets just set this thing up (We zoom out to see the dark room with a lamp and a black chair washu of course is in a booth) Fry:I want to be a bad cop Bender:tough luck im the bad cop Fry:Im allways the good cop Bender:Fry you act so childish Fry:I do not Leela:is this necessary Fry:Its Tradisional Leela:Its worn out Bender:It allways works (we zoom into the booth Tenchi is standing in the booth with Washu) Tenchi:Im startin to think we shoud have picked someone else (Back to the Room) Fry:fine see if i care!!! Bender:childish Fry:What!!!!! Leela:Just get on it (LeelaDoes a thumbs up at the screen,Into Booth ) Washu:Thats the sigh Tenchi:why do we have to do this at 4 in the morning Death:ITS EASYER AT NIGHT IT MAKES THEM "CRACK" Tenchi:Oh (back out side the lamp is on and vaeary bright Bender walks into the light with sun glasses and a Toothpick wich drops out of his mouth he is a robot he hasent got a real mouth) Thief:too bright Leela:sorry (Leela turns down the lamp) Bender:all right scum own up we know you did it!! Thief:wah Bender:You little anser me (Back to booth) Homer:Mind if i drink my coffe here (Room again)Fry:woud you like a snack maybe a......... (Fry thinks for a while) Fry:Ah i got it, a Riceball (Inside the Booth The charicters have all colapsed onto the ground Including the non Japanise ones) Bender:Moron Fry:I told you i was the bad cop..... Leela:shut up about the cop Thief:you know id woud....... Bender:SHUT UP SCUM (Booth) Ryoko:this is the weiredest intega thingies ive ever seen Death:I MUST EDMIT THIS IS A BIT FUNNY (Room) (Bender is now Hitting the thief across the head) Leela:God Bender stop any more you might kill him Fry:what coud a get you maybe a bandege or some pain killers Leela:Ok i had enough of this (Leela walks over to the Thief grabs his whisperss in his ear) Thief: uh uh thats the one some guy from the buesness the happy mole Leela:Thank you Thief:No thank you (Boof) Washu good thats was quick Kyonie:Not to mention horrible (Leela ,Fry, Bender ,and the Thief enter) Leela:He wants to be locked up now Mioshi:we will get on it right away Kyonie:Its the middle of the night Bender: (Bender hands the deed to Ryoko and leaves) Ryoko:Gues i keep it now (Next morning out side the improved house) Note:Sorry bout that but it was so damn funny when i thought about it (Cut to the liveing room Bender is slowley walking down the stairs) Rincewind:No oneder he is the last one to get up (Bender jumps from the final step and heads for the kitchen) Bender:Sassami is haveing a break so im cooking breakfast Leela:I must be cracking up Did you say.... Bender:Im cooking Breckfast Fry:Oh Bender i dont think thats a good idea i mean..... Bender:I studdyed the whole cook book Leela:Heres a sheet that shows how mutch salt or any other spices a human can take (Bender takes the sheet silentley and walks into the kitchen) Fry:Leela I think that was a little cold Leela:Well you dont want to lose any more organs do you Fry:No Leela:Then dont moan Tenchi:whats that smell sassami must be cooking Leela:No its Bender (Tenchi stops at the foot of the stares and considers this for a moment like any human being woud) Tenchi:I feel a little sick Bender:Ok Leela:I better check on Sassami Fry:Ill come with (They walk into Sassamis room to find her with a cold) Sassmi: i cant cook Today but Bender might help (The two walk out the door) Fry:2 days ..... Leela:with bender as our cook (Fry calls everybody up stairs we go to a shot out side were we hear screeming and shouting zoom inside) Leela:Are onley option is to order takeaway Fry:Yeah but...... Leela:we know about Benders Feelings Tenchi:I got an idea Death:I KNOW THIS WAS COMEING (Kitchen Bender s at the stove cooking rice we zoom around we see Bender with a look of concintration on his face that i get Doing FT) Death:COME ON RECONSIDER Fry:sorry your the onley one who can die Rincewind:so there for we have to use you to see it is Edible Death:BUT WASHU HAS MACHINES... Washu:they will take ages recording his food Leela:Come on Death Death:FINE ILL TRY SOME Bender:Dinners ready (We see an Asortment of arms pushing Death through the Door way the skeleton was not happy he had eaten great food on the discworld now it was time to test the worsest on Earth) Bender:Ahh Death Take a seat heres your helping Aiakia:what if he does keel over Tenchi:we will catch Sassamis cold on Purpse Leela:Yeah im not eating poison Fry:I may be stupid but not enough to sample Benders food Death:HERE GOES!! (Death takes a bite and waits for a minnite or two and takes 2 more) Death:WOW THIS TASTES GREAT Bender:I did it all by myself (The gang creep into the room and sit at the Table they enjoy Benders cooking to) Bender:I learnt it all from Sassami Washu:were is Sassmai Leela:She is sick Washu:we better get her in my lab (We see a clock apear the time is 7:05 then it Zips to 8:25 we see The galy police ship land) Mioshi:He kept stareing at Everything like he liked it Fry:The guy was hired Kyonie:Now he is a prisoner Janiter Twoflower:He looked more like a banker to me than a Thief Mioshi:Mmmmm whats that smell Aiakai:Rice balls Kyonie:Sassamis Fry:No Benders Leela:They taste okay Death:I HAD SOME GOOD FOOD IN MY TIME BENDERS REMINDED ME ABOUT MY TRIP TO PSEUDOPOLIS Tenchi:were is Bender? Rincewind:In Washus lab (we cup to hospital of lab Bender is waighting by the bed with Washu learning some stuff about what to do if Sassami runs a fever) Bender:Got it Washu:Good call me if something is wrong (Washu leaves Bender sits on a chair) Bender: wow this lab is my home i was well my prototype was made here.The Robots backhome have been Brainwashed I can Remember back to the Mothers day incident Mom or shoud i say Mrs delouse was Lieing. (We zoom out of the Lab into the house) Fry;Hay Leela how is Bender going to tell all this when we get back Leela:He will Fry:How will he prove it Leela:I know mom they will scratch the poorley painted Area and find the stamps. Death:IM NOT TO SUPPOSED TO TELL YOU THIS BUT MOM WILL DIE THIS YEAR BUY DEATH OF FRAUD Leela:Good Fry:Ohh Fired out of a cannon into the sun Leela:Poor sun (Good short laugh followed by Death groan Washu opens the closet door) Washu:Sassami will be okay we put Bender in charge Leela:Oh....Did you say Bender Fry:she did Leela:He doesent know a thing about medicine Washu:He does now Fry:Bender must be happy (A red siren is heard) Washu:Uh oh Sassami is running a fever got to go (The Doorbell goes off) Fry:Ill get it (Fry opens the Door there are 3 Ryoko carring 3 piles of money) Ryoko:We need a weel barrel (Tenchi walks into the room to see 3 Ryokos) Tenchi:That is alot Ryoko are you sure you didnt lie or cheat Ryoko:Me, Lie No Note:A thing Ryoko woud say (The liveing Room Fry and Leela are couting the money) Fry:Thats 3000 Yen Twoflower:Im hungrey whats for lunch (The simpsons Famly come in) Homer:Hay weres Sassami or Bender Marge:Uh oh Leela:we better pick someone to Releve Bender of his duty Marge:Me me me (Leela thinks about it) Leela:Ok i think Marge shoud do it (Marge goes into Washus lab to fetch Bender) Tenchi: what is for lunch Washu:we got to get Bender Desinfected 1st Leela:That is gonna be hard (Cut to court yard Washu and all the others are wereing white suit when Bender walks in) Bender:Hey whats this stuff Leela:Why dont you take al look (We see Bender peer over the rim) Bender:this is class 4 Disaffectant Washu:You got to Admit he is a smart Robot Fry:when he issant Drinking so fast Leela:Come on Bender get in Bender:Ummm it looks well weired ive been in water before but this liquid is pink Leela:Fine Plan B (Leela gets a bottle of Malt Liquor and Ties it to a stick with string holds it over the disafectent) Bender:Hay Malt an old Freind (Bender jumps at the Malt and lands in the Desfectant) Washu:Ill take back the smart coment Bender:Hay its Emptey Leela:we ran out of Malt Ages ago Bender:whoops i was Fooled (Washu get a crane thing and gets bender out who is dripping pink) Bender:I hope this stuff doesent seeth into my cirkits Fry:We better stand back (Washu has a giany fan that looks like it shoud be part of a plane Engine and Turns it on) Bender:Umm Washuuuuuu (The Fan is turned on and well the blast is Huge and powerfull it picks up Bender and flings him onto the wall) Leela:we Better turn that off (The fan goes off and Bender drops to the groud with a Thump) Fry:Hay Bender are you allright Bender:Yeah i guess but ill never look at a fan that Size again with out ducking Washu:we better put this stuff back people may think its water wich has a........ (We hear splash and we turn around Ryoko has just Jumped into the disafectent the Disaffectent splashis aghanst Bender) Bender:Ill never look at Desafectent again in the smae way......Aww it put out my cigar!!!!!! (Dinner scence again every thing is normal.... that is untel we zoom out to see the occupents in the room Ryoko is pink the couler of the Disafectent if absourbed by the skin Aiakia is sniggerin and the rest are eating) Fry:This sorta reminds me of a saying arfter my mon thretend me with Military school Death:LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP? Fry:No wait yeah Washu:Any way the Desafectent will fade Bender:I feel like some of the stuff has leaked into me there is a sloshing sound comeing from My Hand Leela:Ok ummmmmmmmm Mioshi:Errrr Bender:Im going to the sing and take off my hand (Bender leaves we here a sloshing sound followed with splat) Bender:And some in my foot Rincewind:This is gonna be a long night Twoflower:Heres one with me next to Hrun the Barbarion (Night outside house Death Onceagain is at watch with Luggege) Death:BOY IM SURE THAT EATING HUMANS AND OTHER STUFF IS BAD FOR YOU (The luggege makes a creek with a lid it looks at Death through its Key hole) Death:VEARY NURUSHING (we zoom out of the house there is islence followed by the a yell wich makes a pack of starlings rise follwed by shouting witch followed by curseing its Ryoko up to her old Tricks,we zoom into inside Benders closet who now is awake ,Bender had spent a lot of his life liveing small areas a little bit taller and just as wide as he is he allso was haveing trouble sleeping with the filght going on outside.Bender sighed and opened a hatch on his head with 3 buttons eye contrast eye couler and Volume Bender holds the 3 button down and lets go then he closes his eye hatch and logs off to sleep,Next day the maksaski house landing were Benders closet is its looks dentent and burnt in some areas Fry comes down the new 3rd floor stairs and knocks on the door) Fry:Yo Bender breckfast Bender? (Fry opens the door and sighs releved Bender is standing there in his night hat clutching a metel Teddy) Fry:BENDER GET UP Fry:Hmmmm since he allso feels pain sorry Bender old Buddy this will hurt me more than you (Shot of outside the house the starelings have settled then a louder yell pierces the air) Bender:owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww (we return to the closet area Bender is now on his hands gasping then he turns the volume up) Bender:There was this though you dident have to kick me there Fry:Sorry buddy dident you here me i said thi.... (Bender grabs fry by the back of his jacket and hangs fry over the banister) Fry:Uncle uncle uncle Bender:Good (He put fry on the landing) Bender:were even.....Did you see me with that (Bender poins at his metel bear) Fry:Who woudent Bender:Arghhh no dont tell any one plaseeeeee Fry:Ok but no more doing that stuff Bender:I promise cross my hart Fry:Done.... hey wait you dont ha.... (Bender had left at a veary quick speed) Fry:Hart (Breackfast scene evreay body is normal apart from some bandeges Ryokos "tan" has faded there is not mutch speaking) Fry:Gues what i saw Bender holding in his closet today Bender:You woudent Fry:Watch me Leela:Stop it Fry Bender:I decided today we will head to the lake Ryoko:Its tipping out there Bender:Not for long (Bender steps outside into the rain and returns 5 mins later not even wet) Bender:Tah dah Tenchi:How did you do that Bender:With this Fry:The proffser weather machine i thought he broke it Bender:He threw it out i took it veary handy Leela:I thought he said it dident work Bender:There were instructions in the pouch at the bottom Fry:Great my Great Nephew a fool of fools Sassami:Lets go to the lake (we have a break, when we come back were at the Edge of the lake evreaybody is in there swim suits the day is fareley sunny Bender is working on Burgers in his own Personal grill) Bender:Hmm Horay there........ (A seagulll swoops down and snatchs a burger and flys to a pointy thing that was once Aiakia ship) Tenchi:Theres some thing you dont see evreay day Leela:Bender you okay BenderYou winged Jerk im gonna get you no one insults my Food and lives!!!!!! Fry:Thats the reason (We see Bender put the grill on the table andwalks into the lake Twoflower:Im gonna get my Iconabox Homer:Uh oh (The seagulll eats the burger in a satitsfatcion that woud p**s off any cool Tempered man then we hear creaking a stick thing near the water disapears deep inside) Mioshi:whats he gonna do? Tenchi:what ever he is gonna do there ganna be pain invulved Leela:Bender hates seagulls Fry:Thats the first time ive ever seen one that ate his food Sammai:We all know that since he begun cooking propley Leela:waight i rekonise this.... (Benders arms come from the water veary stelthley with a long smooth Jurian metel board then the board is swiped at the seagulll and hit it the gulll move so fast it flys right into the tree) Bart:Hah hah hah Lisa:That was horrible Leela:The Gull was messing with forces it dident understand (We see Bender walking out of the water in a triumph he drops the board waits for a few seccends he dries off and goes back to makeing burgers) Fry:the funny thing about Bender Leela:He feels happy arfter he scares something Bender:Lunch is ready (We switch to another area Rincewind is colecting shells when he comes across Death sitting on a tanning couch) Rincewind: skellings dont Tan (Death pulls down his hood we see his face..Errr skull with his fixed smile and his Firery blue Eyes)