No Need For Portals as the script begains blah blah i dont own a single one blah blah blah oh and Hail Washu the greatest scientest of all time.Lets get right to the fun ok good. (saturday dawned at the Makasaki famly house teh gang exsept Washu are Eating there Breckfast when an Explsion rocked the house) Tenchi: wahhhh what was that i allmost choked (Smoke raises from the door to washus lab Mioshi runs to open it but the door opens so fast she is out cold) Tenchi Mioshi: are you ok? (washu burts through the door at such a speed ,her face is blacked she is wereing goggles) Washu:hahah i did it (washu bots come out and praise washu and come back Mioshi regains concence) Mioshi :what washu washu:this (washu points at a black box with some sort of screen there are verlois ohhs and a odd what does it do) Aiaka:what does it do Washu:watch (washu someons the computer pad screen types some key and out of the portal comes a bag of french bread) Tenchi:err Washu we went to the supermarket yesturday and..... Ryoko:oh oh let me gues All:Yes Ryoko:its a deleverey machine (Washu sighs and gives up) Washu a time and space machine you can transport anyone from anydemension in space the bread was from a french bakerey in the 1900s (sassami takes a bite out the bites and likes it) sassasmi:this will go great with the soup for lunch Tenchi:soo we can stop things Washu:not yet its time can onley transport objects from the past but we can try the demension drive TenchiOk washu but inside the lab (we cut to the lab we see evreaybody hideing behind a shield prepered for the wurst) washu: come out the machine has no bugs in (slowley the gang comes out behind the shield Mioshi noteces a red button on washus key pad and we know what will happen next)( Mioshi:ohh what does this do Kyonie:no Mioshi Tenchi:wait!!!!! Washu:dont pust tha.... (Mioshi pushes a button the team brace themselves for the worst but nothing happens exsept a message apears on screen of washus computer) Tenchi:were alive Thank god Ryoko:what happend Washu:nothing importent i expect (we zoom in to the screen its says pokemon dimension deleted,ha ha ha) Aiaka:we need to stop this Mioshi (We take a break when we come back Mioshi has been tied to the char next to the screen) Tenchi:sorry Mioshi but we had to tie you down Arter all we coud have done something to Alter time and space Washu:can we plase continue good open portal to Discword Dimention (ok here the bit with the chessey SE so we cut to the chase out of the portal steps a scrwny looking wizard in a red tatered robe with wizard on his pointy hat next A tall dark figgre wereing a black robe carrying a scythe followed by a box with little legs) Tenchi:waight those guys are from books (Rincewind the wizard look veary happy) Rincewind:yes thank you no more....... Washu:waight one more lifeform (Twoflower steps through the portal he look like a jappanice man wereing a clecha tourest out fit sandals hawained shirt glasses strawhat and he is carry in a box he is the 1st tourest of the Disc) Twoflower:wow a picture for the Iconabox Rincewind:AHHHHHHHHHHH Death:ESCUSE ME BUT WERE ARE WE Tenchi:ummm Death:what year Tenchi:2003 Death:OH MY IM SEEN TO HOPPED A DEMENTION,NOW RINCEWIND ACORDING TO YOUR GLASS Rincewind:Im gonna lie down now (Rincewind collapses) Twoflower:wich way to your sitting room (All of them point to a visabal Door Death followed by Twoflower dragging Rincewind out followed buy the box) Aiaka:My that was strange Tenchi: Never expected that Washu:ok Demension 2 opening Tenchi:Hold on Washu.... (The door opens up out steps Bender Leela and Fry) Fry:He said it was a Toaster Bender:that toaster was preety strange Leela:Guys mental note never Accept Farnsworths Inventions Fry:Amen Leela:we hopped a demention and went down 997 years Fry:year Bender:2003 meatbag Leela;sorry for the intrusion Bender:wichway out (the gang point to the door the crew steps through ) Tenchi:well i thought this coudent get any weirder (There is a yell from Fry who has met Death a couple of Kicks and a muffleld apolegey) Sassami:I thing are Guests are getting hungrey Tenchi:Great we have a 7ft Skellington a weired amn and a wizard along with those 3 a guy can make a good script of this or a tv show Washu:Portal 3 opening Tenchi:WashUUU (The portal opens and out steps the simpson famly) Homer:Marge im scared Bart:cool place Lisa:were are we Marge:well were gonna be polite and head upstairs like a NORMAL famly Homer:Year 2003??? Bart:cool what does this do.... Lisa:Barts noo (a huge explosion is heared in the background Washu winces) Tenchi:Ok Washu that enough Washu:cant stop this thing Mioshi:How bout we pall the plug (Evreybody laughs) Ryoko:how bout we overide the core Tenchi:what?!? Washu:Uh Oh (the machine literey spits out God the devel and Bob) Bob:oh well now whats happend God:whoops i made a mistake Devel:Veary well lets get out of here Bob:Do they think they can see you guys Gods and Devel:Nahhh Tenchi;ok washu i thought of a plan (Tenchi kicks the Demensoin jumper it fizzles out) Kionie thats your plan Tenchi;well it wassent a good one Washu:the things over heated Tenchi:Oh great what am i gonna tell my dad oh hi dad we have more visaters Washu:we better go explain to are visaters (Cut to a veary crowded liveing room Leela is playing tetres Fry and Bender are watching Tv drinking Death is trying to claim Rincewinds Soul slowley but Rincewind is refuseing Twoflower is going nuts takeing pics with his box The Simpsons are standing there looking confused sept Bart who is scorched and God the Devel and Bob are just plain talking) God:Mork loved Mindy Devel:No she dident God:Yes she did Washu:QUET (The clamer quits there activates) Bender:hay ive seen her before Leela:were on this (Bender opens his chest door there is a print ow Washus face with Washus saying in japanise english and Mexican) Fry:Are we panicing or relaxing Death:IVE BEEN WONDERING TO ONE MINITE IM WITH MY HORSE RIDING ACROOS THE DISC NEXT MINNITE POOF Rincewind:I was falling off the disc Twoflower:Hay Rincewind look at these photos Rincewind:Bugger off Twoflower Twoflower:Just a peak Rincewind: will this ever end Death:I CAN HELP WITH THAT Rincewind:No put that scythe down Death Death:JUST ONE LITTLE NICK.... Rincewind:NO!!!! Sassami:Dinner time Death:HMMM DINNNER I DONT NEED TO EAT Tenchi:Shes a great cook Death:MINDS MADE UP IM GOING TO EAT (The Table is filled up faster than a softwere store on low price day Death and Rincewind are standing up Twoflower is sitting on the Box called Luggeage and the rest seated on the floor on cushoins) Death:COME ON THINK OF ALL THE MONEY PAIN AND AGONEY YOU WILL SAVE...... Rincewind:This is not a good conversation at the Tabble Leela:Ive eaten some fab dishes in my Time but none as Tastey as this what was your name again Sassami:Sassami Leela:Hmmmm Homer:pass the ketchup (Sassami burts it to tears) Marge:Homer!!! Homer:What!! Bart:Dad!!! Lisa:Dad Bart:Look what you have done you oaf Homer:Oaf thats a Insullt Bart:I can see your fit Homer:I why you little Tenchi:Woah!!! Tenchi:Just Apoligse to Sassami Bart:Hehe heh Hormer:Sorry Little girl (The whole gang and Guests eat in silence) Bob:Err guys why are you eating God:Its rude to leave good food un eaten Develk:This soup is marveles Bob:Ummmm Bob:Can you see bowles in the Air or is it me Homer:Know your going nuts Marge:Homer God:He he he Homer doesent now its me Devel:Marveles Mr Simpson have you consider spending a Eternity in hell with have panthlits (Devels hand some Panthlips to Homer) Homer:Wow cheap AND tacky God:You realy shoudent do that Rincewind:Hmmmmm Tenchi:This may seem odd The Simpsons:Not at all Rincewind:Been Odd done that God:Created it Bob:Sufferd through it Bender:we make delevreys to Hellish planets evreayday Fry:this seams like a vacation (We see Washu has fineshed her soup and is recording all this on her computer) Washu:Marvales Rincewind:You know its funny ive never felt this safe i useley end up at the mouth of a Dragon or telling Thives i dont own anything of value Twoflower;Yeah me and Rincewind are buddys (Rincewind shudders) Tenchi:Odd Note:Come on if you can see this your blind they are a suffering duo Rincewind as the one who wants to get away and continue his life Twoflower is allways a Optomistick) Twoflower:I got these shots from the disc as we took off from that metel fish (The Whole gang look at the pics) Ryoko:A disc... Mioshi:on the back of the giant turtle Washu:May i borrow that (Wash snatchs the Photos away from Twoflower and Put them in the computer) Washu:Its all real Death:HO HUM BEEN ALL OVER THE DISC Fry:well im bored lets have some fun ,since this is 2003 are Karioke Machines around Bender:Ahhhhhh Leela:No no no Tenchi:Washu made one Leela:God help us!!!!!! (We cut to the liveing room Death has just sung a song about his jobThe whole gang removed the earplugs and Hands from the Ears) Tenchi:Ummmmm the score is 3 Death:OH WELL I WASENT MADE FOR SINGING Ryoko:whose turn is it now Mioshi and Twoflower:oh us us us Rincewind and Kyone No pLASEEEEE Tenchi come on up guys its just fun Fry:Yeah i bet it woud be beeter than benders song Bender:Hay (Bender clouts Fry over the head this has gotta hurt) Rincewind:I hate you Twoflower Twoflower:What Rincewind ears off wool (Sassami puts some music on its Japanise Style) Rincewind:Oh no not..... Twoflower:Hay i know this from home!!!!!!! Mioshi:Lets sing Duo Rincewind:Oh Fine Kyonie nothing worse can happen Death:RINCEWIND BRAKE A LEG OR TWO (Arfter a long and preety good song of Mioshi Kyonie and Twoflower and Rincewind singing the Foursome finishes) Tenchi:Wow 20 (There are varrios claps) Rincewind:That was the most embaring moment of Kyonie and Rincewind: my life (The two Blush at Eachother and Sit Down) Ryoko:Who wants some Saki Tenchi:Waight i thought..... Bender:Hay Saki another form of Alchahol Leela:Uh oh Fry:Plase Bender Bart:Hmmm (Looks at Bender and then Homer) Lisa:Hey bart thoose two look alike Bart:Uh huh Tenchi:Ryoko i dont think you shoud do this (we zoom out beleve it or not Bender and Ryoko are haveing a drinking contest) Bender:Come on i havent drunk in hours Fry:Oh great Leela:well at least its onley 2 Bender:Fry bang the mini gong Fry:Fine (The contests starts with a gong at blur speed we see 3 can of Saki drop to the ground there is yelling and shouts Bender burps fl;ames we have a capcon 20 mins later Ryoko has passed out and Bender is asleep on the chair) Marge:29 30 draw Tenchi:Ummmm Fry:Comeon Leela we better find a closet to put Bender in (Fry and Leela drag the now Loged off Bender to a closet) Washu:Man what an event Tenchi:what a waste of Saki (Night falls on the house the liveing room is fall of sleeping bags we see Death still sitting on the couch Fry and Leela are in seprate Sleeping bagsAs for Twoflower he is sleeping in his trunk Luggege rince wind is sleeping outside to clear his head the simpsons are sleeping in seprate bags Bob is sleeping aghenst the wall God and Devel are sleeping in the Air) Deaths mind:HOW DID I GET HERE I SHOUDENT BE HERE IN THIS DIMENSOIN THIS IS WEIRED IM BORED YET (Death walks out near the lake and wistles out of Now where camea White Horse ) Death:AHHH BINKI MY LITTLE FREIND AT LEAST WE KNOW EACHOTHER (Cut to day were Rincewind is sleeping in his pockiy rolls out a carrot Ryo-oki bounds up and eats the carrot and then looks in Rincewinds pockit and Climbs in) Tenchi:Someone missing lets see Simpsons Futurama Bod Disc...... (A loud Yell interupts Tenchi in comes a soaking rincewind with Ryo-oki in his hand) Rincewind:Here he is Death:AHH RINCEWIND YOUR SCRAWED OF A CUTE THING LIKE THAT rincewind:No i wassent it was in my Pockit Death:SCAREDY Rincewind:Wasent Death:WAS Tenchi:Just go ow my head Sassami:Breakfast God:Did someone say Breakfast Devel:Hmm i coud do with some Waffles (We are at the Table scence again) Aiaka:who was that yelling Death:TWAS RINCEWIND SCARED OF A CABBIT Rincewind:Shutupshutupshutup Twoflower:Scared of a small thing like that ist cute heres a carrot (Twoflower give Ryo-oki a carrot) Rincewind:I had a nice dip in the lake cold place but refreshing Death:YO DID IT ON ACCIDENT Rincewind:Did not Homer:Quet you two or i will strangle you Rincewind:Im a Wizard ive got Magic (A silence envolps the room of course rincewind was a wiazard but a failed one) Sassami:Here comes Dinner Homer:wow Marge japanise Waffles Rincewind:What Death:WAFFLES ARE POTATO SQWERES MORON Rincewind:Your Just sore cuss you cant take my soul (Arfter Breakfast the whole gang assemble in the liveing room Aiaka and Ryoko Fight over Tenchi Sassmi is feeding Ryoko Leela is reading a book on her wrist thingie Fry is Watching Tv Twoflower is showing Photos of the Discword to Mioshi Death Is Reading a magazine Rincewind is Chatting to Kyonie and The Simpsons are swiming at the Lake Aiaka:Death Death:YES PRINCESS AIAKA/ Aiaka:Who will Tenchi choose out of us Death:GOT THE WRONG PERSON S REAP SOULS NOT TELL THE FUTURE Tenchi:I got an Idea (We cut to a long Field Full of wheat and Carrots ) Death:AH YES I LIVED AS A SHORT TIME FARMWORKER I CAN DO THIS FIELD EASY. Fry:Hey Leela weres Bender? Leela:Havent sen him since that Drinking contest with Ryoko Fry:Oh Crap (There is a soft Fudding as a tired looking Bender sit on the couch) Bender:Who won Leela:Draw Bender:Damnit all that Saki for nothing Leela:How long can you last with out alchhol Bender:48 hours Fry:Bender theres over 1000 channels on this thing Bender:Gimme Fry Fry:Noo (Washu steps out of her lab she had loads of Data in her computer she was Amazed at what she saw Bender has Fry in a headlock ) Bender:Uncle? Fry: cant breath Bender:ill take that as a Yes (Drops Fry on the Floor) Bender:Helloo Little Washu reconise me one of your creations Washu:What Fry:Lets do the timewarp again (Bender tells and explains about the stamp Washu understands0 Washu:Oh yes my Builder bot Prototype Bender:Proto what? Washu:Ill show you follow me Fry:can we come were bored as hell Washu:sure why not Leela:Lets go (The Trio leave for Washu lab,we cut to the simpsons who are injoying a nice swim) Bart:Look at me lese im am Bartunga lord of the OW!!! Lisa:Bart?? Bart:My foot his something Lisa:Waight (Lisa dons a pair of Goggles and puts her head under warter) Bart:what is it (Lisa head surfeces) Lisa:I dont beleve it two spaceships Bart:This place is full of suprises Marge:Kids lunch Bart:All right Lisa:Left or right Bart: Left (We cut back to the Field Death has done a job that woud make a weatmachine die in shock) Tenchi:That was 4 minnits Death:TOLD YOU I WAS GOOD NOW ESCUSE ME I GOT DO SOME AGRAVATEING (Death Hops on Binki and north cut to Rincewind and Twoflower) Rincewind:Right Twoflower you show that piccture and ill Twoflower:what Rincewind:I was scared Twoflower:But its funny Rincewind:How bout it pin you up on the wall bie 2 aves huh Twoflower:sure i expect it will be fun Rincewind:AHHHHHHHH (The screams awoke Ryoko on her beam) Rincewind:Twoflower id hurt you BUT if i was feeling suicidel because your trunk will swallow me Twoflower:Can I.... Rincewind:Fine (Twoflower and Mioshi got on like a house on fire) Rincewind:Why me of all the wizeds in Ankhmorpork.......nay the disc did the Pratision choose me (As Kyonie confurts Rincewind the screen Door opens) Death:HELLOO RINCEWIND STILL WANT ME TO..... Rincewind:No thank you (Death Smirked if you can call that Smirking from a skull) Mioshi:H ehe heh and he was like taht all around the Pub Twoflower:Yeah to him he faught it was a lifedangering atack Rincewind:Can you take Twoflower Death:MY NO!! HE IS IMPORTENT FOR THE FUTURE Twoflower:Realy wow say do you want inturence.... Rincewind:No Twoflower Death:HMMMMM YES I DO ACTULEY Rincewind:Great teamed up with an Enturence sailsmen coud anything Get worse (As Rincewind said this Ryoko beam colapsed on him) Ryoko:Ummm sory (Rincewind passes out) Death:JUST A NICK PUT HIM OUT HIS MISEREY Tenchi:Im afraid you have to ask him that (Rincewind opens his eyes he is in a hospital Area made my Washu the whole gang are crowded around him) Death:OH HI RINCEWIND YOU LOST AN ARM AN... Rincewind:Give it up Death (Washu enteres wereing her nurse outfit0 Washu:just a minor concussion he survided well for a person hit my a beam on the head Twoflower:he has been through worse (Rincewind looks at his arm its bandeged) Rincewind:Waight a tic i though my head had a minor cuncusion Tenchi:Ummmm Aiaka:Washu took some DNA samples Rincewind:Oh......WHAT Tenchi:well she ment buy few by the whole flessh of your Arm Twoflower:If this helps mate i got pics of when the Beam hit you Rincewind:Oh thanks twoflower ill keep them to remind my self that a beam cannot be trusted (!) Twoflower:Ok Rincewind:Like Mioshi he doesent understand Sarcasum Washu:vissiting time is over plase vacate the Area in fashon (The door closes Rincewind is in his the room himself) Twoflower la la la im so happly ow ow ow (Rincewind clutched his head the 8th Spell was Riseing) (We cut to the Liveing room were the beam if being held by Bender so Tenchi can put Wood glue on it) Bender:How long do i have to hold up this thing Tenchi:the paint say an Hour Death:THAT WAS A NEW ONE FOR THE SCROOLS mioshi:Thats got to hurt Aiaka:Yet he survived Washu:and i found out why Marge:Why Washu Washu:you must call me little washu Marge:Little Washu washu:Rincewinds Bloodtype is a rare one Z+ with hints of dumb luck in Kyonie:who knew Death:SO THATS WHY I HAVE TO KEEP TRACK OF HIM Washu:His Dumbluck comes on once evreay 13 Days Twoflower:I met Rincewind 12 days ago Leela;So you have here a Majer Scientific find Washu:I have some skin we coud make an antadote for cancer if dumbluck is inserted the cancer will clear up!!!! (The Washu bots do there praiseing0 Fry:Is that normal (Tenchi nods his head) Washu:Anyhwo the skin feels like Rincewind feels now All:what Washu:Tired and homesick Homer:Who knew Twoflower:I got some slides from my trip to Ankhmorpork (An hour later Evreaybody is asleep even Bender who is holding the beam with Ryoko on it) Twoflower:Thant concludes my Trip to the circle far Fry:wahhh oh veary nice twoflower Bender:Its over horray Washu:Acording to the computer the skin now has a deep hate For Twoflower Twoflower:Rincewind allways says that but i know he is a freind Death:HA HA HA HA HA Bender:Carefull youl crack the glue Tenchi:The glue is ste now Bender:All righty (Bender try to pull himself away from the beam) Leela:Oh no!!! Fry:Come on Bob:This shoud be in a sitcom God:The poor feller doesent look Happy Leela:Try retracting your legs (Benders legs go to normal posture) Bender:Great now i look like a hanging Robot!!! Fry:We better help Bender:what wood Glue can is that ? Tenchi:ummmm STICK ALL Bender:Uh oh Washu:Ill get the magnet Leela:We may warn you if you dont like country cover your ears (Washu comes back with a magnet on weals the magnet starts pulling bender) Bender:Bender craked corn i dont care Leela craked corn i dont wahhh (Bender gets stuck to the giant Magnet) Washu:Opps (Washu turns of the Magnet Bender lands on the floor with a clunk) Bart:woah that is a magnet Sassami:Dinner time Washu:whoops!!!!!! (We are back in the kitchen Rincewind has rejoined aside the bandeged arm evreaything looks normal) Death:HOW WAS THE THE PAIN BEARING HA HA HA Rincewind:Your jokes are tastles Leela:this Rice Sassami it tastes Great Lisa:The perfect meal for the veggarerian Marge:Can i have the recipe Sassami Sassami:Ok Lisa:An Artest of Food Bender:I cant get my Fingers to move Leela;Thats normal Fry:Yeah Washu:You need a little oiling Bender:Thanks Washu Death:I HOPE YOU INJOY THE WHEAT FROM THE BREAD I REAPED IT MYSELF Mioshi:well what do we do now Fry:How bout another Karyoki contest Leela:Fry you got 2 Fry:so Leela:Death sings Better than you Fry: ill sing better (Once again were at the Kariokie area Fry has finished) Fry: 2 Leela:I proved my point Mioshi:Our turn Twoflower:yeah (Twoflower and Mioshi drag Rincewind and Kyonie to the stage) Twoflower:once again were proudly to present.... Mioshi:us Rincewind:Once again i need a drink Kyonie:Lets get it over with (The song is brief but enjoyble and when it finished there was clapping) Tenchi:Thats Strange Ryoko:What Tenchi:there score went up a point Washu:some one enjoyed them self Note:If you dont get it still i have to cry HINT if you got it good for you!! (The gang utter there Good nights) Twoflower:Hi Luggege miss me (Twoflowers luggege looks veary happy to see his master) Rincewind:Ah the stars to think my home is one of them (There is silence as crickets chirp and a fish jumping out of water Rincewind falls asleep,Untill a shirek followed by blasting came from the house) Rincewind:Ryoko and Aiaka are fighting im glad i sleep out here (There i silence then we hear another blast with uttered curse words and pleads by Tenchi then Kyonie walks by and Sits down next to Rincewind) Rincewind:Hi Kyonie:Hi Rincewind:I coudent sleep with all that raket in the house Kyonie:Me to Kyonie:Its weird were both the same in a way are freinds are the same two Rincewind:Yeah Tenchi:Kuso (A beam from Ryoko bkasts through the window and hits the lake) Rincewind:You looked kinda nice singing that song (Kyonie blushs) Rincewind:It was a bit embareingsing Leela:Whats all the wah.... (An faint explosion is heard) Aiaka:Sorry Leela Fry:Leela are you ok Kyonie:so your not a wizard Rincewind:well no i failed im a kicked out student Kyonie:Oh Rincewind what was your old Job Kyonie:Gallaxy police officer Rincewind:Oh (There is a silence that coud kill a moose even the house had gone silentRincewing and Kyonie look at eachother and Blushed arfter a while they hugged and woudent let go till they fell asleep) Mioshi:Go fish Twoflower:darn you win this game is just new Tenchi:well Fish has been around for years Death:UMM WHAT WAS THE TITTLE OF THE GAME YOU TAUGHT ME TWOFLOWER DAMN OF WEIR OF STREAM? Washu:Well suffice to say the computer is bursting about these charicters Sassami:Come on bart lisa we will show you the ships Bart:All right come on lise Lisa:Just a sec (Lisa is playing chess with Ryoko and finishe with a checkmate and runs out the door) Fry:I wonder were Rincewind Went Tenchi:Look like shopping day has Arived Washu:this is much earyer Tenchi we do have a lot of guests Bender:Oh while you there can you pick up some saki i got the money Leela:Bender those are American Dollers the curencey in japen is yen Fry:Yeah even i knew that Bender:Hmmm oh well Mioshi:Me and Twoflower will do shopping Twoflower:Yeah i allways want to see shops in a town Tenchi:ok but find Kyonie she will make sure you wont go shopping for dresses you wont need Leela:Waight a minnite Bender you dont give up that Easy Bender:Heh heh your shart Leela im makeing my own Saki Fry:Issent that Aghenst the law Bender:Ask Mioshi Mioshi:Ummmm Bender:see Fry:ok Leela:we better move Bender Mioshi:Lets go Twoflower (Mioshi and twoflower leave the house,cut to Rincewind who is still holding Kyonie and vive versa was awoken by Twoflower) Rincewind:Morning Kyonie:Good morning (the two smile then Mioshi and Twoflower Arive) Mioshi: were going shopping (Rincewind and Kyonie get off the ground and walk with Mioshi and Twoflower to the bus stop) (Cut to Bender Fry and Leela) Fry:ok Bender dont go to fast now Bender:Will you stop it fleshbag i been makeing Alchaholic Drink for years Leela:Realy (Homer walks bye) Homer:Makeing Alchahol ay dont egnite it or KABOM (Homer walks past) Fry:Bender can you at least put out the cigar Bender:Why (A spark from the cigar drifts slowley into the small pot followed by an Explosion of imense detail) Tenchi:Oh no not again (Tenchi runs into the liveing room) Tenchi:Ryoko sto- (Ryoko and Aiaka are playing fish Ryoko:what Tenchi:Nothing,I better check washus place (Tenchi looks at the door no smoke comeing through the cracks) Tenchi: I must be going mad wait.... (Tenchi thinks and Remembers what Bender said) Tenchi Uh oh (Tenchi runs into the back garden at looks at a chared bender who is covered in black soot Leela look okay but Frys face was in the blast) Bender:Lucky for you Fry most of the explosion was Fire Fry:Thanks Bender im shure my Hair will grow back in month or two Bender:Yeah what ever Leela:come on Fry we better get you to a seat (Washu peaks her haid around the corner) Washu:Do i hear a problem Fry:Yeah Bender incenarated my Hair Washu:Horay a chance to Test out my New Invention TenchiWhat is this Invention Washu Washu:Glad you asked my hair grower machine (once again we see the Washu bots come out and Praise washu) Washu:Come on (Washu grabs Leela and Fry and drags them into the Lab) Tenchi:well thats over (As Tenchi walked back into the room Ryoko latched on to his Arm and so did Aiaka the silence was broken again) Death:THIS IS A CONNUMDRUM IM NOW USEING A HOE (We zoom out to show Death working on one of the many carrot Fields) Death:WHATS NEXT A SICKLE HA HA HA A JOKE HANG ON (Death takes an Hourglass from his robe and looks at it we can see his reflection of a grinning skull with blue glowing eyes the Hourglass sand has frozen) Death:WELL THERE GETTING SOME IMORTALITY (Cut to Bender who is makeing the saki he is a bit sotty now the wind has blown some off) Bender:Hmmmmm lets see (Bender starts to wistle when the fire goes out) Bender:Great thtas a perfect timeing (!), how am i gonna light this thing (A enegey blast from Ryoko in the other room hits the wood and starts the fire again ) Bender:Thank you (Bender dons his hat and "to serve man apron" Bender:he he this is funny (Cut to Mioshi Twoflower Kyonie and Rincewind getting of the Bus) Twoflower:wow this is a mordern city Rincewind:Town and why is your luggege here Twoflower:he will come in handy Mioshi:hear we chau tzu corner shop (The crew enter the shop it is veary peacefull as the crew does the shopping) Rincewind:12 loaths of bread (Rincewind puts the bread in luggege ) Mioshi:14 bags of rice (Mioshi puts bags of rice in luggege) Kyonie:7 bags of flour Twoflower:12 boxs of eggs Rincewind:ummmm 4 packs of frys Twoflower: 5 sacks of potatoes Mioshi:wow that little chest can hold all that Rincewind:Ive seen it eat peple who dont get on its good side Twoflower:he is veary nice though if you get to know him.... Rincewind:and not pry him open (Kyonie arives with 4 bottles of milk) Kyonie:were done Rincewind:Nice Try Death (We zoom into the piece of paper death has scrowled 1 SOUL CLASS RINCEWIND) Mioshi:Come on lets pay allready Twoflower:Oh no we havent got enough cash Rincewind:Twoflower hang on (Rincwind kicks luggege open and takes out a gold disc) Twoflower:err Rincewind Kyonie:right problem sorted lets go (We see the group pay for the whole stuff and leave while the shopkeeper stares at this gold coin wich is worth 100s of yen,we cut to the group walking down the street Kyone and Rincewind are holding hands while Mioshi and Twoflower are singing something un till they reach the bus stop,Cut to Washus lab) Washu:Fry you are the 1st gunie pi.. i mean human tester to use this marveles machine Fry:uh huh um when are we starting Leela:Little washu has to ask you questions Fry:realy proffser never did that Leela:Fry wondedred what those big red stains are in his lab Fry:err a large spill of red dye or BBQ sauce? washu:Lets go ahem do you suffer from these condisions (Fry glances at the paper) Fry:no Washu:good. now lets get this experemnt a rolling (Washu puts a weired helmit on fry presses a few buttons and then his hair grows back) Fry:wow thanks Washu Leela:yeah hmm strange Fry:what? Leela:your heal look a little bit longer Washu:opps i think the arfter affects have kicked in (The hair grow rapidley down to Fry feet) Fry:AHHHHHHH Leela:when will thay were off Washu:now (We switch to the liveing room wich is in qute a mess plasterless walls smash furnitere and a broken window Tenchi stands there wondering how long this will take to rebuild) Ryoko:sorry Tenchi Aiaka:sorry lord Tenchi Tenchi:Its ok girls (the bell rings) Tenchi:looks like the food is here (Tenchi opens the door in utter suprise he can see the food) Tenchi:weres the food Rincewind:Mr Makasaki my advice is to jump (Tenchi Jumps and a wholoe pile of food shoots out of the Luggege) Twoflower:Hay Sassami foods here (Sassami gallops down the stairs and looks at the food) Sassami: Great will have some soup tonight Tenchi:how are we gonna carry this lot to the kitchen (Mioshi and Twoflower Enter the room followed by Kyonie and Rincewind holding hands) Ryoko:Havent seen you guys all day (At that moment Fry burts through the Door followed by Leela and washu who are carrying the long bits of Frys hair) Washu:A little invention mix up Fry:I need a Barber stat Death:IM NOT A BARBER BUT I CAN CUT THINGS Fry:Great a new experence (We see fry sitting in a chair with a apron on Death is Ready with his Scythe) Fry:Promese me that wont slip Death:ID NEVER NICK AND EAR MR FRY Fry:will this hurt Death:PROBLEY WHO KNOWS Fry:thats it im outa here (Fry trys to leave the chair but trips over the hair) Fry:Help Death:SIT IN THE CHAIR (We cut to a shot outside Tenchis house at night silenced then a AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGHHH *thud*) Death:THAT WASENT SO BAD WAS IT? (Cut to kitchen Sassami is makeing a nice soup when Bender comes in ) Bender:Fry Leela i did it yeah!!!!! Fry:um Bender why is there a picture of a Robot Dressed like A samarai on the can Leela:Yeah Bender:if this is a hit then im gonna be rich but who to test it on (Bender rubs his chin then on the top of his Entenna it flashes dark red) Bender:Oh course Ryoko (Bender walks into the liveing room and extends his legs to the beams) Bender:Here you go Ryoko some Saki Ryoko:thanks!!! (Ryoko takes the cup and Drinks it then she smiles and falls asleep and rolls of the beam and lands on the cocuh) Leela:Bender (Bender goes back to his normal size) Bender:Yeah Leela:i ment to ask you how much Alchol did you put in Saki Bender:5.5 why Leela:Bender you Moron Bender:what humans can onley take Alchol level 2.3 Bender:Good thing i tested it on Ryoko not Aaiaka Leela:Go and Try again Fry:man that was close lucky Ryoko wasent a human (Tenchi walks in ) Tenchi:Did i miss something ? Leela:Yeah Bender Tested his leathel saki out of Ryoko Tenchi:oh WHAT Fry:shes ok Tenchi Tenchi:thank god Leela:If Aaiaka drunk it she woud be dead (Tenchi shudders) Fry:any how i think we shoud stop Bender while he still is in his dream Sassami:Dinner time (Ryoko shoots up from the cocuh) Ryoko:Dinner Fry:yep Bender is a lucky robot (Dinner scene again smae order as before) Marge:what a day it has been Bart:Has anyone seen Bob God or Devel Homer:Nah Death:OH BYE THE WAY AAIAKA THIS SAID YOU WERE SUPPOST TO DIE TODAY IF YOU HADNT GONE AND CHECKED UP ON MIOSHI (there was a nother silence as Death hand the scroll to Aaiaka who reads it) Leela:Benders saki Fry:Not a good drink if he offers you some refuse Bender:I heard that remark fry Leela:well you shoud have checked the Alchahol meter on it Bender:the wha Leela:the think that tells you how drunk you are Mioshi:we all learnt an Importent lesson Kyonie:like what Fry:Never Acept a drink from a funny looking Robot Leela:Allways look before you leap and so on Sassami:I made icecream for Desert All:Horay!!!!!!! (Cut to night outside Bender is working still on his Saki) Bender:Finaley Alchohal 1.1 hmmmmm (Bender take a sip) Bender:Not a jump on energey perfict (Bender puts the saki in a container and the pot in a frezzers and falls asleep on the spot) Death:HMMM SOME SAKI (Death drinks some Saki and gets some string and some worms from the ground) Death:I HEARD FISHING IS RELAXIN End of pt2