Brian Burke ========== Sasami walks back to the computer, ready to continue her story. Walking into the room, she sees Ayeka sitting in front of it. "Are you reading my story too?" Ayeka looks at her sister, "Ryoko told me what you are up to. So, I read your story." "What do you think?" "It's a good story. But, I'm wondering about the part about Misa marrying Tenchi in the past." <Not again.> "What's wrong with that?" "I realize that the two of us and Washu were the only girls left, but-" "You're wondering why he picked me?" "Yes, that's right." "Like I said to Ryoko, it's only a story." "Maybe." Ayeka gets up to walk out. "I'm just wondering if the story reflects the author." <This is getting out of hand. Oh, well.> Sitting at the computer, Sasami starts to type again. End side story! ========== Sasami: I only wrote the original story to express my views. Now, look how far it's grown. I wonder what other stories I can dream up? Disclaimer: I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Pioneer owns these characters. I don't. ========== Misa: Time's Enemy Brian Burke ========== It's been a month since she arrived in the past. Although Misa came back to the past in order to save the future, she doesn't realize that by coming to the past, she might do more harm than good. Misa has decided to head to town to pick up some groceries. After all, not everyone can live off carrots alone. While waiting for the bus, she doesn't see someone sneaking up behind her. "Are you Sasami Jurai Masaki?" says a voice. Misa's heart skips a beat as a result of that comment. <Nobody knows that except my friends. And he isn't one of them.> Turning, "yes, I am. Can I help you?" "Sasami Jurai Masaki, you are under arrest for crimes against the time continuum." "And who are you?" "I am Lt. Burke of the Federation Time Police." "I've been around the galaxy quite a few times. I never heard of the 'Federation Time Police." "That's because I am from the 29th century. We monitor the timelines and correct problems." "So, exactly what have I done?" "You time travelled without authorization. You interacted with the people in your past. And, you made no attempt to return to the future. You may not know it, but things are changing because of you." "Like what?" "I'm sorry, I can't say." "You want to preserve the timeline, right?" "Correct." "You already told me about the future, so why not continue?" "I told you only what I needed to tell you." "So, what are you going to do?" "Simple. I am going to reintegrate you into your timeline." "And what about what I've already done?" "A wave will correct the timeline, shortly after you disappear." "There is only one thing you're missing." "And what is that?" "I'm NOT going back to my timeline. I am not going to forfeit everything I've worked to preserve." "You ARE going back." Pulling out a small device, he presses a button on it. A short beam shoots out from it that encapsulates Misa. "Don't struggle. It will all be over in a moment." Acting quickly, Misa pulls out her Sword Tenchi. As one of the gems starts to glow, Misa is teleported out of the glowing cocoon, and lands behind it. Energizing the blade, "you'll have to do better than that." "I will. But first, tell me where Ryo is." "Ah, I see. Since Ryo came back with me, she's as guilty as I am." "No, but she must be sent with you." "Well, then you have a problem. If you send me back, you'll never find her." Realizing this, "alright. I will allow you to stay here a bit longer, if you only retrieve your cabbit." "No, that won't work. You see, I believe in a fair trial. You can't just send me back without hearing my side to the story." "Fair enough. I will hear your side, as well as the opinions of your friends. But, that's as far as I go." "Agreed." ========== Arriving back at the house, everyone sees Misa followed by another man. Misa, walking into the house, sees everyone gathered in the living room. "Everybody, we have a problem. It seems this gentleman wants to send me back to my timeline." "I am Lt. Burke of the Federation Time Police. Misa, as you call her, has been charged with time travelling without authorization, interaction with her past counterparts, and making no attempt to return to her timeline." "From what she's said," Tenchi says, "her own timeline is a warzone. She came back to save not only us, but the entire planet." "Not only that," Sasami says, "but she saved us all from Kagato." Misa looks at the officer, "well, does that help?" "No. That doesn't prove anything." "Tell me something," Washu says. "Why didn't you say anything when we time travelled last summer?" "At that time, you were acting to preserve the timeline. You were undoing the damage done by Kain. Because of that fact, we ignored that trip." "I changed the timeline for the better. Isn't that similar enough?" "I'll have to contact my superiors on this. Don't go anywhere." Pushing a button on his watch, he disappears. "I really don't want to go back," Misa says. ========== A short time later, Lt. Burke returns to the group. "I have contacted my superiors of this timeline, and they tell me to proceed with the pre-assigned plan. You are going back to your timeline." Energizing his sword, Tenchi speaks up, "I have never been one to go against the authorities, but you should know we protect our own." Ryoko forms her beam sword, "that's right. She's a part of us, now." Misa energizes her own blade, "I am NOT going back!" "Remember," Washu states, "you really don't want to hurt us, because that would change the timeline." Stunned, "you may be right. But, I don't necessarily have to hurt anyone." Pulling out yet another device, he presses a button on it. Shortly afterward, everyone except Misa and the officer fall unconcious. Misa, walking towards them, "what did you do?" "The process isn't important. But, they are all asleep right now." "So, what now? Are you going to send me back? Because if you try, you must know I can and will fight." "If you want to." "Remember, you can't hurt anyone in this timeline. You don't want to screw up yours." "But, you are an exception in this case." Pulling out a metal bar, an energy blade forms on the end. "You could've been spared this." Energizing her own blade, "let's go." Misa charges, pushing him outside. The officer turns the fight and gives a couple of sword strokes. "Why don't you just give up?" he says, "this can be painless, if you want." Giving a couple of sword strokes of her own, "I am not going back. I gave up way too much to quit now." "Like Riko?" he says. Misa locks swords and decks him. "Don't EVER mention that name again. That is one thing I can never regain." Pulling back, "you can see her again. All you have to do is go back." "NEVER!" Burke comes back and knocks the sword from Misa's hand. "Don't you know about getting angry in a fight?" Taking out the previous device, a beam shoots out and wraps up Misa in glowing bindings. "You ARE going back, right now." Falling to the ground, <no! It can't end this way. There must be something I haven't thought of. I can't reach my sword, but maybe...> Concentrating, she focuses her Juraian power. "The battle is done," he says. "You lose." <I can do this. I just have to remember everything Mother taught me about this trick.> Light particles gather around Misa's hands as they coallece into a small dagger. <Now!> Jerking up her hand, the energy binding her dissipates as her blade cuts through it. Making the blade longer, it now resembles a glowing broadsword. "I'm not done, yet!" "Oh, no!" he whines, taking out his first device. Misa runs up to him and cuts it in half. Grabbing him, "now, if I ever see you, or anyone from the 29th century again, I won't be in the mood to be merciful. Now, get outta here!" she shouts. Pressing a button on his watch, "you haven't seen the last of this." He disappears, as does his sliced toy. Picking up Sword Tenchi, she heads back to the house. Thinking about the one thing she forever lost, <I'm sorry, Riko. The price is just too high. Maybe someday...> -End- Sasami saves her work and stretches. Looking up, she sees Tenchi looking at the screen. "Hello, Tenchi." "I heard Ayeka and Ryoko talk about your story. So, I came in to read it." <If he reads five...I don't know what I'd do.> "Did they say anything about it?" "Not really. I was just going to read it, and see for myself." Hopping down, "well, you can read it if you want. I'm not really done yet." "That's okay. I'm sure I'll get the idea." <I hope so.> Sasami thinks, exiting the room. -End side story.-