========== Disclaimer: I don't own these characters, so there. I said it. Pioneer does, however. Author's notes: This story is gonna rock. I promise. But first, I should have a warning. No, this not a lemon. Although...Just kidding. There are two distinct Universes of Tenchi in this story. There's ours, and there's the Mirror universe. Ever watch Star Trek? There you go. Although, there will be no references to Star Trek or any of that stuff. I'm done. Brian Burke TenchiiL@hotmail.com Tenchi Muyo!: Mirror Image Prolog ========== The Masaki house is not one to be envied. On the outside, you see a three story home alone in the woods. The scene would suggest peace and quiet. However, the inside is a dark reflection of that. Inside, One Tenchi Masaki is usually running for his life. And, it's usually from Ayeka Jurai, Crown Princess of Jurai's Royal Family. However, Tenchi does have help defending himself. Besides carrying Jurai's Sword Tenchi wherever he goes, he also can rely on galactic freedom fighter Ryoko, and her mother, the galaxy renowned greatest scientific genius, Washu. Ayeka also has protection with one of Jurai's most powerful warriors, Misa Jurai. Misa has gained the respect of everyone on Jurai for single-handedly killing Kagato. With Ryo, her cabbit, she obeys her father to no end. If that means destroying enemy colonies or hunting one down, she'll do it. And with the three gems imbedded in her body, she can. Her twin sister, Sasami, is training to become a warrior. Though she can't summon much of her Jurai power yet, she has been training with a sword ever since Misa showed up. Her hair used to be tied into two long tails, but she changed that. A year ago, just before she came to Earth looking for Ayeka, a group of boys played a trick on her. They snuck up on her and tied the ends together, making them look like a heart-shape. Then, they made jokes on how cute it looked. Sasami was laughed at all day for it. She told her mother, Misaki, about it. After hearing this, she told King Azusa. After he heard it, that group of boys was never heard of again. That night, after Sasami thought for many hours, she cut her own hair to shoulder length and has since kept it that way. On Earth, Yosho came to here to get away from his family. He could no longer stand to live on a planet that conquered so many others. Disguising himself as an old man, he hid from sight. Two people known to the group in the Masaki house, but don't live there are Galaxy Police officers Mihoshi and Kiyone. After Mihoshi tried to, under Jurai's orders, destroy Ryoko she crashed on Earth. Kiyone was later sent to pick up the missing officer. However, upon hearing about Jurai's Royal Family members Ayeka and Sasami going to Earth, Mihoshi and Kiyone were reassigned, and never came back to Earth. Noboyuki Masaki, father of Tenchi Masaki, has often used work as an excuse to avoid bodily injury by his houseguests. He doesn't want them there, but once Ayeka came, her ship was destroyed by Ryoko and Ryo-Ohki. After realizing she had nowhere to go, she forced the current occupants into letting her stay. With three Juraian girls, a freedom fighter, a pair of cabbits, and the greatest scientific genius in the galaxy, life is interesting here. And dangerous. -end prolog-