[Author's Note: This story is placed in the "No Need for Tenchi" manga universe, an extension of the OAV series. It includes individuals and references events from the first eight mangas.] No Need for Tenchi - Minagi's Adventure Chapter 1: A Pirate's Woe Deep in space, the Hinase floated along a particularly unused convoy route, awaiting the arrival of its targets. Inside, a slender figure casually sprawled back in the command chair and sipped a small cup of tea. Her cyan spiky hair framed a delicate face with large expressive amber eyes and matching scars on her cheeks. The smugglers shouldn't be passing through this sector for another hour and she had time to kill. Leaning back, Minagi ran her fingers through her hair and sighed reflectively as she thought of all the recent changes in her life. First she had arrived at Earth and tried to do battle with Tenchi, but instead found herself fighting her double. Then she had found out she was the clone of Ryoko, the dreaded space pirate. All this along with losing her memory, becoming friends with Sasami, and eventually doing battle with Master Yakage. She shivered, remembering her fight with Master Yakage to regain her memories. Absentmindedly she rubbed where the artificial light hawk sword had torn through her body, jolting her memories back into herself. She had been so happy for him, even as she thought she was dying. By the time she had awaked from what she was sure was her death, Tenchi had slain Master Yakage and she was free to roam the Universe. Of course, things hadn't slowed down since then. Minagi frowned a little as she remembered her brush with death on Ryuten 2. She had been seriously injured in battle and drained of almost all her energy powering up Asahi's ship, Minasaka, from certain destruction. Only the intercession of Washu's medical wizardry and Ryoko's transfusions had kept her alive. Remembering how close they had all come to death, she smiled at Ryoko's attempt to keep her alive. "Maybe she wasn't such a bad pirate after all," she mused. "Either way, here I am, continuing to follow in Ryoko's footsteps by being a space pirate. Well, a good space pirate," she amended. There were more than enough bad smugglers and corrupt government officials to keep a girl busy. Just like the three ships she was waiting for. She smiled as she reviewed their manifests, which had obviously been doctored. They were jumping between every shady spaceport in the Galaxy; their next destination simply had to be V1z, one of the worst ports around. "So I'll just intercept these guys and see what they're in such a rush to deliver." [Minagi?] Hinase's computer called. [The three ships are now just entering our sensor range. They won't see us in our powered down state until it's too late for them.] "Excellent! Hinase, please bring them up onscreen. Power up our systems and let's get ready to greet our `victims'." She bounced slightly with excitement. Pirating was exciting work and she just loved what she did. [Minagi, there's something else - ] Hinase started to say, but the images onscreen showed what was happening all too clearly. A shadow amidst space was gliding up purposefully behind the three freighters. When the shadow reached optimal firing range, its cloaking fields faded, revealing a sleek, predatory looking ship. Minagi's breath caught as the newcomer, moving quickly, poured devastating fire into one after another of the smuggler's ships. With another pass, all the ships were nothing more than expanding clouds of vaporized matter. The attacker - no, murderer, she thought angrily - disappeared again. It happened quickly, like one of Master Yakage's attacks: fast, deadly, and merciless. Minagi kept her eyes riveted onscreen, but her orders snapped out quickly and without hesitation. "Hinase, full power! Track that ship as best you can and get me a likely vector. Can you see if there are any emergency beacons coming from the ships?" She was hopeful, but deep inside she knew nobody could have survived such a brutal attack. Still, she closed her eyes for a second when the reply came back negative. A deep anger burned within her. Not only had somebody beaten her to her targets, they had also been unnecessarily slaughtered. "Nobody does that and gets away with it," she growled. "Hinase, do we have a vector yet?" [Yes, it looks like the ship was on a least-time course to the V1z port.] That was natural. "V1z port; a perfect place for thieves, murderers, and pirates. I think we'll fit right in. Let's go!" Hinase sighed and set course in pursuit while correlating all the known data. The mysterious ship's speed and firepower were significant for such a small frame. Its cloaking ability was very surprising, making it an ideal raider. But that raised the question of why it had destroyed the ships. Was it a rival smuggler? An enforcer for rival gangs? Hinase hummed silently to itself as it computed all the possible reasons for such an attack. Minagi pursed her lips as she reviewed Hinase's summary. She scratched her head in puzzlement at a disturbing piece of information. "Hinase, do you have any idea how a vessel that size can maintain so many power- hungry systems?" [I'm afraid I don't, Minagi. Such a compact and high-powered energy source would be far beyond the technology for this sector.] "Wonderful. Can we beat it?" [I believe so. For all its speed and firepower, that ship was attacking lightly armed and armored freighters with the element of surprise. I am equipped to do battle with cruisers and win. That ship is no real threat to us.] "Still, exhibit caution, Hinase," she gently scolded. "I'd be a bit embarrassed if we got jumped the same way." She stared off into the distance as the Hinase tore through space. She wasn't sure what she would find at port V1z, but she knew that whoever had committed those murders would pay, and pay dearly. A hard smile played across her face and her eyes were cold. The Hinase was finally approaching Port V1z when the sensors started screaming. Multiple gun platforms had locked onto the ship and were powering up - exactly the reception Minagi expected. [Minagi? We're being hailed from the port.] "On screen." A series of windows appeared before her, and a large toad-like face loomed in each of them. "I don't care who the hell you are, you're going to - grxlmp!" The toady's face turned a peculiar shade of green as his eyes bugged out even further from his face. "The space pirate Ryoko! P-p-please accept my most humble apologies. I never even realized; everyone thought you were dead. Please believe me, we don't have anything you'd be interested in." Minagi smiled to herself. Apparently, being a dead ringer for the dread space pirate Ryoko had its advantages. She realized that he was still pleading for her not to obliterate the entire port, and it looked like he was rapidly running out of breath. "Enough," she said. "I'm looking for a ship that probably arrived a short while ago, small, possibly cloaked." His expression shifted from groveling to considering. "Well, Ryoko, we get many ships in here and we try not to cause any trouble with our clientele." His voice trailed off as Minagi leaned towards the screen and gave a smile with her teeth bared. "I can make this go easy or I can make this go very hard for you and your port." She almost giggled at Hinase's shocked look at her change in manners. Playing Ryoko was turning out to be too much fun to pass up. The toady looked ready to vomit; a slimy tongue nervously flicked up and rubbed his eyes. "Well, we did have a ship of that sort show up an hour ago, but the captain is already inside somewhere. I beg you not to obliterate the port! I'm sure you'll be able to find him and take care of whatever issues you may have." His voice was slowly rising in pitch and volume, and was starting to give Minagi a headache. "Fine, I won't obliterate your port. Get me a docking space and I'll take care of business myself." The toady's look of absolute relief made her want to burst out laughing; she barely kept from smiling until the com screen was dropped. "Well, Ryoko," she thought, "you certainly have quite a reputation, even after 700 years imprisoned on Earth. I hope you don't mind me using your `rep' to get the bad guys." "Hinase," she said aloud, "can you see that ship from here?" [Yes, I'll bring it up now, Minagi.] A large screen appeared before her, showing a close up view of the ship from the ambush. Flat black, its sleek shape was marred by dozens of nodules across its surface - probably the cloaking generators. Other than being an unsurprisingly dull color and a small ship to begin with, the only other outstanding feature was a symbol by the command deck. Zooming in on the symbol, she gave a sharp bark of laughter. Of all the things to paint on a ship like that, the last thing she would have chosen would have been a turtle with a dove superimposed over it. She shrugged and decided to get to the matter at hand, namely capturing that ship's owner. Teleporting into the main bay, she was welcomed by the toady and several other lackeys. She wondered how he could move so fast. "R-Ryoko, it's such an honor to have a person of your stature visiting our humble port. I've taken the liberty of preparing a suitable reception for you at our bar." Minagi flinched inwardly at the thought of the kind of reception she would receive. "Uh, thanks, but I'm only interested in finding the captain of that ship. Does either of them have a name?" The toady cringed. "You will probably find him at the bar, as most of our clientele prefer to do their -" he cleared his throat - "transactions in a suitably private location. As for the ship's name, it is listed as the TurtleDove and the owner as Avashar. We don't know much about him, but his credentials all appeared to be in order." "Very well, lead the way." V1z's bar was the type that somehow managed to surpass the already low standards for fringe bars. Minagi walked in and was greeted by a range of smells that somehow combined the less pleasant aspects of a sewer, vomitorium, brewery, and a sweatshop. Wrinkling her nose, she wondered how anyone could stand the stench of the place, but she was beginning to suspect that drinking - a lot - might help. The other thing she noticed was heads swiveling to first glare at her, then leer as they realized she was a female, then turn a funny shade when they realize they were goggling at Ryoko the dread space pirate. Somebody screamed in the back and suddenly there was an exceedingly courteous and wide path straight to the bar for her and the toady. She struggled to keep from laughing and instead managed to glare at the crowd as she walked slowly to the bar. The toady was already at the bar, demanding the best drink in the house for their honored guest. Minagi could have sworn that he had been right behind her a second ago, but when she looked back all she saw were a number of swarthy looking thugs stampeding out. Smiling now, she went up to the bar and looked curiously at the three small glasses arrayed before her. "Only the finest for you, Mistress! We broke out our finest bottle of Tequila for you, and your entertainment should be here shortly. If I had only known earlier, we could have had all this arranged ahead of time and -" "Enough. You're doing fine." She wondered just what Tequila might be. She stared at the funny little slices of yellow fruit and the white powdery substance next to the drinks, then turned and looked at the toady. He was again nervously washing his eyes with his tongue and waiting for her to throw back the shots. She noticed that more people were watching and realized that she would have to maintain the illusion of Ryoko or else lose her chance of finding Avashar. Shrugging, she took the first little glass and gulped the contents down. Smiling confidently, she grabbed the next and threw it back. The toady's eyes kept switching from the yellow slices of fruit and the salt to her drinks and then back again. If anything, his expression seemed a bit awed. "Oh well," she thought, "time for the last one." She tossed the shot back, smiled, and then felt the equivalent of a small sun expanding within her. "I can't throw up," she thought desperately. Her whole world was taking on a very warm and fuzzy feel. Realizing the crowd was cheering, she smiled distantly and waved back. It seemed like this bar was an all right place. Distantly she heard the toady rambling on about how Tequila was one of the hottest black-market items one could smuggle off Earth. That and cows. She decided to just enjoy the warm feeling some more. Then she noticed that the toady was tugging at her hand and gesturing her to a secluded corner table with plush seating. That was good, as she felt sure she wasn't going to be standing for much longer. Wobbling slightly on the way over, she slid into the chair and groaned silently with relief. Luckily there was a beer waiting for her. With a sigh, she ran the cool glass against her forehead. Gulping the beer down seemed to settle her stomach. She refocused, with some difficulty, on what the toady was rambling about. "Mistress Ryoko, we've brought what I hope you find suitable entertainment. They're well bred and oiled the way you like them." "Oiled? What are -" Her question froze on the tip of her tongue as she saw two tanned, buff, and nearly naked men walking towards her table. They were nude except for a pair of sandals and a small loincloth. Their rippling muscles were glistening with oil. Even as her face flushed crimson, a small sober corner of her mind was busy reflecting that perhaps following in Ryoko's footsteps too closely would be more excitement than she needed. Her eyes were wide open. Turning to the toady, she spent a few seconds trying to get the words out, but he interrupted her. "I know, I know, we're trying to get some more up here. Think of these as your appetizers." "Excuse me, appetizers?" She began to argue when one of the men knelt down on the floor and took one of her feet in his large hands. "Mistress Ryoko, we understand you love foot massages." Foot massages? This was getting entirely too weird. She once more started to open her mouth to protest when the servant began to rub her foot. W - h - o - a. Her eyes almost rolled up into the back of her head. Now - that - was a foot massage. She shook her head fiercely and snarled, "Enough is enough! I'm here to find Avashar and I'm not going to be dissuaded by a couple of hunks slathered in oil giving out massages." At least not yet, part of her argued. The two young men scrambled back, their eyes downcast. Turning, she glared at the toady. He twitched and waved to a door. "There are a number of conference rooms smugglers use back there. I imagine you'll find him in one of them. Do you know what he looks like?" Minagi flinched and awkwardly cleared her throat. "Well, not really - I was kind of hoping you would know." "Hey, I'm only a toady. I make it my business to never get to know our clientele. Unless they're as beautiful as you are." He gave an oily smile and offered her another small glass. "Another shot of Tequila, Milady?" As she stalked towards the conference room door, she reflected that the kick she had delivered to the toady was perhaps the most consummately perfect kick she had ever done. Nevertheless she had business to attend to. Whether or not she knew what Avashar looked like, she now knew where to find him. She yanked open the door and stepped into total chaos. Screams and blaster fire echoed from a room at the end of the hallway. All types of shady characters were spilling in panic out of the other rooms lining the hallway. Like rats on a sinking ship, they scattered to the exits, even clawing their way past Minagi to the bar. She floated up over the press and headed towards the source of the disturbance. After the crowd had passed, she dropped back to the floor and started striding purposefully towards the last door on the right. A trickle of smoke was spilling out from beneath it. Avashar looked steadily at the sole remaining smuggler, his gaze calculating, judging. The smuggler's companions were already smoldering corpses and the smell of their burnt flesh filled the room. The smuggler didn't move, a shocked look of dismay on his face. Ignoring him, Avashar wrinkled his nose at the smell and waved a hand ineffectually to clear the air. Stopping in mid-wave, he turned his head and looked over his shoulder, seemingly at nothing. Shaking his head in disbelief, he muttered, "What the hell is she doing here?" Turning back, he smiled and gave a shallow half bow to smuggler. "My apologies for interrupting your drink, but I have to be going now." He spoke casually, as if the two of them were at a comfortable bar - and not surrounded by dead bodies. The smuggler nodded numbly, his eyes wide. Minagi had almost reached the door when it exploded open. A solid- looking man scrambled out backwards and hit the opposite wall. With a look of horror he turned and blindly slammed into her. She hauled him up in the air and shook him. "What's going on in there?" "He's killed them - he's crazy, I tell you! You've got to let me go before he kills us all!" The man was practically blubbering. She looked oddly at him and set him back down. "Was it someone called Avashar?" "Yes. He's cold. Crazy, I tell you." His eyes were wide with fear. She had never liked cowards, but she might need information from him later. Fixing him with a stern glare, she snapped, "Stay put. I'll be right back." She turned away from the sniveling wreck and lit her sword. The tequila buzz was gone and she felt calm and ready for battle. There was going to be a massive ass kicking right about - "NOW!" With a wild cry, she flew through the doorway and into the room, her eyes scanning automatically for threats. The sight that greeted her was not a pretty one. A round conference table sat in the center of the small room, and around it were three charred and very dead bodies. Sitting at the fourth seat was a stocky man, a slightly dazed expression on his face. She leaped onto the table, pointed her sword at him, and said very calmly, "Please tell me you're Avashar." His clothing was of an unusual cut, more suited to moving through the wilderness than lounging in a space bar. He paled and said, "No, I'm August Derleth, a collector of sorts. That murderer just crashed out of here a second ago." "Then that must have been..." Minagi's words trailed off as she realized that she had just run into him. She flashed instantly into the hallway, her blade at the ready. Avashar was nowhere to be seen. "No!" she shouted, cursing her own gullibility. There were at least five different directions Avashar could have left by, but she knew that there was only one final destination: his ship. Jumping back into the room, she grabbed August and said, "Hang on, you're coming with me." "What are you -" Together they appeared aboard the Hinase. August slumped to the deck, his eyes wide at the sudden feat Minagi had pulled off so casually. [Minagi, thank goodness you're here! The TurtleDove started up a few seconds ago and it's already destroyed two freighters. What do you want us to do?] "Avashar moves fast," she thought. "There's no way he could have gotten to the ship before I did... unless he... teleported?" "Fire up the engines and arm weapon systems," she ordered. "We're going to stop this here and now!" The Hinase throbbed as its powerful engines kicked in and began powering up its weapon systems. Minagi gritted her teeth as she watched the TurtleDove turn and finish off the third freighter before boosting out-system. "Those were the ships of my companions," cried August, cradling his head in his hands. "Do you realize their cargo? Oh my, oh my." "Not now!" she snapped. "Alright, Hinase, let's show him the difference between picking on unarmed freighters and a 100,000 ton warship! Open fire!" The TurtleDove's cloaking hadn't spun up yet, and Minagi's smile was hard as the Hinase's first volley neatly bracketed Avashar's ship. His only response was to further increase speed towards out-system. "He hasn't even tried cloaking yet. Hinase, blow out his engines. He might be a murderer, but we're not." Although she was beginning to seriously consider it. [Yes, Minagi.] Another volley of fire burst from the Hinase, focused solely on the TurtleDove's engine area. For a second the screen brightened from the force of the explosion. When it cleared, Minagi stared slack-jawed at the TurtleDove, still increasing speed, still uncloaked, and completely unscathed. "Hinase, what just happened? Please don't tell me that ship is shielded, too!" [Minagi, it appears the TurtleDove has multiple systems, but only the power for one or two at a time. It appears it is currently focused solely on shielding and speed right now.] "Apparently," Minagi replied dryly, watching the nimble TurtleDove ("Turtle - ha," she thought) pull farther away. "I'm guessing we won't be able to catch him at this rate." [I'm afraid not, Minagi. We will be dropping slowly behind. In approximately one hour, we will lose all tracking, even if he doesn't cloak.] Minagi smacked her fist into her hand and turned to August. "Alright, can you explain what is going on around here?" August had regained some of his composure. He replied politely, "I believe I know exactly where that butcher is going, Milady. If you wouldn't mind returning me to my ship back at V1z, I would be more than happy to assist you." She considered for a second. At this rate they'd lose track of the TurtleDove and never figure out where Avashar's next target would be. "Fine, I'll take you back. In the meantime, you can fill me in on what's going on here." "I'll do my best, Mil-" "Please, call me Minagi." "Certainly. Minagi, my former associates and I are all traders of things rare and unique, especially books." "Books? You've got to be kidding me. Who would need smugglers for books?" She had heard of weird things getting smuggled, but this had to top the list. Stranger yet, August looked neither the bookish type nor a smuggler. He was a stocky man, and his clothing and bearing seemed better suited for tracking through an uncharted wilderness than plying the smuggling routes. His features were square cut and his expression honest. Wavy hair was combed haphazardly back from his tanned face. All this, combined with the keen intelligence glimmering in his eyes, made for a quite a puzzle. "A common misconception. Believe me, a single rare copy of Alhazred's Necronomicon, the Pnakotic Manuscripts, or Von Juntz's Unaussprechlichen Kulten is worth more than an entire freighter full of any other known material." His large hands began to tremble, as if mentioning these tomes brought back painful memories. "You see, collectors of these types of books are a rarified and exceptionally wealthy group of individuals. They would do anything to complete their collection of a single author or locate the last manuscript of some long forgotten poet." Her mind boggled that a single book could be worth so much. It was the perfect cargo! The pirate portion of her mind drooled at the thought of the kind of money she could be involved with. "Then why is Avashar killing you guys off?" "I fear it is because there has been a sudden change in market conditions. There has been a growing interest in these ancient texts, relics believed lost or destroyed by their races. These sources of knowledge and power delve into secrets of the cosmos so advanced they boggle the mind. "Most people dismiss these tomes as worthless relics of a bygone age. However, others believe they offer an insight into powers beyond our own dimension, powers so terrible that to harness their energy could confer immortality, even godhood." He sighed. "And somebody is buying all the ancient texts from every race. All of them. The money being offered could buy entire systems. All my associates see this as the chance to make fortunes to rival the oldest families in the known Galaxy." Minagi frowned. "You don't sound enthusiastic about this. Why not?" He stared off into the distance, as if he could see something else moving out in space that Hinase's sensors couldn't detect. "Unlike my associates, I had dabbled with these sources long before they were worth what they are today. I barely escaped with my life, and I now understand that there is knowledge that should never be used for any type of personal gain. I have refused to take part in any of these proceedings." "So Avashar spared you." "I don't think he was interested in me. Not in the slightest." "But he would be interested in whoever is buying up all those books, right?" "Yes, and that leaves only one place where collectors like me gather and where Avashar would go: the hidden library." [Minagi, we've arrived back at port.] "Thank you, Hinase. August, is there a way you can point me to this `hidden library'?" He cocked his head and looked at Minagi with a cautious expression. "Why are you so interested in him?" She drew a deep breath. "I have been a good pirate for a while now, capturing crooked traders and bringing corrupt government officials to justice. I personally witnessed Avashar destroy three other freighters and their crew no more than 50,000km from here. He has to be stopped, and I'm going to be the one who does it." August smiled, and with an elegant flourish drew forth a slender card. "For such a brave and lovely lady as yourself, how could I not assist you? Use this to guide your ship to the library. I pray you will arrive before that killer does." Minagi found herself smiling at the incongruity of the cultured sophistication of such a solid looking outdoorsman. She took the card from August and curiously turned it over. "What is this, anyway?" August gave an almost insane grin. "A library card, of course." Minagi and Hinase stared blankly as he broke into gales of laughter. "Library Card - get it?! Oh, I love it." He was still chuckling when Minagi gently laid a hand on his shoulder and teleported them back to the port. He sobered up as she turned to leave. "Minagi, be careful. There are powers involved here that you cannot begin to fathom. May your quest for justice succeed, and I hope to meet you again." August's eyes reflected a weariness that belied his warm face, as if his contact with these powers, whatever they were, had left a mark on his very soul. She smiled at this unusual smuggler. "I'll be careful, August. I hope to meet up with you again." Teleporting back to the Hinase, she stretched and wondered where the trail would lead next. "Hinase, how long to get to the library at top speed?" [At least 20 hours, Minagi.] "Great, there's time to grab a bath and get some rest." She headed off to the bath, finally starting to realize that she smelled bad and her head was throbbing. This was turning out to be some kind of adventure. Minagi slowly woke up. Giving a long cat-like stretch, she snuggled back under the covers for a second. She felt a lot better after a bath and a good night's rest. Her thoughts drifted off to when she had run into Avashar and hadn't even realized it. Try as she might, she couldn't distinctly recall his features (Tequila). He was tall and broad shouldered, but nothing distinctive. His features were sharp and his hair cropped short, but all of it had been distorted by his acting. Interlacing her fingers behind her head, she stared up at the ceiling. His stunt had been clever but it seemed entirely too rushed. "I'm sure I could have taken him out then and there if I hadn't been drinking," she berated herself. "But why did he bump into me, anyway? Why didn't he just teleport straight out from the conference room?" Great, another piece of the puzzle that didn't seem to fit anywhere. Avashar was turning out to be more and more trouble. Finally sitting up, she stretched once more and got out of bed. Yawning, she teleported onto the command deck, still clad only in her nightshirt. She bit off a second yawn and greeted Hinase cheerfully. "Morning, Hinase!" [Good morning, Minagi. I hope you feel refreshed from your time at V1z.] "I do indeed, Hinase. Remind me if we ever find smugglers carrying Tequila to open fire immediately. That stuff is pure evil." She felt much better, but she shivered to think what kind of mischief she would have gotten into with a couple more drinks under her belt. "How far are we from the library?" [Five hours, Minagi.] "Five hours?! You mean to tell me I've been asleep for fourteen hours?!" Hinase's main crystal nodded ruefully. [And we couldn't wake you up. You were too deeply asleep.] As Minagi floated away to get ready, she decided that simply blowing up any smuggler of Tequila would be too kind a fate for them. Better to make them drink their wares and suffer through the following day. 4 hours later [The library and its immediate environs should be coming up onscreen any second now, Minagi.] Minagi nodded and kept her eyes focused on the main display window. She felt slightly nervous and worried that she might not have reached the library in time to save anyone. Her heart sank as the first gutted ships came into view. "We're too late, Hinase. We're too late." Smugglers or not, nobody needed to be slaughtered like that. Tears formed in her eyes as even more shattered ships appeared around a slowly tumbling larger ship. Dozens of trading ships, couriers, and private vessels floated around its shattered remains. Its hull was marred by extensive damage, and a number of decks gaped open to the vacuum of space. "Hinase, is there any sign of the TurtleDove?" Minagi had already checked the sensors but didn't want to leave anything to chance. [I'm sorry, Minagi, but we're not picking anything up. Nor are we registering any life forms on any of the ships. Wait - there is something deep within the library, but there is too much interference. I can't make out what it is.] "Hinase, stay at full alert. I'm going aboard to find out what that source is and to see if Avashar has left any clues. If that ship appears, do your best to destroy it. If you cannot, then escape and get help." [Minagi, we would never leave you!] Hinase sounded upset at the thought of abandoning her. "I understand." She smiled gently at the main crystal and laid her hand on its trembling surface. "Don't worry about me, I can survive in a vacuum until you return with help." [Very well, but be careful.] The crystal leaned in close and she gave it a hug. She then straightened up and looked at the most damaged section of the library ship. Swallowing once, she teleported just outside the damaged area. Floating in the dead of space, her eyes narrowed slightly as she took in the massive damage up close. "I never would have guessed Avashar's ship would have been capable of such damage," she mused. "I'm glad I told the Hinase to evacuate the area if things got too hairy." Steeling herself for the horrors she knew she would find inside, she drifted slowly into the shattered bulk of the library. As the darkness wrapped around her, she brought her sword to life, its glow imposing a harsh light upon her immediate area. Shadows cut with razor clarity in the airless void, and shapes twisted in the light with startling speed. Her heart raced in her chest; just because the only possible life source was far ahead didn't mean a trap couldn't be awaiting her. Worse yet, dead bodies would loom up suddenly, rapid decompression having done horrible things to faces and hands exposed to the vacuum. Minagi was no coward. She had faced death more than once and didn't fear it like most people. But moving through this tomb in the darkness scared her more than she wanted to admit. She closed her eyes and remembered Master Yakage once telling her that fear was only your enemy if you let it master you. Remembering him brought back memories of Ryoko, Sasami, Washu, Tenchi, and everyone else. The thought of her friends warmed her heart and she felt confidence flow back into her. Her breathing settled down. She moved forward again; no ghosts were going to stop her. Her attention was soon drawn to what was lining the corridors of the ship, the rooms, everywhere. Books, millions of books! In some places where restraining fields had failed before the ship settled down, the corridors were filled with countless books. In many places she had to phase her way through hundreds of feet of books bumping together. She felt a chill run through her when she accidentally phased through a dead librarian floating amidst a particularly thick area of books. Minagi tried not to think about how the dead body reminded her of August. Soon she made it into another clear area. Phasing back to solidity, she flew down the wide corridor. There were signs of violence; bodies of guards and librarians floated in crystal clouds of their own blood. She slowed down as she approached a massive vault with its door blown clear off its hinges. Power shields and other esoteric defensive measure lay shattered and broken around it. "Whoever designed this area sure didn't want anyone getting at it," she thought. Scanning the area carefully, she realized there was a faint glow coming from within the vault. Steeling herself, she raised her sword slightly and flew straight into the chamber. Standing there was Avashar, a glow surrounding his body and a slight smile on his face. Minagi noticed that a small field kept breathable air in the chamber. With a snarl, she launched a powerful strike right at him. She crowed triumphantly as her blade carved through the air in an incandescent streak. The fool hadn't even brought up his own weapon. Minagi's blade carried clear through Avashar with no shock of impact, sending her tumbling head over heels in front of him. Quick as thought, she recovered and sent a tremendous blast of energy directly into Avashar's chest. It, too, passed clean through his body and exploded with a tremendous fury against the far vault wall. "What?" She knew her attacks were enough to bring down any opponent. How could he stand there and let those attacks pass clear through - "Oh, you have got to be kidding me." Disgust was evident in her voice as she made out a holographic projector on the floor. Squatting down, she flicked the machine to play and straightened back up. "The dread space pirate Ryoko, how nice of you to drop by." Avashar's image gave a mocking bow before straightening up and continuing to talk to Minagi in a calm yet deliberate voice. "As you can plainly see, neither of us will be getting our hands on the collected knowledge of a thousand races any time soon. I'm not sure why you've decided to get involved in all this, but your interference is not appreciated." A grim smile crossed his face. "From the records I have, I can't imagine why you would be interested in any printed material. Nevertheless, I must insist you stay out of these affairs. You are meddling with powers far beyond your ken." With a dramatic flourish, a keen blade rippled out of Avashar's hand, sizzling with a dark aura that was almost painful to look at. "Next time, I will not avoid you." With his final statement the holographic projector snapped off, leaving Minagi with only her blade for light again. She stared down at the projector, her mind whirling with possibilities. Did he destroy this entire place? But then, what affairs were left to be completed? More importantly, how was she going to find Avashar and take him up on his promise? Minagi thought about the sword in Avashar's hand and likewise was faced with even more questions. If there was anything Master Yakage had taught her about, it was swords. That blade in Avashar's hand seemed - wrong, but she couldn't place her finger on why. She reached down and grabbed the projector; she had to review that recording again. She turned her thoughts from Avashar's blade and looked around the chamber. Everything in the vault had the appearance of almost being melted, as if exposed to a tremendous amount of heat and energy. Floating upwards, she saw that every shelf was swept clean, from the lowest to the highest, which was 10 meters from the floor. As her spiky hair almost brushed the ceiling, she noticed a series of small cameras placed along the tops of the book shelves. "I wonder where they lead," Minagi mused. Phasing, she stuck her head into the wall behind one camera and started following the cabling. She had to drop her sword and instead held a small ball of energy in her hand to light the way as she floated through walls and floors. The cabling wound for what seemed forever before ending up in what must have been the command chamber. She phased back into solidity and looked around. With a hum, her blade flashed back into life and cast its light across the room. More bodies floated lifelessly, but she was only interested in finding the security recordings. After searching, she found the crystal storage unit for the security cameras, but it appeared to have suffered damage, maybe due to a surge from the power released inside the vault. Grabbing the crystal, she prepared herself to teleport back to the Hinase. She felt grateful to be finally getting out of this floating tomb and back to her ship. [Minagi! I'm so glad you're back, I was getting worried about you!] Hinase's crystal floated up to her, blinking happily. "I'm glad to be back too, Hinase." She smiled, relieved to be somewhere with light, warmth, air, and friends. "It was a very unpleasant place over there." Her voice trailed off, and Hinase's crystal beeped worriedly. She shook herself out of her reverie and held up the library's security crystal. "Hinase, do you think you can get any data off this?" Flashing furiously for a second, Hinase's crystal floated nearer to the security crystal and bathed it in a soft red light. [I'm sorry, Minagi, it's too damaged for me to gain access to the information. I don't have the proper equipment.] Hinase sounded guilty for letting Minagi down. "It's not your fault, Hinase. It's just that this recording may be the only lead we have to where Avashar went and what happened to all these ships." She was positive Avashar's ship didn't have the firepower to take out all those ships and the library at once. And if he didn't, who did? [What are we going to do?] "There's only one person I know who might be able to help us with this." Her spirits began to rise. "Hinase, plot a course for Earth. It's time we enlisted help from the Greatest Genius in the Universe, Washu!" Minagi looked forward to seeing her friends again, and if it helped her nab Avashar in the process and solve this mystery, so much the better!