All charecters are property of AIC and Pioneer so dont sue me. I have no money anyways. No Need For Memories. Prolog by Sailor Ryoko The boy woke up in a small, brightly-lit room. He was in a bed near the corner.Slowly, he sat up, ignoring the pain in his head. A small, red-haired girl was busy in the center of the room. He didnt reconize the room or its other ocupant. In fact he didn't reconize himself. He couldnt even remember his own name. Just then, the red-haired girl noticed that he was sitting up. "Glad to see that your up! We sure missed ya' around hear." She said chearly. She begain to walk twords him and he tried to back away but found himself against the wall. "Who are you?" he shouted. She stopped, and a slow grin spread across her face. "I bet you have amneshia!" She cried. "Don't worry, with my help, You'll remember in no time!" "I'm not sure I want your help." He said. She looked like someone who should be locked up in a mental instatution. "Who are you anyway. For that matter, who am I?" "I'm the Scientific Genius Washu!" she yelled. "And your Tenchi. I live in your house. Along with some other people." "What happened to me? I cant remember anything." "Not to worry. You were hit on the head when you tried to save..." Her voice broke and her eyes filled up with tears. She tried to smile, tried to be cheery like always. But she couldn't. Why was it so hard to think about? "When I tried to do what?" Tenchi asked. "Oh, never mind. It's not important." She turned away as a small, blue-haired girl bounced into the lab. She was followed by a brown fuzzy creature. "Washu!" She called. "Dinners ready!" Then the girl noticed Tenchi sitting up on the bed. "Tenchi, Your awake!" "Do I know you?" Tenchi asked. "It's me Tenchi, it's Sasami. Don't you reconize me?" "He dosnt remember anything Sasami. We're going to have to help him." Washu wispered something in Sasami's ears. The little girl nodded and her eyes welled up with tears. She picked up the thing that was following her and walked up to Tenchi. "My name is Sasami. This is Ryo-ohki. She's a cabbit." "A what? My head hurts. This is too much information." Washu gave him some pills. "This might be a bit much for you Tenchi," Washu said. "But try to take it on in. If you forget something again, me and Sasmi will remind you. Now, we'd better go if we want a warm dinner." She led the way out. At the dinner table, a blond was allready sitting in her place. Washu walked up to her. "Tenchi, this is Mihoshi. Mihoshi, Tenchi dosn't remember what happened so me and Sasami are going to help him out." "Okay." She started crying. "Just don't tell him when I'm around. I don't want to hear it. Especialy what happened to Ryo-" Washu clamped a hand oved her mouth and whispered something in her ear. She nodded and didn't say a word for the rest of the night. "Is this something I should worry about?" Tenchi asked Sasami. "Oh no. Don't worry. Everything is fine." No one said a word for the rest of the night. After dinner, Sasami showed Tenchi to his room. Washu and Sasami talked in hushed tones downstairs. "If he dosn't remember anything," Washu was explaining. "Than maybe, we can have him forget all about Aeka and Ryoko. Actualy, You can tell him about Aeka, but not a word about Ryoko. Got it?" Sasami nodded. "I don't think I'll have the heart to talk about her just yet." Both of them went to bed with heavy hearts. Again, like every night for the past month, both of them cryed themselves to sleep. Well, that was The prolog. What do ya' think? If someone writes and says to get the next chapter in, maybe I will. I dont know. Anyways, sorry it's so sloppy. I cant spell or type real well, so sorry. P.S. This is my first fanfic, so have mearcy. Also, all flames will be discarted immeadeatly. e-mail me at