Dont sue the guy who wrote this Please. The Masaki Chronicles: Part one "Behind the anime" You may think that the Masaki houshold runs just like it does on their multi-million dollar franchise. well, mabye if your Kashuito. The Stars and their Private lives. Sasami: after the tenchi in tokyo series ended, washu tricked her in to smoking mary jane and is now addicted. supplied with the scientists hydroponics lab, Only the purest makes it in to the "masterbong". Before even this happemed, she did not make her money from ryo-oki doing tricks, but prostitution. (washu was her first customer) Aeka: hooked on crystal when through noobyuki's drug Cartel became apparent, she has to keep hereself supplied through several "favors". she mainly uses the drug during battles and dueling bedsprings with the morphable ryoko. Prt two coming soon!