The Legacy of Kain, chapter 2 by Aaron Bastin - synopsis: Suspicions are aroused - is Kevin more than he seems? Ye Olde Disclaimer: This stuff is owned by other people, except for the stuff that doesn't. If you own the stuff I've used, please do not sue me. Firstly, if you do own any of it chances are you already have one hell of a lot more money than I do. Secondly, I will have you slain. The Legacy of Kain - Chapter Two (Conversations and Revelations) Sasami "Good morning, Kevin! Tea?" Kevin yawned voluminously, digging his fist into his eye as he stomped down the steps. "Tea? Oh. Right. Yes, that would be wonderful, thanks." Sasami frowned slightly as she brought him a cup. "You don't like tea?" Kevin shook his head, yawning again. "No, no, it's not that. I love tea. I'm just used to coffee in the mornings, that's all." He took a small sip. "I, uh, don't suppose you have any around, do you?" he asked, a small note of hope creeping its way into his voice. Sasami laughed as she sat down across from him. "Nope. Sorry." She brightened. "But I bet Washu could make some for you." "Oh? She's got some stashed away somewhere?" "No, she...ah...yes, she might. You can never tell what she has tucked away somewhere. Um." Kevin smiled into his tea and let the matter drop. They sat in silence for a few moments, Sasami studying Kevin intently. "Something on your mind?" Sasami cocked her head to one side. "Why don't you like Ayeka and Katsuhito?" Kevin sighed and set down his tea. "You're too young to be so wise," he muttered. Sasami just smiled. Kevin pursed his lips and thought for a long moment. "It's not that I don't like them, Sasami. I do, a lot. They've been very kind to me. But they...remind me of some people I once knew. That makes me a little nervous." He sighed. "And...Sasami? Have you ever had a secret?" "Uh-huh." "I mean...a secret that you were afraid to tell?" Kevin seemed to be struggling to find the right words. "A secret that...if people knew, they might not like you any more?" Sasami thought about this. "Yes, once. I was afraid that Ayeka and Tenchi wouldn't love me any more." She looked up and smiled. "But once I told them, everything was fine and they loved me as much as ever! Maybe you should just tell them. They're really forgiving." Kevin stared into his tea. "I don't know, Sasami. There are some things that can't be forgiven. Not ever." He took a deep breath. "But maybe...maybe you're right. I can't keep this secret wouldn't be fair to everyone here. You're my friends." He looked up at Sasami, smiled, and ruffled her hair fondly. "Thanks, kiddo. You've given me a lot to think about." He looked around. "Has Tenchi already left?" Sasami nodded. "Yes. He forgot his lunch, too. Would you take it to him?" she said, handing him a wicker basket. "No sweat. See you at dinner." "Bye!" She was silent for a few moments after he left. , she said into the silence. Tenchi "Hey, Kevin! KEVIN!" Kevin blinked and looked up from his work. Tenchi stood a few feet away, waving a basket and smiling. "Break time!" Kevin plucked one last carrot from the ground and sighed, stretching, before ambling over to the rock that Tenchi sat upon, their lunch spread out on a blanket. "Thanks," he said, catching the flask of water Tenchi tossed at him. "Nice to take a break." He took a long pull. Tenchi snorted. "Give it a rest, Kev," he said, the western nickname coming out a little awkwardly. "You're barely even winded. Don't you ever get tired?" Kevin laughed, fishing a cigarette from the pack that lay in the basket Sasami had prepared for them. "Oh, from time to time. I find it just goes away if I ignore it," he said, deadpan, lighting the smoke. Tenchi cocked his head quizzically. It was hard to tell sometimes when Kevin was joking. Kevin grinned. "Why do you do that to yourself, anyway?" asked Tenchi. Kevin arched an eyebrow. "Why do I...oh! The smokes," he replied, looking down at the cigarette. He pursed his lips. "Well...I come from a family that with addictions," he said, after some thought. "I'm not using that as an excuse, mind. The thing is, though, that I'm aware of it. I know it's a problem. So I watch myself, very, very carefully. And I allow myself an outlet for those tendencies that cause me a lot less harm than some I might get into." "The cigarettes?" Kevin nodded. "Yeah, the cigarettes...and boozing it up every now and again. Only once every few weeks, and even then I set a strict limit for myself. It's a safety valve, of sorts." Tenchi shook his head, frowning. "I don't know..." Kevin stood, a little abruptly. "Yeah, well, it seems to work okay. My mother and grandfather both lost their lives to their addictions, and my siblings are on the road straight to hell, while I'm still here and functioning. So there you go." Tenchi's jaw dropped. "Kevin, I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean..." Kevin closed his eyes for a moment, and when they reopened, they held his usual smile - albeit a strained one. "Hey, don't worry about it. No way you could know. I'm...gonna get back to work." Tenchi watched Kevin as he made his way back to the carrot field. Moron, he thought to himself, as he packed away the lunch - most of it uneaten - and started out to where he'd left off. The poor guy. I know how he feels. Tenchi frowned as he went back to work. Something strange, though, he thought idly. That look that crossed his was a little angry, but only a little. Sad too, but...I thought I saw... ...fear? Tenchi shook his head, putting such thoughts from his mind, and went back to the carrots. Katsuhito "Kevin." Kevin jumped. Tenchi, walking beside him, was used to this sort of thing and just turned to face his grandfather as he melted out of the forest. "Er. Hello." "I thought that perhaps you would like to learn some of what I have been teaching Tenchi. The way you move bespeaks some training in the martial arts...perhaps you could teach my grandson something, as I have failed to do thus far." His hawklike eyes, odd in a face so old and calm, came to rest on Tenchi, who rolled his eyes and groaned. Kevin started to protest, then saw the look on Katsuhito's face, which said, undeniably, ‘you ain't getting out of this one, son'. He changed his tactics. "All right. But...I am somewhat ashamed of my lack of skill, being a mere beginner. I'd prefer no one else was around." Katsuhito arched an eyebrow. "You don't say? Very well, then." With that, he turned to lead Kevin towards the shrine. Kevin lifted his bokken and eyed his opponent warily. "So," he said, easily running through some warm-ups and practicing the seven modes of defense with sharp precision, "Why so eager to spar with me?" Katsuhito smiled and fell into a ready stance. He lashed out suddenly, once, twice, three times, each thrust blocked effortlessly. Not bad, he thought, and shifted to a more defensive posture. "I was...curious, shall we say." He grunted as Kevin went on the offensive, slashing at his midsection and following up with a sweep, forcing him to leap back. Not bad indeed...the boy is evenly matched with Tenchi, perhaps better, Katsuhito thought. "I had noticed that you have some remarkable talents...your habit of saying the exact right thing at the exact right time, and-" he cut off abrubtly as Kevin unleashed a flurry of strikes, forcing all his concentration into parrying. Kevin, finding his defenses impenetrable, eased back and waited. Katsuhito suddenly laughed. "Your lack of skill, hmm? Few could do better." He suddenly twisted in a manner that seemed to defy physics, snaking around Kevin's sword to kick at his stomach. Kevin took the blow, doubling over, and Katsuhito took the opportunity to knock the bokken from his hand, then hooked his foot behind Kevin's, sending him sprawling. "Not even at the Jurian Royal Court," he finished, leaning down. Kevin looked up, real fear in his eyes. "I'm curious as to who you really are. Not many on this world are adept at Jurian combat styles." Kevin sighed. "I apologize for the deception." He fumbled in his pockets, pulled out a cigarette. "I realize I have much to explain. I am not Jurian, not really, but..." he sighed again. "Katsuhito?" "Mmm?" "This is a very long story, and one that is painful for me. It should wait until I can come clean to everyone. Ayeka in particular should hear this. Will you give me a day to prepare myself?" "And then?" Kevin slowly got up, warily eyeing the old man's bokken, still held at ready. He forced himself to relax and look in Katsuhito's eyes which were, as usual, impassive. "And then I'll tell the tale, all of it. And if you want me to leave, so be it. All right?" Katsuhito simply stared at him for a long moment, then nodded and walked into the shrine without a word or second glance. Kevin sighed, dusted himself off, and headed into the woods, muttering. AUTHOR'S COMMENTS: The thot plickens...send C+C to