Season 2: Home Life and Shadow Plays Episode 3: No Need for Renovation Note: When I finish the second season I'm going to try and go back to rewrite the episodes, removing the scene designators and putting in descriptions....but I'd rather post everything I already have written before I overhaul it...that way I might get more ideas on to fix it up more ------------------------------------------------------- The new Miho-Kiyo place, outside "I still don't believe the price you got on this place," Rikyu said as he tore down the last of the fence. "Considering the lack of what Earth considers modern conveniences," Kiyone shouted from where she was painting the side of the house. "I'd say the price was fair." "I know why it was so cheap," Mihoshi whined. Kiyone had her weeding the rock garden, figuring that was a Mihoshi-safe task. It hadn't proved otherwise, yet. Kiyone rolled her eyes as Mihoshi continued. "This house is haunted, just like that ghost ship." "Captain," Kiyone turned a paint-spattered face towards Karya. "Should there not be people we can hire to do this...manual labor?" At least the noblewoman wasn't wearing those same kind of impractical robes as Ayeka preferred. She was, on the other hand, covered in dust and a cobweb or two. "We could, but that's not nearly as satisfying as doing it yourself," Kiyone answered, she glanced over at Mihoshi. The blonde was trying to pull a weed out of the ground, and it was apparently proving stubborn. "When we get to something we can't do ourselves, I'll talk to somebody." "Yes, Captain," Karya said, resignedly. The Jurai looked over to where Rakkan was helping Rikyu clear the area. "He certainly seems adapted to this, it certainly makes sense for such barbarians." Kiyone laughed and took a moment to look over at the men. Rikyu dropped his shirt several minutes ago, when the sweat had soaked it through. "Those 'barbarians' provide a wonderful view though," Kiyone whispered. "Don't they?" Karya blushed as she looked at Kiyone in shock. "Captain!" Kiyone was about to further tease the proper Jurai woman when she saw the Mihoshi debacle in progress. "Duck!" Everybody was down to the ground only a moment after Kiyone. Mihoshi finally pulled the weed out of the garden, tumbled back several feet, hit the pile of discarded lumber, which fell in scattered directions. One of those fell on the plank Kiyone had her bucket of paint on. The bucket flew up into the air and rained paint across the area finally coming to rest on another plank of wood holding the toolbox the Akuneko were using. An array of tools rocketed back across the yard, eliciting a scrambling crawl from Karya and Kiyone. The disaster stopped with three broken windows and a tie-dyed rock garden. "MI-HO-SHI!!!!!!!!!!!" Kiyone yelled. The blonde was lying senseless in the pile of wood for a moment before lurching to a sitting position. Everybody else took the exasperated yell as a clue that it was safe to stand up. "Ow, my head," she muttered before breaking out into a wave of tears. "This house hates me!!!" "The house doesn't hate you, Mihoshi," Kiyone corrected, irritably. "You're always this clumsy." "I'm sorry, Kiyone," Mihoshi wailed. "I didn't mean it." "Of course not," Kiyone said. "You never mean it, um, there's no furniture yet, so why don't you go try cleaning the inside of the house and Karya will finish the garden." "Inside the house?" Mihoshi whined. "By myself?" "Listen Mihoshi, there's no such thing as ghosts," Kiyone instructed her. She picked up the duster from where Karya had dropped it. "And we're all out here anyway, so you can just call us if you need help, okay." "Okay," Mihoshi sniffed. "I'm sorry, Kiyone." The blonde detective started shuffling into the house as if she were going to a funeral. "How may I ask is it that she is so incredibly stupid?" Karya asked. "I was wondering that myself," Rakkan added from where he was collecting the tools from the ground. "I've theorized that she's the result of some experiment to age people faster," Rikyu noted. "You know she looks all grown up but is really only ten or something." The other two who had known Mihoshi for less time nodded as if that made sense. "She's the great-granddaughter of the head of the Galaxy Police," Kiyone told them, to the sound of a collective "Oh," except for Karya, anyway. "What's wrong with that?" was the Jurai's only question, to which Rakkan turned to her with a confused expression on his face. "I'll be right back, going to open another can of paint." Inside the house "Hello, Mr. Ghost?" Mihoshi was saying nervously. "I'm just going to clean things up a little, okay?" She was gingerly dusting away cobwebs and dust. "You don't have to do anything to me, okay." Actually, even Mihoshi had to admit that the place wasn't near as scary now after they had been cleaning it for a couple of hours. In fact, with the windows open and the sun shining it was actually beginning to look quite cheerful. As the minutes progressed Mihoshi forgot that she was afraid of the house, and then she was cheerfully switching from dusting to sweeping. Unfortunately her sweeping was doing more to redistribute the dust than collect in a pile. "Oh my, its really getting very dusty here," she said, coughing a little and reaching out to grab a candle holder for support while she coughed away the dust. The candleholder bent down from the wall and the floor vanished from under Mihoshi's feet. "Mihoshi, you're supposed to be cleaning in here," Kiyone yelled coughing through the settling dust. "Mihoshi! Mihoshi? Damn, where'd she go now?" Underneath the house "That hurt," Mihoshi whined, rubbing her head. She pulled out her GP pen and twisted it, showing that the tiny thing could also duplicate as a decent flashlight. "Where am I?" The light revealed an old stone wall corridor carved in Japanese kanji. Everything was covered in wall to wall dust. "Oh no," Mihoshi whined. "I thought I was almost finished." The blonde picked a direction to go in her usual highly observant manner. "This way looks less dusty." She didn't bother to look up at trapdoor in easy reach. About fifteen minutes after she had started walking Mihoshi came to fork in the tunnel. "Oh this is a pretty poem," Mihoshi said, reading the kanji on the wall and following it along. The blonde didn't pay attention to where she was going and tripped over a piece of rubble as a spear came out of one end of the wall and into the other. "Ouch!" She stepped up and then turned back around to read what she missed in her fall. Mihoshi clotheslined herself on the spear. As her feet flew out from under her, a curved blade narrowly missed slicing her legs off. "Kiyone!!!" Mihoshi whined. "Where are you Kiyone?" the blond tripped backwards again, caught her balance, and then realized she'd dropped her GP pen back down the corridor. She walked forward, stepped on a stone button in the floor and jumped as a boulder smashed down where she had just been standing. "WAAAA!!!!" She ran in random direction. Inside the house Kiyone was examining the room Mihoshi had been working on, or at least where she had seen the most recent cloud of dust. She realized that trying to find Mihoshi was an almost impossible feat, after all, this was someone who could wander into Washu's lab unknowing and unhindered. She looked about where the dust was settling, and noticed that a section of the floor had noticeably less dust than the rest of the floor. "Okay, here's the broom," Kiyone noted. "I assume she set it down there when it started to get dusty and she was coughing and sneezing from the dust. Now that would put her standing here, and with all that dust she'd have been coughing and sneezing quite a bit." Kiyone reached her hand out and grabbed onto a candleholder. "Now isn't that interesting," Kiyone noted, she had been planning on removing this thing. They had found its counterpart on the floor on that first day. She looked down and noticed that she was standing on that area where there was less dust coverage. Kiyone moved aside and then pulled down on the candleholder, opening up a trap door in the floor. "Mihoshi..." Kiyone said wearily, she walked back outside. "I have to go find Mihoshi," Kiyone called back. "I think she managed to find some kind of secret passage." "Secret passage?" Rikyu repeated. "Do you need any help, Captain Makibi?" Rakkan asked. "No, I think I got this one," Kiyone answered. "Just finish up out here, I'll be right back." "We'll be right back," Rikyu corrected. "I said I have this covered." "I haven't done a real excavation in a while now," Rikyu told her. "I'm coming with you." "Excavation? It's probably just a bunch of old wooden planks." "Better than an auction house." "Ok, whatever," Kiyone gave up. "We'll be back as soon as we find her." Rikyu followed her inside with an air of eagerness. "Yes, Captain," Karya said cheerfully. The Akuneko warrior next to her looked at the former Jurai captain as if she'd blown a tube somewhere. "Why are you so cheerful?" Rakkan asked. Karya looked up to him and smiled. "How long would it take you to get us to Lord Tenchi's?" she asked. Rakkan was about to ask why, but then realized what she was talking about. "You think they'll take that long to find her?" Karya rolled her eyes. "Good point. I can get us there just as it starts." The tunnel "Interesting inscriptions," Rikyu said reading the wall as they walked down the corridor, he was a little behind Kiyone. The policewoman wasn't interested in what this place was for at the moment. "Something about a demon caged in crystal speaking to people in dreams and seeking escape." "I know which way Mihoshi went," Kiyone said. Rikyu looked up at Kiyone staring straight down a turn in the corridor. "Really? How can you...ah I see," Rikyu said as he saw the remains of triggered booby traps extending as far as the light could reach. "You don't think anything happened, do you?" "To Mihoshi, or around Mihoshi?" Kiyone asked. "Silly question," Rikyu admitted. They walked, crawled, skittered and climbed down the fairly well blocked corridor. Half an hour and who knows how many feet later they came to a circular chamber filled a number of artifacts in various niches. The items seemed familiar to Kiyone for some reason, but aside from the one katana she couldn't place them. There were no other exits, though, and no sign of Mihoshi. "Either we missed a fork on the way here," Kiyone noted, it wouldn't be too surprising considering how much of the tunnel was obscured. "Or there's another trap door somewhere around here. "Hey, should you be doing that?" Kiyone asked. Rikyu turned to her as he started to pick up a jade statuette of a hideously smiling figure. "If there were any traps here don't you think Mihoshi would have triggered them?" he asked as he lifted the statue, and pulled a rod of some kind up with it. Kiyone heard the click and whirr of machinery and dived, pushing Rikyu out of the way of the salvo of darts that his action had produced. "You were saying," she asked as she looked down at him, right into those yellow cat's eyes of his. "Wonderful view indeed." "I'm glad you agree," Rikyu said as he was rubbing the back of his head. Kiyone blushed as she realized that she had spoken out loud. He looked back up into her blue eyes and froze, there faces were inches apart. "We were down here for something." "We were," Kiyone agreed. She leaned down closer, and whispered, teasingly. "What was it again?" "I don't know, but this seems good enough," he leaned up and their lips met. As the kiss became an embrace the pair rolled over a stone tile raised slightly above the rest of the floor. The ground fell out from underneath the surprised pair. "Damn it!" Rikyu was rubbing the back of his head where he had clipped the edge of the pit. "Well I guess we know where she went," Kiyone said, looking up at the closing trapdoor above them. "Do you want to continue..." then she smiled. "...or continue?" Her GP pen was up there where she'd dropped it with her first dive, so as the trapdoor closed, the last vestige of light vanished. "Let's find Mihoshi," Rikyu suggested. "There are too many surprises here." He heard Kiyone laugh, she didn't laugh often. She smiled sometimes, often when she was certain of victory in a battle of some kind, but laughing wasn't something that was common to Kiyone. Rikyu liked the way it sounded. "I suppose your head couldn't take much more of this," she agreed with a laugh. Rikyu took a moment to try and decide whether that was what he thought it was. He waved that thought away, however, not because Kiyone wouldn't know those jokes, but because he couldn't see her making them. "Could you perhaps give us a light." "Hmm? Sure," he was soon holding a slim red dagger of energy. The red light didn't reveal too much, but it did show them enough. It showed them Mihoshi's GP pen on the ground, for example. Kiyone picked it up and turned on its flashlight. "Okay, we're fine again," Kiyone told him. Rikyu nodded and let the dagger dissipate. "Well, there's only one direction to go, so I guess she went that way," the Akuneko suggested. "I think I know where we're going," Kiyone told him, a glint in her eyes. "And unless we find her on the way there, then she's fine." "Demon in a crystal," he repeated, then thwacked himself on the forehead. "Washu's cave." The Masaki Residence In the living room the television area seemed to be unofficially split into Jurai and Akuneko sections. Ryoko lay reclining on the left side couch as normal, and Ayeka was sitting in her normal proper seated position on the center couch. Karya was sitting on the left side couch, while Rakkan was floating cross-legged a little behind and above Ryoko. All four were munching cookies and quietly watching the flickering images on the box in front of them. "No, I cannot do this any longer," a woman's voice spoke from the television. They all stopped eating and leaned forward expectantly. "It is plain that you care nothing at all for me." "Aiko, how can you say that?" a man's voice demanded. "You know I'd never betray you with Kimi." "I know Kimi is a beautiful woman," she turned away from him. "And I'm just a plain little girl you can string along." The four watchers leaned forward even further, eyes peeled open wide. "No, Aiko, you could never be plain, not to me." "Oh, Toshi do you mean it?" "You know I do Aiko, Aiko will you...*" The scene switched to some translated American monstrosity with lots of little blue creatures living in mushroom houses. All four of the expectant viewers fell to the floor as the first words were spoken. "Papa Smurf! Papa Smurf!" a little blue man in glasses was saying. He continued to complain about somebody named Gargamel and how he had some other "smurfs" captive and was going to use them to make gold. "Yes, we must go rescue them!" Mihoshi shouted from where she was standing behind Ayeka's couch. Ryoko scrambled for the remote and changed the channel back as the credits were running, she resignedly gave the control back to Mihoshi and returned to her couch. "Of course," Ayeka complained as she stood up and returned to her seat. "It never fails." "As soon as it gets to the good part she has to come in," Ryoko completed the thought. "They've been leading up to that the whole month," Karya whined. "Now we'll have to wait until tomorrow to find out what happened." "Excuse me, Mihoshi-San," Rakkan asked, thinking of something else. "Did Captain Makibi and Lord Rikyu find you?" "Oh, were they looking for me?" Mihoshi asked. "I hit Washu's cave and came straight here." "The passage she found hits Washu's cave?" Karya asked. "I thought Washu's lab was in another dimension." "Don't worry about it," Ryoko told them. "She's talking about the cave Washu was sealed in when we got here. It won't take me a moment to get there and back." Ryoko lifted off the ground and teleported away. Washu's Cave Ryoko appeared in front of the cave and started walking down the cave, still irritated at Mihoshi. This was actually a relaxing place to come since all the booby traps had been removed. Recently Ryoko had been coming here a lot, especially when she was mad at Tenchi. The fact that she came here to relax, a place inundated with a power that out of all of them only Tenchi could tap, hadn't yet occurred to her. She still blamed him for Ayeka's burn out, no matter how much her rational mind told her that was silly. As Ryoko strolled down the cavern corridor she began to her muffled gasps and moans coming from down in the main chamber. She had a fair idea of what was going on, considering her past it would have been incredibly strange for her not to know. Maternal instinct warred with her normal attitude, briefly and successfully. The strongest image of Rikyu still on her mind was that five-year old she had left behind to spare him from living her life. "Kiyone, Rikyu, are you two down here?" she called ahead. The sounds of passion were quickly replaced with hints of a scrambling Ryoko was also familiar with. She continued walking along as if she didn't suspect anything, "Mihoshi's at the house." Ryoko entered the main chamber as Kiyone and Rikyu were putting on their shoes. A red-faced innocent smile was plastered to Kiyone's face. "Thank you, Ryoko" Kiyone said as if she were out of breath. "We were worried about her." Ryoko raised an eyebrow. "Well, let's go get her," Rikyu suggested, rushing up the cave exit. "Yeah, we don't want Mihoshi getting frantic, do we?" Kiyone asked, following him. "Uh, Kiyone," Ryoko said, Kiyone paused and turned back, maintaining the innocent cheerful expression she saved for her part time jobs. "Your t-shirt's inside out." "Oh," she said with a relieved laugh. "Must have been tired this morning," she started to fix the problem, turned even brighter red, folded the shirt back down, and looked to her left. Ryoko followed the gaze and noticed something black and silky in the shadows. "I'll...uh...fix it in a moment, better get going, Ryoko?" She gestured ahead of her, the Akuneko woman took the message and went out ahead of the policewoman. Kiyone followed a moment later, with her t-shirt on right side out, Ryoko noticed. "So did you two have fun getting here?" Ryoko asked as they came out into the sun. "Well, we saw some.... interesting items while we were down there," Rikyu said. Kiyone gave him a sidelong look at the word "interesting", he shrugged in response. "Yeah, a tunnel from your new place to here," Ryoko commented. "I imagine you did, like what, for example?" They were walking into the Masaki house by this point. "Uh...." "There were those artifacts in that first room," Kiyone supplied helpfully. "Yeah and some of those booby trap weapons are worth something, too," Rikyu added, on the right path now. Then they noticed Karya and Rakkan watching TV with Mihoshi. Kiyone narrowed her eyes, her own embarrassment forgotten for a moment. "So, how was the soap opera?" she asked from just inside the living room. "Captain Makibi!" The Akuneko went to his kneeling as if he expected to be punished on the spot. Karya bowed deeply and held attention. Mihoshi turned around and looked at Kiyone cheerfully. "Captain! I know how this must look, but you see...." Kiyone sat down and waved them off. "I was going to call a break anyway," Kiyone said. "Oh, hello, Kiyone," Mihoshi said, then she added cautiously. "I'm sorry about the tunnel." "That's okay, Mihoshi," Kiyone said, comfortingly as Rikyu sat next to her on the central couch. "I think it turned out okay."