Disclaimer: The original Tenchi cast are property of AIC and Pioneer (they are vengeful gods indeed!) The character and story of Kazekera as well as the Tenchi O-Rusuta© universe arrangment, are copyright of The Jetset (Jinchi, Kage Maru 3:16 and Diabolo) Notes: Last episode Kazekera revealed that he had once been a Jurai Knight- Washu's reaction to this was unexplainably violent, and now we see the consequences of her hidden, possibly evil agenda in... TENCHI O-RUSUTA©: KAZEKERA PART 8-THE COURT ROOM "This is not allowed!" in an instant the whole room was transformed into a futuristic court room. Washu was wearing a little wig and a pair of glasses. She brought her official hammer onto the dais with a resounding thud. "The court room will now assemble! The case of Kazekera versus the Crown of Jurai with Washu (the greatest scientific genius in the galaxy) in the chair! " Kazekera was in the accused's box, and Ayeka in the accuser's. Sesami, Kiyone, Ryoko, Ryo-Ohki, Tenchi, Nobiyuki and Yosho made up the Jury, with Mihoshi as the Defence council and Azaka as the Prosecution. Kamadake took notes (or at least thought them) as the clerk of the court. "Kazekera Karumitzu, Masaki, Makibi, Jurai, Hakubi of Bronze?" "Yes?" "You are accused of impersonating a Jurai Knight, obtaining passage to a house under false pretences, breaking and entering, damaging ceilings by unlawfully standing up, trespassing on royal Juraian property, being a voracious sexual predator..." "Hey, I..." "SILENCE IN THE COURT!" she bellowed, and then carried on with her list. "...having too many relatives, spending to much time with the wrong people and finally, and most heinously, irritating the galaxy's most esteemed genius by tickling the aforementioned people while she was in the midst of an important experiment! How do you plead?" "Innocent, Miss Washu." "The correct address for me is M'lud or Your Honour, Mr. Defendant!" "Alright. I plead Innocent YOUR HONOUR." "I don't like that sarcastic tone. However, we proceed to the next part of this case..." Washu turned her head towards Ayeka. "Princess Ayeka Jurai?" "Yes Little...I mean, Your Honour?" "Do you agree with said accusations?" "Yes. Except I believe that impersonating a Jurai knight is the most heinous crime." "Oh, you do, do you?" Washu looked furious, and pulled a lever at the side of her dais. A huge hammer came down from the ceiling and hit Ayeka, leaving her with those swirly Anime eyes all people get when hit with large objects (as opposed to concussion and unconsciousness). "We proceed with the defence council!" she shouted. "Shouldn't we do the prosecution first?" started Ryoko "Silence!" said Washu, and a large jelly bubble came out of the wall and grabbed Ryoko. She started thrashing around and opening her mouth. "Try screaming all you like, little lady- that bubble is sound-proofed!" she turned and a peaceful expression of knowing- ones'-own-brilliance came on to her face. "Ah, every mother should have one of these" she said. "On with the DEFENCE!" 'Oh no!' thought Kiyone 'How on Earth is Mihoshi going to defend Kazekera? He'll become one of Washu's experiments for sure!' "Mihoshi!" she called out "Let me be the defence!" Mihoshi looked a little distracted for a while, then squared her jaw and ignored her. 'Damn!' thought Kiyone again 'Now EVEYONE knows she's mad at me!' "Your Honey..." "Honour. No getting too friendly in the court room!" "Honour, sorry. Is it not true that my client was given an honourable discharge from the Jurai military? For saving the planet?" "Apparently so." "And is it also true that..." Mihoshi's brow creased as she tried to remember the systems of the law "That one can only be discharged WITH TRIAL under the Galaxy Police Legal Code Law 347?" 'My God!' Kiyone was shocked 'She actually memorised The Galaxy Police Legal Code? She hasn't known that since we were at school...' "It is. Your point being, Defence?" Mihoshi beamed "The double jeopardy law states a person cannot be tried twice for the same offence!" "Okay, okay. First charge dismissed." Ayeka spoke up "Objection!" Again the hammer descended. Washu obviously hadn't forgiven Ayeka yet. "You will have you chance in the Prosecution, Ms. Jurai. You may continue, Mihoshi." "Thank you, your Olive." "Honour." "Yes, that's it. Okay- the second charge was entering under false pretences, yes? Well, exactly what WERE these false pretences?" 'She might just do this after all!' Kiyone was still thinking (believe it or not) 'Why couldn't she have been a bit more competent when we were on trail for wrecking property last year?' She looked back on that particular incident with a shudder, as she did all the 'dark days' with Mihoshi, before they had found this little niche on Earth. "Well...pretending to be innocent?" tried Washu in answer to Mihoshi's question "May I point out that Kazekera never lied to get in here, and if he can be accused of lying then Azaka and Kamadake can be accused of withholding information!" "Miss Ayeka? Do you wish to press charges at this point, owing to the fact that they might also incriminate you guardians?" "No, M'lady Washu" "Very well. Mihoshi, you got that one, but there's still more to go. Don't get cocky." Throughout this Kazekera's green eyes were glittering, almost with tears of pride for his lover. His mental training with Mihoshi had worked- she was now thinking more clearly. But Washu was certainly making it difficult- she obviously wanted revenge for Kazekera disturbing her by tickling Mihoshi. Damn, that woman held grudges. "Your Holly, I am not yet finished in my clients service." Mihoshi was on the ball now. 'Go on Miho, now your winning!' shouted Tenchi mentally, trying to ignore the fact that Ayeka had her hand stroking his back and Ryoko was squeezing his thigh. All the Jury were extremely impressed by Mihoshi's skill so far. "You go, girlfreind!" shouted Nobiyuki to her, and she giggled slightly, but her face froze when she saw Kiyone. "Yes. My next argument is this, your Heather- "Close enough." Said Washu, sulkily. She wasn't enjoying this as much as she'd hoped. "Kazekera did not break anything- he came through an open door. He thought that I was the owner of this house and so it was a social call. Also, several minutes after this incident he gained legal entrance be requesting it of the house's true owner, Mr. Nobiyuki Masaki." Nobiyuki looked a little touched at this mention. "Alright, alright, alright, alright, alright!" Washu was getting upset now. "Your far too good at this. Let's move onto the Prosecution. Azaka!" "Yes, M'Lud." Azaka's deep, resonating voice filled the room. "I will interview a witness for this case. I call to the stand Miss Kiyone Makibi!" Kiyone shakily stepped forward to her witness box and swore herself in. "Ms. Makibi- is it true that you know Mr. Kazekera has at some times been a criminal?" "Y..Yes." she said. "And that he is most certainly of Dryadic birth, living the first four years of his life on Dryad soils?" "Yes, that's true as well." "And so, using your experience as a police woman as a base, would you let Mr. Kazekera become as Jurai Knight, that is a wholly PURE Knight Of JURIAN birth?" Mihoshi looked over at her partner. This would be the clincher. If Azaka got this one, Washu would be winning. Kiyone waited, not knowing what to say. "May I remind you that you are under oath, Ms Makibi." "I...I..." "Well?" "I...in my experience this would be a matter for a Juaian court only, Mr. Azaka. Also the title of Jurai Knight is given by the King of Jurai- I would say it was he who was in error." Mihoshi sagged with relief at this- Kiyone had saved her case. Ayeka gasped, but then conceded that she was right. Her father was a little odd on some occasions. If Azaka had had a mouth, he would doubtless have smiled. He was glad of Kiyone's help- even if he was not directly disobeying Ayeka's orders, he would have found it difficult to make his Prosecution convincing if he still wanted to save Kaz from being a Ginuea Pig. "And I may add although the double Jeopardy Law is valid in some cases, a discharge may come without trial in certain circles. Until we can ascertain whether Kazekera was discharged without trial, the case for the Prosecution will rest. "That's IT?" said Washu, stunned. Azaka shrunk back, as far as it is possible for a giant log to shrink in terror. "I have personal issues in this court, Your Honour. You may recall that in the Jury's decision." "Right! Jury must retire to decide on the fate of Kazekera yahddy yahddy yah of Bronze." Washu was now definitely sulking. The Jury were transported into a room of blue and black marble with a long table in and a huge, looming digital clock overhead. It said 10:00 in ghastly, glaring neon green. Then it started counting down. 'Right' Tenchi thought 'So we have ten minutes to decide on our verdict? This will be easy!' On the table were some tea and rich tea biscuits. Yosho and Ryoko sat down and drank the tea deeply. Sesami started talking (if one could call it that) with Ryo-Ohki. Kiyone, Tenchi and Nobiyuki were all totally in favour Mihoshi. They knew Washu wasn't likely to sentence Kaz to anything worse than being a human (or at least humanoid) model for her more dangerous experiments, but it was the principal of the thing, really. "Kazekera is not going down to the chopping block when I'm on the Jury!" declared Nobiyuki. "Now, now, son. Let's consider both sides of the argument. Not ALL of those charges were brought up." Yosho said calmly. "Yeah, Tenchi." Ryoko said "Don't be so anxious to side with Mihoshi. She was sharp on there, I'll grant you, but Washu brought some heavy stuff on that Dryad's head." Sesami was now interested in the proceedings. Ryo-Ohki pricked up her ears, two, and that took some doing considering their size. She went over to her elder brother, and sat down with him, cradling a cup of the still steaming green tea. She took a sip, but burned her tongue "Eh!" she spluttered, and spat out the tea. Yosho looked a little upset. "Please, Sesami. Behave like a sensible little girl." "Sorry, Yosho. I was just coming over to say Azaka didn't give a very good case." "Well, I think if you think again you'll change your mind." "Oh yeah!" Sesami smiled "It WAS good, wasn't it?" "Precisely. Washu is right." "Well, she's always right." "Hmmm." Nobiyuki looked at his son, who was mystified "What do you think Tenchi? Are we being too one sided?" "No!" Tenchi was adamant "Mihoshi was as sharp as knife out there, and she ought to get credit!" "Tenchi!" his grandfather looked positively angry. It scared Ryo-Ohki who ran from the puddle of tea she had been drinking The biscuits still lay untouched. It was now 7:46. "You are not using the martial art's mind as I have taught you all these years! Be fair! I think Washu was right on this occasion!" "Like she's been right on every occasion!" "Thankyou, Ryoko." "Hey, you two stop that! Tenchi has a right to make up his own mind and so do I!" Nobiyuki was now raising his voice too. The green flashed to 7:03 Kiyone, who had been completely silent up to this point, spoke. "That was a new Mihoshi." She said quietly. Nobiyuki was still stressed. He went over to the table and took some tea to make himself more calm. It seemed to work. "Okay...okay..." he said slowly "I'm sorry father. I didn't mean to shout. You DO have a point. Washu is a genius." "Yeah, damn right." Ryoko wholeheartedly agreed on this point. "That was a new Mihoshi." Kiyone said again "Washu is the greatest!" "Washu is brilliant!" "Yeah!" 'Wait a marijuana-smoking minute here!' Tenchi was aware that something wasn't right. He looked from Ryoko, to Yosho, to Sesami and his Father. Ryo-Ohki and Kiyone were standing next to him-there didn't seem anything wrong with them. 5:24 "New Mihoshi." "Sshhh Kiyone, I'm trying to think!" "What's there to think about son? Kazekera is going to aid the great genius Washu! What's s wrong with that?" "Dad!" "What?" 'Okay. There's something happening to them.' He looked around again and...the tea! He recognised the green colour now-a little Washu-friendly potion the little scientist had cooked up for when she needed urgent praise. This had to be stopped! 4:53 "Washu is a genius!" "Washu is the greatest!" "You must side with her alone!" "Washu, Washu, Washu!" Tenchi thought deeply. Washu wasn't going to set up an inescapable situation- she could gloat much more if she set up something which would save them just so she could laugh about them 'not getting it' later. God- she was so irresponsible these days. So he looked around. "Um...Tenchi?" "What is it Kiyone?" 3:20 "I think...I have the answer..." "What is it?" "I...remember...Alice in..." "What? In what?" "...in...in..." "Just hurry!" 3:06 "...wonderland!" "What the hell?" "Meow!" "Do you know Ryo-Ohki?" The four Washu-worshippers were now advancing on the with tea in hand. "Meow!" "in Alice in Wonderland..." continued a dazed Kiyone "She ate and drank to get bigger so it's...the biscuits!" Tenchi jumped. "What?" "Feed them the biscuits, quick!" Tenchi wasted no time. He lurched forward and around his friends to get to the table- he grabbed four biscuits and got ready. 2:44 He flipped his arm in to Ryoko's face, narrowly missing her but getting the biscuit in her mouth. "Washu is the great...umph!" she said, and chewed. "Hey, what did you do that for? No fair, Tenchi!" But Tenchi was busy. He ran forward and fed his father the second biscuit, knocking his glasses off. "Tenchi? Tenchi that's not very nice!" he said as he sat, stunned by his son's behaviour. But now Sesami and Yosho were advancing on him. He was in a corner, but he smiled and reached for his other two biscuits- which weren't there. He hadn't noticed that they had fallen on to the floor as he swung his hand round. "Damn!" he said, quite quietly. Kiyone meanwhile had broken out of her stupor, and was ready to help. "Ryo-Ohki, grab those biscuits!" she said, and the little cabbit did just that and came back in an instant, tossing one to Kiyone. "Thanks, Ryo-chan!" she said, and they both stepped forward. 2:23 "Some help here, guys!" said Tenchi as his Grandfather and 'little sis' Sesami closed in. Only Sesami had tea, but had managed to avoid being noticed with it. Except by Ryo-Ohki, that is. The loyal cabbit tried her best to feed Sesami the biscuit, but she kept dodging. Ryo-Ohki hopped up and down like a spring, finally latching onto Sesami's gigantic hair. This made Sesami very uncomfortable (as you can probably imagine) and she turned, flinging Ryo-chan around. Holding on for dear life, the cabbit then made her advance. She sat on Sesami's head for a second, then thrust her paw down and stuffed the biscuit into the little princess's mouth. 1:40 Only one to go. He was still advancing on Tenchi. "C'mon, Tenchi- Washu isn't so bad..." he said dreamily. Kiyone darted forward, catching Yosho from behind in a neck grip. Usually the aged Knight could have easily beaten Kiyone in a grapple, but caught off guard he was subject to a biscuit attack. She scored a rather lucky bullseye, and Yosho choked for a minute. 1:20 "Well..." he said, after recovering. "I think that concludes our discussions." "Yes." Agreed Nobiyuki, getting up. "I still don't understand what's going on!" said Ryoko "Nor me." Agreed Sesami "What happened, Tenchi-san?" "Never mind that- what about our verdict?" 0:50 "Well, I can safely say..." started Yosho, slowly. "Yes!?" Tenchi and Kiyone were anxious to get out now. 0:40 "...that our verdict will be..." "Yes?!" 0:30 "...totally in favour of..." "Who??" 0:20 "...let me finish, please. Will be totally in favour of...." "Just tell us!" 0:10 "...okay, okay. Mihoshi and Kazekera. Why- what did you think I was going to say?" 0.00 "Haha!" Washu said as the Jury appeared again "Did you enjoy the tea?" "We got to the bottom of your little tricks, Washu, I'm afraid." Answered Tenchi Washu scowled. Nobiyuki handed her their slips of paper. (All Rise by Blue starts playing in the background) "OKAY, OKAY!" she said as she read through them, looking furious. "I have no option but to declare this man..." she fumed "NOT GUILTY!" and she threw the bits of paper one the floor and crossed her arms like a child. She was no more angry than Ayeka, though. "How dare you let him off for this!" "Now, now, Princess." Kazekera came up behind her. "I'm very sorry if I upset you." He bent down and kissed her on the cheek. She blushed hotly from anger and embarrassment. 'My, he certainly is attractive...' she thought 'No Tenchi, though...' "Right!" Washu spoke again "Because some charges were not properly refuted, you must have a statutory sentence!" Kaz's face fell for an instant. "What is it, Your Honour?" "You must give me- and everyone else in here- a foot massage!" Kazekera face faulted for the first time anyone could remember, which required a lot of floor space. "Thank you, Your Honest." Smiled Mihoshi "That will be most satisfactory!" And for the first time that day, she turned to Kiyone. The two women smiled at each other, and the court room was adjourned. ("...and no Verdict was returned."- Don McClain, 'American Pie') (Yes, Don McClain. NOT that evil Ho Madonna ) THE END Well I hope I had you riveted to your seats there. If you hadn't been, I would have never got you to read the whole thing. Anyways, I hope as usuaual you enjoyed it and please send any C&C to Jim 'Diabolo' Moore at jetset@ntlworld.com or comageddon@ntlworld.com Until the winds of time bring us together once more, Jim