Disclaimer: The whole Tenchi set up is property of AIC and Pioneer. Kazekera and The Tenchi O-Rusuta© universe arrangment were created and devised by The Jetset (Jinchi, Kage Maru 3:16 and Diabolo). This is mainly a characterisation episode, I'm afraid and there is a tiny weeny bit of lime content at the beginning but it's nothing to worry about and if you are a child and don't understand some of the words don't go asking your perants- it's not worth it. I think it gets funny at the end so try to enjoy it all or just skip the boring bits. -Jim TENCHI O-RUSUTA©: KAZEKERA PART 7: REMINISCENCES AND FAMILY The morning sun shone down through the windows into the sitting room, where everyone in the Masaki house was lazing around in the after-breakfast haze. It had not been one of Sesami's out-and-out banquets, but it had been pretty substantial and they were still recovering from sleep. Nobiyuki came in, crisp and bright from the shower. He didn't breakfast very often and got up early. The other's looked at him in distaste for polluting the atmosphere of total slobishness, but also in doing so he got everyone's attention. "Hello, everyone!" he said "As you know, today I will be quitting my job and working as a freelance architect." Murmurs of agreement came back, and eyes were turned on him. "And I need someone who can help me. This also includes..." Nobiyuki waved his credit card, and all the girls heads followed it. "...a shopping trip courtesy of me and me flexible friend." Ryoko bit her lip to avoid laughing out loud. "And this person or people have to be tough." The space pirate raised an eyebrow. "I need some people who won't cause problems." "Obviously that's me." Replied Ayeka and Kiyone together. "People who are smart, on the ball..." Yosho and Washu exchanged glances "People who can be fun..." "That's us!" shouted Mihoshi and Sesami, and Ryo-Ohki 'Miya'd'. (Mihoshi was now hanging around more with Sesami because she was still upset about what Kiyone had said. She had also taken to sleeping in the lab with Kaz. Kiyone was assuming it was just a phase, but she was still sad and hoped that Mihoshi would be friends with her again soon.) "And I need someone whose grateful enough to me to want to help me." Everyone replied with a stream of thanks to him. Nobiyuki shushed them and finished his speech. "But most of all I need someone who'll be willing to carry heavy stuff from my office." Everyone suddenly lost interest or pretended to be working. Nobiyuki sweat-dropped. "You people are a real help." He said defeatedly. He looked expectantly at Tenchi and Kazekera who were watching the proceedings with great amusement. "Hard luck dad. You lost them there." Smiled Tenchi "I could come, Mr. Masaki." Kazekera said kindly. He didn't seem in the least worried about going out again despite what had happened only yesterday. And Mihoshi's quick explanation of what was really going on ('Those two men wanted to prove themselves by fighting a current champion. And they knew he was on Earth by his pod's vapour trails.') which may have skipped on detail but was very reassuring, had stopped everyone else being perturbed by it. "Kazekera? You'd do that for me?" Nobiyuki replied, not quite starry eyed but working up to it. "Of course. I charge ten grand a hour." Nobiyuki almost had a heart attack until Kazekera, seeing that he had taken this too far, said "Don't worry- it was a joke, okay?" "Thank god." Nobiyuki breathed "I'm sorry...after you get your house blown up a couple of times and have about seven people all paying rent in three different currencies, money worries kind of haunt your dreams." Nobiyuki led Kazekera to the garage and the two men got in the car. Nobiyuki then started manoeuvring it out of the drive. He could walk to his work most days, but today he was going to need to carry all his stuff back from work. Kazekera looked out of the car window, as it went through a complex 500 point turn, at the girls, who had moved into the garden. He appeared to be deep in thought. "Hmmm." "What is it, Kazekera?" "It's just that I wish I had my pencils here." "Why?" "Ryoko is standing over there, see? And the light is falling on her. It really defines her breast." "Ryoko's what!?" "Oh, I think Ayeka's is very nice too, if that's what you mean. But she will sit in the shade- she's probably has sensitive skin, poor thing." "Kazekera." Sighed Nobiyuki "Has anyone ever explained to you the use of cold showers?" "No." "Or jogging?" "No." "Well, then- how do you release tension?" "Baths?" "No...I mean..." Nobiyuki made gestures to try to show Kaz what he meant "...that kind of tension." "Oh. Well, on my planet we have a thing called masturbating..." Nobiyuki choked, not quite able to believe his ears. "...if you don't have it here, it's quite a simple process. You just find somewhere quiet where you won't disturb anyone and then you..." "No! No. It's okay, we have that here too. Quite prominently, in fact. Now let's change the subject, okay?" "Why? Is there something wrong with me wanting to make sketches? Or mastur..." "Not exactly." Nobiyuki cut him off and rattled the gear-stick of the car and they started off. "I mean, I suppose I'm not in any position to make judgements. I used to take photos..." "So you are an artist too?" "No one thinks those kind of photos are art." "How odd. Photos of things of beauty on my planet are considered to be a very high art form." "And people don't mind you taking them?" "No, not really." "Well I'm afraid it's very different on this planet. You only have to look at someone like you just looked at Ryoko to start trouble." "You mean they don't consider it a compliment? When someone 'eyes' them, I mean?" "No." "Oh dear. That's very disheartening. Where I lived, if you wanted to tell a girl you thought she was beautiful, the best way to do it was to examine her as she walked past. Then, if she was flattered or taken with you, she would pretend not to notice and pose for a photo or a drawing." "Really?" Nobiyuki asked credulously. "Yes." Kazekera assured him "What about the men?" "It worked both ways. But you must remember that 'girl' was just a term for the most feminine LOOKING people. Actual gender didn't come in to it. But I have had quite a few taken of me in the past. And I'm sure you...I'm sure everyone here...would get the same if you came along. They might even put some of the photos in the town centre." "The what?" laughed Nobiyuki "The town centre. It's a custom to put up the most beautiful photos in public places for a month before replacement." "And who decides which ones should be put up?" "The community. If someone thinks their photo is good enough, they ask around and get support. Once they have enough, they go and ask the Minster Responsible for Morale and Aesthetic Pleasure to put them up." "Sounds fantastic." "We are very lucky people. Nobiyuki. I have searched the universe and never found a place which is so relaxed. But we do have...other worries." "Such as?" "We're not really allowed to ask questions. We can't accept problems. We're all very self-doubting. That's why we don't travel much...well, one of the reasons why." "I remember Ayeka telling me you were all very short-lived as well. She said you never lived more than 60 years out in space. " "That's more of a rumour. Or perhaps a circumstantial bit of information." "Well, I can't claim to understand exactly what you mean, but I'll take your word." "Thanks." They arrived at the office building where Nobiyuki had worked since he came to this town, and after he had vouched for Kaz and used his special pass-key, the ascended the stairs to the offices where he and his fellow architects did their bit for civilisation. Then Nobiyuki told Kazekera to wait outside his office. He also warned the Dryad that his secretary was a little jumpy. "You might want to keep quiet. All you have to do is touch her hand and she screams and runs away." "Why?" "Well, a year ago she saw a videotape about Sexual Harassment in the work place just before she came here. Now she's a bit suspicious of things..." Little did the two men know that the secretary could here everything the they were saying. She was in the broom cupboard directly opposite Nobiyuki's office. She was squatting and peering though a little panel of glass at about ground level. She did this often, since by doing so se could often peer clandestinely at Nobiyuki's rear as he got up to get coffee. She giggled slightly, but then bit her lip to stop. "Did you just hear something?" said Nobiyuki, looking from side to side. "Not much." "Okay, then. Well, just be careful not to worry her. I don't think she entirely trusts me, so don't mention you're my guest." "Oh no!" the tall bronze headed Dryad sounded very alarmed. "What?" Nobiyuki replied, thinking something terrible had happened. "How could she mistrust you? You are such an honest man!" "Oh, is that all? People are strange, really. That's the only explanation I know of." Nobiyuki smiled "Just to keep safe, don't tell her." "Hmmm...okay." Kazekera still didn't seem totally at ease. "You just wait here, right?" "Right." Nobiyuki went off to his boss's office down the corridor, and he knocked on the door. A voice from within answered. "Come in." He stepped into the office and saw his boss looking out if the window at the sprawling, modern city beneath. He turned round in his swivel chair and faced him. His boss was only a little older than him, and they were more friends than co-workers since they had been in the company together from the beginning. He had been promoted on 'the peter principle', and over Nobiyuki only because Nobiyuki preferred a job without so much pressure. "What is it, Nobiyuki?" His boss looked over at him, his grizzled and tanned face smiling expectantly. "Well, sir." "Call me by my name, Nobiyuki. We've known each other long enough." "Well, Oyaji There's not really any good time to say this but..." "You love someone else?" his Boss smiled kindly. Nobiyuki laughed. "No, Oyaji. You've won my heart forever. But..." he paused "I need a change. I would like to tender my resignation." His Boss's face became more serious. "But why, Nobiyuki?" "I feel like I'm losing my way- we don't work on buildings like we did in the old days. I'd like to start architecture on my own." "Well I see your point." Oyaji reclined in his chair. "However Nobiyuki, you are in luck- if you are willing to compromise, that is. I think we can come to a very good arrangement." "How do you mean?" "I'll come clean with you, Nobiyuki. As we get more accounting employees, we need a little office space. But we want to make as few layoffs as we can. And it would be in our greatest interests to keep such an experienced and able architect as yourself on the team." "I see." "So, we are arranging to have several employees working from home. And seeing as many upcoming contracts of ours do not require much skill..." he boss sighed and looked over at the pictures of the new estates the company would be working on soon. Nobiyuki knew that his boss felt as bad as he did about these new projects. After all, he had been an architect like himself in the past. "...those with sufficient ability will be able to 'freelance' within the company, designing custom buildings for personal clients." "Eh...what?" "Basically, we give you money to build houses for your friends and other people who come to you of their own free will and you design them however you want. But they will have to pay quite high prices, you understand." "Yes..." "Are you ready to undertake that kind of work?" "Ready? It sound's like heaven!" "It does, doesn't it?" Oyaji smiled at him. "And my wage doesn't change?" "No- in fact, if our new accounting guys enjoy their work as much as they have before, our stocks could rise and you could get a higher pay. Can you start this work now?" "That would be wonderful." "Great. You can clear out your stuff then, and say goodbye to everyone. Not that you've seen the last of us, you understand. We will have 'work-in' days and home meetings. Who knows- if we're lucky enough, or your unlucky enough- we may even have a meeting at your house." "I hope we will some day." Nobiyuki imagined all of his co-workers being shocked out of their minds to see all the beautiful women who inhabited his house. It would be quite a conversation piece. Meanwhile, outside, Kazekera was still worried that his friend might have unresolved problems- if he left now, would his secretary go on thinking he was a 'sexual harassment in the work place' (whatever that was)? It was never good to leave somewhere with bad feeling- Nobiyuki wouldn't have a chance to ever tell the secretary that he was sorry. So it was up to him. He had to stand up for his friend before he left his job. It was lucky then, at this point, that Miss Reiko Serubu (which was the secretary's name) happened to come out of the broom-cupboard and play straight into his hands (not literally of course- that WOULD be sexual harassment in the work place). "Good afternoon, Miss." "Hello. What can I do for you?" In answer to this, Kazekera knelt down in the position of truth, and spoke to the secretary. "Miss, I would like to assure you of something." "Er...go ahead." "Mr. Masaki is one of the most noble and honourable men I have ever met. He would never intentionally harm or upset anyone, least of all a charming lady like yourself. I think many people judge him wrongly...I would hate to think that you were one of those people." She just stood there. This man had confused the living hell out of her, and she was not entirely sure what to make of it. It was lucky, therefore, that she decided not to try and find sense in it, but simply comfort. She just took these odd incidents as read. "That's very kind." She said brightly "I hope I'm not. I always looked on Nobiyuki..." '...from inside the broom cupboard' she added in thought "...as a really nice guy..." '...with a really nice...' Kazekera stood up, or at least got into a less stooped position. "That's wonderful." He said "Now if you will excuse me, I have to help him with some of his things." He turned and left the secretary feeling oddly pleased. Even if she wouldn't be able to secretly look at Nobiyuki's bottom from her office any more, he at least knew what she thought of him. And she already knew what HE thought of HER. Her cheeks went red at this thought. At this point Nobiyuki came out, grinning broadly. Miss Serubu quickly darted away to hide her blush. He explained to Kazekera what was happening and he explained to Nobiyuki about what he had done for his friend. Both of them were please. In a minute, the two men were carrying all of Nobiyuki's designing equipment down the back stairs of the office to his car, with him smiling all the while about his amazing good luck. Then, after Nobiyuki had said aś revoir to his old friends at the company, they got into the car and headed back for home. Meanwhile, the girls had mostly gone out sunbathing, and so when Nobiyuki and Kazekera got back, no-one could hear the glad news. Still, Nobiyuki was still full of cheer and so he started cooking. After a while Yosho came in and they carried the meal on together. Another half hour passed, and Kaz was watching the T.V while doing one-handed press-ups, legs stretched out resting on different chairs. He was trying to sing between exercises, because the theme tune was one of his favourites. Tenchi came in from being chased by sunbathing girls, and saw him. "...the powers was set free, oh..." "Hey!" said Tenchi, for no discernible reason that Kazekera could see "...captors! A mystic adventure...what?" he stopped to listen to his friend. "How do you DO that?" "Er..." Kaz thought "...by...moving my lips?" he suggested. "I'm mean...you...were SINGING the MUSIC?!" said Tenchi, with a bizarre combination of stressing and inflections. "What?" "You were singing the words AND the music as well? How on Earth do you do that?" Kazekera smiled as he thought. "It's not perhaps, something you can do on Earth at all, Tenchi Runu." "Why? How?" "Well, another odd thing about Dryads is that we have two sets of vocal chords which work independently of each other. It was used to confuse predators when we were more animal like, and now we can sing without instruments. Quite an amazing little piece of evolution, don't you think?" "Wow." Said Tenchi "You'd beat all of us into a shallow grave at Kareoke, I supposed." "You should here us singing together at our family reunions. All of my children sing loud enough to bring the house down!" Tenchi thought he had known a lot about this Dryad. And he was getting shocked at a rate of one per minute. "You have children?" "Oh, yes." (Who says Anime characters don't have commitments?- Jim) "Er...with Mihoshi?" "No. Not yet, unfortunately." "Shouldn't they be here with you?" "Well, on my planet single parents are quite common and they get enormous benefits from the community, so really it's much safer and more comfortable for them to live there with their mothers. Well, their maternal guardians." "Don't you go to see them?" Kazekera looked hurt. "Yes, of course I do- I make a note to see all of them at least twice a year. Usually once for their birthdays" "How many of them are there?" "17 exactly." "And you can remember all of their birthdays?" "Not all of them- I have some written down." "It's hard enough for me to even remember a couple... what are they like? What are there mother's like?" "Well, I think I could show you. Just wait a second." Kazekera ducked under the doorway and went down to the lab. He came back with a brown photo album which, unlike Tenchi had expected, was not dusty at all and quite modern. "Here you go, Tenchi Runu." Tenchi turned the first page, where a legend was inscribed in Dryad script- the two rows of words meant to be spoken together. "That means 'Family Reunion'" Kazekera explained Tenchi looked at the first photo- it was Kazekera, in summer clothing, ruffling two little dryads who were on either side of him. One had very short cropped hair, the other had long golden hair. "Those are Zek and Azek. Brother and sister from my fifth wife, Zella." Tenchi flipped over again to see Kazekera feeding cake to a baby on his knee, which was beaming with joy. In the background two women, one tanned with dark hair and the other a green skinned she-dryad, were laughing and smiling at him "That's Lunin" he pointed to the dark women "She's a Garamusu lady, and Keldra." "Who are they?" "My third and fourth wives respectively." "Was it possible for you to have children with Lunin? When she wasn't a Dryad?" "Oh,yes. We're similar enough. After all, Tenchi..." he winked "We're all mammals." (And The Blood Hound Gang starts playing in the background- Jim) On the next page he saw Lunin and Keldra again, this time lined up in a state of giggling and half-falling-over, which lady friends often end up in, along with a golden skinned, golden haired Dryad and two other hammer Dryads, one with hair down to her ankles and a gem set into her forehead. She was slightly more well-covered that her companions. "Are these all your wives?" "Well, there are two who aren't here. They don't like being photographed." "Who are these three?" Tenchi indicated the women he had not seen before. "Oh, that's Zella..." said Kazekera "The gold haired one, and this is Reela, my first wife...and SHE" He continued, pointing at a she-dryad with two peaks in her light green hair and obsidian skin "Is my seventh, Jayde " He gently took the album from Tenchi and looked at the photo. "Ahhh...they are all so beautiful. I just wish Mihoshi could have been there that year." "Where was she?" "Here, I think." "I'm sorry." "What for?" Tenchi was about to answer this question when Ayeka walked through the door. She bowed when she saw them. "Lord Tenchi, Mr. Kazekera." "Hi, Ayeka." "Good afternoon, your highness." "What are you two doing." "Kazekera is showing me photos of all his children. He has SEVEN wives!" "Ah, I'm so glad you come from a normal community, Mr. Kazekera. In most places on the Earth, people consider it very rude to have more than one wife or husband." "It's called bigamy." Said Tenchi sulkily. "Hasn't it been said by some of Earth's comedians that the perfect marriage is one where neither partner is bothered by the other and can get on with there lives?" replied Kazekera. "Well, yes. Only in fun..." "Can I see those photos?" asked Ayeka, for once ignoring Tenchi. "Of course." Kazekera leafed through the book to nearer the end "These one at the back are the best." He passed it to Ayeka. She saw him holding two twin babies in his lap, stroking their downy heads. They both appeared to be asleep, sucking their thumbs. "Kawaii!" breathed Ayeka. It was a shock to her to see this hulking Dryad, who she still didn't entirely trust, being so gentle and kind. "These are my most recent children." "What are they called?" Tenchi asked "Well, they are probably the most unusually named of all my children. I christened them after some old friends..." "Oh, that's so sweet!" said a voice behind them. "What? Sesami? What are you doing here?" Sesami had been there most of the time, it turned out. The little princess had had to go to fuse with Tsunami, and so she hadn't been in earlier. She was still a little dazed since the goddess was still a separate person- the two couldn't sense each other's thoughts completely for another 12 hours. When coming home, she had heard the theme tune to Kazekera's programme and come in to see it, but found these pictures much more interesting. (Not quite as interesting as Tenchi had found Kazekera's hand drawings, though) "Look at those two! They are so kawaii!" Finally Kazekera reached the last photo - this was a whole double page of the book and it was all his children and his wives, with him in the middle holding his family crest. They had the names along the bottom in both standard galactic language and Dryad script. "Whose that?" said Sesami, pointing to a very large man wearing white on the extreme right of the photo. "That is my sixth wife. His name is Airin." "How can he be your wife if he's a he?" Kazekera shrugged. "He held the babies." All of the others sweat dropped. "That just raises more questions!" said Tenchi plaintively. The names along the bottom read 'top row- wives: Reela, Pironis, Lunin, Keldra, Zella, Jayde, Airin' and 'bottom row-children: Lela, Zerel, Pyrosis, Pyrokera, Kerri, Piro, Luze, Ka, Ra, Za, Zek, Azek, 'The Twins', Corin, Aaran, Kazerin'. "Another Pyrokera in the family, I see." Said Tenchi. "Yes- he was the god father to all of my and Pirionis' children." They all stared harder at the photo. Kazekera surrounded by lots of little copies of himself- even the toddler seemed to have the little knot of hair which Kaz sported on his forehead. "Who are 'The Twins'?" "Ah, they are the two you saw me with before. Right then they were so young we didn't have names for them-in fact, it was only a couple of hours after this photo was taken that we finally decided what they should be called." "Oh! Let me see!" said Mihoshi, her head bobbing up behind Kazekera's shoulder. "Miho-chan! You've seen these photos before, haven't you?" "Yes, but I just love them so much!" she squeaked. "Especially the whole group one! And all your wives are so pretty. When can I meet them all?" "Soon, Miho-chan, soon. They all ask the same question about you- I think Lunin only is the only one who has met you so far, isn't she?" "Yeah! You introduced us on the Garumusu Plateaux! That was when you spent the whole summer walking around in that huge drape looking like a shower curtain!" Kazekera's face sagged (a la all Anime shows. He also lost his nose for a second). "Thanks Miho-chan. That will really get me respect from your friends." They went on like this for a bit, but as it was near lunch time, people were beginning to assemble. As I mentioned before, Nobiyuki and Yosho were doing the cooking today, and that gave Sesami a break. Ryoko came in, after having a little whispered conversation with Ayeka in the corridor, and sat down to see what all the fuss was about. Kiyone also came in, looking flustered and worried. "Hi, everyone." She said "What's going on?" No body, particularly Mihoshi, answered her question, however this did not matter because Ayeka had started speaking, or rather holding forth (no comment) as she was want to do on these occasions. "Ah, I can still remember being a child. Playing in gardens similar to those in that photo...it was all perfect in the royal land of my family. That is, until one fateful day..." The other's groaned inwardly, except perhaps Kazekera. Ayeka was going to tell them a bad-luck story from her past again, and there were no prizes for guessing who played the villain in it. For all they knew these stories could be planned in secret by the two girls, because it was SO predictably similar each time. In fact, Tenchi thought, he had seen them talking secretly a moment ago. Hmmm... But with the start of these stories, all was forgotten and the album lay open at the photo of Kazekera and his two baby twins, with the legend 'Azaka and Kamadake' unnoticed underneath. (N.B.: These stories are quite similar to two told in an episode of Tenchi Universe, but you know how things go. I didn't actually steal them, they are just similar.- Jim) Ayeka was sitting in her family's land on Jurai, trying to find one of her father's knights to look after her and picking daises, when she saw a young, common girl kicking up some of the prettiest flowers in sight. "What are you doing?" she had asked. The girl snapped round and smiled evilly. "I'm DILEBERATLY destroying royal property! Bwahahahah!" said the girl, who Ayeka had now recognised as that Ryoko who had caused her so much heartache in the past. "Well, I'm afraid I will have to report you for this." Said Ayeka. The evil girl turned with a nasty look in her eye. "HEY! You can't do that!" she said "At least...no without me stopping you!" And so she grabbed Ayeka's daisy's and she and the little cabbit ran away, only pausing to destroy a plough of the royal Juraian farm hand's, which meant they would have to plough manually until a new one was ordered. "HEY! You can't do that!" said Ryoko "What DO you mean, Ryoko? Everyone has a right to know how disgracefully you behaved." "It didn't happen like that at all!" "You dare accuse me of lying!" "Ryoko, Ayeka, couldn't you just let it go this once..." started a voice of sanity. As usual in the Masaki household, it was completely ignored.. "Listen here, I'm not just sitting and taking this scandal!" "Oh no..." said Tenchi "Please!" "Don't tell us what really happened, I don't think I could stand it!" cried Kiyone, burying her face in her hands. "What I was doing was this..." "Here we go again." Said the voice of sanity, again unheeded. Ryoko had been playing in 'her' garden- a secret spot, not actually on Jurai's royal land but near it. It was a beautiful dark area, where she could play and be shaded from the sun. She was knotting a daisy chain when, from behind her, the cross eyed, snobbish princess Ayeka had appeared. "What are YOU doing here?" she shrieked at the poor Ryoko "This is MY family's land." "I'm sorry...I...I..." "What is that in your hand?" Ryoko looked down at the daisy's "It's just some flowers I was..." "How DARE you?! Picking flowers from Jurai's royal ground? You must do an acre of ploughing for this, and be grateful I didn't have you shot!" And so Ryoko had to plough land on the Juraian royal farms for a week by hand, without payment. And the cruel princess didn't even let her have her daisy chain back... "That was what REALLY happened." Ryoko finished, triumphantly. "How DARE you?!" retorted Ayeka "Your lying will mean the death of you, Ryoko!" "Me lying? Can't anyone here see that mine is PLAINLY the truth? Well?" Everyone scratched their chins and sweatdropped. "Hmmm. They both seem so REAL." Said Mihoshi. Kazekera raised an eyebrow (N.B: However, he did not say 'Can you smell what the Dryad is cooking?'-Jim) "The simple explanation is that they are both being very naughty and lying." He said "What?" Both the Space Pirate and The Princess turned on him with a look of thunder in their eyes and lightening in their elegant hands. "Well, what actually happened was this..." Kazekera had been given the task of look after the young princess for a while, but at a safe distance, and both the little girls had been outside Jurain royal land on a kind of exploring trip. They met each other in a wooded clearing, and as he watched, they started to talk. "Hello again." Said Ayeka, recognising her companion from somewhere "Are you one of my people?" "I don't think so." Replied Ryoko, picking a flower and knotting it together. "Why would I be?" "Well, I AM the princess of Jurai, you know." They stopped talking for a minute, each trying to remember where they had met before. "What're you making there?" asked the Princess. "Daisy chain." "Ooo. Can I have a look?" "Yes- just wait a minute." Ryoko finished knotting. "Can you make these?" "No. I never learned." "Well, here you go." Ryoko passed it over to her purple haired friend. But as she did so, it caught in her sleeve, and as Ayeka pulled it, it snapped into two pieces. Ryoko was shocked and upset, but no less that Ayeka. "Look what you did!" stormed the young Pirate "I didn't mean it!" Ayeka was quick to her own defence. "You broke it on purpose!" "How dare you! I'll report you!" "You can't do that!" "Oh, yes I can- I'm the princess of Jurai!" "Now I remember you! You made me cry at the carnival! Snobby princess prissy-pants!" "You made ME cry! Horrible, mean common girl!" Ryoko then snatched the broken chain back from Ayeka, and she burst into tears. Not to be outdone, Ryoko also burst into louder tears. Soon a kindly observing Jurai Knight came to separate them and show them both the Juraian farm workers practising ploughing by hand in the fields. "How did you know that?" Ayeka and Ryoko started, but then thought again and shut up. "What were you doing on Jurai's private land?" Ayeka tried. She was extremely shocked and angry at the Dryad for spoiling her and Ryoko's delicate tissue of sympathy inducing lies. "I...I... was in your father's employment at the time." Replied Kazekera, guardedly. "Doing what exactly?" Ayeka rose to her feet. "Do you know that attempting to gain access to Jurai's royal land is a violation of the law, Mr. Kazekera?" her personal anger had turned to righteous indignation for her family. "I was honoured to hold quite an important position, my lady." He replied, still elusive. "What...did...you...DO?" The young princess (if you can call 500 years old young) was getting very upset indeed. It could only be a matter of time before the sparks started to fly- literally. But just then two large, oaken apparitions appeared in the house , behind their commanding monarch. Azaka and Kamadake had decided to bring a little light to proceedings- and not just by flashing when they spoke. (I knew a guy who flashed when he spoke...I think he's in prison now.-Jim) "I think we can help here." "We know what Kazekera was doing for your family, Princess." "He held the high position..." started Azaka "...of Jurai Knight." His companion finished for him. Now everyone was confused. "That is why we let him into the house, Princess." "It is customary to honour the wishes of another Jurai Knight." "He said we should fight him a little to make it look real." "WHAT?" Washu screeched. She was in the know, and she was going to show it. THE END Oooo...it's all so exciting, isn't it? What will Washu do to punish Kazekera? Was he really a Jurai Knight? Are Ayeka and Ryoko really fooling? Find out in the next confusingly titled epsiode of Tenchi O-Rusuta©: Kazekera! Yrs. Jim 'Diabolo' Moore comageddon@ntlworld.com or jetset@ntlworld.com