By now, a pattern must be apparent to those of you who've been following this epic. I own, not Dune, not Tenchi Muyo, not its related characters, just the character Trinth Milodon and the ideas that accompany him. Gold and Silver part 3b: Thursday It was dusk and Mihoshi was out wandering the forests surrounding the Masaki shrine. She did this often when she had alot to think about. Most of her thoughts dwelled upon the recent arrival of Trinth Milodon. It had been an emotional overload for her during the period of his stay. Most of it had been trying to restrain herself from pouncing upon the knight every time she saw him. she wondered. She strayed a bit off path. There was a little clearing she went to when she really wanted time alone. It was her spot, just like Ayeka had the hilltop and Ryoko had her tree. As the trees thinned out to reveal Mihoshi's hideaway, she noticed a figure kneeling in the center of the space. She crouched behind a sapling and crept closer to see who it was that had invaded her spot. Upon closer inspection, she found it was none other than Archduke Milodon. She gazed upon the body of the knight. His tunic had been removed, revealing his ivory-skinned back. The flowing expanse of smooth skin was interrupted by a tremendous number of battle scars. Deep scratches, blaster burns, knife cuts, and bullet holes peppered his back. Mihoshi wanted to run up to the Calab and run her fingers over the war-worn skin. To soothe and caress flesh that had known so much agony. Her eyes travelled around to the front of the knight. His chest had suffered much the same. His arms were folded across his chest, forming an x. Trinth's hands clutched his pair of daggers with their tips pointing down. His head was bowed, eyes closed, with his long silver tresses cascading around his shoulder. The noble's appearance gave him the look of a fallen angel. The spring wind carried aloft an old prayer that Trinth was chanting. Mihoshi quieted her mind and focused on the voice of the Calab. "Falcon's eye, falcon's beak. Falcon hear me as I speak. Falcon's feathers, Falcon's tail. Falcon gide me down life's trail. Falcon's claw, Falcon's wing. Falcon's praises I shall sing. Falcon's screech, Falcon's flight. Falcon grant me strength to fight." Trinth's eyes snapped open. They flashed with intensity as he leapt to his feet. His arms dropped from their crossed position. Mihoshi watched as the knight began to slowly circle, blades ahead of his body. He tensed as he stopped in front of a small sapling. A primal scream rose from the depths of his soul and crescended above the trees. He rushed towards the sapling and uprooted it with a single upslash. The tree was tossed into the air. Trinth jumped into the air to follow. With unimaginable speed, he repeatedly leapt, slashed at the tree, and used the momentum of his slashes to push himself towards other trees in the clearing. He ricocheted from tree to the airborne sapling to tree, but never seemed to actually touch the log. Finally, he touched ground just where the sapling was about to land. With one swift kick, he dislodged the splintered wood, turning the seemingly solid log into a shower of wooden shrapnel. Mihoshi gasped as she witnessed this display of fighting prowess. His agility and power was so awesome. She could barely believe that a person could do such things without ethereal assistance or bio- engineering amplification. She leaned out from behind her tree to try and get a better view of Trinth. The loose gravel under her hands gave way, causing her to tumble out into the clearing. "Well, what have we here?" Trinth said as he turned to the fallen maiden. He extended a hand to help her up. She grasped his hand and lifted herself to her feet. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been spying on you like that. It was just so interesting to watch you do......" She trailed off for a moment. "What is it that you are doing?" Trinth turned his back on the girl. He spoke in a low voice. "I'm not sure if you would want to know such things about me." "I want to know as much about you as I can, Trinth Milodon." Mihoshi whispered into his ear. Trinth sighed and turned a serious look to her. "What you just witnessed was the ritual of Milodon dagger practice in its ancient form. A form that hasn't been enacted in four generations." "What was the prayer?" A slight pause. "That was the prayer of the Milodon Falcon. The emblem of House Milodon of Calaban." "I've never heard of any religion on Calaban that was devoted to a falcon." "Of course you haven't. The Empire does not approve of its nobles practicing such barbaric customs." Trinth said with a sneer. "Please tell me why the falcon is so important to you." Mihoshi asked softly. Trinth motioned for her to sit down which he also did. "The Falcon is very important to my family. Or at least it was until four generations ago. As I said before, the Falcon is the emblem of House Milodon. However, there was a time when the Falcon was considered sacred by the Milodons. That is because it was the Falcon that brought us our rule over Calaban." "How could a bird give your family its power?" "There is an old legend about that. Long ago, Calaban was ruled by a race of off world warriors known as the Shaimog. They had chased the Calab race away from the feritile plains and oceans and into the high mountains of the west. Their mightiest of warriors, the Crown Prince of the Shaimog, built a tremendous fortress at the base of the mounntain chain. He lived there, making sure that the Calabs never strayed from the mountains and never grew as strong as the Shaimog. So it was for many years, until a boy was born into this life of despair. He was one of the fortunate few male children who the Shaimog regarded as physically inferior to themselves. Thus, he was allowed to live. Unlike his bretheren, the lad was blessed with a keen intellect and a thirst for knoweledge. In his seventeenth year, the boy found a falcon's egg that had been abandoned. He cared for the egg and thereafter, the falcon who hatched from it. The boy raised the falcon, teaching it to hunt and to fly. It spent much time perched upon the boy's shoulder. Other boys in the tribe thought him foolish for raising the falcon. They thought it to be a waste of time and precious food. But the boy, loved the falcon. He would sit at the edge of the mountains a watch as his winged companion would glide through the air. His favorite act was when the falcon would close its wings and speed towards the ground, striking its prey with stunning accuracy. One night, the boy heard the elders speaking of how wonderful it would be if they could attack and conquer the Shaimog fortress. The boy commented that it would be grand if they could swoop in from the sky as his falcon did. The elders laughed. Undaunted, the boy set about building a machine that would enable him to do just as he had planned. The glider's construction took up the boy's every waking moment. The other members of the tribe mocked the boy's idea. They called him 'Mi-Low-Don', which means 'Head in the Clouds'. But still he persevered. The glider quickly took the shape of the falcon. As he built the glider, a girl in the tribe began to court him. Soon, they were wed and she bore him a son. Upon hearing this, the Shaimog began their task of weeding out the strong of the Calab tribe. Mi-Low-Don could not tolerate the idea of the death of his son. The day of the Shaimog Prince's arrival, Mi-Low-Don took to the hill near his home. He strapped the glider to his back and grabbed a pair of daggers shaped as the talons of his feathered friend. He shouted the prayer I had said as he leapt into the wind and dove at the Shaimog Prince. He slew the Prince with a single blow that was magnified many times over by the speed of his craft. As the Prince's body fell, the scream of the falcon echoed through the mountains of Calaban. Announcing that this boy was the one to lead the people of Calaban. His son was given the name 'Milodon' which translates to 'Heart with Wings'." Mihoshi drank in the story slowly. It seemed so mystical. Trinth's ancestor had defeated an entire race with a single blow and all because of a falcon. "Trinth," she asked, "If your family owes all that to the falcon, why don't they say its prayer?" "They did until four generations ago when Calaban joined the Empire. The Empire did not approve of a religion that worshipped what they called 'a matter of coincidence'. They said to my great-great- grandfather that 'we would woship a pig or a slug had that inspired the boy in our fable'. The foolish man believed them and denounced the falcon as anything more than a symbol of House Milodon. My father and grandfather took it a step further, calling the followers of the old ways silly and pagan. When I became Archduke, I learned the old ways and followed them in secret. I revealed them in battle as a knight of the Empire. I was mocked by the rest of the aristocracy." Trinth's eyes began to fill with tears and his voice started to break under the strain of an incredible backlog of emotions. "They say I have betrayed my noble blood by reverting to such practices. That I am a fool for believing rubbish about a mystical bird and that I should forget all of it." Mihoshi put a comforting arm around the knight. "Trinth, you're not foolish. Your beliefs are important to you." She said kindly, "I still burn incense for the three moons of Cyrn. It comforts me and gives me strength in hard times. That's all religion needs to do." Trinth attempted to regain his composure. "I understand this, m'lady but I just wish....." The knight burst into tears "I just wish it wasn't viewed as heathenistic by the other nobles!" He buried his teary face in her shoulder. Mihoshi held the crying archduke close to her, running her hands through his long hair, slowly rocking him back and forth. All she wanted now was to try and heal his wounds. To comfort and soothe his aching heart. Trinth lifted his head from her tear-dampened shoulder and looked into her eyes. "I'm terribly sorry to have brought this upon you. The troubles of a renegade noble shouldn't be your concern." Mihoshi's reply was a quick and sudden kiss upon Trinth's lips. It was full and powerful. She threw her weight against him, practically leaping into his arms. He thought as the lovely blonde's lips met his. He started to draw away from her. Trinth wanted answers almost as much as he wanted her. Mihoshi felt the knight pulling away from her. She timidly backed away from the knight. She gazed at him with puzzled and hurt eyes, then turned and dashed down the path back to the house, crying all the way. Milodon cursed to himself. Angrily, Trinth strode over to the edge of the clearing where his tunic lay neatly folded. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw some branches rustle strangely. They seemed to move along a line of travel. Trinth smirked to himself and leapt into the trees to pursue the movement. He jumped from tree to tree as a squirrel would. Eventually he caught the one who had caused thie disturbance. "Well Yosho, I never took you for the type to be a voyeur." Trinth said haughtilly. "I never could hide from you, old friend." The elder Shinto priest spoke. "Yosho. There is no need for your disguise between old comrades such as us." "True, very true." A blue light emanated from Yosho's body, causing the years to melt from his visage, revealing the young man that had been Trinth's partner so long ago. "Satisfied, old friend?" "Quite. Now why were you watching me?" "I take it as my responsibilty to protect the young ladies who dwell here. That clearing is Mihoshi's refuge from daily life. When I found that you were there, I became concerned for the girl." "Surely you jest, old friend." Trinth said incredulously, pacing madly. "You believe that my habits from centuries ago still persist? You cannot be serious, Yosho." "Trinth. Let us be reasonable. Your past record has been less than admirable. I do not want any 'unpleasantries' occuring between you and the women here." Yosho said to his increasingly irritated friend. "Do you even realize why I returned to Earth?" Trinth's voice rose sharply. "I came to find what you found. I can no longer roam the galaxy aimlessly alone. I find that now I desire something more fufilling then the women I've had in the past. I want to find someone who I can always return to. I want someone at home, waiting for me, breathing life into the tomb-like halls of the Milodon Palace with her charm and youthful wonder." Yosho pondered Trinth's response for a moment. This was not what he had expected from his old comrade. Trinth had always had that aura of youth about him. Now it seemed that time had caught up with the Calab. "I seem to recall the last time you pursued a serious relationship. That time you were lucky to be with an understanding partner. If you are considering the girl I surmise you to be, you will not be so lucky." This was more than Trinth could take. "How DARE you bring Tsunami into this equation?!" Trinth demanded. "That was over four-hundred years ago. I was foolish then. You are right, Tsunami did understand why our romance fell through. That's why I still breathe. If I had been half as knowing of myself then as I am now, she and I would have united upon the temporal plain where she dwells in all of her majesty. Nowadays, though, I find that a slightly less surreal, yet equally beautiful and charming woman has captured my heart." "I noticed this." Yosho mused "Mihoshi is a fine girl, but you are a bit much for her. She is still young in both heart and mind. Still innocent. Unspoiled by the corrupting forces of greed, lust and death. Have you forgotten your role in this universe, Trinth?" "Yosho," Trinth said quietly, "that very innocence, that youth is what endears a battle weary warrior such as I to her. My soul cries for someone to care for me regardless of the deeds I've done or the glories I've received. I long for a simple love. A simple caring heart to heal my own. I know well the misery I've caused. Even as I've followed the Code, I still have killed, still have indulged, and still have been driven by material want. That has changed, and I want to severe the final tie to that life of gluttony that is my unspoken past." Yosho thought in astonishment. "Trinth, I believe you may have changed. However, please be careful. Mihoshi is far different from the floozies you charmed in your earlier years." "You needn't worry about that. I have events under control." Trinth said with finality. Yosho nodded in acknoweledgement and turned to walk back to the Shrine. Trinth went off in the opposite direction. Soon he arrived at the shore of Funaho's lake. He gazed to the tree in the center of the water. "Funaho how goes everything?" He called to the tree. Her branches began to light with beams of energy. Trinth smiled as he watched the Juraiin ship's form of communication. "I'm glad to hear that you're happy here on Earth." More lights twinled and flashed. "Someone wants to speak with me?" A single beam flashed. "I see. Let them come to me then." The knight said smugly. A blue beam of energy shot from the trunk of Funaho, telepoting Trinth from the shore of the lake onto the bridge of an all too familiar ship. "Trinth Milodon." A bemused, ethereal voice called out. "How many years has it been lovey?" "Tsunami. You never were to subtle in getting what you want, were you?" Trinth replied wittily. The goddess released a small laugh. "When you're a goddess, you shouldn't have to wait." The reunited couple chucked at this remark. Trinth looked upon his old lover. She was as beautiful as ever. Still the very model of grace and loveliness. "It's good to see I still please you, Trinth." She said. "Reading my thoughts as usual, Tsunami?" "Yes I am. I see they dwell upon the young detective Mihoshi. I must say, she is a worthy successor to me. That is, if it's meant to be." "Cryptic as ever." The Calab sighed, exasperated at his ex's interest in his current pursuits. "I suppose that you didn't just summon me here to reminisce." "Quite right." Tsunami motioned for Trinth to sit down. He took a seat as she knelt down to make direct eye contact with him. "Trinth, I need to ask a tremendous favor of you. One that greatly effects the future. I would not even ask you unless it was totally necessary." "What is it you need of me?" "There will soon come a decision you must make that, if you choose correctly, will set into motion a chain of events that will bring about a grand era of prosperity and happiness within the Galactic Empire." "What is this decision you speak of? Just tell me what I need to do and it shall be done." "I can't do that, knight of Calaban. For if you knew of the chain of events that would occur after the proper decision is made, you would never undergo the necessary follow-through actions. All I can tell you is that you must act upon what your heart tells you is proper. If you do so, all will be right within the universe." Trinth contemplated Tsunami's proposal. It was incredibly rare for her to directly intervene in the chain of time. This was a serious matter if she was doing so. "I agree, Tsunami. For you, and for the sake of generations to come, I shall act upon the whim of my heart rather than the reasoning of my mind so that the future may progress as you forsee it." "I thank you, my eternal knight. If there is anything I can do to help you, just say my prayer. I'll do as much as I can to assist you." With that the bridge of the Lighthawk began to dissolve from around Trinth. He soon found himself in his own room. He turned to the bay windows at his room's edge. He gazed out towards the Masaki house and thought of the goden-haired angel sleeping within it. "May the Falcon's wings shelter you in the deep of the night, my love." Author's Notes: How about this for a lot of wild plot twists, ne? This was the most difficult of all the parts/sub-parts to write. I went through three versions before I came up with this one. I'd like to thank my good friend Celticmyst13 for giving me the idea for the first big event in this part. It is his fault that I had to rewrite it the first time because the idea was so bloody good.