(Part Thirty-Two - Whom do the Goddesses call Mother?) It was while I was taking a RARE bath in the Onsen, that I got to finally try and sort out the knowledge I had just gained.. As well as the 'guests' the Misaki clan had just made acquaintances with. I could have never known that the universe was filled with so many goddesses. I need more Advil. For starters, it started with Creation, and the reactions that the other goddesses (including Washu I have to add again) kept giving their mother, and I still don't believe it fully; for the first week at least. It didn't help much when Creation playfully fawned over me, causing Tsunami to act VERY erratic! What kept saving me from this VERY awkward situation was, thank the Jurai, Yosho. He would on occasion call me to help him with a Shrine duty at the most opportune times. By definition would be when Creation would play Tsui like, and say rather.. innuendo type remarks, then Tsunami would fuss heavily, and Tokimi and Gaia would inject, only to argue; then Achika would excuse herself out of queasiness, and finally Washu would remark in one way or another about Tokimi's childlike manner.. Then Yosho would come in, saved. It kept up like this for a said week, before Creation finally backed off, sensing that the emotions from Tsunami first off was genuine, some kind of test. Good grief. Tsunami certainly didn't appreciate, more by taking it out on me, in a rather sexually frustrated manner. I still feel sore.. ugh.. It was also in this short time period, that Tokimi and Gaia started acting towards me in a fashion like Ayeka and Ryoko used too, and I have NO fathom of a clue as to WHY!! It gets weirder, as Achika began acting extremely reserved when Nobuyuki was around, almost to the point of Grannying the heck outta the guy, which Nobuyuki responded calmly to, he spent a LOT of time with Yosho. Washu.. uh.. is Washu, if that makes any sense. Her reactions were almost too normal, considering the effects of what Creation's presence was having on the other goddesses, she went into the Lab. Ryoko knew better though. And as for the rest of the clan? Sasami found herself cooking more and more for the family as Achika's behavior temporarily unsettled her from cooking properly, more akin to letting Ryoko cook as an example. Tenchi simply did his duties, as Ayeka helped Sasami more, Ryoko tried to get sense from Washu, and Mihoshi was busy with patrols with Kiyone. (more from choice for once I gather than from ACTUAL calls.) Ryo-ohki and the other cabbits simply did their normal routine, raiding the carrot patches. Hikara decided that Sasami needed help, more to play the unhelpful sister for my case problems. Arashi and Hidem were busy getting ready for attending the school Tenchi and I had once attended, more on Yosho's furthering advice, so they weren't much help. This all came to a head one morning, as we all gathered at the rather INTENSE breakfast table, the conversing mainly on the poor sleep everyone was apparently having. Then Creation appeared, and GLOMPED me!! For the life of me, I had never known Tsunami to be the jealous type, even despite the intervening weeks events. The slap Creation got from Tsunami told a new story, which got Tokimi and Gaia into it, with Achika and Washu trying to separate their own ways. Nobuyuki and Sasami protested the latter two; but the former three was becoming near catastrophic. The Creation lanced to her feet, and made such a YELL, it froze all of our blood simultaneously!! The sight of her hair literally shining like a bright star was in it, was breathtaking.. and terrifying. She then commanded Tsunami and her sisters to all sit down, her words and tone telling that she had had ENOUGH. Thank the gods I felt, as the house still existed, along with the planet. First off, she MADE Tsunami apologize for striking her. And this wasn't an option. Second, she apologized to the family in whole for the atmosphere she didn't realize she had brought with her, and third; to me and Tsui for 'testing' us in the manner she had chosen. Third, came the explanations finally.. Creation was from a place called Core Dimension. Apparently apart of a large and complex system called Yagdrassil. Okay I thought, scratching my head. Creation was apparently telling the truth too, she WAS the mother of my beloved, along with the other goddesses. I noted Washu's expression at that: there was none. Sasami then injected what this was all about, as well as asking for the rest of us to explain all this. Creation avoided the latter question, but concentrated the former query in the form of saying it was MY fault!! Tsunami got a bit agitated at that, but fell silent as Creation glared at her. From the sounds of it, with the way Creation explained it, the events running from the Jurai Foundation, all the way to the event where Tsunami 'found' me.. This led me to think of something, but was ripped back to the matter by the pronouncement, that Creation was sending herself as a 'emissary', of sorts, by parties not to be yet disclosed; as Creation put it. It sounded like, Tsui and I were on trial. Achika then asked what the rest of the goddesses were being 'watched' for, anticipating the obvious. It wasn't so obvious, moreso, it was archaic the way the response was put. "Be assured, there will come a time where you five must act as one once again, I am here to learn the best way to teach you this path. For, when that time comes, your act will make a great healing. That's all I can say for now." Then she looked at me.. With a wink. Uhboy, now what? THEN, she addressed the family gathered, and informed that Tsui and I were to have a child!!! HOW DID *SHE* KNOW!!!!!!!!!???!!!!!!!!! Blackness was my vision for a short time, for what looked like stardust entered my eyes, tickling me into the waking world. All I got next, was hearty handshakes and overblown congratulations from ALL the Misaki's; along with the earliest shot of sake` I had ever been exposed to, and it was only EIGHT O'CLOCK!!! But it was only one shot for all of us, Arashi and Hidem not included of course, still a bit early for them. Creation only noted that we were, euphemistically put; NUTS! I took my buzz outside, to get some air, as well as room to think. So much for secrets I admitted to myself, as I sat down by the lake's edge. I was soon joined by Tsui, and not suprisingly, Gaia and Tokimi shortly after. For the next short while, we just.. sat there. Finally, Tsui spoke up, saying an apology for her behavior, as well as what Creation had pulled. All I responded was: "How can goddesses have mothers?" Want to know the answer I got? As it was put, apparently goddesses are.. created, nearly the same fashion as mortal offspring are; it was only a matter of evolution, since High-Dimensional beings are essentially for the most part, evolved. The difference is that it is usually goddesses that go through this process, male versions are created outright. And since they didn't include much about sex in the equation, I guessed it had more to with self-fertilization of something to that effect, that and/or a combination of matter formation, or a number of things that even I, despite experience; find fanciful. As it was, Tsui, Tokimi, Gaia, Achika, and Washu were.. Creation's daughters. Mind boggling, no? Tsunami then told me, that Creation was dead serious about her task, of watching us two. The child that the three deities has decided to conceive, with my 'help'; was the reason for Creation's visit. I was more scared at the prospect of consequences that could occur if Creation found us two unsatisfactory in some fashion. In that moment, I felt terrified. I then felt three soft hands on my shoulders, the softness despite the silence kept me calm. Yosho then called for me, with me looking to see Tenchi was with him at the doorway. After I gave a quick kiss to Tsui, and thanks to Tokimi and Gaia; I came up to Yosho and Tenchi, and soon found myself at the end of a boken in the training grounds. The spar I was having with Tenchi ended rather abruptly, with me on my hiney. Yosho scolded me, that I was too distracted; to keep focus, despite all circumstances. My next spar with the Crown Price lasted longer, but I fell victim to my internal turmoil again. Round two to the Prince. Another scold, but this time with care in the tone, considering the magnitude of what I had learn that morning, even a deity could snap, as witnessed. Yosho then had us two sit down, as he related a tale of one similar to what I was experiencing. It was about an Emperor of Jurai, one that had the problem of dealing with the consequences of a decision, and the heavy opposition against the said decision. It had to do with this Emperor, as a young prince, finding earth in the same fashion Yosho had, and finding an unlikely mate among the locals. So much were they in love, they faced the opposition presented by the Juraians upon return. Even facing expulsion as a result by his own people. It got so bad, that despite the adoption a new law concerning infusing bloodlines, that he was forced to acquiesce by taking a Juraian as a second wife as appeasement. Interesting thing is.. the three found love even MORE of an experience than just the Price ended up being. By then we knew the rest of the story. Heck, we had been a part of it for the past year. But two different trains of logic fell out from the story.. Trust. Both in oneself, and in the mate. With both, said Yosho, Tsui and I could prevail against this test. The last spar shortly after ended in an impressive draw. From there I deliberately went to find my wife, which I assumed was in the house by now. I went in, and found yet MORE strangeness. Starting off, I saw my Tsui with the other goddesses I knew standing off across together from Creation, but what I was hearing caused me to jiggle my ears in uncertainty. I didn't see any of the others, which was probably best. It sounded like, four other goddesses were coming, if I heard Creation right. I then heard Gaia object strenuously, which I feared was another argument of celestial proportions in the works. Tokimi saw me suddenly, and gave an apparently scathing review of what I had overheard. I had to interject with what exactly would four other goddesses DO here.. Creation then told me that I should ask Yosho, which took me aback some. I didn't get anymore out of this, as Creation suddenly shooed me out, citing internal goddess manners. Out of the house even, and I need a shower. So, I took my bath at the Onsen instead, though I had to be careful, as Ryoko and Ayeka were in the midst of theirs, along with the sounds of conspiracy planning over Tenchi, poor guy. I wound up being at Lord Yosho's place, as he was instructing Hikara, Hidem and Arashi. He was being assisted by Sasami in the fine points of Haiku, it was fun watching the trio of students muddle their understanding of the script. Course I'm no master myself, I stay to painting more. Sasami then called out, which I then moved to join in the lecture, which I found informative of course. After this part was done, Yosho then asked that if I had a question, getting a few surprised looks when Yosho added something about goddesses, NOT of the known variety in so many words. I then asked what Creation was talking about, there being four new goddesses coming. Sasami joined Hikara in looking pensive, Arashi and Hidem just looked neutral. Yosho then pulled a second short story of sorts. It consisted, twice in one day.. ugh..; of a young man having made a wish of his own, a promise. The subject of this was a goddess of all things, one that led a magical destiny of sorts of their own. The story stopped abruptly there, as Yosho told me that I would learn all for myself within the week. The ambiguity is a killer around here. The rest of the day was quiet, sort of. Creation digs Karioke by the way. Achika and Sasami are back at it in competition, with us judging again. Kiyone avoids Mihoshi as usual, unsuccessfully of course.. But, Tsui suddenly isn't herself, not fawning over me, which I actually found wanting from lack of. She wasn't the same even as we went to bed, which got me worried. What was going on? For much of the next week, as Summer began to officially make it's will known, I started to ask Tsui if she knew what was wrong. She just kept shaking off the questions, and put up a front for my sake, from what I felt. I didn't want to push too hard, as Creation might interpret this as a wrong sign. But the fact that Tokimi and Gaia suddenly avoided me completely, got me REALLY edgy. Something was going on, and I wasn't getting ANY answers. Bout the only thing accomplished was the usual, boring stuff; stuff that for once I felt forgoing due to the situation around me. I even tried to sneak questions at Washu when the rare opportunity presented herself. Which also didn't get me anywhere. I was starting to feel a snide of some sort; and was starting to catch myself in letting out my darkening mood. But, that couldn't last forever, could it. Hence lunch one rather warm afternoon. It started with the usual, as Tenchi was playfully dragged by Ayeka and Mihoshi to the table, as Sasami was helped by Arashi in dolling out the meal for the rest of us. This time however, Tsui was VERY late to the meal, and Tokimi and Gaia didn't even show up, which got my dander up. Thus, despite Sasami's usual flair with the meal, I couldn't eat much. Creation then with apparent lack of tact, excused herself none to serenely from the table. Worse, was when she all but ordered Tsui to come with her; with an weak objection snuffed with a light glare. Just before they left, I snapped. I ROARED at Creation, having basically had my love taken away from me, and others shun my questions for simple answers. I injected other things from above, but mainly the feeling that I was suddenly being cutoff from those I cared about. Amongst these things, was my emotions stuttering out, only kept in check SOMEHOW by my training. Creation then shot back, that my outburst indicated I wasn't patient enough to learn in my own good time. That MAYBE I wasn't worthy of my own wife, much less a child. I couldn't respond, feeling my own breath having been sucked out, I.. I could only excuse myself out the back, through the kitchen. I forgot myself, finding myself having wandered into the forest after awhile, ambiently steering my course around about over to the Funaho Tree. There I sat at the trunk, hiding myself away from the normal opening in the grove; just thinking to myself. Maybe Creation was right. Maybe I was too mortal for her. Or that I was dragging her down by our mating. Thus my thoughts swam in this direction for awhile, almost making me miss the sudden rumbling in the air. Great, a perfect time for a Jurai Treeship to appear I thought. I hid myself for a good bit longer, until I head the distinct voice of Misaki calling out my title, NOT my name, hence the official atmosphere suddenly. I revealed myself to Misaki, whom wasn't alone. Lord Igonusi was with the Second Queen, and the fact that Igonusi used the Legendary Knight title brought me completely out of my sorrows. From what I was told, duty had come calling. Tenchi, Ayeka, Yosho and Hikara were around to hear this. The fact Tsui didn't spoke volumes I assumed. Then the message was given in detail. Emperor Fenganis was asking Emperor Azusa for my personal presence in a matter of direct personal need. Apparently Traquis Collective pirates had been making bold strikes into their territory, and public morale among the Fungesian Empire was low. Fenganis apparently believed that my presence in this matter might bring a morale boost of some sort. Of course, and I would be an idiot not to do so; I asked if this was wise in the very least? Unfortunately, this wasn't a discussion, I HAD to go. I was also ordered to escort Misaki and Igonusi onboard the Sele`nta rather than their own ship, which I suddenly saw rising into the sky. I looked for advice, but found only a smile from Tenchi. I resigned my fate into the stars, which I was then told we'd be in before nightfall. Later, as the Sele`nta hovered over the lake, most of the family met Misaki, Igonusi, and I; in full Jurai dress, for both sides. Tsunami and her sisters (including Washu) weren't in sight, which nearly killed me. Creation wasn't either, and I kept scanning the hills for any sign of them, but couldn't. Tenchi stood forward, and handed my Avatar Key to me; both of us clasping hands in friendship. Sasami then handed me a basket of freshly baked cookies, and held back the tears that she usually displayed at such times. Other warm well wishes followed, even by Ryoko. Misaki of course mugged Sasami at the last. I then asked Tenchi and Sasami a dual favor.. If they saw Tsunami, at about early evening a week from now; to tell her to that a present was in my closet, especially for her. And to tell her I was sorry about yelling at Creation at lunch, and.. ..to tell her I was sorry about missing our first anniversary. I wouldn't be around for the celebration of our first meeting apparently. With that, I took a wide scan of the hills; and sighed as I saw nothing again. Misaki then called for us to go. And I made my final goodbyes to everyone. With that, I had the transport beam teleport us three into the Sele`nta.. We launched into the night sky soon after, imagining the sounds of Sasami and Ryo-ohki yelling goodbye.. I also left a piece of my soul back there. And then focused on my duty. Misaki told me I was in charge of the trip, and so, we leapt in hyperspace soon after. I didn't know if I would ever see my beloved again. And as things turned out. I nearly didn't. (End Part Thirty-Two)