(Part Twenty-Eight - Startica, Christmas: Part Three) I stared into the faces of thirty-seven children, and couldn't help but shudder.. The crew of the Lent`it`tos was NOT what I expected. It was there that a simple black haired female, and a similar black haired male stepped forward, both looking the age of Tenchi. Azusa then informed of two different names: Lady Arashi, and Lord Hidem. From the looks that they gave Emperor Azusa, I guessed it wasn't a happy family reunion. Tsunami then inferred of Azusa what was going on, this had Arashi and Hidem looking at Tsunami, and their eyes went WIDE!! Not a surprise in my experience. The confusion was further exacerbated by three of the elder children; looking from ages eleven to fifteen, shouting less than kind words at Azusa. The situation was rather tense as you could guess. I forced a stinging yell into the situation, demanding answers. That's when one small child, less than eight I surmised; came up to me. A cute black haired little girl, her hair set in the same style as Sasami. She sorta looked me over strangely. And I felt like I was being interrogated by a scan. She then stepped back. and said the last thing I would have expected of the situation. "Sai`Hon?" I think I bruised my head, when I whammed the bulkhead behind me, in my surprised reaction! I looked at Tsunami, then at Azusa; and in no less terms, I was told by Funaho. ~ The Lost Children of Sentai ~ I learned from Funaho and Azusa, apparently a ship from the Second Exodus from Sentai. I asked if Tsunami knew of this, and found that she; as much as a goddess is supposedly infallible, couldn't explain this. Lady Arashi put forth their story for my beloved instead. It started after the Second Exodus, after the main wave of Juraians had left what was left of Sentai. In the haste, the children of a Juraian Orphanage on Sentai had been forgotten in the chaos, all except by my ancestor Sai`Hon. Sai`Hon had apparently already severed Sai`Hon from the 0th and 1st Generation Tree groups; when he found the Orphanage. In an echo of Tsunami's actions for saving me in my youth, Sai`Hon had placed a null field over the children, as a special Jurai vessel was constructed as quickly as possible. About a month after the Second Exodus, this vessel was populated with the children, with Arashi and Hidem being given command of the vessel, and given a general course to follow. It was while that Sai`Hon had placed the last of the children in stasis, that Mulhorand found out about the vessel and Sai`Hon's plans. In a titanic battle, Sai`Hon managed to safeguard the vessel's departure; but was mortally wounded in the process. Only with Arashi's and Hidem's help was Sai`Hon extracted at the last moment with a teleport beam, but Mulhorand had taken a vicious amount of damage, and couldn't counter the escape. That's apparently when the Sai`Hon Tree somehow ejected Mulhorand from Sentai; keeping the Tree safe until the day Aleaic would find it. Meanwhile, Sai`Hon lay dying; and his last orders; were to have his seed from Sai`Hon become the tree for the Orphanage ship; and that none of the children, including Arashi and Hidem, be awakened until they reached where ever the new planet of the Jurai was. It was there that Arashi described Sai`Hon's metaphysical passing; the soul somehow ending up in my body so many centuries later. As the Orphanage ship? That's where everyone's good buddy Murphy comes in. Almost as soon as Arashi and Hidem placed the seed, and then themselves into cryo-stasis; the navigational computer malfunctioned... Hey, it was built in haste; it happens. It was because of this, that the ship was sent in a wide arc through the dead areas of space, unseen and known for a great expanse of time. It wasn't until a thousand or so years ago, that a Jurai beacon of the Border Gate Shield detected the vessel, which also caused the ship to Reawaken. It is here that I learned to gain less respect for a certain portion of the Jurai family. The Orphanage ship was escorted to Jurai, and summarily dismissed by Azusa's father, the late Emperor Jurazus the Fifth. Apparently, the great and almighty Azusa wasn't in complete charge at the time, having a couple of years as sovereign under his belt. His father, this Jurazus person; had just found out about his betrothed to Funaho, which Azusa obviously held in secret until they couldn't anymore. After the uproar apparently, Jurazus took control for a year, until the settlement with Misaki as his second wife had cooled things over. Unfortunately, this was the time period the Lent`it`tos arrived into, and Jurazus wasn't very accommodating to what he thought of as freeloaders. Without ANY attempt for Arashi and Hidem to explain; much less the pleas of children, the ship was forcibly ejected from Jurai, without even the people of Jurai knowing. The more I learned of this story, I felt my blood boil, I had to call upon my training to retain calm. It was from there that I learned that the Lent`it`tos traveled from one point to another, seeking a home; or at least families. Nothing, not a one. A thousand years of loneliness, with only the Seed of Sai`Hon maintaining their health, along with training them to provide for themselves; they did manage a small living from traveling with a carnival fleet; acting as help. But up to a year ago, even as I was meeting the Misaki's; the children of Lent`it`tos were forced to leave the carnival fleet, as it was disbanded; and started wandering again. They had arrived in the Sol System when the Traquis Collective pirates attacked them, hence the battle. Talk about a load to digest. A thousand years of journeying; I felt a bit a personal pride, though I stuffed it down in humbled respect. I also learned that the seed Tree of Sai`Hon had somehow kept the children from aging, the Tree, when I would finally encounter it, didn't want the children to begin aging until they had a home. Now everything was full circle. After all of this was explained, Tsunami informed Arashi and Hidem that I was the descendant of Sai`Hon. EEK!! Was my response, when Arashi and Hidem glomped me, in a mirroring of Hikara glomping me! Tsunami and Funaho got a chuckle, but I was a bit still too miffed at Azusa to simply let the matter go. As far as I was concerned, illogically as it may have seemed; these.. um.. well.. were MY children, if only by Link to the Sai`Hon Tree. And I wanted a damn good explanation from the King. All Azusa did was apologize for the action that his father Jurazus had inflicted upon them. Tenchi then injected, that until the matter was settled, that they were welcome to stay at the house. Oh gods.. I could see the Misaki residence turning into a massive mansion!! Well.. at least Washu would have more fun remodeling. It was there, that I asked the Jurai Fleet element in station around us, to help escort the Orphanage ship to Earth. Hey, it was a place to start. And if nothing else, I fully knew what they had gone through; two sides of the same coin no? After the Lent`it`tos reached Earth orbit, (Did I mention that Juraian ships have a REAL good sensor cloak? Ok, good..) I asked Washu to give all the kids a good check-up; which was an adventure in itself. You know how much kids HATE shots. Then came the update of wardrobe, a good showering for each; a few lessons in acting proper (a few of the kids had MOUTHS!! Jezz..), and finally; they got to see their first planet as free children. The house WAS the size of a mansion when I saw it. Any more people, and we'd become a legitimate nation. Prophetic timing as it was too, as by the time everyone had arrived; the snow had lifted; and a blanket of fresh snow had fallen on the house. Everything was breathtaking. It was late morning, and I was TIRED!! Well.. so was everyone else.. That day was a wash, and we picked things back up the next day. With a few more tests on the children, and a few more lessons in etiquette, but these kids learn fast; at least Sasami, Achika, and Misaki were having a ball. Azusa stayed out of sight, as the kids were integrated better into the household. Tsunami and I were discussing how to give the children a good home on Jurai, this time for keeps; when we noted that were being watched by three of the kids. One was the black haired Sasami look-alike named Misu, after that were two boys around the same age as Misu; Yoko and Ibuka. This started a round of discussing with these children, and learning of that they mostly came from parents that died in the early Jurai wars of Sentai's history; and that their parent's came from the Linked Trees of the Sai`Hon Tree section of the Generation Alcove Group; hence; the seed of Sai`Hon took to these children rather readily. Then led to me describing my life story along with my relationship with Tsunami, as well as being a decent storyteller of the adventures of the Tenchi and his brothel. By the time I was done, I had all of the children gathered; as well as a few of the Misaki clan, minus Azusa as aforementioned. Kiyone and Nen were off reporting to the GP, and Achika and Sasami; whom were making lunch with a well skilled Arashi. Tenchi then came in, fighting another usual advance from Ryoko in the name of decency, to announce dinner was ready. Thirty-six kids, a decent home cooked meal. Can you say Indianapolis 500? Okay, good. After the meal, came the awaited lighting ceremony outside. After a small draw among the Misaki core, the vote for hitting the switch (Another Washu invention.) went to Ryoko this year. Ryoko pulled Tenchi in close, and had the two of them hit the switch art the same time. At first, nothing happened; and we all looked at Washu, whom had a pair of goggles on. A few of us caught on quickly: Yosho, Ayeka, Ryoko, Bruinuae and Tenchi first. The rest of us were caught off guard by the ensuing supernova flare that was the actual lighting. It took me a few minutes to clear my eyes, that's for sure. As my sight returned, a chorus of 'ohhs' and 'ahhs' cascaded, as all the work on the house paid off VERY handsomely. The roof was quite covered in light, with the glint of blue, green, and white. The roof edgings were decorated in red, and the house edgings were with the large multi-colored bulbs. The same was apparent with the other sections of the house, with both back and front adorned; the sheds included. There was also a long set of those new rope lights, set along the stairways; both from the entry level below, and up past the Misaki Shinto Shrine above. With all set in white, with blue rope light twisted with the white. The ground decoration was a Japanese looking Santa Clause being led by cabbit like reindeer, with a cabbit copy of Rudolph at the front. After a few minutes, the attention was then diverted towards lights suddenly appearing on Ryu-ou-oh. And further off, Funaho. They were sorta decorated like oversized Christmas trees. Which then was our next decoration stop: The Christmas tree itself. A new vote, but this time for everyone gathered. This time the honor went to Arashi and Hidem; and the results were even more breathtaking. The colors of the day were everything, as the garland and colored lights spanned the Christmas color spectrum, and the topper was a fiber-optic angel. Then the lights around the house that had been put up then lit, on time delay; and many of the nicks and crannies of the living room/dining room area were aglow of light and reflected garland. Mission Accomplished. With everything settling down, I found that Misu, Yoko, and Ibuka trailing me everywhere I went; doing a few chores, playing with Sasami at her fighting games (which I got swept by the way: 0-53); even while I was working on a bit of my art, at least they let me have privacy with taking a bath; which of course Tsui took advantage of. I was finding that these particular children out of the rest were trying to latch onto me, is this what a father is like? *nervous chuckle* This of course continued into the coming shopping trip; which was done in shifts: Ryoko, Ayeka, Sasami, Mihoshi, Kiyone, Funaho and Misaki in the first group; me, Tsui, Washu, Tenchi, Nobuyuki, the kids aforementioned, and Nen; and finally Achika, Yosho, a group of the kids led by Arashi and Hidem; Azusa (to get to know the kids better; ordered by Funaho), and Mom and Dad. This was set up in shifts; the first group over two days, the second group and third groups alternating days there after, leaving a couple of days before Christmas to enjoy playing around. It was also during this time, that I got advice from Dad one day, after he had noticed Misu, Ibuka, and Yoko making a snowman with me and Tsui. The simple advice that fathers give, thinking I was playing the them of a father. Again I was forced to stop and think; but was interrupted by a snowball upside the temple. And that feeling of cold down the back.. *loud screech* Things finally came down to Christmas Eve all too soon, and that's when everything started REALLY happening. Again a semi-'I guess normal morning in the Twilight Zone', as the family; swelled around the all too small dining room table, along with the usual ruckus, hand feedings, and occasional 'avoid the apocalypse before chores' event. But the day started with something else new, as Kagato had decided to return, along with Maymay; from gods knows what. As soon as that happened, along Misaki and Achika saying his name; all of the younger children leaped up, and in a swift charge, attacked and smothered Kagato, in a pile of tiny arms and legs. While everyone went from shock, into bellowing laughter; Washu saved Kagato (as well as the kids from Kagee.) by porting him through a portal hole; though all too unceremoniously onto the floor near Azusa, near the kitchen door; face first. Kagato then screamed at Washu about what the 'heck' was going on. Then he saw the kids sorta stalking him in the small distance. Misaki and Mom calmed the kids down, and we all found out that Kagato's name was well know to the old carnival fleet they used to belong. Achika dumped a bowl of breakfast rolls in front of Kagato, while Sasami more respectfully served Maymay some good portions. Now you know the theme of the day. With all the major shopping done, as well as rumors of a gift from Washu, *shudder* we moved on to winter fun. This consisted of loads of snow-sled races; a few snow ball wars, which Ryoko and I lost this time due to the massive number of young hands the Juraian complement had gained. It also led to some nice time between certain family members, me with Mom and Dad, Tenchi with Achika and Nobuyuki, Washu with Ryoko, Yosho with Funaho, Sasami and Ayeka with Misaki; heck, even Azusa and Tenchi, one sovereign to a future one. It was while I was walking with Mom, alone; when the other portion of the quotient of out multi-dimensional family arrived. In the form of Tokimi and Gaia glomping me out from literally nowhere. Tsunami must have sensed the entry, as I heard her voice suddenly; then her added weight! All I could hear in the muffled silence of three feet into the snow; was the chuckling from my Mother, Lord of light preserve me. Ugh. Eventually I found daylight, and oxygen again; as I inferred to what took Tokimi and Gaia so long? I hadn't seen them since the wedding. Business was the only word I got. I still don't understand goddesses, especially when they are women. Kagato then came around, sneering at the goddesses as he came along, and informed me that Washu wanted to see me. "I already gave my 'samples'" was my response, but he said that Tenchi was waiting for me as well. That was different, Tenchi liked going to the dimensional lab as much as Ryoko liked bowing to Ayeka. Tsunami though shooed me along, and I went. I found Tenchi in the lab, with Washu at her holo-top. I announced my presence, and was greeted with a strange three-dimensional graphic depicting what the Family tree of Jurai running all the way back to the Foundation, one that was helped along with the memory of Sai`Hon as a cross reference. Gee, and I'm the last to know; go figure. It looked like a massive three dimensional representation of a gigantic connect the dots set depicting a massive hollow brain, with nothing but lines running all about it, all representing the 0th to 1st Generation in the center zone, and the 2nd up to the current 5th Generation Trees. What I also noted immediately, after a detailed explanation from Washu, was that the lines became less thick as the lines spread out more from the center out. Washu all too readily agreed. What this meant, was that the Jurai power was only finite, that any future generations would end up powerless, even with the possibility of, in as little as three Generations, the line of Jurai would lose the near immortality quality that Azusa and his predecessors have enjoyed for so long. But, while this like a kick to the gut, a second reason for my presence was directly related to the 3-D image in front of me, or the fact of the lack of a small slice of lines in the depiction. I was told before I could ask, that they represented the very children from the Orphanage ship. They also had a strange connection. As the image was pulled into a close up of the 0th and 1st levels, the ones where the children were supposed to be, happened to link up with the line of what represented Sai`Hon. A direct relation? Impossible. Then I saw fainter lines, just past the point where the children's lines linked to mine; these were of the true parents I assumed correctly. Tenchi then showed where the lines of the true parents WOULD have been, if their parents had survived. The conclusion became that, because the Sai`Hon Tree had linked to each of the children, they ALL became by default; related to me. This had a SEVERE backlash. For one, the presence of thirty-seven Links, on top of mine, Dad's and Mom's Links the to the Sai`Hon Tree, should have been absolutely impossible! A Jurai Tree should have at most five Links, and not be harmed in anyway, more than that should start siphoning too much Jurai energy from a Link Tree. But with my Tree, this was against all rules of Jurai physics laws; and Washu wanted to warn me that the Jurai trees were most likely about to find this out for themselves. Meanwhile, there was the problem, that these lines that connected to mine, made me a legal father to all these children. I awoke a few minutes later, as Washu was fanning me; I would have to tell Tsui at some point, that some of her children, had accidentally become our children. I was starting to panic, I'M NOT A FATHER?!?!? MUCH LESS TO A COUPLE DOZEN OR SO!! As I was bouncing around like a crazed lunatic, (which I was about anyway at this point in life) Tsunami and Tokimi came downstairs to announce lunch. When Tsui asked if I was okay, I faked a Oscar performance with only one word: "fine." A few quisitive glances from Tsui towards Washu and Tenchi; but deciding not to push further; she and Tokimi went back upstairs. As soon as the door shut, I IMMEDIATELY pleaded to Tenchi and Washu to not inform ANYONE of our discovery until the time was right. Washu only promised, if I would take part in three more experiments. This was NOT good. Worse when Tenchi was pulled into it. I keep getting smirks from Tenchi every time Washu is around after that day. But the fun didn't stop there, after lunch; Tenchi, Nen, and I; (along with Misu, Yoko, and Ibuka again) headed down to the lake, to test out the ice of the lake, and upon finding it set for a good round of ice skating; I taught the kids the art of ice skating; with Tenchi testing Nen out. The kids learned quickly, but Nen was a total loss. Course, shortly after, everyone started filtering out to the lake; and many started skating, though Azusa was being a hard case. Hikara was excellent out of all the skaters, with Sasami and Ayeka the runners-up. The kids went all about like a bunch of pool table balls running all about; chaos in action. Tokimi and Gaia just looked at the glassy surface, and announced lack of interest; Tsunami shoved them out onto the ice anyway. Kiyone was tying her DAMNDEST to keep away from Mihoshi, whom seemed all too capable of bowling people over on the ice. Kagato kept trying to give a good showing, but Ryoko kept tripping him up; at least until Kagato blasted a hole beneath Ryoko, causing her to fall through suddenly. While Ryoko and Kagato warmed up back in side from the aftershocks, a speed skating contest was held between me, Tenchi and Nen; with a large betting pool of Christmas cookies; and a kiss for the winner. Tenchi won, Nen and I ended up in a pile; and Ayeka won the pile of thirty cookies, and the kiss; Tenchi was trying to save that for the wedding; but didn't even make it past the front door. After a renewed round of skating, came a strange new game the goddesses called; 'mistletoe landmines'. I seemed to consist of being around all day, and if you stepped of floated into a certain place, a green energy wrap would trap the person, leaving the person vulnerable to a single kiss; unless ten minutes had passed. Anyone could be trapped, including the creators of this strange game. And it would last until 12:00pm Christmas night. I espoused the opinion of how foolish this all was, when I took an unfortunate step, and ended up being the first subject. Tsunami won the kiss over Tokimi. This made the environment all too fun, as I was trapped a total of 198 though the entire two days. The rest averaged 145 times throughout, with the longest average waiting time of 7.9 seconds. And for SOME silly reason, the traps seemed to happen more to the guys than the gals. Not all, but at least three-quarters of the time. The kids were as affected, but not so much as the grown-ups. Despite all that, we all still found time to have fun all around. Tsunami and Hikara got to know each other better, Yosho and I traded winter poems in his abode, Arashi became an avid student of the College of Sasami, Kagato stayed in his room with a supposed cold, and the Royals found interest in building snow sculptures, Azusa IS an artist. Then the evening came about, all too soon; and after being trapped in my own seat at the dinner table (Gaia's turn); we played a game of guess the presents; then moved on to watching a DVD of: "The Christmas Story", then after that moved to singing Christmas karioke songs. The kids were cute, as they were led along in singing "Jungle Bells" with Misaki and Achika leading, Ryo-ohki and Tsui-ohki jumped in mid way to make a scene made for mass cavities. After that, several groups sang certain Christmas songs, while the rest either laughed or held onto partners tight. Then Tenchi and I joined Tsunami with Ayeka, Ryoko, and Mihoshi; in a sorta of a core loving couples rendition of "Silent Night"; and from the looks of the audience, we did a rather sweet job of signing it. I was surprised with Ryoko, as was about everyone else. Then a trap snagged Tenchi suddenly as he took a step, and Ryoko took expected advantage, some things never change. After a few more gushy songs, Azusa then called the rooms attention; then announced that (about damn time too.), that the children of the Lent`it`tos were now full citizens of Jurai, with no argument from the council. Better late than never. While the children mugged Azusa, then came the Misaki tradition of portraying what they felt was the highlights of the year. Of course, after the type of year we had; we had MUCH to celebrate, I tried as hard as possible to put all the lauding towards Tenchi, as I kept professing, if it wasn't for him, my actions would have never happened. I also took my time professing only the strengths of each person of the current household; minus the kids, as I lacked enough information, but putting in a cute bit of a sense of belonging. Heck, I even put in a few good words for Kagato. I also repeated my personal belief, that the whole clan always work to hold onto the sense of true family. This was the best weapon against any dark force that could ever come our way, our unity as a whole. The rest of the family tried to speak of each member of the family in as optimistic a manner as I had, though not successful in all cases; the worst being when Ayeka tried to outdo Ryoko in lauding Tenchi over, this nearly resulted in the dining room being open to the snowstorm outside; which was rather heavy I might add. Kagato was more led in his descriptions, with Maymay directing his comments. I suppose it was safer that way. From there, after a few males became trapped again, came the early bed call. An hour later, as the sounds of early Christmas dinner preparations floating up form the kitchen, we headed to bed. But the fun didn't end there. I was in the middle of dreaming about laying in a large Tree, hearing an unfamiliar voice in the distance; when I awoke by Tsunami. I was about to ask if this was a repeat of the battle, when I was trapped; and suddenly carried off by Tsui and Tokimi. I remained silent rather than yell, and wake the household; also all the while grumbling my fate. The next thing I realized, was that I was laying on a familiar pedestal; in an all too familiar neo-crazed realm. Then Tokimi kissed me, losing the trap; and I stood, asking for an explanation. I was suddenly greeted with a large flash of light, and stood seeing a strange form approaching. The light from the object, whatever it was; was forcing me to squint my eyes shut. But as the form came closer; the light waned some, and I took note of a.. what looked like a.. baby.. I could see from it, it's head had a blond and teal pattern to the fuzz in it's head. There was also a slight strand of light brown, and white along the ear lobes. I was about to ask what this was, when Tsunami phased in behind me; and told me that this was "our Daughter"!! I felt my eyes fill as full as saucers, with a slight hint of crackling to them. To my credit this time, I didn't faint.. YET.. But, apparently, Tsunami had made a slight deal with Tokimi and Gaia, that this new child would be born a year from now. I guess the nine month deal wasn't part of the rules for goddesses I surmised. There was however a price to pay for this bargain, a child that was conceived in the name ending the possibility of a new Goddess War; that this child would exist, of I became.. urk.. mated to Tokimi and Gaia as well. All I could think of in that moment, was.. all it was, was a simple stupid prayer to a Shrine, that's all it was SUPPOSED to be!! THEN I fainted. I next awoke back in my bed, alone this time; and with the sound of knocking on the door. 5:00AM!!!!!!! Talk about getting an early start! It was still snowing outside, but the atmosphere suddenly turned all joyus downstarirs, calling to me like a joyfull tune. I also heard a loud yell of someone being trapped, Tenchi it sounded like. I also made my mind NOT to tell about this second revelation, I felt a bit like a mutant at this point. After gathering a robe to wear, I joined a loud morass of happines; as the children clammored with each other, as much as the older members did. And as I took my first step to head down, yet ANOTHER trap. Five seconds later, I lay at the bottom of the stairs in a heap. And Mom kissed me, welcoming me into Christmas Day. As I drank down a cup of cocoa, sporting a welt; I saw that everyone was simply waiting for all the gathered to arrive. Kagato was the last, as he did a copy of me, down the stairs; Maymay 'saved' him, and then everyone was gathered. Then the gift giving began, Tenchi and Ayeke were named 'Santa's' This year. The kids acted as 'elves'. Well, I could write a novel of what everyone got, but sufficit to say, 78% of the presents were clothing in nature, with a number embroidered with personal initials, or a picture on a T-shirt; that sort of thing; at least Tenchi got a new robe, having the older one being all singed from the previous year. Azusa got a FANCY bedrobe from Funaho and Misaki, I just had to add that one. It was some of the bigger presents that surprised everyone. My suggestion to Washu had interesting aftereffects! For one, Tenchi got a new motorbike from Nobuyuki and Achika; a long overdue present that they wanted to give Tenchi. Tenchi also received a personal holo-top from Washu; one that would KILL any modern computer system on earth. Eat you hearts our Microsoft and Intel. Kagato got a set of coordinates to a secret artifact site, from the Royals; the only present that could satisfy a guy like him. I then gave Tenchi, a bikers leather outfit, with a jacket, and matching helmet, all of which had embroidered upon them. Or embossed as in the case of the helmet, a set of Lighthawk Wings on them, as well as a image of the Tenchi`ken in the center of the Wings. The kids got a bunch of electronic games from Washu, hey, they're still kids. Kiyone gave Mihoshi a scroll, one that declared Mihoshi: ~ Kiyone's Greatest Friend Ever ~ I think Mihoshi got the gist, from the Misaki like hug Kiyone got. Kiyone got from Yosho and Nobuyuki a GP like watch, one that Washu made for them; the function? Only that it would alert Kiyone whenever Mihoshi was approaching her; Kiyone just cried into Yosho's lap happily, Mihoshi of course didn't get it. Nobuyuki got a new videocamera from Achika, no surprise there. Tenchi and I got at the same time; from Yosho and Azusa; an exquisite set of diamond hardened Samurai katana's; the scabbards, and silk acounterments laden in the colors of out Lighthawk Wings; sweet huh? Washu's gift to me was already known due to the battle, but the rest of it wasn't! More on that later. I got the goddesses and all the girls in the house each (kids included), a set of silk kimono's; also patterned in the colors of their theme. Tsunami IMMEDIATELY phased into hers, and has lived in it ever since. Ryoko got a interesting surprise; WITH a promise of responsibility; she got a set of brand new Gems, ALL three! But at the same time, Ayeka got an equally powerful new Key headband, with two Gems embedded; just so to keep the scales even. Tenchi just mentioned something about having his room insured officially. Arashi got Hidem a warm trenchcoat, one with a large amount of space for two. You could see where this was leading. Hidem countered with a NICE set of diamond jewelry; smooth. Tenchi then gave his soon to be wives, each a crystal plaque; each with a poem inscribed in gold and silver lettering. Each poem had a description of what Tenchi though the best of each of them. Next came Nobuyuki and Tenchi for Achika; wow.. a snowglobe with small figures representing the three of them in the snow. Considering their history, this must have been a full circle for the three. Sasami came next with a group presentation of a set of pure diamond cutting knives, and a set of cooking attire, such that they made her look like one of those Iron Chief's from that popular cooking-off show. But it was the addition of the honor of the Jurai Gourmet Academy to accept her as their new student, anytime in the next five-hundred years. Many of us commented that Sasami could well end up running the place before too long, Sasami blushed, and Misaki beamed. Then Tenchi received a group gift from the girls; a special 3-D holo- device; in it was images of Ayeka, Ryoko, Mihoshi, Sasami, Washu, and Kiyone; included were a few hundred sayings and phrases that Tenchi knew all too well.. Just after Tenchi beamed a generous thank you, Nobuyuki and Achika simultaneously expressed pride in their son for having hauled in such catches. Tenchi turned a heavy beet red. Kagato gave everyone a large jewel; I receiving a sapphire. Hey, at the least the big lug was trying. Misaki and Washu then exchanged "Best Mom/Genius in the Universe" crystal plaques; aka the like Tenchi had given. Sasami then gave Tenchi a book, titled: "Aphrodisiac's of Cuisine", this had EVERYONE looking at Sasami, and Sasami only gave a look of: "what?". Nen the surprised Sasami and Bruinuae with a diamond pendant each; along with matching earrings. Nen got hit back with a decent sized package; a complete GP SWAT uniform set; with a small Padd included of related things that obviously couldn't be fit into the package, waiting on the Yagami. I then got as a HUGE group package, a full art set; the box had to be pulled in through a portal hole. (no monsters this time.) Wow.. everything related to the use of painting or drawing, was there; including a really fancy art table, with laser lock thingy aids, and a function that allowed the entire art set to be shrunk within the art table, down to the size of a palm-top device. Sweet. My counter was the art project I had been working on. One that depicted the entire clan as part of a version of Camelot, and the Great Round table, albeit a HUGE table. I made fun of myself by portraying myself as a court Jester rather than a Knight. It all got a good laugh, as well as awe. It got the effect. Tenchi was embarrassed that he was depicted as King Arthur, ahh.. revenge is sweet. All around, there came more interesting packages; lots of flattering plaques, some more warm clothing, such and yada.. Then came the last three gifts. The important ones. They were held in Washu's lab, and were meant for Tenchi and myself. I protested that I had received more than enough for Christmas; that was until Mom stung at my guilt strings, something about honor and accepting things from parents. Okay okay, I could take a hint. We headed downstairs and was led as a huge group towards a deep planetary pocket, one that held the docking area for certain ships and vehicles. Such as the docking area for certain ships and vehicles. Such as the Yagami and the Lent`it`tos, as well as the still forming Ryu-ou- oh seeded ship's habitation sphere. It also beheld the temporary holding spot for all the Jurai ships; including the Sele`nta. (And you thought the vessels simply orbited the Earth? Are you crazy?) The first stop here ended up being the Sele`nta itself. It was here that I was forced to use a different term besides Gundam. The Wing Zero copy was standing in a holding slot, along with copies of each: the Heavyarms Kai, Sandrock, Deathscythe Hell, Nantaku, Tallgeese III, and a Epyon Special, all Custom versions with special additions. While I inferred if Washu was treading a lawsuit with Bandai Entertainment. I was corrected that the actual term for these mecha was actually Jurdams, not Gundams. After a double blink, I asked of Washu was drinking too much eggnog, but I was given the name as hard fact. Apparently to Washu, the idea of simple Gundarium was apparently all too elementary to Washu's standards. So she upgraded the alloy composite to have a fusion of six of apparently hardest metals and ceramics in the known universe; the names WAY too long to pronounce, though one of the materials was a relation to titanium grade diamond. Okay I thought. The process of this material making process involved using some weird dimensional cross-fusion process, and then tempering the material in a fusion reaction for ten days; alternating with dowses in the null field of a controlled singularity. Okay I thought. The final product was named in the short term length: Jurtridariumite. Or just Jurdam. Okay I thought. As also described from the mock up description of the Zero a ways back, these mecha were powered by Gems, and the weapons were Jurai powered in nature; like aforementioned, with a concentration of Jurai power. Cool. And they apparently were also the testbeds for a new line of a Jurai Defense combat mecha series. An agreement pact between Azusa, Funaho and Washu. So I had a bunch of new toys, sweet. After a lot of lauding, Washu then pulled at Tenchi to come with her. Everyone else just looked at each other, as we followed. We were led to a side lab pocket, one that held a single light in the center of it. It shown on a single round, gray object. No one had a clue, that was until Funaho had this look of a nasty sneer. Washu then took the item from the pedestal, and threw it to Tenchi. After a deft catch, Tenchi asked an obvious question; silently endorsed by the rest of us, Minus Funaho. Then the oblong sphere began moving, and Ryoko and Sasami caught on immediately. After a minute of.. cracking, from the sphere, it dawned on my thick skull, the this was a cabbit egg. Then the egg broke, and in the same fashion Ryo-ohki had hatched (whom was on Tenchi's shoulder by the way, along with Tsui-ohki.), the new cabbit emerged; cream colored, and as cute as the other cabbits seen to date. Funaho then STORMED up to Washu, and about nearly throttled her. Washu then defended that Tenchi needed a special symbol of his coming ascendance, and that a special seed from a Jurai Tree was harvested, somewhere in the neighborhood of seventy years, Tenchi would need a vessel worthy of handling the lifestyle of an up and coming high dimensional being. Washu then blinked into a Science Academy Professor's uniform. And a everyone was suddenly seated in a large college auditorium; most everyone in the front area, Ryoko and Kagato hiding in the back, sleeping. Washu then went into detail about the specialized structure of this particular cabbit, while Achika, Sasami, Arashi, and Misu took turns petting the cabbit, and also introducing the wonders of carrots. This cabbit was special, in that it was made from mass and mineralite, but also included was the elements of Gem, Jurai Tree wood, and cells from Tenchi. (SO THAT'S WHERE TENCHI'S SAMPLES WENT!! DANG!!) It wasn't the fact of the nature of the materials used in this cabbit's make up; but it was WHAT the cabbit transformed into. It was rather cool too! A 3-D image simulation popped up, showing what the cabbit would transform into. From what it looked like, the cabbit's vessel form would look like a hybrid of Ryo-ohki and Ken-ohki; except for the fact that the vessel would look VERY much like a Jurai styled ship, the leafy accouterments included at the vane tips of the vessel. It was because of this, that Tenchi decided to name this particular cabbit: Jur-ohki. And despite heavy grumblings from Funaho, and to a lesser extent: Azusa, everyone accepted the new addition. Tenchi was the lesser of the accepted party, more because NOW, he'd have to work the carrot fields three times as hard. But Jur-ohki latched onto Tenchi rather immediately; taking a spot on the right shoulder simply enough. Then came the last package, meant for me alone. 'Why?' I asked reflexively. Tsunami, Tokimi, and Gaia fawned over me; we ended up in yet another section of the lab. But it looked non-forward in appearance. Everyone else gaggled like a.. well.. you get the pic. So I had to ask, again, what was the deal. That's when Washu walked over to a kind of a static field; and pulled out a cube like device from it. I had to reach behind my head to catch it, and ended up falling over backwards. Tsunami took the item from me, while Tenchi and Gaia helped me back up. Tsunami then GASPED; and I double-taked at that. Tsunami leaned in close, and told me that this was a Jurai holocron. "A what?" I interjected. Funaho then added that a holocron was a specialized memory device, that held information Funaho then added that a holocron was a specialized memory device, that held information in a manner similar to the way the Jurai Trees held memory. While this was pretty cool, I was VERY skeptical when Washu informed me next; that this particular holocron belonged to non other than Sai`Hon! Customarily, before I could voice my skepticism; Tsunami activated the holocron. She did so by hovering it between a teal energy field, then taking control of my right hand, (with the accompanying 'HEY!') and placing it on the holocron. Suddenly, the field of view all around me and Tsunami flashed, and I stood upon the young forests of Sentai, at the height of old Jurai's glory. I then heard some archaic and ancient tongues being spoken; Azusa then interjected that it was an OLD dialect of Jurai, A long disused version of the language. I realized that everyone was seeing the same as I, and learned that the device was attuned to those that I wished to see images from it. Crazy huh? The image then shifted to the village of Jur, and I could actually smell the scent of the Trees, the dirt of the ground was so realistic. I could see my ancestors own home. It was here that Arashi and Hidem took more part, seeing stuff that a hero of theirs had been a part of. The scene shifted again, to the Lent`it`tos, on a table, as Sai`Hon lay dying. I heard the words all too clearly, and I could hear the consequence of it all. Sai`Hon: ".as my last action as a sovereign, living entity; I am making you all Linked to the Sai`Hon seed Tree; to act as it's protectors and family until the day that my soul finds a place in the universe to atone for my sins. It is with this seed's power that you will be hidden from Mulhorand, and also.. I suppose.. to make you surrogate to my Tree, to act as a family for the Tree. Hence, you and your fellow siblings of the Orphanage will be my unofficial sons and daughters, and with that, all the powers of the Sai`Hon Tree to protect and nurture you all with. I wish I could feel that this would make a small step in the sin of Creating the Armors; but it does not. At the very least, you will live to see a better future." Hidem: "Sons and daughters? Are you saying that you are our Father now Sai`Hon?" Sai`Hon: "In a function, I cannot replace your fallen parents; but the Tree will teach you as it is you parent. Knowledge is.. what keeps the young from being lost, when you understand why? You will know that calling me Father is a truth. *a rasping cough* And whoever my soul enters next, will understand this as well. *Arashi yells to have Sai`Hon stay* I am sorry, but my time is over. Yours.. have.. begun.. *searching for breath* ..be sure.. to.. be one.. with your.. time.. *looks blankly at the fading vision in his eyes* I.. love you.. Tsunami.." It is here, in the short time frame, that I felt what Sai`Hon was for the first time in my life. Seeing the dying part of history that Sai`Hon once belonged, I breathed deeply; as I also realized that this simple cube of ancient Juraian runes and markings, held a PHYSICAL image history of everything related to the Sai`Hon legacy. I then looked at Washu, then at Arashi and Hidem; knowing full well everyone was present. I nodded to them, and accepted a new part of my apparent fate. These kids were lawfully related to me. I didn't get much in the way of the resistance that I expected. There was time for repercussions later. At least Tenchi was off the hook. The scene shifted suddenly to a strange place, and it looked like a hospital. Then I saw an image of my Father Terrai walking in, and I then saw Tsunami, dressed as a nanny; carrying in two bundles of joy. At least I suspected as much, when I heard the soft crying/babbling from the two bundles. I also suspected whom the two bundles were, and was joined by Hikara without a whisper. Jeain: "They are beautiful, are they not husband?" *Taking the two bundles* Terrai: "After everything we went through to get to this point, they should be." Jeain: *Looking at Tsunami* "At the very least, I got to see them together for a little while. How long?" Tsunami: "Not until tonight, enjoy them while you can; and be assured that Hikara will never be found. The lack of strong Jurai energy will not attract attention immediately, so she should be safe from Mulhorand." Terrai: "Then we will enjoy Aleaic and Hikara for the minuscule time that we have. *taking Aleaic* ..the ancestor of Sai`Hon, what a legacy that must hold." Jeain: "Terrai! No.. Aleaic should not se his life as a legacy, it is more part of just being alive. No matter what happens, I want Aleaic to know that he is unique, like Achika spoke of how she wants to treat their child, you remember Terrai?" Terrai: "All too well, I can still see the flushed face of her own husband too.. I wonder how well they did." Tsunami: "Be assure that they have done just as splendidly, I will pass on the compliments for you to the Misaki's if you wish?" Terrai: *smile* "Yes, it would be nice to know if we could, at least something to keep us warm in the coming days ahead." Jeain: "I have to wonder.. *holding Hikara tightly* ..will we ever know if Aleaic and Hikara will know a life without being hunted. *shudders, which causes Hikara to stir* I can't even.. imagine.. if.." Terrai: "No.. *looking between the infant Aleaic, and his scared wife* ..they will know a life without fear. I can almost sense it." Tsunami: *Looks at Terrai and Jeain, and can only give silence; she knows what is coming..* Another short insight into my past, and another feeling of connecting, as now my Mom and Dad joined in with Hikara in feeling a family unity moment. I then realized what was happening, on this most joyous of days, I was seeing the connections of family; along several different lines. I soon realized that Misu, Yoko, and Ibuka had joined the growing circle. As had Arashi and Hidem. What I saw next literally took my breath away. I saw.. the scene change again, and.. it was Jurai. Tsunami spoke up next, and it was the time just after the Battle of Jurai, after my apparent sacrifice of Sentai. The feeling of the atmosphere was dour. Lacking any sense of hope in the air, despite the great victory that had been won. Liberation was tempered with remorse. All around, the scene showed views of ordinary Juraians speaking of the same thing, my sacrifice, my honor. It was almost too much, as I was feeling flushed of seeing images of so many Juraians speaking almost as one. Thankfully I thought, the scene changed to one of the Great Palace Tree; and from there, to the Palace Throne Room. My heart then sank, as I saw that it was the entire Misaki crew, literally bawling over each other in grief. I saw what this was, and I realized, that at the time that my soul must have been directed to the Funaho Tree on Earth, this what was happening on Jurai. Oh gods, I could almost feel ashamed for having somehow lived; and not be on Jurai instead of on Earth. I felt of the fool. Tsunami (the real one), then informed me, that despite the scene in front of me; I should feel no ill towards myself. A song I already understood, but I reflexively fought with anyway. I always felt humbled about who I am, that is my character in a nutshell. So I returned to the scene before all of us, as it changed to the Alcove 0th Generation Level, and I could literally feel the sadness from Tsunami's Tree. I fought against beating myself in the head, when the scene changed yet again, and Mihoshi of all of the gathered YELPED out what this was. It was the day that the miracle of miracles happened. It was apparently early in the morning, as the dawn was only stating to appear. I could feel the wind brush past, as suddenly, a LARGE white flash SLAMMED into the ground, about.. ten kilometers from the view of the Palace. And as the gathered watched, the horizon turned a heavy glow of bluish white. Then I saw many lights from the lower cities begin to illuminate; as a large shockwave of a low, throbbing tremor swept past the viewing spot. Then I saw it, a teal star-speck appeared in front of the Tree, about a kilometer away I guessed, as well as whom the speck was. Then the sky literally erupted in a torrential cascade of lightbeams; as a shadowed mass of.. something began to grow from between the Lightbeams. The display took a full twenty minutes to finish it's initial show, and by then; I recognized the sight before me, the Great Sai`Hon Tree. So.. it was the scene depicting the Tree coming to it's new home. And in the midst of a familiar Royal shuttle lifting from the Palace Tree in the next given scene; a few days later I surmised from the view. I started to grasp of what was being shown to me. The first scene connected me to Sai`Hon and the children of the Lent`it`tos, the second connected me to my own family, the last connected me to my adopted family of the Misaki's. Tenchi then stepped close into the tightening circle; and placed a nearly brotherly hand upon my shoulder. Strange, that his touch would somehow mirror Tsunami's touch there, once upon a long time ago. This simple cube however did more to understand my place with this family. It made me realize that my legacy was of being with family as well. I then asked for Tsunami's hand, and pulled her in close; and while the scene showed the Treeship Azusa approaching Earth, just before I saw the light of Ryu-ou-oh that fateful night; I whispered into Tsui's ear, a loving thank you, one gestured to thank her for being the catalyst for bringing me home. It was from there, that the grand gift portion of Christmas came to a close. There was the grandiose dinner soon after, a late evening snowball fight; a later evening romp in the snow, as new inches fell about. Somewhere along the way, I got trapped, AGAIN! And ended up being a core for a quickly built snowman! Brr.. At least they left my head clear, as the children had their fun; directed by Tsunami and Sasami. After that, as I kept shaking snow from myself. Came some skating under the light of Ryu-ou-oh, and some spontaneous caroling on the ice. Everyone soon adjourned to enjoy some Christmas songs and a few Christmas movies on the wallscreen, beloved cuddling together, or young ones playing or enjoying the atmosphere. As far as I was concerned, it could get any better if we tried. Soon came the late evening hour, as in small groups, we filtered upstairs to bed, many of the children clutching gifts as any kids would do. I led Tsunami to our room, to enjoy our own 'gift' giving. Later, as we lay in bed, I had to ask Tsui, if what I saw in the Dimensional realm was true, if nothing more than to get used to the fact that I was doomed. Tsui snuggled in close, and said to the effect; that my old life was over. I'd better get used to it. The last thing that I thought as I drifted off to the sound of snow pattering the sides of the over extended house was: "I hope this never ends." In ways that I would never imagine, this last breath became the theme for the next 1,000 years; much was to happen, and many revelations to be had. But all that mattered now, was that this was the best Christmas I ever wished for; and I had my gift. Family. (End Part Twenty-Eight)