I dont own Tenchi. This is the complete Dreams Within Dreams Series the way it was ment to be. Tenchi Muyo! >From Here to Eden Part 1 Dreams Within Dreams By Tom "The Nexodus" Sever Prologue 5000 years ago, there was a great nation known as the Veronian Guild. Its might and power rivaled the great Juraian Empire. And at its head was a man with a black heart, Saren Takel. Saren ruled the Guild with an Iron Fist, Destroying all those who came in the guilds path. But the destruction of his enemies was not enough, he wanted power. Saren began to lock himself in the Guilds master library, looking for the ultimate power. It was here that he learned of great powers such as Lady Tokimi, The Tree Goddess Tsunami, The first being, Ra, but only one thing caught his eye. A mystical crystal pyramid known as Varge Alonte, Meaning Center Point in the Ratarien Tongue. The Pyramid lay dormant in the center of the Universe. Inside it, lay the supreme Chrono Splitter. And with it, the power to bend both reality and time. The power to part nebula waves. The power to control the elements, bending them at his own command. The power of invincibility. To open Varge Alonte's doors, he needed two young girls, pure of heart with the blood of Jurai and Veronia flowing throughout their veins. To wield Sarens own power in Varge Altone, He needed both the Master Keys of Jurai and of Veronia.He would also need a Juraian Key tool. This brought Saren and his minions into the great empire of Jurai. His attach was ruthless But it also brought about the full wrath of the Juraian Empire. It was then that Prince Yosho, son of Azusa, picked up his fathers sword. The Guild and the Empire both reached Varge Alonte at the same time, and a battle began immediately. At young Yosho's command, Saren, Enemy to all, was defeated. But Saren wouldn't admit defeat. He had a son, and Saren promised that his son would continue his legacy and become the master of Varge Alonte and the Universe. But Yosho, knowing that Saren's son would one day threaten the universe, locked Varge Alonte's doors with a blood lock using the Power of the Jurai Key, Sword Tenchi. The only way for Varge Alonte to reopen is with Yosho's blood. It will not open aslong as the prince is alive. The map was locked inside the great Shinata Burial Ground. It too could only be opened with Yosho's blood, and the Sword Tenchi. Saren died clutching his son to his chest. His Son was only 4 then, but he knew what his father wanted. And he would do anything to make his father happy. Fact became Legend, Legend became Myth, and things that were never ment to be forgotten were lost. The Sword Tenchi Disappeared, along with Yosho, during the seige of Jurai. They both vanished without a trace. But then, the Sword was found by the most unlikly of people. a teenage country boy named Tenchi Masaki found the sword in a cave. The Sword opened the doors to a new adventure and Tenchi was the only hope for the universe as the son of Saren takes his claim. A dark figure looked out at the blue sphere in deep space. The Earth. Soon, it would be his time. He would steal the blue Jewel away from the Jurai. The Jurai has caused him so much pain. Especially that boy. The boy with the brown eyes. The boy that can generate the Light Hawk Wings. Now is the time to strike. Ayeka awoke to the sounds of yelling and fussing. It was way to early for this, she thought. As she descended the stairs from her room, she saw Ryoko squeezing Tenchi. Ayeka immediately got pissed. "Ryoko, get away from him." She yelled. Ryoko, still holding Tenchi shot an electric glare at the Princess. "Mind your own business Princess," Ryoko began. She made a smile at Tenchi as she looked at the Princess. "Tenchi and I were just going to have some fun." Ayeka started to walk closer the Ryoko. She was ready to send Ryoko to the moon. "Fun!" Exclaimed Ayeka. "He doesn't look like he wants to have fun with you, you guttertrash tramp!" Ryoko gave the Juraian princess an icy stare. "What Was That You Said." Tenchi couldn't believe that the girls where starting the day like this. He desperately tried to escape Ryoko's loving and bear-like embrace. Tenchi was caught deep in the crossfire. Very Deep. Ayeka looked at Ryoko with as she made her way closer. She had one of her psycho grins. "I said," Ayeka began. "You Guttertrash Tramp!" Ryoko beared her fangs at the Princess. Ayeka had crossed the line. Normally, Ryoko would have the sense to let what ever the princess say just slide past her, but now this was personal. Ryoko ran over to Ayeka while she still held Tenchi. "That's it!" Ryoko yelled. "Come here you bitch!" Ryoko, still holding Tenchi began to chase Ayeka around the house. Tenchi, being the only voice of reason left, decided to try to stop them. "Please Stop it Girls." Tenchi yelled. "You're going to blow up the house again!" but Tenchi's words fell on deaf ears. Ryoko and Ayeka where battle ready, and both wanted a piece of each other. Sasami came out of the Kitchen to tell everybody that breakfast was ready. Walked next to Sasami while she was in her Humanoid form. "Breakfast is Ready Every one." Sasami said cheerfully. "I made." and then Sasami stopped. She knew what was going to happen. "Uh Oh." Was all she could say. Ryo-Oki grabbed Sasami and ran with her to the backyard. Both ducked for cover and placed their hands on their ears. Ayeka decided that now was the time to attach Ryoko. She stopped running and raised as many log shields as she could. "I'm going to teach you a lesson once in for all Ryoko!" Ayeka stared at Ryoko as electricity began to fill the room. Ryoko laughed at the past remark. "Any Time." Ryoko said. She activated an energy ball in her free hand. Tenchi began to panic. Both girls weren't listening to him at all. I'm Dead, was all Tenchi thought as they attached one another. "PREPARE TO DIE!" Ayeka yelled "UP YOURS YOUR ROYAL BITCHINESS!" Ryoko charged. And then there was a bright light. Those two are at it again was the only thing Kyone thought as she saw the massive explosion. Kyone was on patrol with Mihoshi when she saw the explosion, and what an explosion. If the energy beam that shot out of the earth was pointed in the opposite direction, then the resident officers would have to find a new apartment on another planet. As Kyone stared at the blast, she wondered what it was this time. The last bowl of ramen noodles, Arguing over who was going to go into the bath first, or the usual fight over Tenchi, It didn't matter to the police officer, but she really needed to figure out how to get a good promotion to get away from that hell hole, and to get away from her greatest fear. Mihoshi. It is common to have Mihophobia, just not as bad as Kyone has it. All of a sudden, the command consul began to beep uncontrollably "Kyone, its a distress call." Mihoshi cried. As Kyone began to answer the call, she was shocked at how Mihoshi just sounded. That's a first, Kyone thought. Mihoshi was actually paying attention more then me. Kyone answered the call. "This is Detective 1st class Kyone of the galaxy police," She began. "Please respond." She couldn't hear any thing for a minute or two, but then she heard a loud garble of speech and static. "Ple_se _elp us!" The voice yelled. Kyone was having trouble trying to understand some of the words. The message continued. "W_ are being A_tacked by s_ome te_rible man in a _igantic shi_! P_lease R_e_pond. Lo_ing Con______" and then, there was nothing but static. Whoever made the call was really in trouble, Kyone thought. She tried to respond. "Please repeat the Message." Kyone yelled into the speaker. No answer. This frustrated Kyone. The message said something about a giant attack ship. "Damnit. Mihoshi, trace that message." Mihoshi gave a GP solute to Kyone. "Yes Sir." Kyone looked out of the viewport and thought to herself. I hope we can save those people in time. "I don't want to tell you two one more time." Tenchi began. "I don't want you to fight each other period! No Energy Blasts. No Log Shields. No Vaporizing Particle Beams!" Ryoko, Ayeka and Tenchi where standing outside of what was the Masaki Residence. The giant household was now nothing but ash and wood. Ryoko and Ayeka looked down at the ground in shame as Tenchi continued to scold them. "But Tenchi." The Girls said in Unison. Tenchi stopped them before they could get another word out. "No Buts got it." Tenchi said. "Now I want you to go and think about what you two did, I'm going to ask Washu to build a new house. Hopefully it'll be Ryoko and Ayeka Proof!" And with that, Tenchi walked into the only thing that was left standing of the house, the utility closet. The Girls both went to the Onsen. As the Girls washed of the burnt marks, they sat in silence. Ayeka was the first to break the silence. "I hope you know this is your fault." Said a slightly singed Ayeka. Ryoko couldn't believe what Ayeka just said. It was as if she had just farted in church. "My Fault," Ryoko shot back. "Tenchi and I were just having fun while you went all gung-ho on us." Ryoko and Ayeka continued to scrub. Ayeka shrugged of Ryoko's last Comment. "Whatever." The Princess began. "I don't want to talk to you right now." Ryoko agreed entirely "Fine" was all that the space pirate said for the rest of the morning. Kyone and Mihoshi arrived to the outer reaches of Pluto. They where looking at what was once a Terrafarming project. It was now a crater the size of Texas. "What do you think Kyone?" asked Mihoshi with her classic I don't know were I am, who I am, and where I came from face. Kyone was astonished by the damage. "I'm not sure." Kyone began. "There was supposed to be a terra farming plantation on the north side of Pluto, but there is nothing." Remembered what the message they had gotten earlier said. A giant ship. "They message said that a giant ship attacked them. I don't think a Pirate Warbird did this." Mihoshi tried to look at the bright side of the crater "Maybe they went on vacation." The GP Detective stated. Kyone shook her head. "I don't think they just upped and left," Kyone began. "And that call is just too disturbing." Mihoshi, get me a spectral analysis." Mihoshi nodded "Ok. I hope this is the right button." and so Mihoshi pushed a single button that Kyone was hoping wouldn't send here into the vacuum of space. "All right, I pushed the right button." Thank you god thought Kyone as she checked the analysis. It was the normal stuff she saw except for one thing. It was a large ship trail, one she had never even seen. This surprised Kyone cause she knew what every ships spectral trail. "Mihoshi according to this," Kyone began. "The entire plantation was vaporized. Also, There is a spectral trail just above the site. I've never seen anything this big." Mihoshi looked at the screen. She knew what the ship was. "Oh wow, it looks just like the Soja," said Mihoshi. Kyone looked at Mihoshi with a raised eyebrow. "What did you just say Mihoshi." Kyone said. "I said that it looks like the Soja." Kyone Stared at the Trail for a few minutes. She had never seen anything like. She tried to remember where she heard the name Soja before. She tried to place a name with the ship. And then, like a speeding bullet, it hit her. "Oh my god." Kyone said. "He's alive. Kagato is alive. And according to this trail. Oh no." Mihoshi looked at her partner with a scared expression. She wanted to ask Kyone what it meant, but she couldn't do it. Then she finally took a deep breath and asked. "What is it Kyone?" Kyone stared at the monitor. It wasn't the fact that it was Kagato that scared her, it was the fact that she knew the Soja's Destination. "Mihoshi." Kyone said with a tremble in her voice. "Set course for the Earth." Tenchi stood in a giant room filled with machines, Giant Tubes, and monitors. Infront of Tenchi was the caretaker of the massive facility. A girl with long red hair. She looked 15 years old, but was in actuality over 2000 years old. She was Washu, the greatest Scientific Genius in the Universe. Tenchi asked the Genius with unease in his voice. "Please little Washu," Tenchi began. "Could you please rebuild my house?" Washu looked at Tenchi with a large sly grin. "Tenchi, you know what I want in return." Said Washu. Tenchi began to sweat. He knew what she wanted, but he was so afraid. Tenchi decided to come up with an alternative. "Oh Man." Tenchi began. "Can't you just take my blood instead." Washu just kept looking at Tenchi with that same face. "I have enough of that." Washu said. Tenchi began to sweat even more. He needed to get out of the lab as fast as possible, or he would go insane. "Please Little Washu, please just fix the house." Tenchi pleaded. Washu decided that Playtime was over. She smiled back at Tenchi. "Well," Washu Began. "Since you asked so nicely and you called me Little Washu, I'll do it," This made Tenchi very happy. "But You'll have to give me an IOU for You Know what." Tenchi was sweating even harder. But at least she wasn't going to probe him. "Ok." Washu loved to mess with Tenchi's Mind. It was one of her favorite hobbies. Tenchi was so much like a comic book character with his reactions. Washu decided not to ever get the sample because she loves Tenchi's reaction to that Idea the Most. Anyway, Washu decided to stop looking at Tenchi and focus on the task at hand. She already had the blueprints to the house and she had to commend Nobiyuki for his designs. They were excellent. And with a flick of Washu's wrist and the press of a button, the house appeared. "All done." Washu said. Tenchi smiled and his perspiration stopped. "Thank you Little Washu." Tenchi said "Don't worry about it Tenchi." Tenchi was at the dock looking for Ayeka and Ryoko. He was going to tell them that he was sorry if he hurt their feelings and see if they were getting along but they weren't there. "Ryoko, Ayeka. It's going to rain soon. Ayeka, Ryoko. Where could they be." "Where could they be you wonder." came a voice behind Tenchi. Tenchi froze. He knew that voice. He knew it to well. It was the man who tried to kill him and the girls a year ago. But it can't be him, Tenchi thought. Tenchi began to turn around as it began to rain. Tenchi stared at what he thought was a ghost. A voice from the past. "Kagato." was all Tenchi said as he stared at the being he hated the most. "But your.." "Dead." Kagato said. "You really are pathetic if you thought you killed me. Didn't you think it was odd? How I stood there and dissolved. How I didn't have a painful expression on my face. How there was no blood. You Idiot it was just a shadow. I'm not that weak. The Jurai cannot harm me. You cannot harm me!" And with that, Kagato grabbed Tenchi's Neck and began to squeeze. Tenchi couldn't breath. Kagato's grip was viselike. All he could think was before he died, he wished he could apologize to Ryoko and Ayeka for all the times he's yelled at them. As his life flashed before his eyes, he saw his mother, when he released Ryoko, The fights with Kagato and Dr. Clay. Tenchi wanted to be free. He wanted Kagato to let go. Then, all of a sudden, Kagato let go. Tenchi was on the Ground Gasping for air as the dark shadow stood above him. "You're not going to die, yet. I have plans for you, son of Jurai." Then, Kagato just stood there and began to laugh that Maniacal Laugh. This was Tenchi's chance. He had to contact Ayeka and Ryoko. Sasami wondered where everybody was. She had been alone in the house for some time now. She heard a small Ruckus come from the back yard so she decided to investigate. Figuring that it was Ayeka and Ryoko, She grabbed a tray with several western orderves that she made. It was her first attempt at western cooking so she wanted some people to taste it. She also thought that it could stop Ryoko and Ayeka from fighting for several minutes. But as she looked out the window, she saw a shadow from the past. She Gasped and dropped the tray. She thought Kagato was gone, but he was there, and he was, standing above a fallen Tenchi. Before she could think, she yelled. "Tenchi!" Sasami yelled. She ran to Tenchi, Crying his name. Kagato saw the little princess running towards her. She's just whom I wanted, he thought. As she ran, Kagato lifted his free arm and Sasami froze. She couldn't move a muscle. Kagato then lifted his arm, and then Sasami was floating in mid air. All Tenchi could do was try to contact Tenchi. "Tenchi," The little Princess yelled. "Please get up! I can't move. Tenchi!" Kagato continued to stare at the little Princess. "Well well," Kagato Began," If it isn't Princess Sasami, or should I say Tsunami Unit!" Sasami's eyes widened. How could he know, Sasami thought. She just floated there and stared at the Evil Genius. "How did you know?" Sasami called out. "How can you be alive Kagato?" Kagato smiled and brushed his hair out of his face. "I'm not ignorant, little girl." Kagato said. "I could easily detect Tsunami's energy resonating from your body. As for the second question, I'll save that for another time." Ryo-Oki was watching the whole thing as it transpired. The Cabbit knew she had to do one thing. She had to get Ryoko and Ayeka. With that knowledge, the Cabbit ran in the direction that Ryoko was The Masaki Shrine. "Mihoshi, we have to hurry!" Kyone yelled. They had been racing for the earth for the last 3 hours, but she was afraid that they would be too late. "But Kyone," Mihoshi began. "The Yagami can't take much more pressure. If we go any fast we'll get there in peace's." Kyone sweared a silent swear as she stared at the little blue ball ahead of her. She had to do something. "Damnit," Kyone cursed. "Kagato has to be there by now." She got up and ran to the door of the cockpit. She turned and looked at Mihoshi. "Mihoshi, continue on the course. "What are you going to do?" Mihoshi asked. Kyone took a deep breath. "I'm going to contact Washu and alert her of the situation." She began. "Maybe she can warn Tenchi before its to late." And with that, she made sprint through the door. At the shrine, Ayeka and Ryoko where still arguing over the recent arguments. "I still think it was your fault Ryoko." Ryoko stared at Ayeka as she continued to work. It was their day to clean the shrine. She couldn't believe that the Princess was still going off on what had happened earlier. She stopped sweeping for a minute to look at Ayeka. "Why cant you just give it up and keep sweeping." Ryoko said. Ayeka stood tall and tried to make herself look like the Goddess Althena or something like that. "Because," The Princess began. "I want to prove to Lord Tenchi that it was all your fault to begin with." Ryoko couldn't believe what Ayeka just said. She looked at Ayeka as if the little Princess had just farted in church. "Don't you remember what Tenchi said." Ryoko began. "He said no more fighting. And I for one am at least going to try to do what Tenchi's told me to do." Ryoko continued to look down at the Princess. "I swear Ayeka, Mihoshi isn't that dense." That was the last straw. Ayeka threw her broom to the ground and began to make a sound similar to growling. "What Was That You Said?!" Ayeka demanded. Ryoko continued to look at the Princess, except now she was having a hard time keeping from laughing. The space Pirate decided to answer the princess. "I said" Ryoko began, almost taunting the princess. "That Mihoshi wasn't that dense, your royal Pain in the Ass!" Ayeka's eyes began to generate electricity. That's it." Ayeka yelled. She began to roll her sleeves up as she stomped towards Ayeka. The two stood there and began to get into their battle stances, but they where halted by the myaing of a familiar Cabbit. "Mya, Mya Myaaa!" came a very urgent Cabbit. The girls looked down at her hand both wondered what the intrusion was for. "Ryo-Oki. What is it." Both girls said in unison, with a slight agitation. The Cabbit began to jump up wildly as she yelled to them. "MYA MYAMYA MYAAA MMMYYYAAA!" Ryoko understood every Mya while Ayeka was in the dark. As soon as Ryoko heard the message, she immediately froze. Her face no longer had that carefree look. It was replaced by a look of horror. Immediately, she looked at the sky, to search for evidence to the message. And there it was. In plain site. It was the Soja. "It can't be!" Ryoko muttered as she stared in awe of the vessel. It was something she hadn't wanted to see ever again in her entire life. It was the ship that enslaved her many years ago. But now it was even bigger. Ryo-Oki continued her message to Her bigger sister. Ryoko immediately looked toward the small cabbit for more info, but what she heard, struck her like a bullet. She flew into the air. "Kagato!" The space pirate called out. "Tenchi, I'm coming!" and with that, she darted toward the house as fast as she could fly. Ayeka heard the word Kagato and immediately Ran in the Direction that Ryoko was heading. "Wait for me Ryoko!" the Princess called out. Kagato was enjoying the scene before him. He hadn't been so entertained all his life. He wanted to wait for Ryoko to show up, so he could mock her by taking away the one thing she cherished. Suddenly he felt the Presence of another. He turned around to find a teal-haired Galaxy Police Officer pointing a blaster at his face. The officer began to speak. "Kagato! I am first class detective Kyone. Put them down this instant!" Kagato shrugged of her orders and began to smile. "I was hoping that Ryoko would be the first to challenge me." Kagato began. "This suprises me." Kyone continued to point the blaster at his face. "I repeat," Kyone began. "If you don't put them down this instant, I will arrest you." Kagato threw his head back and began to Laugh. It chilled Kyone to the bone. She continued to hold her blaster up. "You have no authority in this matter, Officer Kyone." Kagato began. "As I recall, my warrant expired the day of my death." "But I can arrest you." Kyone continued to level the gun to his head. If he isn't going to put them down soon, Kyone thought, then I'm going to have to kill him. Kyone opened fire. The first shot just slide over Kagatos head like a drop of water. She continued to fire, but every shot would bounce of his head. It wasn't long before Kyone ran out of Ammo. Kagato began to laugh. And at that moment, Ryoko, Ayeka, and Washu all entered the picture that Kagato was painting. "Kagato!" Ryoko yelled. This caused Kagato to laugh even more. He enjoyed tormenting his former Puppet. "If you don't put them down I'll kill you." Ryoko generated her Energy sword. Kagato continued to smile. "If you take one step closer," Kagato began. "Then Tenchi and Sasami will become a distant memory." Ryoko froze. She immediately turned her sword of. "Good." Kagato continued. "Now, I'm taking these two with me. You can follow if you wish but I must warn you that you will experience a painful death. Ryoko, Normally I would allow you to return with me but now I'd say that the pain of losing Your Tenchi is far to worse. I'll be in the Gemini Star with these two jewels of Jurai, if you wish to follow. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" and with that, Kagato disappeared with Tenchi and Sasami. Ryoko looked at were they were and a single tear rolled down here left cheek. There was only one thing she could do right then and there. "KKKKAAAGGGAAATTTOOO!!!" She screamed into the rainy October sky. Ayeka was scared. She couldn't think of the pain that Sasami and Tenchi were going through. Kyone angrily threw her pistol to the ground. She just let her Promotion go through the crapper, along with Tenchi and Sasami. The Detective looked at Washu "Washu, is there any thing we can do?" Kyone asked. Washu put her hands on her hips and responded. "Of course there is," The Genius said. "We go after them." Tenchi Masaki finally caught his breath. He had no recollection of what had just happened and he couldn't move. Where am I, Tenchi thought? Oh no, Where's Sasami? Tenchi looked around at his surroundings. He was held by large metallic restraints on a wall in a large spherical chamber. In the room were 3 trees. Jurai Energy Tree's. And in the middle lay Sasami, chained to the floor. "Sasami! Can you hear me Sasami?" Tenchi called out her name as if it meant life or death. And it did. She didn't respond. Tenchi was completely afraid of what was about to transpire. Suddenly, he heard a voice. "Tenchi!" It was Sasami, she was alive. Tenchi burst into tears, knowing that she was alive meant a lot. They could still escape. He heard her voice again, this time it was trembling. "Tenchi, I'm scared." Tenchi lowered his head. He had to think of a way to get out of there. But first, he had to help Sasami. He decided to comfort her with words. "Don't worry, Sasami," Tenchi called out. "I'll get you out some way or another." But suddenly, Tenchi heard the voice of his capture. "Do you really think you can escape Soja?" Kagato said. Tenchi looked around for the owner of the voice, but found nothing. He decided to call Kagato out. "Kagato," Tenchi shouted. "Were Are You! Show Your Self!" All of a sudden, then entire room was silent. Tenchi couldn't hear anything. Then, the silence was broke by Kagato insane laughter. After the laughing died, he heard a response. "I'm all around you Tenchi." Kagato said. "I'm going to enjoy this." Tenchi closed his eyes, trying to figure out where the voice was coming from, but he couldn't. It was coming from every direction he could think of. "What are you going to do to use?" Tenchi called out. "I might as well tell you." Kagato began. "I'm going to use your three light Hawk wings, along with the three wings of these Juraian trees to extract Tsunami from Sasami." Tenchi gasped. Can it be done? Sasami began to cry. He could hear her trying to suppress her tears. Kagato continued. "I hope it doesn't kill you two. I'd rather do that as slow as possible. I want you to beg for mercy. I will enjoy killing you." Tenchi couldn't believe what he was saying. "Kagato," Tenchi yelled. "I swear on my Mothers Grave that I will Make You pay for this!" Kagato wouldn't respond. He was enjoying every minute of this. He decided to end the conversation. Tenchi heard Kagato's insane laugh one more time before there was silence. Ryoko stared at the raining night sky. The same group of images running through her mind as if it were the 100-meter dash. The look on Tenchi's Face as Kagato laughed. The evil in Kagato's voice. She's heard that evil before. She hated that evil. It was that evil which caused her to destroy. Which caused her to kill. Never again Ryoko thought. Never again will I let Kagato try to destroy my life. Never again will Kagato attack her or her friends. Never again will he hurt her Tenchi. "NEVER AGAIN!" Ryoko Yelled. Her Cry of anger could be heard for Miles around. Ryoko phased into her battle suit. "Kagato will NEVER AGAIN HURT MY TENCHI!" And with a blink of her eye, she Teleported away. Ayeka looked over to were Ryoko just was. For the First time in her life, she felt sorry for the Demon, and for the first time in her life she agreed completely with Ryoko. "Ryoko is right." The Princess said. Tears were falling of her face. Ayeka looked up in the Sky with Vengeful eyes. As if to stare a hole through the space time continuum. She wanted her sister back. Kagato doesn't have the right to take Tenchi and Sasami from Ayeka. She looked over at Kyone. "Kyone," The Princess began. "I want you to prepare the Yagami for Take off." The princess then looked in the direction of Mihoshi. "Mihoshi, get my Brother." Ayeka commanded. "We might need his help." Washu ran to her lab, calling back to the others as she went. "I'm going to get some gear." The redheaded scientist yelled. "We may need it." Washu ran as fast as she could. She knew that now was not the time to make jokes. It was very serious. She had to save her greatest Guinypig from that Devil, Kagato. She just hoped she could be able to stand against Kagato. And she also hoped that it wasn't too late. Tenchi struggled against his bonds with all the strength he could muster. But it was no good. The more he tried, the more energy he lost. He decided that it would be better to conserve his energy. Damn it, Tenchi thought. There's got to be something I can do. I have to get Sasami out of here. She's just a little girl. Damnit. Tenchi looked over at where the young princess lay. She was trembling with fear. He decided to talk to her. To comfort her. "Sasami?" Tenchi said. The Princess stopped shaking enough to listen to Tenchi. "Yes Tenchi." Sasami replyed. Tenchi was happy to know that the Princess was ok. So far. Tenchi began to take deep breaths and meditated with the skills his grandfather taught him. It wasn't long before Tenchi was no longer nervous. Tenchi then held his breath when he noticed that Sasami was shaking uncontrollably. She's just a little girl, Tenchi thought. Even if she is Tsunami, she doesn't know how to handle the situation they are in. He decided to talk to her, to make her feel better. "Sasami." Tenchi began. "I promise, I'll get us out of here. Don't worry. It'll be all right." Sasami stopped shaking. She began to take deeper, longer breaths to calm her nerves. "I hope so." Sasami said. For the first time truly in Sasami's life, she was terrified beyond belief. Tsunami won't speak to her. She doesn't know where she is or how she got there. All she knows is that Tenchi is with her and so is Kagato. She heard the whole conversation earlier with Tenchi and Kagato. Kagato mentioned using the Light Hawk Wings to separate Sasami from Tsunami. This scared Sasami even more. What if it kills me, Sasami said. What if I seize to exist? All Sasami knew was that Tenchi was with her. Tenchi would help her escape. Tenchi would save her. She broke the silence. "Tenchi?" Sasami said. Tenchi looked over at Sasami. "Yeah Sasami." Tenchi asked. Sasami began to take slow deep breaths. "I want to go home." The Princess said. Tenchi couldn't agree more. He just wishes that he could rewind back to this morning. Correct that. He wants to go back to yesterday afternoon, before his house was vaporized. Tenchi responded to Sasami's wish. "So do I Sasami. So do I." Tenchi said. He then went to sleep. Flew as fast as she could through the depth of space. She had forgotten Ryo-oki, but it didn't matter. All that mattered was Tenchi and Sasami, and Ryoko would fly to the very center of the universe just for Tenchi. As Ryoko continued, she pondered what Kagato wanted. She knew he wanted Tsunami, but why Tenchi. The question raced throughout her head as she continued to fly. Why did this have to happen, Ryoko asked herself. But it was no time to ask questions. She wasn't out just to save Tenchi, She was out for blood as well. It was time for her to take out her former master once and for all. "I'm coming Tenchi." Ryoko yelled. "Kagato, Were I'm going to send you will be far worse then any thing in Hell." And then, Ryoko began to fly even faster as she flew past Jupitor. The girls where riding in the Yagami, on their way to fight Kagato. Ayeka looked over at her brother. "I'm glad you came, Yosho," said Ayeka, already in her battle Fatigues. Yosho, known as Lord Katsuhito on Earth, looked over at his younger Half sister. He hadn't had a chance to have a real conversation with her for some time. The man Yosho, the Juraian Prince. Most people looked at the Lord Katsuhito like he was in his Seventies. He looked like it, but only his mother, the Lady Funaho of Jurai, knew that his appearance was a disguise. "I had to come." Yosho said. "I can't just sit back and watch this fight. Tenchi and Sasami must be saved. It is for the future of Jurai and the Earth that those two don't die." Yosho looked at Ayeka with a smile. "Besides, I haven't had a real challenge in a long time." "Can you quit your blabbering and focus on the problem at hand!" yelled a very agitated Washu. She had set up a small table in the Yagami's cockpit and on it, she had an old blueprint of the first Soja. She was praying that Kagato's knew Soja was just like his first. "Ok, this is the plan." The red headed Scientist began. "Tenchi should be with Sasami so that should slow down our search. Kyone and I will find Tenchi and Sasami and free them. Ayeka and Yosho will confront Kagato. Hopefully Ryoko will show up and you can triple team him." Washu looked over at Mihoshi. "Mihoshi will stay on the ship so we can get away in a hurry if we have too. Kyone will take Sasami to the Yagami while myself and Tenchi will meet up with you guys and help fight Kagato." Mihoshi, sitting in her chair, let out a small giggle, the rest of the crew looked at her with raised eyebrows. When Mihoshi stopped, she noticed that everybody was paying attention to her. Washu was the first to speak. "What is it?" "I was just thinking." Mihoshi said. "This isn't that hard after all." The entire crew facefaulted. Ayeka got up and immediately got in Mihoshi's face. "Simple for you." Ayeka yelled. "We have to do the hard work." Kyone looked out the main View port and saw the Soja. It was bigger then anything she had ever seen. It was even bigger then the GP headquarters. Well, Kyone thought, Somebody does appreciate the fact that size does matter. She looked back to see Ayeka still yelling at Mihoshi. She decided to break up. "Enough Arguing people," Kyone said. "We're approaching the Soja." The others stopped to look out the view port. There it was, big as life and twice as ugly. It was huge. Washu stared at her former prison. She never wanted to come back to the hellhole, but now she was forced to do it. Kagato was sitting in his throne room, around him, was a lavish display of artwork he had collected. Behind him, a fine Organ. He was looking at the tiny ship through his giant viewscreen. Such a small ship, he thought, but even the smallest of ships can cause trouble. I mustn't underestimate my enemy's. The last time I did that, I lost my first Soja. To his right was his one and only henchman, or Henchwomen. Her name was D. Simply D. D was a Biosynthetic Android built by the late doctor Leonhart. She was his last masterpiece, before Kagato killed him for his work. Kagato to send D to do his bidding. She looked like Ryoko, the same size and figure, but her hair was shorter and Black, compared to Ryoko's Long Silver hair. Her eyes where completely black. D realized that when he returned to earth, he would need a new assistant. The Doctor wouldn't give her to him, so he killed him and took her. He promised that when D earned his respect, she would be able to see her "Father" again. "D," Kagato began. He stood up from his throne and began to walk out of the room. "I leave these pest's to you. Activate the defense cannons, I'll be in the chamber." "Yes, lord Kagato." D said. Kagato stepped out of his Throne Room and made his way to the Separation chamber. It was a long walk, but he wanted to pace himself. He would be the victor of this day. This brought a smile to his face. It wasn't long before he stood by the command Console of the Separation chamber. He looked into the videomoniter and saw his treasures. He decided to get their attention with a Laugh. Tenchi awoke to the Sounds of Kagato's Cackle ripping into his skull. It was very loud. He tried to clutch his ears, but then he remembered that he was bound to the wall. He looked around for the owner of the voice, but found nothing. "Kagato." Was all Tenchi could say. Suddenly, the floor around Sasami began to glow. Sasami noticed this and immediately screamed. And then Tenchi heard the Voice of Evil once again. "Well know," Kagato began. "Let us begin." Kagato Slowly began to twist a knob on the Conceal. He watched in awe as the room got brighter and brighter. "You bastard," Tenchi Cursed. "Let Sasami go." Kagato just stood there and laughed some more. The room filling with Laughter and Light. Tenchi's arms began to hurt. "I can't do that." Kagato began. A smile grew on his face even bigger then the last one he wore. "By the way." The evil Scientist began. "You will feel some momentary discomfort." and with that He flipped the main Power Switch to the Electric Generator. Tenchi closed his eyes to avoid blinding himself as his body began to smoke. Tenchi yelled for Sasami "Sasami! Close Your Eyes!" Sasami instantly closed her eyes. She was in incredible pain from the high Voltage. Her Body shaking like never before. Tenchi continued to call Sasami. "SASAMI! HANG ON! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" And then Tenchi's Forehead began to glow uncontrollably. "Incoming! Brace for impact!" Yelled Kyone. The Yagami just got hit for the fourth time. The Ship rocked back and forth by every incoming blast. The power cells in the main Engine were almost dead. Mihoshi began to yell uncontrollably. "Kyone, The shields cant take much more of this." Yelled Mihoshi. Kyone clenched her teeth as they were hit a fifth time. "Tell me something I don't know." Kyone Shouted. And then Kyone looked out side at the Soja. There it was. Perhaps the largest Cannon she had ever seen in her career and it was pointing directly at her. "Oh My God." was the only thing she could say before the dark Vacuum of Space became as bright as the brightest Corona. Ryoko stopped her flight when she saw it. The brightest flash she's ever seen. Bright enough to blind a normal person. She knew that the Soja was there, but now she was very worried about that Flash. She Started to Fly faster then she ever thought possible. "Tenchi, Hang On!" The Space Pirate called out. "I hope I'm not too late." Kagato stood there, amazed at his handy work. The Process was Amazing. Breathtaking. "It's working, just as the Theory stated." Kagato Began. "Twelve Wings at Full power can absorb energy. Perfect." Tenchi was hurting. Hurting badly. His wings were activated and he still hurt. All Tenchi could do was lay there and Pray that he survives. Pray that he and Sasami make it. He looked into the middle of the room and Sasami was glowing. The entire room was so bright. Then it stopped. The wings. The hurting. The Light. All gone. Tenchi slowly looked up. He was smoking. Tenchi then looked at Sasami. Until that moment in time, Tenchi thought he'd seen every thing. But nothing in life prepared him for this. In the center of the room lay an unconscience Sasami, and above her stood Tsunami. That was the last thing Tenchi saw before he passed out. Tenchi Masaki couldn't see. All he could possibly see was white, that's all. Tenchi was hurting. The last thing he could recall was a burst of electricity, a maniacal laugh, and a glowing goddess. Tenchi tried to look around, but it was impossible. "Where am I", he said. Nobody answered. Tenchi began to panic. He couldn't remember what happened and new something was terribly terribly wrong. Am I, am I dead, thought Tenchi. No, that cant be. Tenchi began to wonder what was really going on. He also knew he needed help. Suddenly, he heard a voice "Tenchi." The voice spoke his name. It was soft and sweet. Tenchi recognized the voice, but couldn't place it. It was a voice he hadn't heard for a very long time. He thought back to when he was a kid, and then he finally remembered. Tears slowly began to drip from his eyes. Tenchi knew who it was, and he decided to call out her name. "Mom? Mom is that you?" Tenchi yelled. He knew she was there, but he couldn't see her. The mother he lost when He was a child. And then, in a brilliant flash of light. She appeared. She looked just the same as when he was a child. Much older then the girl he saved from the evil Kain. "Yes Tenchi," Lady Atchika Began. "Its me. Don't worry, you're not dead, just unconscience." Tenchi looked at her with a raised eyebrow. If he wasn't dead, then how could he see her? Tenchi decided to ask that very question. "Then what are you doing here?" Atchika smiled as she looked at her Tenchi. "Tenchi, I'm here to be your guide." Tenchi was even more in the dark. Why would he need a guide? It wasn't like he was really going anywhere. "My, My Guide." Tenchi asked. "Yes." Atchika said. "I'm here to guide you out of this coma. Perhaps, you'll learn more about yourself in the process. Come with me." Tenchi began to follow his mother. He had no idea what was going to happen but he knew his mother wouldn't hurt him. The surroundings began to take shape. I went from white to something like Technicolor. Then, Tenchi knew were he was. Out side the cave. The one were he freed Ryoko one year ago. "This is were we will begin." Atchika said. The Yagami floated in Dark nothingness. There was nothing. No Stars. No Planets. No Soja. Nothing. Washu wiped the sweat of her forehead. "That was close." Commented Washu. "We almost bite the farm back there." Ayeka looked at Washu with a questioning smile on her face. "Miss. Washu, where are we." asked an almost agitated Ayeka. Washu stood up from her seat and folded her arms infront of her chest. The crew of the Yagami all looked at the Small Scientist for an answer. "Subspace." Washu said. "How in the blue hell did we end up in subspace?" Kyone asked. "I mean, it's impossible without a Subspacial Transceiver." Washu looked at the Teal-heard Detective. She was almost tempted to turn Kyone into a water sprite, but she was the only dependable pilot on the Ship. So, she decided to answer her question. "I built a subspace transporter that would activate if I was ever in any real danger." Washu began. "I used the transporter on the Yagami so that if the ship was about to be toast, I would use my brain waves to teleport the ship into subspace." Washu let a very large grin cover her face. "You may all bow down before my greatness." Kyone raised her eyebrow at the red-haired scientist. "That's nice Washu," Kyone began "But how exactly do we get out of here." Washu was about to tell her but then, she thought of something. Then, her eyes went wide as a giant sweat drop appeared on her forehead. "Oops." Washu said, still sweating. Ayeka began to panic along with the rest of the crew. Mihoshi spaced out right there. Kyone face faulted and Yosho just sate there, meditating. Ayeka ran over to Washu and began to violently shake the Scientist. "What do you mean oops?" Asked a Frantic Ayeka. Washu tried to stop the Crazed Princess, but it was no use. When angered, the Princess's Strength and Speed are increased a thousand fold. "I built a Transporter that can take us into Subspace," Washu began. "But it never occurred to me that I would need a way out." The Crew face Faulted again, including Yosho. Ayeka stopped Shaking Washu and began to choke her. Washu `s face instantly turned a bright blue. Kyone jumped out of her seat and tried to pull the Princess from the Scientist. Kyone instantly grabbed the Sedative from Washu's emergency medical kit and ran to the Princess. "Sorry about this your highness." Kyone began. "But we need her alive." And with that, she jammed the needle into Ayeka's Rear. The Princess immediately let go of Washu and fell asleep. Washu rubbed her neck. It was red. "Thank you Kyone." Washu said. "You can thank me by getting us the hell out of here." And with that, Washu agreed. Tenchi was standing next to his mother at the Cave. He had been here many times before, but this time, something was different. He knew something was different but he just couldn't place it. Tenchi's mother, the Lady Atchika, Began to speak. "Tenchi. Look at this image." Achika said. "What do you see." Tenchi continued to look at the Image before him. "It's the cave." He began. "Looks like the way it always does." Atchika shook her head. Tenchi knew he must of giving her a wrong answer. Atchika began to speak. "You see the cave," She began. "But look closer. Do you see anything important." Tenchi began to look harder. Suddenly, images began to slowly appear at the cave. He began to see him self as a young boy, playing around the cave. This surpassed Tenchi. He wasn't expecting this. "I see myself, as a child, playing near the cave." Tenchi began. "Grandpa always said never to go near it but like most boys that age, I was full of curiosity. I always wanted to go in there. To see what the demon looked like." Atchika sat down on one of the larger rocks. "You did go in there." She said. Tenchi nodded his head in agreement. "Your right." He began. "One year ago. I'll never forget that day. The day I met Ryoko. It was also the day that my adventures began. I owe alot to Ryoko." Tenchi thought back to the fun he's had with the Girls, all because of him Releasing Ryoko. "You came here every time we visited father." Atchika began. A small tear trickled down her cheek. "I loved to watch you play. It was one of my pastimes. I want to show you something Tenchi." Achika waved her hand and the scenery began to change. "I want to show you your greatest power." The scenery stopped moving. Tenchi saw it. The day his mother died. Tenchi saw himself as a child, sitting on the rock crying his eyes out, but it was what was next to him that shocked him the most. Ryoko was sitting next to the crying Tenchi, Comforting him. In Ryoko's eyes, Tenchi saw tears. Ryoko was crying for him. "Ryoko was always there. When you played, she played with you. When you slept, she watched over you. And when you wept, she did, too. Tenchi Masaki. Your greatest power isn't in a sword or even a Light Hawk Wing. It was your heart. Ryoko knew this. She wants to be with you for your heart. Your greatest power is Ryokos love. If you love Ryoko, then you both will be unstoppable." Tenchi continued to stare at the image of him and Ryoko as if he was possesed. He had no idea that she loved him this much. He always thought that she was just trying to get under Ayeka's skin. He knew she had feelings for him, just never this strong. "Ryoko." Tenchi said in astonishment "Yes." Atchika began. "It is the power of love, Tenchi. Use it well." Tenchi's mother began to vanish, but tenchi could still hear her calling his name. "Tenchi Tenchi Tenchi Tenchi Tenchi, Wake up. Please Answer me Tenchi." The Voice changed to Ryoko's, and Tenchi Woke up and saw those Golden Eyes. Ryoko was sitting over Tenchi, tears streamed down the side of her face. She had been crying for a long time. "Ry, Ryoko." Tenchi said, with a stutter. Ryoko gave a sigh of relief. She thought that he was never going to wake up. "Oh God Tenchi, Never Frighten Me Again." Ryoko said. Ryoko was crying. The same tears he saw earlier. Tenchi smiled. His entire body hurt more then anything he had ever felt, but he managed to lift his right arm, so he could wipe her tears from her eyes. He began to caress her cheek. "I'm sorry Ryoko." Tenchi said. "I'll never frighten you again." Ryoko stopped crying. She now had a large smile on her face. She began to stand up. "Lie still Tenchi," Ryoko said, calmly. "I'm going to check on Sasami." Tenchi lowered his arm with a grunt of pain. "Ok." Tenchi said. He began to sit up. It hurt incredibly, but he knew he was ok. His vision was blurry, but otherwise fine. As his eyes corrected, he discovered he was in the same room. He was free from his bonds now. He looked around now as his vision slowly returned. The three trees are dead now. They couldn't sustain the electric shock. Sasami was in the middle of the room were Ryoko was now trying to awaken her. But the glowing Tsunami was gone. This worried Tenchi. "Is Sasami ok." He asked. Ryoko looked over at Tenchi and smiled. "She'll be fine." Ryoko began." She just needs rest. It took me forever to find you guys." Tenchi looked at Ryoko with a puzzled look. How could it be hard to find the Soja? It was as big as a small moon. "What do you mean," Tenchi asked. "Aren't we still on the Soja?" Ryoko looked over at Tenchi with a happy expression. "No, Kagato ejected this piece of the Ship from the Soja." She paused for a minute, trying to remember where they are. Then it came to her. "You're in the middle of Northern Pluto." Tenchi couldn't believe where they where. For one thing, he thought that Pluto had no air. If that's the case, how can he breath. "Pluto!?" Tenchi yelled. "Yeah." Ryoko said. She looked down at the still unconscious Sasami. She looked like she was the most exhausted. Ryoko decided to let her rest. "You going to be ok, Tenchi?" Tenchi looked at Ryoko and smiled. "Yeah. I just need to rest." But then, Tenchi frowned. He wondered what happened to the others. "Ryoko," He asked. "Were are Ayeka and the others?" Ryoko frowned and looked down at the ground. She knew she would have to tell him, sooner or later. Ryoko took a very deep breath. "I don't know." She began. "I left without them after Kagato. I flew all by myself to Pluto to find you. When I reached this Area, I saw a Bright Flash. It must've been some sort of Cannon. I also saw the Yagami, but it disappeared. My guess is that the Yagami and its crew are now Vapor." Tenchi went wide-eyed. "WHAT!?" He yelled. He could've woken up the dead. Ryoko decided to reassure him. "But I'm Sure Washu saved them." Ryok began, a sweat drop appearing above her head. "I have a Telepathic Link with her and can Sense if she's Ok. I Contacted Ryo-Oki. She's on her way. When she gets here, We can go after Kagato. I have a score to settle with him." Tenchi calmed down and lay himself back down. He then began to speak. "Ryoko." He said, a small tear sliding down his eye. "What?" She asked. "Thank you. Thanks for coming after Sasami and me." Tenchi said. "And Thanks for Every thing you've done for me." Ryoko smiled back at Tenchi. "Sure." Was all she could say. Ryoko was happy. Tenchi was alive and he thanked her for it. perhaps, Ryoko thought. Perhaps Tenchi has finally chosen me. She looked over at Tenchi and noticed he fell asleep. He looks so cute when he's asleep, Ryoko thought. Ryoko flew over to the dead Jurai Trees and began covering Tenchi and Sasami it Jurai leaves to keep them warm. Pluto can be very cold. She then double checked for any hostility in the area and flew to the roof of the capsule to wait for Ryo- Oki. Kagato sat in his throne staring at the Goddess before him. Tsunami was in a large Glass Hourglass filled with Argaso sand, just like Ryoko was one year ago. Except for the fact that Tsunami was connected to Soja's Main Defense computer. Every thing was going to plan for Kagato. He now has the most powerful ship ever created in his possession and was about to make a speech that would be transmitted to Jurai. He ran the speech again and again in through his mind. "Ladies and Gentlemen of the Juraian Homeworld. I am Kagato. 700 Years ago Ryoko under my control attached your great planet with deadly force. This time however, I don't want to destroy Jurai. I want to Own Jurai. I have, currently in my possession Tsunami Unit. Through her, I can command every Tree on Jurai. As of this moment, I issue this statement. I wish to have total control of all Juraian Command Centers. I want full dictatorship rule under myself. And I want the Juraian supercomputer, Epsilon. If I don't get what I want in the next 100 hours, Ill activate the self-destruct Command of every Tree, Causing a complete Melt down of the Juraian Homeworld. I will also shoot down any and all ships that approach my ship. Remember, 100 Hours. I know you'll all make the right choice." It was music to Kagato's ears. The People would riot and Chaos would control all. And the Government would believe that Kagato would actually want Jurai, but the Secret is within. Kagato would love to see Looks on the Jurai Imperial Family when they discover that the greatest power in the Universe was under their noses. He would soon gain the greatest power of all and there is no one that can stop him. D sat alone in her room. It had been a while since Kagato imprisoned the goddess in the glass. She was getting tired. She wanted her father, but Kagato said that she couldn't see him unless she did his bidding. But if that's true, then where is her father. She was scared. She didn't know what to do. All she knew was that she had to continue searving her master. Kagato stared at the girl in the hourglass. She was marvelous, Kagato thought. A being who's power could rival his own. Could, but wouldn't. Tsunami had been asleep ever since the separation. Kagato tried to wake her threw various ways, but he couldn't. She just stood there. A frozen Goddess. But Kagato needed her awake. He can't perform his master plan without her powers. His statement had been broadcast all over the Universe for the last hour and he was getting impatient. He looked over at D. D was a masterpiece. She was built by the best. A Dr. LeonHart. LeonHart was a genius when it came to producing artificial intelligence and was considered one of the best and brightest out of the Galaxy Science Academy. He was though. Kagato didn't need his services any more after the creating of D. D wouldn't be needed any longer though. But, all and all, Kagato continued to look at D. She looked a lot like Ryoko minus several features. She had black eyes, short Black hair; but she had the same abilities. Kagato knew he would need them soon, because when it comes to Emperor Azusa, You need all the help you can get. Lady Funaho had spent the last hour trying to contact Washu, but to no avail. Something was terribly wrong. It was as if she had disappeared from the face of the Universe. Lady Masaki was with her, trying her greatest to figure out how Kagato got Tsunami, and what has become of her baby Girl. She was panicking ever since the message was broadcast. All she wanted now was to hold her baby girls and never let them go. Funaho Continued to yell through a long distance video transmitter. "Washu, if you are there, please answer me!" Funaho yelled. "Damnit, how could this have happened." She was getting very frustrated. Masaki looked over at Funaho from where she sat. "Any word, Funaho?" Masaki asked. Funaho just shook her head. She looked over at the Blue haired girl. She was her equal. Both queens of Jurai. Both married to the same man. Funaho hated to see her equal like this. Lady Masaki sat on the couch in their royal quarters. She was clinging to a large throw pillow as if it where one of her daughters. "No Misaki." Funaho began. "Not a word from them." Masaki looked up at Funaho with tears in her eyes. She was shivering from her fear. Something must've happened, or they would've been able to contact Washu. Funaho thought about all the possibilities that could've happened which involved Tsunami being in the clutches of Kagato. But, every scenario mentioned Death. Funaho began to cry as she looked at her equal. "Masaki, I'm afraid." Masaki was now even more scared then ever before. Never in her life has she heard Funaho say she was scared. Never. And this thought made her tremble even more. It had been three hours before Ryo-Oki arrived, but it was a sight for sore eyes. Sasami had awoken prior to the Cabbits arrival and was feeling a little better. But still, one thought roamed throughout her head. She was no longer Tsunami. They were separate now, and this scared her. For many years, she had thought that she was just a clone of Sasami, that the real Sasami died during the attack on Jurai by Ryoko. For years, she believed that she was just a replacement. She began to cry as she wondered what was to become of her life. If Tsunami is gone, the Princess thought, then what is to become of me. She looked up at the sky, searching for an answer, and found only one. Kagato. Kagato went too far. He violated Sasami, taking away something that was very precious to her, her soul. She swore vengeance on the monster. Claiming that justice will be served. But right now, she just wanted to go home with everybody and forget about it. She wanted to Cook again. She wanted to watch MolDiver with Mihoshi again. But, it would have to wait. Right now, they needed to defeat Kagato once and for all. Ryo-Oki Let out a large Mya as it Transported Tenchi, Ryoko, and Sasami aboard her bridge. Ryoko ran towards her command chair and plopped down with a sigh of relief. She was exhausted from her earlier flight and was hoping to get some sleep on their Trip after Kagato. She looked over at Tenchi. "Where to Tenchi," Asked Ryoko? Tenchi gave it a thought as he sat down on the cold steel of Ryo-Oki's Bridge. He had no Idea where Kagato had gone. Suddenly, Sasami spoke out. "Kagato is heading for the Arcadian Nebula." Sasami said. "That's where we go." Tenchi and Ryoko looked at Sasami with a surprised look on their faces. Tenchi spoke up. "How do you know that, Sasami?" He asked. Sasami stood there for a while before talking. "I can feel Tsunami's energy in that direction." The little Princess began. "It's smaller then normal, but it is definently in that direction." Ryoko smiled with a look of adventure on her face. She turned to the main view screen. "You heard the Princess, Ryo-Oki." The pirate yelled. Ryo-Oki called back with several Myas. "Alright, then lets go, full speed." And with that, Ryo-Oki was on her way to Kagato, Carrying the Universe's only hope. Ayeka began to walk back and for, impatiently through the Yagami's bridge. They have been stuck in subspace for the last couple Hours and the Princess was about to go over the Edge. "Washu! I'm really getting Impatient. Haven't you gotten us out of Subspace yet!?" Yelled a very Irritated Ayeka. She began to Tap her foot, as if to make time go faster. "Hey, subspace is a very fragile thing." Washu yelled. She stood up from her work and walked over to the Princess. "How would you like it if I just ripped a hole threw you, huh, because it would have the Same Consequences in subspace as it would with you!" Mihoshi looked over at from her seat at the two passengers with an excited look on her face. "Oh wow Washu," The Blonde haired Detective began. "You mean if we put a hole through Ayeka, we could escape subspace?" The entire crew facefaulted to this remark. Kyone got up from the floor and got back in her chair. She Grabbed Mihoshi's Collar and began to shake her uncontrollably. "You are Such an Airhead." Kyone yelled. As she was yelling at Mihoshi, Ayeka continued her ranting at Washu. "Washu, I demand you get us out of here this instant!" The Princess yelled. Washu had a smile on her face as if she thought of something very amusing. "Fine then." The Genius said and with that, Washu's hollo Top appeared out of no were and Ayeka turned into a water sprite with a flip of Washu's wrist. Washu stood up and put her hands on her hips as she began to laugh uncontrollably. "Now then," She looked at the other girls. "What did we learn?" Kyone sat up from her seat and faced Washu, sweat dripping from her forehead. "Never piss of Washu." came a frightened Kyone. Washu smiled a brighter smile. "Very good." Tenchi sat in a corner of Ryo-Oki. He was afraid of what might happen in the near Future. Kagato was too strong, Tenchi knew this. But what really worried him was the fact that Kagato had Tsunami. And with Tsunami's power, they might have to bend over and kiss their butts' goodbye. Tenchi decided what to do. He slowly stood up and walked over to where Ryoko was talking to Sasami. "Ryoko," Tenchi called. Ryoko stopped talking to Sasami to look at Tenchi. Tenchi took a deep breath. "When we face Kagato, we need all the power we can get so, I'm giving back all of your gems." Ryoko literally began to beam with joy as Tenchi said this. A small tear welled up in her eye. "Tenchi, Do you mean it." The Space pirate asked. Tenchi noticed that she looked very, very cute when she was happy. He almost couldn't stay standing. It was like Kryptonite to Superman. (I don't Own Superman) "Yes Ryoko." Tenchi said. Ryoko was now almost ecstatic. She jumped out of her seat and wrapped her arms around Tenchi like a Boa Constrictor would to their pray. "I'm so happy." The Pirate said. Tenchi was turning red from lose of air and his shyness. "I was more expecting a ring but it will do." Tenchi immediately face faulted. What did she just say, Tenchi thought. Suddenly, he had a burst of adrenaline and he pushed her away gently. He looked at Ryoko. "What do you mean?" he asked, slightly studdering over his words. "I mean, our engagement." Ryoko said. Tenchi immediately facefaulted and screamed at the top of his lungs. "WHAT!?" He yelled. Ryoko looked at Tenchi, Coyly. Sasami hugged Ryoko with a very happy expression on her face. "Wow Ryoko," The Princess began. "You and Tenchi are getting married." Tenchi tried to stand, but he couldn't, blood rushed from his nose. He finally managed to control himself and stood up with a piece of tissue stuck up his nose. "No it doesn't mean that." Tenchi yelled. Ryoko and Sasami looked back at Tenchi. "Ryoko, I just want us to have an extra advantage against Kagato!" Sasami let go of Ryoko as Ryoko walked over to face Tenchi. "What ever you say Tenchi." Ryoko winked at Tenchi. Tenchi almost had another nosebleed, but he was in control now. "Come on and stand still." Tenchi pointed sword Tenchi's Hilt at Ryoko and closed his eyes. As the transfer took place, something was bugging Tenchi. A fraise that just kept going through his mind. A single sentence. "Tenchi Masaki. Your greatest power isn't in a sword or even a Wing. It is your heart. Ryoko knows this. She wants to be with you for your heart. Your greatest power is Ryokos love. If you love Ryoko, then you both will be unstoppable. It is the power of love, Tenchi. Use it well." the words his mother spoke to him. He knew what they meant but Tenchi was embarrassed. What would Ayeka do if he spoke his true feelings to Ryoko? It would probably break her heart. He spoke the words before; he would rather die then forsake any one of the girls. Tenchi looked at Ryoko. She had a great smile on her face. He then looked at Sasami. She was smiling to. Tenchi decided what to do. He needed to talk to Sasami. "Sasami, can I talk to you for a minute in private?" Tenchi asked. Sasami nodded as they both walked over to the far corner of the ship. "Sasami," Tenchi began. "What do you think Ayeka would do if I said I loved Ryoko?" it didn't take long befor Sasami had an answer for the Juraian Prince. "Tenchi." She began. "Ayeka loves you for who you are. If you confessed your love to Ryoko, she would understand that it was your choice. It would be Tenchi Masaki's Decision. She has to respect that." Tenchi looked reassured. He felt better. He put his hand on Sasami's head and messed with her hair. "Sasami, for a little kid, you're very wise." Tenchi said. Sasami blushed a little as she replied. "Thank you Tenchi." And then the two went back to their seats. Tsunami awoke from her deep sleep. She had know Idea were she was. She was confined. Confined in a large glass structure. Tsunami wanted out and she wanted to find Sasami. She began to struggle as hard as she could, but it failed. Suddenly, a sinister voice shot through the glass like a bullet. "Your awake I see." The voice said. Tsunami couldn't see whom the voice belonged to. But she knew who he was. Kagato. The man who had been seeking her for hundreds of years had finally caught her. But why, she didn't know. She tried to speak, but it was hard to do, all that came out were rasps. "I see you can't speak. I figured that. You haven't spoken a real word in your existence, haven't you?" Kagato looked at the Goddess with a very broad smile. "I know what you want. You want Sasami. I stranded her in the middle of a dead planet with your Chosen Warrior, Tenchi. They won't be posing a problem to me ever again. As for Princess Ayeka and the rest of their marry crew, they've become a cloud of Vapor. I won Tsunami, and if you want any of your pathetic Duration Empire to survive, then you will do as I say." Tsunami was beat. There was nothing she could do. She hung her head in shame. It was over and she knew what Kagato really wanted. She'd known for a long time. He wanted the Treasure of Jurai. The fabled absolute power. And she was the Key. "I did it!" A loud cry of success filled the Yagami. Immediately, all of the crew members ran to the cause of the Cry. The girls found Washu in the large Cargo bay of the Yagami, dirt covered her Science Academy Uniform as she stood triumphant. Kyone was the first to ask the question. "You managed to get us free Washu?" Asked Kyone. She was very excited, she had been trapped in the Yagami for the last day and wanted to get away from Mihoshi and Ayeka as fast as possible. Washu looked at Kyone with a large grin. "Nope." Was all she said. The girls instantly facefaulted. Washu continued. "But I did get an outside link to the Universe. Now we can watch TV and find out what's been going on." The girls were happy. Very happy. "That's great but we still have to get out of here." Said Ayeka. Washu must've allowed Her to stay in her Humanoid form on good behavior. (Also known as speaking the Magic words in water spriteese, Little Washu.) "Yeah, really Washu." Kyone said. Washu got in Ayekas and Kyones faces. "Hold your horses," The small genius yelled. The girls immediately pipped down. "I got a link didn't I. All I have to do is stretch the hole and we're free." Washu put her hand on her hipps as she let out her Triumphant Laugh. "Yay!" The other girls said in unison. Washu stopped Laughing to look at the Girls. "But that will take at least another 5 hours." She said. "Ah." Came a sad cry from the other girls. Katsuhito had just arrived at the scene, yet he knew what was going on. He moved to a command consule and started to press some buttons. "Well then," He said. "We might as well find out what's going on in the universe. Maybe something happened." Katsuhito turned Yagami's main screen on to find the news. Immediately, they where informed of some bad news. "Its hour five and still no word from the Council." Said the TV. "To anybody who have just tuned in. It's been 5 hours since Kagato, One of the most wanted criminals in the universe, Issued a statement stating that if he does not have control of all Juraian imperial planets, then he will activate the self-destruct devises of every Tree on Jurai." "WHAT!?" Yelled Ayeka. "How could this've happened. I don't believe it." The group continued to listen to the reporter. "He said that he has in his current possession, Tsunami Unit, and will use it if he needs to." This explains everything, Washu thought. That's why he kidnapped Sasami, but why does he want Jurai. It dosent make sence. All Washu knew was that Kagato didn't have Sasami or Tenchi because the reporter wouldve said it. this whole situation began to frighten Washu even more. And the fact that Washu was scared, frightened her even more then she thought possible. Tenchi, Sasami, and Ryoko couldn't believe what they just heard on the screen. "So that's what Kagato's going to do with Tsunami," said Ryoko. Tenchi seconded her. "I makes sense. That bastard would want absolute power." Tenchi Remarked. Sasami just couldn't make it all up. She just couldn't believe that all kagato wanted was power. There had to be a greater reason then just absolute power. Sasami decided to speak up. "No, it doesn't make sense." The Princess said. Tenchi and Ryoko looked over at Sasami. "Kagato doesn't want Jurai's Empire. He doesn't care for power through politics. He believes that Physical and Mental Power is the greatest power." "Then, why does he want Jurai?" Asked a puzzled Tenchi. Sasami hung her head low. "I don't know." Was all she could say. Ryoko sat back in her chair. "Well, until that count down is over, we can't risk flying after Soja." Stated Ryoko. Tenchi looked at Ryoko "But Ryoko, we have to." He said. "If we don't, then something very bad is going to happen." Ryoko sighed as she looked at Tenchi. "It wouldn't work." The Pirate said. "Kagato said he would shoot down any and all ships. Even if they were outside transporting range. And believe me, he can." Tenchi slumped down on the floor. Helpless. He had never felt this helpless befor in his life. "So there's nothing we can do." Tenchi said. There was a moment of silence as they tried to think up something. There had to be something they could do. Ryoko rested her head on her forearms as she layback. "I didn't say that." Ryoko said. This immediately got Tenchi and Sasami's attention. Ryoko continued. "We need Washu if we want to get on board." For the first time since they got on Ryo-Oki, Sasami wondered what happened to the others. She had no idea where they were. Tenchi and Ryoko never said anything about them. "Where is Washu?" asked Sasami. Ryoko looked out the main view screen. "She's out there somewhere." The space pirate said. "I'll send her a message through our link, don't worry. Until she finds us, I suggest we find a good place to wait. We can get some food, too." Suddenly, the moral of the ship perked up. "All Right! I'm starving," Exclaimed a very excited Sasami. Tenchi stood up with new determination in his body. "Where to then Ryoko?" Tenchi said. Ryoko looked at Tenchi with a smile on her face. "I know of a nice little hotel in this very nebula." Ryoko said. "They got great food and we can get some rest." Tenchi was very excited now. They could finally get some rest, and they could come up with a plan. "Then what are we waiting for," stated Tenchi. "Lets go Ryo-Oki." And with that, The mighty Cabbit Myaed a couple of times and they where off. Washu was slowly working with the tools she had. Normally, this wouldn't take a minute, but because of the situation they where in, it took longer then they thought. "Almost there, got it." A giant hole opened up in subspace. The crew of the Yagami excitedly jumped for joy. Washu did it. Now as soon as Kagato's beat, she can return to her favorite pastime. You guest it, Complete idolizing herself. "Then lets go." Ayeka yelled. "The sooner we're out, the sooner we can save lord Tenchi." Kyone felt the same way Ayeka did. They could finally leave. "All right," Kyone yelled. "Full speed to maximum, lets go!" And with that, Kyone piloted the Yagami out of Subspace. Freedom, Kyone thought. She never thought that she would miss outer space so much. Washu suddenly was hit by a telepathic message from her daughter. As she listened, she knew that there would be trouble. She didn't want to cause anything, but she had no choice in the matter. "Guys." Washu began. "I also got a message from Ryoko." She stopped to take a deep breath. "She says that she has Tenchi and Sasami and has found a meeting place for us. She's in the Arcadian Nebula at the "Cabbits Eye". It's supposed to be a really classy Hotel and Restaurant." Suddenly, Ayeka's eyes buldged and her face turned blood red. She knew what was going on. "Oh," Ayeka began, trying to control her temper. "So Ryoko's thinking with class now." She quickly turned to Kyone. "Kyone Full Speed!!" Kyone had no Idea what Ayeka was going on about. All she wanted was take a nice hot bath at a Hotel. She decided to ask what was wrong. "What's wrong Ayeka?" Kyone asked. Ayeka began to get madder. "Ryoko is with Tenchi ALONE!! Who Knows What That Devil Women Will Do to Him." Kyone's eyes buldged just like Ayeka's did. Now she knew what was wrong. "What!?" Yelled Kyone. "Mihoshi, give me full throttle!" Mihoshi tried to work the controls but was having problems. "I cant Kyone, I'm giving her all she's got!" Tenchi ate silently as Sasami and Ryoko talked to each other. It was a very peiceful setting, Tenchi thought. For as long as he could remember, he could never get to have a decent, quiet meal unless he was at school, and even then, it was hard. Tenchi, Ryoko and Sasami where able to get new clothes since Tenchi's and Sasami's where all dirty from earlier. Ryoko just had to phase into her outfit while Sasami paid for their's. Ryoko noticed that Tenchi wasn't talking so she decided to make conversation. "This is great, isn't it Tenchi." Ryoko said with a smile. Tenchi snapped back into reality and smiled back at Ryoko. "Yeah, I can't remember when I last had a real meal." Tenchi said. Ryoko smiled at Tenchi even more. She was now hypnotised by how handsome he was. Suddenly, a voice from behind her brought her back to reality as well. "And how will the you be paying." It was their waiter. A rather snooty man with pointy ears and long blue hair. "Put it on the Hotel Bill," Ryoko said. "I'll pay it as soon as my friend gets here." Tenchi wondered what she was talking about. He knew she was going to do something, and he had to stop her. "Ryoko, who are you talking about?" Tenchi asked. Ryoko Looked back at Tenchi with a super smile. (Man, whats with all the smiles) "Why, my good friend," Ryoko began. Tenchi and Sasami stopped eating to look at her, waiting for her to continue. "Ayeka's Wallet." Tenchi and Sasami had to grab hold of the table to prevent them from face faulting. "I should've known." Tenchi said. Ryoko raised an eyebrow to what Tenchi just said. "Known what Tenchi?'' Ryoko asked. "Um.... Nothing, lets eat." Tenchi was finally enjoying himself. He was finally in a civilized area with good food. For the last couple days, he's been eating carrots. Apparently that's all the Cargo Ryo-Oki carries in Ship mode. Right now Ryo-Oki's in her rare Human form. But it doesn't matter the form; she'll always eat Carrots. To Tenchi, this one moment was perfect, he was with the person he loved and she wasn't blowing up stuff. Unfortunately, Tenchi just doesn't have enough nerves to express his feelings. He's tried at least five times. All is resulting in the same thing. A nosebleed and a Concussion caused by the impact of his head due to fainting. Ryoko knew what Tenchi was thinking. She knew his feelings for her already. She figured it out around the first Nosebleed/Concussion. She just wants closier, That's all. She figured she could play around with Tenchi some more. Something she inherited from her Mother. It wasn't long befor the group was finished and they headed to their room through the courtyard. "That was great." Tenchi said patting his stomach. Sasami agreed. "Yeah, thanks Ryoko for bringing us here." Sasami said. A high pitched Mya came from behind them as Ryo-Oki folowed them. Ryoko Laughed at her baby sister, as she followed. "Sure thing." The pirate said. "Anytime. I really know that Tenchi wants to thank me personally. I'll be expecting it." Tenchi's face immediately turned red as blood poared from his nose and sweat dripped from his forhead. "Oh Man." Tenchi began. He tried to think of some way to change the subject, but he couldn't think of anything. He stamering around, and then he saw his subject change in the air. "HAY, WHATS THAT!?" Tenchi yelled as he pointed at the sky. Sasami, Ryo-Oki, and Ryoko looked at the sky in time to see a familiar ship speeding right towards them. Immediately, Ryoko took action. "Get Down!" Yelled Ryoko. That's all it took as Tenchi and the Girls dove for cover. The Yagami collided right into the ground at full speed, leaving a huge crater for all to see. When the dust cleared, Tenchi looked at the Crashed Yagami as the main hatch opened and out jumped a group of very angry Women. "Ryoko," Ayeka yelled as she made her way down the ramp. "What have you done to MY TENCHI!" "Hey wait a minute." Yelled Mihoshi." Since when is he Your Tenchi!" "That's Right." Seconded Kyone. "Well you know. I mean uh well." Ayeka tried to explain everything, but it wouldn't work this time. "That's it, I'm tired of not getting involved. Damnit Tenchi is mine." Yelled a very angry Kyone. Ryoko was loving this, but has to get involved. Its Tenchi they're talking about. As the Four girls began to bicker and argue, Tenchi was relieved he wasn't in the middle of this one. Tsunami awoke to what was probably the sound of drums, but it was just her head. She looked at her surroundings. Gone was the throne room/bridge. She also wasn't in the giant hourglass anymore. She was now in a large round room. But she was still trapped. She was in an even more confining tube. The tube is attached to some heavy machinery. She looked over to her left and found Kagato in the room. With him was a dark-haired woman with black eyes. Tsunami had no idea who that was. She had never met her before. "You really should stop fighting like that." Kagato said. "It's beginning to get on my nerves." Tsunami paid more attention to Kagato, as if it was the only thing in the room. She tried to speak for the first time in a long time. "Ka..Ga..To," Tsunami spoke. Kagato walked closer to the tube. "I see." He began. "Still trying to talk. At least you're improving. I'm sure you want to know were you are now and what you're hooked up to." Tsunami nodded her head. "I'll go ahead and tell you. It's an antenna. I'm going to use you as a targeting mechanism. You can control all of jurai's trees." Kagato stopped and pointed to a far wall. Tsunami saw numbers tiking down in numerical order. Kagato continued his explanation. "On that wall to your left is a count down. If Jurai doesn't submit to my demands, I will use an electrical field to jumpstart that brain of yours causing you to send a self-destruct command to all of jurai's trees. You have 86 hours to live, I suggest you pray to a greater god then Tsunami, because when that timer runs out, it's the end of Jurai and The Entire Universe!" The gang was now situated in their hotel room. All the girls have calmed down since Ryoko didn't do anything to Tenchi. Kyone was the first to speak. "Ok, so we're all in agreement that we can't just go head to head with Kagato," Kyone began." But we still need to find a way to get on his ship." Ayeka stood up to speak. "I suggest we send a message to Father, telling him of our situation," said Ayeka. Kyone looked down at the floor. "That would be nice," The Detective began. "But he's probably to busy to listen to you, He's to busy dealing with Kagato." Ayeka began to get impaciant, moveing back and forth through out the room. Everybody just sat there and watched the princess. They also positioned themselves so that if she blew a fuse, they could get the hell out of there. But instead, she just sat down and crossed her arms. Everybody let out a sigh of relief. Ayeka looked around the room. "Then what should we do then," Ayeka asked. She looked over at her rival. "Ryoko?" "Hey, I'm not the brains of this outfit," Ryoko shot back. "Washu is. You tell her Washu." Washu jumped up and put her hands on her hips. "Your absolutely right Ryoko," Washu said. "Anyway, we should at least contact lady Funaho and tell her we're all right. I'll get to work on a subspace transceiver." Ryoko nodded. "Good idea, Washu," Ryoko said. She looked over at Tenchi.."What do you think we should do Tenchi?" Tenchi folded his arms infront of his chest. "Well," Tenchi began. "I think we should just wait. Something is going to happen soon. The universe is to calm." Kyone agreed "Its like they say," Kyone began, "The calm before the storm." Ryoko instantly got a great idea. "Well, if its calm," Ryoko began. "Then I think we should relax." Ryoko grabbed Tenchi's arm. "Come on Tenchi, let's go take a bath." Ayeka immediately shot up and ran over to Ryoko and Tenchi. "WHAT!?" Ayeka began. She managed to get her self in between Tenchi and Ryoko. "Ryoko, you get away from him." Ryoko stuck her Tungue out at the Princess. "Hey Tenchi wants to go, right Tenchi?" Ryoko said. Tenchi began to Sweat uncontrolably. "Well um uh." Tenchi couldn't Talk at all. I need to get out of here before its ground Zero all over again, Tenchi thought. Ayeka continued to yell at Ryoko. "I'm sure Tenchi would rather be with me the with a ugly monster women like you Ryoko!" That was the straw that broke the Camels back. It wasn't Ryoko who was pissed, it was Tenchi. "Hey, Ayeka, Don't call Ryoko Names," Snapped Tenchi." She's just playing around." The entire room was in shock. Tenchi had never yelled at any of the girls like that before. Ayeka was speechless. "But lord Tenchi, I" Ayeka stambered over every word. "NO BUTS!" Tenchi snapped even more. "Apologize this instant." Ayeka tried to continue. "But lord Ten" "NO BUTS!" Tenchi repeated himself. Ayeka looked at the floor, a defeated princess. She turned to Ryoko, who had a shit eating grin on her face. Ayeka knew that this was by far the hardest thing she ever had to do in her life. "Oh all right, I'm Sor...ehem...I'm Sorr...y" Ayeka finally let it out. Ryoko was almost giddy from what she had just seen. "Apology accepted." The space pirate said. Tenchi then turned to Ryoko. "As for you Ryoko," Tenchi began. "I'd love to take a bath with you, just not now." Tenchi immediately froze. He couldn't believe what he just said, out loud. "WHAT!!!!???!!??" Yelled all the girls in unison. Tenchi began to blush more then he ever had in his entire life. "Tenchi?" came a confused, but bashful Ryoko. Ayeka ran to grab Tenchi by the sholders. "What did you say lord Tenchi?" Ayeka asked, allmost frantic. Tenchi knew he was in trouble. "I said.......uh.......um......Gotta go. BYE." Tenchi quickly with the speed of a rocket dashed out of the room threw the lobby of the hotel and Hide behind the potted plant. Oh man, tenchi thought, I almost lost it. I can't believe I said that out loud. I gotta be more careful. I'm glad Dad isn't here. He'd give me the biggest talk about being a man I ever heard from him. Kagato sat on his throne, like he always did. He was watching planet Jurai, with an evil smile. But he was getting impaciant. Jurai hadnt talked to him in hours and he needed to do something to kill time. He noticed that D wasn't doing anything so he decided to make planet Jurai a little more interesting. "D, I have an Errand for you to do." Kagato said. D's attention turned to Kagato. "Yes master Kagato," The Biosynthetic android began. "I'm here to serve." Kagatao was grinning devilishly as he thought of a way to have some fun. "I want you to go to a small city on Jurai." He began. "It doesn't matter which; it just has to be small. When you get there, I want you to have fun. You know what I mean." D nodded, knowing full well what Kagato wanted her to do. It also frightened D. She hated doing this, but she wanted her father back. It was the only way. Reluctantly, D spoke. "Yes master Kagato." And she turned and headed to the main hanger. "Oh and D," Kagato called out. "Make sure that when you get back, that you wipe your feet. I don't want blood on the bridge." "Tenchi, were are you, Tenchi." Ryoko couldn't find Tenchi anywhere. She wanted to talk to him in private about what he said earlier. She couldn't stand it anymore. She knew what he thought of her. She just didn't want him to hide it any more. Why doesn't Tenchi just say it, Ryoko thought, I mean. He loves me, I know that, but the fact that he hasn't said it is tearing me apart. Maybe it's the other girls. Maybe, he doesn't want to hurt them. That could be it. I've known Tenchi for along time and if there's one thing I know about him. It's the fact that he hates to hurt people. Even his enemies. Oh Tenchi. I need to get him alone. D arrived at her destination. She landed on the roof of one of the larger buildings. Her master told her to play, and play she would. She looked at the inhabitants, D liked to be around people, but she had to follow orders. D opened her right hand and light began to emanate from it. I am a servant of Kagato, D Thought. I must do this. And then D rose from her perch and began to Fire at the city. It started with one fire, and then it multiplied. Soon the city was engulfed in flames. D could hear the cries of the civilians. But for the first time in her life, D felt sympathy. She was doing something wrong. Her master said it was right. It if it was right, why was she crying. D then lowered her hand and flew away. She decided to fly back to Soja so she could think about her actions. There is something wrong she thought, and made her way to what she called home. Asuza was tired. It had been 35 hours of hell and they still have 65 Hours left. A madman threatened his Whole planet. I have to do something, Asuza thought. I can't let that bastard just hang up there. He already went too far when he kidnapped my Sasami. Now, he's vaporized a city. Bastard. Asuza lost his train of thought when a messenger appeared. "My lord." The Messanger said. This got Asuza's attention. "What is it?" the emperor asked. "The hunter you wished to see is here." The messanger said. Asuza's mood suddenly perked up. This will help, he thought. The messanger continued to stand there as Asuza impatiantly stared at him. "What are you waiting for, bring him in." Asuza said. The messanger immediately sprang to the door to let the hunter in. Asuza couldn't wait to meet this hunter. Hunters are specially trained fighters under command of the empire. They are swift and deadly. This particular hunter he called for is the best of the best. Asuza watched as the door to the throne room opened, and out stepped the Hunter. He was about 6 foot with blonde hair. A former member of the Science Academy, he was skilled in the art of Knowledge. His name was Martel Shan, and was considered the best of the best of the best. The hunter started to walk down the aisle toward the King of Jurai. "You called, my lord." Martel said. Asuza sat back in his throne and callmed down. "I just received word from my wives that my daughters, Ayeka and Sasami, are safe and are in the Arcadina Nebula, at a hotel called the Cabbits Eye." Asuza said. Martel immediately lowered his head, so that the Emperor would not see his face. He was blushing. Martel had known Ayeka for many years, yet she didn't know him. He had guarded her befor on many occations and had developed a fondness for the Princess. He was excited to finally get to acctually talk with her. You could say he had a crush on her. Asuza continued. "I want you to go there and protect my Daughters." Martel looked up at the Emporer. "Is there any danger?" Martel asked. The Emporer shook his head. "Not yet." Asuza began. "Kagato thinks their dead, they told me them selves. I want you to keep them away from Jurai. At least until this mess is over." Martel stood up and nodded his head. "Very well." The Hunter said. Martel turned and walked out of the throne room. Little did he know that this asignment would change his whole perseption of life forever. Kyone lay down on one of the hotel beds with her head dangleing from the edge. It had been a while since they decided to wait, but right now the Detective would rather be on patrol then couped up in a small room. "This is so boring," Kyone said. Washu looked over at Kyone with an iretated look on her face. "Well I'm sorry if this is boring you Kyone, but we just have to wait." Washu began. "Besides, I just got word from lady Funaho. They are sending a Royal Hunter to be a body guard." This cought everbodys attention. Sasami looked questioningly at Washu. "What for?" asked Sasami. Washu folded her arms while she sat down in the hotel pappazone. "My guess," The Scientist began. "Is that they know we're going to fight Kagato and they want us to stay out of the way, or atleast Ayeka and Sasami." Mihoshi looked aroun the room. "Were is Ayeka anyway?" Mihoshi asked. Suddenly, the door to the room opened and Tenchi ran into the room, slamming and baracading the door with anything he could find. "Tenchi, Whats wrong?" Kyone asked. Tenchi wipped the sweat from his brow. "I got away as soon as I could." Was all he said. "Ayeka and Ryoko were just about to start their normal fight" "When was that," Washu asked. Tenchi looked at his watch. "about 5 minutes ago." He said. "OK." Washu looked at her crab watch, and began to count down. "5..4..3..2..1. Brace for impact." All of a sudden, there was an explosion in the background and then a rumble. Then, it was over. They gang relaxed into their old positions. "I'm not going to pay for that," said a thankful tenchi. Why, D Thought. Why does lord Kagato want to do these things? I don't understand his logic. Maybe I should ask him why. D flew to the Soja and entered threw a large airlock and made her way to the Throne room. "Back so soon, D" Kagato said. "Yes." D said as she look at her master. "And the city?" Kagato asked. "Gone." Was all she said. "Good." And with that, Kagato continued to moniter the planet below them. D looked at the ground for a minute before she spoke. "Master, why must we kill?" D asked, with a sad look on her face. "Come here, child." Kagato said. D walked over to were Kagato was sitting. She looked up just in time to see the back of her master's hand colliding with her cheek. "Don't you ever ask such stupid questions again, you got that!" D fell to the ground and clutched her cheek. Even if she was super strong, she could not have with standed that blow. She look at her master, tears streaming from her black eyes. "Please master, I want to know." The android cried out. "Forget it," Kagato began. He was in a very adgitated mood now. "you're not worthy of being in my presence! Go to your quarters, this instant." D looked to the ground, defeated. "Yes, master Kagato." D began to walk towards her room. She looked at herself in the mirror she kept and was surprised. Tears. She was an Android and she was shedding tears. This didn't make sense to her. She wanted to leave, but she couldn't. I am a servant of my master, Kagato, she thought. I am obeying the will of my father. Kagato watched D's every move in her room thanks to surveillance Camera he had installed. She is Defective, Kagato thought. She's going against her programming. Damnit. I should've told the professor not to install the Artificial Intelligence. I'll just have to remove it soon. Then, I'll have my D back. My ruthless killer back. Martel Sham stood outside the hotel. So this is the Cabbits eye, Martel Thought. What a dump, the princesses deserve better. All well, orders are orders. Martel walked into the hotel and went to the counter. The manager was checking the accounts of his guests when a unexpected guest appeared in the door frame. "How can I help you." The manager asked befor he could get a good look at the man. Martel pulled out a PhotoHolographic Picture of the Princesses. "Have you seen these girls?" Martel Asked. The Manager rolled an eyebrow at the man befor him. "Are you some sort of stalker." The Manager asked. "I can't afford to tell you. Pervert." Martel got pissed. He grabbed the Manager by his shirt and rammed him into the wall. "If you don't tell me right now," The Hunter began. "I'll make you look like you were the victim of a Tragic Terrafarming accident. GOT IT!" the Manager reached into his pocket and pulled out a key. "Room 23 be, to you left." The manager said. Martel let go of the Manager and grabbed the key. He made his way twords the left courtyard, but he decided to turn around. "Thank you. Have a nice day." Martel said. The Manager face faulted instantly. The gang was working on their plan when they heard a knock at the door. Sasami got up and ran to the door. "I'll get it." Sasami said. As she opened the door, she was met by a man that was slightly taller then Tenchi. He had long yet slightly curly yellow hair and carried a large battle sword on his back. He wore a Juraian Uniform that Sasami had never seen before. "Hello? Who are you?" The Princess said. The man bowed down instantly. "At last, I've found you Princess Sasami," The Man said. Sasami had no idea what was going on. The gang crowded around the door to see who this newcommer was. "I'm your bodyguard," The Man continued. "Hunter Martel Shan." Sasami smiled and turned around. "Hey, everybody, the bodyguards here." She turned back to see Martel. "We've been waiting for you." "Yeah, now we can get to work on the plan," said Washu. Martel looked dumbfounded. Martel looked at Princess Ayeka, asleep on the Couch. "What happened to Princess Ayeka. And while we're at it, What is this plan and who in the blue hell are all you other people. I was told I was to protect the Princesses from any Danger. What the hell is going on?" "It's a long story." Tenchi Said. Martel shot an angry look at Tenchi. "Who the Hell are you?" Martel asked as he pointed at Tenchi. Kyone spoke up. "I'd watch your mouth, Martel" Kyone said. "He is the Crown Prince of Jurai." Martel looked dumbfounded. "WHAT!?" Martel yelled. "You mean to tell me that he is the next in line for the throne. I crapped Turds that are tougher then this guy." Ryoko immediately got in Martel's face. "DONT YOU EVER COMPARE TENCHI TO A TURD!!!" Ryoko yelled. She looked over at Tenchi. "Tenchi, can I vaporize him?" Tenchi shook his head. "No Ryoko." Tenchi said. "We need him if we're to get into the Soja." Ryoko looked disapointed. Martel ran over to Tenchi. "Hold on for a minute, Your Royal Lowness," Martel shouted. "I'm to keep you guys here, end of story." Washu, during the commotion, managed to get a hair of Martel's and scanned it through her holotop. Martel noticed this and got in her business. "Who the hell is she?" Washu just stared at the Monitor. Totally ignoring Martel. She had just discovered something she never thought she would see again. "Watch it Martel," Washu began. Tears where beginning to well up in her eyes. "Don't you dare speak to your Mother like that." Martel instantly froze along with the rest of the room. Ryoko went over to her mother. "What are you talking about, Washu." Ryoko began "I'm your only child." Washu shook her head. "No." Washu began. "Remember the story I told when Taro was visiting, How I said I had a Son." She pointed to Martel. "It's him. I just found out." Martel sat down. "Mom?" Martel said, "The last thing I can remember about my Mom was that she had long red hair." Ryoko stood open jawed. "I don't believe it," Ryoko said, "I have a brother." "Congratulations, Ryoko." Sasami said. Martel walked slowly to the door. "I didn't expect this," Martel began."I need to think about this, I'm going to the bar." "Pour me another one." Martel said. He couldn't get over it. He thought that this was going to be a normal bodyguard mission. He never expected to find his long lost family. This was weird. A voice came from behind him. "Can I sit here." Martel looked at the source of the voice. It was Washu. "I'm sorry if I just blurted it out. I was so happy." Martel felt the end of his long pony tail. "Why did you pull my hair out?" he asked. Washu smiled, lovingly. "Its something I do." She began. "Every time I meet somebody new, I gotta have a DNA sample." Martel sat huntched over the Tavern of the Hotel. He couldn't help but smile. "Your just like what dad said you would be." Washu put a hand on her sons sholdur. "How is your father any way?" She asked. Martel frowned as he drank. "Dead." He began. Washu looked surprised. "One of his experiments. He tried to convert antimatter into matter using subatomic particles. It wasn't pretty when I had to Identify the body." Washu sook her head. "How sad." She said. There was a moment of silence. Both of them had questions running through their heads like bullot trains. It wasn't long befor Martel broke the silence. "Mom, why did you leave us?" He asked. Washu looked hurt. But she calmed down. "I didn't." Washu said. "Your father stole you away from me when you were a baby. I was heart broken." Martel was even more saddened. "What about that other girl." He said. "My sister" Washu smiled. "Ryoko was made through my egg cells and the genetic structure of the creatures known as Mass." She said. Martel was surrprised. "She was the closest thing to a child I was ever going to get. I thought you were gone forever." Martel then put his hand on Washu's. "I won't be going anywhere." He said with a smile. "I'm going to stay with you guys. At least until my job is done. I might be able to stay with you guys after it's done." Washhu suddenly felt a ray of hope. "You mean, your going to fight Kagato with us?" Washu asked, very excitedly. Martel nodded. "I still have to do my job." He said. "I'll protect the Princesses during the fight." Washu threw her arms up and jumped into the air. "Hurray!" she yelled enthusiastically. Tenchi stood in what has become his little corner of the Universe. The Courtyard of the Hotel. Alone in thought, Tenchi stared at the Stars. It had been 50 hours since the countdown began, which meant that the people of Jurai have only a little longer then two days left. For the first time in his life, he was truly scared. He'd been scared before, just not like this. Tenchi wished he could just go back to 5 days ago. It had been almost a week since Kagato returned. Tenchi looked at the girl across the courtyard. Ryoko was looking at the stars too. Pondering what he was pondering. What is going to happen to them? What will become of the Universe? Time was running out and Tenchi knew what he had to do. He must get to Soja, and he must get there soon. Ryoko knew that Tenchi was in the courtyard with her. With even diverting her gaze from the stars, she looked at Tenchi. "Their Beautiful, aren't they." Ryoko said. Tenchi nodded in agreement. "Yeah." He said. He looked back up at the heavens. "Tenchi." Ryoko said, with a slight hint of fear in her voice. "We have to do something. We can't let this beauty end. If Kagato gained the Power of Jurai, then the stars will end their shine." Tenchi looked over at Ryoko. "I know," He began. "And I won't let Kagato Win. I've got a Plan. Ryoko, could you gather everyone?" Ryoko nodded. "Anything, my Tenchi." And with that, they left. D had just brought Kagato some news after her reconesence work. The news pleased Kagato. "So, the Galaxy Police can't interfere." Kagato Said. "They cant." D began. "They are not allowed to Interfere with Diplomatic Wars. Also, your Warrant was Terminated the Day you died." Kagato had to keep from laughing. "Good." He said with a smile. D's hope suddenly brightened. "Does this mean, I can see father?" the android asked. Kagato sat up from his throne and walked over the android. She closed he eyes thinking that he would strick her again, but instead, Kagato placed a hand on the androids sholder. "Soon," He said. "Remember my promise. When I get Jurai, he will see you. Now, I want you to detach Tsunami and bring her here." D looked at her master with a puzzled exprestion. "Master?" she asked. "You heard me." Kagato said. "Its Time, I talked to her." D bowed to her master and left to fetch Tsunami. What a pathetic excuses for an android, Kagato thought as he watched D walk out of the Throne room. It doesn't matter. Once I have Jurai, then I can get rid of Her. She's been a pest ever since I found her. Pathetic machine. That's what I get for messing around with Biosynthetic Androids. Kagato looked out the main view screen. There it was. The blue green orb called Jurai. He reached out as if to grab the sphere in his hand. He then made a crushing motion as he balled his hand into a fist. The gang all sat in the hotel room as Ryoko and Tenchi walked in. "What do you want Ryoko?" Ayeka Said." Why did you call us here?" Tenchi walked past Ryoko and sat in the middle of the group, infront of Washu's old Soja plans that where on a coffee table. "She didn't call you here," Tenchi said. "I did." Ayeka and the rest of the group looked over at Tenchi with puzzling expressions on their faces. "What is it Tenchi?" Martel asked. He had come to terms on the fact that he would be searving the Crown Prince in the future. He's allso become less restless and plans on cooperating with the group. "I've been thinking." Tenchi started. "We must stop Kagato as soon as possible. I've came up with a plan. I already told Washu so she's working on it right now. We know what Kagato wants and when he wants it. I think he isn't a threat." Tenchi's words supprised everybody. They had no idea that Tenchi could get this serious. "One thing we know." Ryoko began, "is that Kagato dosent want political power, even though it is one of his demands. Sasami pointed this out earlier." Sasami nodded. "I talked to Sasami." Tenchi said. He looked over at the smaller princess. "Sasami, I want you to tell everybody else what you told be about Tsunami." "Tsunami?" Kyone said. Sasami took a deep breath as she began to speek. "Tsunami, even though she has great power, isn't that powerful." Sasami said. "Let me explain. Without a host body, Tsunami's Power is depleted by 75 percent." Kyone instantly got the picture as if it was just thrown right in front of her. "Which means that if the deadline ended," Kyone began. "Kagato would be shooting blanks. Then, its all a ruse." Ryoko shook her head. "Not quite," Ryoko began. "Kagato does plan on owning Jurai. It's just not the planet or the Government. Jurai is a third meaning. The Jurai he wants is the Jurai key." "The Jurai What?" Martel asked. Ryoko continued. "The Jurai Key. Washu, get in here and explain." Washu walked in from outside the room. She had a holotop projected in front of her. The Jurai Key is an artifact." The scientist began. "Kagatos crimes involve Art theft, Murder, and Artifact Theft, just to name a few. The Jurai Key is the whole reason that Jurai is called Jurai. With it, you would truly have great power." Washu typed in some comands into her Holotop and a 3D model appeared in front of them. It looked like a gauntlet. "This is the Key." Washu said. "It can enable its owner to create worlds, or destroy them with a single whisper. It's the whole reason Kagato Attacked Jurai 700 years ago." "But, why did he take Tsunami?" Ayeka asked. "Tsunami is the Key to the Key." Washu said. This shocked everybody. "She is the gatekeeper of the Key. The Trees are her servants. The Trees protect those born of Juraian Blood and their planet." "This is Confusing?" Mihoshi said. Kyone slapped her forhead. "Such an Airhead." The Detective said, slightly angry. Tenchi got up and pointed to the plans of the Soja. "This is what we do," Tenchi began."Washu is building a Holoshield. It will disguise Grampa as Emperor Asuza. Grampa will tell Kagato that Jurai gives up. He will then tell him that we are bringing a ship to the Soja with the Juraian Diplomatic Leaders, but it will be the Yagami in disguise with use. When we get there, we will split up into two groups. Ryoko, Martel, Ayeka, and myself will head to the bridge to fight Kagato. Meanwhile Washu, Grandpa, Sasami and Kyone will find Tsunami and escort her to the Yagami. Mihoshi will guard the Yagami from any threat. That's it." Martel folded his arms. "Seems easy enough." The Hunter comented. Tenchi just wished it really was that easy. The plan was set, and soon Tenchi will be mine, Ryoko thought. I love Tenchi and he's going to know sooner then he thinks. The gang had been preparing for the fight with Kagato. Setting up Holoprojectors and Beam Sabers. Ryoko, on the other hand, hand bought a ring to give Tenchi. It wasn't an Engagement ring, more of a love ring. A way to express her love for him in a more civilized way. The Ring was made from Artrilian Gold, a very rare material and she engraved a messege on the bottom of it. Tenchi, We will be together forever, just the two of us. This is a symbol of my love for you. Never let it go. I love you -Ryoko' It would be a wonderful gift. Suddenly, a loud voice knocked Ryoko back to reality and away from her thoughts. "Ryoko!" it was Ayeka. "Can you please explain to me what this is!" Ayeka had a large piece of paper with typing on it. It looked like it had been folded and she was waving it in front of Ryoko's face. "Jeez, Ayeka." Ryoko began, trying to act innocent. "Looks kinda like a bill to me." Ayeka got madder. "Why is it for 25,000 JURAI!!" Ayeka yelled. Ryoko tried to take the blame off of her. "Hey, it's not my fault." Ryoko said. Ayeka was now blood red and steam was coming out of her ears. "I think it sure as hell is!" The Princess Yelled. "I know I didn't get an Herbal Massage, or eat rare Juraian Lobster! Not to mention the Room service Bill! And I want to know what this Porno Movie is doing here!" Ryoko's face got serious. "What the hell!!??" Ryoko snatched the bill from Ayeka. "Let's see, Lobster, Massage, Room service, Kimono, More Lobster, Movies, WHAT! I sure as hell didn't order a Porno Movie!" " Ayeka folded her arms. "Well if it wasn't you, then who?" the Princess yelled. "I'm sorry girls." Ayeka and Ryoko turned around and couldn't believe their ears/Eyes. "Lord Katsuhito!?" they said in unison. "Don't forget me." Washu yelled. "Very well," The Princess began. "I guess I'll have to pay for it." She turned to Ryoko "But Ryoko, I'm going to hold you responsible for thi..HEY, SHE'S GONE." Ryoko had disappeared. Teleported away. Washu put her hand on Ayeka's sholder to calm her down. "Let her be, Ayeka." Washu began "She's got more important things to worry about then some debt." Ryoko teleported out of that mess just in time. She was now in the fixed Yagami, in Tenchi's quarters. (Authors note. Kyone had several additions to the Yagami, which include separate rooms for everybody. Martel has to sleep in Tenchi's Room) She couldn't get over that something bad was still going to happen, even though they have an almost airtight plan. But this was Kagato. He'll do something. And it will be nasty. "Um, Ryoko. Why are you in my room?" Tenchi said as he walked in. Ryoko sat up and looked nervous. She also began to blush. "Sorry Tenchi......wrong Room." Ryoko began to phase through the wall when Tenchi stopped her. "Ryoko wait!" The Prince began. "We need to talk." Ryoko looked at her Tenchi with a puzzled face. "What is it?" The Pirate asked. Tenchi took a deep breath. "Kagato is a very dangerous man." Tenchi began as he sat down next to Ryoko on his bed. "Something is going to happen tomorrow. He'll do something. And literally a voice has been yelling at me to say this. Ryoko if something happens during this fight, I want you to know one thing and one thing only and I want you to draw from this. I love you." "I love you." Ryoko looked into Tenchi's eyes. He just said the three most wonderful words she's always wanted to here. Especially from Tenchi. She couldn't control herself. Ryoko began to cry. "What's wrong Ryoko?" Tenchi asked. "Oh, Tenchi." The sobbing Pirate began. "I've been waiting for you to say those three words for a long long time. I knew you love me." Tenchi was awestruck by these words. How could she know? Ryoko continued. "These last couple of day's, I could tell you wanted to tell me, Because every time you tried to, your nose would bleed and you would faint." Tenchi instantly blushed at this comment. "Sorry about your dress by the way," Tenchi said. "The stain I mean." Ryoko looked up at Tenchi's eyes. "Don't worry about the dress." She said. They just sat there and stared into each other's eyes. Time seamed to fly past them as the stared. Ryoko suddenly remembered something very important. "Oh, I almost forgot." She said. She reached into her pocket and pulled out the Ring. "I got this for you." She handed the ring to Tenchi. Tenchi stared at the piece of gold he held. "You didn't have to do this Ryoko." Tenchi said. Ryoko smiled. "I wanted to do that for you." She began. " I want it to be a promise." Tenchi looked at Ryoko with a puzzled look. "I want you to promise that you'll make it through this with me." She said. Tears where slowly streaming down her eyes. Tenchi couldn't help but embrace her. He put his arm around his love. "I promise," He began. "I will never leave you Ryoko." And with that Tenchi leaned over and Kissed Ryoko. This was Tenchi's first kiss, First real kiss anyway. Tenchi was suprised, but he got the hang of it. Tenchi pulled away. "Ryoko, I Love you." The Prince said. "I love you to, My Tenchi." The Pirate said. They continued to hold each other, as if to never let go. "Well, if it isn't the Emperor of Jurai." Kagato began. "How are things." Kagato was sitting on his throne when he received a call from the Emperor himself. "Kagato," The Emperor began. "I'm here to issue our surrender." Kagato's grin grew three inches. "Good. I'm glad we finally see eye to eye." Kagato said. The Emperor continued. "I will send a ship in the next 24 hours. It will contain the Juraian Diplomatic leaders, as well as the artifacts asked." Kagato got out of his throne and walked closer to the screen. "Good." The Tyrant began. "The countdown will resume until the ship arrives. Thank you for your hospitality, your Highness." The Trans mission cut off, and Kagato turned around. "Those fools." He said. "I can't believe Yosho is still alive, I thought he'd croak sooner or later." Just then, D walked in carrying Tsunami. "Put her down D." Kagato said. "Yes, Master Kagato." D said. The Android placed the Goddess on the floor of the throne room. Kagato walked over to the Goddess and grabbed her by the throat. "Tsunami, I think its time we got to work." He said. "I want you to pinpoint were the Jurai Key is located. Even if you aren't hooked up to the Soja, I can still kill the useless lambs on that planet, your flock. Do it now." A holo map appeared in the center of the room. Tsunami had no choice but to show were it was. She stood up and walked to where the Jurai Family Memorial was located 500 iles from the Capital. Kagato looked at the Map as Tsunami stopped her walk. "So, it's in a Cemetery." The Tyrant said. "Interesting. I'll wait for the fools to show up. I will show that boy once and for all that I am the Supreme Being and he is nothing but a pathetic weakling." Kagato motioned to D. "D, take her back to her holding chambers." The Android bowed. "Yes master Kagato." She said. D picked up Tsunami and Teleported them to the Holding cell. As D placed the Goddess in her confining tube, she heard a voice. "Why do you let him do this to you." The voice said. D looked around to find the source but found nothing. She then looked at Tsunami. D was suprised to find that Tsunami could talk Telepathically. "I am programmed to follow my masters order, nothing more." The android sadly said. Tsunami looked at D squarely at the eye. "Is that why you cry." D jumped back, suprised by the question. D lowered her head in shame. "How do you know." The android asked. Tsunami lifted a weak arm and caressed the Droid's cheek. "I am Tsunami." The Goddess began. "I am the Guardian of the Guardian Trees. I can read your thoughts. Biomechanic androids are so close to human yet so far away. I also know that you are doing this for your father, the man who made you." D nodded. "Yes, Kagato said that if I help him, I can find my Father. My Father went on a trip so many years ago and never came back." Tsunami shook her head to the answer. "He didn't go on a trip." The goddess said. She was now speaking with her mouth. He speech abilities returned. D looked at Tsunami with a very suprised look. "What are you saying." The android asked. Tsunami closed her eyes. "I'm saying, that your father, is dead." D began to cry. She fell to her knees and cried her heart out. "How can that be? Who did it?" the android asked. "I think you should ask the man you call master for that answer." Tsunami said, and with that, the Goddess fell asleep. "Do you think it worked, Miss Washu." Kyone asked. Washu got out of her seat. "I'm not sure," The Genius said. "The only way to tell is if we don't get attached by him when we get there." Tenchi nodded. "Good." Tenchi said. Tenchi and Ryoko had left their room earlier, so as not to cause suspicion. They want their love to be a secret until this is over. But Tenchi and Ryoko were making a lot of eye contact; this was unsettling for Ayeka. Martel was excited. "Ok, lets go kick some ass!" Martel said. He shouted as he threw his arm into the air. "YEAH!" Sasami yelled. Kyone nodded. "You heard him Mihoshi," Kyone said. "Full power, we need to circle around Jurai to make it look we're coming from Jurai." Sasami sat in her chair. "23 hours till the meeting," Sasami began. "I hope Tsunami is ok." Washu sat up and put a hand the Princesses shoulder. "I'm sure she is." Washu said. She winked at the Princess, to asure her. Martel looked at the group. He'd only been with them for a day and he was really getting attached to them. Especially Princess Ayeka. Martel didn't know about the others, but he really liked Ayeka. She was his type. Strong yet elegant. Willing to fight. He envied her. He also envied Tenchi. "I'm going to go to the cargo bay, practice my sword Play," Martel said as he got up. What do you think Tenchi? Want to train?" Tenchi sat up and nodded. "I'm on my way." An hour later, Tenchi and Martel had made it to the Cargo bay. "And Begin!" Tenchi yelled. Tenchi and Martel both had Bokkens and lunged at each other. Tenchi went for His left and Martel blocked it. Then again and again. Martel was blocking every shot. He's good, tenchi thought. Martel finally began his assault. Tenchi used his bokken to block left, then right, then again and again. Martel couldn't believe such a backwater farm boy could use such attacks, but he is the crown prince of jurai. Little did they know, both Ryoko and Washu were watching the fight. Washu was surprised that her son had such skill. Ryoko just wanted to get Tenchi. The boys continued they're sparring for quite some time. Tenchi managed to fake to the left and then the right and caught Martel off guard. With a stroke of his wrist, Martel flew into the wall. "Where the hell did you learn that." Martel said, a little dazed. Tenchi gave Martel a surprise smile. "You'd be suprised what you can learn from books." Tenchi said. Martel began to stand up as he leveled himself on the wall. "You got to be kidding?" The Hunter said. "Books? I learned my skills from practice, not reading." Tenchi walked over to Martel to help him up. "Who said anything about reading." Tenchi said. "Grampa forced me to train with a pile of books balanced in my head, and let me tell you, Encyclopedias can hurt." Both Tenchi and Martel began to laugh uncontrollably until they were disturbed by the sound of clapping hands. "Bravo, Bravo." it was Washu and Ryoko. Ryoko ran and hugged Tenchi. "You were great Tenchi." Ryoko said. Tenchi returned the Embrace. "Thanks Ryoko." And then, right in front of Martel and Washu, they kissed. Martel was shocked. He thought Tenchi was with Ayeka. He couldn't believe that the prince Tenchi was with the Space Pirate Ryoko. Washu didn't care. She knew it all along. (Psychic Link) "Um...Tenchi?" Martel asked. Tenchi finally let go of Ryoko and looked at Martel. "What is it." Then Tenchi remembered what he just did. His eyes went wide and he looked back at a bashful Ryoko. "Ah, nuts. There goes the secret." The Prince yelled. "Let me guess." Martel began. "You two just got together and you arent going to tell the others as a way of not Depressing or hurting the girls before this mission, huh?" Washu took her index fingure and laced the tip of it on her nose. "On the nose," Washu said. Martel looked over at his mother. "You were in on this, Mom?" the confused Hunter asked. "Well of course." Washu said. "This is also a good thing for you Martel." Tenchi and Ryoko looked at Washu with confusion from her statement. "What do you mean?" Martel asked, he was slightly sweating. "I mean that you have the hots for Ayeka." Washu said. Tenchi and Ryoko's eyes buldged to their maximum proficiency. "What," Ryoko began. "You've got to be kidding, Washu." The Genious shook her head. "Nope, your brother has a thing for Juraian Princesses." Washu said. Martel was deeply blushing. Tenchi let out a sigh of relief. "Well that makes me feel better." Tenchi said. Ryoko looked at Tenchi with a confused look. "What do you mean, My Tenchi?" the space pirate asked. Tenchi turned to his love. "I was afraid that I was going to break Ayeka's heart." He began. "This means that if I were to break the news to her, then she can have Martel's shoulder to cry on." Martel jumped infront of Tenchi. "What!? Hold on, Tenchi." The Hunter yelled. "I'm not that sure of myself when it comes to women like you are." Tenchi stared at him wide eyed. "Woe woe woe." The Prince began. "I've always been shy with women. Just ask Ryoko. I'm still shy even with Ryoko." Martel looked at Ryoko. "Its true." Ryoko said, nodding. "We didn't just speak our love for each other until 5 hours ago." "Damn." was all Martel said. D was in her room. Thinking was the only thing that the android could do. Her Raven hair was shining as she was under the light of her room. Maybe she's right, D thought. Maybe I should confront Kagato, but his power is too much. I would be burnt to a cinder if I confronted him. There is one thing I must do. I must warn Yosho before it's too late. When his ship gets here, I'll teleport to it and warn them. That way, I can save them and help them fight Kagato. D, filled with purpose, teleported to Tsunami's room. The Goddess looked supprised as she appeared. "You've Decided, D." the blue haird goddess asked. "Yes, I'm going to help Yosho fight Kagato and warn him of his trap." D said. Tsunami smiled. "Good. They could use your power." The Tree Guardian siad. "You must wait for your time to act, as I'll wait for mine. Kagato will pay for what he's done. My guardian Warrior is coming. He's with Yosho. He will fight for the Universe once more." D looked at the Goddess with a confused look. Guardian warrior, D thought. What the hell is that. "Who is he?" D asked. Tsunami smiled and layed back in her tube. "The boy who can generate the light Hawk Wings." She began. "Tenchi Masaki, It's all up to him." D smiled. "I hope so too." Was all the Android said. "There it is!" Kyone said. The Soja was the biggest thing the Galaxy Police member ever saw in her life. It was bigger then the Galaxy Police Station. And also more powerful. The Yagami was now disguised as a Juraian Diplomatic Shuttle and was almost there. The gang was dressed in full combat gear. Tenchi now wore the blue outfit he wore when he fought Kain for his mother. Ryoko's outfit looked slightly different because of the power of her jems. Martel was in an outfit worn by high-ranking Juraian Hunters. He had Juraian black strips on his face and carried a blaster and a Beamsaber. Kyone was dressed in the New Galaxy Police combat battle suit. It looked like the one mihoshi wore but the color was blue with red strips. Ayeka wore her standerd battle suit. They were ready. The ship came close to the Soja when a transmission came in. "To the Juraian ship, stand down now!" It was the Juraian Millitary. "I repeat, stand down now. You're going on a suicide mission." Ayeka got out of her seat and walked to the comm. "Give me that." Ayeka said. "I am Princess Ayeka of the Juraian Royal Family. You will let us pass or face the wrath of my father. You got it!" This immediately shut the man up. "Yes ma'am." The Military officer said and disconnected the broadcast. Ryoko was amused. "Just like the Princess you are." The Pirate began. "Getting everything you want." Ayeka snapped back at Ryoko. "What Was That Ryoko!!" Tenchi leaped out of his seat to stop the confrontation. "Calm Down Girls," The Prince yelled, panic was in his voice. "We have more important things to think about. Remember." "Sorry Tenchi." The Girls said in Unison. Tenchi sat back in his chair. "Good." Was all he said. Their almost here, D thought as she looked out the view port. I'm going to avenge my Father. Kagato, you are a very bad man. Its time to finally act on my own. And with that, D Teleported. Little did she know, was that Kagato was watching from the main throne room. He knew his D would be Traitorous. It's all apart of his plan. "Who the hell are you!?" Ryoko said as she drew her energy sword at the newcomer. She saw a raven haired woman with a battle suit similar to Ryoko's, except it was blue instead of Red. "My name is D," The Woman began. "I am an Android. I was working for Kagato but I broke away from him. I'm here to warn you." Tenchi got up and approached the android. "Of what?" Tenchi asked. D looked at Tenchi. "Kagato knows who you are. He knows your whole plan." Mihoshi went frantic. "That's it, the jig is up." Mihoshi said. "We're doomed." Washu got out of her chair and approached the main control consule. "Not quite." Washu began. "We continue as planned." Kyone looked at Washu with a questioning glance. "How?" the teal haired Detective asked. Washu looked over at Ryoko. "Ryoko?" Washu said. It took Ryoko less then a second to figure out what her mother meant. The Yagami docked just as it was planned and Washu could see Kagato out of the View port. But it wasn't just Kagato. He had about 100 Android Stormtroopers Pointing their Rifles at the ship. "You are completely surrounded. Give up!" Kagato said. "If you don't give up, I'll illuminate you all." This was it. "Activate the Shield." Washu said. All of a sudden, the Yagami began to glow with a large shield. "That's a subspace energy field." Kagato said. "I knew Washu was with them but I didn't think she could generate it with the power a GP Cruiser can generate. That's IT, ALL UNITS, OPEN FIRE!!" The troopers began to fire at the Shield. Kagato knew Subspace shields took a lot of energy to generate. Soon he would be victorious. "Its Working", Kyone Said. As she watched the droids fire. "This is a great Idea, Creating a Diversion like this." "Of Course it is." Washu Gloated. "I truly am a Genius, aren't I. lets just hope Gold Team and Blue Team are successful." Using their Teleporting Powers, D and Ryoko teleported with Tenchi, Martel, and Ayeka into the Ships Main Power Generator. It was the Same Room where Tsunami's Capsule was kept. It was also the largest room on the ship. "Tsunami should be around here somewhere." D said. The gang looked around the spacious room. "There she is." Tenchi yelled and began to run over to the Tube. In the Tube was an asleep Tsunami. "Tsunami, Are you all right?" Tenchi yelled as he banged on the glass. D opened the capsule and found a very exhausted Tsunami. "Tsunami?" "Lets go Tenchi!" Ayeka yelled. Tenchi looked at Tsunami, Something wasn't right. Something was very wrong. Tsunami opened her eyes and looked at Tenchi. Tenchi stared at her eyes and something. A group of numbers ticking down. "Oh God!" Tenchi said. Ryoko ran over to Tenchi. "What is it Tenchi!?" Ryoko asked. Tenchi dropped Tsunami and Grabbed Ryoko as he began to run. "We've got to get out of here," Tenchi yelled. "THE WHOLE SHIP IS GOING TO BLOW!!" Kyone was getting impatiant. "It's getting late," Kyone said. She looked over at Washu. "Where are they Washu?" The Genius shook her head. "I don't know." She said. "We cant sit like this, we have to start firing back." Kyone turned to the Gunner station. "Ok, but I'm aiming for Kagato." She said. The Yagami's Cannons started to move. Kyone got a perfect shot on Kagato and Fired. The blast went right through him. "What the Hell!?" Washu saw what happened and Gasped. "Oh No! A HOLOGRAM!!" Washu then got the message from Ryoko. The entire ship was a whole trap. D was right, but she didn't know about this. "Damnit Get out of there!!!" just then The gang teleported onto the Yagami. "That was fast." Mihoshi said. "No time For Talk, MOVE!!" Ryoko said. The Yagami's cannons aimed at the docking bay entrance and fire, making a big Hole. "Lets get our Asses out of here!!!" Kagato watched, as his ship became a memory. The explosion was magnificent. Rivaling that of a small planet. In his arms was the unconious Tsunami. His Key. His key to the Key. That's all that was important know. He was outside of the Memorial Cemetery, and below it was his prize. The power of the Cosmos. The power that could rival Tokimi's. Correction. A power that could surpass all rival powers. The ultimate power. And it was his, and there was nothing anybody could do about it. His enemies are dead. He is now the King of the Universe!! The Yagami was dented and Scratched, but it was still flyable "Damn," Ryoko said. "That was to close." Washu sat in her chair and folded her arms. "So," Washu began. "Kagato planned on taking us all out in one swift attack. A blitzkrieg attack." Ayeka sat up. "Now we have no idea what to do." Ayeka said. "I know were he is." The gang looked over at the android. "I know were Kagato is." "Where is he, D?" Tenchi asked. D closed her eyes as she remembered the spot on the map. "The Juraian Memorial." D began. "500 iles from the Capitol. Washu jumped out of her chair. "He's going after the Jurai Key!!" Washu said. "We have to stop him, know!!" "Right." Kyone said. And with that, Kyone piloted the Yagami into Jurai's atmosphere. This is great, Kagato said. The fruits of victory are always rewarding. In his arms lay an unconious Tsunami. The Key to the Key. Kagato walked with Tsunami in his arms down the long fight of stairs to his destination. He had been here before, a long time ago. When Ryoko first attacked Jurai, he had made his way here. It wasn't the trek through the corridor that was his problem, it was the lock. Kagato stopped as he came to the Tsunami Lock. Just like he had left it, all those centuries ago. Next to the lock was a large tube. Similar to the one that Tsunami was being held in earlier. Kagato opened the Tube and placed Tsunami inside. At first, nothing. But then a light emanated from the door, and it opened. He then picked up Tsunami once more and continued. Kagato came to a very large room. Just slightly larger then his former throne room on the Soja. Kagato placed Tsunami next to a pillar and looked into the center of the room. There it was, his prize. The Jurai Key. The Jurai Key was the size of a gauntlet. In fact it was a Gauntlet. The Key fraise is because it is the Key of power, great power. The ability to destroy and create with a mer whisper, at his command. The ability to bend reality with a flick of his wrist. The Power to control the Universe. The Power of immortality. Tsunami began to regain consciousness when she saw it. It had been over a millennia since she last say the Key. It still scared her. The thought of a madman like Kagato obtaining the Key is one that can cause a century of nightmares. Kagato turned around and saw Tsunami awake. He gave a small laugh and said, "how does it feel, Tsunami? How does it feel to see all your work turned to dust. Your guardian is dead, Your planet will be destroyed, and your mortal enemy has just attained the greatest power of all time." "Kagato Stop!!" The Goddess yelled. "You don't know what will happen if you put that thing on." "Ah, but I do know. And I can't wait one more second." And with that Kagato took the Key of its Place of resting and put it on. He could feel the power surging through his veins. His brain swarmed with the knowledge of the Cosmos. His eyes glow with a bright Red with power. Soon, the whole room started to glow with the power he was giving of. Tsunami put up a Single Lighthawk Wing for protection. Kagato's Muscles Clenched with power as he let out a great howl. Tenchi saw it as the great pillar of fire erupted from the ground. Everybody ducked for cover just in time as it shot into the heavens. The ground began to quake as He heard the Scream. They were too late. Kagato was the victor. He won the Battle. And as Tenchi stood there a spoke a silent prayer to his dead Mother, he swore that Kagato would lose the War. "Its incredible!!" Tenchi heard Washu say. "The power Levels are of the Scale!! It's as if Kagato has just become a god!!" Asuza watched the pillar shoot into the sky as his palace shook. He, along with every one else near him, was awe struck. It was the most incredible thing he had ever scene, and also the most evil. The Pillar was like an old Earth Babylonian Tower, stretching into the sky as if to throw God himself from his throne. Mayuka was at her aunt's house, but she could sense the energy. She stared at the Sky as a small fireball lit it up. The power was evil, Mayuka could sense it. She also knew that her daddy was there to and she began to cry. She knew that her daddy couldn't beat back such a force. It was just too strong. But she also felt something familiar. Something in her blood told her it was from Jurai. She was standing outside and a limb fell of a Tree. She looked at the limb and knew it was a bad omen. Something was going to happen, something that could change the very universe forever. Kagato finally stopped his display of power as he gained control. He looked at his hand with the Key. It was know imbedded in his body. A Sacred power that no one can take from him. He was the master know. He looked over at the Trembling Tsunami. She was scared out of her wits; Kagato knew that and smiled. He had the power to make Goddesses Tremble. "I see you don't like my knew power. That makes me sad. I don't want to be sad." And with that Kagato raised his arm and pointed his open palm at Tsunami. "And know its time for you to die." "Not So Fast Kagato!!" Kagato turned around to see who would dare speak to a god Like that. It was the Boy. Tenchi and his gang were still alive, and with them was D. "How many Times do I have to kill you?" Kagato said. "I won't die," Tenchi began, "As long as you still live." "Very well then, if you're going to be stubborn about it." Kagato pointed his arm at Tenchi and fired. "Get down!" Tenchi yelled as he dogged the blast. "Damn you Kagato!!" Ryoko yelled as she activated her full powered sword. Ryoko flew into the room and tried to flank Kagato but she ran into his energy shield. "You people are pathetic. If Its going to be this hard to kill you then I'll have to make it easy." Kagato raised both of his hands and energy began to shoot out all over the room. Everybody was in pain as this evil energy coursed throughout their bodies. Tenchi tried to get up but he couldn't move, he was pinned. Ryoko tried her hardest to no evail. Martel was protecting the Princesses and Tsunami from the energy. Kagato was very happy as he watched his nemesis roll around in pain. Tenchi couldn't help it, His forehead began to glow in the Tri Shape and his wings appeared. Tenchi used his wings to transform and ignited The Light Hawk Sword. "So, You still want to play. Then take this!" Kagato shot an energy blast at tenchi. Tenchi his wings to protect himself as a new pain shot through his body. The Beam stopped and Tenchi managed to rush Kagato. "YYYYAAAAHHH!!!" Tenchi yelled as he brought down his blade. Kagato just grabbed it and lifted Tenchi. "I've been waiting for this for a long time. I'm going to make you pay." Kagato opened an energy Nexus with his newfound powers. "Death is to good for you Tenchi Masaki. I'm going to send you to oblivion." And with that, Kagato Hurled Tenchi through the Nexus. "Ryoko!!" Tenchi yelled. Ryoko watched helpless to save her love has he was thrown into the Nexus and out of her life. Ryoko couldn't believe he was gone. But he was. She looked at Kagato through her Tear soaked eyes. Her face a mixed expression of rage, loss, and Suffering. She had new found determination as she stood up in the electrical Field. Her Gems glowing a bright red and Blue as she stared at Kagato. "Kagato!!" That was enough to gain his attention. He looked at his former puppet with an Evil smile. Ryoko couldnt take it anymore. As her tears streamed down her face, she screamed the name of the man she loved. "TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTEEEEEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNNNNCCCCCCCCCCCH HHHHHHHHHHIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!" Her scream echoed throughout the Entire universe. Ryoko began to stand, resisting the pain coursing throughout her body. Her Jems began to glow a great bright blue, and then, Six Light Hawk Wings appeared infront of her. Kagato was amazed. And Scared "That's impossible. Tenchi is Gone and Tsunami is weak, how could you generate such power!?" Ryoko didn't answer. Her outfit began to change into one similar to Tenchi's and she drew a light Hawk Sword. In her left hand was her regular Energy Sword. In her right, the Light Hawk Sword. She looked at Kagato and all The Rage and hatred she had for him magnified by a thousand. She Flew at Kagato full speed and with one swift motion, Brought both Blades into Kagato's flesh. He did not disappear like last time. This time, he began to bleed. He wasn't a god, he was mortal. She took both blades and sliced him in half. The energy shield secede as Ryoko stared at the still moving upper half of Kagato. His face covered in Fear. He knew he wasn't going to make it through this one. "Why?" Ryoko asked the still moving torso. "Why did you do it. Where is Tenchi!!" Kagato looked at Ryoko with that same grin. He knew he was going to die. He wasn't going to answer. "So," Kagato said."You do have a Heart." Ryoko Raised the light hawk Sword high. "HHEEYYAA!!" She shouted and sliced of Kagatos Head. Ryoko returned to her normal uniform as the wings lost their power. Everybody watched as the space pirate ran to the wall where the portal was. She kneeled down and started to bang on the wall. Her eyes gushing like open dams. She yelled Tenchi's name every time she hit the wall. The rest of the girls began to cry. Martel lowered his head and began to say a silent prayer, as did Yosho. Washu walked over to her Ryoko and begun to comfort her. "Its ok, Ryoko." Washu said as she comforted her daughter. "Just let it all come out. Its ok." Tenchi fell through the void at an incredible pace. He had no Idea of were he was or were he was going, but he knew it was bad. Tenchi had been falling through the void for what felt like years but was just a few hours. He was tired, hungry, thirsty, and depressed. His battle fatigues and his Light Hawk Wings had lost their power when he entered the void. One thing was running through his mind. Was everybody ok, and what happened to Kagato? He knew that these questions would be answered, and soon, but right now, Tenchi just wanted to be home and hold Ryoko in his arms forever. Tenchi looked at the direction he was going. He actually saw a light. A small light. That meant that he was at the end of the tunnel. About time, Tenchi thought. He held up his arms to brace for impact. The light got bigger and bigger, but it still felt like an eternity. And then, out of no were Tenchi stopped. He had hit the ground. All Right, Tenchi thought, First things first, I'm going to get some water. But where am I. Tenchi looked around. He was in a desert, but it had red sand. There was no life as far as the eye can see. Strange Rock Formations decorated the scenery as the heat of Two Suns burned the Red Planet. Tenchi couldn't believe that a planet like this could actually be real. It was as if it were a living Hell, minus Demons. Tenchi began to trek across the vast Desert. He marveled at the vastness of this place. Ryoko sat in the Medical bay of the Yagami. It had been a day and she couldn't do anything. Depression had replased he normal, care free aditude. She curled up in a ball in the corner of the room. She couldn't do anything. She couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, couldn't stop crying. She sat still, watching the stars go by. The Yagami was heading twords Earth with its crew intact minus one. Washu walked into the medical bay, after cheacking everybody's condition and walked to Ryoko. Washu had never seen Ryoko like this in her life. Ryoko embraced he mother as Washu wispered words of encouragement into her ears. "Mom, I cant believe he's gone." Ryoko said. Washu took a Hankerchhif from her pocket and wipped away Ryoko's tears. "Its ok Ryoko." Washu said. "It'll be all right." "I just sat there and watched him leave me" Ryoko said. Tears continued to stream down her face. "I didn't do anything to help him." Washu continued to comfort her daughter. "You did every thing you could do to help him at the time." She said. "You need some rest." Washu got up and began to walk away. "I'm going to go help Tsunami. She asked me to take a look at her vital signs, since she is now seperated from Sasami." And with that, Washu left the room, and Ryoko was alone again. It wasn't long before Tenchi collapsed from Exhaustion. It was hard to move under the desert suns. Sweat rolling of his body in massive gallons. If this keeps going, Tenchi thought, then I'm a goner. Tenchi lay there, helpless and alone. He missed Ryoko and the others. He just wished he could get home. Then Tenchi thought about Ryoko some more. It was as if the Thought of Being with Ryoko again could feed energy into Tenchi. He started to get up, but couldn't get the proper footing beneath him, so he fell. Tenchi had never been this exhausted before in his life. He began to slowly fall asleep. Tenchi tried to fight the urge, but it was greater then anything he had ever fought. Before he drifted away, Tenchi cold swear he heard voices in the distance. The last thing he saw before passing out was the image of several people standing above him. Ayeka sat alone in her room. She couldn't stop crying. Tenchi was like a brother to her, almost more, but she could never admit it. she heard a nock at her door. "Can I come in." It was Martel. Ayeka almost told him that she needed time to her self, but he opened the door. Ayeka stared at Martels appearence, gruff from battle, yet soft. She looked deep into his eyes, a beautiful gold. She had never seen eyes like them. "You can come in." Ayeka said. Martel closed the door behind him and sat next to the crying Princess. "I thought you could use a shoulder to cry on." Martel said. Ayeka smiled as she wipped her tears away. Martel was so sweat, she thought. She leaned on his shoulder and began to sob again. "I cant believe he's gone." Ayeka said. Martel put an arm around the Princess, which caused her to blush. "I just met Tenchi." Martel began. "When I first saw him, I thought he was a punk. A wannabe fighter. But then I trained with him before the fight with Kagato, and I discovered that he wasn't a punk, but a great fighter. I bet my career as a Hunter that we'll see him again." Ayeka smiled as her tears began to stop. "I want to spare with him more." Martel continued. "But. What if he isnt coming back." Ayeka said. Martel looked at the blushing Princess. "Then, we honor his memory." He said. Ayeka sighed. She hadent been comforted like this since that rainy day she spent with Tenchi. Martel was really sweat. She decided she wanted to spend more time with Martel right then and there. She rested her head firmly on Martel's sholdur and cried some more. It was white. All around Tenchi was nothing but a white Scenery. Tenchi knew what this was. His mother was going to pay a visit. Tenchi looked around for her, expecting her to appear right in front of her. But she wasn't there. He couldn't see her anywhere. Then, all of a sudden, a bright flash of light appeared out of nowhere, and Tenchi was no longer at the White area anymore. He was at the Shrine. "Tenchi." A voice came from the background. Tenchi turned around to see his mother standing behind him. She looked just like she had in the last dream. She even had a smile on her face. "Mother." Tenchi began. "Why am I here, and what happened on Jurai, and where am I." Tenchi looked at his mother with a frightened face. Atchika took a deep breath and Sighed. "I will begin with the last question." She began. "Tenchi, you are on a planet several thousand Light-years from Jurai. The planet has no name because it hasn't even been discovered by any Pioneers. The planet you are on can be described as a miniature Hell." "You can say that again." Tenchi said. Atchika smiled. "On this planet, you will encounter many Demons." She continued. "The journey home will be very hard. You must depend on your friends. They can find you." Tenchi looked at Atchika with worry. "What happened on Jurai?" Tenchi asked. Atchika looked at Tenchi with a sad face. She took a deep breath and answered. "I can not tell you." "Why not?" Tenchi asked. "The Council does not want me to tell you." Atchika began. "You'll find out for your self." Tenchi was dumbfounded. He couldn't believe his mother wouldn't tell him what happened. "Why?" Tenchi asked with some rage in his voice. "Why can't you tell me? And what is this council you speak of. And for that matter, what does it have to do with me?" Tenchi looked at his mother. Atchika hid her face from Tenchi's so he couldn't see her sadness. She could not answer. Not yet. She wanted to tell him everything but the council forbids it. Saying that it would probably alter the future in a very bad way. Atchika finally looked at her son. Tears streamed down her eyes. Tenchi knew something was very wrong. "I'm afraid I have to go now." She said. Atchika began to run away from Tenchi. He tried to chase after her but couldn't move. He tried to move but it was as if his feet where attached to the ground. The scenery began to melt. Tenchi was waking up. Tenchi awoke to the sounds of Talking. He couldn't make out what was being said. It sounded like Gibberish to him. Tenchi finally opened his eyes. "He's awake." Somebody said. As Tenchi's eyes began to focus, he began to see humanoid people with blue skin and pointy ears. The looked similar to characters from a Nintendo Game Tenchi played once, but these people wore Desert Clothing. Some wore large cloth Cloaks over their suits. "Who is he? Why is he here?" Came a voice. Tenchi could tell it belonged to an Authority Figure, due to the Sternness of the Voice. "He was in the Desert for Days, give him some water and he might be able to speak." That voice sounded like that of a child no more then 12. It reminded Tenchi of his voice when he was that age. He tried to site up, but was restrained by metal bonds. He couldn't move. "Why should we give an outsider our water?" It was the Authority voice again. "He could be an agent of Dorant. He cant be Trusted." Tenchi's vision finished focusing. He was in a cave like room with small lamps and some electronic equipment. It looked pretty banged up. He looked at the voice of Authority. The man had a large chin with a bright white beard. A scar and an Eye patch replaced his left eye. He had many earrings and had long White hair with a black streak down the middle. Tenchi then looked at the boy. He was right, no more then 12. But the kid looked like the only Doctor the Blue people have. "But Captain Page." The boy began. "He could be a real help in the war." Finally Tenchi had a name to go with the one of the voices. Page. Captain Page. Tenchi took several long deep breaths. "Please." Tenchi rasped. "I come in peace." The boy and Page looked at Tenchi. Page gave a nod to somebody and then Tenchi saw another man. This one had short blond hair and a scar over his left cheek. The man came over to Tenchi and Drew a Knife. "No!!" The boy yelled. "I refuse to have my Patients butchered. He said he came in peace, give him a chance to explain everything. All he needs is some water." "Very well." Page said. "But if anything happens to the tribe because of him, I'll hold you personally responsible, got it." The boy nodded. Page looked at the man with the knife. "Jerec, give him some water." Jerec put his knife away and pulled out his canteen. Tenchi was very grateful. He thanked the man and proceeded to gulp down the liquid in large doses. Jerec then took his canteen and walked out of the room. Page began to walk out of the room. "I want you to question him and give me a full report later, got it." "Yes sir." The boy said. Page was out the door. The boy looked at Tenchi and pulled a wet washcloth out of a bucket. "Sorry about the Captain. He's been edgy since Durant knocked out our surveillance system." Tenchi looked at the boy as he put the washcloth on Tenchi's forehead. "So, what's your name?" Tenchi asked. The boy smiled. "My name is Dr. Tenzen Futu, but people call me Ten. I'm the only Dr. these people got." Tenchi looked surprised. A young boy is the only dr. that a small tribe in the middle of nowhere has. That's sad. "What's you name?" the boy asked. "Tenchi." He began. "Tenchi Masaki." "Well, now that we finished with the formalities," Ten Began. "What in the Blue Hell were you doing in the middle of the Strife Desert?" Tenchi lay his head down on the table. "Well." Tenchi began. "It's a long Story." And with that, Tenchi told the amazing story of his life. When he met Ryoko and the other girls. The day Kagato showed up. The light Hawk Wings. Dr. Clay. The arrival of Jurai at his front step. The Bounty Hunter Nagi. Uzuha, the Demon and Tenchi's Daughter. The Fight through Time against Kain. The return of Kagato. D and Martel, and the fight for the Key. Ten loved these stories. He may be a doctor, but he is still a kid and loves action and adventure. "And that's how I got here." "Wow." Ten said. "All that happened during a one year period?" Tenchi nodded. "Well, I guess your story checks out." "I have to ask." Tenchi said. "Why are your people acting like it's a warzone out there?" "Because it is." Tenchi looked at Ten in a questioning face. "Our people, the Shinata's, didn't come from this planet. Our people used to venture as explorers in deep space. But 200 years ago, out ship was hit by a meteor. We crash-landed on this planet which we call doomgaze. Of you look at the planet, its like a nightmare come true. We built a Camp and made a Small civilization. But hunger and Thrust became catalysts to a war. Durant, one of the Chief Science officers of the ship, became greedy and left with a large number of our people. They built a stronghold to the north where they found water. They wouldn't share with us. Page was very angry. He sent smugglers into the fortress, which is called Ravens Claw, to smuggle water for us. Durant found out and considered it an act of war. We've been fighting a losing battle for decades." "So this Durant is the cause of all this." Tenchi said. "It's just like lord of the flies." "Lord of the what?" Ten asked. "Nothing. Sounds tuff." Tenchi said. "It is tuff. We've been fighting for So long, and now There's been word that Durant has been building an army of demonic creatures to raid our camp for a final showdown. We're desperate." Tenchi looked at Ten. Tears began to flow from the young boy's eyes. Tenchi couldn't help but feel the boy's pain. To be born in the middle of a Civil War and have an entire Army depends on you truly is a tuff life. Ten wiped his eyes and looked at Tenchi. "Tenchi. Could you help us in some way? Please?" Tenchi grew a small grin on his face. "I'll see what I can do, but I'm also going to find a way off this planet. I need to get home." Tenchi closed his eyes. The vision of Ryoko drifted in his head. Her golden, catlike eyes. Her silver hair flowing in an invisible breeze. The image of beauty, if he ever saw one. Tenchi wanted off the planet. He'd been away from Ryoko for too long. Ten looked at Tenchi with a questioning glance. The young doctor wandered what was going through his patient's mind at the moment. The young doctor stood up and brushed himself off. "I'm going to talk to the Master." Ten said. "You need to get your rest." And with that, Ten left the room. Tenchi lay down and began to contemplate the situation. What am I going to do, Tenchi thought. I need to get of this rock. Tenchi's eyes closed and he drifted into a deep sleep. Tenchi wasn't in the white room anymore. He was walking on Water. It looked like an ocean to him. But the color of the water was a dark reddish color. He bent down to take a look at the substance. He decided not to touch it. As he stared at the liquid, he saw something. It was grayish. Tenchi ran over to the object and froze. It was a skull, floating in an ocean of blood. Tenchi began to sweat. This wasn't right. How could he walk on the ocean? He looked around and began to see more bones begin to surface. It wasn't long before the ocean of blood had become and ocean of death. Tenchi looked around a found a small hill. He raced for the new land area with all his might. Tenchi jumped on the hill and made it to the top, only to find a site that horrified him. His beloved Ryoko lay on the Hill, blood trickling from a large open wound in her chest. Tenchi knelled down and began to cry. How could this happen, Tenchi thought? He picked her up and began to call Ryoko's name. But he couldn't speak. He was mute for some reason. Tenchi heard a laugh from the back ground and turned around. There, walking on the ocean of bone and blood, stood Kagato. Tenchi couldn't believe it. How had this happened? Kagato began to change into a shapeless man. He looked like a shadow. The shadow lifted his hand and fired an energy blast. The blast impaled Tenchi's heart and he fell on top of his beloved. Tenchi watched, mortified when the shadow took a new shape. It was his mother. And with that Tenchi closed his eyes and began to call out Ryoko's name. Ryoko. Ryoko. Ryoko. "RRRYYYOOOKKKOOO!!!" Tenchi yelled as he was brought back to consciousness. He sat up and noticed his entire body was covered in sweat. It was a nightmare, Tenchi thought. But he couldn't help but wonder what it meant. Was it an omen of the future? Tenchi didn't know. He sat up and walked out of the room. He hadn't had a chance to see the camp that he was located in. Tenchi only knew of his room. As he walked out his room, he stood in awe at the site. It was a giant underground cavern. Not just Giant, it was bigger then the Soja. All around him, people in uniforms and cloth robes were busy working about in their daily lives. Some where hauling weapons and preparing for war, others sold food and other items. It was a fully functional working society. As Tenchi continued to walk, He couldn't help but wonder what was really going on outside the stone walls. He could faintly hear a few explosions. Tenchi soon found himself in the Town Square. The square was actually the main command post. He saw Page shouting orders into a headset. There really was a battle going on. The video screens showed much solder fighting each other with extreme prejudice. This wasn't right, Tenchi thought. Why does any species fight one another like this. Tenchi longed for his peaceful life on planet Earth. Page noticed that Tenchi was awake and gave him an icy stare. Page sat up from his control chair and walked over to Tenchi. "So, the mighty Juraian Prince awakens." Tenchi wondered how Page would know that he is a prince, but he then remembered that he told Ten Everything. "So. What till it be?" Page asked. Tenchi looked at him with a questionable face. "What are you going to do, help us or flee." Tenchi stood calmly. "I don't plan on running." Tenchi began. "I also don't plan on helping you." Tenchi stared at Page as he gave him a look of distrust. "I'm going to lead you." "What did you just say?" Page asked. "Nobody leads us but me." Page balled his hands into fists. He was pissed. "You've been in charge for 200 years and have been losing." Tenchi said. "If I command, I'll bring with me Juraian know-how. We can scare Durant with my power." Tenchi didn't like what he was saying, but from what Tenchi heard about this Durant guy was sick. Durant is just as bad as Kagato. Tenchi knew that for a fact. Even though it had been 2 weeks since he last saw Kagato, he still remembered that maniacal laugh. That evil grin. That sadistic look on his face when he separated Sasami and Tsunami. The same look he gave him when he was thrown into the Nexus. "Durant has no right to do what he does. To deny people water is immoral. I will stop him, and then I will go home." Tenchi looked at Page. Page couldn't believe that this small boy had the balls to say these things. He had to admit Tenchi had Guts. "I want to meet Durant. I want to show him that Life is not his to play with." Page grinned. "Very well. We will set up a meeting with Durant under a white flag." Tenchi agreed. Ten was there and saw the whole thing. He couldn't believe that Tenchi could actually get Page to listen to him. "Jerec." Page ordered. "I want you to send a message to Durant for a white flag meeting." Jerec nodded and began to talk into the resciver. IT wasn't long before Jerec got an answer from his call. "Durants chief of staff has agreed." Jerec said. "Durant will bring with him 2 other accomplices, you are to do the same. The meeting will be at Shadow peek in three days." Page looked at Jerec and nodded. "Good. Ten, get Tenchi a weapon." Ten nodded and took tenchi to the armory. Tenchi saw many weapons he had never seen befor. There where mountains of guns and ammo, but Tenchi hated guns. He preferred something a little traditional. In the corner of his eye, Tenchi saw what he was looking for. A sword about as big as the light hawk sword. The blade was made from a bright red metal, wich came from the desert planet. The metal could slice through anything. Very powerful. It would do unless Tenchi activated his Light Hawk Wings. The blade was perfect for battle. Tenchi was ready. All he needed to do was wait for 3 days. He was one step closer to getting home. Three days past very fast. Tenchi spent the days training for the battle at hand. He adapted to the society very fast, but for some reason, the people looked at Tenchi with fear in their eyes. They were afraid of the Juraian prince. He didn't know why. Maybe it was how he stood up against Page. It didn't matter. Tenchi just wanted to end the war. Tenchi, Jerec, and Page made their way up Shadow peek. Tenchi was in his Juraian battle suit, with a large cloak over it. A hood was up to hide his face from view and he carried his new blade under the cloak. They made their way up to the top with out a problem, and there waiting for them was Durant. Durant looked like page, except he was cleashaven and had long black hair. He also had a scar over a missing eye, but didn't hide it with a patch. Duran also had a large battle Scythe strung over his back. The blade was made from the same metal that Tenchi's sword was mad of. Durant had two others with him. One was very small, about 2 feet tall, and the other was about 8 feet tall. They both looked nothing like the Shinatas. They had horns growing out of their foreheads and had razor sharp teeth. They looked about as vicious as Canadian Wolverines. Tenchi recalled what Ten said a week ago. An army of Demons. This was the evidence. They looked exactly like demons. The six warriors stood in silence as they stared at each other. Tenchi hid his face from view. Page and Durant where staring at each other, as if to make the others head melt. Durant finally broke the silence. "Well." He began. "What do you want. I was enjoying kicking your ass so I figure you plan on giving up." Durant smiled a very sinister smile. "I have no intention of surrendering to you." Page said. "You slaughter my people. Deny them water. Destroy our land. And murder our children." Tenchi couldn't believe he just heard the last fraise. He wasn't told of any deaths to children. Durant continued to smile. "Your still angry about that." Durant said. "It happened 30 years ago." "You killed my son you son of a Bitch!!" Page yelled. Tenchi couldn't believe what he just heard again. Durant really is a bastard. Durant continued to smile. Tenchi knew what he was trying to do; he wanted to get under Page's Skin. "You know Page, If I could go back to that day, so long ago," Durant began. "I would've done it slower." Page went berserk. He lunged at Durant. Tenchi and Jerec tried to catch him but they were to late. The little guy jumped infront of Page and kicked him in the gut, causing him to fly backwards. Jerec caught him in mid air. "I forgot to introduce my friends to you." Durant began "The smaller guy is Puck. And the larger is Nash. They are my new generals." Page looked at the two demons. Durant continued. "In my possession, I have a whole army of these solders. My Demon Army, and I attack in one week." Pages eyes widened. "You won't know what'll hit you. You might as well give up now." Page began to smile back at Durant. Durant didn't like this. "What's with the smile." "I don't have the authority to give up." Page said. This disturbed Durant. "I'm not in control any more. I've grown too old for this." Page motioned for Tenchi to step forward. I would like you to meet General Tenchi Masaki of the Juraian Empire." Durant's eyes widened. How did the Jurai find us, he thought. Tenchi pulled back his hood and looked at Durant. It was true, Durant thought. Sweat began to slide off of Durants forehead. Page noticed this and chuckled. "My Name is Tenchi Masaki. I am the crown Prince of Jurai." Durant couldn't believe this. Crown Princes are the most trained and most powerful warriors in the entire universe. This unnerved Durant too much. "Fine then," He said. "1 week. And we'll have the ultimate show down. Your Jurai versus my Demons. We'll see who will control the Water." And with that, Durant and his General turned away. Tenchi had a smile on his face. Page loved what had just happened. They decided to head back to the base and prepare. Tenchi began to dought his powers. Those demons were very strong, Tenchi knew this. Tenchi was just one Warrior. Even with the Light Hawk Wings, he was worried. Tenchi was training on his room with a sword made out of Plastic. He didn't have a bokken so he had to use something artificial. Ten watched him. There were no wounded or sick. Everybody was preparing for the upcoming battle, so Ten was free. He marveled at the skills Tenchi used. It was the best he had seen. Maybe we could win, Ten thought. Tenchi sat down after a 2-hour practice. "Those were moves I learned from my Grandpa on Earth." Tenchi said. Ten was curious. During Tenchi's story earlier, he hadn't mentioned what Earth was like. Ten Decided to speak up. "Tell me about Earth, Tenchi." Tenchi raised an eyebrow, and then he took a deep breath. "Well," Tenchi Began. "Earth is a magnificent planet. It is the complete opposite of this planet. Earth is covered with Trees and Oceans." "What are Oceans?" "Oceans are large bodies of water that cover the planet." "Really." Ten asked. "Yeah, and the sky is blue with large white objects made of air called clouds." When you look at the Clouds, you can sometimes tell different shapes. No two clouds are ever the same." Ten had a look of amazement on his small eyes. "A planet covered in green and Blue. Wow." Ten looked down. "I wish I could see it." Tenchi grinned at Ten. "I tell you what. When the war is over, I'm going to find a way to get home. If you help me, then you can come along." Ten was very excited. He had lived on the dead planet all his life. When he leaves the desert world, he wouldn't have to care for the so many people anymore. He would finally have a normal life. Suddenly Ten was brought back to reality from a beeping noise. Ten checked his caller on his belt. "Damnit. I gotta go." Ten said. "I catch you later ok." "Ok." Tenchi said. Ten ran out of the room fast. Tenchi was tired. He has about 3 days left until the fight so decided to rest up. Tenchi got into bed and began to think. God I hope Ryoko and the others are ok, Tenchi thought as he drifted of into the land of slumber. Durant sat in his throne room located at the Stadium. He had built a large Stadium to amuse himself during hard times. He watched on as Nash, his larger General fought one of the Prisoners in mortal combat. These events usually cheered him up, but he wasn't working today. He was nervous. How, Durant thought. How did the Jurai get here? There is no possible way for even one of them to find us. Puck was sitting by his side, watching the fight take place. Durant watched the Sadistic look on Pucks face. The way Puck watched the fight reassured him. There was only one Jurai compared to the 500 demons of his own. Durant looked on as Nash impaled the prisoners in the arena with a long Pick. Durant had a smile. "This war will be over soon," He said. "And then, I will control the water and the world." It was another Dream, Tenchi thought as he walked on the grassy surface. It was like he was on one of the great grassy fields on Jurai. He didn't know why he was having these dreams. Usually his mother shows up and talks to him, but the last couple of dreams have involved death and blood. This one was almost peaceful. As Tenchi walked through the grassy field, he spotted some one sitting under a tree. She wore a white dress and had silver hair. It was Ryoko. Tenchi ran to her as fast as he could. Tenchi found it weird though. She just sat there and watched the grass move through the power of the wind. Tenchi sat next to Ryoko. She finally noticed him and smiled. "Its beautiful, isn't it Tenchi." She said. Tenchi looked at the grassy waves and blue sky. "It is, isn't it." Tenchi held Ryoko's hand. "But it is no where near as Beautiful as you." This caused Ryoko to cry a little. "What's wrong." Ryoko looked at Tenchi for a while. "This is just a dream. As soon as we wake up, it'll be over and I wont have you anymore." Tenchi nodded. "Your right, that's why we need to forget about everything else but us." Tenchi leaned over and kissed her. They stayed like that for a long time. Just kissing. But the time came when they had to break it up. They stared into each other's eyes and embraced. Tears streaming down their cheeks. Why cant this just last forever. God I miss her. They continued to kiss but the time came when the dream would end. "I'll continue to wait for you, my love." Ryoko's face grew brighter. "And I won't rest until I have you in my arms again." She said. They kissed again as the dream disappeared. Tenchi woke up with a smile on his face. That was the greatest dream I've ever had in my life, he thought. Tears began to slowly slide down his face. "God I miss you Ryoko." He said. He looked at the Tsunami Ring on his hand. The ring witch allowed him to change into battle mode. It was the same color as Ryoko's hair. He began to twist it on his finger. He also looked at the ring on his other hand. The one with a small diamond in the middle. He turned it around and saw the inscription that was written there. `Tenchi, We will be together forever, just the two of us. This is a symbol of my love for you. Never let it go. I love you -Ryoko' Tenchi smiled at the ring. She had given it to him the day before they fought Kagato as a good luck charm, but it could be used as an engagement ring. Tears began to slide even faster down his cheeks. Some day, Tenchi thought, We will be together again, and when that happens, I promise to never let you go. Ryoko awoke from the Dream of her life. She had just Dreamt about Tenchi. It was on a grassy field somewhere in space. This gave Ryoko some hope as she made her way back to Earth with the others. They were going to hold Tenchi's Funeral on Earth. But Ryoko knew he was out there somewhere. She looked at the blue planet she called home, and vowed that he would return to her. She lay down in her Futon again and began to cry. The days went by and it was time for the great battle. The Army had small Ear sized radio receivers so they could talk to base. Tenchi stood at the front of the large army, marching over the desert. Tenchi was nervous though. Durant must be pretty confident to let them wait a week. The army was armed with new spears Tenchi had made from the red metal and swords of the same material. This was going to be one hell of a battle. They couldn't see the demon army but they knew it was out there. As they marched, Tenchi could cut the tension with a knife. Then he saw it. Nash and Puck infront of a large army of Demons. There were about 300 demons there. It was massive. Both armies stopped moving and awaited their signal. Nash looked at the Army infront of him with a large toothy grin. "On my word, unleash hell." He yelled in his low voice. Tenchi lifted his sword for all to see. "This is the end of a 200 year war." Tenchi yelled. "Think if were you want to be after this fight and you will be there." Tenchi kept his sword up and awaited the demons to make the first move. Nash had a very large Battle-Axe. Tenchi made a note to watch out for that. "ATTACH!!" The demon yelled and the Demon Army charged. Tenchi Lowered his sword in a swift motion signaling for the attach. The Shinatas and the Demons charged each other in great speed. It was like two massive waves heading straight for each other. And then out of no where, they connected. The battle began. Tenchi Charged Nash with his sword. He missed completely and Nash swung with his mighty Axe. It missed Tenchi completely and hit somebody else. Tenchi found his mark and stabbed it. Nash went down as Tenchi continued to fight the Demons. The Camp was swamped with people yelling into Ear Transivers. They where trying to communicate with the Army but couldn't keep up with the fight. Page was nervous, as Hell while Ten was Readying medical supplies. The Shinata Army was winning from what he was seeing, but something didn't seem right. Suddenly his feelings told him to get down. The entire north wall exploded and about 200 Demons began to rush the citadel. It was a Trap. Tenchi could hear the screams on both the battlefield and the Receiver. This was madness, Tenchi thought. He was pissed as hell. They set a trap for them, luring away the army so they could attach the citadel. The battle continued with heavy Deaths until there were only about 5 people left standing, Tenchi included. The demons where all dead but they had no time to celebrate. They had to get back to the camp and get back fast. They ran as fast as they could. Blood oozing out of open wounds. Tenchi was bleeding but he continued. He had to save the camp. It took them 1 hour to get back to the camp and when they got their, they saw the mess. Many where dead. Some dying. Tenchi was sad. Why did this have to happen. He walked around and found some bandages to wrap his wounds in. he had nothing serious so he was Ok. The others wrapped their wounds also. Tenchi couldn't find Ten or Page. He found Jerec with a note taped to his Skull. It was for Tenchi. Dear Jurai, it began, I won. In the end it didn't matter who you were whether it be Jurai or Shinata, I still one. I hope you're alive to read this. I'm going to celebrate now. And have a rotten life. Signed Durant. Tenchi looked at the mess. The other survivors decided to run away and join Durant. Tenchi just stood there in silence. "Its all my fault." He said. "I should've never joined anybody. And now everyone's dead. I let everybody down, even little Ten." Tenchi sat down in the control chair and began to cry. He had lost all hope. Durant walked down the Corridor to the prison section of his fortress. He had a large smile on his face. The Water was his and nobody would stop him now. His demon army left him due to so many of them, including their generals dying. Durant only had a handful of real Solders left. That was it. His civilization. He stood before the most secure cell in the fortress. On the other side of the cell was Page. He was bleed from where his hand once was. Durant glared at Page with a look of Triumph. "I told you I would win." Page wouldn't answer. He kept applying pressure to what was left of his hand. Pages spirit was low. He hadn't been this sad since his sons' death. Durant continued. "I've decided to be nice to you. You will have a quick execution so you can be with your son again. I'm sure you miss him. In fact, you can also be with all of your solders again as well and everybody else." Durant looked down the hallway at the other survivors. "As for the rest of you, you will join your Master in the afterworld." And with that, Durant walked out of the room. Ten woke up from his hiding spot. He had hid under a large empty crate. As he moved the Crate, Tenchi sat up from his chair. "Who's in there." He yelled. Ten walked out of the storage facility with dirt on his face. Tenchi couldn't believe that he was alive. Neither could Ten. Ten ran to Tenchi and gave him a hug. "I can't believe that you're alive." Ten was happy. Tenchi was like an older brother to Ten. He was also his ride of the rock. "Now we can leave, right?" Tenchi shook his head. "We aren't going any where." Tenchi said. Tem looked sad. "I have to get Durant for this masacure. He isn't allowed to do atrocities like this. No one should." And with that, Tenchi put his cloak on and walked out of the command room. Ten followed. "I'm coming with you." Ten said. "Ok, just don't get killed." Tenchi said. "I wont." And with that, they started the month long trek to Durants stronghold. Washu sat in here lab. She was still upset even though it had been 3 months since that day. Tenchi was lost. Thought to be dead. Kagato had been the culprit and Ryoko made him pay. The last 2 months had been hectic. First, the gang returned home to find the house in ruins due to Nobiyuki having a party. The house needed repairs due to an Alcohol fire, not to mention several other fires. Nobiyuki was happy to see everybody back, until he noticed that Tenchi wasn't with us. His face went from happy too sad by the looks we gave him when he asked were Tenchi was. D and Martel now live with us. Martel, continuing his duties as Ayeka and Sasami's Royal bodyguard, has helped the princesses by offering a shoulder to cry on and a smile. D was sad. She had just met the Juraian prince when he died. D lives within the Masaki household because of a promise for life. Tsunami is also with the crew now. She had no place left to go and since she knew the group, she decided to stay with them. It is now impossible for Tsunami and Sasami to become one. Sasami would have to go threw another near death experience for that to happen. Ryoko was taking Tenchi's lose like a stab through her heart. It's so horrible, to have one say they love you for the very first time the day they die. But Ryoko doesn't believe he's dead. Every night she stands on the roof of the house and shouts her loves name. You can hear it even in Tokyo, but then it sounds more like a whisper. She also lights a candle to guide him home. Moods were low, but they reached even lower when Tenchi's Funeral was held. It was by far the saddest day Washu had ever seen. Next to Atchika's Tombstone, stood a new Stone to honor the memory of Tenchi. Washu had also never seen so many flowers before. As that day went by, Washu couldn't find Ryoko anywhere. Her Link was cut off, but she could tell what Ryoko was expressing with her absence. Ryoko wouldn't honor Tenchi's death because she knew he was alive. She could feel it. All she needed was a clue, and Tenchi would be hers again. She loved him with all her heart. All I need is a sign, Ryoko thought. Just one sign and I could find you, my Tenchi. Ryoko was lying on top of the roof of the Masaki Household. Maybe I should just give up, Ryoko thought as she looked at the sky. Maybe I should just go to the Funeral. But I can't do it. Ryoko stared at the beautiful full moon night. The stars were very bright that night. She could even see stars from other systems. Then she saw it. Tenchi's Star. The Jurai name stars after their greatest members of their family that have died for Jurai. Tenchi was considered one of those people so they named a star after him. Ryoko stared at the Star, as if the star had possessed her. It shined with a brilliant bright blue. It was one of the most beautiful things Ryoko had seen in her entire lifetime. A tear ran down her check as she lay there and watched the star, as she remembered all the things Tenchi has done for her. She needed him. Then, as if it were to give her a wakeup call, the Star began to flicker. It was as if it had new life to it, and for the first time in a long time, Ryoko smiled. It was the Sign she was looking for. The Sign that said that he was alive. The sign that said that she could find him. The sign that said that there is still a chance. "So, this is were you've been hiding." Came a voice just out of Ryoko's line of sight. Ryoko looked at the speaker of the voice and saw Tsunami, standing there in all her glory. "Thinking about Tenchi, aren't you Ryoko." "Yes, he's all I think about. He's out there somewhere, Tsunami." Ryoko said. "Believing that he's alive cant be healthy, Ryoko." "I don't believe," Ryoko said as she looked up back at the star. "I know. You see that star," Ryoko said as she pointed up at the sky. "That's Tenchi's star." "I see."Tsunami said. "They gave him a good star." "Just before you talked to me, I saw it flicker." Ryoko began. "It was as if he's calling me. Its like he's trying to say that I'm still alive. It's like a beacon." "If he was alive, then I would be able to sense him. Ryoko please, come inside. This cold weather can't be good for you." "Can't you feel him, Tsunami. He's there. He wants me. I can't disappoint him." Ryoko began to teleport. "Ryoko, were are you going?" Tsunami asked. "I'm going to see my mother." And with that she vanished. Tsunami looked at Tenchi's star. It was a beautiful star. Tsunami looked at the Star closely. It began to flicker. Ryoko was right, the goddess thought. He must be alive. Ryoko teleported into Washu's lab. It was the first time Ryoko had been indoors since 3 weeks ago. It was warmer then the temperature she's been baring with, but it didn't matter. As if she could read her mind, and she could, Washu popped up out of nowhere. "Finally decided to come inside, Little Ryoko?" "No, mom, I'm not here for jokes, I just need your help. That's all." "Its about Tenchi, isnt it." Ryoko nodded her head in silence. "I'm sorry, My little Ryoko. I should've been there for you, on the roof, I mean." "Its ok, mom. I feel better since then." "That's good to here. So, what does my lovely daughter want." "I was hoping you could give me some equipment that can help me find Tenchi." "Ryoko, I want you to understand that Tenchi is gone. He's gone to a better place." "NO HE'S NOT!" Ryoko shot back. "I'M SICK AND TIRED OF YOU PEOPLE GIVING UP ON TENCHI, HE'S ALIVE. I KNOW IT.!!" Washu looked hurt. She had never heard her little Ryoko speak to her like that. It was a mixture of rage, love, guilt, and desperation. Ryoko noticed the hurt look on her mother's face. "I'm sorry. It's just that all I've been hearing for the last 3 months is that Tenchi is gone. Even Tsunami says that he's gone." "I'm sorry, its my fault too Ryoko. I'll tell you what; I'll give you my Orbatronic Analyzer. I'll program it so that it can sense Tenchi's Energy. If you're even a lightyear away from him, it'll pick up his energy levels." Ryoko looked at her mother with a smile. "Wow, mom. I don't know what to say." "Just promise me one thing, Ryoko. That you will find him. I know how much you miss him. I, and all the others, miss him, too. Bring him back to all of use, please." "I promise." Ryoko was walking out to the dock. Rio-Oki was at her side. Ryoko was renewed with a new energy. She knew he was out there and was going to begin her search. It was as if she had just gotten a second wind. "Ryoko, is it true?" Came a very young voice. It was the one and only daughter of Tenchi. Her purple hair bounced up and down as she ran to Ryoko. "Is it true that you're going to go and find my Daddy?" Ryoko looked at her with a nice smile. "You bet kiddo." "Then I want to come with you." "Are you sure you want to do that Mayuka? I mean, it would be your first trip into outerspace." "I'm going Ryoko. My Daddy is out there and if it means he will then I'm coming with you." Ryoko was surprised. Mayuka has always been a self-centered girl. "I'm coming too." Ryoko looked up to see whom it was. It was the same goddess who told her that it was impossible, that Tenchi was gone forever. "Why the sudden change of heart, Tsunami?" Ryoko asked. "I took a good look at that star. It reminded me of Tenchi so much that I actually think he's alive. You talked me into it." "Thanks Tsunami. Well Ryo-Oki are you ready?" Ryoko asked as she looked down at her furry little companion. "Mya Mya Mya Mya." Ryoko picked up Rio-Oki. "Well then, lets go." And with that, the Pirate with the silver hair tossed the cabbit into the sky. "MMMMMMYYYYYYAAAA." The mighty Cabbit yelled. In the blink of an eye the once small Ryo-Oki transformed into an Iron Giant will a taste for Carrots. A large yellow beam came from Ryo-Oki and the three Heroines disappeared. Tenchi and Ten stood outside of the Stronghold. It was huge. Super huge. Tenchi had never seen anything like it. It was colossal. Ten awoke Tenchi from his astonishment. "So this is Durants Fortress." Tenchi said. Ten nodded his head. "We have a Problem Tenchi." Ten said. Tenchi looked at Ten with his eyebrow raised. "We don't know how to get in." "That is a problem." Tenchi said. "Well, its not like we can knock. Maybe there's an air vent we could take." Tenchi and Ten began to look around. The search lasted about five minutes. They found an Air vent, just big enough for Tenchi to climb through around the front door. The two began to start the long crawl through the ventilation system. When they made it to the end of the Vent, they found that they were in some sort of Arena. It was huge, much bigger then the baseball field he'd been to at Tokyo. They looked into the center of the Field and saw a large mechanical machine, and under it were Page and the rest of the survivors. Durant was standing on a podium. Holding a controller of some type. Durant noticed Tenchi and Ten easily in the empty Arena. "If it isn't the Juraian." Durant began. "You're just in time to see me take care of the all my troubles in a single press of a button. Once I press this button, there will be no more people to oppose me. These solders and Page are the last of the Shinita's. Once they are gone, I will run the world with my Demon solders as soon as I find those that ran away." Tenchi couldn't believe what he was hearing. Durant was ready to make his people part of the endangered species list. Tenchi tried to yell something but it was too late. In one press of a button, the sole survivors of a war gone wrong where crush like flies in a fly swatter. "DURANT!!" Ten yelled. Tenchi looked at Durant with a cold stare. Ten was crying his eyes out as Durant laughed his maniacle laugh. "I'm the winner and there is no second place!" Durant yelled as he continued to laugh. "Your insane!" Tenchi yelled. Durant looked at him with a smile. "You don't get it Durant, Even if everybody is dead, you haven't won." "What makes you think that I am a loser?" Durant said. "Because you haven't fought me yet." Tenchi began to walk slowly down to the arena floor. Durant frowned. He forgot about the Juraian. But then he smiled. How powerful can a Juraian really be, he thought as he walked to meet Tenchi. Tenchi removed his cloak. He was in his Juraian battle armor. Durant removed his cape to reveal his own type of battle armor. Similar to Jurai's. Durant pulled his large battle Scythe from its holster on his back. Tenchi removed his sword from its sheath. Both men stared at each other, ready to pounce. "Now lets see what Jurai is really made of." Durant began. And he charged. Tenchi charged at Durant as the battle began. Durant swung at Tenchi's head but Tenchi ducked. They continued at each other's movements. Each time Durant would strike, Tenchi would dodge and Strike, which lead to Durant Dodging. The fight continued back and forth. Durant was a very skilled fighter, Tenchi thought. Tenchi lunged at Durant with a Suicide Strike. Durant Dodged to his left and flew at Tenchi. Ten was amazed at the Skills both of these fighters exhibited. It surpassed anything he had ever seen. Both fighters moved at blinding speeds. Tenchi swung left and finally connected, slicing open Durants left cheek. Durant stopped and touched his check. He looked at his hand, wich was now covered in blood. Durant stared at Tenchi. "Nobody has ever cut my face, except for Page. You have skill Jurai, but not enough." Durant swung at Tenchi, but he completely missed alowing Tenchi to jab his sword into Durants leg. Durant holared and fell on his back as he clutched his leg. Tenchi looked down at Durant. Durant had never seen such terror in his life. He thought that it was the end, but then Tenchi dropped his sword. "You spare me, Jurai. Why?" "Because I'm better then you." Tenchi said. "I don't need to kill to prove a point." Ten ran over to Tenchi. "I'm leaving, Durant. I don't ever want to see you ever again." And with that, Tenchi and Ten began to walk away. Durant couldn't belive he was being discarded like trash. I am Durant, he thought, and nobody will ever beat me. Durant pulled two devices out of his gloves. One was a wrist bow with one single arrow. He aimed it at Tenchi while he pressed a button on the other devise. Suddenly the Arena lights turned red, and started to flash. Tenchi could hear sirens. "What is going on." "My Trump Card!" Durant yelled. Suddenly, Tenchi heard a metallic voice over an intercom. "The Self Destruct devise has been activated." Tenchi's eyes widened. He turned to look at Durant, who now aimed the wrist bow at Tenchi's heart. "I told you Jurai," Durant began. "I AM THE WINNER!!" And with that, he fired the bow. Ten saw where it was aimed and reacted, pushing Tenchi out of the way. But because of that, Ten was shot in the chest. Tenchi caught Ten in mid fall as blood started to ooze from the new wound. Ten began to cry, blood spilling out of his mouth. Durant slowly stood up and watched his new deed. Tenchi held Ten close to him. "Don't die Ten." Tenchi said. "Please don't die." Ten looked up at Tenchi. He knew he wouldn't make it, the doctor in him told him this. Ten wasn't going to make it to Earth. He wasn't going to become Tenchis' brother. It was all over. "Tenchi." He began. "Tell me about the Earth." And with that, he died in Tenchi's arms. "No Ten. Don't Go Ten." Tenchi closed his eyes and began to yell "TTTTEEEEENNNNN!!!!" The yell would've been heard throughout the world, but nobody is alive anymore. Durant continued to laugh as Tenchi held Ten. Tears streamed down from Tenchi's eyes. Tenchi lay Ten down and looked at Durant with a cold stare. "For the last year," Tenchi began. "People have been hurting my friends to get to me. Kagato did it to Sasami, Ryoko, and Ayeka. Dr. Clay tried to kill everybody. And now you've killed Ten." Tenchi's forhead began to glow in the familiar Jurai Tri patern. Durant eyes widened. Three Light Hawk Wings appeared infront of Tenchi. Durant knew what was happening. He had seen Light Hawk Wings Before, but never from a boy. Tenchi raised his arms and the wings engulfed his body, changing his uniform to that of a demigod. Durant stared at Tenchi as Tenchi activated the light Hawk Sword. "Jurai, you don't know when to quite." Durant said as he lifted his Scythe. Tenchi and Durant stood there looking at each other, and then, they began to Rush one another. Tenchi and Durant ran full speed and then their blades crossed. They stood there and stared at each other. Blood trickled out of the side of Durants mouth. "You are good Jurai." Was all Durant said as he fell to the ground. Tenchi stared at the lifeless Durant as he extinguished his wings. "My name is Tenchi." And with that, Tenchi picked up Ten and made his way out of the complex before it blew up. The Starship Cabbit was past Jupiter when the first of many questions was asked. "So," Tsunami began. "Where should we try first?" Ryoko looked over at the questioning Goddess. "Well, I guess I won the bet." Ryoko said. "What do you mean by that?" Tsunami asked with a puzzled look on her face. "Ayeka and I had a little bet going on." "And, what was it about?" "It was to see who got the smarts from the separation. I won." "Wow, what a compliment." Tsunami said. "But that's not nice to say that Sasami is dumb." "What do you mean Sasami is dumb? I was talking about how I said that Sasami was smarter." "What? Hey, Ryoko, that's not nice, come-on." "I'm just kidding. Anyway, to answer your first question, I figured we could get a lead from the Juraian Memorial Park, that last place we saw Tenchi." "That makes sense." Tsunami said. Mayuka was looking out of one of Rio- Oki's view ports. She was totally fascinated by the many stars and planets, it was amazing. Seeing Mayuka, Ryoko decided to play tour guide. She walked over to were Mayuka was looking. She was watching the sea of stars as they rapidly sped past. "Amazing, aren't they." Ryoko began. "Each one is like a miniature sun. Breathing life into its closest planets." "Wow." Mayuka said. "Most of them had names, too. Want to know which ones they are?" "Would I. tell me Ryoko." "Ok, but you have to point them out." "Ok." Mayuka looked around at the many stars that made up the universe. She lifted her arm and said. "That one." Ryoko looked at the star she was pointing to. "Well," Ryoko began. "That's Vereti. Humans call it the North Star." "The North Star." Mayuka said in Awe. "Supposedly, before cartography was invented on earth, men and Women used that very star to guide them. Some still use it to this very day. Pretty cool, huh." "That's cool." Mayuka said. Tsunami couldn't help noticing the way Ryoko was acting. She was acting very unRyoko-like. She was almost like a mother figure to Mayuka. Tsunami sat in her floating Ryo-Oki chair and thought to herself. Things really have changed, Tsunami thought. Tenchi is gone, Ayeka finds another man, Ryoko acts like a mother and calms down, and she's not connected to Sasami anymore. Things really do change. "What about that one?" Mayuka asked. "That one is.." Ryoko began, but then stopped. It was his star. Tenchi's star. The same star that inspired her to search for him. Ryoko just stood there and watched the little star. It really was like he was calling them, and the star was the guide. Ryoko began to sob, quiet sobs as she watched the star. A tear trickled down her cheek. "Ryoko, what is it? What's wrong? You're crying?" Mayuka asked in a curious tone "Its nothing, Mayuka." Ryoko said as she wiped the tear away. "Come-on, tell me what that star is." "That star was just recently named." "Really?" "Yes. It was named after a very brave warrior. He would fight to protect anything he truly believed in. He fought demons, devils, madmen, and god like creatures. He was very handsome and brave. Some say he was a brave warrior, I say he was a great man." "Wow, you sure know a lot about that star." Mayuka said "You know it, Mayuka." And then Ryoko began to break down. She fell to her knees and began crying incredibly. Tsunami jumped out of her chair and ran over to comfort the space Pirate. "It was his star, wasn't it?" Tsunami asked. "God, I miss him, Tsunami. I miss him so much." "You haven't had any sleep since the event, didn't you, you poor thing." "Don't worry, I can get up." "No, your too exhausted, you need to sleep. Rio-Oki, could you please make a bed for Ryoko?" Tsunami asked. With a mya, a bed appeared. Tsunami lifted Ryoko and laid her on it. She then pulled the covers over Ryoko. "I can't believe I just stood there and watched him get thrown into that nexus." "sshhh, its ok. There was nothing you could do. And soon, he'll be with us again. Don't worry, just get some sleep. Poor thing." "Thanks, Tsunami." And with that, Ryoko fell asleep for the first time in months. "Don't mention it, Guardian Ryoko." Tenchi carried the body of Ten through the Desert. It had been one week since the fight. His body hurt of wounds that needed healing. It was a very hot day that day and he needed some water. Tenchi kept walking until he found a small pond. The water was clean. Tenchi decided that it was the perfect place. Placing Ten down on the ground, he began to dig with his sword. He dug a great hole and lay Ten's body in it as a grave. He kept silent and uttered a small prayer before filling the ground with dirt. While doing this, he thought of the boy who saved his life more then once and began to cry. He was soon finished and got himself a drink of water. As he walked away he stared at the grave. "Farwell my Friend, may we meet again some where, some day." And Tenchi began to walk into the desert. Ryoko was in a very deep sleep. All she could see was white. The entire place was covered in white. Ryoko was alone in this nexus. "Ryoko." Ryoko turned around and there was Tenchi in the distance. She flew to him, but as she got closer, he faded away. She stood there, were he was, and began to cry. A helpful arm appeared and began to comfort the poor girl. Ryoko looked at who it was and was shocked. It was Atchika. Tenchi's mother, slightly older then the Teenage Atchika that the gang saved from Kain. Ryoko looked at her in a puzzled look. "Lady Achika, were did you come from?" "Its ok Ryoko. I'm here to help you." "You know who I am? But I thought we erased your memory when we saved you." "I know all. I know about how you love my son, and how you plan on saving him." "Wow, you know a lot for somebody who is supposed to be dead." "I am dead, Ryoko. But the powers that be have allowed me to enter your dreams to help you find my son." "Why do they want to help?" Ryoko asked. "Because I are sad for my Tenchi. Ever since I died, he became a loner. He wouldn't get into a relationship with anybody. The Council recognized this and believes that to save to future, he needs to be with somebody. That's were you fit in." "What do you mean save the future, and what is this Council, and what is this about me." "A cataclysmic event of biblical proportions is supposed to occur, but it could be any day. It could be tomorrow, or it could be 1000 years from now. All we know is that Tenchi and the love of his life is the key to stopping this. We need you because he loves you and you love him. Before you guys fought Kagato, I came to Tenchi in a dream. It was when he was unconscious and you were saving him. I told him to express his true feelings toward you. That he should because if your love and his love were combined, you could beat anything." "Wow, and you're here to help me find him?" "Yes, but I can only offer clues. Your love must guide you to him. Do you understand?" "Yes. I understand lady Atchika." "Good," Atchika said. "Then come with me." Ryoko began to follow Atchika through the jungle of white. The scenery shifted from just white. To a color scenery. It was of a grassy field on the planet jurai, and on that field was a man raising crops. He looked a lot like Martel, yet slightly older with long gray hair. Atchika pointed to the man. "That man has information to the whereabouts of my son. Got to him and ask him if he knows of the energy nexus. He will have important info. And know, I must go." "Wait! I have one question for you Atchika." "Ok." "Is Tenchi alive." "Yes." Ryoko began to break down in tears again when the dream began to fade away and she began to wake up. Ryoko awoke with a tear in her eye. She had her proof. Tenchi is alive. The dead would never lie. Ryoko sat up and looked at the bed. Tsunami and Mayuka were now asleep. Ryoko smiled at the two. They were going so much to help her find the man she loved. Ryoko was actually happy. She knew he was alive. And know she would find her Tenchi and live happily ever after. Ryoko got out of bed and walked over to her floating chair. As she jumped into it, Ryo-Oki asked her why she was happy. "Because, I know that my Tenchi is alive. Rio-Oki, I promise if you find Tenchi I'll give you twice as many carrots as you want." That made the cabbit pick up speed. Tsunami awoke from this sudden change of speed. She looked over at were Ryoko sat. "About time you woke up." She said. "What do you mean, Tsunami?" Ryoko asked. Tsunami was right next to Ryoko now. She looked at the space pirate and said in her serene voice. "Because you were asleep for a week." "Are you kidding me?" "Nope. You look like you've got your energy back." "Thanks for coming with us Tsunami. It's good to have someone I can trust with me. You're helping me in more ways then one." Ryoko looked out the window. "We're almost to Jurai. Then the real search will begin. Tsunami, I need you to look after Mayuka." "What for?" "There's someone I have to meet there. I'd like to do it in private." "Whatever you want Ryoko. Anything for a guardian." "What was that you said?" Ryoko asked. "Why are you calling me a guardian?" "Well, " Tsunami began. "You can generate the light Hawk Wings just like Tenchi can. Those who can form their own wings are considered the guardians of Tsunami. The chosen warriors. That is one of the main reason's that I'm helping you." "Really. So what are the benefits to being a guardian?" "Almost infinite life. You can still die, just not by illness, poison or old age." "You mean, I get to spend eternity with Tenchi?" "If he's alive." "He is alive. I've told you that enough. Ok." "Ok, jeez." Tsunami looked out the window. "There's Jurai. We're only an hour away. Tenchi trecked through the Desert Planet. He had no where to go now. Durant had killed every body. The madman made his own spiece's extinct through his paranoia. Tenchi just didn't want to look back at the travesty that occurred. As he walked through the heat, he looked at the Ring on his fingur. He began to twist it around the fingure, as if trying to speed up time. But it wasn't that easy. He knew that the only way of the Planet was Death, but he wouldn't let that happen. He was able to supply a hew canasters of Water from the wreckage that was left of the Fortress. The water would help him for a long time. But how long would it take befor he ran out. This thought Depressed Tenchi. He didn't want to think about it right now. He just wanted to go home. He wanted to fall asleep in a soft bed, or eat some of Sasami's home cooking. He wanted to do his chores and go to school. And most of all, he wanted Ryoko. Tenchi fell to his nees and began to cry uncontrolably. He couldn't help himself. He just wanted off the waste land, period. Tenchi Masaki got back on his feet and continued his trek across the desert world. The Cabbit arrived just outside the memorial. Ryoko decided to check the area out for clue's before she met up with the farmer. They began to walk down the long corridor, to the Keys holding chamber. Tsunami used her powers to open the sealed door and they entered the chamber. Ryoko had to steady herself, as a wave of emotion began to spread through her body. This was the scene that she kept replaying through her head. The Nexus. The force of Kagato's power was holding everyone down. And Ryoko standing there, watching her love as he was thrown into the nexus. Ryoko began to shed the same tears. Tsunami helped her to her feet as they looked at the room. "I don't think we're going to find anything here but sadness." Tsunami said. "Your right." Ryoko said. "We should head back to Rio-Oki." As the two girls began to walk away, Mayuka saw something. It was larger then her hand and was the color of Juraian keys. "Hey, I fond something." Mayuka said. Ryoko looked over at Mayuka to see what she was hold. It was Sword Tenchi. Tenchi's Master Key. Ryoko walked over to Mayuka and the little girl gave it to Ryoko. Ryoko rubbed the sword against her cheek as if it were Tenchi's hand caressing her. Ryoko looked at Mayuka and gave her a huge. Mayuka was surprised by this sudden outburst of emotion. Ryoko let go. "Thank you Mayuka." Ryoko said. "Lets go." As they left the corridor, Mayuka couldn't help but wonder what Ryoko meant when she said thank you. As they walked out of the temple, Ryoko began to fly. "I've got something to take care of. I'll be about 2 hours. Be right back." And with that, Ryoko flew away. Ryoko flew over the Great Plains of Jurai. Atckika never told her which way to go, or where he is exactly. She just knew that a gray haired man would have information leading to the whereabouts of Tenchi. As Ryoko looked down at the grassy fields, she saw what she was looking for. The gray haired man was reaping Juraian Wheat. It was just like the dream told her. Ryoko began to float lower to the farmer. The farmer didn't notice her until Ryoko landed. "Hello." Ryoko said. The man moved his head to look at her. It was then that Ryoko noticed that the man had no eyes. "What does a young lady want with an old man like me?" The Farmer asked. Ryoko looked down at her shadow. "I was told that you would have some information for me." Ryoko said. "It's about the energy nexus, isn't it." The old man replied. Ryoko was stunned to know that this blind man already knew why she was here. "How did you know?" Ryoko asked. The old man sat down on the grassy field. He took a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped his forehead. "3000 years ago." The old man began. "I entered the forbidden Memorial. I was a very young man who foolishly thought that if I had the Jurai Key, I could win the heart of a young girl. The Key has many powers." "You had the keys power?" Ryoko asked. "Yes. The power was so amazing. I knew someone was going to come to me and ask about the nexus portal." "How did you know?" Ryoko asked. "Even though I lost my eyes, my other senses increased. I felt that energy wave that surged out of the planet jurai. It was phenomenal." "Tell me about the Nexus." "It is one of the powers that the Key uses. It is a gateway, not to another dimension, or to another plain. Even though the key can create these nexuses, it can only send people to planets. Whoever your looking for is on a planet." A smile appeared on Ryoko's face when she found out that Tenchi wasn't in another Dimension. The old man Continued. "I felt it. The power resonating from the nexus that was opened." "Then, you know where Tenchi is?" Ryoko asked. "I can't say for curtain, but I can point you in a direction." The old man pointed in the direction of the phobian nebula, a cluster of stars 4000 parsecs away from Jurai. Follow that straight line," The old man began, "and you will find this Tenchi." "Thank you, Thank you." Ryoko said as tears ran down her eyes. "I don't know how to repay you." "There is only one thing that you could do to repay me." The old man began. "Please, Kill me." Ryoko looked shocked, she was about to intervene when the old man continued. "I've lived for over 25,000 years. And know I am slowly dying. Please, make the hurt go away." "Ok, if you want me to." "Then please, take me to my house." Ryoko helped the old man up and took him to his home. There was an old bed in the left corner. "Set me down on the bed, it is there that I shall rest in peace." Ryoko gently lay the man down on his bed. The old man pulled out a locket that he clutched with his fist. "Do it, but do it without any pain." He said. Ryoko made a small energy blade. Tears running down her eyes as she looked at the man who just helped her. She brought her blade up and sent it into the mans skull. Ryoko stood there as the man's spirit drifted away. She could feel it. Ryoko then said a small prayer and teleported to the others. "Where were you?" Tsunami asked." That seemed a lot longer then 2 hours. Tsunami then realized the tear-stained face that Ryoko wore. "I'm sorry Ryoko, I didn't think anything was wrong." "Its ok," Ryoko said. "I'm just releasing the pent up emotions that I've kept to myself. Lets go Rio-Oki." The cabbit myaed in agreement and flung itself into the sky. The great space ship Ryo-Oki was ready to go. They teleported to the bridge. "Were to know?" Mayuka asked. Ryoko held sword Tenchi close to her heart as she looked at Mayuka. "We're going to the Phobian Nebula. I got word from a very reliable source that he is in that direction. You got that Ryo-Oki?" the cabbit myaed in agreement and began a slow turn. Ryoko sat down in her control chair. Tsunami watched out the view port as the stars began to move past the cabbit. She knew that Ryoko was hiding something from her, even though she poured her heart out a couple of days ago. It was strange to see the space pirate acting so gentle. Tsunami was used to the rude and annoying Ryoko by the time Tenchi was lost, that this sudden change was shocking. Ryoko sat still as she watched the planets fly by. She couldn't stop thinking about the old man. He had done so much for her by only uttering a few sentences. She wondered about the myth that surrounded him. All she knew was that the man lived for a very long time and that he had worn the Key of Jurai. She decided that it was none of her business to know. She spoke a silent prayer for the man and drifted of into dream world. Ryoko felt a familiar presence, just like in her last dream, the entire area was white, and Atchika stood there with a smile on her face. Ryoko stared at the mother of her Tenchi as she walked closer. "Well done, Ryoko. The council applauds your success. You will see Tenchi soon." Ryoko looked at Atchika with a questioning face. "I still want to know what this council is. And what they want to do with my Tenchi and I?" Ryoko said. There was harshness in her tone. Atchika knew she was angry. "Why do you still question the Council, Ryoko?" Atchika asked. Ryoko looked at her as if she just farted in church. "I'll tell you why." Ryoko began. "Today I met with the old farmer that you told me of and in exchange for the information, I had to kill him. You never said that I had to kill him. I swore to Tenchi that I would never take a life unless it was to help the universe. Why does this Council need us? What is this Cataclysm?" Atchika looked at Ryoko as if she just hurt her. "I'm sorry, Ryoko, if I'm withholding information," Atchika Began. "But I am only saying what the Council has told me to say. I'm just a messenger." Ryoko looked at her coldly. "Please, leave me. I'm grateful for the information that you have given, but there has to be another way to save him that doesn't mean killing." Atchika sighed. She looked at Ryoko with a tear in her eye. "I'm sorry. I will leave you know, but first I must give you this message." Atchika walked over to Ryoko. "You are heading in the right direction, but every road has its obstacles. The Planet that Tenchi is on is filled with fierce beasts and hot sand. He is on a planet in which fire erupts from the ground, and water is scarce. You will need to fight to find him, Ryoko. Remember that." And with that, Atchika began to vanish. The white became dark. And Ryoko opened her eyes. Ryoko awoke to the sound of Mayuka and Tsunami talking. She got out of her chair and looked at the girls. They were watching something outside the ship. Ryoko looked outside and saw what had caught their attention. It was the jihante, a race of creatures that flew in deep space. Their color was a bright green as they flew by. A peaceful race, similar to the deer that live on Earth. Ryoko smiled. They reminded of her many flights through space. They were bringers of good luck and fortune. "I see you've awoken." Tsunami said. Ryoko broke out of her trance and looked at the Goddess. She walked over to were the girls sat and sat down. "Tsunami made lunch for us." Mayuka said. Tsunami handed Ryoko a cup of Tea. Ryoko to one sip and knew it was great. "I see you've inherited Sasami's cooking ability." Ryoko said. "I'm sure you could make some good tea, Ryoko." Tsunami said. Ryoko raised her eyebrows at her. "Are you kidding." The Space Pirate began. "Every thing I make, including Tea, ends up eating through the floor. Even iced tea can do that. One time I made tea that ate through solid Titanium like a hot knife through butter." Tsunami couldn't believe her ears. A substance that could eat through Titanium that fast was amazing. "I'm sure that myself or Sasami could teach you how to cook, Ryoko." "Well, if it's ok. Sign me up for lessons when we get back home, ok." Ryoko said. "Sure." Mayuka looked at Ryoko and asked a very interesting question. "So Ryoko, Are you and my Daddy going to get married?" Ryoko and Tsunami face faulted instantly. When Ryoko regained her posture, she looked at the girl with a smile on her face. "You know." Ryoko began. "Maybe when we get home, I'll propose. But if we do get married, the wedding would probably be in a year. That way, we could have enough time to plan one of the most extravagant." Ryoko got up and walked over to the viewpoint. "Now I want to find Tenchi even more. I look at his star and. And. And, I just want to hold him in my arms." She began to squeeze her arms, as if she was hugging him. "But, all good things come to those who wait." Ryoko walked over to her chair and flopped herself down. "We're entering the Phobian Nebula." Tsunami stood up and walked to the end of the ship. "I'll turn on Washu's machine. Hopefully, we'll pick up his energy signature." Ryoko watched as the stars flew past them. She couldn't help but feel excited and worried at the same time. She was going to see her Tenchi, perhaps in the next half an hour. But if Atchika was right, then he might be in mortal danger. A small blip began to appear on the screen connected to the Orbatronic Analyzer. Ryokos heart began to beat faster as she flew to the machine. There, plain as sight, was the man she loved. A small blip. A vision popped into Tsunami's head. For the first time in week's, she could sense his presence. In that very instant, she could hear cries of pain and suffering. Tsunami began to try to find the direction that he was in. it was so close. It took forever. For three days, they kept going in the same direction. The feelings tortured Tsunami. It wasn't long befor they made it to uncharted space. Tsunami couldn't stand the pain, flying through her head. It was horible, Tsunami thought. She then noticed a brownish planet. That was where he was. "Ryoko," Tsunami began. "I can feel him. He's on that planet." Ryoko looked at the small brown orb. In that moment, she remembered what Atchika said. A planet where water is hard to find. A desert planet. "Ryo-Oki, that's were he is, go there now.' Ryoko commanded. They could feel the cabbit turn and they were of. Ryoko knew she would find him. And for the first time in a long time, Ryoko felt truly happy. It took them fifteen minutes to find a safe spot to land. The ship was a Cabbit once again. Ryoko looked at the surrounding scenery. It reminded her of all the paintings she'd seen on Earth that involve Hell. It was horrible. Fire erupted from the ground, just like Atchika said. "I'm going to look for him," Ryoko said. "You guys stay together and wait for me." "Why cant we come with you, Ryoko." Mayuka asked. "Sorry kiddo, but you guys would be a liability for me. I can protect myself and another person, but if you came I would have to protect 4 people." Ryoko looked at Tsunami." Lady Tsunami, could you point the way." Tsunami smiled as she rose her left arm. He's somewhere to the east. Just keep going that way and you should find him." Ryoko nodded and smiled. "I'll try to be quick. Take care." And with that, Ryoko flew to the east. It had been 100 miles before she started to worry. All she'd seen was desert and fire. It was unsettling scenery. She began to let her eyes wander around. She hadn't seen any monsters or Demons. It was pretty desolate. The temperature was around 150 degrees. That's just too hot, Ryoko thought. She looked to her right and noticed some rock formations. If Tenchi was alive, he would be there. She flew as fast as she could to the rocks. She landed on the closest rock. She could feel him. It was as if he was right there. Ryoko looked around to see what she could see. She saw a very small lake. Ryoko decided to get a drink. As she walked over to the lake. She noticed that somebody was on the other side. He had black hair and a small rat like ponytail. She just realized who it was. "Tenchi?" she said. The man stood up. It was him. Tenchi Masaki stood there before her, just like before. He now wore a headband, to sop up all the sweat. His shirt was torn with large claw marks. He had some new cuts and scrapes. Tenchi looked at Ryoko with a very surprised look on his face. "Ryoko? Is that you?" he called. Ryoko knew it was him. She was successful. She tried her hardest to keep her tears back as she began to cry. She began to run towards him, with a big smile on her face, tears streaming down her cheeks and arms out ready for an embrace. "TTTEEEENNNCCCHHHIII!!!" She called out as she ran to him. Tenchi didn't waist any time. He ran to her. He was saved. Tenchi never thought he could escape. He'd tried so hard to find a way of the planet, but he couldn't. He had missed the girls, especially his love, Ryoko. And know, after a month of fighting for his life in his own personal hell, That he was free. He began to run through the small lake. Running as if his life depended on it, and it did. He ran to her and they embraced. Ryoko began to kiss Tenchi as tears ran out of both of their eyes. After a minute of kissing, Ryoko released her kiss and looked into her loves eyes. "How did you find me? What happened to Jurai? Where is everybody?" Tenchi had so many questions and so little time. "I'll tell you all about what happened as soon as we're of this rock." Ryoko hugged Tenchi even tighter and teleported both of them to where the others waited. Tsunami stood silent and calm. This planet really creeped her out. Mayuka and Ryo-Oki stayed close to her so if something happened, she could call her wings for protection. It had been an hour since Ryoko left to find Tenchi, and she was getting nervous. Where are they, Tsunami thought? Then a thought occurred to her. Don't tell me that they are doing that on this planet. Just as that very thought occurred into her head, Ryoko appeared holding Tenchi close to her. Tsunami couldn't help but run over and give him a Huge. Ryoko had proven her wrong. "Tsunami, Mayuka, Ryo-Oki." Tenchi said. "Where is everybody else?" Ryoko looked at Tenchi. "They couldn't come." Ryoko said. "Washu gave me the equipment to help, but she was to busy working on D. Sasami, Ayeka, and Martel had some issues to take care of so they couldn't make it. And Kyone and Mihoshi had to take out a criminal." "Well." Tenchi Began. "It doesn't matter that they aren't here. What matters is that I can leave this hell and go home. I have some amazing stories to tell everyone." Ryoko looked at Ryo-Oki. "Ryo-Oki, lets go." The cabbit myaed with joy and lept into the sky and transformed. Tenchi couldn't believe that he was finally going home. As Ryo-Oki began to transport the gang onto her bridge, Tenchi looked at Ryoko. It had been one Month since he told her that he loved her. She looked back at him with a smile. Tenchi held her hand in his as they left the burning planet. That night, on the way home, Tenchi told the three girls about his adventures on the dead planet. It was a night to remember as the he spoke of fights with demons, and an evil Tyrant known as Durant. He also spoke of a boy named Ten. Tsunami and Mayuka fell asleep listening to these stories, but Ryoko was at full attention. She listened to every word. Tenchi was drinking from a large thurmas. He hadn't had any real water for a long time. It was a demon planet, and Tenchi wanted to forget about the whole experience. Ryoko sat next to him and rest her head on his shoulder. "God I missed you." She said. "The house just isn't the same without you. It's been weird. Ayeka and Martel have a thing going on know." Tenchi grew a smile on his face. "So Martel got Ayeka, huh." Tenchi said. Ryoko nodded. "Its scary, they keep flirting with each other. And the way they do it makes me want to throw up." Tenchi couldn't help but laugh. Ryoko began to laugh as well. "It'll be nice to be able to sleep in a real bed. I've been sleeping on Rocks for the last 3 months. My Back is stiff." "Well, it'll be 13 hours until we get home, I promised Ryo-Oki that when we get home, she can have a mountain of Carrots, just for her." The two continued to talk for many hours about their feelings, their adventures, and their future, and as Ryoko sat there with her head on Tenchi's shoulder, she couldn't help but think of what the future would hold. And as Ryo-Oki flew past Jupiter, she gazed at Tenchi's star. It was much brighter then before. And for the first time in her entire life, she had never been happier. The young boy looked at the outside of his home. He was home. He couldn't believe it, but there it was. That young boy was Tenchi Masaki. In a fantastic battle with the evil Kagato, Tenchi was thrown into an energy nexus. At the other end of that Nexus was a fiery planet that represented Hell in all of its manifestations. Tenchi fought many demons, the incredible heat, and a dark evil named Durant. But now he was home. Rescued by his one and only love, Ryoko. He looked to his left and saw the silver hared pirate. The pirate that stole his heart. To his right, was the goddess that he swore to protect Tsunami. No longer a part of Sasami, she is free from her restraints. And to his far right was his daughter. A girl who was created through DNA cloning which combined his hair and the hair of a demon. Her name was Mayuka. These three girls traveled many light years to find him, and he could never repay them. He looked at his house again. Wont everybody be surprised, Tenchi thought. I bet they thought that I was a goner, but I'm back. Tenchi looked at Ryoko. She smiled back at him as they held hands. They started the trek to the back door. Sasami was preparing lunch. She tried to keep herself busy since Tenchi disappeared, but she was getting very exhausted. Ryoko, Mayuka, Tsunami, and Ryo-Oki had disappeared into outer space hoping to find Tenchi. Since then, Ayeka and Martel have gotten very close. It was scary the way they keep flirting with each other. Sasami swore that it wasn't healthy. Kyone and Mihoshi were coming back that night so Sasami was cooking more then usual. Nobiyuki was helping Sasami with some of the Vegetable cutting so she wouldn't be over worked. Meanwhile, Ayeka and Martel were watching some sort of Soap opera. Ayeka had come to turms with the tragic lose of Tenchi. She was now stronger now that she had overcome the depression. Next to her was the new man she had eyes for, Martel. He was just a tall, dark stranger that happened to walk into her life. She was very grateful that he was there for her. She still loved Tenchi, and if he walked through that very door that instant, she would still jump all over him and smother him with hugs and kisses. During the last month, Martel had helped her in many ways. He comforted her in her times of sadness. He told jokes to make her feel better and he told her stories of his many adventures. She knew what had happened. She had fallen in love with the Hunter, but She had also fallen in love with a prince. What A dilemma. Ayeka and Martel watched the screen when an exhausted Washu stepped out of her lab. She had been working none stop on D. Converting her Metallic parts into organic. She was lucky that she had some Masses DNA, or she would have had some serious problems with the conversation. Washu sat next to her son and began to watch the soap. The three were so immersed in the show that they didn't notice the sliding glass door open. "I'm home." The three froze that very instant as if they had just heard a ghost. At the same time, the Tree turned their heads and saw a man who looked exactly like Tenchi Masaki, except with an unshaven face, wrinkled hair, and some bandages on his arms. Ayeka was the first to speak. "Tenchi?" Ayeka asked. A tear silently slid down her cheek. "Is that Really you?" Martel asked. He hadn't known Tenchi for long, but he knew who he was. He considered him a friend. Washu looked at Tenchi with a smile. Tenchi smiled at them all, a tear falling down his face. He truly was home. "Its me." He said, slightly sobbing. Smiles quickly grew over everybody's faces as the quickly got out off the couch to give him a hug. Sasami was cooking Miso Soup when she heard that familiar voice. She stopped what she was doing and ran to the door. Nobiyuki wasn't far behind. Sasami opened the door and saw the happy sight. Washu and Ayeka were hugging the life out of Tenchi. Ryoko, Tsunami, Ryo-Oki, and Mayuka just walked inside. Washu took a break off of Hugging Tenchi and walked over to Ryoko. "You brought him back. Thank you." Washu said. Ryoko looked at Washu. "I promised you I'd bring him back." Ryoko said. Tenchi was getting crushed to death by all these displays of Emotion. He finally passed out due to lack of air. When Tenchi caught his breath, he was met with a ton of questions. Where were you? What happened? How did Ryoko find you? Are you Ok? Tenchi had time to answer them all. That night at the dinner table, Tenchi told his amazing story. His battles against the demons of a desert planet. His friendship to a young boy named Ten that died in his arms. He also talked about his battle with the Tyrant Durant. And then he told them of his heart-warming story of how Ryoko found him. Ayeka, for the first time in her life, thanked Ryoko and the two got along. But, Tenchi wasn't the only thing that they fought over. They had a friendship that lasted a record-breaking 10 seconds. Sasami was loving Tenchi's story and Martel applauded Tenchi's Courage. Later that night, Mihoshi and Kyone arrived and were startled that Tenchi was alive. They gave him hugs and asked the aforementioned questions. Nobiyuki phoned Tenchi's Grandfather about the good news. Lord Katsuhito then proceeded to take his holy hand grenade and blowith Tenchi's Tombstone into tiny bits, in thy mercy. It was a great evening full of stories and questions, but those will have to wait for another time. Tenchi is home. Tenchi awoke from a new dream. His mother had congratulated him on his Relationship with Ryoko and making his way home. Why he was still having dreams of his mother was odd. The universe wasn't in any danger. Jurai had returned to normal from its chaotic state. They've decided to keep Tenchi's star still named after him. Tenchi's status on Earth is ok, cause his lazy father hadn't signed Tenchi's Death Certificate. The Dream of Blood and death still haunted him. He had no idea what it meant, it scared him. On this day of days, marks the one year anniversary of the School explosion, and know it was rebuilt. Today was Tenchi's first School day. As he sat out of bed, he looked at the futon next to him. Ryoko slept like a cat. Tenchi decided not disturb her, so he snuck out of his room and got dressed for school in the bathroom. Tenchi was about to leave for school when two powerful arms circled his chest and hugged him. "Ryoko, I don't have time for this, I'm going to be late for school." Ryoko turned Tenchi around in her arms so that he faced her. Tenchi took one look at Ryoko and noticed something very different about her. "Uh, Ryoko?" "Yes Tenchi?" Ryoko asked. "Why are you wearing a school uniform?" Ryoko was dressed in the standard Female Uniform for Tenchi's School. To her side was a same briefcase full of books. Ryoko looked at Tenchi with a smile. "It was your dad's idea." Ryoko Began "He said I should spend more time with you so I enrolled at your school. I'm in your classes and every thing." Tenchi looked at Ryoko with a raised Eyebrow." "Well, I guess its ok. Are you sure you can handle the school work?" Tenchi asked "Sure I can." Ryoko said. "Lets go Tenchi. We can get there quicker if I just teleport us on the roof." Ryoko grabbed Tenchi before he could protest and they teleported onto the Schools roof. Tenchi looked around at where he was. "This is great." Tenchi said. "Now I can get to school 10 times as fast." I think this is going to be fun." Tenchi looked at Ryoko. Shall we go to class?" "Lets go, My Tenchi." Tenchi sat in his usual seat as the new student orientation began. Ryoko was standing infront of the blackboard with her name wrighten in chalk just above her head. "Class," the Teacher said. "This is Ryoko. She will be joining us for the rest of the school year. You may take your seat now, miss. Ryoko." "Yes ma'am." Ryoko walked over to her desk, conveniently located right next to Tenchi. The teacher began her lesson as Ryoko looked at Tenchi with a very sly smile. Tenchi had a super large sweat drop on his head. He tried to concentrate on what the Teacher was saying but it wouldn't work. One look at Ryoko's golden cat like eyes, and Tenchi was mesmerized. The Teacher caught on to this. "Tenchi Masaki, Ryoko Hakubi," Ryoko and Tenchi stood up instantly. "Please pay attention or you will get detention. Do you understand?" "Yes miss." They said. "Good, take your seat." They sat down. Tenchi knew that this was the start of a very long semester. Tenchi sat at his usual spot outside the school for lunch. Today, Ryoko was with him. He looked slightly angry, Ryoko thought. Tenchi was a little displeased at Ryoko's actions in the classroom. He decided to get it of his chest. "Ryoko." Tenchi began. "You know I love you. But I would really appreciate it if you wouldn't look at me like that during class." Ryoko looked hurt. "But why Tenchi? Don't you want everybody to know about us?" Tenchi looked at the ground. He lifted his head and looked at Ryoko. "You know I do." He began. "But I'd like to try to get work done in the class room. We don't have to avoid each other. I love to look at your Beautiful Eyes every day. I just don't want to get in trouble." "I understand." Ryoko said. "But you have to make it up to me every day after school." Tenchi sighed. "Ok, what do you want to do." Tenchi asked. "Well, I heard that the new Outlaw Star movie is out so how about we catch it." Ryoko looked at Tenchi with massive puppydog eyes. "OK," Tenchi began, "but we have to be home by 6:30, I've still got homework today. OK" "OK Tenchi. It's a date." Ryoko said. She had a very big smile on her face. Tenchi sweatdropped. Why is it that I have a bad feeling about that phrase, He thought. Ryoko was in a very happy, almost giddy mood when the final bell for class rang. She immediately grabbed Tenchi, and before he could protest, she teleported them to the down town movie district. Tenchi had just about no idea were he was until he looked around and noticed the signs. Ryoko looked at Tenchi with a happy and excited face. "Ryoko" Tenchi said "What." Ryoko began. "You said that we were going to see the movie today after school, so here we are." Tenchi instantly had a giant sweat drop appear on his forhead. He couldn't argue with her this time. She was right. Tenchi decided to give in. "Oh, all right. I guess you got me. Lets go see the movie, but remember, we need to get home right after the movie." "Sure thing Tenchi." And with that, Ryoko and Tenchi went to the movie. It was a good movie, taking place right after the series ended. Tenchi really enjoyed the movie. Outlaw Star had been a favorite of his for a long time. But Tenchi was really nervous during the whole film. Ryoko just kept grabbing his thigh. Ryoko also kept looking at Tenchi with very sly grins. He knew she was planning something. This made him crazy trying to ponder what it was. When they were in space, Tenchi had told her that he wanted to wait for when they get married before they do what couples normally do when hey are deeply in love. Ryoko agreed that it would be more special that way also. So Tenchi knew it wasn't that. Later that evening, Tenchi and Ryoko got home just in time for Tenchi to do his chores. The rest of the day went on like any other night in the Masaki house. After his chores, Tenchi decided to read a book in his room. Downstairs, he could hear the normal arguing of Ryoko and Ayeka. Martel, Kyone, and Tsunami trying to get them to stop. Sasami, Ryo-Oki, and Mayuka laughing with each other as they played some sort of game. Mihoshi spacing out (It can get loud) and Washu yelling at everybody to quite down so she could tell them of her latest invention. All Tenchi could do was smile as he heard the ruckus from downstairs. He knew that everything was the way it should be. He truly was home, and with that, he fell asleep. Tenchi was in the wight zone, or the dreamworld that always started white. He decided to name it the wight zone after that. Tenchi didn't know why he was still having these dreams. His mother no longer appeared in them any more, and they where usually meant as a premonition, still it was driving Tenchi nuts. He just wanted to settle down with Ryoko and the rest of his odd family and live happily ever after. Fat chance. Tenchi wondered what it was this time. Kagato was really dead this time, and Tenchi was home now, what was the matter. He was also beginning to believe that the woman who appeared to be his mother wasn't her at all. He knew that his mother would never talk in riddles. Still, it was nice to know that he had overcome his fear of rejection, and now has a great relashionship with Ryoko. Tenchi owed the dreams that. Tenchi began to walk in any direction. There was no up or down in the white zone. There was also no law of gravity. It was a very strange place. Tenchi's walk seemed to last hours, but it was only a few minutes. As he continued, the room slowly turned dark. Dark and dark. He had no idea of what was going on. Suddenly, it was pitch black. And then, he fell. Out of no where, it was as if the floor just vanished. As he continued to fall, Tenchi tried to think of something to do. Some way to stop the long decent. And then, he landed. He was in some kind of field. Not another field, Tenchi thought. Suddenly out of no where, The girls appeared. They all looked like they have been impaled by some kind of weapon. Blood spread across the field. Tenchi then saw a lone standing figure. He was like a shadow, except, Tenchi could make out the suit he wore. It was a Jurain royal Battle Uniform, Similar to his own. Tenchi couldn't make out the facial features of the shadow. In its hands where two blades. One was a regular Juraian Battle sword, and the other was sword Tenchi. The Shadow suddenly raised his arm with his blade and charged Tenchi, and before Tenchi could react, he was skewered through the chest. As Tenchi stood there, he was shacked as the blood kept pouring from his chest. The Shadow pulled back its face, as if to correct it like a mask, and Tenchi was awestruck. It was him. Another Tenchi. This was the last thing Tenchi saw as he began to wake up. Tenchi awoke to the sounds of laughter and the smell of good food. He looked at him self and noticed that he was sweating. What was that dream about, Tenchi thought. He sat up and rubbed his blood shot eyes so he could see his surroundings. It had been 1 week since Ryoko began to go to school with him and it has been a very exhausting experience. Ryoko was hanging on him, literally hanging on him, every were he went. He tried to ask her not to be all clingy when they were at school, but she wouldn't listen. After about 3 days of this, Tenchi gave up. He was suprised that she was bringing in A Grades. Maybe the thought that she is with Tenchi was a sort of enlightener to her, making her just as smart as her mother. But Tenchi decided not to think about it today. Today was a Weekend, and Tenchi could relax. That is, after all his chores are done and his normally scheduled training with his grandfather. He began to get out of bed when he noticed the sleeping figure on the Futon next to his bed. Tenchi marveled at the beautiful woman that lay there. Ryoko really is Cute when she's sleeping, Tenchi thought. He decided to let her have her rest, so Tenchi quietly snuke out of his bed and down the hall and out into his almost normal life. Emperor Asuza sat in his private audience chambers, Very Nervous and sweaty. He was awaiting the arrival of the Chancellor of the New Republic of Veridia. The NRV was recently established after a revolution in the Veridian Quadrant, and Emperor Asuza wanted nothing but piece and trading from the New Republic. The NRV has already established itself as a powerful ally, for they sent aid to the Juraian Empire during the Kagato incident. Asuza was very busy going over the free trade agreement when the mighty doors to the room opened. One of Asuza's guards entered the room to announce the guest. "Your Majesty." The Guard began. "May I present to you, Chancellor Nimoy of the New Republic of Veridia." Asuza stood up and saw the Chancellor for the first time. A young but strongly built man, if he had ever seen one. The Chancellor wore robes very similar to the Juraians and he had long, red hair in a ponytail. Asuza spoke up. "Chancellor Nimoy, What a pleasure it is to have you at our humble abode." The Chancellor walked slowly and sat down across from Asuza. Asuza did the same. Nimoy spoke up immediately. "So, the Juraian Empire wishes to trade with us freely." Nimoy said. Asuza nodded to the claim. "We believe that it can improve both our mighty nations." Asuza said. Nimoy just crossed his arms, Asuza figured out right there that Nimoy was a very proud man that doesn't like to waste time with politics. Asuza continued. "Id would be very beneficiary." Nimoy nodded. "I agree with you," He began. "But unfortunately, I must go. Our country has very pressing matters to attend to, so if you'll excuse me." And with that, Nimoy stood and started towards the door, and Asuza was offended. He had never been so insulted in his life. But he knew that he had to control his temper. He couldn't let his temper get the best of him during political matters. He might as well just wait. Washu sat infront of her one of her control keypads, typing away. She was in her lab, and on the tables where the two who where the subjects of brain and body scans. They where Tsunami and Sasami. Washu looked over at the results of her scanning as the two women sat up. Tsunami was the first to ask. "Well, what do the results say, Washu?" Washu turned toward the girls, a smile on her face. "Well," The Scientist began. "Apparently, due to your forced separation from Kagato, you can't reform into one. Also, because you are not whole, your powers are diminished." Washu looked over at Sasami. "Sasami, you are almost 100% you. You just can't communicate very well with Jurai Trees and you can't summon Light Hawk Wings anymore." Sasami pouted a little but raised and nodded her little head. Washu turned to Tsunami. "You on the other hand are mortal now." Tsunami's eyes widened. "You can only generate 6 Light Hawk Wings and you can't activate your ship form any more." Tsunami was speechless and sad. She lowered her head and a few tears streamed down her face. Sasami grabbed Tsunami's hand and the half-powered goddess smiled back. "Thanks for the tests, Miss Washu." Sasami said. "Don't think about it." Washu said. "Just tell Ryoko to come to my lab sometime this week, I need to test her Light Hawk Wings." The Two Blue Hared Juraians nodded and left the lab. A lone figure stood, bowed in front of his master. The two where the only inhabitance of a massive throne room. Filled with gold and great decorations. The master spoke. "So Agent N, that is your report?" The Agent in the center of the room nodded. "Yes my lord, the object that you seek is on earth. It is in the hands of the Crown Prince of Jurai." The Agent looked to be about 6 foot tall, and was wearing a type of golden armor. His head, covered in a large helmet. The master wore a similar outfit, but it had a long flowing cape and a larger helmet. No facial features could be determined. "Thank you, Agent N." The master began. "This information will come in handy. You are free to leave." The Agent felt appauled. His master was turning him away from a mission. He decided to interject. "But my lord, what of the mission." Agent N said. The master shook his head. "Don't worry. I've already selected a solder strong enough for the job." Agent N stood up. "Who?" He asked in a somewhat calm voice. "Jericho." Was all the master said. Agent N felt relieved. "Thank god." And he bowed to his master and left. The Master still sat in his mighty throne. He was pleased with his decision to send Jericho. He could get the job done, for he was the greatest assassin to ever travel the universe. Tenchi sat at the table with the rest of the group. They were all discussing the current events and future plans, like every other afternoon. But the piece would be shattered thanks to a simple question. "So Ryoko," Darla began. Darla was once called D, an android assassin for the now dead Kagato, but thanks to the magic of Washu's science, she was completely reborn. She was now 100% organic and she no longer had a code name, but a real name. She still had the all the powers she once had and kept her past appearance. The only change to her appearance is that she now had emerald green eyes. Darla continued. "I hear you've been getting high marks in your studies. Is it true?" Every body looked over at Ryoko. "Very true," Ryoko smiled back. "I'm getting A's in every subject." Ayeka looked displeased. "If you can get A's in every subject, then the studies hear on earth must be graded on such curves that it would make Anna Nicole Smith look like Olive-Oil from Popeye." Ayeka said, angrily. Ryoko glared back at Ayeka, sparks emitting from her eyes at the Princess. Tenchi knew that if he didn't act, then he would have to get Washu to build him a new house. He calmly placed his hand in Ryoko's Hand. She immediately stopped and calmed down. (Authors note. I know that for 2 fanfics, Tenchi has been with Ryoko. But I have yet to have them tell the crew. Only Martel, Washu, Mayuka, and Tsunami knows that they are an item. The others obviously know that something is going on, but Ayeka. She still thinks that Tenchi is hers, even though she constantly flirts with Martel, she is completely oblivious to what is happening between them. Ayeka and Martel will have a story, but it is a side story, so don't be supprised when they truly end up together out of know where. That Series will be called "Dreams sidestory: A Hunters Tale. But I will leave now to continue the story.) She looked over at Tenchi and smiled. Ayeka saw this and fumed slowly, reaching a slow burst. Ryoko looked back at Ayeka. "Listen Ayeka." She Began. "If you think that it is that easy, then you go to school." Ayeka stopped and silently thought to her self. What if? What if I go to school. It can't be hard if that demon can do so well. I'll do it, but not alone. Ayeka stood up and pointed at the Pirate. "So be it." She exclaimed. "Starting Monday, I'll go to school." Ayeka grabbed an unsuspecting Martel by the collar and picked him up. "And so will Martel." Martel tried to interject while he tried to breathe as Ayeka stormingly walked out of the kitchen and out the back door. The gang just watched as the whole thing transpired wide eyed. Tsunami walked in carrying a large bag of groceries followed by Kyone holding another bag. The two stared at the group, wondering why they where just sitting there, staring at the door. The two looked around, trying to find the object of everybody's attention. But they decided that what ever it is, then lets just put it to rest. A silent figure walked the streets of Tokyo. It was night and the figure was enjoying every minute of the cold, gentle, fall breeze through the metropolises sky. This figure was the man called Jericho. The Universes greatest Assassin. He breathed the autumn air in and held it for a split second, and then, he quickly released it. This was a place he could enjoy. A planet completely oblivious to his name and likeness, even though no man has ever seen the true face of Jericho and lived. Jericho was a copycat. He would steal the guise of his targets by copying their main features and even their memories. He has seen the lives of many people. And this time, it would be no different. He looked into the paper packet he held in his hands. His assignment. He looked over the orders closely, absorbing every written letter into his skull. It was a simple seek and destroy mission. Find the Space Pirate, Ryoko Hakubi. Seduce and kill. Obtain the sword Tenchi from Tenchi Masaki, prince of Jurai, and eliminate him. Simple orders for a complicated man. Jericho stopped and looked into a small compact mirror he kept so he could memorize his current face. He didn't wear a mask this time. Today, it was just his normal face. The Face of a young adult Juraian Male. With green eyes and short red hair. His real face. The one he's seen more then anybody else in the universe. He began to walk again, putting the mirror in his pocket. As he strolled down the street, he felt the texture of his face and decided what to do. "Time for a new face." He thought outloud. Tenchi spent his early Monday morning with a Migraine the size of Tokyo. He was worried more then ever now. He could handle going to school with Ryoko, but now he had to deal with Ayeka and Martel. He didn't care if Martel went to school with them, but if Ayeka and Ryoko are in the same room for more then an hour, then that room could be considered Ground Zero. That was the ultimate factor that scared Tenchi. To prevent any early morning catastrophes that morning, Tenchi decided to get Ryoko and get the hell out of there. Tenchi, dressed in his school uniform, quietly snuck down the stares. He didn't want to alert anybody of his presence. Ryoko was already dressed in her uniform and was having an early morning cup of coffee, or Sake, or what ever the hell she drinks in the morning. "Good morning Tenchi." Ryoko said with a smile on her face. "Good morning Ryoko." Tenchi said. He walked down the stares more casually now and he picked up his suitcase. Ryoko was allready holding her suitcase. Tenchi was almost relieved as he looked around and found that Ayeka wasn't up yet. But that sense soon left him as he heard Ayeka's door rush open. Before anybody could react, Tenchi made a dart, grabbed ahold of Ryoko and carried her of the premises and didn't stop until they were a mile away. Ryoko looked at Tenchi as he slowly caught his breath. "What was that all about?" Ryoko asked Tenchi with an eyebrow raised. Tenchi couldn't answer; he had never been this out of breath in a long time. But some how, he managed to squeeze out a word or two. "I just wanted to get a head start for the school today before Ayeka and Martel could." Tenchi said. He didn't want to hurt Ryoko's feelings that he really wanted to get her as far away from Ayeka so he wouldn't become fried Tenchi. Ryoko just blinked at what Tenchi said. "If that's all," The space pirate began. "I could've just teleported us to school, Tenchi." Tenchi just slapped his head instantly. Now why didn't I think of that, Tenchi thought. He didn't have much chance to think anymore because all of a sudden he was in a Ryoko bear huge. "Come on Tenchi." Ryoko began. "Lets hurry, I want to see if Ayeka really does go to school today." Tenchi lowered his head in a massive sweatdrop. "This is going to be a long day, Was all Tenchi could think. Jericho sat ontop of the roof of a building 3 blocks away from the school. He sat and stared at the roof of the building. This was the targets school, he thought. I thought it would be bigger. Jericho pulled out his view specs too get a closer look at the roof. He could see two people appear out of no where. Teleporting. He knew one of his targets could teleport, now he has visual confirmation. He zoomed in on the two to get a good look at them. Two high school students. One, a male, had his black hair tied back in a ponytail. His face had youth, but he could see a few small, undetectable wrinkles. Obviously caused by stress. The other, a woman, had her hair a somewhat of a spike, and it was Cyan. She had a few catlike features on her face. Jericho knew that he had acquired his targets. He put the view specs away and jumped of the roof. Jericho made his way slowly through a small crowd of students. He had no idea that there where so many going to the target's school. This could prove difficult for his mission, but Jericho decided to use this to his advantage. The school Bell rang at nine in the morning. Tenchi and Ryoko looked around, wondering where Martel and Ayeka where. The fact that they where there brought a sense of ease to Tenchi's restless emotions. Suddenly, All the ease shattered when he heard the Princess's voice down the hall. "Come on Martel, We're late!!" Tenchi immediately duck under his desk, cousing the rest of the students to look at their class mate with raised eyebrows. But then, the loud crashing of a door broke the students attention from Tenchi as they saw two new students enter the room. One was a young woman with long purple Hair. The other was slightly taller then Tenchi and had slightly long, curly blonde in a ponytail. Tenchi already knew who they where. Suddenly, another new student walked through the door. Unlike Ayeka and Martel, Tenchi and Ryoko had no idea just who this guy was. He wore his red hair in a ponytail almost exactly the same as Tenchi's in length. The guy passed Ayeka and Martel both gracefully and slowly as he made his way to the front of the room. Tenchi and Ryoko immediately felt a nasty vibe from the guy, as did Ayeka and Martel. The three new students all stood in front of the black board, their names written in chalk above their heads. The teacher began to speak. "Class, we have three new students to introduce." He began. "The First is miss. Ayeka Jurai from Hokaido. The Second is a Mr. Martel Sham, who also is from Hokaido. The last is a Mr. Dago Jericho. He is from China." The teacher looked over at Jericho. "Interesting. Mr. Jericho did you know that your name is not Chinese?" The Teacher asked. Jericho smiled a dark grin as he surveyed the classroom. "Really?" He said in a dark, almost Drummond-esk Vegeta ascent. "It never crossed my mind." And with that, Jericho walked slowly over to the seat behind Tenchi. Tenchi began to slightly sweat. This guy was really making him nervous, same with Ryoko. Ayeka found a seat next to Ryoko and Martel took his behind Ayeka. Jericho just kept walking, slowly. He glared at Tenchi. Almost burning a hole through his soul if he could. He finally sat behind Tenchi. Everybody that was their could feel the tension from the two, As if it was electricity. The Teacher began his teachings and the students began their studying, but Tenchi was still nervous. He began to work in a moderate pace, but he couldn't shake the fact that Jericho was staring at him from behind. Tenchi looked into his watch to catch Jericho's reflection. Jericho was just minding his own business, taking notes from the teacher. Tenchi let out a sigh of relief that the man wasn't after him and went to work. (Don't Sigh Yet, Masaki) A voice invaded Tenchi's head and he sat up as if he was shot. Tenchi thought to himself, as if to try to talk to the owner of the voice. (Who are you? What do you want? Where are you?) Tenchi Thought. His eyes danced around the class, trying to find him. (Right behind you) The Voice said. It was Jericho. Tenchi began to sweat, but tried to both calm himself and continue taking notes. Jericho's Voice invaded his head again. (You wanted to know what I want, right?) He began. (Well, I'll tell you. I want your life.) Tenchi gulped, but tried desperately to stay calm. (Why?) The Prince asked. (There are some very powerful people who want you dead. And they're willing to pay me a freighter full of cash to off you and the girl next to you.) Tenchi's eyes widened. He looked over at Ryoko. She had calmed down from her earlier suspicions and was not working diligently. She was also in a note-taking race with Ayeka, because he could see that they both had their game faces on. Jericho continued. (When do you want to die Masaki? Here? On the Bus? In Space? Perhaps at your house in the mountains. Have you ever heard of somebody dying on the john? I can read the headlines now. Crown Prince found dead on john. Funny stuff. You didn't tell me when you wanted to die, Masaki. Tell me.) Tenchi tightened his neck and clenched his fists. (How about never?) The Prince said. Jericho couldn't help but smile. The boy actually has a strong will, he thought to himself. But even the strongest can be bent. (Your time will come soon, Masaki.) He began. (Very, Very soon.) The Bell rang for lunch and Tenchi bolted from the room. He had never been so spooked in his life. Somebody he didn't know anything about knew everything about him. He knew what he had to do; he had to tell the others. Jericho still sat at his desk when Tenchi jumped up any left. Watching the young princes every move. Jericho knew that this was going to be very easy, so he decided to have a little fun with his target. Its not normal that he's sent to kill a member of a royal family, in fact this was the first. He wanted it to be special. But first, he needed to know even more about Tenchi. Ryoko was another matter. He didn't normally kill women. It just wasn't his thing. But this was an exception. She was the pirate who obliterated his home and all his dreams oh so many years ago. This wasn't about many. This was about revenge. Jericho sat up from his desk and made his way through the door. The hall was now empty, now that all the students are either in their classrooms or outside, eating lunch. Jericho had to act quickly, but slowly. Tenchi already knew who he was. Maybe it was a mistake to taunght him so early. It didn't matter anyway. Jericho reached into his pocket and pulled out a pen. To the naked eye, it would be a pen, but to the few who knew, it was an extractor. He needed a change of identity. A couple of students from Tenchi's class were walking down the hall and they noticed Jericho. One of them, Kenichi Yoshi walked over to him. Kenichi decided to be nice to the new guy on campus. "Hey." Kenichi began. Jericho took notice. "Your Jericho right?" Jericho just smiled. "Yeah, that's right." He said. The two talked for a few minutes until Jericho came up with a strange question. "Hey, I got a question for you. Is the tip of this pen a little to sharp." Jericho handed the pen to Kenichi, who proceeded to glide his right thumb over the tip slightly. It was enough to make a small cut. "OW! Damnit." Kenichi said, dropping the pen and grabbing his thumb. Jericho picked the pen up and put the cap on it. "Sorry about that." He began. "I guess it is sharp. Go get your finger looked at." Kenichi nodded and swiftly made his way to the nurse's office. Jericho flipped the pen in the air and began to walk away as it landed in his palm. Washu sat diligently in her lab. Something had been bothering her for the last couple of months and it was Ryoko. Because of the tests she was running on Tsunami, Darla and Sasami, she hadn't had a chance to scan Ryoko. A vision kept sweeping through her mind like a locomotive. Ryoko generated Light Hawk Wings. Washu knew it was because of both Ryoko's feelings and Ryoko's gems. Washu remembered the gems mostly because she didn't make them. The Gems where invented by Dr. Amaro Citan, a brilliant scientist who went about trying to copy Jurai power into little gems. It was a total success thanks to Citans assistant, Kagato. Kagato then killed Amaro Citan and placed the gems into Ryoko. What Washu didn't figure out was that Ryoko can't even control her gems properly, but the first time Kagato attacked the Masaki shrine, he could control their every spectral amount of energy. He could also control Tsunami with the gems. And if he could do that, Washu shuddered at the thought of what other capabilities Kagato had with the gems. What if he could've been able to replicate them? What if he did? Washu let go of the subject and decided to continue her data analysis on the two tree goddesses. "So this Jericho can talk to us telepathically? Ayeka asked. Tenchi nodded. The gang regrouped in the school courtyard, talking about the new student. Ryoko didn't know whom this Jericho guy was, but there was no way she was going to let him get one step close to her Tenchi, this she swore. Ryoko just got Tenchi back and she didn't want him gone ever again. Martel sat silently as the girls and Tenchi conversated. He knew he heard the name Jericho before. He couldn't place it but he was sure he knew that name from his past. Martel silently scanned the list of assassins and criminals that he recalled. He thought about Vegis Argel, also known as the bag man. He thought about Kagato, Nagi, and Dr. Clay, but he couldn't trace Jericho. Martel shook his head and it caught Ayeka's attention. "What's wrong Martel?" The Jurain Princess asked. Martel looked up at Ayeka. "Something's not right." He began. "I've heard the name Jericho before, but I can't place it. Its driving me nuts." Ryoko folded her arms. "Well whoever he is, he better watchout." She said in a triumphant voice. Jericho watched his targets converse with a couple others from his perch on the school roof. He couldn't tell but they looked like one of the leaders of the Royal Hunters and one of the Princesses of Jurai. It didn't matter to him, they weren't his targets. Jericho kept his eyes directly on the Pirate Ryoko. No matter what he did, he couldn't get his eyes off of her. They were magnetized. Jericho knew why he watched her from afar. 700 years ago, Ryoko ravaged his Homeland of Jurai. Jericho lived there at the time when she attached. In a selfish act, his parents let him go to save their own skins. That event was the reason the Jericho never trusted a living thing again. He became an assassin that wields a double bladed Juraian Key Sword. He loved the weapon because it made him feel clean and invincible. Jericho took his special pen out of his pocket and jammed it into his chest, letting the pen do its work. The pen was Jericho's special tool that allowed him to copy the physical features and memories of those who let their blood spill on its tip. In a flash, Jericho saw through the life of Kenichi Yoshi, his latest mask. This would allow Jericho to get even closer to his targets. Jericho looked over his orders one more time. He needed to eliminate Tenchi and Seduce and Eliminate Ryoko. Jericho looked over at the four. He noticed that both his targets were sitting very, very close to one another. That was his opening. Jericho, knowing what he had to do now, walked back into the school. Tsunami sat on the edge of the deck of the Masaki house hold. In her lap was a fuzzy brown little cabbit named Ryo-Oki. Tsunami was paying attention to the winds that swept over the lake and the leaves as they began to fall. Tsunami loved the scene she was seeing, but something still wasn't right. The goddess felt a slight disturbance, as if something bad was going to happen very soon. But that was only half of her worries. Earlier in the day, Washu had spoken to the goddess and the little princess Sasami about her latest conclusion to their separation. Tsunami didn't have long to live. She was only separated temporarily. When she would leave, Sasami would again be the destined Tsunami. The goddess brought her hand to her heart to hear her heart beat. She didn't want to give up life after she had experienced the joy. A small tear came down her cheek as Ryo-Oki looked up at her with a questioning meow. Tsunami just smiled and held the Cabbit to her lap, petting its fur. Washu said she didn't have an exact date of when it would happen. She could die tomorrow or perhaps in ten years. Tsunami didn't want to die yet, but the goddess still didn't know what to do. Perhaps the answers would come to her in a matter of days. Jericho, or Kenichi Yoshi, walked down the hall almost silently. He held his brief case in his left hand and his "Special Pen" in the other, hoping to see Tenchi. According to Kenichi's memory's, Tenchi always walked down the south hallway, second floor, at around 3:00, on his way to his locker. This would be perfect. Jericho looked at his watch. It was two till 3. Perfect. All Jericho needed was a blood sample and then he could finish the mission. And then, He spotted his target. Tenchi was right on time. Jericho wondered where the others could've been, but it didn't matter. He took the cap off the pen and began to walk over to Tenchi. He angled himself to make everything look like an accident. When they reached each other, Jericho slide the sharp end into Tenchi's left hand, causing a cut. "Ow!" Tenchi exclaimed as he grabbed his hand, applying pressure to the cut. Tenchi looked over at what he thought was Kenichi. "Be more careful with that thing Kenichi." Tenchi said. Jericho lowered his head. "Sorry about that Tenchi." He began. "You should go to the Nurse right away. I'll go tell your friends that you're there, ok?" Tenchi nodded his head at Jericho. "Thanks Kenichi." And with that, Tenchi made his way to the Nurse's office. Jericho smiled as he capped the pen. He began to walk away when he turned to look back at Tenchi, who had just started going down to the first floor. "Gotcha." Jericho silently muttered. Jericho continued to walk, but not towards where Tenchi's friends were, but to the bathroom where he could gain a new knowledge and a new face. Ayeka sat with her arms folded, wandering what was taking Tenchi so long to meet them, as were Ryoko and Martel were thinking the same thing. Ayeka's mind had been going in full cycle ever since the day Kagato kidnapped Tenchi and Sasami. Her mind was moving as fast as a bullet train. On one hand, she had her normal life back the way it was. She was going to school and is also the princess of Jurai. But something just doesn't fit right in the mind of the princess. First there was Tenchi. A boy she had met and had fallen in love with who also turned out to be the crown prince of Jurai. But is the part about the love real. She thought it was, but when Martel showed up, she questioned that love. Martel had kindly given Ayeka a Shoulder to cry on when she felt sad. Sure Tenchi has done that, but it didn't feel as good as it was from Martel. Martel was smart and brave, good qualities for a future emperor of Jurai, but Martel is not of noble blood. There was also the possibility that her claim on Tenchi had just been a way to spark up her feud with Ryoko, knowing full well that Ryoko has feelings for Tenchi. "Hey, I'm here." Tenchi called out from the distance, tearing Ayeka's thoughts from her feelings toward Tenchi. Martel quickly spoke up. "Where the hell were you?" Martel yelled. Tenchi smiled back. "Hey, I had to take care of a call to nature." Tenchi said. Ryoko almost laughed at Tenchi's remark. It was supprising to hear his come up with something witty. "Well then." Ayeka began. "Shall we get going?" The others nodded and began to follow Ayeka towards the bus. But for some reason that disturbed Ayeka, Tenchi made a smile that just didn't look right. It looked almost sadistic. Tenchi watched from the Nurses Office. He couldn't believe his eyes as he saw what had just happened. It looked like Tenchi, but it wasn't. Tenchi got up and began to run as fast as he could towards the Schools front gate. If he didn't hurry, the bus would leave, and so would the imposter with all his friends. Tenchi sprinted as fast as he could. Hearing people shout no running in the halls and other things as he sped past. Tenchi made it to the front gate of the school, but he was to late. He just stared at the bus as it left, carrying an Assassin. Tenchi Began to jog, knowing that it would take him four hours before he would get home. But first he needed to get to a payphone. Washu sat in her lab, typing at a decent pace. She had just finished finalizing data she took from Ryoko a couple of days ago about Ryoko's Light Hawk Wings. Six wings with the powers to enhance speed, strength, agility, Energy, lifespan, and Intelligence. Thanks to Ryoko's Jems, Washu was able to study the wings more. She discovered each wing has a different power. Tenchi's wings are Lifespan, Speed, and Agility. Washu can tell them apart from design markings. Washu watched the data fly past her eyes, not believing that the wings are more powerful then Nuclear Atoms. But Washu's concentration was interrupted by her intruder alarm. She turned the monitor on and saw Tenchi, Ryoko, Ayeka and Martel enter the house. This wasn't right, Washu thought. She rewound the videodisc and watched the four enter the house. First Ryoko and no alarm. Then Ayeka and no Alarm. Martel and no Alarm. Finally, Tenchi activated the alarm. Washu stared at the image of Tenchi, disbelieving what she had just witnessed. The gang settled down after a hard day of school. Ayeka and Martel began to watch TV while Ryoko went to her usual perch. But Jericho had other ideas. He had to find the Sword Tenchi before he could do anything, and thanks to Tenchi's memories, he knew just where it was, on Tenchi's desk. Jericho began to walk towards the stairs when he heard the voice of a little girl. "Where do you think your going daddy." The girl yelled. Jericho spun around only to be met with a girl a few years younger then him with bluish-purple hair. The daughter of Tenchi, Mayuka. Jericho began to do his work. "I was just going to the bathroom, jeez." He began, trying to sound like Tenchi. Mayuka pouted. "But dinner will be done in a couple of minutes." She began. "Sasami, Tsunami and I have been slaving over the stove all day and your going to eat it." Jericho sweatdropped, then he raised his eyebrow for a second. What the hell is a sweatdrop, he thought. He quickly shook his head and tried to smile like the Juraian Prince. "Ok, I guess that could wait." Jericho said. Mayuka smiled and latched onto who she thought was her father. Jericho looked annoyed, which meant he looked slightly like Tenchi normally, does. Ryoko Phased through her perch and grabbed Jericho's arm. "Come on Tenchi," She began. "I'm starving." Ayeka looked back with a gleam in her eye. "So what else is new." She spoke. Martel, hearing her comment knew what it would be followed with. "What was that!" Ryoko exclaimed. Martel ran out of the living area and into the Kitchen, grabbing Mayuka as he ran. Kyone and Mihoshi, along with Darla, had just walked into the living room just as the sparks began to sparks. Both ducked back outside. Jericho just sat there, watching with a smile on his face before he realized just what was going to happen. Jericho dove behind the couch just in time as the living room ignited. Tenchi ran as fast as he could. He couldn't believe his luck that day. Not only had it begun to rain as soon as he got out of the house, but every payphone for the first couple of miles was in use. This was driving him crazy and making him even more desperate. It had been 2 hours to get to the halfway point between his house and the school. It was the Hatchiko Dog, a new popular fast food place that was always crowded around that time of day, making Tenchi have to dodge cars and bicycles. Bicycles. A lightbulb snapped on in Tenchi's brain. Tenchi ran over to the only person who he knew would be there. An American friend of his named Tim worked Monday afternoons and evenings at the Hatchiko Dog and he had a bike. Tenchi ran into the H-Dog and ran to the front of the counter. Amid a flurry of Don't cut in line Calls, Tenchi didn't care. "Tim, I need your help." Tenchi said as he leaned over the counter, trying to get his breath back. Tim looked up from what he was doing to listen to Tenchi. "Whats up Tenchi?" he asked. "I don't have much time to explain," Tenchi began. "I need your bike, it's a matter of life and death." Tim folded his arms. "As long as you bring it back before closing, I need to go home too, you know. It's behind the building." "Thanks man, you're a life savor." And with that Tenchi ran out of the Building and grabbed the bike. He was on his way. Jericho stood up, slightly singed and very pissed. Ryoko and Ayeka where standing there, ready to apologize, but Jericho cut them of. "Before you say a damn thing, I want to know what the Hell you where thinking." He yelled. "Arent you two smart enough to know that explosives can kill? What the hell where you thinking!" Ayeka and Ryoko couldn't believe what Tenchi was saying, neither was the rest of the gang. Nobiyuki couldn't believe his son could speak like that. But the man that was standing there wasn't Tenchi, but they didn't know that. Suddenly, a crash came from the front door, and in stepped Tenchi, covered in rain, dirt, and sweat. "Tenchi?" Everybody said in unison. Their heads moved back and forth, glancing at both Tenchi's. Kyone spoke up. "Just what the hell is going on here?" Both Tenchi's stared at each other, not even blinking. They just stood there. Suddenly Washu's lab entrance slammed open. "One is the fake." She exclaimed. The Tenchi's just continued to stare at each other as the others wondered where Washu was going with this. Washu walked over to the Tenchi with the sweat and Dirt. "This is the real one. The other is an assassin named Jericho. Suddenly it made sense who the other was to Martel. The name he couldn't get. Martel spoke up. "The blood hound of space." Martel began. "The man who could steal memory's and lives. The mane who never losses. Its Jericho." Jericho, realizing his cover was blown, pulled out a nerolizer collar and a blaster from his pockets. He jumped towards Ryoko and thanks to his speed, latched the collar to Ryoko's neck, neutralizing her powers. He swung behind her, grabbing her arms back and holding the blaster to her head. "Don't move, or the pirate's a goner." Everybody froze. Jericho smiled "Good. I'm leaving with at least half of my mission completed." Jericho touched a button on his wrist and vanished into thin air. Tenchi ran, trying to catch them, or at least grab Ryoko, but he missed, crashing into the floor. Martel and Nobiyuki both helped Tenchi to his feet. By this time, tears began to flow from Tenchi's eyes. He didn't want to lose Ryoko again. "I have to find her." Tenchi said. Ayeka, feeling that this may be her only chance at Tenchi, decided to interfere. "But lord Tenchi." She began. "By now they are long gone. We won't have a chance to find." Tenchi stopped her right there, holding his hand up to her face. Tenchi shook his head. "Ayeka, I can't do that." He began. Ayeka knew where this was going. Tenchi continued after he lowered his hand. "Ever since I first met Ryoko, I've felt a strong bond to her, An attraction that has become more powerful as time goes on. Ayeka, I love Ryoko and would never let her go. I didn't for Kagato, and I'm sure as hell not going to now." By this time, Ayeka began to cry. Tears of defeat ran down her cheeks. Sasami and Tsunami walked over to her to comfort her. Tenchi continued. "Ayeka, and everyone, I'm sorry but My heart is set on Ryoko." All the girls nodded, including Ayeka. Tenchi looked over at Washu. "Washu, could you find out where Ryoko is?" Washu nodded. "I have her life force data in my Computer, I can track her almost anywhere." Tenchi nodded. "Thanks Washu. I'm going. If any of you want to come with me, then lets go." Tenchi ran out of the house, followed by Washu with her tracer and the rest of the gang. Tenchi wasn't going to lose Ryoko ever again. Ryoko awoke, strapped to a large table. She couldn't use her powers thanks to the neutralizer collar that was around her neck. The room was the cargo Bay of an old ship. Obviously the ship belonged to Jericho. The cargo bay was filled with all sorts of crates and a weapons rack and in front of the rack was Jericho. Ryoko slowly tried to move, but she was strapped to the table with titanium shackles. She would've been able to turn the Shackles into putty if it weren't for the collar. Jericho turned around to Ryoko. "I see that you are awake." He began. Ryoko tried to speak, but she found her mouth was covered in a gag. "Sorry, this is going to be a one sided conversation. I want to know what it feels like for you to actually feel sad. I'm pretty sure you feel like all those people did when you destroyed their homes." Ryoko lowered her head in shame. That was another lifetime, she thought. Jericho continued. "I'm sure this must be tearing you apart inside, but I have a busy schedule." Jericho turned towards Ryoko, and for the first time since 700 years ago, he made eye contact with her. Jericho stared into her golden eyes, remembering what it was like all those years ago. But then something else kicks in. Memories that didn't belong to him. Memories of times that where joyful and fun involving the pirate. Jericho grabbed his head and began to shake violently. "What are you doing to me?" He thought as he continued to shake. Jericho began to scream as the images began circulating in his brain faster. The thousand visions of fights, demons, and loved ones flashed. He had never felt this way before. Ryoko stared in awe at the way Jericho acted mostly because he still looked like Tenchi. Jericho fell to his knees infront of the pirate he began to mutter. "Why.Why. Why can't I concentrate." Jericho banged his head on the floor of his ship, trying to erase the images. Jericho continued his ranting. "Masaki..Masaki..Why Can't I Get You Out of My Head! RRRRRRAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" Jericho leapt at his weapons case, pulling out a small blaster pistol. He began to stand and shakingly pointed the pistol at Ryoko. He clutched his head as he tried to hold the pistol steady. Images and feelings from Tenchi about Ryoko drove him over the brink. Insanely, he muttered. "It is all your fault." Tears began to fall down Jericho's eyes, making his eyes sting. "All Your Fault." He Continued. "All Your Fault, ALL YOUR FAULT!!!!! MASAKI!!!" And with that he fired. The rest of the gang followed Tenchi as he ran into the woods toward the Ravens Nest. He was more desperate then he's ever been in his life. Ryoko meant everything and if Jericho even touched a hair on her, he would pay. Ayeka still followed Tenchi even though she was at a loss of emotion. Tenchi had confessed his love for Ryoko and Ayeka was heart broken, but she continued to move on, not giving up. Perhaps a new object of affection motivated her even more. She looked at Martel, who was dead set on saving his sister, and suddenly, her heart began to beat faster. She knew then that she was truly in love with Martel Sham. Tenchi continued his almost blind run towards the ship. Washu's tracker started to beep faster. He was almost there. Sasami, Tsunami, Nobiyuki, Ryo-Oki, Kyone, Mihoshi, Darla, Washu, Martel, Mayuka, and Ayeka all followed Tenchi's every move, helping their friend search for the one he loved. Tenchi would go to the ends of the Universe for Ryoko and they all knew that, Especially Tsunami. Suddenly, the Gang heard engines start up and a ship began to leave. Tenchi felt in his heart that he was too late. That Ryoko was gone. The gang made it to an open clearing in the forest and saw Jericho's ship begin to take off. Tenchi charged the ship with everything he had, picking up rocks and hurling them at the ship. Tenchi's eyes were filling with tears as the ship made a 90-degree turn and flew away into the night sky. Tenchi fell to his knees, crying. Tsunami walked over to her guardian and held him tightly as his eyes drained of tears. Everybody else knew that Ryoko was gone and also began their silent sobs, as they did for Tenchi months ago. Washu looked down at her tracker and noticed that they were still very close to Ryoko. For some reason, she wasn't taken away. She followed the trackers path silently. Everybody, including Tsunami and Tenchi looked in Washu's direction as the scientist traced the beeping. After five minutes, they stood above an incline in the ground, and there lay an unconscious Ryoko with no wounds. She just slept in the incline. Tenchi kneeled down next to the Cyan Haired Pirate, gently nudging her. "Hey, Ryoko, Wake up, please." Tenchi shouted in desperation. Ryoko's eyes gently opened and she realized where she was. Ryoko immediately sat up and clinged to Tenchi, as if not to fall into a bottomless pit of despair. She began to cry uncontrollably. "Oh Tenchi." The Pirate Sobbed. "I was so scared." They continued to embrace and cry together as they kissed and hugged. Martel couldn't believe what he had just saw. Jericho, the bloodhound of space. The man who never fails, gave up. One week flew by and everything was back to the way it was. Jericho was never seen again at the school and the story was that he transferred to America. It was on a sunny, Monday, that Tenchi received a letter. Dear Tenchi, What a week it has been. With all the crazyness. Dammit, I still sound like you and its driving me insane. You were lucky, Masaki, but this just means I have to be craftier in our future encounters. I'll enjoy killing you when the time comes. You and Ryoko, the ones that got away. As I sit here in a caf‚ in America, I can't help but wonder what the future will hold for the both of us. This is when I say this. Tenchi Masaki, you are a very special man to have all those friends. I guess they are more like family. But the thing that amazes me is that you change people. You turned a Space Pirates Heart from black to white. You taught a dainty princess to fight more and argue less. You taught a self centered Scientist to be more kind and you made a little girl braver then the bravest man. You made a Hunter believe in himself and a Couple of Cops become two of the greatest detectives of all time. You also helped an Android gain a soul and a little halfling live a normal life. Not to mention the other stuff. I guess what I'm saying is that you should enjoy your family and your life for a little longer. Then I'll kill you. Sayonara Jericho Tenchi sat alone on the hilltop of the Shrine. It had been two months since the Jericho affair as it was now called, but that wasn't what Tenchi sat on the hill about. That was far from it. Tenchi has been pondering this subject long before Jericho. It all started a little over half a year ago. The day the dreams began. Tenchi will never forget that day. It started out just like every other day, except for the return of Kagato. Kagato used Tenchi's own Wings to Split Sasami and Tsunami, and that's when the dreams began. The Dreams that told him to fight Kagato. The Dreams that told him to love Ryoko. The Dreams with his mother. The Dreams returned, several nights earlier. The Same Premonition. The End of the Universe. An Event of Biblical Proportions. They where driving him nuts. Tenchi didn't know what to do. They just happening. Now he's getting even darker Premonitions. Tenchi keeps seeing Ryoko, Laying infront of a large Pyramid. And just above Ryoko, a man in a golden Facemask. Tenchi was scared and didn't want the dreams anymore, and then they where gone. The Past month had been even more depressing then when he was on the Desert Planet, but also where the same. Tenchi fighting for his survival and the journey through the dreams. Tenchi reached into a bag that he carried up with him. In it was a camera. Not a new digital camera. Just an older camera. His father used this camera when he was Tenchi's age. It wasn't the same one that Nobiyuki used to tape Tenchi's mother during that field trip. It was an older one that only took pictures, not making movies. Tenchi aimed the camera, after cleaning it, at the beautiful landscape that was the Masaki shrine. Tenchi mind began to wander as he began to take pictures. Wandering back to what had happened one month ago.. Tenchi was sitting in a courtroom, behind his father as his father was being tried for parking violations and hitting on an officer of the law. A Female Officer of the law. Tenchi couldn't believe his dad as he sat in the hot seat, giving a story that was as ludicrous as the existence of Life in other Planets. Of course Tenchi knew the answer to that question, but he wasn't going to admit it. Tenchi began to slowly doze off. He really wanted out. His dad had brought Tenchi to show him how the justice system worked. Tenchi would rather be training with Grandpa then this. Tenchi figured that out fifteen minutes before the Trial began. As the Jury came to a verdict, Tenchi was excited. He'd get to go home and continue to string up decorations for Christmas. And As Nobiyuki Masaki lowered his head and heard his sentence, a fine of 25000 yen, Tenchi was already out the door and into he car. Tenchi waited eagerly for his father to show up. It took Nobiyuki and hour before he got to the van. "Lost the case, huh dad." Tenchi said, obviously knowing the answer. "You know what, my boy. You just can't get a break with women in uniform." (Yes! Nobiyuki's first words even in one of my stories!) Nobiyuki started the car as the snow began to fall faster. The drive was hard. The snow made for almost zero visibility. It was about 30 minutes when the two Masaki's became worried. "Something's not right." Nobiyuki said. "I think we're lost." Tenchi looked over at his father. "I think so, too." Tenchi began. "Something definently isn't right. Are you sure you turned right at the mall?" "I'm sure as sure can be." Nobiyuki stated. It was some time before they saw something they recognized. The tunnel that would lead to the other side of Okinawa and the Way home. The van slowed down and slowly went with traffic. "This is too much traffic." Nobiyuki said. "Something must be wrong with the tunnel." By this time, the snow began to fall even faster then before. A trailer truck on the other side of the tunnel tried to slow down in the snow, but it began to slide. Tenchi saw this and pointed to it. " Hey pop, look." He said. As the two watched, the trailer snapped of and began a rolling spin twords the van. "GET DOWN!" Tenchi yelled as he unbuckled his seatbelt and dove for the floor of the van. Nobiyuki tried to unbuckle just as the trailer slammed on top of the van, crushing it. The gang, minus Tenchi and Nobiyuki, where all happy for the holidays. Kyone, Mihoshi, and Tsunami where Trimming the tree and Mayuka and Sasami where baking Christmas cookies with the help of Ryo-Oki as well. Martel was outside, chopping wood. But where are Washu, Ayeka, and Ryoko? They're celebrating the holiday with some of Washu's super eggnog. 99% Alcohol and 1% Egg with a one percent margin of Error. Lets just say that they are a little preoccupied and walking around in a drunken stupor. It was truly the perfect picture of Marry, Except for the fact that Katsuhito was at the shrine and Tenchi and Nobiyuki were uncharacteristically late. Tsunami was the only one that noticed their absence, but she figured that the two were either stuck in traffic or Christmas Shopping. The gang continued in their marry ways. Tenchi opened his eyes for what seemed like ages. Pain erupted in his eyes, as if he were blind. "Oh man." Tenchi sighed as he tried to stand up. His vision was very blurry. He couldn't make out where he was. "Where am I?" Tenchi asked as he stood up completely. His eyes began to focus on his surroundings. Tenchi's eyes immediately widened as he looked around. "What the hell!" Exclaimed Tenchi. His entire surroundings consisted of nothing. He wasn't in the wight zone or anything like that, it was just nothing. Tenchi began to panic, trying to remember what had happened. He clutched his head, as if doing so would fix his memory. "This cant be happening." Tenchi began. "I started my morning with a bath and breakfast. My dad and I were at a trial. We were on our way home and then." Tenchi froze, remembering the events. The trailer. Tenchi began to shiver as he looked around at his surroundings. It was pitch black and cold. There where several light sources that looked similar to stars. In fact, they were stars. It was as if Tenchi was standing in a miniature Universe. He saw small planets the size of pebbles and shooting stars. Tenchi sat down and began to think even more. "The trailer snapped off." He began. "It started a rolling spin. I yelled get down and ducked. The trailer did a rolling spin and crushed the van. I'm...Am I...Dead?" Tears began to silently slide down his cheeks. Tenchi didn't know any other explanation for this. He was dead. "Please don't cry, my son." Came a voice. Tenchi spun around to see his mother. He ran to her and hugged her. Tenchi knew that if there was anybody that could explain what was going on, it would be his mother. Tenchi held her tightly in his arms. He really was scared. "Mother, Whats Going on? Where am I?" Atchika shushed her son with her finger. Tenchi looked at his mother and broke the embrace. "You are in the slipstream." She said. "What's the slipstream?" Tenchi asked. "It's the universe Between Universes." Atchika began. "Sort of like Subspace, it is the home of the Galactic Council, the beings that allow me to visit you and warn you." Tenchi began to stutter. "But how? How did I get here?" Tenchi asked. Atchika sighed as she began. "You were in a terrible accident with your father. At this very moment, you are being rushed to the hospital in critical condition." Tenchi couldn't believe what she said. "But how did I get here?" He asked "You are in a coma." Atchika began. "Because you are in a coma, I am able to visit you just like all the other times, and you can meet the council if you wish. Perhaps gain some clarity to the dreams you experience." Tenchi looked his mother in the eyes. This could be the answer to my questions, he thought. "Ok then," Tenchi began "Lets meet this council." Atchika waved her hand and an opening appeared. "It may be dangerous." She began. "The path to the council is very rough and it is easy for a mortal like yourself to die. Are you sure you want to do this?" Atchika asked. Tenchi nodded. "I need to know." And with that, he stepped through the gate with his mother. "WHAT?!" Kyone yelled into the Phone. She had just picked up the ringing phone and was told what happened to Tenchi and Nobiyuki. Kyone couldn't believe it. She quickly hung the phone up and ran into the living room as fast as she could. "Tenchi and Nobiyuki were in an accident!" She yelled. Time Froze instantly as everybody slowly turned their eyes toward the detective. Even Ryoko, Ayeka, and Washu understood what Kyone said even though they were intoxicated. Ryoko quickly snapped. "What happened to Tenchi!?" she yelled. Kyone didn't know what to say, but she tried to get the words out in some way. "On the way home." She began, but paused slightly. "There was large truck.it lost control and the trailer snapped off, crushing everything in its path, including the van." Tears slowly began to slid down Kyone's eyes, as did everybody else. Washu jumped up. "But is he and Nobiyuki alive!?" She asked. "Their both in critical condition, but the chance of survival is grim." Ryoko balled her hand into a fist. He nails sunk deep into the palm of here hand and blood slowly dripped from her hand. Washu could feel what Ryoko was going threw, even though neither of them were the most soberest of people. "We need to get to the hospital." Darla exclaimed as she began to put on her coat. "Martel has his license now so he can take us in the second van." The others began to put their coats on and run out the door as Darla exited first. "I'll go get Katsuhito and Martel." She said as she teleported away to get them. The others pilled into the car and waited to go. Tenchi and Atchika walked slowly through the other side of the gate. It looked much like a large open field, similar to Greek's alyssum. It was the perfect picture of beauty. Tenchi had no idea why his mother said that it would be dangerous. Tenchi decided that it was safe and took a step. "Stop!" his mother said, blocking Tenchi with her arm. Tenchi looked at her for a moment, raising his eyebrow. "Why," Tenchi asked, wondering why his mother had stopped him. Atchika picked up a rock and flung it into the field. It skipped into the air a couple of times after impact, but then it disappeared. "This field is the first test." Atchika said. "Test?" Tenchi asked. "To meet the council as a mortal, you must over come four tests." Atchika began. "These tests are taken by the strongest of people. People wishing to become Exxon in the real world. And nobody has ever passed these tests." Tenchi was now a little more worried, but he had some questions to ask. "What is an Exxon?" Tenchi asked. "An Exxon is a being above beings." Atchika began. "Not like a god or demigod, but a person who can achieve great power. Men with evil souls cannot become Exxon's for it would destroy them. An Exxon can also control their power in Varge Altone, the Center of the Universe where all time and paths lead. But there has never been an Exxon. Nobody has ever made it past all the tests." This worried Tenchi even more. "What happens if I don't pass all the tests?" Tenchi asked. "There are two outcomes." Atchika began. "One is you still keep your life and you get to meet the council, the other is death. The first can only be achieved if you are close to completion of the tests, but don't finish completely. The second is if you fail any of the tests completely." Tenchi was even more worried then before. He needed to get to the council and then leave. That's it. Tenchi wanted to get this done as fast as possible. "What test is this?" Tenchi asked. "This is the test of sight, or the test of Judgement." Atchika began. "This valley isn't all solid and a wrong step can lead to death. That's why I stopped you. The other tests are the test of Courage and the Test of Strength." Tenchi now knew what his tests were about, but still, he felt uneasy not studying for this test. "Well," Tenchi began. "I guess I should get started." He looked over at his mother. " Guess you're my tutor for this exam." Atchika couldn't help but giggle a little. The fact that her son could make a joke even in such a dire situation proved that her son was very strong. She was very proud. "How do I do this test." "You must look out into the valley and trust your mind and your eyes to discover the pitfalls." She said. "Trust yourself, my son. I shall watch." Tenchi put his hands to his head, trying to clear the thoughts that were going on. The last thing he needed was to be blinded by worry and pain at a time like this. Tenchi then remembered the ring he wore on his finger. Ryoko's Ring to him. Tenchi, We will be together forever, just the two of us. This is a symbol of my love for you. Never let it go. I love you -Ryoko This ring gave him more courage then he had ever felt in his life. He didn't know why, but when he had it on, he felt like he was the most powerful being in the universe. Tenchi knew what the test meant by judgement. He remembered to the first time he met Ryoko in her normal form. He judged her to be a monster. A soulless beast that would destroy all. But as time went bye, he learned that underneath her hard shell, she was a caring, loving person. You can't judge a book by its cover. The valley is the cover of the book. Tenchi must dip deep into the pages and learn where this book will lead. Tenchi looked at the valley. It hadn't changed at all since he had stood there. Tenchi began to look for everything that didn't seem right. He noted the colors of different areas, but it all looked the same. Tenchi looked at the rocks. They were all over the place, littering the area. But then, Tenchi noticed that some of the rocks had a pointy tip on one side, like an arrow but much harder to see. He found his path. Tenchi lifted his right leg into the air, next to the closest point shaped rock. And then he brought his foot down and closed his eyes. And he heard a clop. The sound of a shoe hitting dirt hard. He began to walk, slowly tracing the rocks one by one. The worried look on his face disappeared with a look of triumph. Where many had failed, he had succeeded. The rocks were his key. Atchika watched her son find the right way and as he made it to the end, she clapped her hands, proud of her sons passing. She floated over to where Tenchi now stood, at the other side of the valley. Tenchi was almost giddy with his accomplishment. "Congratulations." Atchika said as she clapped. "Many men have failed where you succeeded, but be warned that the next three tests won't be as easy as this one." Tenchi nodded his head, agreeing with his mother completely. "Your right," He began. "This is only the beginning. I'm ready to continue." Atchika nodded her head and opened the second gate. Ryoko walked into the hospital room as Tenchi's body lay on a bed. He was attached to many tubes and had many bandages on his body. He was a complete wreck. Washu had arrived at the hospital early and disguised herself as a doctor so both Tenchi and Nobiyuki may get the best care. But they were too late. Nobiyuki had died just as Washu got there. His body, crumbled from the accident, but he was still conscious and he could still talk. He told Washu that ever since Atchika died, his life has had an empty hole gapping in his chest. He had tried to fill the hole with booze and women, but it just wasn't working and the hole grew bigger. But then Tenchi brought home many houseguests. These people became a part of his family. Sure he was never the focus of this new family, his son was, but he loved them all and the hole began to fill up. And now he was at the end of his life, not in the depressive rut that he was in, but in a happy way. And now he was finally going to see his Atchika. After what felt like an eternity, he was going to be with her now and forever. Washu was very touched by the words that Nobiyuki had spoken. She never really felt like the gang was a family, but now she new. Washu looked over at her eldest daughter, Ryoko. Washu knew very much the pain that Ryoko was going through. She wanted to escape the doctor cameo and hold her, but she just couldn't. Ryoko sat next to the sleeping body of Tenchi. Holding his hand in hers, She didn't know what to do. Everytime they would be happy, something would happen. Ryoko thought back to the day she and Tenchi confessed their love for each other. That was the same day she lost him. Ryoko would never let that memory leave her. It coursed her that she couldn't do anything for him. Tears began to slide down her cheeks even faster then they had. It was just too much for her. Ryoko thought back to the days when she was a pirate. Killing people without compassion. Laughing at peoples misfortunes. How easy it would've been for her to control her emotions then. But she also remembered that that was a time when she was a slave. She didn't have emotions then. She remembered the pain it was to be a slave, and she hated every bit of it. Then Ryoko thought of her life with Tenchi. A carnival she had once called it. A time to be with people she liked, including Ayeka. It was so much fun. And then she found her real family. Her mother, her brother, and her new sister, Darla. She loved them all. Zero's emotions magnified her own. Ryoko looked into the face of the man she had fallen in love with so long ago. She looked at his hand and saw that the nurses had taken the ring off his finger. Ryoko silently cursed the nurses for doing such a thing. As if reading her mind, and she did, Washu walked over to Ryoko and placed the ring in Ryoko's free hand. Ryoko looked up at her mother and nodded as she placed the ring back on Tenchi's finger. It was a sign of her love for him and his love for her and that her love would give him strength. Ryoko prayed that the ring would make things all right once again. The others silently waited in the waiting room. All had lost their Christmas cheer. Many were crying because of the death of Nobiyuki, and others prayed their hardest for Tenchi. Martel held Ayeka in his arms. Soothing her sadness the best he could, but truth be told, he was crying as much as she was. Kyone silently watched the snowfall outside the windows, drinking a cup of coffee. Mihoshi watched the snow as well, trying desperately to control her tears. Mihoshi had to excuse herself many times so she could go to the restroom and dry her eyes. Darla sat next to her brother. She was still new to real emotion and had never felt sadness this extreme before. She clutched Mayuka's hand, for Mayuka sat next to her. Ryo'oki was in her human form, and Sasami was trying to cheer her up. As Kyone sat at the window sill, as time flew, she noticed a man dressed as a doctor enters Tenchi's room and it wasn't Washu in disguise. Kyone walked silently over to the room and peered in. there, she saw the doctor raise a blade at the now sleeping Ryoko and Tenchi. Kyone knew she had to do something and do it fast. With out thinking, she pulled out her blaster and pointed it at the man. "Freeze!" She yelled. The man dropped the blade and held his hands above his head as he turned around. Kyone was a little surprised to see Jericho standing infront of her. Tenchi and Atchika trekked through the starlit path before them. Tenchi was feeling anxious to finish this and meet the council that had haunted his dreams for many many nights. Tenchi just wanted them to end. The Path that they traveled was just like a yellow brick road, except that it wasn't brick and there wasn't a road. It was as if they were walking through space. Tenchi desided to break the silence. "So," He began. "Tell me about the council." Atchika closed her eyes as she walked. "The council is sort of a governing body of all space and time. They are the bringers of the most important historical events. Not to go into detail, lets start just with the earth." Atchika held out her hand, palm facing upward. To Tenchi's amazement, a shinning sphere appeared just above her hand. "With this, we may look into the major events that they caused on the earth." The Sphere flickered like and old television set as Tenchi looked closer at the orb. At first he didn't see anything, but suddenly pictures appeared. Tenchi was astonished, but also scared for what he saw was not happy events. In that instant, he saw army's conquer lands. He saw a kind gentle leader become a ruthless emperor. He saw a painter begin an army and began to eradicate several races of people. He saw major racial events involving America in the mid 20th century. Tenchi also saw a girl open a box filled with much evil. And Tenchi saw planes fly into skyscrapers and bombs obliterate major cities. Tenchi fell to his knees as he saw these terrible things. Tears slid down his eyes. "Why?" He asked. "All those terrible things were caused by them?" He asked as he looked up at his mother. She had her head lowered and a single tear slid down her cheek. "Did you know about this?" He asked. Atchika shook her head yes. "Then, why do I have these dreams? Why are they contacting me? I refuse to listen to them any more!" Tenchi was very angry. "I knew you wouldn't like this." Atchika began. "Tenchi, there is a reason for all these things. Please understand." "I can't understand, because for the last year, I have been following evil dreams blindly." Tenchi look up at his mother, tears now streaming down his eyes. "Is my love for Ryoko real, or is it part of your plan too!?" Tenchi yelled harshly. Atchika turned away from her son. She didn't want him to see how shocked she was to hear him talk to her like that. Tenchi stood up and clenched his hand into a fist. "I'm going to meet this council and tell them never to contact me, AND ANYONE ELSE AGAIN!" And with that, Tenchi marched in the direction of the gate to the second test, leaving his mother behind. Kyone held her blaster leveled with Jericho's face. She stared into his eyes as if it would kill her to do otherwise. Jericho now had his old face back since his copying of Tenchi months ago, but shades of Tenchi were still evident. His hair, even though it was red like crimson, was styled just like Tenchi's. That is the only similarity. "What are you doing here?" Kyone asked. Jericho just smiled at her. "It's been a long time, Kyone." He said. "You haven't changed." Kyone pushed her blaster forward. "Yet you've become a murdering bastard!" The Officer yelled. A tear slide down her eye just as Martel and Darla appeared. Jericho just held his smile. Kyone continued. "Why?" She asked. "Why did you kill my father?" Martel and Darla were stunned by what they were hearing. "We were so close. Why?" Jericho just stood there. "Because it had to be done." Jericho said. "He was my pray." Kyone lowered her blaster and fell to her knees. Martel and Darla kneeled down to help the officer. Jericho just walked away. As Jericho was leaving, he turned his head back to them. "It was fun, Kyone." And with that, Jericho walked away. Tenchi was alone now in a large spherical room, the second test. His mother was still left were he had yelled at her. Tenchi walked into the middle, not knowing what test it was and not caring. He just wanted to get tot he council as soon as he could. Tenchi then heard a voice behind him. "This is the test of strength," It was Atchika. She had regained her posture and had dried her eyes. Tenchi looked over at her, but with a cold stare. "How do I do this?" He asked roughly. Atchika cleared her throat. "By the steel of a sword, 100 must fall. But remember. This is also now the test of Courage for you will need it to win because you went ahead without your guide." Tenchi raised an eyebrow. Ah man, he thought, two tests at once. And what's with this riddle? 100 must fall? What does that mean? Tenchi thought. 100 people? 100 pounds? 100 swords? 100 Cars? Tenchi couldn't figure it out. Suddenly, a door opened up from the ceiling and the aforementioned sword fell. Tenchi moved out of the way as fast as he could and the sword sliced into the floor of the sphere. Tenchi walked to the sword, afraid of what will happen when he picks up the sword. Carefully, Tenchi placed his hand on the swords handle, as if it were the sword of the stone and Tenchi quickly yanked the sword from the ground as fast as he could and backed away, awaiting the arrival of the 100 something or other. Tenchi looked around the large room, waiting for something, anything. Then, all of a sudden, the ground began to shake uncontrollably. Both Tenchi and Atchika tried to keep their balance in the shaking room and Tenchi fell. The Room began to change, as if it was unfolding. The roof opened and stretched out slowly and expanded. The ceiling continued to move and so did the floor. The sphere was no longer a sphere, it was the shape of an multi-ended star. It was like a battleground and Atchika disappeared right before Tenchi. "Mother!" Tenchi yelled as he ran to where she was. And then Tenchi heard a voice. It wasn't his mother, but something else. "So, you wish to meet the council!!" The Voice rasped all around Tenchi. Tenchi looked around into the horizon and was startled to see it change shape around him. The Horizon seemed to grow and move towards him it an astonishing rate. Tenchi gripped the sword tighter as he finally saw what the shapes were. Golloms. That's why this is the test of strength, Tenchi thought as they moved closer not to mention the test of courage for there were 100 of them. Tenchi began to feel perspiration. As he whipped his brow, he held the sword up. "I have to do this!" Tenchi yelled. "To stop the council, I must!" and as the first gollum reached the battleground and Tenchi charged at it, not knowing if he would ever survive this. Tenchi rushed the first Gollum as it reached the platform. As he ran, thoughts were plowing through his head. Why was he forced to take on the last two tests at the same time? Why did his mother vanish? Tenchi would find the answers later. Tenchi jumped sword up and jammed it right into the head of the first gollum. The first of 100. Kyone sat with all eyes on her. Questions were going through everybody's head as to how she knew Jericho. Kyone was definently in the hotseat. Ayeka asked the first question. "The way you two sounded together," Ayeka Began. "It sounded like you two knew each other for a long time." Kyone looked at Ayeka. "It was a long time ago. A long long time ago." Kyone took a deep breath. "I was a freshman at the galactic space academy when our paths first crossed. Back then, nobody knew of the assassin Jericho, he was just an upstart when I met him. He was disguised as a student and we were in several classes together. Back then, I was also a screw up. I made fun of protocol and got low marks. My father, the general, was very displeased with my grades, but I didn't care. I was just having fun. One year passed and Jericho and I became very close and, yes, intimate. One day, when I was alone at the movies waiting for Jericho, I received a call. My father had been murdered. I began to hunt the man who murdered my father and ended up finding Jericho. I was sad and entered a small depression, but then I decided that I would never let anything like that happen again. I started to get serious in my studies and graduated top of my class." Everybody was wide eyed at the story Kyone gave them. Mihoshi, noticing that a tear was sliding down Kyone's face, walked over to her and hugged her. "Its ok Kyone." Mihoshi said. "I too have had bad memories and know what its like. Don't worry." Suddenly, Washu ran into the waiting room. "Tenchi's Convulsing!" She yelled. Everybody followed her to Tenchi's room. Tenchi was a wreck, but he still had to keep fighting. After a while, he had defeated 25 of the gollums, leaving 75 coming right at him. Tenchi was bleeding, sweating, and his muscles ached from driving the sword into solid stone. Tenchi rushed number 26 and as he closed in, number 26's hand smacked Tenchi away like a fly. Boom. Tenchi's body shook thunderously into the air as the doctors tried to keep the comatose Tenchi still. "What could be happening to daddy!" Mayuka said to Tsunami. The Goddess looked down at the daughter of Tenchi. "I think I know." Tsunami began. "Don't worry, little one. Your father is fighting." As Tenchi hit the ground, he felt as if his ribs were cracking. "Damnit!" Tenchi yelled. 26 was now joined with numbers 27 through 50. Tenchi stood up and lifted his sword high and he sliced through a rocky hand that was plummeting down upon him. Tenchi jumped up onto the handless arm before him and ran to its head, bringing his blade through it skull. As the gollum fell, Tenchi jumped onto the next one and repeated the process. As Tenchi leapt onto the third, he was violently smacked into the wall. Boom. Washu strapped his arms and legs to the sides of the bed to prevent him from shaking. "Tenchi calm down!" She yelled, but Tenchi would never hear it were he was. "This is crazy," Tenchi began as the Gollums surrounded him. Tears slowly slid down his cheeks. He knew he was going to die. He was afraid that he was never going to see any of his friends ever again or ever kiss Ryoko. Tenchi was afraid that he would loose them all, but Tenchi could not take it anymore. Tenchi threw the sword away from him and stood tall. "Come On!" He shouted to the giant Gollums "Finish me! NOW!" and then, the Gollums all rose their hands, preparing to squash their prey. And they brought their hands down, only to stop right above Tenchi. The Gollums drew their hands back and walked away. Tenchi was dumbfounded. Did he pass the test? Was he free to see the council? Suddenly, a loud voice boomed into the area. "Tenchi Masaki." It began. "Son of Atchika, grand son of Yosho. You have passed the test of Strength. No man has bested 25 gollums with a single sword before. You have passed the test with mid score, so you shall not earn the rank of Exxon. You have also passed the test of courage, but with mid score for you were afraid of loosing every thing and you were afraid of death. There for you shall not become an Exxon, but you will be permitted to meet the council." Tenchi gave a sigh of relief. Thank god, he thought as he sat down, exhausted. Tenchi stopped shaking and everybody returned to his or her previous positions, but Ryoko was no longer hovering over Tenchi's sleeping body. She was now on the roof of the hospital, watching the snowfall. Many thoughts were running through her head. Many of these thoughts disturbed her. When she first felt Tenchi convulse underneath her arms, she was both shocked and scared, and now she was worried about him even more. But that wasn't the main focus of her thoughts. She was scared for them. Ever since they had first met, formally, things have been bad. She was abducted by Kagato and used to try to kill Tenchi. Dr. Clay. The whole thing with his daughter. The race through time to save his mother. Kagato sending Tenchi to a desert planet and Jericho. They've been through a lot. And now with the event occurring now. Ryoko thought to her self-outloud. "Oh Tenchi, wouldn't it be great if we could just leave and live happily ever after. Just the two of us, with no enemies." Ryoko sighed. "If only it were that easy. The way things are going, it'll only get worse." Ryoko looked out at the moon in the dark winter sky. "If it keeps getting worse, it'll have to get better sooner or later, right?" She asked the moon. Suddenly, a shooting star appeared and she remembered a story Tenchi had told her. If you ever see a shooting star, make a wish and it'll come true. Ryoko held her hands together, hoping that this would actually work. "Oh magnificent shooting star," She began. "Please let my Tenchi and I be together, Now and Forever." As if it were answering her call, the star exploded in the sky, causing a quick aurora borealis effect. Ryoko gazed in ah at the picture of beauty and for the first time in hours, she smiled. A gate appeared infront of Tenchi and he walked through it silently. His mother was on the otherside, ready to greet him. "Congratulations!" She said as she hugged him. Tears were sliding down Atchika's eyes, for she thought the worst would happen to her son. "So I get to meet the council now?" Tenchi asked. "Yes, you may." Atchika said as she led her son through the tunnel to the gate. Darla was outside, just like Ryoko, but she was one block away, taking a walk in the snow. With her thoughts to herself. Why was she there, she thought. She was just a minor character in their lives, not doing much to benefit their lives or her own. Darla had not been feeling alright for a while now. Ever since she was given a name and a human body. She used to be an android known as D, but that name and body was shed for a new life that she wasn't enjoying anymore. One calamity after another. It was either Ryoko and Ayeka fighting or some kind of supervillain. She didn't want it anymore. For weeks, Darla had been planning to leave, just not knowing when to do it. Doing it now would be selfish and cruel to the others, so it would have to wait. Then she could go on her own and have her own adventure. Her own life. As much as she loved her friends, it was time to go. Darla walked back to the Hospital to wait with her friends one more time. Tenchi was seated in a very large, spectacular auditorium. Almost arena size. It was huge and the architecture was a cross between Greek and Jurian. Amazing. His seat was, suprizingly, in the middle of the arena. Next to him was his mother. Tenchi was ready to end it and leave. He knew his condition in his physical body and would like to make sure he survives. He also wanted desperately to see his friends. The council before him was dressed in large black cloaks and their faces were, infact almost invisible. Tenchi could make out cheekbones and stuff like that, but their real faces were hidden. This is it, Tenchi thought. This will end his premonition dreams forever. Tenchi was finally going to choose his own path and live his own life. The Council began to speak. "Tenchi Masaki," The man at the head of the council spoke, sounding just like the voice he heard at the battleground. "You have braved 3 mighty tests and greet this council of space and time. For what business do you wish to know?" This was it. Tenchi was going to set matters straight. "I am here for one reason and one reason only." Tenchi began. "I wish the council to stay away from me and my friends. In fact I wish that the council would stay away from every civilization in the entire universe!" Tenchi cleared his throat. "I've seen many things in my short life, but none are as evil as the ones I've seen done by the actions of this council." One of the cloaked men on the right of the room protested. "Brave words for a mortal." He began. "I would like to council to remember that all our actions are meant for purposes and with out our interventions, chaos would reign supreme throughout the universe." Tenchi interjected "Our universe is already in chaos because of your actions!" Tenchi shouted. Atchika brought her hand to Tenchi's shoulder, trying to ease him. Tenchi noticed this and calmed down. The Leader stood up. "Tenchi Masaki." He said, with sternness in his voice. "What you ask cannot be done. We can stop entering your dreams and the dreams of your friends, but we cannot stop what we do. The events we cause are tests of civilization. Let's take the recent events on your planet. Thanks to us, the entire planet is much, much closer to peace." Tenchi didn't think of it that way. The leader continued. "Your request is partially granted. If you want to live without our help, so be it. Just be careful, for your future may not be clear without us. You are free to leave." Tenchi stood up with his mother and they both walked away. Tenchi and Atchika arrived where they had started. The starry plan. Tenchi was sitting on whatever floor there was, next to his mother. He was finished with the dreams. Never again would they plague him. But something was unsettling. As the gate opened for him to return to his body, he had one more question to be answered. "Mom." He began. "Tell me the truth. Did Ryoko really do those things? Watchover me when I was young, I mean." Atchika smiled. "Tenchi," She began. "The Council does not hide truths. They always tell the full truth in their visions. Ryoko did do those things because she cares for you very, very much. She loves you, Tenchi, with all her heart." Tenchi never really had to ask. He never doughted Ryoko's love for him, ever. Tenchi and Atchika stood up as he walked over to the gate. Tenchi was just about to enter when he turned around. "Will I ever see you again?" He asked. Atchika hugged Tenchi and kissed his cheek. "Don't worry, My son," She began. "I will always be with you, always." Tenchi felt better now and he was ready to go home. "Goodbye." He said as he stepped through the light. Atchika was now alone, and so was her Tenchi, for she knew that Tenchi was about to loose something of great importance. "He's awake!" Mihoshi called into the waiting room. Everybody pilled into the room to see Tenchi moving and blinking. "Hey everybody." He said, in a very drowsy state. And so, we return to where we started. (Remember the Beginning of Episode 07) and a month had passed. Tenchi held the camera as steady as he could for somebody who had several broken bones, but thanks to Washu, his bones were almost as good as new. He just needed to walk with a cane for a little while and then he would be back to normal. Tenchi leveled the camera, just perfect and took an amazingly beautiful picture of the sunset as night fell and he knew what was awaiting him at the shrine. His Fathers Viewing. Tenchi had to go early to greet the guests and make sure it was alright. Tenchi decided that enough was enough and he began to walk to the shrine. "Going somewhere?" Came a voice behind Tenchi. Tenchi looked over to see Ryoko standing on a large stone behind him. Tenchi shook his head. "If you want to take me, you could just say it." Tenchi said. Ryoko floated down and hugged Tenchi. "Tenchi?" She asked while they were still in the embrace. "Yeah Ryoko?" "Tenchi, please remember that I will always be with you. No matter what. Through the ups and the downs. The backs and the forwards, I'll be there." Tenchi pulled away from the embrace so he could look into Ryoko's golden eyes. Tenchi smiled and leaned over to kiss her. The kiss was perhaps the most powerful kiss ever in the entire universe and for one brief moment, the world was perfect for the both of them. They're own little world that they could call their own. They finally broke the kiss and Tenchi looked deeper into Ryoko's beautiful golden eyes. And as Tenchi stared into Ryoko's eyes, he decided that even though things will get rough, she will always be by his side. Even in the midst of a galactic war. Just like when he was young. Tenchi then unconsciously blurted three simple words that he would prove to live by for the rest of his life. "Now And Forever." The End Coming Soon: Now And Forever