Here is CH 4 Kuro got out of the huge pool in the flying bath house to dry himself off. Washu had suggested that he should take a bath after his near death experience. Sasami had left him a outfit that she had to borrow from Tenchi. His Jurian robes needed to be washed due to...... lets say hygene problems. After putting on the boxers, slacks, socks, old tennis shoes, and the white undershirt he looked at himself in the mirror. "I'll never understand Earth fasion" said Kuro as he looked himself over. After gathering his swords he began his walk back to the Masaki home. On his way he thought of what his next move should be. He told Aeka that he was going to take her back to Jurai, but when the chips were down he couldn't do it. His heart had won that battle, but the war of heart and mind was not over yet. As he pondered his options he decided that before anything could be done he should discover what ship collied with Ryo-oki. He remeber the events from before, and how small the ship he saw was. It would only hold 2 people at most. Before he could think any more a scream was heard from the masaki home. Kuro quickly jumped into action and burst in the door. "No please, don't! Please don't. I'll do anything just don't do it!" screamed a voice from the room upstairs. Kuro ran up the stairs as he pulled his weapons. When he entered the room he found Sasami hold some type of bottle as Tenchi and Aeka attempted to hold down a screaming Mihoshi. "What on Jurai is going on here!" said a confused Kuro "Oh Kuro, good we need someone else to help hold down Mihoshi" said Sasami "What???" said Kuro "Well, Mihoshi got some bad cuts and scrapes in the crash and Washu is to busy to heal them. So we have to put some Iodine on them." explained Sasami. "No, NO! NO!" screamed Mihoshi as she wiggled free of Tenchi and Aeka "it stings!!!!!" she said. She then attempted to get past Kuro in the doorway but failed. Kuro grabbed her from behind and she was about to get free when Tenchi and Aeka helped tackle her to the ground. Sasami quickly joined them and began to apply the iodine to the cuts on her leg and arms. All the while Mihoshi would continue to repeat over and over again with "PLEASE DON'T!" "All done" said Sasami "What........" said Mihoshi "Wow that didn't hurt at all, thanks!" she said with a smile as she got loose from the group. Everyone proceded to get up and when they Mihoshi skiping down the stairs saying she was going to watch television the group collapsed in disbelif. After getting up.....again. Tenchi and gang went to raid the fridge. Kuro got another Ham and Cheese sandwitch and he relized that he had not seen Ryoko yet. "Hey Tenchi where is Ryoko, and Ryo-oki for that matter" asked Kuro "That is what Washu is so busy with." responded Tenchi "Washu said that she could heal them both. Not surprising considering she made them" said Aeka "Well lets go see how they are doing" said Kuro Tenchi then got a nervous look on his face and said "Well to tell the truth.......I......really don't like going there" "Why not?" asked Kuro "Its..........complicated" said Tenchi "Come on," said Kuro as grabbed Tenchi "what could be so weird that you can't head in there to see it." he said as he went through the door. Kuro then found himself and Tenchi in a erie lab like setting and before he could say anything he found Washu staring them in the face. "Tenchi what are you doing here." she said "oooo have come to help me with my science experiments." "No he has not" yelled Aeka as she appeared at Tenchi's side. "Kuro you must never bring Tenchi down here.......ever" "What?" said Kuro in more confusion "Um..little Washu we were wondering what happened to Ryoko and Ryo-oki." said Tenchi "Oh, well in that case follow me" said Washu. Washu brought them to a room with two fish bowl like tanks. Inside one was Ryo-oki in cabbit form. In the other there was a completely buck naked Ryoko. Tenchi turned around in embarssment, but Kuro looked on with a goofy expression on his face. He then was slapped in the back of the head by Aeka. "Hey what was that for," complained Kuro "You are Jurian royalty, act like it!" said Aeka "They are almost healed" said Washu "In the meantime let me show you this" she said Then on the screan above them, a space craft was shown. It was open. "So you saw it to" said Kuro "What came out of it" "This" Washu said as she showed the group a still image of a large humanoid creature with long ears and skin color very simalar to Mihoshi. "Wow, how many cameras do you have around here Washu" said Kuro "Plenty" said Washu with a seductive tone in her voice as she looked at Kuro with a sexy face. Kuro then had a metal image of the bath house. He suddenly understood why Tenchi was so nervous. He almost said something about it, but he decided that the questions he had were best left unanswered. "Who is that?" asked Aeka "I wasn't sure untill I......borrowed Mihoshi's Galaxy Police Data Base." said Washu "Then I learned his name was Sandao. You may recognize his trade name. He is also known as Viper." "Never heard of him." said Tenchi "Me neither" said Aeka "Ditto" said Kuro Washu then got an annoied look on her face and she said "Well then let me enlighten you. Viper is a galaxy renowned bounty hunter. He is one of the best in his bussniess." "So he must be here after her" said Aeka looking at Ryoko "Wrong!" said Washu in her best proffesor voice "What do you mean wrong. She is a space pirate" said an angry Aeka "Aeka she is right. Think about it, the bounty ran out when her statue of limitations did." said Kruo Aeka thought for a second. "Then who is he after?" she asked "I am a scientist not a psychic. I can only tell you this. Viper has been known to hunt down innocents." said Washu "What do you mean innocents?" said Tenchi "On occassion, Viper will kidnap innocent people if the price is right." said Washu "So he could be here after anyone. Where is he now?" said Kuro "I am not sure. He used a sheild when he left his craft so I have no way of tracking him. He could be anywhere." said Washu At that moment a loud crash was heard from the house. "That would be him now." said Tenchi "How do you know?" said Kuro Then Washu, Tenchi, and Aeka all looked at him and said at once "In this house its a normal everyday thing" they all said. "o.k....." said a confused Kuro and then all 4 dashed to the house. Upon arriving they found the man they saw before. The one called viper stood about 6'1 and was extremly muscular. He had tons of weapons and looked like a walking warzone. "You called it," said Kuro "Oh look a welcoming commity" said Viper At that moment Tenchi and Kuro pulled their swords and prepaired to fight. "Your not getting Aeka" said Kuro "Who said I wanted her" said Viper At that moment Sasami ran in the room. She was quickly scooped up in a net and thrown over her sholder. Kuro then relized he messed up and began an all out assult on Viper. Viper seemed to have some sort of sheilding on his arms witch allowed him to block his swords, but none the less Kuro was keeping him busy. Tenchi soon followed attemting to get Sasami free, but to no evial. Instead he began to help Kuro with the attack. Viper was really busy now. Blocking Kuro was tough enough now he had Tenchi to worry about. He knew he had to get out fast. He then heard a voice. "Viper this is pretty low even for you. You never kidnapped children." said Washu "Hey lady, with the money Tokime is giving me I would kidnap anyone." said Viper as he fought the pair. Washu suddenly jumped as she heard the name Tokime. She then relized why he was taking Sasami. "Tsunami" whispered Washu. Then at that moment Viper tossed a small sphere to the ground. He then closed his eyes as an incredible flash blinded Tenchi and Kuro. When their eyes were clear again they saw he was gone. "Sasami!" yelled Aeka "We'll get her back Aeka" said Kuro "Tenchi get everyone in here." After a couple of minutes everyone had gathered. Kuro then said "Alright Mishoshi I want you and my ship Eano in orbit icase Viper gets off the Earth I will be your job to stop em." "As a Galaxy Police officer it is my duty to capture criminals and he is most definatly a criminal." said Mihoshi Kuro looked at her in confusion and said "O.k. thats........good. Now Tenchi, Aeka, and I will try to beat him to his craft. That way you will not have to worry about him." "I'm coming too" said Ryoko as she appeared from Washu's lab. "Meow!" agreed Ryo-oki "Alright, Ryo-oki will take us there and Ryoko is with us. Come folks its hero time. We got a princess to rescue" proclaimed Kuro. Chapter 5 is coming up.