Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters of Tenchi Muyo! They are owned by AIC and Pioneer North America. I did not create them, and their use here is strictly for the enjoyment of myself and anyone who gets bored enough to read this. In other words: Please don't sue my poor ass. Tenchi Muyo! Flow Endless Dreams-- Part 4: Children Of Jurai by the Loneshark Akira felt a chill go through his entire body. He really hated it when this man... Kenji, if Akira had heard his name correctly, passed that ray over his body. He'd been told it was necessary in order to "wake up" his power, so that he would be able to break the Seal of Eternity. It sounded nuts to him. Sure, he knew that both of his parents had special powers. Even Mayuka had special powers. But Akira wasn't sure he did. The only thing he was sure of was that Lord Tomarou Kai Aisani was irrefutably insane. "Akira, it is time for you to listen." The boy sighed, internally. The last thing he needed was more of this man's insane philosophy. Tomarou sat in a chair on the other side of lab, his black eyeballs looking dead ahead of him. Akira was glad that they had at least given him his clothes back. "What is this Seal that you keep talking about? I don't know anything about it." He'd been trying to tell them that for hours, but they never seemed to listen. Tomarou again appeared undaunted, and continued, "The Seal of Eternity is a ward that was put in place by the gods a very long time ago. Several millennia ago." Gods? Did he mean like Aunt Sasami? A god like Aunt Sasami? "It was put in place to hold a very special thing. A power called the Talon of Fate. The Talon is said to be able to alter the very fabric of the universe to the whims of its user. All one needs is the will to control it. I have that will, but I cannot remove the Seal. Only you can do that, my dear boy." "Why me?" Akira didn't let any fear show through in his voice, just as his grandfather Katsuhito had taught him. "You keep saying that I can break the Seal, but I don't believe you." Tomarou shook his head. "It does not matter what you believe, Akira. It was prophesied that you would be the one with the power to break it. You have the blood of two goddess running in your viens, and you have their power." Tomarou stood, and walked over to Akira, looking down at him. "Feel it inside yourself, Akira. You know it is there." Akira tried to ignore the madman standing over him, concentrating on his parents. If only there was some way to get out of here, and get to his parents, then everything would be fine. Mom and Dad wouldn't have to worry about him. They wouldn't be in the danger they are in, now. Something within him sparked. Akira's eyes shot open, and he sucked in a breath of air. He had just felt something... but he couldn't describe it. It was a feeling in the back of his head, in his spine, and deep within his breast. Something pulsing, breathing. Awakening. Tomarou nodded, and Akira met his black gaze. "You see, Akira? You are the one I need. When you break the Seal, my power and my ascension will be assured." *** "Almost there, eh?" Washu said aloud. To most, it would seem that she was talking to no one. She would appear to be an eccentric woman with large red hair sitting on a coushin in a dark room. But, she was talking to someone. Her sister, or, the person who had been both her sister, and the young girl she watched grow up, appeared out of the darkenss like a ghost, surrounded in an aura of Light that few besides Washu could see. Tsunami looked at her sister, slightly frowning. She knew what this was about, but she had no idea what would happen. "What is it, Washu?" She tried to seem polite and calm, as she always was. "You know, Tsunami." Wahu's voice was low, and serious. Tsunami was taken sightly aback. She'd never heard this tone in her sister's voice. Not even as a goddess. "You are keeping secrets, again. You know what I want to hear, so please, just tell me." "Washu, I--" "No." Washu cut her off, her voice cold and flat. "No more, Tsunami. You can manipulate the flow of life in this universe all you want, you can bestow your power on whoever you damn well choose, and I don't care about any of it. But, when you decide that you are so great and wise that you can keep secrets from us, secrets that could potentially be a danger to us, to our children, and our grandchildren, then you have gone too far, Sister." "I only did what--" "I know why you did it, and I don't care. Tell me the whole story, now. The Seal, and the Talon." Tsunami tried to find her voice. She had never thought this would happen. Not from Washu. Tsunami could see that Washu was angry, but there was no Darkness in her. Her Light was stronger than Tsunami had ever seen in her sister. Washu was again afraid for all of them. Just like a mother. "All right, Washu. I will tell you." She waited for a response. There was none. Only waiting. "Our parents, the ones we have forgotten, were responsible for both the Seal of Eternity, and the Talon of Fate. The Talon was just a fraction, a portion of their power. It was the small piece that had destroyed all realities that existed before this one. It had destroyed that reality by creating this one. Do you understand this, Washu? Everything in existence came about only through the destruction of something else." She paused, "How did you find out about the Talon?" "I remembered. Keep going," her tone had lightened, slightly. "For a very long time, the Talon of Fate had been allowed to simply be. It was reviered as the last remnant of our parents before their disappearance, and no one was foolish enough to even go near it. Then, someone tried to harness it's power. The damage wrought was incredible. Tokimi was the one to recapture the Talon, and punish the one responsible. I was too shocked by the horror of the Talon to do anything, and you were busy seeking a method to seal the Talon away. It was you who discovered the Seal of Eternity. It required the power of two of us, and you and Tokimi were the ones to bind the Talon." Washu turned around. Tsunami hadn't had to have seen her sister's face to know that Washu's features were hard as stone while she had been turned around. Now, they were a bit more relaxed. Washu was beginning to calm down, satisfied that Tsunami was finally telling the whole story. "So, what happened to the one who unleashed the Talon to begin with?" "Tokimi destroyed their True Name. Only their deeds involving the Talon can be remembered by anyone, but who and what they were is unknowable." Washu nodded. "So, we hid the Talon in this dimension? Do you honestly think Tomarou will not find it?" Tsunami stepped forward. "Was is it you suspect, Washu?" She turned back to her computer. The screen flashed as Washu's hands danced over the keyboard. "While I was going through the records of the Hunter's Guild, I found out that Tomarou has been hiring a lot of treasure hunters to find this thing." "The man Seayo warned us about?" She nodded. "He's really fanatical about finding it. Are you sure that it is well hidden?" Tsunami took a deep breath, relaxing. "Trust me, Washu. Even if he were to find it, it is almost impossible to break the Seal. They would first have to get past the sentinal I have sent there. Also, it took the power of two goddesses to put the Seal in place. It would take the power of two goddesses to break it." "Like Akira?" Shadow stepped into view. Washu jumped at the sound of his voice, and turned around. Tsunami remained still, unsuprised by Shadow Dog's stealth. Any anger Washu held for him disappeared as she immediatly considered his words. "Yes, Seayo. Like Akira. Dammit, why didn't I see it before?" "Washu, is there any way you can find a picture of this Tomarou? I know we all saw the face of the man who kidnapped Tenchi and Ryoko." *** Tenchi sat in complete silence. He'd always known that one day he would have to deal with this. Since the day of his son's birth, he had been both expectant and afraid. "So, it's true, isn't it?" He looked at Hellcat. The madman hadn't moved from his spot the entire time, telling Tenchi all about the Seal of Eternity, and the Talon of Fate. "Akira has inherited my power?" Hellcat nodded. "Yes, Prince Tenchi. He has both you and your wife's power. Didn't you feel it, inside of him? Lurking behind that cherub face of his, waiting to strike out at the world?" He leaned forward, just for effect. "He was born with the power of two goddesses. Just as it was prophesied, when the stars were young, by a madman who's name has been lost to time." Tenchi began to lose himself in his own thoughts. His son had power, more than might be immaginable. Why? Why his son? Why his family? Just because they were given something special, were they supposed to be subjected to all of this? He looked back at Hellcat. "What the hell does Tomarou have to do with this?" Hellcat leaned back, grinning. His sharpened teeth glinted in the light of the blue moon. "Tomarou serves the very concept and will of the Void. It is Oblivion, the end of all things and the creation of nothing. We serve him, and we serve the End. If my Lord managed to get the power of the Talon, then that would be the end of it. No more pain, no sorrow, no more destruction of everything you hold dear, my dear Prince." "That's why he wants the Talon of Fate?" Tenchi stood up, "Just to destroy everything? That's it?" "Brilliant, no?" Tenchi's thoughts turned to anger. "He's an idiot!" Hellcat frowned. "Oh, I see. You could not understand his vision, could you? You don't want and end to suffering, and pain, and torment." Tenchi looked down at him, "If destroying all that means destroying love, and joy, and hope, and everything that matters, then it's a stupid vision. Your Lord is a madman." Hellcat stood, and put his face directly in front of Tenchi's. He gave the man a twisted grin. "Everything dies. Love, hope, precious things, all die. You fight for pointless things. Things that were false to begin with." "What do you mean?" He tilted his head. "You know. You wonder why your family is put through this, yes? Why powerful people must suffer this way? You know why. All because one being wants it as such. All because of Tsunami." Tenchi backed away. He could feel the blood starting to drain from his face. "No. No, you're wrong." "No, my Lord. I am right. Think about it! Tsunami knew Ryoko would have another goddess' power. Only she could defeat the defenses of Jurai. She could do it again, if she wished. Tsunami gave you the power of Light Hawk Wings. She has been manipulating bloodlines and Jurai's family for millenia, just so you would have the power. And why? Just so you could kill her sister." "Tokimi threatened my family! Her son was a madman! If I hadn't done it, then everything would have been--" "Destroyed! Yes, you idiot! Of course it would have! Why didn't you let it? Then everything would have been so much better!" Tenchi started to back away. "You're insane." Hellcat giggled a little, and shook his head. "No, you are the one who's insane, my Lord. What gave you the right, anyway? Who are you to decide that the universe is worth saving, hmm? Who asked you to be so damned rightous, that you think you can save people, without their consent?" Tenchi's fist struck Hellcat. The illusionist fell back against his rock, holding his bruised face. He looked up at Tenchi, who was towering over him, breathing heavily with anger. Tenchi looked down at Hellcat, and growled, "No one will ever harm my family like that. No one." Hellcat spat out blood onto the ground, and looked up at Tenchi, smiling. "So, the Prince can get angry? How cute." He picked himself up, flinging back his hair. "Impressive hit. But, nonetheless, it's still Tsunami's fault. If she'd never manipulated the bloodlines, you would have had a normal life, Tenchi. Think about it. You would have grown up a normal boy on Earth, without any of these women coming to your home and complicating your life. You would have never gone through the pain you've been through, none of the hardship. Your son would have been normal." "Shut your mouth!" Tenchi swung again, and Hellcat's form dissipated into a whispy cloud. Tenchi cried out, and tried to regain his balance. He looked around, and saw Hellcat standing a few yards away, his smile gone. "That's not true, and I know it. Even if Tsunami hadn't intended for me to recieve the Light Hawk Wings, it doesn't matter. I'm not sorry for anything that happened." Hellcat sighed, "Fine. It seems that I can't convince you. It doesn't matter. Your son will be instrumental in destroying all you care for." He stepped forward, but stopped out of arm's reach of Tenchi. "Don't you understand, my Lord? You can do nothing. Niether you, or your wife can do anything about it. Your powers are useless here." "Why?" Hellcat smirked, "Don't you feel it? Go on. Reach out, feel with that great cosmic sense of yours." Tenchi ignored the sarcasm in Hellcat's voice, and closed his eyes, concentrating. He reached out with what little power he had left, searching for something. It wouldn't come. Nothing. He couldn't feel anything. It was like everything beyond the garden... stopped existing. His eyes flashed open, and he stared at Hellcat with disbelief. "Void?" He nodded. "Yes, Lord Tenchi. It is Void. A field of it covers this garden, cutting you off from your power. You are helpless." *** Mayuka looked down at the ring in her palm. It was glowing, again. It's light grew as they got closer to Jurai. Mayuka could almost feel something else within herself grow as they neared the planet. It wasn't her excitement, even though she was very excited to see her Aunt Ayeka and her great-grandmothers again. It was... her power? She briefly remembered so many of the things that had happened to her since she was young. Washu and Shadow Dog always seemed to be the ones with the most interest in Mayuka's potential. That was why Shadow always practiced with her on using her powers, and the reason for all the tests her grandmother would put her through deep in the lab. It was among the only times when her grandmother and adopted uncle didn't argue. That, and when they were eating. But now, the power was rising in Mayuka's heart. She could feel it ebb and flow like water against the shore. She could feel it breathe, and coil around the base of her spine. It was as if there was another part of her, one that was just now waking up. "That is because there >is< another part of you waking up. Your birthright is finally coming into it's true power." She stiffened at the sound of the voice. It was him again. The Lord of Fallen Leaves was standing beside her, just like he had been there the entire time. He looked at Mayuka with cold blue eyes, two little orbs of ice set into the man's skull. Mayuka kept her eyes on her ring, not wanting to look at him. "What is the matter, Mayuka? You fear me?" There was a long moment of silence before Mayuka could answer. "No. I mean, I don't... I want to know--" "What I am doing here? Why I am helping you?" He tilted his head a little, to get a better look at her face. She nodded. "Hm, I suppose it is a bit confusing, isn't it?" He looked out the ship, into the deep sea of space. "I was a man, once. I did many things in that time that I am not proud of. One of them was having a hand in the events that took place when you were only a child." Mayuka looked up. "You mean... when Mom and Dad... fought Tokimi?" He nodded. "I was weak, then. A slave to the will of both Tokimi, and my master, Hikage Unihasa. I was little more than a Juraian servant to everyone else, but I was also one of the tools Hikage used to attack your parents. He released me from his service shortly before the final confrontation, in which Tokimi was put to rest." Mayuka wasn't sure what to do. This man had... been an enemy. Someone who had tried to hurt her family for no reason. "Don't be afraid. I was a different man, then. I left Jurai after that, and in the darkness of space I found the resting place of the Seal of Eternity. I also found the resting place of a dead god. The god that kept vigil over the lost and forgotten things in the universe. I didn't understand what it was, then, and I was unworthy, but the remnant of the god's power consumed me, anyway. It made me into a different man." "But, that doesn't explain why you're doing this. Why you've helped me." He smiled. "Because I am repaying the debt I owe your family, for the sins I comitted against them so long ago." He placed a hand on Mayuka's shoulder. "Don't be afraid, Mayuka. You're much stronger than that. You have your mother's heart. And your father's." Mayuka backed away. "How do I know I can trust you?" He turned his back, and started to walk away. "You have to take the chance. If you don't, you'll never be able to save your parents." "Wha--" Mayuka started to say something, but he had already disappeared into the darkness. She felt more confused than ever, now. She looked down at the ring. The blue glow was brighter, now. Mayuka felt something in her breast stir. She looked up at the spot where the Lord of Fallen Leaves had disappeared, and nodded. "I won't be afraid, anymore." *** "She's learning," he mumbled to himself. "Maybe this will make the Twilight Person's job a little easier." He leaned back against the wall of the ship, watching Shadow Dog pass by him, unable to percieve the god completly. He chuckled as the Guardian stopped for a moment, as if feeling something, but then shook his head and continued on. "I had wondered what had happened to the young man named Asagi." He turned, and saw Tsunami standing beside him. He chuckled, "Heh, so I'm not the only one that's good at that trick." He flung his cloak aside, and bowed his head. "I am honored to meet you, Lady Tsunami." Tsunami nodded, "I am also glad to see that there is a new Lord of Fallen Leaves. It has been a very long time." "Yes, well, I have been taking my time. I didn't really want to make my presence known in this manner, but the circumstances required action." Tsunami nodded again, and then frowned a little. "You know what is going on here, don't you? What it is that I cannot see?" The Lord's demeanor became a little more serious. "Yes, I do. I don't see why you did not realize it earlier, though." "What do you mean?" "What is blocking your Sight. Couldn't you tell? It is Oblivion." Tsunami's eyes widened, and she took a step back. "But... no. The Priesthood of the Void was..." "Banned? Destroyed?" The Lord shook his head, "I'm sorry, my Lady. It was not." "But... who?" "You know the answer, Lady Tsunami. If you didn't, then you would never have sent your child Yosho to the Seal of Eternity. You know Tomarou will also find it. Unfortunatly, so do I." He turned, and walked away. "Until our paths cross again, my Lady." Tsunami felt a shiver run through her form. "Mistress?" Shadow's voice echoed inside her mind. He felt her distress. "Sasami? What's wrong?" Tsunami calmed herself. She would have to tell Washu about this, tell all of them, but not yet. They were almost to Jurai. Now was not the time. "It's nothing, Seayo. Nothing to worry about, right now." *** Washu was still working at her computer when they came within sight of the planet Jurai. Mayuka stared out at it, Ryo-ohki sitting at her feet, looking with her. Washu looked up from her work, seeing her grandaughter's fascination, and smiled. "Beautiful, isn't it?" She nodded. "I never thought..." Washu raised an eyebrow. "That it was surrounded by logs." Washu resisted the urge to laugh. Both of them felt Tsunami approach behind them. "Yes," she said, her voice calm, "That was your father's reaction, when he first saw it." She looked at the planet, and gave a small sigh. "What's that, Sister?" Washu's voice spoke inside her mind. "Happy to be home?" Sasami chuckled a little, "No, Washu. Simply remembering a different time. A different lifetime." Washu nodded. The planet seemed to grow before them as they neared it, slightly disorienting Mayuka until the ship broke through the atmosphere, moving through the white sea of clouds. She could see out into forever in the planet's sky. It was different from space; space seemed to be a black wall dotted with points of light. This was endless blue, curving with the planet as they lowered, but always moving, always stretching, promising that there was >something<, anything, past the horizon. She could see the green sea below them as it brushed agaist the invisible shores of the blue sea. Endless forest for miles, rising with hills and mountains in an endless green carpet, spotted with clearings and meadows that she couldn't totally make out. "Beautiful," Mayuka whispered. She could feel the ring, which she now wore on her finger, pulse warmly. It seemed to beat with a life of it's own, beating in time with her heart, and the warm, red pulse beneath her breast. The pulse of her power. Both of them told her something, whispering it to her heart. This was her other home. The land where it had all begun, and where it would continue to return to. "There it is, Mayuka," Sasami pointed down at a large tree below them. But this tree was different from the others. Not just for it's sheer size, but because of the building clustered around it's base, appearing to go into the tree at some points. "The Royal Palace." The palace came closer. The ship settled over a large landing platform on the side of the palace, and Sasami sighed. "Okay, hang on tight for a moment." Ryo-ohki hopped up onto Sasami's shoulder, and miyaed in her ear. Mayuka giggled, and abruptly stopped as she felt her body tingle. The tingle grew into a warm, sleepy feeling all over her body, and the world around her became filled with Light. It only last a few seconds. As the Light cleared, Mayuka found herself standing on the landing platform next to Sasami and Washu. Shadow Dog and Bryant stood on the other end, the latter beginning to doze off. Shadow smacked him in the shoulder, waking the older bounty hunter with a start. At the far end of the platform stood a young woman in a lavender kimono, her purple hair tied back behind her into two very long tails. Mayuka raced up to her, and the woman ran to meet her. "Aunt Ayeka!" Ayeka caught her niece in a fierce hug. "Hello, Mayuka." Mayuka returned the hug. Ayeka held back a tear, "Oh, I'm so happy to see that you're all right." Mayuka let go of her aunt, and looked past her at the other two women approaching. She only got a glimpse of her great-great grandmother Funaho as Lady Misaki tackled the girl in a bear hug. "Mayuka!" Mayuka felt her bones crunch. "Granny... Misaki! I... can't breathe!" Ayeka giggled at her mother, and turned to the others. Sasami walked up to her, and embraced her. Ayeka returned the hug. "Hello, Sasami." "Hello, Sister. I'm sorry we took so long in getting here." Ayeka let go of her, and nodded. "Don't worry about it. The fact is that you're all here, now." Shadow, Washu and Bryant walked up, and Shadow nodded to Ayeka. "Lady Ayeka, this is my old partner, Bryant. Bryant, this is the First Princess of Jurai, Lady Ayeka." Bryant held out his hand, and muttered to Shadow Dog, "Dammit, man! You should have told me we'd be meeting royalty." Ayeka shook his hand, smiling. "I, uh, I've tried to help as best I could to find your friends, Lady Ayeka." Ayeka nodded. "Thank you, Mr. Bryant. I'm sure that if Shadow requested your help, then whatever you could do is usefull." Washu broke in, "So, Ayeka. When do you have to talk to the counsel about trying to find Tenchi and Ryoko?" A somber wave passed through everyone. Before Ayeka could answer, Funaho spoke, "In about an hour, now." Everyone turned and looked at her. Funaho's bearing was as calm and regal as ever. She'd always seemed to Mayuka to be just what a queen should be. "Hello, Little Washu. It's good to see all of you, again." She smiled, and turned to Mayuka. "And of course you, Mayuka." Mayuka smiled, and hugged her. "It's good to see you, Grandmother Funaho." They looked up from their embrace as a lound wave of sound could be heard coming towards them all. Within seconds, the familiar red form of the Yagami came hurtling through the cobweb clouds of Jurai's sky, careening just slightly out of control. Washu sighed, and shook her head, "Looks like Mihoshi's piloting, again." Everyone sighed and nodded. Except Bryant. Bryant looked at Shadow Dog. "Shadow? Did she say...?" He couldn't even say the name. Shadow's smile at the thought of Kiyone's arrival quickly turned into a grimace as he looked at Bryant. "Just wait." A hatch opened in the bottom of the ship after its rocky landing, and lowered the two Galaxy Police Officers to the ground. Bryant found himself paralyzed with fear as he stared to the form of Mihoshi. Kiyone and Mihoshi walked off the platform, which retreated back to the ship, and approached the gathered welcoming party. Mayuka ran up to Mihoshi, giving her a large hug. "Aunt Mihoshi! Aunt Kiyone! I'm so glad you're both here!" Mioshi returned the hug. "Me too, Mayuka!" Bryant contiued to stare gape-mouthed at Mihoshi. "Sha-Shadow. That... that's..." Shadow Dog nodded. "Yes, Bryant. It's Mihoshi. She was one of the women living at the Misaki household." "We still are, Seayo." Kiyone walked up to him, and smiled. "Hey." "Hey, Legs." They hugged, and Shadow kissed Kiyone. Bryant whatched in slack-jawed horror. The mutt had done it to himself again. He was in another relationship with a cop. After their embrace broke, Kiyone looked at Bryant curiously. "Um, Shadow? Who is he, and why is he looking at me like I have a third head?" Shadow sighed, "Kiyone, meet my old partner, Bryant. Bryant, this is Kiyone Makibi, Galaxy Police Detective First Class." Kiyone held out her hand. As Bryant shook it, he shook his head. "Good to meet you. Sorry, but Shadow didn't tell me that he'd fallen for another cop." Shadow gulped. "You never could resist trouble, could you?" Kiyone looked at Shadow, "Um, is he talking about what I think he's talking about?" Ayeka shook her head at the scene. "Shadow's gotten himself into trouble again, hasn't he, Washu?" The red-headed scientist shrugged. "You know he can't help it. It's just in his nature." She laughed. "So, Ayeka, have you talked to Jurai's Supreme Council at all about Tenchi and Ryoko, yet?" Ayeka looked down, shaking her head. "No, and I'm worried." A small silence settled over everyone, as they all new why she was worried. "Hey," Misaki broke the silence. "Don't let it spoil the moment, Ayeka," she smiled, playfully scolding her daughter. "As long as we're all together here, there's nothing to worry about, right?" Mayuka nodded in agreement with her great aunt. "You're right, Aunt Misaki. There's nothing to worry about. We'll find Dad and Mom and Akira, no matter what." She looked down at the ring on her finger. It glowed with the same warm blue light, the warmth pulsing with her heart beat. With her power. *** The worries didn't go away as they stood outside the main chamber of the Supreme Council. Mihoshi sat on a bench beside Kiyone, Shadow, and Bryant, nervously biting at her thumbnails. "Ooh, I can't take it! When are they going to let you in?" Mayuka, Sasami, Ayeka and Washu sat on the other side of the outer chamber. Ayeka sighed, and looked at the doors. "Whenever they are done deliberating and are ready for us." "And that's still not a guarantee that they'll enact the search," Shadow added darkly. They had been on Jurai for only a few hours, and already they had to deal with this. Mayuka sighed, and leaned back against the wall. It just never seemed to get any easier, even when it appeared so. She hadn't even gotten to get a good look at the planet before they had to come sit and wait to plead their case to the Jurai Supreme Council. The case to help look for Tenchi, Ryoko and Akira. She looked over at Washu, who typed away on her computer. Sometimes she couldn't see how her grandmother could stay so focused during times like this. She closed her eyes, trying to calm herself down. Washu noticed the girl's anxiety, and chuckled a little to herself. "I guess patience isn't a trait in our family, is it?" Mayuka opened her eyes, and smiled back. "Sorry. I guess not." She looked down at her ring. "I just don't see why only Aunt Ayeka, Sasami, Shadow, and me can go in." "And I," Wahsu corrected the girl on her grammer. Mayuka frowned at her grandmother's correction. She always did that. "And it's because... well, we're just not allowed, Mayuka. We're not royalty. You are, remember?" Mayuka nodded, her shoulders sinking a little. She'd never been comfortable with the knowledge that she was royalty. She was part of a bloodline that had ruled nearly half the galaxy long before anyone alive now could even remember. Anyone alive that she knew, except for Sasami and Washu. All of them looked up when the large doors of the Supreme Council's chamber opened up. Funaho walked out, a somber look on her face. It bothered Mayuka for a moment, as she had always seen a gentle expression on the face of her great-great grandmother. Never had she seen such a look of... uncertiantity. Funaho looked over all of them, her gaze finally settling on Mayuka, Ayeka, Sasami and Shadow. She nodded. "We are ready for you." The four of them stood and followed her inside, the massive doors closing behind them. Mayuka was almost immediatly thrown back by the emmense space of the chamber they entered. Surrounding them were rows and rows of seats, stretching up the walls of the chamber almost to the very cieling. In front of them, on the far side of the room, stood a raised dias, with two large tables on either side of a podium. There was no roof above the circle in the center of the room, throwing all of the surrounding seats and the dias into shadow. The pale center of the room stood empty and foreboding. Funaho crossed the room to the dias, and took a seat at one of the tables. An older man stood at the podium, dessed in bulky green robes. Mayuka could barely see him, but she was sure his face had never smiled. "This meeting of the Supreme Council is called to order. I am Chief Speaker Anrukea. I speak on behalf of the Council. Will you please step forward." The Chief Speaker's voice boomed in the chamber, making Mayuka want to shrink back. She raised her head, and followed Ayeka, Sasami, and Shadow out into the center of the room, into the light. She caught Sasami look back at her and give her a reassuring smile. Mayuka nodded, and smiled back. When they reached the center of the room, Ayeka stepped forward. "I am the First Crowned Princess of Jurai, speaking on behalf of those who seek your aid, Chief Anrukea." Before Ayeka had even finished her sentence, there was a comotion of whispers and shouts of suprise among the Council members all around them The Chief Speaker's voice shot out like a thunder bolt, silencing all of the cries. "Order," he turned back to Ayeka, "Princess, what is >that< doing here?" He lowered his finger at the group, and Mayuka wasn't sure if he was pointing at her or Shadow Dog, who stood next to her. Ayeka looked back to see whom the Chief Speaker was pointing at, and turned back to him. "That man is Seayo, Prince of Jurai's Twilight Children. He is a member of the royal family, and has a right to take part in this proceding." Mayuka glanced between Shadow and her Aunt. She'd never heard such a tone in her aunt, before. There was a strange mix of defiance and respect in it. She was sticking up for a friend. There were more whisperings, louder this time, but one glance around the room by the Chief Speaker shut them off. His gaze returned to Ayeka, obviously unhappy. "Very well, Princess. You are before us today to hear our desicion on your plea to search for the missing Prince Tenchi, grandson of Lord Yosho, and for his wife, the space pirate Ryoko." Mayuka frowned at his choice of words about her mother. "Your request, Princess Ayeka, has been denied." All four of those in the center of the room gasped. "What!? Why is this? Our navy is the largest in the galaxy! Surely you can't justif--" "We do not have the resources to go chasing a lost prince across the galaxy, Princess. Especially one who chose to marry the very woman who nearly destroyed this planet seven hundred years ago." Before Ayeka could make a comeback, Sasami spoke, "With all due respect, Chief Speaker Anrukea, this is a matter of secruity for the Royal family. Was their vote not sufficient enough you to authorize the search?" The Chief Speaker looked at Sasami, and smiled coldly. "Ah, Princess Sasami. A very good point, but the decision of the Royal family was overturned, in this case. And since the one person who could have changed that, Lord Yosho, did not decide to stand up for his own grandson, we--" "You cowards!" Everyone stopped and looked at Mayuka, who was near tears with rage. "Your just making excuses because Dad's from Earth, and not Jurai! You're too afriad to go near my mother becasue she could kick your sorry bigot butts all over this universe!" As she spoke, Mayuka could feel something within her stir. The ring on her finger began to heat up, far beyond it's usual warmth. "Mayuka Masaki, please, be silent." The Chief Speaker spoke with a calm superiority. "Despite your personal feelings on the matter, you have no voice, here. The matter has been decided. We do not have the time to waste on your father." Mayuka stood, fuming. "Fine then, you jerk. We'll find them ourselves. We'll show you what cowards you are." The Chief Speaker smiled. "Bold words, child, but you do not have the resources to do that." "But we do, Chief Speaker." Everyone turned and looked at Shadow Dog, who until now had remained completely silent. "Lord Tenchi and Ryoko are under Twilight Ward. The Twilight People of Jurai will spare no expense in finding who took them." The Chief Speaker couldn't help but sneer at Shadow Dog. "Oh, is that so, Shadow Demon? Do you really think that your people are clever enough to find them in the dark?" Shadow replied calmly. "We have been cleaning up after your mistakes for a very long time, Chief Speaker. We are more than capable and compasionate enough to accomplish this." The Chief Speaker started to growl his contempt, but restrained himself, resuming his regal posture. "Very well. This meeting is adjourned. And for the future, Princess Ayeka, do not bring children and animals into this court, again. You are dismissed." His tone was final and absolute. Ayeka frowned, and turned, leading the way out. The others followed, Mayuka taking an extra second to turn her gaze from the Chief Speaker. As they walked out the large doors, they saw Kiyone, Mihoshi, Bryant and Washu huddled around Washu's computer, looking at the screen. They looked up as the others walked out, their expressions telling everyone that they had seen, and shared their feelings. "So, you were watching, Washu?" Sasami asked, anyway. Washu nodded. "Yes, Tsunami. It looks like we're on our own, again." "Oh, Grandma!" Mayuka rushed over to Washu and put her arms around her, holding back tears. "I'm sorry, Grandma. I tried, but I couldn't.." "Shhh," Washu gently hushed her, placing a comforting hand on Mayuka's head. "It all right, Mayuka. We're going to find them, with or without those rascist bastards. I promise." Mayuka sniffed, and nodded, hiding her face in her grandother's shoulder. The ring's warmth had faded, along with its glow. She looked up, catching her breath, and sighed. "So do I, Grandma." Author's Notes: I can't believe it took me so long to get through this part! I must be slacking too much. Sorry about that. Anyone who has actually taken an interest in this fic will have to bare with me if they want to see the next part . Hope you enjoyed this part, and, as a side note, the new C,C&C Department (Comments, Compliments & Critisizm) is now loneshark707@hotmail.com