"Ten-chi..." A low whimpering emitted from a dark cave. "Help-me..." ~~~~~ Tenchi woke with a start. Is it just me, or did I hear someone calling me? Tenchi asked himself. He turned over and looked at a clock on his desk. "What's this?" he murmured. "Only midnight? Strange." Tenchi turned over again. I wonder what's bothering me today, he thought. Tenchi drifted off to sleep, thinking about things out of his control, things he cannot stop; his fate. ~~~~~ "Good morning, everybody! I hope you're all feeling well?" Ayeka waltzed into the living room of the Masaki home. Washu looked at her, smiling. "Someone's in a good mood today..." she said as she turned back to her computer screen. "And someone is out of her lab today..." Ayeka replied cheerily. "And, for your information, today will be the most perfect day anyone could ever imagine." Sasami walked out of the kitchen with a tray of cups and a teapot. "Why is that, sis?" she asked as she set the tray down on the table. She took off her cooking gloves and sat down on the couch. Ayeka sat down, also. "Well, I haven't seen Ryoko for the past day already! I haven't had to fight with her and blemish my ladylike record," she said airily, clapping her hands in delight. Tenchi put down the newspaper. "What? She's been gone that long?" he asked sharply. Ayeka's good mood nearly vanished. "Yes, but there's no need to look for her...no need at all," she said nervously. She began tracing circles on her leg. Washu looked up from her computer. "I hadn't a clue that Ryoko had left anyways. Why didn't anyone tell me?" she asked, slightly annoyed. Ayeka seemed to be searching for an answer. "Well-I-um, well-" Ayeka stammered. She was cut short by a look from Tenchi. Washu grinned. "Not to worry, not to worry. I can find her whereabouts in no time." Washu began tapping things into her computer. A couple of seconds later, there was an intense beeping coming from her computer. Washu gasped. "What? How can this be? If she's been gone only two days, how can she be this far away?" Tenchi jumped to his feet and hurried over to Washu's computer. He looked at it but drew away after a moment's look. "Washu, you'll have to explain. I can't understand what any of those numbers mean." Washu launched into one of her I-know-everything-in-the-world attitude. "Well, you see, these number here mean..." Washu kept going on and on, pointing at numbers and throwing out complicated explanations that Tenchi was not able to comprehend in a small amount of time. He shook his head when Washu finished. She looked annoyed. "Well," she said through clenched teeth, "it means she's really far away, but Ryo-oh-ki couldn't have taken her in that small amount of time." There was an "ah" of understanding from Tenchi, Ayeka, and Sasami. "I know exactly where she is, but it's strange. She's not on a real planet. She's on a-" the others were clearly anticipating a complicated answer, so she switched to a simplified one, "-big space rock the size of about half of Pluto." Tenchi and the others gave another "ah" of understanding. "It seems that her powers are somewhat reduced, though." Tenchi clenched his fists. "Let's go!" Sasami wasted no time in calling Ryo-oh-ki. She was delighted to transform into the huge spacecraft. It only took a matter of seconds before Ryo-oh-ki was ready for speedy space travel. When Ryo-oh-ki transferred them all onto her bridge, Washu took the controls, which were two, metallic spheres. "Don't worry about finding your way, Ryo-oh-ki. I'll do it for you," said Washu. "Miss Washu, are we there yet?" whined Ayeka. Washu snapped at her angrily. "How many times MUST I tell you, we are nearly there!" Washu nearly let go of the controls of Ryo-oh-ki. Tenchi was sitting down, looking out into space, literally. It's so beautiful, he thought. Tenn-chii... That voice! What is going on? Tenchi asked himself. He shook it from his head and continued staring into the endless space. Sasami was reading a book and Ayeka was sitting and dozing, smiling and giggling every once in a while. There was a loud beep from Washu's computer. "Ooh, look! It's Kiyone and Mihoshi!" Washu exclaimed. A screen appeared with Kiyone in her Galaxy Police uniform. "Well, Miss Washu, what are you doing this far from Earth?" Kiyone asked cheerfully. Mihoshi could be seen carrying a couple of blankets behind Kiyone. Mihoshi tripped and her bundle fell on top of Kiyone. Kiyone was thoroughly annoyed, but overlooked it. "We're looking for Ryoko. Have you seen her?" Washu asked sweetly. "No, sorry, we haven't," Kiyone replied. "Would you like some help?" "Sure would! Thanks, Kiyone." Again, there was a loud and intense beep from Washu's computer. Everybody jerked into alertness. "There, that one," Washu said, pointing to the only asteroid in their sight. They landed with some difficulty; most of the terrain was rugged. "Let me start with a comprehensive check on the atmosphere and the soil composition," said Washu, happily tapping away on her computer. "Hmm. That's strange. The air is safe to breathe, the vacuum of space will not pull you off that small asteroid, and the soil composition is almost impossibly close to the composition near your house, Tenchi. "What? But, but, this is in space-" Tenchi began, but was cut off by Washu. "I know. That's what's so strange about it." They all got out and looked around. The terrain was a bit flatter than what they've seen, but it didn't matter since Ryo-oh-ki had changed back into a cabbit. They walked along and went slowly up a hill. When they reached the top- "What is this? This looks like your house, and everything around it looks like Earth, too!" Sasami exclaimed. Everybody else nodded in agreement. Suddenly, they heard an agonized yell from a gloomy cave. There was a bright flash of blue light and another painful yell. It sounded like Ryoko. Tenchi dashed down the hillside and to the cave. The rest followed after him, not daring to speak. The cave was dark and silent. Washu had thoughtfully brought a flashlight with her. She lit it, which was a major improvement, as it was as dark as night. Tenchi went in first, followed by Washu. He stopped every once in a while to listen. The third time he did that, there was a low voice. "Well, well, well. If it isn't Prince Tenchi. I'm honored, but that does not stop you from fighting with me," the voice said darkly. There was a snap and the cave was illuminated. Tenchi and his friends were at the opening of a huge cavern. Ryoko was strapped to a table with a strange machine humming beside her. She was panting heavily and sweating. "What have you done to Ryoko?!" Tenchi asked, furious. He addressed the owner of the voice, who was a man about Tenchi's height, but was a bit more muscular than Tenchi. He had a violet tunic on with a cape attached to his shoulders. "My, my. What manners. You forgot to ask my name. I," he smirked, "am Juya. I want the one you call Ryoko for the power in her gems." Tenchi clenched his fists. He put his hand in his shirt and pulled out his Light Hawk Sword. He held it like a sword and the glowing, blue blade appeared. Juya smiled evilly. "Perfect." He snapped his fingers and a metal sword fell from the roof of the cavern into his hand. Ayeka laughed. "You think you're going to win with THAT?" she said, laughing pompously. Juya smiled, and a second later the metal sword was buzzing with a red sort of electric energy. Ayeka stopped immediately. Juya swung his sword towards Tenchi, who was about 50 feet away. There was a great rumble and Tenchi went flying into the cavern wall, making a deep dent in the stone. Ryoko lifted her head up as the others gasped. "No-Tenchi...." There was a strange rumble that was totally unexpected. Tenchi emerged from the dent with Jurai battle armor and fell to the ground. They heard a pained moan that issued from Tenchi when he hit the ground. Ayeka and Sasami gasped. "Jurai battle armor!" Ayeka managed to say. Ryoko seemed to have regained some of her energy as she was straining to be released from the straps that held her to the table. Tenchi seemed to be focusing on Juya only, nothing else, even though he was bruised and had a bleeding forehead. Suddenly, Light Hawk Wings exploded from Tenchi's outstretched arms. They passed through him, like a metal detector, transforming his armor into something different, something more magnificent. His sword, too, had changed. It looked much bigger and fiercer. "Perfect, perfect. I will treasure this battle forever, Prince," Juya said arrogantly. He ran at Tenchi, sword raised. Tenchi braced himself. Juya stopped about halfway to Tenchi and swung his sword, much like the way he swung it the first time. This time, however, Tenchi did not go flying into the cavern wall. Instead, he pushed his energy up and lunged at Juya. Juya, not expecting this, was startled and did not move. Tenchi's sword sliced him on the shoulder, causing a wave of violet blood to come gushing out. Tenchi was startled, also. "Wh-oh no," he said, stepping back a step. Juya clutched his shoulder and staggered about. He regained his balance and held up his sword. "Let's not fight anymore. All I want is for Ryoko to come back," Tenchi said, trying to balance Juya. Juya snarled and slapped Tenchi's hand away. He jumped at Tenchi, cutting his arm sleeve. He felt a sharp pain and a trickle of blood showed. Tenchi grabbed his shoulder, wincing. "Ouch! What IS that thing?" Juya laughed cruelly. "Hahahaha! Feel the strength of my sword! Hahahaha!" He jumped at Tenchi again, but this time, Tenchi was ready. He feigned left and crouched, stabbing Juya through his stomach. Both froze, and then Tenchi heaved him off his feet and threw him ten feet to his right. Juya didn't move again. Tenchi turned around, head bowed, but heard a rasping noise. "Ten-chi-wait. You-may have...defeated me-but this rock is going to head straight for Jupiter...so...heh..." then Juya fell silent, eyes misted over. Juya had spoken truthfully. They all felt a rushing sensation and fell over. "Tenchi, get Ryoko and come outside!" Washu yelled as everyone ran out of the crumbling cave. Tenchi, having no knife to cut the straps off of Ryoko, just ripped them off. He found that they weren't very tight. When he got Ryoko free, he shouldered Ryoko, who was trying to walk on her own. They got out of the cave just in time; it caved in all the way as soon as they exited the tunnel. Everybody was atop of the hill that they came over. Jupiter was looming up quickly and was becoming larger every minute. Tenchi thought quickly. I know what to do! he thought. "Ryoko, can you stand? Come on! Let's go to the point of the asteroid, hurry!" Ryoko managed to fly and follow Tenchi. Washu followed them, walking slower than usual because of the rushing wind. When she saw Tenchi and Ryoko brace themselves, she gasped. "No! Tenchi," she ran to them as fast as she could go and yelling as loud as she could against the howling of the wind, "even WITH Ryoko's gems, you'll never be able to gather enough energy to do that and finish alive!" Tenchi turned, and strangely, he was smiling. "It doesn't matter, Washu," he said calmly as she reached them, "All that matters is that someone gets out of it alive." He looked at Washu's sad face. "Don't worry, Washu." With that, he turned to Ryoko. "Ready?" Ryoko nodded, smiling with her tearstained face. Light Hawk Wings erupted once again from Tenchi's outstretched arms. "Ryoko! Now!" Ryoko went up behind Tenchi and supported his arms, giving him energy and making the Light Hawk Wings grow to an enormous, unnatural size. Tenchi spread his fingers, making the Wings expand and form one round shield. Washu felt the speeding asteroid slow down a little. Ayeka came running up. "Tenchi, that will use up a great amount of energy! No, don't do it!" Tenchi gave the same answer that he gave Washu. "It doesn't matter, Ayeka," he called without turning around. Sasami, Kiyone, and Mihoshi came running again. They all thought of the great times they had with Tenchi, with concerned expressions on their faces. The asteroid had slowed down again. Washu was tapping on her computer again. She closed it and got up quickly. "Tenchi!" she yelled to him. "At this speed, we've got only about three more minutes to stop this asteroid!" Tenchi's energy was nearly out. He was sweating and panting with the strain of keeping the shield up. Even with Ryoko, who was sweating and breathing heavily, it was difficult to keep the shield up for this long. "One minute until we enter Jupiter's atmosphere!" Washu yelled. Tenchi's arms were quivering with strain. "Thirty seconds!" I don't know if I can stop it, thought Tenchi. "Ten seconds....eight, seven, six..." Tenchi gasped and made up his mind. I will stop it! Tenchi gave a painful yell and pushed his energy to the max. There was a tremendous light explosion and Tenchi felt his energy leave him. The shield disappeared, but the asteroid stopped. Ryoko and Tenchi fell to the ground. Washu had covered her head with her arms. When the rushing stopped she looked up and saw that they were floating right up in front of Jupiter. Tenchi and Ryoko were lying on the ground, but Ryoko got up. She smiled and tried to get Tenchi to get up. "Tenchi, we made it!" No answer, no movement. "Tenchi?" Still nothing. Ryoko began shaking him vigorously. "Tenchi!" Ryoko began slapping his face. "Tenchi! No! No!" Everyone had gathered around Ryoko and Tenchi. Ayeka began to help Ryoko in trying to revive Tenchi. "Tenchi, please, don't play around like this," Ayeka said. Tenchi did not stir. "Tenchi?" Tears began flowing down her cheeks. She looked up and saw Ryoko was also crying. As if this were a trigger, the others began crying, not howling, but silently, as if this was a great amount of pain being inflicted on them. Washu called Ryo-oh-ki. "Ryo...Ryo-oh-ki. Let's go," she said, trying her best not to sob. Ryo-oh-ki transformed, unaware of what had happened. Ryoko picked up Tenchi and carried him under Ryo-oh-ki. The rest followed. Even Ayeka had forgotten to reprimand Ryoko for being with Tenchi. Ryo-oh-ki transferred them to her bridge, still unaware of what happened. ~~~~~ ===== ~~~~~ Nobiyuki and Yosho were thunderstruck. "How did this happen?" Nobiyuki asked, voice quavering. "Yes, please explain," Yosho said. Washu explained all that happened that night, her voice dull and flat. They had placed Tenchi under a tree with blooming cherry blossoms; it was a favorite spot of the Tenchi. The sun was shining on the spot, as if honoring what had happened. Ryoko was nowhere to be found. Ayeka had confined herself to her room, Washu to her lab, and Sasami to the kitchen. ~~~~~ "Kiyone," Ryoko said to the Police officer. "Kiyone, please, shoot me." Kiyone was taken aback. "R-Ryoko, why would I do that?" she asked nervously. Ryoko's answer was solemn and dark. "Kiyone, I am an A-1 class criminal. Wouldn't you like the recognition of capturing a most wanted criminal?" Ryoko said darkly, smiling oddly. Kiyone still wouldn't. "Ryoko, I couldn't. You're my friend," she said. Suddenly, Ryoko became angry. "Do it, or I'll blast Yagami to pieces!" Ryoko said. Kiyone persisted. "Why are you asking this of me?" "So I can be united with my one and only love...forever," she said, taking one last look into space. "I'm sorry Ryoko. I...can't," Kiyone said, shaking her head. Ryoko grabbed her shirt. "Then take me to headquarters!" she yelled, throwing Kiyone to the floor. Kiyone took her to headquarters, but reluctantly. ~~~~~ Kiyone led Ayeka down a dimly passage way. "Kiyone, what are we doing on Jurai?" Kiyone didn't answer. Instead she stopped at a clear, pink door and pushed a button. The door disappeared, allowing them to enter. Kiyone walked in, followed by Ayeka. Ayeka stopped and gasped. "Ryoko!" she exclaimed. The space pirate, once so full of life and laughter, sat there, totally quiet, sulky, and with her head bowed. "Ryoko, what are you doing here?" Ryoko did not answer. The three just stood (or sat) there. It was a while before anyone spoke. Surprisingly, it was Ryoko. "Ayeka, do you believe in life after death?" Ryoko asked suddenly, without looking up. Ayeka was startled and clearly didn't expect a strange question like that. "Yes, of course," she said sharply. "Then, could you believe that Tenchi lives?" Ryoko's voice was dark and sulky. Had the mind of Ryoko finally snapped? Ayeka thought. "Ryoko, Tenchi's...erm..." Ayeka said as she shuffled her feet uncomfortably. "No!" Ryoko snapped, looking up. "Tenchi lives on, his soul does. I thought you would know that." Ayeka looked upon the space pirate with pity. "I see. Now I understand. Come, Kiyone," Ayeka said, rather stiffly. They left without another word. Ryoko's execution was to take place that same day before the Chief of the Galaxy Police and some Juraians. The three police officers that would be doing the executing were gleefully shooting looks toward Ryoko's cell. Ayeka, who, with Sasami, Kiyone, Mihoshi, and Washu, would be watching the execution, shot glances of pure hatred towards the three officers. They looked nervous when they had to look near Ayeka and avoided the glare that she would give them. Sasami, Kiyone, and Mihoshi came along because Washu had told them sharply, "Some friends you would be if you weren't there for her on the last day of her life." Although Ayeka clearly didn't need protection, two Juraian guards had tagged along. Ryoko was brought out into the Royal Garden with nothing restraining her at all. Then it occurred to Ayeka. "Kiyone, how did Ryoko come here?" she asked, looking over at Kiyone. "Ryoko," she croaked, "asked me to turn her in." They heard the voice of the Police Chief. "Space Pirate Ryoko, have you anything to say to the assembly before we proceed?" he said formally. Ryoko nodded slowly. "Ayeka, Sasami, Washu, Mihoshi, Kiyone...I thank you." The Chief was startled. He had never heard anybody give a thank you at their execution. Ayeka got up and tried walking closer to Ryoko. The two Juraian guards stopped her. "Let me by! This isn't right! I command you to release me!" Ayeka roared. She heard the Chief again. "Officers, attention!" The three executions stood to attention eagerly. Ayeka was straining to get to Ryoko, but the guards were too strong. "Ready!" Ayeka was trying with all her might to pull away from the guards, who were thoroughly bewildered that that the princess was dong this. "Aim!" Ayeka was getting desperate. She kicked the guard on her right. She pulled free, running as fast as she could to Ryoko just as the Chief bellowed the final order. "Fire!" There were three blasts from the small guns of the executioners, each hitting Ryoko with deadly accuracy. "TENCHIIIIIIIIIII!" Ryoko painfully yelled the name of her beloved before she fell to her knees. Ayeka got to her and cradled her head, sobbing. "No! Ryoko, come on!" Ayeka was shaking violently now, much to the concern of her friends. Ryoko smiled weakly. "A-Ayeka, I-I'll miss-you." Ryoko's head lolled to the side, her golden eyes misting over. Ayeka yelled and hugged Ryoko's limp body, crying quietly and painfully. She hugged her tightly, regardless of the red blood oozing between her fingers and soaking her kimono. Sasami, Washu, Mihoshi, and Kiyone were looking sadly at the sight of Ayeka hugging the dead pirate, tears coursing down their cheeks. ~~~~~ "Ryoko!" There was a dreamlike quality to the Masaki residence. Ryoko saw Tenchi running for her on the bridge across the small lake in front of the house. "Tenchi! You're here, I'm here..." Ryoko said, tears of joy welling up in her eyes. Tenchi hugged her. "No. Don't cry. All we have to do is wait for the others and it'll be just like old times, right?" Ryoko grinned, still unable to control her tears. "Right!" ----- Was that all right? Erm...for my first one...I hope I didn't bore you to death. I hate to read disclaimers before the story, don't you? So then, I'll put it here, at the end! Disclaimer: I don't own these characters, nor do I want to. That'd take all the fun out of writing a fan fiction. I have to admit that Pioneer and AIC own these characters, but I WOULD like to work for them...whatever. Please, don't try and sue me just because I'm a fan of Tenchi Muyo.