Author's note:

Okay, I don't own Tenchi Muyo or the characters of
Tenchi Muyo. They are the property of AIC and Pioneer.
I am not making any profit on this, so please don't
sue me. I am only a poor college student.

Okay fans of all things Tenchi, this isn't my first
Tenchi fic, it is just my first published one. I
do hope you enjoy it.

Note to you, this takes place in the OAV dimension
or Tenchi Muyo: Ryo-ohki for all of us who live in
the USA. It also take place and MNE and therefore
(of course this is exceedingly obvious) has Mayuka
in it.

Oh yeah, C&C is appreciated so you can contact me

:: mental speech ::
"normal speech"
________major time passes
--------minor time passes

					Tenchi Muyo Saga One: Fate of Empires
						Growing UP Pt1

It had all started when Tenchi had shown up for sword practice with his 

"Put your bokken away Tenchi, today we learn something different." Katsuhito 
had said.
Extremely calm at the time. "It is time that you started meditation. The 
of your mind rather than the training of you muscles.

"Yes, master." Tenchi had replied, not quite sure what to think about his 

"Sit down and relax."

The next hour Tenchi came nowhere near relaxing as his Grandfather had 
stated. First came how you
were to sit and how to remain limber after sitting in such a manner so long. 
Then came the
hard part.

"You must clear your mind Tenchi and forget your problems." Katsuhito had 
said solemnly.

Tenchi tried, he really did, but as soon as his mind settled a stray thought 
would pop
up. And his grandfather always seemed to know.

"No! Do not think about not thinking, that isn't how it works." His 
grandfather sat across
from him and glared at him. The sunlight bouncing off his glasses.

Tenchi wanted to sigh, rest his head in his hands, do something, but the 
ache in his neck
told him that if he did another blow from his Grandfather's bokken he would 

Katsuhito sighed. "That is enough for today Tenchi, come back tommorrow and 
we will do
this again."

Tenchi got up and struggled holding back a protest. Then pain from unused 
muscles grabbed him
and with a terse nod he left the clearing.


Tenchi sat uncomfortablely during dinner and watched his grandfather out of 
the corner of his
eye. :I don't get it, how can he be so fine. I don't understand what he 
wants me to do.: Then
he gave a small inward smile, :Then again, I don't understand half of what 
goes on around

It was only then that he realized that Aeka was glaring at him. He began to 
get nervous.

"Yes Aeka."

"Tell her Tenchi." Aeka gritted out.

Tenchi blinked. Then suddenly got the nagging suspicion he didn't want 
anything to do with
this conversation.

"Tell her what?" He asked anyway, not seeing anyway out of it.

"That she is not your woman." Aeka gritted out.

"Ryoko?" He asked, needing proof positive that this was what it was all 


"I don't think anybody could put any claims on Ryoko that she didn't want." 
He tried to say

"See," Ryoko purred. "He didn't deny it."

Aeka huffed. "But he didn't confirm it either."

"Of course not, My Tenchi is too sweet for that."

"Just because he showed concern for your doesn't make him your man, or you 
his woman. Tenchi
would do the same for anyone of us."

"Hmph, what do you know about human relationships anyway, Miss Priss." Ryoko 
said, yet there was
hurt in her eyes.

"I was at least engaged." Aeka sniffed.

"To Yosho." Ryoko smiled briefly. "Your half-brother, you haven't had a real 

"Why you.. " Aeka sputtered. "I had a relationship that no demon like you 
could understand."

"Oh spare me." Ryoko rolled her eyes. "He was your brother, and you were 
what, eight years old.
Chipmunk at eight years old you didn't even understand what love was. In 
fact you still don't."

"And you do monster."

Ryoko's eyes flashed, and she flushed a bit pink. "I don't think anybody can 
understand love fully,
it is too complicated for mortals to understand."

"Well, that leaves me out, I am immortal." Aeka huffed.

Ryoko laughed till tears streamed down from her eyes. "Everyone dies Aeka, 
in one way or another."

"You show great wisdom for one so young, Ryoko." Katsuhito commented.

Ryoko threw him a dirty look, "Be careful who you call young, the only young 
one here is Mayuka."
She tickled the baby under her chin to make her laugh.

"I stand corrected." Grandfather smiled, "and I concede the fight."

"Accepted, young one." Ryoko smiled to show him that she was jesting and 
began to fuss with Mayuka.
Forgeting her fight with Aeka.

"I still say that Tenchi and I are destined for each other." Aeka said 

"Does destiny have anything to do with love?" Mihoshi asked. "Fate seems the 
more likely
or even fortune. Destiny is determined by the beholder and can be self 
serving, but so
can fate or fortune."

"You are making love too simple," Washu lept in. "Or perhaps too 
complicated. Love is something
that can't be expained by research and equations. Love is the most beautiful 
and painful thing
there can be." Washu wiped away a tear.

"Love is a waste of time." Kiyone stated matter of factly. "It doesn't do 
anything and takes
up energy that could be spent doing other things."

"Yet without love, life is meaningless Kiyone." Noboyuki stated quietly. 
"Love is what binds us
together and makes us human."

Kiyone gave him a scatheing glance. :This is coming from the pervert.:

"What do you think Tenchi?" Sasami asked innocently. The other girls came to 
strict attention
and began to listen closely.

Tenchi just gave a soft smile. "That love is different for everybody. The 
love my father had for my mother
is a different type of love than I have for you, for instance. The love I 
have for Ryoko is different
than the one for my grandfather. The love for Aeka, different from the love 
for my little May. It is
defining those loves that reveals the true difference."

"And how do you define them?" Aeka said stiffly.

Tenchi raised an eyebrow. "Not at the dinner table."

"Then when Tenchi." Ryoko said softly.

Tenchi sighed and stared up at the ceiling, hoping for inspiration.

"I wish I knew. Dinner was delicous Sasami. Excuse me, I have school work to 
finish before tommorrow."
He exited.

"I guess love is a very interesting thing." Sasami remarked as she began to 
clear the table.

Ryoko smiled at the little princess who was carrying Tenchi's plate at the 

"Someday Sasami, I'm sure you'll make someone a wonderful wife." She 
complimented her.

"And you make a great mother, Ryoko." Sasami returned.

Aeka snorted and began to help her sister. "Don't you mean will?"

"No, she is." Sasami said innocently, not heeding her sister's warning 
glares. "She wears herself out taking
care of Mayuka day in and day out. She really cares."

Aeka gave Ryoko a look that meant :She's only saying that to be nice.:

"Thank you Sasami. I'm glad you think so. Speaking of May, someone needs her 
diaper changed." Ryoko exited
the room her cheeks red and eyes glowing.

"Why do you say such things to her Sasami?" Aeka said disgusted.

Sasami turned to her sister with her hands on her hips. "Ryoko at least 
tries to help with Mayuka. You
don't even put forth the effort."

"It gives her something to do, so she isn't lazy all day."

Sasami cocked her head. "Your jealous, well I won't let your jealousy get in 
the way of my
friendship with Ryoko."

"I don't understand why you want to be friends with her, but I can't tell 
you to stop because it would do no good."

Sasami smiled. "I'm glad you see things that way. Would you help me with the 

Aeka's heart melted, she truly loved her sister, even if she didn't 
understand her. "Of course."


Washu sat in her lab and brooded. The night's dinner conversation had 
brought up some painful memories
for her. Memories so sharp that she was surprised that the lab floor wasn't 
covered in blood.

She shook her head, she had work to do, she needed to analyze Ryoko's 
readings, clean up the grove area, and other
little things like that.

Yet she hurt to much. Unconciously she was wiping away the tears as they 
formed. Even in her own lab, she refused
to show weakness. Her and Ryoko were similar in that respect.

Thinking of Ryoko, Washu smiled. Her joy was coming loud and clear through 
the link. A balm to her mother's
soul, an unknowing balm, but it helped.

:Oh, why does love have to be so hard?: Washu sighed.

::I don't know Washu.:: Ryoko responded.

::You weren't supposed to hear that, little Ryoko.:: Washu said, a bit 
surprised. She thought she had sheilded from her

::Cut the little stuff,:: Ryoko growled. ::I can't help that your pain is 
coming through loud and clear.::

Washu's eyes widened. But Ryoko wasn't finished.

::But I suppose that turn about is fair play, considering all that I have 
put you through some nights.::

Washu's eyes narrowed. Ryoko's mind voice laughed slightly.

::You thought I didn't know.::

::I thought I hid my tracks better than that.::

A grim wave of emotion came across the link. ::Washu, I am helpless against 
those memories and I can not get out
of them once I'm there.::

::Much like me and thoughts of my husband.:: Washu concluded.


Washu could almost see her daughter nod.

::So, will you call me Mom.:: Washu pleaded.

A wave of despair and pain came across, and Washu struggled to find 
equilibrium. Abruptly the wave was cut off.
A dead silence filled the lab, making it darker.

::I can't.:: The mind whisper can't. ::I am sorry.::

Washu broke out in weeping. ::Why? Why not?::

A hint of sadness and slight disgust mixed with anger flitted across her 
mind. ::Not if you keep hiding.::

Abruptly the link was cut off and Ryoko said no more.

"What do mean? I am right here Ryoko, I'm not hiding from anyone." Washu 
whispered to the darkness.


Tenchi was also brooding, but for different reasons. :I truly don't get 
anything in this household.:

He sat down at the desk and blankly stared at the school books it contained. 
He as a senior this year, and
he really should be studying, however he had no motivation.

:A senior in high school, and I have no clue what I want to do with my life. 
However, I have a daughter
to support and I can't live here forever.:

Tenchi groaned into his hands, :are answers to much to ask for?:

Ryoko materialized behind him without a sound. "Generally yes." she 
muttered. She shifted May.

Tenchi jumped. "I didn't know I said that a loud." Then his eyes narrowed. 
"Ryoko, what are you doing in
my room?"

Ryoko smiled catlike, then stopped abruptly, today it was no fun. "Mayuka 
wants to see her daddy." She
said and passed the child to him. "And I need a break." With that she 

Tenchi looked down at her daughter. "Well, maybe you'll understand your old 
man's problems."
Mayuka cooed and batted her eyelashes.

Tenchi snorted. "Yes, I know I'm not that old." He tickled her chin, causing 
her to laugh harder.

"Well, where shall we start? Hmm, let's see, my life and what to do with 
it?" May made a face. "No,
okay, how about the oddness of this household in general." May stuck her 
tongue out. "Your right that
would be restating the obvious. Okay, shall we consider my grandfather's 
lessons." No reaction. "Neutral
on that score huh? Okay, last problem, the girls." May brightened.

:Does she even understand?: Tenchi shrugged. "Fine, let's talk about the 

:Where to begin?: "Hmm, Sasami. . ."


Grandfather Katsuhito gently placed his cup down on its saucer and closed 
his eyes. Interesting things
were happening in the household and as usual the centered around Ryoko.

In a way that didn't surprise him because. . . of many things actually. 
Ryoko was Washu's daughter after all,
and a powerful being secondly. But there was something else, something he 
couldn't quite put
his finger on.

He picked up his tea cup and took another sip. "Good evening Ryoko." He said 

"Hello Katsuhito." She drifted around him and sat down on the other cushion, 
arms folded under her
chest. He filled another tea cup and passed it over to her.

"Something must be troubling you if you came to see me."

"Contrary to popular belief, I do not hate you and yours, Katsuhito."

"Even Ayeka."

A cool look over the rim of the tea cup. "The only way she can hurt me is 
with words, and so I take no offense
about her blows."

Katsuhito didn't even raise an eyebrow.

"However," Ryoko continued. "I didn't come to talk to you about that." She 
put her cup down with a small clank and
stared off into space. "I have changed Yosho, and I don't know quite what to 
do about it."

Katsuhito blinked. "Are you sure you've changed? Perhaps you have reverted 
or grown up." He gave her a peircing look.

Ryoko leaned back and looked at the ceiling, as if asking the local spirits 
for inspiration. :She probably is.:
Katsuhito thought amused.

"And if uncertianity about myself isn't enough, there is the still 
unresolved problems of Washu and Tenchi." She
added a bit scornfully.

"You can not change them, they can only change themselves."

"So nothing I do can influence them."

"No, you can influence them, but you can't force them to change." Katsuhito 
said patiently. Sipping yet more tea.

"So I must cultivate patience." She said crossely as she sat back up. 
Glaring at the man across from her.

Katsuhito nodded.

Ryoko snorted and returned to the ceiling. "So what about me, wise one."

Katsuhito hid a smile. "I never thought you enjoyed your old ways anyway."

Ryoko gave him a look, "some help you are?" She dissappeared, leaving only a 
half filled tea cup to prove
she had ever been.

The young/wise man went back to his meditations, as the day slowly turned to 
twilight and then to the
dark of night. Where above the cave a single star sparkled more brightly 
than anyother.


The next day started off about the same as any other. Ayeka started a 
screaming fight with Ryoko, then escalated
it into one of their power matches.

It only calmed down when Sasami called breakfast.

After which they all split up to do the various chores and duties for the 

Tenchi went to school, where the guys still picked on him for his seven day 
absence because of a female.
Tenchi generally didn't respond. He would sit there and hope that it didn't 
happen again.

Hopes are wonderful things.


Ryoko had retreated to the cherry orchard to think amoung the trees. Well 
more meditate than think.

As usual her mind drifted right to Tenchi and the ways she could get him to 
make her love her, then
out of a corner of her mind came a voice, which sounded something like her 

She sat daydreaming in her favorite tree, her eyes far way when out of the 
depths of her mind a forceful voice
began to speak.

:No, that is not how it works at all, you can not make him love you. Love is 
not a forced emotion, it is
like a young crystal. You can not force the crystals growth, you would kill 
it's evolving personality, and
at the least warp it. You can only wait for it to grow up and then let it 
become useful.: There was a moment
of mental silence as if someone else had something, but Ryoko couldn't 
remember it. :No, you are coming
at this in the wrong direction, you don't spend all your time with the 
crystal or you'll smother it. Too much
attention will kill it, give him some time. Some time to grow.:

::That is good advice Ryoko. Who said it?:: Ryo-ohki hopped onto her lap.

Ryoko began to stroke her. "I did, a long time ago. I wish I could remember 

::It is still good advice.::

"Perhaps I should follow it." Ryoko mutter wryly as a cherry blossom drifted 
past her.

::Your decision:: Ryo-ohki snuggled up against and fell asleep.

Unbidden another voice came into her head, it was perhaps more sweet than 
her own.

:'Ryoko, darling, you will not get anyone to change their veiws by bashing 
how wrong they are into them.'
Then how am I too get them to understand. 'Use persuasion and remember that 
ultimately the decision is up
to them, you can not force them to change, as much as you can not force 
anyone to love another.' Both
are choices. I think I understand. 'We shall see.':

Ryoko's mouth quirked upward into a small smile. The last comment had been 
rueful and amused. :I wonder who
she was. Seven hundred years is a long time to be imprisoned.:

She wiped away a tear before it disturbed Ryo-ohki from her slumbers. :Of 
course I was imprisoned long before that.:

"I don't understand. Where are these memories coming from? Who are they, 
what are they? I am so confused."
Ryoko began to sob. "Who am I?"

The wind and the cherry trees had no answer for the sad cyan haired girl.


Tenchi was walking home from school and walked right past where Ryoko 
usually greeted him without really
noticing she wasn't there for a second. He stopped completely and a did a 
double take at the tree she usually
leaned against.

He shook his head to clear it from the thoughts swirling around in it. 
:Where is. . . What if she. . . no, she
can't have. . .they would've called me. . .right. She's not sick, she's 
just. . .not here. She's always here.
STOP Tenchi, and try to think.:

Yet thinking came hard at times for the young prince. He stood there with 
his hand on his forehead. His fingers
drumming it, and his bag by his side.

"Tenchi? Are you okay?" A husky voice said from behind him.

Tenchi jumped and twirled on his heel, dropping into a defensive stance 
instinctively, until he saw who it was.

"Ryoko! I was worried there for a minute."

"Worried?" Her voice took a teasing note and she pointed a thumb at herself. 
"About me?"

Tenchi began to rub the back of his neck and endeavored not to stutter. 
"Well, your never late, and well, . . ."
He trailed off.

"Tenchi, that is so sweet, but well what?"

Tenchi turned a bit red. "Nothing."

Ryoko cocked her head and restrained herself from glomping him to get the 
answer. "If it has you
worried, it is not nothing. Tell me."

Tenchi looked straight into her eyes, something he rarely did. "I don't want 
you to fall sick again,
that's all."

Ryoko turned red. She began to stutter, something to do with having no 
control over it an all and it was nice
of him to be so concerned. . .

Fortuneatly Ayeka saved her before she ran out of things to say.

"Lord Tenchi, I thought perhaps you would want to see Lady Mayuka, since you 
just got home and all."

Tenchi turned to this new conversation with relief, allowing Ryoko time to 
regain her composure.
"Thank you Miss Ayeka, how has she been today?"

"Terrible." Ayeka sighed and then grimaced. "She didn't want to eat and then 
had a fit when it was time for her
nap. She screamed and screamed and refused to cooperate."

"Huh, she's never that way with me." Ryoko said a bit perplexed.

"And this lazy beast never showed up to help with her at all today." Ayeka 
added snidely.

Ryoko raised an eyebrow. "Perhaps she doesn't know your secrets, huh May."

"Stop calling her May, hussy. Her name is MAYUKA, not May." Ayeka huffed.

Tenchi hadn't really looked up from his daughter since Ayeka had given her 
to him. Now he did, "Actually,
that's kinda cute, my little May."

Ryoko glowed. She swept Tenchi's bag up and started off towards the house 
humming jauntily. Ayeka glared
at Tenchi who mock cringed. "Well it is."

Ayeka humphed and headed after Ryoko. Tenchi shook his head and began to 
take up the rear.


Tenchi sat down in front of his grandfather, he wondered if he was even 
making progress on this meditation
thing. However, today his grandfather didn't even seem to notice him, he sat 
there and just looked out
into space.

Tenchi tried not to figit. He closed his eyes and reached out with his 
senses to see what his grandfather
was doing.

It was rather amazing, for even sitting across from his grandfather, he 
could barely feel him. It was
if he had retreated so far into himself that finding him would be 
impossible. Almost as impossible as
finding a needle in a haystack.

Suddenly Tenchi had a sense of vertigo, it was as if his grandfather was 
rushing him. Tenchi raced back to his own
senses. He opened his eyes.

Katsuhito looked at him calmly. "That is an example of what you can do with 
concentration. Dismissed."

Tenchi bowed and left the room, pondering the days lesson.


Ryoko had claimed May from Ayeka "since you don't know how to handle her," 
and had taken her flying.
As they flew over the forest, Ryoko watched the ground for a good place to 
alight. Not seeing any she
turned back towards the house and at double speed flew back towards it.

She was flying over the lake, kicking up a spray of water, which wasn't that 
unusual, when something
shiny on the bottom caught her eye. It caused her stop rather abruptly, and 
as the water began to catch up
with her she phased out of existence, eyes still on that shiny something.

Still phased out of existence Ryoko passed through the water. Belatedly 
remembering May, she looked
down at the child to see her happily looking around at this new enviroment. 
Ryoko smiled, remembering
her first time underwater.


There it was again, what was it. It couldn't be any of the crystals lying on 
the bottom of the lake. Most
of them were buried in silt. Her feet touched the bottom of the lake and she 
began to walk toward the object.
A fish stopped to tease May by swimming right through her, then coming 
around and doing it again. The girls
delighted laughter made no bubbles in the water. She reached out a hand to 
touch this shiny thing, but the fish
darted out of the way last second.

Ryoko stopped and stared at the object which had caught her eye, it was a 
key. A rather
old fashioned looking key, made of white gold, for there was no tarnish on 
the metal. Exerting
the utmost control Ryoko leaned over and phased her hand into existence and 
snatched the key up. It
felt cold and solid in her hands. She brought it up close to her face for a 
closer inspection. The
key seemed to glow in the ambient light, what had sparkled was what looked 
to be a rather large
diamond at the end. Ryoko phased her hand out of existence and teleported to 
the dock, her eyes
still on the key.

:This feels familiar:, she felt the heft and ran her fingers gently over the 
metal. :The folds, the indentations
I have felt them before.:

"Oh, Ryoko there you are." Sasami chirped.

Ryoko jumped and hurridly put her hand that held the key behind her back, 
for some odd reason she didn't
want anyone to know she had it.

"Dinners ready and your the only one missing. How was your flight?" The 
young girl cocked her head and
smiled up at her.

"Good for Mayuka." Ryoko stated. As she started walking towards the house. 
"She needs the air almost as
much as I do."

Sasami nodded and turned back to the kitchen. Letting Ryoko in after her, 
Ryoko palmed the key and slipped
it up her sleeve where she wouldn't lose it.

"So, what's for dinner?"


Ayeka generally didn't brood. She was a royal princess of Juria and brooding 
wasn't supposed to be in
her nature. She was supposed to know what to do and act accordingly.

Ayeka leaned against the small desk that she shared with Sasami in their 
room and put her head on her
hands. She could feel it, the monster demon was winning. Winning her Lord 
Tenchi's heart and that must
not happen.

Yet for the life of her Ayeka couldn't figure out what Ryoko was doing to 
deserve this love.

"She has no royal blood, in fact her parent may be the greatest scientific 
genius, she is only a commoner.
So, Tenchi can not like her, or even love her." Ayeka whispered, completely 
forgetting that Tenchi once
thought himself a commoner also. "I am only imagining things, that is all. 
Tenchi still loves me and
not that demon. We are both royalty after all, we are meant to be together."

Yet somewhere in the back of her mind that nagging doubt would not shut up.


Sasami sat on the dock and swished her feet in the cool water. Tsunami's 
reflection glowed in the
light of the moon.

"Everybody's out of sorts Tsunami, and I feel so helpless."

::We are not the goddess of fate, Sasami.::

"Yet you can influence it, can't you Tsunami?" Sasami said a bit bitterly. 
She knew of all people
what Tsunami had done to Tenchi, for she had taken part.

::Yes that is true.::

"He was happy the way he was before Tsunami. Why did you do this?"

::I do what I must.::

"That is not an answer and you know it." Sasami was crying now. "They hurt 
so much."

::I am no sorry, and I wish it could be some other way.:: Tsunami's mind 
voice was tinted with

"You can't fix every mistake in the universe, not even Kami can do that."

::It is because Kami does nothing that I must interfere.:: Tsunami said 

"Perhaps he has a reason."

::Child,:: her tone was kind. ::You do not understand, and you will not 
until you are older.::

"I am sick of your saying, 'when your older,' I understand more than you 
think Tsunami." Sasami
was sobbing great sobs now.

::I wish that was so,:: Tsunami smiled gently before she dissappeared.

Sasami covered her eyes with one hand and tried to control her tears. 
Ryo-ohki sensing
her great distress began to try to comfort her. Ryo-ohki climbed into her 
lap and
began to purr.

"Why, Tsunami why?" Sasami whispered to the little cabbit, who only purred 
in response.


Tenchi stared at the ceiling, trying to figure out his grandfather did it. 
How did he make his aura
so small that nobody would notice him? Tenchi reached out and explored the 
house with his Jurai power.
Would his perspective be different, or would he be able to feel them and 
they wouldn't be able
to feel him.

Was that also how his grandfather managed to surprise so many people. By 
making his very self so small
that everyone just missed him. Tenchi had heard the phrase, 'force of 
personality,' was there some
truth to that.

:You must listen to your heart, not your brain.: Tenchi remembered. :Well 
maybe we can start this
literally: and began to listen to the beat of his heart. He imagined that 
the force that was him,
Tenchi Masaski flowed through his veins and too his heart where unlike his 
blood it pooled there.

:The words heart and soul have often been interchanged throughout history, 
along with the word spirit.:
Tenchi heard his liteature teacher lecture. His attention wanted to wander, 
but as soon as it did Tenchi
noticed that some of his 'soul' escaped from the well that he had put it in. 
He concentrated on just
keeping his soul in place.

Then he heard the whispers, whispers of his inner self. Tenchi listened and 
began to feel fear.
Knowing yourself can be a very dangerous thing.



okay, sorry if you haven't been able to get a hold of me. I change internet 
addresses a couple
weeks after I sent fate of empires01 and 02 in, and he hasn't caught it yet. 
So once again the
new address is, sorry for the inconvenience.

if it seems like it is going kind of slow, well there is a purpose to this, 
and this is evolving
into something not even I know what will happen next. (Actually I do, but I 
just don't know it yet.
Paradoxal huh?)

This is all leading up to something and the next chapter will have more 
action, I promise.
