Disclaimer and Foreword: Tenchi Muyo! and its characters are copyrights and trademarks of AIC, Pioneer, and whoever else may own the rights to it, so please don't sue me (it's not like I have any money anyway :P). However, this story is my original creation and is copyrighted by me. Please don't copy it and claim it as your own. Thanks to Tex James for Pre reading this Revision! Family and Friends! ( )= Mental thoughts " "= Verbal dialogue Chapter 7: The Trouble with Anomalies! Washu's Lab Washu was conducting an experiment on dimensional anomalies and trying to improve her sensor readings since the night she saw the Souja. She only told Tenchi so as not to alarm the others. Her daughters have slowly forgiven her for the way she got them to talk and she is feeling better about herself. Just then, an alarm started sounding. She then typed on her holo-keypad to check on this alarm. What she saw startled even her. "It can't be! I've got to get everybody out there and be ready!" Washu then telepathically called her daughters Ryoko, and Nagi, as she ran out of the lab with a med. kit. ("Ryoko, you and Tenchi, Ayeka, go get everyone up.") "Washu's sent an alert on our mind link." said Ryoko to her future husband and sister in-law. Nagi, likewise was sleeping on the couch, and flew out to the backyard with her mother called. As all in the house were awakened by the sisters, a thunderous noise emanated from above the Masaki home. A horizontal tear in space and time formed over their backyard. "Wow, That looks so pretty, is that where cheetos come from?" asked Mihoshi Kyione answered, "You idiot, you've seen these anomalies before!" Washu interrupted; "Not this type, this is an unusual one!" "Gee, thanks Little Washu, I knew it looked different, though I'm still hungry! said Mihoshi. "Sorry Mihoshi, I jumped to conclusions." apologized Kiyone! Sasami the added, "Don't worry, Mihoshi, I'll get you a snack when we're done." They fell from the sky Just then, 2 figures came through the rift at such a high speed that they struck the ground with such force That they sunk about 6 inches as they impacted the ground. Then, a flow of bright white energy flowed into each person from the opening. This went on for almost a minute, keeping everyone away. Then with the same thunderous noise, the rift closed in on itself and disappeared. Tenchi, Ryoko, Nagi and the 2 G.P. officers slowly approached the 2 forms with weapons and powers at the ready. Sasami holding a sleepy Mayuka stayed with Nobuyuki, on the patio. "OOHH!" one of the figures said as they all stopped. Tenchi, Ryoko and Nagi powered up, while Ayeka brought up her defensive shield of logs around the rest of the family. Suddenly Nagi said! "NO, NO ...IT CAN'T BE!?!" (Ryoko and Washu Could feel the anguish in her thoughts and feelings through their link!) "It's Hiro! But you died in my arms?! (pause) How can you be alive?" Was all Nagi could say. For the 2nd time in 3 weeks Nagi was thrown into a confused state, She fell to her knees, and started crying as she was touching Hiro's chest. Most of his clothes were burned off, and though he was alive, he was barely breathing. Katsurina was worse off, Tenchi, Kiyone and Mihoshi carried her to Washu's lab. Tenchi ("Ryoko, the little girl, ... she seems to look like your sister!") Ryoko shook her head in agreement! Realization Hiro was moving slowly putting his elbows under him, shaking hs head as he slowly focused on the scene around him as smoke rose from his burnt clothes. Nagi saw an older more mature Hiro than the one she remembered. "Where am I?" asked a weak Hiro He turned around and focused on the person next to him weeping. As vision cleared he saw a familiar face. Hiro: "MY GOD?! (with a smile on his face) He then slowly wrapped an arm around Nagi and started to cry too. They stayed there crying in each other's arms. Hiro then said; "Am I dreaming, is that you my love? He brought her face to look into her eyes. "You look ... so young!" Nagi, could only give a happy, but confused look to him. "But How can you be here, how can I be here?" With tears in his eyes, Hiro then said, "Is this the afterlife?" Washu answered; "No, but it is another universe, (pause) not your own!" Hiro: "Oh, and here I thought I was dead!" (in a Deadpan manner) with that said, he weakened and collapsed again! Nagi: picked him up and held him in her arms. She was crying, tears streaming! Nagi was Crying), "Hiro, please wake up, PLEASE," she said loudly. Ryoko and I felt the emotions from her and went to comfort her. I could feel for her too, but I had to focus on keeping these 2 alive. Recovery Nagi was feeling conflicting emotions as Washu worked on the man she knew as her dead love Hiro. She also questions about the young girl who fell with him from the rift. She was at Hiro's side feeling both joy and trepidation, ("How did he come back, Is he the Hiro she knew?). Then she looked at the child, ("My God, she does look like me!") saying to herself. Ryoko Looked up at that thought to see the confused look on her sister's face. ("We'll find out what happened soon! You know Mom doesn't like mysteries!") Nagi nodded at the silent message from her sister. changing subjects Nagi then thought ("Ryoko, I don't hate you anymore, you know that right?") Ryoko, in her characteristic tone replied; ("Hey what are sister's for You love them you hate them, but they will always be there for each other when the time comes!") Ryoko then put a hand on Nagi's shoulder with a caring look, and then she went back to helping their mother with the 2 patients. Reaction It was a sunday morning, so most of the house was sleeping in the living room waiting for news of the strangers who fell from the sky! Suddenly the door to Washu's door flew open and Ryoko called out for all to follow her into the lab (Kiyone clasped Mihoshi's hands not only for support, but to make sure she didn't touch anything in Washu's lab!) Hiro started to wake up. He found himself on a floating bed with various wires and machines connected to him. He sat up asking for his daughter. "She's right next to you" answered Nagi He then saw who was talking and nearly fainted again! "Nagi my love, is that you?" asked a confused Hiro! He reached out his hands to hug her, Nagi also did the same, and for several moments both were in happy, happier than either of them had been for a long time. Then Washu spoke: "Well you two seem to know each other!" Then Hiro realize what Was said earlier that day. He spoke "Nagi, It can't be you!" he said, I saw you die 1 week ago in the commuter train accident." Nagi then reacting to what Hiro said, added; " Hiro, ... I saw you die when Ryoko destroyed Spralex VI over 700 years ago! She looked very perplexed! "Spralex VI, I have never heard of that place! I haven't even been out of Japan my whole life. so where is this Spralex VI? Is that north of Tokyo?" asked a now thoroughly confused Hiro. Nagi: (in just as a confused voice replied) "It's 20 light years away from The Planet Jurai!" Hiro was slowly comprehending the value of Nagi's last comment! "You aren't MY Nagi, are you? Hiro with a sad and confused look. "And you aren't My Hiro, are you? Nagi had the same look. Both Shook their heads No. The looked away from each other dejectedly . (Ryoko, and the others felt her anguish on the mind link, they tried to comfort her) After a few moments Washu spoke: "Well, I can tell you both that even though you aren't each others mates, you do seem to have the same feelings, or what you would call a soul or spirit, as well as an exact match down to your DNA signatures. The only thing that is different is that Hiro and his daughter have a different dimensional phase shift." Nagi and Hiro looked at Washu with a questioning look. Washu sighed and said: "For all intents and purposes you are the same person, you only had different experiences, that's all!" Nagi: (Could he still be interested in me?) she thought Hiro thought; (Could she be my love, even here?) They looked at each other with a look of hope. Reality Washu's statement slowly sunk in, To Nagi it meant that even if this Hiro wasn't hers, he still had the same spirit as his counterpart. She also saw that both her and Hiro were married, and her counterpart had a child with him. Hiro was thinking similar thoughts. Hiro then asked Nagi: "I would suggest that we all get some sleep and later today we need to talk! Do you agree?" asked Hiro? Nagi answered: "Well, I would like to know you. You look, and sound so much like him, (Pause) OK, I'll meet you after dinner, in the patio." So plans were made to meet then. As things settled down Wash wanted some questions answered. "Well, you know my daughter in your dimension, do Ya?" Hiro looked at the diminutive scientist. Yes she was a younger version of his mother in law. She thought of this as he answered her. "I was married to Nagi for 15 years, and Kat, gesturing to the young girl in the next bed, is our only daughter. Nagi looked with utter disbelief at the prone girl. "This is a daughter I didn't have, but I did in another dimension. I didn't even think about this." thought Nagi. This quickly upset her gesturing to the young girl in the next bed. She excused herself out of the lab, Washu then sent the rest of the family away and asked Ryoko to tend to her sister while she continued questioning Hiro. Lunchtime Discussion As All heard the stunning story later at lunch. Hiro told of his wife dying only a week before. his Nagi dying. Then appearance of the rift, and the subsequent elimination of his whole dimension. Mihoshi then asked why there was all this light flowing into him when he landed? "I don't know about that. I only know some voice telling me and Kat to go through the rift, or we would die, and then feeling like a huge balloon filling up with too much air! The pain was excruciating, and after that they passed out, next thing he knew, they were on the ground. After listening to this, Washu pulled out her keypad from sub-space, clearly disturbing Hiro who was not used to this, while all the others, used to this, looked on with no reaction to it at all. "Well," said Washu "Through my scans, I can confirm that you are indeed from another dimension. I can also confirm that you, and your daughter do have an astronomical amount of energy stored inside you, from that dimension!" With that last statement, Hiro started to laugh! "You mean (between chuckles) I am a human storage battery for some cosmic energy?" Washu answered "Hey you really are with it, Yes that is exactly what you are! You and Kat posses the positive energy from your destroyed dimension. Hiro was confused, "But why only the positive energy? Where did the negative energy go?" Washu answered, "Good question! I should have an answer soon!" After realizing what Washu confirmed, there was a pause from Hiro, and he then asked about his daughter Katsurina! "Is she ok?" Washu Answered: "Well , she has a few cuts and bruises, but she will be ok! "Though I, nor my machines, are the reason she is getting better! "What do you mean?" Asked Hiro. Washu then asked; "Have you heard of the word redundancy?" "Yes, when there's a backup or self repairing system built into a product or mechanism!" Washu: Katsurina, and you both seemed to have developed that in your physiology! Kiyone asked: "You mean their bodies can self repair themselves? Like your daughters?" "You got it on the nose, so to speak!" Answered Washu! (Hey I Like this guy, hope I can get Nagi to bag him!) An Alarm sounded next to Washu' Lab entrance. Washu, Tenchi, and Hiro were discussing the past day's events in the living room. Washu spoke to Hiro, "Well, I see you daughter is stirring, I'll let you back into my lab and you can be next to her as she wakes up!" "Thanks, Washu!" Hiro then made his way to her lab. Washu held his arm and said: "I would be ever so grateful if you would call me Little Washu!" "OK, (Hiro had a confused look again) Thanks, Little Washu!" Awakening Kat slowly opened her eyes hoping that nightmare she was living through would end. She focused on the first face she saw, it was her smiling father, with a tear of relief in his eye. They hugged and slowly he explained to her where, what and how they were in the Masaki home. While this was going on, Sasami came in to tell everybody breakfast was ready. "But Daddy, we are Masaki's aren't we?" asked Kat This brought about a stunned look from all there! Kiyone changed clothes to her GP uniform for morning Patrol. "You mean your name is Hiro Masaki!?" "Yes! This is Okoyama, Japan right?" asked Hiro Sasami then said happily "Then we are all related, even though your from another dimension, you're still a Masaki!" As Washu tended to Kat and Hiro and later decided to tell them about the Souja and Kendo. The rest exchanged information about each others families and within an hour all was getting back to normal, as normal as this house can get! Sleeping Arrangements Kat would sleep with Ayeka and Sasami, Hiro With Tenchi, which did not please Ayeka, or Ryoko who had been sleeping only with Tenchi since his proposal, but they understood. [And before any Hentai'a=s say anything, their sleeping ONLY!] (At least until an additional room is built.) "Thanks Tenchi, I really didn't want to impose on you all." said Hiro "That's no problem, as Sasami said your family!" ( Tenchi was just glad to have another male who he could talk to! ) Kat was given the tour of the family's home by Sasami. Kat marveled at the slight differences between this home and her own. Tenchi took Hiro to meet his grandfather at the shrine. At the Onsen When Sasami was taking Kat to the Onsen, they found Ryoko trying to comfort a upset Nagi! MOMMY,MOMMY,MOMMY!! Came the call from Kat as she dove in clothes, and all hugging Nagi fiercely, knocking Ryoko to the pool all with a thud and a splash!! Nagi was completely stunned and at first tried to get away. But when she wheeled around to face Kat, the girl was now crying hysterically, she let out a sigh and hugged her back, both now in the water of the Onsen. Ryoko recovered and almost lashed out at Kat, until she saw crying in nagi's arms! She glanced at her sister who made eye contact, and gave her a consoling look! Ryoko had felt the power Kat had when she threw her out of the way. (That kid's got some power. I'll need to tell Mom ASAP!) she then took in the special sight of a daughter reclaiming her mother, while that woman was comforting a child not her own, ... yet of her. Surprise As Hiro and Tenchi came up to the shrine, Yosho (as he does many times) jumped out to challenge Tenchi. In an instant Yosho was flying about 15 meters up the stairs to the shrine, as a result of an split second decision of Hiro's shoving Yosho with power he didn't know he had. As he was startled he put his hands out in front of him, then a ball of energy formed and fired at Yousho, who wheeled up and over as the ball passed inches from his head. Tenchi froze for a moment them ran to his Grandfather askin him, "Grandpa are you all right?" Hiro apologized profusely "Oh I'm so sorry!" Yosho replied; "I'm OK Tenchi, I see we have a powerful new visitor!" Tench then said; "Yes, Grandfather, This is Hiro Masaki, he's from another dimension. He is from the Masaki Clan there." With that statement, Yosho knelt down and started praying, perplexing Hiro and Tenchi. Hiro turned to Tenchi. "Does he do this with all your visitors?" Tenchi replied. "No, He usually invites them to to our the shrine and have some tea!! Tenchi then raised his voice as to alert Yosho, at that moment, Yosho got up and said, "You being here my clansman, means that the Masaki prophesy is being fulfilled!" Tenchi asked sarcastically.: "Don't tell me Grandpa, this is one of those family legends that you didn't tell us about earlier? Grandpa just smiled and slowly shook this head yes. With that both Tenchi and Hiro looked at each other and grabbed the back of their heads in confusion! On the Souja: Behind the Moon A tall dark figure asked a question of his ship's computer; "Has all the dark matter from dimension 4436 been gathered?" asked Lord Kendo computer voice replied. "Yes, It is now being transferred to the injection module by your previous order!" "Very well, begin the transfer process as soon as I have connected myself to the module, understood? computer voice: "Yes sir Lord Kendo!" Lord Kendo then smirked: "Now very soon Washu you and yours will suffer for what you've done to me and my father!!" A Maniacal laugh filled the huge ship as the tall dark man headed for the lab and his destiny! Now enjoy and see what happens In the next Chapter #8, "Learning to Love Again"