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Ever After

Chapter 3:  You ever hear the one about the blond and the G.P. Cruiser?

	Officer Mitsuki sipped her tea enjoying the opportunity to converse with a 
member of the Jurain royal family.  Her partner, Motashiwa, a member of the 
Special Crimes Division, was showing the exact opposite response, his entire 
body tense as he searched the room for any threat. A standard trait of a 
young Tigeran.
	The Tigerans were one of the oldest races to join the Galaxy Police and 
over two hundred million officers in the service.  Their shaggy feline face 
and prominent nose distinctive throughout the galaxy screamed cop.  Born 
predators with lightning reflexes they made up the majority of the posts in 
the special crimes division as well as a large number of the command 
positions in the G.P.
	Office Mitsuki was full Jurian and personally thrilled by the chance to 
talk to the prince next in line for the throne.  She could always use 
another sponsor to push her up to the next pay grade.  This trip though, had 
its definite draw backs, she would be forced to work with Kiyone again, and 
since the Tokimi incident Kiyone, and even her partner Mihoshi, had been 
promoted over her.  A disgrace that Mitsuki was sure had Kiyone laughing at 
her.  It was for that reason she had been assigned with Motashiwa who 
outranked Kiyone.  Taking another sip of the tea Prince Yosho was serving 
she tried to calmly answer the questions  he kept asking on their reasons 
for arriving on such an out of the way planet as Earth.
	"As I said.  We're here to inspect the colonist population to see if they 
are ready to be brought into the rest of the galaxy."  Motashiwa explained 
	"In other words the G.P. finally found a loop hole.  You have been wanting 
to get more officers on Earth for a long time now.  Especially after the 
Kagoto and Tokimi incidents."
	"Sir, the Jurian Council gave the G.P. permission to do an initial contact 
with the natives and to make periodic observations of the colonists to asses 
their situation.  It's a standard contract for a seeded colony."  Mitsuki 
explained as the feline head of her partner nodded in agreement.
	Yosho paused for a second to blow on his tea.  "A loop hole."
	Mitsuki bowed her head in surrender.  It was better not to offend her host 
arguing over something that he was right about.
	The door to the storage area under the stairwell opened and Washu the 
greatest scientist in the galaxy poked her head out of a different dimension 
	"Lord Katsuhito our two resident officers are going to crash into this 
house in about a minute.  Would you care to continue your conversation at my 
	"Thank you, Miss Washu."  He said gathering up the tea items.
	"What do you mean, who's going to crash into the house."  Asked Mitsuki as 
her voice's pitch rapidly grew higher.
	"Hmm,"  Yosho replied walking towards Washu.  Carrying the tea set with 
him.  "Miss Washu do you have a couple extra cups."  He asked as he walked 
from one dimension to another.  Followed by the two bewildered G.P. 
officers.  Washu shut the door behind them and opening a minor portal to a 
cupboard pulling out a cup for herself which she proffered to Yosho, and 
then sat down around the chabudai (low table) to sip her tea.


	"Um... Kiyone, are you alright?"  Mihoshi asked her partner who was 
swearing under her breath about her life, her partner, and of course her 
chances for promotion as their specially designed, by Washu, G.P. Patroller 
began picking up speed as it began  reentry.  Safety harnesses latched them 
both firmly into place and L.C.L. filled the cockpit.


	The dreaded shopping had taken less time then Noboyuki had envisioned.  
he was already planning out what he would do for the rest of the night.  
First, catch up on his Manga that had been piling up in a corner.  Then a 
wonderful dinner prepared by Sasami.  And finally some television.  All 
plans were subject to change of course.  But ever since Tenchi had left his 
plans had been more and more successful.  No more walls exploding or being 
constantly hounded for money.  Life was good.
	He turned the car off the highway and headed down the country lane only a 
few minutes now from home.  Sasami sat next to him on the passenger seat 
talking to Ryo-Ohki about the friends they had made today.  Noboyuki only 
listening with half an ear move interested in the music on the radio.
	"Ryo-Ohki look, a falling star, make a wish."  Sasami pointed to a bright 
light streaking through the atmosphere.  Noboyuki didn't bother to make a 
wish his was already coming true, a few minutes of relaxation.
	The light sped up as it approached, impacting into the ground a few 
kilometers directly in front of the car.
	"I think Kiyone let Mihoshi pilot again."  Sasami stated with a big sigh.
	"My night of rest!"  Moaned Noboyuki.


	"Base this is O.P. 2.  What the hell was that, over!"  A voice yelled over 
the scrambled radio.
	"O.P. 2 this is Base.  Radar confirms it was a Galaxy Police Patrol 
Cruiser.  Someone let Mihoshi pilot, over."   The base answered one of the 
observation points surrounding the valley.  Knowing that the rest of the 
O.P.s were listening too.
	"Base, roger.  O.P.  2 out."


	"Um, Miss Washu, you mind if we come in."  Mihoshi called into the only 
remaining door of the Masaki house, before entering the sub dimension, 
followed by Kiyone who was doing her personal impression of the walking 
	"Come on in and have some tea."  Offered Yosho as Washu tapped on her 
computer releasing the nano machines to rebuild the house.
	"Washu, I seem to have broke my ship could you fix it again please.  Oh, 
hi, that's great the police are already here.  Can you help us with the 
accident report."  Mihoshi began to go into one of here monologues.  Which 
finally snapped Kiyone out of her daze as she began rapidly searching her 
pockets for her blaster or yo-yo.
	"Mi...ho...shi!"  Kiyone yelled at the top of her voice.
	"It wasn't my fault."  Mihoshi looked up at Kiyone with big saucer eyes.  
Tears leaking out the sides.
	Kiyone paused, and for the first time in her life she actually agreed with 
Mihoshi.  It had been her who had set the auto pilot and the route had been 
clear.   Was Mihoshi starting to rub off on her.  No, that couldn't be it, 
after all she had to show Mitsuki who the best officer in her class was... 
Hold on wasn't that Mitsuki over there drinking tea with Yosho.  A switch 
went off in her mind activating "This is not happening..."  mode as she 
turned around to walk outside into the smoldering ruins of the Masaki house. 
  Her partner the tears having stopped as suddenly as they appeared accepted 
a cup of steaming tea from Yosho.
	"So your the infamous Mihoshi."  Inquired Motashiwa, for the first time 
believing all the rumors he had heard about her.
	"Really... I'm famous.  I knew it would happen soon.  After me and Kiyone 
helped stop Tokimi and I stopped Kagoto I just knew it would happen.  Are 
you talent scouts.  Well I have to tell you that I'm not leaving Earth and 
that's final."  Mihoshi said ecstatically bouncing from one side of the room 
to the other.
	"No, we are not talent scouts we're Galaxy Police.  Can't you tell by the 
uniform."  Mitsuki cut in as Washu began massaging her temples, wondering 
how Kiyone put up with the feather head in their cramped space ship.  She 
was quite sure that she would have invented some sort of particle ray and 
flushed what remained of Mihoshi down the toilet after just a few hours.
	"Oh, that's too bad."  Mihoshi replied crushed that her great dream of 
being a Vid star were ruined once again.  For the ten seconds she could keep 
the conversation in her memory.
	"Mihoshi this is Officer Mitsuki and Officer Motashiwa they found a loop 
hole in the Jurian prohibition of any more G.P. officers on Earth and are 
here to spy on us."  Yosho said trying to stave off another round of Mihoshi 
putting her foot sideways into her mouth.
	"Mitsuki... I know that name from some where...  Oh yes didn't you go to 
the G.P. academy with Kiyone?"
	"How in the name of the Galaxy Academy did you remember that?"  Asked a 
shocked Washu.
	"Because Kiyone once told me that the only person she had ever met who was 
more annoying then me was Mitsuki."  Mihoshi told them with normal 
thoughtlessness. Washu and Yosho both turned towards Mitsuki at the same 
time with a shocked expression on their faces.  They watched as Mitsuki's 
face balled up into anger as she rapidly began to search for a firearm.
	"I'm going to kill her, I swear it!"  She said waving her unholstered 
weapon as she headed out the door.  Running into Sasami.
	"Hi, everybody... Oh we've got guests."  Sasami said as she entered the 
room followed by Ryo-Ohki, still in human form, and Noboyuki looking like 
some one had rained on his parade.  All three of them were pushed out of the 
way by an enrage Mitsuki as she charged out of Washu's sub dimension onto 
Earth.  Hunting her prey.
	"What was that all about?"  Asked a bewildered Sasami.
	"Miya?"  Ryo-Ohki puzzled asked as well.
	"It's all my fault."  Mihoshi cried out as huge buckets of water poured 
from her eyes.  A bewildered Motashiwa sipped his tea thinking about the 
words he would have to have with his partner come tomorrow.  And this was 
suppose to be a boring assignment.
	"Shouldn't we try to stop her."  Asked Washu as Noboyuki, Sasami, and 
Ryo-Ohki sat down around the chabudai, accepting cups from Yosho.
	"Not enough energy."  Replied Noboyuki.
	"Miya."  Ryo-Ohki said snuggling up to Sasami who had already fallen 
tea cup in hand.
	"Mihoshi could you go find Kiyone and warn her?"  Asked Yosho.
	"Ok."  The tears that had been flowing out of her eyes stopping as 
as they had started.  Putting down her cup Mihoshi headed out into the 
cleared area where the house had recently stood.
	"By any chance is this how your day normally goes?"  Motashiwa asked.
	"Just wait tell Tenchi and the other two get her."  Washu interjected, 
Noboyuki and Yosho nodding their heads in agreement.


	"Sasami, you really should be heading for bed now if you want to be fresh 
for school tomorrow, that goes for you to Ryo-Ohki."  Noboyuki said shaking 
her awake during a lull in conversation.  They had been discussing the 
rebuilding of the Galaxy Police Headquarters after the war with Tokimi.  The 
Galaxy Academy had been put in charge of the design and rebuilding of the 
new station.  Unfortunately, due to a number of bureaucratic foul ups 
construction had barely begun.  Resulting in a bottle neck in the 
reconstruction of the G.P. fleets that had been destroyed in the war.
	"Yes, sleep well because the future awaits."  Yosho put in with another 
of his words of wisdom.
	"I'll see everyone tomorrow morning."  Sasami said sleepily as she stood 
and headed back out into the clean living room followed by a quiet Ryo-Ohki.
	"Well now that their gone pull out the saki, Washu, and none of that 
mix of yours."  Noboyuki said as the door closed.
	Sasami pulled herself up the stairs glad that she no longer had to keep up 
the appearance of being cheerful failing to even notice Ryo-Ohki following 
her.  She took her time preparing for bed making sure that everything was 
laid our for tomorrow.  Her mind finally returning to the vision from this 
afternoon.  She tried to dismiss it as a impossible to interpret vision or 
one that she was misinterpreting.  That had happened before.  But never one 
that had been this sharp or easy to understand.  The prophesy could be 
wrong, prophecies were just as flexible as the future.  Yosho had told her 
that the future waited for her.  Sasami shuddered at the thought.
	"Ryo-Ohki could you... would you.... become your cabbit form please."  
Sasami asked her best friend and shadow.  Ryo-Ohki reached into her long 
brown hair and pulled out the ribbon that held her in the human looking 
form.  She slowly morphed into the furred humanoid form and then in a second 
was the cute rabbit/cat mixture.  Which meowed and then jumped into Sasami's 
arms.  For the first time all evening Sasami felt happy and comforted 
snuggling into her futon as she cradled Ryo-Ohki to her like an amulet 
against nightmares.


	"Sir, we've lost all comms with monitor satellite 003948529 in the 
system."  The Jurian tech officer said calling her commander over to the 
work station.  "What?  We just lost 30.   And there goes 31."
	"Can you give me any pictures from that system."  The Admiral approached 
having heard the commotion.
	"I've still got 32 and 33 in that system.  Putting them on screen now."  
Two holographic monitors suddenly appeared above her workstation each 
showing a limited view of stars a radar, and hyperspace scan of the Farreach 
system.  Satellite 32 suddenly showed its view of stars blocked by pitch 
blackness and its radar screen go to hash.  Then nothing.  "There went 32."  
The tech officer said playing with her computer.  The holographic displayed 
given off by 33 suddenly enlarged to take up the space 32 had been filling.  
Its radar began to fill up showing hundreds of ships before it too went to 
hash and blanked out.
	"Do we have any ships in that system?"  The admiral asked the tech 
	She tapped a second on her computer.  "No sir, nothing within ten 
	"Compile all the information on what the satellites got and give it to me 
as soon as possible.  How many ships were their before we lost the 
	"Approximately ten."
	"What, their were hundreds of radar echoes."
	"Those weren't a hundred small ships sir, those were ten 50 mile long 
carrier ships."  She announced shocked, turning around in time to see her 
whole command group run out the main doors towards the center of the palace.

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This is Version 2!
As always all suggestions comments to STRIKESTWICE@HOTMAIL.COM.  Have a good 