Note: heheh, I'm baaaack. Er, nothin' much to say... uhhh... yah. You know thr drill. /*\*/*\*/*\*/*\*/*\*/*\*/*/*\*/*\*/*\*/*\*/*\*/*\*/**/*\*/*\*/*\*/*\*/*\*/*\*/**/*\*/*\*/*\*/*\*/*\ Needless to say, the inhabitants of the Masaki residence were surprised. Tecnhi and Ryoko were drenched, and Washu got 'some of dis' too. Ayeka had shielded Sasami and Ryo-Ohki. "That was loud," Mihoshi yawned as she tottered out of the house. "What were you doing Ryo-Ohki?" "Miya." Ryo-Ohki pawed at Mihoshi's pants leg. The surface of the pond was gradually calming again. "H-hey.. someone was in that spaceship.." Tenchi sputtered, standing up and trying, in vain, to loosen Ryoko from his side. He took a step toward the pond, but a head broke the surface. "Yak! Nice going, Tsaraara." Cried a woman who was struggling on the surface. The water beside her bubbled and another head, very much different from the first, appeared gracefully and rose out until the whole being was floating above the water. "It's not my fault. Swim. You'll need to." She floated to the shore, and for the first time noticed the confused people staring at her. "Uhh... hi." "Miyaa!" cried a black cabbit as it, too, broke the surface. The woman who couldn't fly grabbed it and set it on her shoulders. She then continued to swim ashore. She noticed everyone staring. "Yeesh, Tsaraara, you knew there were people here, didn't you?" she shook her gray head as the stumbled onto the shore. Tsaraara nodded. "I had a feeling we would be in need of assistance, Ariac." She turned to Tenchi in a very businesslike manner and held out her hand. "As I see you know our names, I hope you'll be able to house us?" "HOUSE YOU!?" Ayeka cried. "HOUSE YOU!?" there are six people living here already! Six people and a monster! >From her place at Tenchi's side, Ryoko snorted. "Really, Ayeka, you shouldn't call yourself names." Ariac was very confused now. She stroked the black cabbit on her shoulder and watched with interest at the squabble taking place. "I was addressing YOU AND YOU KNOW IT!!" Ayeka shrieked, trembling in rage. "You where? Could've fooled me." Ayeka cried out and broke the broom over her knee. ("Hey! That was a nice broom!" Sasami mumbled.) "Ooooh, temper, temper princess, you should lighten up." Ryoko teased, tightening her grip on Tenchi and resting her head on his shoulder. Tenchi squirmed. This really infuriated Ayeka. She gave another cry and flung the broom pieces to the side. An army of miniature logs appeared behind her. "Azaka! Kamadake! Come here now! Get your hands off him you MONSTER!" she shrieked. Two larger logs appeared at her side, one with a gem on its surface and it name below the gem. "Yes princess." They said simultaneously. "You wanna fight?" Ryoko said loudly, a grin starting on her face. "Girls, PLEASE!" cried Nobuyuki Masaki, Tenchi's father, as he stepped from the house. "We have guests." Ayeka sighed and her log army disappeared. Azaka and Kamadake nodded, as best they could, and floated off to the side. Ryoko shrugged and once again plastered herself at Tenchi's side. "Now, ladies," said Mr. Masaki, grinning. "I trust you crash-landed here. Tsaraara nodded. "Yes, we did. My ship was malfunctioning. I ran into a computer grenade, and we crashed. Long story." She waved a hand as Mr. Masaki opened his mouth again. "When you have time, I'd like to hear it." Washu said, eyes sparkling. "They still use computer grenades?" Tsaraara looked at Washu, confused. She walked up to her and knelt slightly. "'Scuse me, little girl?" Washu blinked, then grinned. "Oh, um, yes, well, I am Washu, the greatest scientific Genius in the universe!" she struck a gallant pose as puppets A and B appeared behind her. "Washu you are the greatest!" A said. "The greatest in the universe!" B said. "Introductions later." Ariac interrupted. "We, meaning me, Ariac, Tsaraara, and Nat'retak were wondering if you had a spare room for us to sleep in?" Mr. Masaki frowned and scratched his head. "Actually, no, but do you think you could make due with our living room? We might be able to fit you all in." Ariac was surprised with his eagerness. "Th.. thanks, I guess. It'll only be for one night. Mr. Masaki grinned cheerily and threw his arm about Ariac's shoulders. "There aren't any motels or civilization for miles. You'll need to stay with us for a while.." he walked her into the house, talking. Nat'retak jumped down from her shoulder and trotted up to Sasami. Washu and Tsaraara were already engaged in a conversation. They walked off to the lab. "I'd better go protect Ariac." Ayeka sighed. She cast one contemptuous glance back at Ryoko, who snuggled even closer, if possible, to Tenchi. Sasami patted Nat. "I think I'd better... uhh.. go to the carrot fields." Tenchi said, starting to inch away from Ryoko as best as he could. "Oh, let me go with you!" she pleaded, clinging to him. Her clothes were still soaking and her hair limp. When she noticed this, she grimaced slightly and snapped her fingers. She was dry again. "All right, if you let me go." He sighed. Ryoko grinned enthusiastically and phased out. "Can I help too, Tenchi?" Sasami asked. "Sure." Ryo-Ohki jumped over to Nat-retak. "Miya Miyaa?" Nat nodded. "Myaa!" The two cabbits set off after the humans. Onward to the carrot field! ****************************************************************************** Closing Note: Short, neh, but you like? HHmm? Yiis yiss? Noo noo? Once again, I beg of you, FEEDBACK! I LIVE ON FEEDBACK! P.S.: That is my real address. It means 'Phantom K' in japenese. My e-mail was supposed to be 'Phantom kangaroo', but that was too long.