Author: Mike Fenton Title: AFS #11 (FORTUNE-HUNTER SILLINESS) Notes: Regular (OVA), script format Summary: The Juraian fleet is menaced by rogues while the Pirates return to the fortress. [Disclaimer: Tenchi Muyo! and its characters are the property of AIC and Pioneer LDC, Inc. and was created by Masaki Kajishima. This story comes entirely from my imagination, and is strictly intended to be apocryphal--so please don't sue me.] 1 EXT. MASAKI HOUSE A night sky. Clouds drift past a full moon. 2 INT. MAIN HALL (sofa) Tenchi is writing. Ayeka is sitting next to him, reading a book. Tenchi looks up, lost in thought. TENCHI: You think Ryoko knows? AYEKA: Hmm? TENCHI: (very casual) There's no need to play dumb with me, Ayeka. I thought it was pretty clever the way you played Ryoko like that. First, you lure her to the palace by leaking information to Kagato, then you make it look like an accident--so your brother will have no choice but to go after her. You didn't expect her to pop up on Earth and ruin things with him, but you outwitted her again. Ayeka looks numb with shock. TENCHI: (still casual, smiling) It seemed a little strange, but then I thought about who had the most to gain by Kagato suddenly popping up on Earth, like that. At first, I thought it was Ryoko, but then I realized it must have been you, again. AYEKA: (annoyed) Now, you're just being silly. I did not even have a way of contacting him. TENCHI: (smirking) Yeah, that's what I thought, at first. But then, I realized that you must have encountered him before in all your travels. You could not have evaded him, and he would not have passed up an opportunity like that--not when the 'secrets' of the Juraian royal family might fall into his hands with just the right set of moves. AYEKA: (a little startled) Oh my god! Kagato tracked Ryo-Oh! TENCHI: (wryly amused) Don't tell me this is news to you, Ayeka. You helped him, didn't you? Ayeka sputters with anger. TENCHI: (rolling his eyes) Then, when things weren't working out, you panicked and wrote that ridiculous manifesto. Ayeka screams and claws out at Tenchi. 3 ABSTRACT Ayeka and Kagato are suspended in a sea of black. KAGATO: Admit it! AYEKA: No! You're not Tenchi! You're not even alive! 4 INT. AYEKA'S CABIN Ayeka sits up in her bed, surrounded by many of her old Juraian things, as she was in the Ryo-Oh. She looks around for a moment, getting her bearings. AYEKA: (VO) I'm going insane. Why is this happening? 5 TITLE: "EPISODE 11: FORTUNE-HUNTER SILLINESS" 6 EXT. NEAR RUINS The ruins of the old fortress entrance have been mostly cleared away, and part of a new entrance has already been built--a makeshift pavilion with a strange yurt sitting next to it. A couple of uniformed figures are standing guard, as another pair of similarly dressed figures approach them. 7 INT. PAVILION An ordinary table sits at the center, surrounded by uniformed figures. The two figures that have just entered flicker and disappear, leaving the others in a state of confusion. 8 EXT. NEARBY HILLSIDE The two figures appear and reveal enough of themselves to see clearly--Hytho and Kardanna. Hytho takes a small pair of binoculars out and looks. HYTHO: They're ready. Kardanna takes out a small device and studies it. KARDANNA: Good. My claimants just arrived. HYTHO: I see what you meant, now. KARDANNA: (grinning) Time for my audacity. Hytho puts away the binoculars. HYTHO: I'd say you're overdoing it, again. 9 EXT. NEAR RUINS Several uniformed officers suddenly approach the guards. FIRST OFFICER: Get down! It's an all-out assault! We need to clear this area! Behind them appears a small army of Rangers, raiders, Academy researchers and Galaxy Police. 10 INT. TENCHI'S BEDROOM Tenchi is sitting in bed, sketching. Ryoko appears, and hovers, curiously. RYOKO: Still? How long are you going to do that? TENCHI: Ryoko, I'm inspired. It's not every day that I can fill an entire book. RYOKO: Don't tell me you're upset about Ayeka. TENCHI: (pleasantly wistful) Actually, Ryoko, I'm in a very good mood. I just felt like drawing--that's all. RYOKO: (a little suspicious) So, you're not worried at all? TENCHI: (continuing his sketch) Ryoko, this is Ayeka we're talking about. She'll find some reason or another to come back. It's just a matter of time. RYOKO: (frowning) So, you're not even worried about all the chaos going on out there? TENCHI: (looking up) Chaos? 11 EXT. NEAR RUINS A mob of people have accumulated, arguing and fighting with each other. 12 EXT. NEARBY HILLSIDE Kardanna and Hytho start to move away. KARDANNA: Time to get back. HYTHO: Right. 13 EXT. SPACE A couple flights of Juraian warships escort a cruiser. 14 INT. CRUISER Ayeka leaves her cabin and enters the cockpit, finding Sasami asleep at the diagnostic console. Ayeka sits at the navigation chair and promptly falls asleep, in spite of an incessant beeping. 15 EXT. NEARBY HILLSIDE Tenchi, Ryoko and Ryo-Ohki (in cabbit form) go up to inspect the scene. Tenchi still has his sketch book. TENCHI: Wow. They're really going at it. RYOKO: I don't suppose there's really anything we can do. Tenchi turns and looks around, stopping to observe something in another direction. He then starts running down a path in that direction. RYO-OHKI: Miya? RYOKO: I wonder... 16 EXT. JURAIAN HILLSIDE Ayeka is chasing a small animal down a hill, and stops beside a small lake. An island is in the middle--where a large tree grows--and several large stones make a path up to it. Ayeka crosses the path of stones and looks up at the tree. As she turns away, the sky suddenly grows dark, and a large sphere of motes of light swirl around her. AYEKA: Tsunami? Ayeka confronts a glowing image of Tsunami--hovering over the lake. TSUNAMI: Something is troubling you, Ayeka. I can tell. AYEKA: It really is you. TSUNAMI: Only in a dream. But you are uneasy. Ayeka cringes, unable to look away. TSUNAMI: There's no need for you to be afraid, Ayeka. I see all things. You are troubled by your fate, but you need not be. AYEKA: (looking down) I'm not. TSUNAMI: (very gentle) Yes, you are. You are seeing me, in fact, because your heart longed for nothing else. So, if it is not fate, then why are you troubled, Ayeka? Ayeka hesitates for a moment. AYEKA: Is it my fate to pursue people? TSUNAMI: Yes. AYEKA: And never to catch them? TSUNAMI: Yes. AYEKA: (a little flustered) 'Yes?' That is all? TSUNAMI: (almost irritated) Ayeka, it isn't whether you pursue that should bother you. It's whether you have turned toward a dangerous path within yourself. AYEKA: (a little snide) I suppose you think I'm going backward. TSUNAMI: (smiling) Backward would be an improvement. Tsunami approaches Ayeka, slowly stepping across the water. TSUNAMI: But where you're heading, Ayeka, is neither forward nor backward. Think about it. Jurai has nothing more than endless bickering and pointless vendettas. Is that what you want to pursue for the rest of your life? Ayeka takes a step back, as Tsunami stands within arm's length. TSUNAMI: You've already been down that path, Ayeka. Don't continue it, please. Let me ease your mind. AYEKA: What do you want me to do? TSUNAMI: Just stay with me and listen to a story. Is that all right? Ayeka nods, her back to the tree. 17 EXT. FOREST Tenchi is crouched down behind some foliage, looking out at something, as Ryoko and Ryo-Ohki appear. RYOKO: What is it? Tenchi gestures for her to hide, and Ryoko looks around a little more eagerly. RYOKO: What's going on? TENCHI: Ryoko, get down. RYOKO: Why should I? I'm not afraid of any-- He pulls Ryoko down, then peers through the bush. TENCHI: I don't want to scare them off. RYOKO: (a little indignant) Hey! What's that supposed to mean? He glances around at Ryoko, a little annoyed. TENCHI: The melee was a distraction. We need to find out what those guys are up to. She looks around again. RYOKO: (softly) I don't see anybody. Tenchi picks up Ryo-Ohki. TENCHI: I thought you had special eyes. You know, you can see things faster than most people. RYOKO: (casual) What's the big deal about that? (suddenly focused) Whoa... There they are. Pirates... Two Pirates in Juraian uniforms and a Pirate shuttle. Tenchi takes out his sketchbook and begins sketching. TENCHI: Damn. I didn't get a good look at them. I wish they'd turn around again. Ryoko continues glaring through the bushes. RYOKO: Now, this is exciting! I wonder what they're doing... Ryoko flickers and vanishes. TENCHI: Ryoko! Damn it! 18 EXT. JURAIAN LAKESIDE Ayeka leans on the tree as Tsunami continues. TSUNAMI: Once upon a time there was a princess who was the prettiest girl anyone had ever seen. People came from all around to praise her beauty, and she grew up admired, but unhappy. You see, the girl was not satisfied with her own beauty. She could not understand what it meant to be beautiful--she could only see the stares and wonder at how people must have felt. AYEKA: She had no mirrors? TSUNAMI: (chuckling) She had many mirrors, but they only bored her. Tsunami leans forward a bit. TSUNAMI: You see, she thought that beauty was a thing that made people happy and content, because people would always leave happy whenever they had come to see her. She would stare at her mirrors, but she eventually realized that happiness was from more than simple beauty. AYEKA: (pondering softly) Is this story true? Tsunami is a little taken aback for a moment. TSUNAMI: Huh? Of course, it is! In any case, the girl began to study beauty. She discovered that she possessed not just good facial features, but also attractive manners, style, musical tastes, an excellent voice-- everything one could ever desire for beauty. She began to think that simply conveying beauty was enough to make her happy, but that, too, turned out to be proven wrong. Ayeka folds her arms with her back to the tree. AYEKA: This girl is annoying. TSUNAMI: (smirking) Indeed. AYEKA: Were there no suitors? TSUNAMI: All the suitors she could ever desire and much more--but, as I was about to say... Many years passed, and the girl discovered that people who went away happy were always people whose hearts were filled with confusion. They would look upon her and suddenly believe that things made sense. This made them happy. AYEKA: (curious) How did she come to this conclusion? TSUNAMI: (very calm) From a young man who served in the stables. He would look upon her with disdain and contempt--and nothing she tried would make him happy. His heart already belonged to another. AYEKA: (a little surprised) Excuse me? TSUNAMI: (somewhat grim) When she realized that her beauty would never prevail, she locked the other girl away in a dungeon, never intending to let her out--but, as punishment for doing so, her beauty was taken away from her. AYEKA: (flinching) Taken away-- Oh, what a horrible story! How is that supposed to ease my mind? TSUNAMI: (a little sad) Because you still have time to change your fate. (smiling) Or, at least, learn how to tame it. Ayeka stands and approaches, and Tsunami takes a step back in surprise. AYEKA: What do you mean, tame? TSUNAMI: (chuckling) Be a little more gentle, Ayeka. If there's a moral, I suppose that's it. Tsunami vanishes again, as Ayeka stands looking annoyed. AYEKA: That was a disappointing story. 19 EXT. CLEARING A small shuttle leaps into the air, as Ryoko puzzles. Tenchi runs up to the edge of the clearing, and Ryo-Ohki appears behind him. TENCHI: Hey! Watch it! RYOKO: (looking down, still puzzled) Hmm? TENCHI: (a little flustered) Ryoko! You're right in their space! Ryoko casually flickers and reappears next to Tenchi. RYOKO: I don't see why you're making such a fuss. Pirates are pirates. TENCHI: Didn't you see the trouble they were causing? It's a classic hit-and-run. RYOKO: So? TENCHI: Combined with the fact that they were dressed in Juraian uniforms... RYOKO: (suddenly frowning) They wouldn't just take off like this... TENCHI: (gesturing with his sketchbook) Ryoko, you go after them. I'll see what I can do about the melee. RYOKO: (a little hesitant) Uh... Okay. Ryo- Ohki! 20 EXT. ABOVE HILLS Ryo-Ohki transforms into a spaceship and shoots upward. 21 INT. CRUISER Ayeka awakens, a little disappointed to see Sasami still sleeping at the diagnostic console. Ayeka sits up in the nav chair and inspects a small tactical. Three waves of Juraian battleships move ahead of two waves of warships. Her cruiser is flanked by two flights of warships. Behind the two waves of warships are three flights of heavy warships. An incessant beeping fills the air again, and Ayeka inspects the comm console--sitting a couple feet next to her. She scowls for a moment, then presses a couple of buttons on the comm console. The voice of Misaki comes over the console. VOICE: Ayeka, my child! Time to wake up! AYEKA: But, Mother... I'm still tired! VOICE: (abrupt) Ayeka! Don't take that tone with me! (nicely) Please return to the emperor's ship. AYEKA: (rolling her eyes) But, Mother, I can't just leave behind all my things. What if they get lost on the way? Sasami takes a moment to peek, then resumes sleeping. VOICE: Oh, Ayeka! We'll take good care of your cruiser. Honestly! AYEKA: (frowning with anger) No! I refuse to say anything more about it! Ayeka pounds the comm console, just as Misaki seems about to continue. AYEKA: My own mother, of all people! Ayeka folds her arms, staring out ahead of the nav console and leans back. Sasami smiles briefly. AYEKA: (suddenly introspective, VO) Oh, Tenchi! If only you had come with me! 22 INT. ENTRANCE (flashback) Ayeka sulks past Tenchi on the way out, stops, then turns and faces him. AYEKA: (narrowing her eyes) And if I never see any of you again, it'll be too soon! Tenchi is about to say something, as Ayeka turns again. TENCHI: Uh-- 23 INT. CRUISER Ayeka leans forward and looks down, puzzling. AYEKA: Strange. I was certain he would come after me. 24 EXT. SPACE The Juraian fleet flows past a couple flights of Galaxy Police warships. The GP warships approach a small space port. 25 EXT. RYO-OHKI Ryo-Ohki swiftly catches up with the shuttle and menaces it. 26 INT. RYO-OHKI Ryoko leans on the controls, bored. RYOKO: If you ask me, Tenchi got the really interesting job. Geez! This is dull! RYO-OHKI: Miya! RYOKO: (hitting her hand, smiling) Ryo-Ohki! We've got plenty of time to deal with these guys. Let's go back and pick up Tenchi! 27 EXT. SPACE Ryo-Ohki leaves the shuttle, heading back toward Earth. 28 EXT. NEAR RUINS The guards have apparently held off the others, as Tenchi approaches the site. The pavilion is a little battered and torn, but is still standing. TENCHI: What was going on here? FIRST GUARD: I don't know. There wasn't any warning. I think a couple of them got past us. SECOND GUARD: You're crazy! Nobody got past us. FIRST GUARD: Anyway, it looks all right, now. I think we're safe. SECOND GUARD: Fortune-hunters. FIRST GUARD: Disguised as official military and civilian authority, but not very official in their behavior. SECOND GUARD: That's for sure. Tenchi is about to ask something, when he suddenly flickers and vanishes. A moment later, Ryoko appears. 29 EXT. ABOVE RUINS Ryo-Ohki (in spaceship form) appears overhead. 30 EXT. NEAR RUINS Ryoko looks around, casually warding off blaster shots that the guards fire at her. RYOKO: Tenchi? Hmm... That's strange. I guess he hasn't gotten here yet. Ryoko turns and glares at the guards, as they continue shooting at her. RYOKO: Hey! Knock that off! I'm trying to think! 31 INT. RYO-OHKI Tenchi flickers and lands on the deck of the spaceship, a little confused. TENCHI: Ryo-Ohki? What are you doing back here? RYO-OHKI: Miya! TENCHI: (a little worried) You didn't destroy those Pirates, did you? Her face appears in a crystal and she smirks. RYO-OHKI: Miya... A display window appears and shows the Pirate shuttle, still flying through space. TENCHI: That's a relief. For a moment there, I was a little worried. RYO-OHKI: Miya miya! Tenchi makes a quick double-take as he notices the shuttle looks about to dock with a larger spaceship--a Galaxy Police cruiser. TENCHI: Hey! What's that?! RYO-OHKI: Miya! 32 EXT. ABOVE RUINS Ryo-Ohki shoots up into the sky. 33 EXT. NEAR RUINS Ryoko is floating right in front of the first guard, a little irritated. RYOKO: What do you mean, he just vanished? FIRST GUARD: Well-- Ryoko looks up, snarls and clenches her fists, gesturing threateningly at the sky. RYOKO: Hey! You ungrateful little rodent! Get back here! Mihoshi appears, holding her control cube doubtfully. MIHOSHI: Geez! That can't be right! Oh! RYOKO: (muttering) This is not my day. 34 EXT. GP HQ Galaxy Police headquarters. 35 INT. CHIEF'S OFFICE The chief snaps to attention as the commander appears on his display. CHIEF: Commander! COMMANDER: (display) What's this report I'm getting, Chief? CHIEF: Sir? COMMANDER: (irritated) I've received word that rogues were attacking the modified entrance site at that fortress again. CHIEF: (puzzling) Rogues? Commander, I don't know what you mean-- COMMANDER: (narrowing his eyes) Rogue cops, Chief. Internal Affairs just sent me a memo that suspected rogues have been leaving a trail of evidence, leading right up to the Sol system. CHIEF: (very nervous) Ah, that would explain it. Uh, Sir? The chief takes a step back as he prepares to explain. COMMANDER: (display) What is it? CHIEF: I didn't know about any rogues, Sir. I thought it was just a bit of the usual raider activity and I... COMMANDER: (display) Don't tell me. You assigned Mihoshi? CHIEF: Yes, Sir. I'm very sorry. COMMANDER: (display) ... Oh, well. I'll just leave the paperwork to you, then. The display flickers off, and the chief shudders. CHIEF: Maybe I should resign. 36 INT. CRUISER Ayeka leans on the nav console and watches as Sasami looks up and yawns. AYEKA: Okay, I give up. Why are you here? SASAMI: Huh? AYEKA: (annoyed) What am I going to do with you, Sasami? You wouldn't stay on Jurai. You never wanted to leave Earth. Now, you tag along again. It's a mystery I've been trying to solve for the past few days. SASAMI: (wistful) I don't want to get mad at you, Ayeka. This will work out. Sasami gets up and exits to a side cabin. AYEKA: (VO) How strangely she speaks! So much like Funaho, at times... Ayeka checks the nav console. AYEKA: I wonder where she gets it from. 37 EXT. SPACE A vortex of swirling red light appears and engulfs the GP rogue cruiser. Ryo-Ohki immediately follows it in. 38 INT. RYO-OHKI Tenchi looks around in amazement, as ribbons of twisted space curl past. TENCHI: Whoa! Ryo-Ohki, can you catch up with them through this? RYO-OHKI: Miya! TENCHI: Let's not take any unnecessary risks. RYO-OHKI: (a little annoyed) Miya... 39 EXT. NEAR RUINS Mihoshi looks at her wrist as the device starts beeping. MIHOSHI: Oh my! Ryoko appears, still looking annoyed, but curious. MIHOSHI: I forgot about my cruiser. RYOKO: You have a cruiser? MIHOSHI: (pleasantly explaining) I was just looking for the controls to lock on to the homing beacon-- RYOKO: (casually interrupting) There isn't any beacon. It got destroyed, remember? MIHOSHI: (fretting) Oh my! That's really going to be a problem! RYOKO: (casually grim) The cruiser is on the way. Right? MIHOSHI: (starting to look up) Yeah-- 40 EXT. NEARBY HILLS A star streaks across the sky, followed by a massive explosion. 41 EXT. HYPERSPACE Ryo-Ohki zooms past the cruiser. 42 INT. RYO-OHKI Tenchi looks around, as they continue plowing through bands of hyperspace. TENCHI: Ryo-Ohki, you realize we just passed-- RYO-OHKI: (irritated) Miya! TENCHI: Oh, well. We'll just see where they're going, huh? 43 EXT. SPACE The Juraian fleet passes another small space station. 44 INT. CRUISER Ayeka continues to lean on the nav console, as Sasami returns--cheerfully looking over Ayeka's shoulder. AYEKA: Sasami, don't stand right there. SASAMI: (pleasant) Where should I stand? AYEKA: Somewhere else. Further away. SASAMI: (smiling) But, I love you, Ayeka. I can't bear to stand way over there. Sasami gives her a quick hug. Ayeka flinches and shoos Sasami away. AYEKA: (glaring at Sasami) You're doing this just to annoy me, aren't you? Sasami grasps her hands together, innocently. Ayeka sighs and leans on the console again. AYEKA: I know you, Sasami--you devious little fox. And it isn't going to work, this time. I've used up all my patience. I want nothing more to do with that manipulative rascal or his grandfather. They've annoyed me for the last time. Sasami folds her arms, becoming serious. SASAMI: So, you're throwing it all away? AYEKA: I'm setting myself free. SASAMI: From what? Your pride? AYEKA: (grim) Perhaps fate meant for me to realize how fragile I really am. This is a lesson you could learn from, as well. SASAMI: (a little upset) Ayeka, you can't have your heart broken if you never try! Ayeka flinches. SASAMI: (becoming wistful again) You think you're free, but imagine how poor Tenchi feels. You think he likes to see you run off again? AYEKA: (angry for a moment, then pensive) Uh-- SASAMI: (turning away, a little pouty) I wouldn't be surprised if he and Ryoko have become a lot closer. They might even be lovers, and you'd never know. AYEKA: (feigning indifference) The thought never even occurred to me. I don't care. Let him fall for that bimbo. It makes no difference to me. Sasami sighs and goes to the comm console, sitting next to Ayeka. She smiles and looks up at Ayeka. SASAMI: So, can we go back, now? AYEKA: (muttering) I really hate it when you do this to me. 45 EXT. SPACE The cruiser breaks off from the escorts and turns back around. 46 EXT. SPACE STATION A swirling vortex opens and Ryo-Ohki emerges, followed shortly by a GP cruiser. Ryo-Ohki sweeps straight by Ayeka's cruiser--straight toward the Juraian fleet. A small line of small battleships and cruisers are forming directly behind the heavy warships, just as Ryo-Ohki turns. 47 INT. RYO-OHKI Tenchi looks curiously at a small tactical, and scratches his head. TENCHI: Ryo-Ohki, you know what you're doing? RYO-OHKI: Miya... Another small display appears and indicates four columns of symbols--two Juraian and two Galaxy Police. TENCHI: A basic ambush. Where's the princess? RYO-OHKI: Miya? TENCHI: Can you radio or something? RYO-OHKI: Miya! 48 INT. CRUISER Ayeka looks doubtfully at the nav console, as Ryo-Ohki shoots by. SASAMI: Ryo-Ohki? AYEKA: That's strange. What's she doing out here? A small display pops up on the comm console, and Sasami activates it. Tenchi appears a moment later. TENCHI: (display) Princess? Are you there? SASAMI: Tenchi? Ayeka pushes Sasami out of the way. AYEKA: Tenchi, what are you doing here? TENCHI: I'm sorry, Princess, but you seem to be at the front of a small ambush. Don't worry, though. The fleet has already faced about--we might be safer off, though, if we can evade those rogue warships. AYEKA: (upset) This is how you greet me? You lead an ambush on the Juraian fleet? SASAMI: (a little scolding) Ayeka! Ayeka confronts Sasami as Tenchi scratches his head, confused. TENCHI: (display) Huh? SASAMI: What Ayeka meant is that we're very happy to see you, Tenchi. AYEKA: You need not have come all this way, though. We were already on our way back. Another window pops up and Azusa glares angrily through it at Ayeka. AZUSA: (display) Ayeka! Get back to the fleet this minute, young lady! Ayeka and Sasami cringe, as Tenchi chuckles, nervously. 49 EXT. SPACE Two columns of Galaxy Police warships veer toward the massing of the Juraian fleet--now properly reassembled with all the light craft between the oncoming warships and the Juraian heavy craft. One flight of GP cruisers breaks off and attacks Ayeka's cruiser. Ryo-Ohki evades a couple flights of GP cruisers, and manages to come alongside Ayeka's cruiser, just as the attacking flight fires several volleys. 50 INT. RYO-OHKI Ayeka appears, along with Sasami, Azaka and Kamidake, just as a bright flash announces the destruction of Ayeka's cruiser. RYO-OHKI: Miya? AYEKA: Oh, no! My cruiser! 51 EXT. SPACE Ryo-Ohki evades several volleys, as she pulls ahead of the three pursuing flights of cruisers. The cruisers slow and turn away. 52 INT. RYO-OHKI Ayeka is staring in shock, as Sasami and the guardians greet Tenchi. TENCHI: Boy, that was a close one! I'm sure glad Ryo-Ohki got ahead of those rogues! RYO-OHKI: Miya! SASAMI: Ayeka? AYEKA: My cruiser... A display window comes up with Azusa, looking his usual flustered self. AZUSA: (display) Princess? SASAMI: Father, we're fine. AYEKA: More than I can say for my knitting collection-- AZUSA: (display) Ayeka, that was a careless stunt. You could have been killed. Now, come back. Ayeka glances at Tenchi, then looks at the display. AYEKA: Sorry, Father, but I think I'll be much safer with Lord Tenchi. He was not the target of that assault. AZUSA: Ayeka! Don't be foolish! Get back here, at once! AYEKA: (looking away, a little sadly) I must refuse. I regret that we disagree, but I choose as I choose. AZUSA: (sputtering) Ayeka--! The display flickers off. Sasami sighs in relief, echoing Ryo-Ohki, as Ayeka turns to one of the crystals. AYEKA: Thank you, Ryo-Ohki. 53 EXT. NEAR RUINS A shockwave passes as Mihoshi lies facedown, and Ryoko floats--arms folded and looking annoyed. RYOKO: Thanks a lot, Mihoshi. Mihoshi gets hit by a bit of debris. MIHOSHI: (flinching) Gah! 54 EXT. SPACE The GP rogue cruisers line up to face the Juraian cruisers. 55 INT. CRUISER Kardanna stands next to the pilot, as Hytho prepares the nav console. Another rogue stands at the comm, looking a little grim. PILOT: One last battle for Jurai? KARDANNA: We're not finished, yet. Time for plan C. HYTHO: Plan C? KARDANNA: I just thought it up... PILOT: (grinning) Anything but holding the fort. This is what I was trained for. KARDANNA: (turning to face Hytho) Signal the warships to take out that station. Then use the cover to gate over to the second station. HYTHO: (pondering) But we don't have a return gate on the second station. Kardanna pats the pilot on the shoulder. KARDANNA: That's where we come in. We maneuver our way out to the station, escorting the transfer barge. By the time we've set up, our warships will already be in hyperspace, waiting. HYTHO: (very nervous) I like plan B a lot better. KARDANNA: (grinning as he glances at Hytho) Plan B won't work. We've lost the element of surprise. Now, we count on the element of predictability. 56 EXT. SPACE Several warships fire on the first station, destroying it. Meanwhile, two flights of rogue cruisers escort a carrier away from the line. One flight of light Juraian warships breaks off from the main column and pursues the carrier, squaring up to begin their volleys. 57 INT. CRUISER Hytho studies the nav, pointing at a tactical display. HYTHO: Enemy at four-seven-four. Closing at eighty percent. KARDANNA: What did I tell you? Predictable. Time for operation 'Scorpion.' HYTHO: Got it. 58 EXT. SPACE The gate at the destroyed station fires up, admitting a line of rogue warships within clouds of debris, just as the gate on the carrier fires up--swirling bright red. The Juraian warships pursuing the carrier begin to assemble--lining up to deliver a volley, just as the gate flashes a blinding white for a moment, then blasts a bright spike of energy straight at the lead Juraian warship, vaporizing it and disabling the other three. Meanwhile, the rogue cruisers are taking a beating from the Juraian cruisers. The rogue cruisers start to fall back, as if luring the Juraians into a classic bait-and- pursue style ambush. 59 INT. EMPEROR'S WARSHIP Several officers shuttle reports back-and-forth, as Azusa ponders a tactical display. AZUSA: Interesting... One officer stops and bows briefly to make a report. OFFICER: Sire, we should hold off the rogue advance, shortly. Our light battleships can clear the way. Azusa gestures at the display. AZUSA: Have we seen their lurkers? OFFICER: They must have hidden out in the wreckage of the first station. AZUSA: (gesturing) Yet, they split up here, and make a small foray to this station. It makes one wonder. OFFICER: Should we divert more warships? AZUSA: (casual) No, no. This station is well- defended already. Their carrier has some secret weapon. No sense in wasting more than we need to. 60 INT. CRUISER The pilot looks up from his console. PILOT: Sir, we took some damage when that thing reversed polarity. KARDANNA: We can still fly? PILOT: Yes, Sir. But our structural tolerance was seriously compromised. One more hit and we're toast. KARDANNA: Relax. You've been trained for this. Hytho looks up from the nav console, alarmed. HYTHO: Hey! Take evasive action up there! We've got incoming! 61 EXT. SPACE Several missiles emerge from the station, converging on the flights of rogue cruisers. Two of the cruisers get hit and the flights start to disperse. 62 INT. CRUISER Kardanna grimaces and turns to the comm officer. KARDANNA: Tell those idiots to stay together! We lose the barge, and this will all have been for nothing! PILOT: We need some flak! HYTHO: We'll have to make do with blasters! PILOT: Are you kidding? KARDANNA: (laughing) Hey, if it's too much for you, let me know. I'll take over, if you prefer. PILOT: No, I got it. I was a first-class gunner before I become a first-class pilot. 63 EXT. SPACE The carrier with the gate takes a hit from a missile, but continues--the gate now swirling bright blue. Two more cruisers are destroyed by missiles--now streaming from the station. Two of the cruisers fire on the missiles--hitting about one out of four of them. The other two cruisers direct their blasters on the station--disabling most of the missile launchers. 64 INT. CRUISER Kardanna looks back at Hytho. KARDANNA: We got it? HYTHO: Close enough. I don't know if this will work, though. 65 EXT. SPACE The gate flares as two warships emerge from hyperspace. 66 INT. CRUISER Kardanna is looking over Hytho's shoulder. KARDANNA: What happened to the others? HYTHO: They must have gotten lost in hyperspace. KARDANNA: Damn it! All that for just two! HYTHO: Should we call off the attack? KARDANNA: No way. I didn't come all this way just to go back. We're going in--everybody. 67 INT. EMPEROR'S WARSHIP Azusa looks at the display in disbelief. AZUSA: That was a-- Several officers look on in shock, as they see the incoming rogue warships. AZUSA: (grim) I think we've found the lurkers. 68 EXT. SPACE The rogue cruisers battle the Juraian defensive cruisers amidst the heavy warships, while the heavy warships take massive damage from the lighter rogue warships. 69 INT. EMPEROR'S WARSHIP The first officer returns with another report. OFFICER: Sire, we've defeated all the enemy ships. The missing warships must have fled. AZUSA: Or disappeared. OFFICER: We lost half our heavy warships, but we managed to destroy them before they could inflict further damange. AZUSA: Prisoners? OFFICER: All Galaxy Police rogues, your Majesty. We couldn't recover any more. AZUSA: (annoyed) We must report this at once to the Supreme Council. Maybe now, we can silence a few critics. 70 INT. JURAIAN CRUISER Kardanna and Hytho are disguised as Juraian officers again, taking positions at pilot and nav consoles. HYTHO: Set for departure. KARDANNA: Take heart, my friend. 'He who fights and runs away, lives to fight another day.' 71 EXT. MASAKI HOUSE Yosho approaches, as morning breaks. 72 INT. MAIN HALL Sasami and Mihoshi are sitting at the table, as Kamidake floats up to them. Mihoshi takes the newspaper from him. MIHOSHI: Thanks, Kamidake. KAMIDAKE: I live to serve, Miss Mihoshi. Kamidake floats back toward the entrance, as Yosho enters. MIHOSHI: I heard a lot happened when I was away. SASAMI: Really? Yosho hesitates for a moment, then stops by the table. YOSHO: Morning. MIHOSHI: Good morning. SASAMI: Good morning. Ryo-Ohki appears (humanoid form), and sits next to Sasami. RYO-OHKI: Miya! YOSHO: (adjusting his glasses) Sasami, where is your sister? SASAMI: (smiling) Ayeka's still in her room. (suddenly grim) I'm afraid she's in a bad mood. YOSHO: (nervously grinning) Oh? Well, I should send Tenchi to cheer her up again. SASAMI: (gasping) That's okay, Grandpa. I think Ayeka will recover quickly, this time. 73 INT. TENCHI'S BEDROOM Tenchi is sitting in bed, sketching, as Ryoko enters-- floating up behind him. RYOKO: Good morning! TENCHI: (casual) Hello, Ryoko. RYOKO: (annoyed) Is that all? You know, ever since you went after Ayeka-- Tenchi sighs. RYOKO: --I think you've been acting pretty familiar with her. (pouting) And you hardly ever pay attention to me. TENCHI: (going back to his sketch) First of all, Ryoko, I didn't go after Ayeka. She came back on her own-- like I told you before. Secondly, I just got back last night. I don't see how I could have avoided you between then and now. RYOKO: (briefly amused, then annoyed) Well-- Hey, I was worried sick about you! Now, all you do is work on the sketchbook. I'll bet I'm not even in it! Tenchi looks up, then flips through the sketchbook. TENCHI: Well, I'll be... You know, you're right. I don't see anything with you in it. Ryoko seems about to say something, as they hear a knock and then Ayeka slides the door open. AYEKA: Excuse me? Am I interrupting? TENCHI: No, no. Come in. I wasn't doing anything. Ayeka enters and politely bows. She brings out a small lamp, and gestures. AYEKA: Good morning. I'm sorry to be a bother, but I'm sure you know that Sasami and I lost our possessions in that cruiser. Thank you very much for the lamp. TENCHI: That's okay, Ayeka. You can keep it till you get another one. AYEKA: No, I really must insist that you take this back, Tenchi. I really don't want to impose. Tenchi chuckles as he takes the lamp. TENCHI: Well, if you insist, but it's really no problem. RYOKO: (folding her arms, annoyed) Like I said-- AYEKA: (looking at the sketchbook) Oh! Have you finished the sketches, yet? Tenchi flips through the sketchbook. TENCHI: I'm almost finished. I just have to add in a few more details. It's really amazing how much you can remember, if you work at it. Ryoko looks at the sketchbook. RYOKO: Hey! How come Ayeka's in there? AYEKA: (glaring at Ryoko) Because I was there! Where were you? Drunk, I suppose. RYOKO: (flaring with anger) Why, I-- I've never been so insulted! I would have been there too, but Tenchi left me behind! Tenchi rolls his eyes. Ayeka chuckles, and then casually waves her hand at Ryoko. AYEKA: Well, Ryoko, that really should not come as any surprise. RYOKO: Tenchi, are you going to sit there and take that? TENCHI: (sighing) Ayeka, don't be that way. AYEKA: What? TENCHI: Please. AYEKA: (frowning, casual) Oh, all right. But please let me see how that turns out when you're done. TENCHI: (smirking) Okay. RYOKO: (rolling her eyes) Yeah, yeah, yeah... (to Tenchi) You know, you never would have left in the first place if I hadn't come by. TENCHI: (a little nervous) You have a point. RYOKO: (threatening) Don't think I don't know what's going on. Ayeka starts to leave, then stops at the door. AYEKA: Oh, Tenchi. I know what's going on. TENCHI: Huh? AYEKA: You're such a tease, you know. Becoming Ryoko's lover, then rushing off after me. RYOKO: What--? AYEKA: Don't worry, though. I'll keep it to myself. We'll just pretend you were chasing some pirates. Ayeka turns and winks, then leaves. RYOKO: (confused) Huh. I think she's gone nuts. Tenchi sighs, going back to sketch. TENCHI: Same old Ayeka. THE END